Millions Praying for Our World 741. — May 8th, 2022
Prayer: O God Almighty, let us seek Thy All Will. Let us attune to Thy All Will. Let us fulfill Thy All Will.
We are always capable of doing more and doing better. The All-Highest of The All Will stands shining brilliantly in all directions round us. All the Power of Heaven and Earth is at our
command to make this world and all our lives ever more One with The All-Highest Spirit.
With but one decision, one thought, we can soar to and beyond the stars. Upon the Wings of The Great Spirit Universal we may fly to an ever higher vision, an ever higher immortal life in the reality of here and now. To do so, we simply have to decide that this and only this is what we truly desire.
We have made a decision. We shall unite our world for peace and harmony, love and happiness, by the Power of The All Will.
We will that the best of our immortal brothers and sisters now be unfolded within all. Let our full light, our full love, our full
loveliness — now and forevermore from our innermost being shine forth in angelic brilliance upon all. Let all our world unite in peace, in harmony, in justice for all.
We pray this again and again, altering the words slightly, sometimes singing, sometimes silently, sometimes in resounding proclamations.
And with all our will power, we perceive, we envision, we encourage each and every person to release the Perfecting Energy Creative from their innermost being! Together the Universal Force of Our Blessings from ourselves, from all our world, from all worlds, now blend together in Transcendent Purpose Resurrecting that shall create new realities of heavenly clarity and attunement within and around all.
The Light of All Stars, The ALL LIGHT of The Universe Unending, now bursts forth shining from our very spirit, through our very eyes into the consciousness of every person of every
The Love of All Children, The ALL LOVE of The Almighty Creator, now unfolds forth blossoming from our soul, through our very emotions into the hearts of every mortal, immortal and beyond and within.