Musings of Spirit Dove Brice Johnson (2012)
Father, around, and within and over all, Grant that we of corpor should come to understand Thy Ways and Seasons.
Teach us to look first unto You in all things that we might better know ourselves and Thy Will within us.
Forgive us for our slow and erring ways and lift not Thy patient, gentle hand from our eternal lives.
We humble ourselves before Thee, knowing that there is nothing without Thee and Thy Presence. Amen.
Spirit Dove (Brice Johnson) The Faithist Journal (1975)
We are all spirits cloaked in mortal flesh; spirituality has nothing to do with religion per se.
Religion is how one wishes to express ones spiritual beliefs, for our purpose, 'spirituality' deals with the essence of that which we are, that is, ETERNAL LIFE. We are, and always will be, spirits. No religion will ever change that, no religion has all of the answers, nor do any of them contain the 'keys' to heaven, most, in fact, have completely confused morals as to their true natures and destiny.
Musing of Spirit Dove is intended to be a positive forum to exchange ideas and information as to who and what we are.
It is intended to be a positive re-inforcement of spiritual knowledge and wisdom that has survived through the ages, which has surpassed the limited views as held by so many so called religions.
If you're not interested in coming to grips with who and what you truly are, then this site would not be a place for you; there are countless 'religious' sites that you may choose from.
The Great Spirit, the Almighty, the Ever Present, Our Father, wishes only good things for All that has been Created. The Creator, which can be found within yourself and, indeed within all of Creation, is one of love and harmony. Never should The Great Mystery be approached with fear or apprehension but rather with love and appreciation.
The smallest prayer, uttered with a full heart, is always heard. You DO NOT require any intermediary to speak upon your behalf, you are a power unto yourself.
The Great Spirit is like unto a vast ocean, in which we are but single molecules, but we, as small as we may be, are as important to the expression of that vast ocean as is any other molecule. We are part and parcel of the ALL ONE, nothing exists without that PRESENCE. It is we who should attune ourselves and learn to live in harmony with the Ever Present. Everything that lies within our existence, seen or unseen, is a part of the whole. Love Eternally, Spirit Dove January 18, 2008
WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE HERE? This is not a ‘religious’ forum and I don’t want to come across as just another man spouting religious prose BUT it has been religion, whether correct in their assumptions or not, that has in the past kept man’s morality in check. Without faith in, and love for, their Creator man cannot progress. Religions in the past have played a significant role in maintaining man’s allegiance to ‘God,’ and this has been his sure foundation, dictating his or her own moral decisions in everyday life. Today, as we make the transition from one Era unto another, mankind has become confused in his role; as the ‘old’ is being put away, being replace by ‘new’ revelations. There is a great upheaval and misunderstanding now but this shall pass in time. It is not the purpose of this writing to attempt to dictate what one should or should not believe but to remind the reader that ‘God’ or the ‘Creator’ is as Present today and He, She or It has ever been. If you are disheartened and confused about the turnings of the world turn within and listen to that small voice within. Have faith and persevere.
Love, Spirit Dove
The following Reflections have been written over many years, some of which might be of interest to you. Many are prayers, some are insights and some seem to be answers. These ‘reflections’ will be given over time as they are too voluminous to present in one setting. O Je-Ho-Vih, Ever Present Great Spirit, forgive me for being so immersed in this cloud of corporality. Surely Your little Red Star is within a dark chamber along its road! Can it be that I am so gross, so unripe, that I cannot see, from one moment to the next Your Goodness and Your Love? Why do I tarry in this darkness when Your Light pervades my very being with understanding? Why, O Father, do I hold on so tightly to the thoughts and actions of Your lowest heavens? You have taught me from my youth to not think of myself and yet, moment by moment, I think of none other. You have taught me to love and to help others, and yet, I hold back, not knowing the way. Even now, with the work you have put upon me, I wander about, as if dumb to Your ways and Your creations. Must I always tread in darkness? Will I never be a light unto Your Presence? Teach me Father, to know Your Will and to manifest Your Ways. Amen
Love, Spirit Dove
‘ODE UNTO OUR GUARDIANS’ Thank you my ashars; my guardians, who teach and protect me night and day. I apologize for my slowness, for my foulness and for all things wherein I cause you pain and travail. Surely your work is tedious at times, especially having to deal with one such as myself, who can be so gross and unripe in my ways and manners. How can I make your life easier but by growing in the Father’s Light, shunning the drujas and all manner of unclean spirit? Your work here must be exhausting, what with such an abundance of uncleanness all about. The Lord, our God, and our Father Jehovih know your plight and shall provide unto you. Be happy in the tending of your flock, for in time, they too may wear your shoes, following in your footsteps. Thank you my brothers and sisters. Amen
Love, Spirit Dove
‘ODE UNTO OUR LORDS’ Whether Lord of my region and division or whether Lord over any of the other vast expanses of land and sea, your wisdom, your glory and your guidance is beyond my scope of understanding. It is only of late that I have begun to understand the system and order of Jehovih’s universe. The magnitude and scope of your work appalls me. You and Your predecessors have brought system and order unto earth; brought humankind from a creature upon its belly to our mortal condition of today. I am grateful and respectful of the work put upon your soul. Thank you for your guidance and the Light that you bestow upon me and upon all of those in your charge. In Jehovih’s time, and in His Way, we shall all grow and mature to know His Will. Blessed are you that you serve Him as you do. I am admonished at your wisdom and power. I refrain from opening my mouth before such servitude unto our Creator. How can I ever attain to such a high estate? Thank you my elder brother or sister for your presence before our world and I bid you strength to overcome and subdue the darkness of men. Amen
Love, Spirit Dove
‘ODE UNTO OUR GOD’ Blessed are you O God; upraised Son of Jehovih. We thank you for your wisdom, your strength and your steadfastness in the Ever Present, Jehovih; Father of us all. Words cannot express, nor can our immature minds conceive of your work; nor the knowledge and experience you possess in the Father’s Kingdoms. Perhaps you are one who has yet to experience the glories of Etherea, but even so, if that be the case, it would be more to your credit, to have been placed in charge of this world, which you may have sprung from. May Jehovih and His Arch Angels ever guide you unto your way and ours. Thank you O great one for your toil, your love, and your guidance through those who follow your commands. My conception and my words fail me in my attempt to honor you by praise; because of your greatness before Jehovih I know you will forgive me my shortness, as one would forgive his infant child. Honor, praise and glory are unto you, worlds without end. Amen
Love, Spirit Dove
‘ODE UNTO THE GREAT SPIRIT’ The Ever Present Creator There are no mortal words, no matter how eloquent or astute, that can adequately describe You, nor Your Presence. Your Presence extends above, beyond and within all of Your Works. We mortals cannot possibly conceive of You in Your entirety. We have fashioned all manner of churches, synagogues and temples to honor and worship You; but in all cases we fall far short, erecting edifices in mortal form and figure where none exist in fact. There is nowhere that You can be seen or understood greater than in Your Works. You are within All things, seen and unseen. Thank You my Father for life, in all its forms, and for the opportunity to experience You and Your Works now and forever.
