Malala Yousafzai, One brave school girl makes a stand on high; Declaring all girls have to have a good education, for a better world to sanctify; So Malala— was—is—willing to withstand any weapon, willing to die; Yet not to be remembered as the girl who was shot in the head by That cruel crushing Taliban—rather as a champion championing the rights to learn thereby; For one child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world, she truthfully cries!
Conversely, if people are silent, or their schooling opportunities denied, Nothing would change—With no way to confront and end all evils, injustices and lies. Let the oppressed therefore know that when the whole world is silent, will not question why, Even one voice becomes powerful—reaching beyond our heavens’ celestial skies; Inspiring a New World, a New Age of justice, freedom, spirituality — all as one to unify! Ever Shining forth Spirit Enlightening: Malala Yousafzai.