Maya Angelou Poet laureate of tragedies and tears countless — yet undefeated, yet unyielding too. Penned poems— her personal pain, made memoirs — revelations of life’s disasters lived through. All around us now see Cruel Civilization’s Cruelties—
all the countless evils, all the feelings blue. Tells us we must face these straight up, knowing full well that for our world, such is nothing new. So hearken! This Caged Bird sings, sings, sings — cheerfully relentlessly, her words of liberty fly anew; By writing, opening eyes to beauty, towards wonder, into the hearts of affection always true. So behold! Her Afro-American Unity — Standing Up! — Douglas, Baldwin, King, X — 4 Founders, 4 Friends of Angelou. Never wants to be normal — amazing miracles come to be by the work she and we together do. Declares with indomitable hope to do her best — because you count on her as she counts on you! Living Life as Art, as Adventure — Creativity unfolding more Creativity as she, we grew. In the end, everyone cares more by daring to share the love we inside renew. Ever Shining forth Spirit Rising: Maya Angelou.