Forgive me for my
unripeness and slowness to mature. There is such a contrast here upon the Red Star; outstanding examples of Your Presence for those with eyes to see. As I write this today it is early morning, a cool breeze whispers as it kisses my cheek. The pristine lake is calm; the reflections of the colorful clouds ripple and shimmer as the gentle currents of air mingle with their reflections upon its surface. All about are the wondrous members of Your Presence, in harmony, singing and playing before You, as if giving thanks for another glorious day. Praise and Love be unto You Jehovih for giving of Yourself that we might live and breathe; experiencing You and Your Works, the endless joy of Your Hand. Let me never complain for those who are yet unripe, dumb to Your Presence, for they miss so much by not knowing You or Your Members. To You I am wed, now and forever. Amen. 13
Love, Spirit Dove
There are times, dear Father, when life here upon the Red Star seems impossible. You have said: “Man rises and falls as regularly as the tides; that, as soon as the light departs, darkness ensues.” It seems so but I know too that within the darkness there is yet light, and within light there is also darkness. Even though I feel lost and alone at times; I know that You are near at hand, even within my very self! You, Father are my sure foundation, the light that shall eternally guide my steps. Even at this moment, as life bears upon my soul, and I feel alone and helpless, I know that tomorrow will be a brighter day and I will rejoice that You saw fit to allow me to grow in the darkness. Forgive me Father; that I should be so weak to complain and so unripe to even think of myself. Fortify me to know Your Will and to forget about myself – to rejoice in the life You have given me. Forgive all those who know You not. Amen
Love, Spirit Dove
SOLACE TO THOSE WHO SERVE Children of the Great Spirit; who oversee the earth, the Red Star: Greetings in the Name of Jehovih, dispenser of life and motion, worlds without end. Even though at this time this little world, and those upon it; suffer great darkness and travail, be it known among you that the Almighty shall prevail! I beseech you to be steadfast in your faith and duties; be not lowered in your ways, and forgive us for our ignorance of Jehovih and His Works. Know then that there are some who are beginning to see the light and that in due course, shall enter into the es worlds of the lower heavens, and begin the foundation of ethereal knowledge upon earth and its heavens; even now the roots of immortality are taking hold. Be steadfast then my brothers and sisters. Love and harmony, Amen
Love, Spirit Dove
O little star; we call you earth; Fashioned by the Father’s Hand.
We claim you as ours; every bit Air, sea and land!
We draw our lines, here and there; We battle forth in mighty wars;
We shall not relinquish that which we Wrongfully claim as ours!
But the day will come That even we shall come to know your Hand
And we shall be grateful For Your loan of this wonderful land!
Until then O Father, Be patient with Your little children Here on this little star
As you have been eternally. Worlds near and far.
