§10: The Tablet of Kii

Chapter 2: Masonic Plates in Oahspe
Part VI: The Book of Saphah Revisited Discovering the True Path of Oahspe
Kii *6 Labelled Image and Text (not in all cases)
Newbrough Placement:
(Saphah – Biene: 10↔10).
• Best Placement: (Saphah – Kii: 0→).*44
Presented Origin: Pan and China.
Arrangement: 8x12 / 8x13 / 8x14 (Total = 103)
The ordering of the symbols within the matrix design of the plate is somewhat irregular. There are eight rows, each numbered, but the number of symbols per row vary from 12 to 14. This definitely provides a kind of randomness to the plate as if there were not a lot of thought to what symbols should be placed and where but more like whatever would fit in the row. Therefore, based on this aspect, one gets the impression that this was hastily put together and thrown out there. It can also be concluded that Kii is not authentically any kind of language from Pan nor indicative of some imaginary tribe that lived in Pan.
Let it be next pointed out that none of the characters on this plate can be related to the Chinese language. Furthermore, obviously taking a look at the characters of The Tablet of Kii, one quickly realizes that the low clarity of the writing, as well as such being nearly unrecognizable, makes determining if this language contains any element of Chinese to be one very tall order. Nevertheless, there is no correspondence between the Chinese language and these
characters. More on the connections between Kii and Pan languages later. Kii Masonic Symbols Referenced
No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah
sword (Du’ga)
spear (Fox-ow)
cloth (Gwo’oa)
goddess of cattle (Bow’mi)
a Hostler (Gaup)
weaving cloth (Gwo’oa)
a prayer (Min’bon)
makers of stone
weapons (M’shu)
a young aquatic bird (Shoe’ji)
square (Soo)
sun (Git’how)
stars (Salock)
horse (M’bow)
cow (Gow)
death (Sa)
weapon (Bek)
a stone cutter (Shawn / Shon)
priestess (M’how)
a sworn bond (Hook)
a circus (Bog’wi)
cow (Gow) 9 11 1
Total Masonic Kii Symbols: 31 out 103; (30%).
With No Reference: 9 out 21; (43%).
With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 20 out 21; (95%).
As already noted, since the images are seldom recognizable, the accompanying text was used to decide if a symbol is Masonic. And it must be kept in mind that because these symbols are poorly rendered, often no one can be sure if there are or are not any Masonic aspects. Even so, close to a third can be confirmed as Masonic, and of these above, virtually none have an outside reference.
In addition, these symbols of Kii represent a more “working language” vocabulary that could actually be used to communicate on a daily basis, unlike the tablets of Se’moin and Biene, which are meant to be the focus of spiritual symbol meditation, though some of these exist in Kii as well Yet unlike Se’moin and Biene, these symbols are a blend of pictographs and Chinese-style characters. Therefore, there only occasionally are discernible images. This is why even though a few of the symbols given here could be described as similar to Masonic symbols visually or by given definition, given the useful array of terms for communication in which they fit, there does not appear to be any overt effort to work Masonic symbols in.
Yet the drawing of the symbols and the identifying captions are crude and difficult to discern. No clear graphically-interpretative meaning for any of these images seems possible. As far Masonic deception goes, one would suppose that The Tablet of Kii was included to
provide the appearance of evolving post-Panic language.
Keep in mind that so many of these symbols are unrecognizable. For example:
Close Up View of Some Kii Characters*6
So, here as in other plates, virtually no one knows what they are looking at. Hence, I do not really have a way to analyze whether these symbols are Masonic. Clearly there are a lot of them, over a hundred, and that is the Masonic way; to attempt to bamboozle their initiates with so many symbols that the new members cannot see straight.
Interestingly, there is actually one set of symbols which is called “Kii” in this tablet:

I include Saphah for Mortals’ rendered image by Harry O’Hilton as it provides a clearer visual.
At any rate, due to this character Kii set of symbols having the same name as the plate, it stands to reason that this set holds one of the keys to understanding the overall meaning of “Kii.” The fact that Kii is buried in the midst of the symbols is typical of Masonic thinking, hiding the answer in the midst of the intricate. There is text that accompanies these characters which goes as follows:

Kii, truth, a tribe called Kii, a religious tribe on the continent of Pan. An abused people are also Kii. Kii, learning, one who tries to understand. (Saphah Kii: 6)*6
Defining Kii as “truth” indicates the fervor that the Saphah masters want their adherents to feel about Saphah. Defining it as a “religious
tribe on the continent of Pan” indicates the continuing Masonic narrative that they trace their spiritual lineage from the Jews, the Egyptians, the I’hins of Pan. For these groups all consider themselves the chosen by God.
The next definition being “an abused people are also Kii” is more difficult to decipher. This can be interpreted as being justification for the secrecy that veils everything the Masons do and did, and also as how Newbrough and the Saphahist-Masons keep their inner circle or lodges rites and meetings behind closed doors.
The final text portions of learning, one who tries to understand is the esoteric knowledge essence that is the path of those groups such as the Free Masons. That does not mean real spiritual knowledge. It means what the ritual power cults consider knowledge, which of course, it never has in truth been.
Finally, this character Kii is the 77th of the tablet. The number 77 in Masonry can be defined as “the law of the strong.*3203232103 The letter G is the 7th letter of the alphabet and is used to symbolize Masonry on much of their artwork. Thus, 77 = G7, the major nations working for Masonic supremacy and the demonic destruction of civilization. The efforts of the G7-NATO to start WW3 with China-Russia, to end food-energy production on the hoax of climate change, kill the
unborn, to sexualize and sterilize children, to poison and kill millions via G7-created plagues, lockdowns, and toxic vaccines—are all currently diabolically working to achieve such vile evil.
The true principles of Oahspe being divine love, divine service, divine inspiration please rest assured that all of these will help avert the above demonic disasters while working to bring heaven on earth as it is in the higher heavens.
All of the above analysis is leads us back to the continuing conclusions of what Masonic Saphistism is all about: ritual symbolic demonic cultish control.
This is probably a little unfair but it does prove a point. If you saw these symbols below in a book about how to cast spells for demons, would you believe that they came from that book or from The Tablet of Kii? *29
Just asking! Now you know why so many first-time readers of Oahspe hastily drop the book on the spot! Which is no doubt, part of the intention of the authors of Saphah!

This plate may sometimes be confused with The Ceremony of Kii tablet. Ostensibly, that tablet is a representation of or guide for the Kii tribal initiation. Those images and text will be reviewed in a later section. Conversely, the Kii tablet is a collection of the key culturally or spiritually significant vocabulary words from the alleged tribe of Kii from the now submerged Pacific continent of Pan.
Since names for the plates of Biene, Se’moin and Emp’gatu can be deciphered into Masonic denotations, a rationale exists for seeking to see if the term “Kii” for its namesake plate could also be a “hiding in plain sight” Masonic message. In light of this, consider the following historical analysis about Masonic abbreviations:
it may be observed that the doubling of a letter is intended to express the plural of that word of which the single letter is the abbreviation. If the reader finds S G I: to signify Sovereign Grand Inspector, he will be at no loss to know that SS:.GG:.II:. must denote Sovereign Grand Inspectors.* 999
Therefore, the term “Kii” may likely stand for “Knight Initiates, ” where those appointed to join the Masons or Faithist Masons were required to master these symbols from Kii.
So, what is the significance of being a Masonic-Saphah Knight?
Within that group, there would be a high rank. This rank means that
one is viewed as a noble of chivalric qualities, a kind of high society status who is dedicated to the service of people of the realm, great and small. Put simply, you are one of the great persons of society. Not exactly a humble rank, is it? Well, that is one of the primary goals of Masonry, and thus of Saphah by extension: lauding oneself by learning by memory all rites and symbols involved from some complex system. You do not have to live with and work for the poor and disabled. You do not have to share your wealth and expensive home. Instead you have salvation by serving self, by NOT serving God Almighty. This is in general equivalent to what the major religions preach.
The Emblem of the Order of Knight Masons*202838923
In addition, the Jewish “Chosen People” element can also be found in this Knight persona being adopted:

There are three degrees conferred within the Order of Knight Masons, all concerning the return of the Jewish people from the Babylonian captivity. The central character in all of the degrees is Zerubbabel.[1] The three degrees are: Knight of the Sword, or Babylonian Pass, in which Zerubbabel seeks permission from King Cyrus to return to Jerusalem; Knight of the East, or Jordan Pass, which tells the story of Zerubbabel's return to Persia to seek the help of King Darius; and Knight of the East and West, or Royal Order, which represents the return of Zerubbabel to his countrymen in Jerusalem.*929293
The way this works is that there is a narrative that one has a heritage which goes back to the knights who freed Israel from occupation by the cruel Muslims. Thus, once again, the contrived association of the Masons with the Judaic religion and Jewish community as a whole is being invoked. Why? This is because the Jewish Judaic groups are considered “The Chosen People.” And that is exactly what the Masons and Saphahists wish to be viewed as by themselves and by the world: “The Chosen People Extraordinaire.”
To wit, to be the highest and holiest group, God’s favorites, above and beyond all religions and peoples. Not exactly humble, but that is the long and the short of it.
However, here are solid references between the Pan (Se’moin and the other plates in Saphah) and Kii languages. Overall, this is a positive sign that there is some intelligence involved in the creation

or transmission of the Saphah plates. Nevertheless, this alone does not validate whether the plates are authentic, but it does point in that direction. On the other hand, one case where a match points towards fraud is the mysterious term bog’wi. From The Tablet of Kii, it is defined as: a circus, an exhibition of trained animals, civilization, learning.

This term Bog’wi has two matches in Oahspe, both in Saphah, both in The Tablet of Zerl, a word spelled in the same way as this image. However, it is defined in Saphah as: bog'wi, Goddess of lust, and bog'wi, evil spirit. It must be pointed out here that there was no plate image published for this tablet. Again, one more instance of sloppiness by the Masonic-Spirits and Newbrough that there was no higher overseeing by the higher heavens.
Significantly, neither of these is denotatively connected to Kii’s Bog’wi. Therefore, other than in spelling, there is no real lexical connection. The conclusion for this is that having such distinctly different meanings from the same word, with a most distinct spelling matching, strongly indicates forgery errors rather than language

transitioning over time (Pan Kii’?!)
Now having presented negative evidence, let the affirming evidence be shown (References taken from “Oahspe Mysterious Words
SE'MOIN 19, 61
BIENE 2, 13, 23, 25
KII 0,6
SE’MOIN 2,11,12, 14,16,17,19-21, 34,41, 42,44,50,55,57,62,64,69,70,94,121
APH 9.3, 11.3, 14.6
CHINE ZERL 37, 40, 42
M’HAK 121
SE’MOIN 10 , 13, 20, 23, 33, 46, 89
KII (8K)
This does show a good deal of cross-referencing between the language plates. For all that, I still believe Saphah is a fraud and a forgery, but this evidence proves those involved put a lot of work into it, though not without a lot of errors, as has been pointed out.
In summary, Newbrough-Saphah-Masonic-Spirits endeavoured to prove a transition of languages and spiritual symbolic signs and words from the beginning of mankind on the continent of Pan throughout the ages till the time of the Egyptian and Jewish peoples. Such knowledge has always seemed especially important to those of the Masonic path. This in itself tips the scales towards forgery-fraud. Hence, we can conclude that those involved were determined to turn the readers of Oahspe onto that same “symbol bean-counting priests” path. Conversely, they also sought to turn such readers away from the “direct Creator inspiration service good works” path that is The Very Soul and Purpose of Oahspe.