Thank You Father. ‘How soon we forget’ 17
Father, how soon we forget Your Presence! No sooner than have conditions seemingly gone wrong, than we are cursing and crying out in despair; forgetting that adversity gives us an opportunity to grow in spirit. Forgetting too to be thankful for all the gifts You have bestowed upon us; even life itself! For all about us are countless souls much less fortunate! Once again Father forgive me for my shortness! I indeed float upon a sea of self. One day, if it is Your Will, I shall overcome this world and my endless immaturity. Perhaps then I shall be worthy of Your Love. Reach out, through Your Sons and Daughters, and touch the souls of men, whom You created for Your Own Glory. Amen Love, Spirit Dove
LESSONS Within I know that whatever befalls me, or whatsoever my lessons may be; they are good for me and intended for my growth; even so I lose sight of Your Wisdom day by day – again Father, I ask Your forgiveness for I am yet an infant in Your Hand. Guide me Father, use me in whatsoever way You can; for I am Yours now and forever! Have patience with me your infant son. Your Will shall be done! Our Creator, the Great Spirit, the Ever Present, sustainer of all that is, has always given us complete freedom of choice; in doing so we are responsible for whatsoever we are and for whatsoever befalls us. As we can create a heaven upon earth, so can we create hellish conditions for ourselves. We cannot blame anything or anyone in heaven or upon the earth for our conditions. It the past the Great Spirit allowed us to set up elaborate religions to help us with our spiritual growth and attainment, and these have been good for us, but today we must stand before our Creator, accepting full responsibility for ourselves. No longer can we blame any priest, rabbi, medicine man, church, book or set of doctrines for anything in heaven or earth. We have attained to comprehensive judgment and we can, and must, think for ourselves. We are responsible unto ourselves in all things. Look around and witness the beauty and wonder of the Ever Present in all ITS glory, not only in the fields, the streams, the mountains and the oceans but also in man himself. What a wonder to behold! The Father loves All of His Creations and would have it that we all love one another as well. All of the expressions (Creations) of the Great Spirit, the Ever Present, are perfect in their own order, only we (humankind) have been brought forth a blank slate, to be written upon by ALL of the Father’s Creations, including our very selves. What a wonderful gift the Father has given unto us; we have 19
been given our very selves to create, and in whatever way we choose. We are therefore responsible for whatsoever we become. Go forth in your lives rejoicing for you have LIFE, eternal life at that! There is nothing, no conditions whatsoever that are worth lamenting over! Go forth into the world with the knowledge that you do not have to become ensnared in the affairs of mortals, many of whom are yet below the grades! Be a beacon of light and life before your Creator, show the Father how much you appreciate the LIFE given unto you by living it well. Abide by the commandments given unto all people of old (the ten commandments) and love your neighbor as you would love your own family. Remember: Those who abide by the laws have no need for laws; a people with many laws is a lawless people or they would not need such laws. We need only to learn to love and take care of one another; all else will take care of itself. Love, Spirit Dove
A PRECIOUS GIFT FOR YOU “Freedom to think for yourself!” We humans are unique and, unlike the other “corporeal” species we share this planet with, have the capacity to shape our own lives in whatsoever way we choose. We decide where we shall live, how we shall live, what we shall wear and what we shall eat, not to mention that we can also develop our own opinions as to who and what we are. Perhaps the most important decision we are allowed is our own concept of creation and our Creator. We inhabit a corporeal (physical) body like all other animals but unlike the other animals we are designed and engineered to surpass corporality and continue our existence eternally. That’s a long time! There is nothing wrong with our becoming engrossed in our corporality and the corporeal world but it should be understood that this is only a passing and short lived phase of our development. Life here is very brief and the “things” we posses are of little consequence in the development of our “true” selves. Most people, when released from their physical constraints, are born into their next environment completely unprepared for it, having allowed their true nature, which is spirit to go neglected and underdeveloped. These people are born into the es world as helpless as newborn infants, requiring constant assistance by those who have gone on before. Our Creator, by whatever concept you choose to represent it by, in Infinite Wisdom, has allowed us to create our own entities in all things. You are therefore responsible for what you make of yourself, both in this life and the next. You cannot cast blame unto anything upon earth or in the heavens of the earth nor your Creator or the angels serving Creation. In this regard you are the master of your own destiny as they give unto you only that which you 21
have asked, either by word or your actions. Your religions and your ceremonies have served you well and have helped to uplift your forefathers to live more “spiritual� lives, according to their comprehension but today more is required of you. In this era human kind is to develop not only the mortal part but the immortal as well. Human kind has now attained to comprehensive judgment and is not only able but is expected to take responsibility for your own development. No longer are you to place your faith in any book, religion, church or preacher but rather go in spirit before your Creator, asking for Light directly. Your congregations need not be disbanded as there is power and direction afforded to those who congregate unto the Creator but henceforth let your congregations strive as a unit to uplift and meliorate the masses, both within the churches and without. It is the Will of the Great Spirit that all men live as brothers and sisters, enjoying the world which has been given unto their keeping. As men can create a hell upon earth so can he also create a heaven.
This is the
beginning thereof.
Love, Spirit Dove
A TROUBLED WORLD From every quarter we’re bombarded by troubles of every description; it’s no wonder so many go around with long faces and sullen dispositions. It’s all too easy to get caught up in all the negativity that surrounds us. There comes a time though that, if you’re going to survive the madness, that you have to stop, step back and take stock of things. This might be a good time to do just that. Give yourself a break for a change; hop off the tread mill and slow down the pace. If you can, locate somewhere off the beaten path, say a quiet park, a lake or sea shore or perhaps a babbling brook or stream. Don’t take the hustle and bustle with you. Do away with the cell phone and laptop; leave the office and home behind you. It will be there when you return. Notice the quietness away from the steady drone of the highways? Listen to the soft murmur of the breeze rustling the leaves and grasses, the birds singing happily unto their Creator. Notice the coolness of the air away from the cement jungle. All is well in the world away from mans intervention. Our Father (by whatever term you wish to use) has given unto us a wondrous and beautiful world; a world without turmoil and troubles. It is we who have caused it to be a stressful place to live. It is not possible for any of us to change the world but we have it within our reach to change how we look upon it; it is within our grasp to live a more peaceful and harmonious existence before our Creator. We do not have to be caught up in all of mans madness. How does that old saying go? “Let me change that which I can and accept that which I cannot, with the wisdom to know the difference.” That’s a shortened version but you get the idea. The key here is to accept that which you cannot change. Our Native American brothers and sisters that preceded us, and 23
hopefully many still do, look upon creation as a living entity. They loved and respected all things and they took only that which they were in need of, returning prayer and thanks for what was given unto them. We can learn a great deal from their selfless ways. You have no doubt heard the statement that we “create our own reality,” that is a great truth my friend. Even if you don’t ascribe to the notion that we do ‘actually’ create our own reality I’m sure that you will admit that your mental outlook does create your view of yourself, as well as your view of the world. How you think dictates how you feel about things. If you train yourself to view your fellow beings as part of that harmonious whole, like you’re experiencing in ‘nature,’ then you can begin to view others in a different way. They too are as much of the created ‘whole’ as are you, no matter how ‘ripe’ or ‘unripe’ they may be. Embrace and enjoy the world given unto your keeping; you don’t have to own it – you can’t – but you can love the Creator and all of His creations, including man in all his darkness and strife. Above all don’t cast blame upon either God or the Father, nor upon even man for man is what he is intended to be at this point in time. If you’ve ripened beyond the confines of mortality then seek out others of like dispensation and cleave unto one another in love and harmony unto the Almighty. You cannot leaven the masses. What more is there than being in harmony with the Father? He will be your sure foundation long after this mortal world has moldered into dust. Enjoy your time in ‘nature,’ whether it is in the forests, the mountains, the desert, the sea shore or yes, even the cement monuments built by man.
Love eternally, Spirit Dove
ETHICS, RELIGIONS AND SPIRITUALITY To live a spiritual life does not necessarily mean that you must adhere to any particular religious dogma; nor does it mean that you live an ethical life by simply adhering to a set or religious beliefs. In effect, we all live “spiritually” as we are all “spirits” cloaked in mortality, whether we acknowledge that fact, or even for that matter, whether we understand our own spirituality or not. It has been aptly said of old that we are spirits experiencing mortality. This is indeed of a truth, as it is the chief purpose of life; to develop our spiritual entity while protected by corporeal bodies, in preparation for our birth unto immortality. How do we develop our spiritual selves? There is a multiplicity of answers, not the least of which is to learn to live an ethical life. To live an ethical life is to live your own particular “highest light,” to be true unto yourselves and not to blindly live according to someone else’s idea of “highest light.” No matter how exalted it may sound. To treat others as you yourself would want to be treated. To be God-like in all your dealings. Our Creator has given unto all of us of His Own Self our physical existence (so called), and too He has given of His Very Spirit the spirit that we are. We are like unto a ray of Light from His Being. We have only to seek within to know of a truth right and wrong in all things. We therefore can live our highest light by listening to His Voice within our own members. Most people believe that since generally the “majority rules” that the “majority” must surely be the highest light. But is it? If it were so then one might believe that to follow a particular path, just because the masses do, must be the correct path or the “highest” light. This has been proven to be false time and time again. Just because the “masses” believe a thing does not in anyway make it correct nor necessarily the best choice. This does not mean that we should turn our backs upon established avenues nor should we blindly accept new, unproven paths, as this would be 25
running to the opposite extreme. Each of us however, should allow ourselves the freedom to think for ourselves; to rationalize and to make our own judgment as to any “light” that comes unto us, irrespective of the source of that “light.” We should never blindly follow the masses simply because that is the accepted “norm.” The point here is to have faith in your own inspiration and convictions. Don’t be afraid to be different. All people who have been instrumental in bringing forth change or sharing their “light” with others have at the onset been branded as odd-balls, outcasts and worse. Later the same individuals have been lauded as great leaders, full of wisdom and insight. The masses are fickle! “Light” can be defined as demonstrable, repeatable “fact” but even this definition falls short in truth as we humans compile our “facts” from our own surroundings, according to our understanding of our environment at any particular time.
As a consequence it often occurs that as our perception
changes so do our “facts.” In summation, remember that Creator (by whatever Name of definition you choose to use) is “Ever Present,” is, by definition, within and over all creation, seen and unseen. The “Creator” is within each of us as we in turn are a part and parcel of Creation. We are inseparable, without the Presence of the ALL ONE neither we, nor anything else, would exist. You have only to seek and you shall find; you have only to ask and it shall be given unto you. In all things you should question the source and purpose of that which comes to you, even that which comes of the Father. Know of a truth that that which serves the “self” of man is of the lesser light. But inspiration which serves the melioration and upliftment of mankind is of the “higher light.” Love, Spirit Dove
QUOTATIONS FROM OAHSPE an inspired work given unto the inhabitants of earth, for this, the Kosmon Era.
EDITORS NOTE: Oahspe serves no especial religion, church, or group of people upon the earth today. It is given unto all people. E-o-ih (the Creator) had said: “I created man blank, as to good and evil, and gave him liberty; and, I gave liberty also to the spirits of the dead. But these spirits set themselves up as Gods (and leaders of men); and to glorify themselves used (and use) mortals in their own way. For they found that mortals could be turned to good or evil, to war or to peace, to virtue or to lust, according to the inspiration of the angels watching over them. But in this I provided a remedy also, and without abridging liberty, which was, that the “Gods” in contention for mortal souls, should fall out and ultimately destroy their own heavenly kingdoms, wherefrom angels and mortals should escape from bondage.” and, “I am as near the corporean (the physical man of earth) as I am to the es’sean (the spiritual man of the emancipated heavens;) let them disown their kings and Gods, and whosoever has a kingdom to glorify; and they shall espouse Me, for I AM Ever Present. For this, all people shall do, either on earth or in heaven. My kingdoms are not by violence or by war, but by liberty to every soul; and whoso practices peace, and love, and liberty unto others, is My chosen. They are on the way to everlasting resurrection.” We, born of earth, are in effect, angels in embryo. It is the role of humans to develop their own entities. This is best accomplished while we are protected by the cloak of mortality, afterwards, when we are born into the “es” world, it becomes much more difficult, as all of our emotions and aspirations 27
are laid bare and are difficult to overcome. As we are easily led and misled in our current state of being, so, likewise, are we easily deceived upon our entrance into the es world and we can be led and misled by unscrupulous masters there too. The best defense against this is to open your understanding unto whom and what you are while yet protected by the womb of your “physical” body. You must learn to think for yourself! At this stage of our development we are in essence a dual entity; being an eternal being encapsulated within a gross, seemingly “material” body. It is a mistake at this point in our development to emphasize too much on either aspect. The “material” and the “spiritual” aspects of our being are very much like two opposite extremes poised upon a fulcrum, much as though upon a teeter totter. Too much emphasis on either causes an opposite effect upon the other. It is prudent to strive for a balance between our spiritual selves and our material selves. Unfortunately though, most people tend to spend the bulk of their effort and aspiration upon the physical only, which has led to not only a lack of spiritual development but to considerable darkness among the peoples of the earth as well. This is neither a good, nor a bad thing of itself. We are simply what we have made of ourselves at this time in the course of our development. We are a product of not only our past (our ancestors) but also a product of the present with its multitude of unseen influences. This is no more than the ebb and flow of human/spiritual development. What is important now, at the beginning of the Kosmon Era (the time of spiritual enlightenment upon earth) is that we begin to recognize that we are much more than mere mortals, having a beginning and an end, but rather that we are also spiritual beings, boundless and eternal like unto our Creator.
Love, Spirit Dove
THE EARTH ‘FLOATS’ WITHIN A VORTEX The early stage of any world begins deep within the recesses of space. First, the swirling of ethereal winds, much as upon the earth with the formation of hurricanes and tornadoes, eddy currents ensue, causing the general rotation of the ‘winds.’ Throughout all of creation there are sub-atomic sized needles of energy, called needles of corpor.
These ‘needles’ are so small they cannot be
detected by any device we currently posses. They each have what can be called, although incorrectly, a positive and a negative end. In their natural state they are scattered at random and therefore do not constitute any particular ‘charge.’ As they are ‘gathered’ by the action of the vortexian winds they are amassed within the center of the swirling vortex and in time become sufficiently dense to begin creating what we call light. At this stage of development these miniature worlds in formation are carried at random along the prevailing currents of the universe until ‘attracted’ within a stronger vortex. Depending to a great measure on how ‘mature’ these formations are at the time of that attraction foretells their ultimate orbit or destruction. There are countless millions of these would-be worlds being created and dissipated daily. Very few of these attain to any significant development, some lasting only briefly and some for hundreds of years before their lines of force are broken and they return once again into the subliminal regions of space as needles. Once of sufficient mass to cast light and shadow these miniature worlds streak through the heavens, with glowing gasses and nebulae, their vortexian trails showing the general outline of their currents. In time, if they are allowed to continue, they are taken up within the ‘master’ vortex of a sun-planet and take their place as another world in formation. After thousands of years and billions of miles they eventually collect sufficient ‘material’ to assume mass, 30
molten masses of fire and gasses created by the action of what we call friction. As they take shape they are fluid in their action but continue to become globular, undulating with the pulsations of their vortex. After millions of years they that survive assume the various forms of planets we are familiar with, as well as millions of others we are not yet familiar with. Due to the action of creation within the vortex the ‘tails’ eventually turn within themselves and the entire ‘force’ becomes a true globe and the planet within assumes this same general shape. It is the action of this ‘vortexian’ energy that is responsible for virtually all of the manifestations we currently consider as being separate ‘things,’ such as heat, light, gravity, magnetism and, yes, even weather. The vortex rotates the planet within it by its action, generally from west to east. The vortex undulates both vertically as well as horizontally and apparent ‘rivers’ of energy ensue within the vortex proper, causing disturbances and eddies, which we have come to know as fronts. It is the action of these ‘fronts’ and the variations in velocities that create the ‘winds’ and the apparent ‘cold’ and ‘heat,’ et cetera. It is the vortexian energy which created the earth and maintains it that produces what seems to be the attraction of gravity, which in reality is the pressing of the vortex from external to internal. It is the vortexian energy that produces both the light and heat (or lack of it) we experience. It is responsible for what we call electricity (Vortexya in motion) and magnetism (Vortexya at rest.) Were the lines of vortexian force to be broken our world would instantly return to dissolution and be seen no more in the universe. This is, of course, a very simplified explanation of our world’s creation; more shall be said in future issues concerning the various aspects of creation.
WAR! Wars, rumours of wars and pestilences in diverse places is common place today. One cannot pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio or watch television without being inundated with the news of it occurring someplace. We, of America are very fortunate to currently be spared this horrific experience upon our own soil. How long this will last is anyone’s guess. Everyone is fearful of the murder, mayhem and madness associated with war, of this there is no doubt. No one who has not experienced it first hand can truly know just how horrible it really is. And, no one can say with great certainty just what he or she will do when confronted with it. My words here will most likely have little impact upon the dastardly reality of war should it occur but perhaps my words can add a little comfort, as well as to pass along some of the Father’s commandments. Those of you who place your faith in the Ever Present will not necessarily be spared the pangs of warfare; that would be too much of a miracle but those who remain faithful to the Creator and His commandments will be more likely to be directed and comforted by the presence of His angels of Light. As I have said repeatedly in my writings; corporeal life (what we consider as physical) is in truth non existent. Only our true selves, the spirit, is life. Spirit cannot be killed. By the loss of our corporeal bodies we do not die as to life. Because most of us have put most of our emphasis and effort at cultivating the physical aspect of ourselves we have created a false reality. Life, without spiritual development, is pointless and without meaning. It is not too late to begin shifting our thoughts, prayers and aspirations to the Almighty and to the development of our true natures; the eternal and limitless spirit. The following are direct quotes from the pages of Oahspe, which has been given unto our keeping for this, the Era of Kosmon. Perhaps these will 32
shed some light unto how war should be viewed. “Judgment is rendered against every nation and all people in the world who carry on war, or who are accessory to war, whereby any man, woman or child, created alive by the Almighty, is slain, in defense of any king, or other ruler, or in defense of any country or government in all the world. And, whether war is offensive or defensive, My judgment is against those who aid or abet war, and against the kings or other rulers who are parties to war, willingly, knowingly, or otherwise. And I judge him guilty also who is general, commodore, captain, sergeant or private that engages in war or takes part therein, aiding, abetting, or otherwise, whereby any man, woman or child created alive by the Almighty, is slain or caused to suffer death.� And; “This is the bondage I put upon all such as obey not My commandments; They shall not rise above the first resurrection in heaven (which lies upon the earth), while war remains upon the earth. Even though their bondage is a hundred years, or a thousand or more years, yet this, My judgment shall not be put aside. Neither shall any king, nor other ruler in all the world, impress as a soldier any man who is unwilling to engage in war. And whosoever obeys not My judgment shall not escape this bondage. Neither will I consider the prayers of any king or other ruler, or any nation or people, who engage in war, offensive or defensive, or who aid or abet war in any way whatsoever. But I will abandon all such people; and My Lords shall abandon them; and My holy angels shall abandon them also. And they shall be abandoned unto their own harvest of evil spirits, and to all manner of drujas (low grade spirits). And they shall be afflicted with assassinations and intriguers and despoilers, and with anarchy and riots and destruction. 33
And they shall be made to understand that whomsoever the Almighty created alive is sacred upon the earth; and that whosoever heeds not these, My commandments, sins against the Almighty. Behold, it is not sufficient apology for them to say: An evil king or other ruler, will come upon my country and possess it! I say unto you O man: All countries and peoples are Mine. Live in peace and righteousness, having faith in Me. Behold, your God has come in this era to put away old things, and to give unto you the kingdoms of the Almighty, as they are His exalted heavens. Heed the judgment of God; you cannot stay the Hand of the Almighty.� These are very strong words indeed but what has been said, has been said; it is up to each of us to accept or reject them as we see fit. In this, as in all things, we the inhabitants of the corporeal earth have freedom to choose and thereby are responsible for our actions or inactions.
Love, Spirit Dove
YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY What is reality? Have you ever examined yourself and the world in which you live? Not just a passing examination but an in depth consideration of what constitutes reality? Your reality! Anyone who has taken even a rudimentary science course understands that the material world is not solid by any stretch of the imagination, being constructed of atoms and molecules and other “stuff,” which the scientific world is just now becoming aware of. Looking into the “micro” world is much like looking into a telescope only in reverse. You and I are able to “sense” the world about us because of our ability to see, hear, smell and taste, all of which are operating on the molecular level, all of which are extremely limited in their range of reception.
Your Attitude Creates Your Reality
Any eventuality can be seen from more than one perspective and how one views it is predicated mostly upon what his or her life’s experience dictates should be the reaction to it. Each of us has ‘programmed’ ourselves to go through life ‘judging’ our surroundings, and indeed ourselves, by the ‘learned’ judgments and prejudges of our own particular life’s experiences. This is a ‘normal’ human function but it is not necessarily the best approach to life. The more ‘open’ a person can become to the limitless possibilities of reality the more full life will be. The more a person trains him or herself to ‘think for themselves’, the more opportunities become available to them for advancement. They are less apt to be caught up in a snare of either physical or spiritual ignorance. This doesn’t mean that we should abandon common sense and run after every new whim that comes our way but it does mean that we should be 35
‘open’ to new possibilities and yes, even revelations. The Creator has instilled in each of us the ability to reason, to think for ourselves and to rationalize on virtually everything. We are not supposed to simply accept without question what ‘reality’ is or isn’t. Judge all things, even your own concept of your Creator. We should never close ourselves off to the limitless possibilities that the Creator has put before us. Either now or in the eons of time that lie before us. As stated in the heading: “Your attitude creates your reality,” this is understood by most everyone but how many people understand this in practice? Individually and collectively we create our own reality day by day and moment by moment. We can reverse those seemingly negative aspects of life by how we ‘think.’ Sounds absurd? Does it really? Think about it for a moment. When you walk down the street do you look upon your neighbors with scorn, disrespect and even with a certain amount of fear and distrust? Or, do you view them as part of the Ever Present, another molecule like yourself of His infinite Presence? You and I, and ALL things, human and otherwise, are expressions of Creation, both physical (so-called) as well as spiritual. What you
becomes your reality. That is an absolute, irrefutable fact.
If you practice happy, positive thoughts those attributes will in time become your demeanor. And, the opposite is equally true. I’ll grant you that in today’s society it is increasingly difficult to maintain a positive attitude but it is not impossible. What you
not only dictates your sense of happiness and well-being
but it also determines your overall health and mental fitness. Your
towards life, and your role in it, is paramount in your physical and spiritual development. Just as a prayer, uttered meaningfully by many people holds great power, 36
so does the collective consciousness of a people, whether they be of a church, community or a nation, hold great power in the creation of ‘reality.’ YOU are the instrument of your own reality; you and your neighbors are collectively the instruments of the church, the community or the nations ‘reality.’ As man can create a heaven upon earth, so can he create a hell. What are we creating? Nothing is more important than being one with the Father and in Harmony with ALL of His Creations. This is not only a religious truth but it is a reality of life. The Creator is Ever Present and is within All of His Creations. Be content within the vessel that has been provided for this part of the journey.
Love, Spirit Dove
A PRAYER O Great Spirit, that which has created and sustains all things, I pray unto You for Your Light and Guidance, not only for myself but for all those who listen unto Your Voice. In Your infinite Wisdom You allow all of Your creations to grow in their own way, and in their own time. I understand this fact my Father and I beg for Your forgiveness for speaking out against anything of Your making. I know Your Will is freedom in all things. I implore You Father to teach me patience, perseverance and love for all of Your creations, as it is sorely difficult in this day to maintain those attributes. I know that it is not Your Will that such conditions should prevail upon earth as it now exists. You have given unto man a beautiful world, full of richness and goodness; a world with plenty for all but Your sons and daughters are caught up in their animal selves, and they see not the goodness of Your Hand. Verily, they are creating a hell for themselves and their fellow men. I would say: forgive them but then I know that there is nothing to forgive. You allow all things to run their course, and that in time all things will be made aright. I trust in Your Wisdom. And I pray that I will always understand this. You have said that You would bring those of us who have faith in You together. When shall the beginning of this become manifest upon the corporeal earth? Is it yet too early? Are there still too few of us to make it so? Are You gathering together Your legions of new born spirits beyond our veil? Teach me patience my Father! Teach me to ignore self and especially the conditions of earth, having faith in You. I am Your servant my Father, now and forever. Your Will be done. Put upon me what You Will, now and forever. Amen
O Great Spirit Whose Breath gives life to all the world, hear me! I am small and weak, I need Your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things You have made and my ears sharp to hear Your Voice‌.. Make me always ready to come to You with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to You without shame.
HURRICANES CAN BE PREVENTED! Without attempting to get into the little known dynamics of our planets forces, suffice it to say that I believe that those ‘forces’ which create hurricanes can be broken at the time and place where they originate. It is my belief that there are forces external to the earth that not only created but maintains the earth and that what has been heretofore attributed to ‘gravity’ does not exist in the mean. This ‘force’ not only accomplishes these actions but also manifests itself as our global weather, to mention only a fraction of its functions. Weather per se is not the ‘force’ but is, in fact, only a manifestation of the currents of air and temperature moved by the action of this ‘force.’ In short, it appears as though the speed and frictional conditions of these currents cause eddies to ensue, much as one might observe in the fluidity of water. The circumstances are much the same, only in this case the action involves molecules of air rather than water. It is my belief that if high pressure, inert gases were exploded high enough and with sufficient expansion above the region of the formation of this rotational force that the lines of force generating the hurricane could and would be broken, thereby destroying it before it was allowed sufficient time and rotational velocity to become a hurricane. Thank you for letting me to share this ‘belief’ with you. With the recent crop of hurricanes and the tremendous loss of life and property we’ve experienced, what do you have to lose by investigating my claim? Anonymous
RESPECT What is respect? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is to hold something in a high or special regard; or in a state of high esteem. Somehow this definition just doesn’t seem to go far enough to explain what ‘respect’ is nor does it impart the importance of being respectful. Without respect this world becomes a cold and indifferent place in which to live; we tend to loose our priorities, our values, as well as our perspective as to what is important. Without self-respect we quickly fall into slovenliness, laziness and into a general state of anarchy, becoming a worthless people. Other societies that have preceded us have come and gone essentially because of this. Without respect for our fellow men we become mistrusting and distrusting, becoming num to the needs and desires of others we share this world with. Apathy quickly sets in and we no longer concern ourselves over the welfare of others. Psychologically it is well known that distrust and misunderstanding over a period of time inevitably turns into hatred and malevolence, which furthers the advancement of anarchy. Without respect for our Earth we tend to misuse and abuse its material abundance and damage its environment by littering and pilfering. Who is going to care and protect it if we don’t? The earth and its bounty have been given unto our keeping. Shouldn’t we respect it? We’ve spoken about the lack of respect for all the obvious things, self, our planet and our fellow men but what about the root of this lack of respect? With any great people from time immemorial those societies that withstood the test of time have been those that have maintained their faith in a power greater than themselves. That is a faith in God or in their Creator, irregardless of what name or concept they professed. That ‘faith’ sustained them and taught them to ‘respect’ all things; to appreciate that which the Creator has provided. Without that ‘respect’ man alone is weak in every 41
particular. It is not the purpose of this writing to expound any particular belief but to help to reacquaint you with the fact that you cannot sustain yourselves or your world without faith and respect for your Creator and all that which has been given unto you. Beginning today try looking at yourself and your world with a loving eye and strive to be respectful of all ‘things,’ including your very ‘self’ You may be surprised at how much happier you will feel and how much more you will appreciate all the aspects of your existence.
Love, Spirit Dove
SMOKING HOOP-LA Driving across Georgia yesterday I was listening to the radio; a public radio station I think. The topic was pretty much one of bashing the cigarette industry. It seems to be proven that the ‘industry’ has taken advantage of the ‘addiction’ that their product produces. There’s little dispute about that; however, where does the ‘industries’ responsibility end and the consumers begin? I am not writing to defend smoking nor the manufacturers of these products. It is a vial product and I can think of no positive thing to say about it. As a matter of fact I began smoking when I was fifteen, a tender and uninformed age; however, I was not coerced into smoking, either by the ‘industries’ advertising or by my peers per se. Actually, I was amused by the silliness of some of their ads where they depicted young athletes puffing smoke into their lungs or lovely men and women joyfully going about their activities while poisoning themselves with smoke. I began smoking because I conceived myself looking cool and adult-like. I began drinking for the same reason; even acquiring a fake I.D. at an early age. That’s ignorance and stupidity, not coercion. When I was growing up it was common to see people in the movies and most everywhere smoking, as if it were perfectly okay and the ‘cool’ thing to do. You don’t see that so much today. And even though you can blame the ‘industry’ to some extent regarding this, it was John Q Public that took up smoking; they had a choice as so did I. Choice, that’s a biggie! We humans are often not given enough credit for knowing right from wrong. Like in my case; I knew from the very beginning that smoking was obviously an unhealthy thing to do but I didn’t care. I did it anyway. Why should the cigarette industry suffer anymore than they have for my own decision? 43
In my opinion there are far too many laws and “do’s” and “don’ts” purportedly protecting the masses in this era. There’s an old saying that I feel has great merit, and that is that a society with many laws is a lawless society. There’s probably a lot of truth in that statement. It is the people, NOT any particular industry that is at fault. There is a ‘natural’ downward spiral in mans morality and sense of values in this era and you can ban every conceivable ‘bad’ thing, outlawing this, that, and the other but society will continue to partake of these things until they, themselves begin to rebuild their own moral fiber. All the ‘laws’ in the world will not alter this. Everywhere you look, in virtually every aspect of our existence crime, corruption and moral decadence is prominent. There is no simplistic solution to this.
Love, Spirit Dove
THINKING OUT LOUD At various stages in life most of us pause, even if only momentarily, to take stock of where we’ve been, where we’re at, and where we’re going. These ‘pauses’ often signal a turning point in life, perhaps ushering in an alteration of our direction, or at the least, an affirmation that we are on the right road. In my opinion these ‘pauses’ are a necessary part of our continued growth toward spiritual maturity. It is often a time in which ‘meditation’ becomes an intricate part of life but can, if we’re not careful, lead to our being led by (or inspired by) various ‘spiritual’ factions, some of which may not necessarily have our best interest at heart. The Father has given unto us the precious gift of life, which He has given unto many of His creations, but unlike the other ‘corporeal’ creatures we share this plateau with; He created us as a ‘blank,’ having no ‘natural’ understanding of our environment. We come forth with no especial attributes except for the basic animal instincts of ‘self.’ Did you know that the ancient word for self was sa’tan? How many of us serve ‘self’ daily? Looking back over the years I recall many such ‘pauses’ in my own life, some of which were fruitful, some of which were not. But I’ve learned from all those years that even mistakes are opportunities to learn and to grow. No matter where you’re at along your particular road it’s never too late to change your direction; or, for that matter, to remain steadfast in your endeavors. I doubt that anyone’s life is (or has been) one of steady growth toward any particular goal, be it spiritual or physical. I know my life certainly has not been. My life has undulated from highs to lows and back again. But each undulation has served to ‘teach’ me a lesson in one way or another. Haven’t you found that to be true? It is not my place in these various writings to set myself up as a ‘teacher’ nor as a ‘preacher’ but rather to impart to you that which has come unto me 45
over the years. It is not my claim that these things are ‘channeled’ per se but then, in the same breath, I say that all things come unto us from without. We, of ourselves create no new thoughts or ideas but each of us is like unto a vessel which attracts like unto like. Everyone is capable of light from not only the Ever Present but from all of His Creations. It is up to us to discern whether the light received will help to meliorate the human condition or is, in contradistinction, in the service of sa’tan. It is always better to receive our inspiration directly whenever possible, but in any case it is always the message and not the messenger that is of importance. The ‘message’ that I am inspired to pass along in this writing is one of balance. Balance in all things. At this juncture in our development we are dual entities, being both spiritual and (so called) physical (of which there is no such thing in fact.) And, because we are such, we would be out of balance should we be too much of either condition. Spirituality and corporality is much like being on the opposite ends of a teeter-totter, ourselves being the fulcrum between the two. Too much of either will throw our lives out of balance. Think about that if you will and see if that makes sense to you. It is my hope that those of you, who are inspired by these writings, whether you’ve come upon them through the various newsletters or on the internet, contact me that we might form an alliance of affiliation. There is much that can be done in this era to promote love and affiliation among those who seek these things, chief of which is to work collectively toward establishing communities serving the Great Spirit. The Father has spoken unto the masses, saying: Those who choose Me I choose also and in the Kosmon Era (the present time) I shall bring them together. Love, Spirit Dove 46
Like unto the ebb and flow of the oceans, cycle after cycle, generation after generation, life comes forth upon the corporeal earth, spends its allotted time, and is then taken forth into the realm of spirit. No one can stay the Hand of the Almighty. This corporeal earth serves much as an incubator, if you will, for the spiritual or angelic man. We are protected and nurtured within our corporeal environment, allowing us stability that we may grow and develop in our own way, prior to our birth into everlasting life. This earth is not unique, there are countless other corporeal worlds scattered throughout the universe, serving the same purpose. As with the early days of mans history, when the various peoples were separated by vast expanses of water, so too are we separated by vast expanses of space; this is so that man cannot readily interfere with one another’s progress toward spiritual development. All corporeal systems are caused to travel along predetermined roadways. These roadways carry the corporeal worlds within and among various influences. These influences give rise to the various cycles and conditions experienced by man. No two worlds are created exactly alike, nor do they experience the various cycles in the same way, each posses its own uniqueness and purpose. It is the Creator that is the key to the harmony of the whole. The earth has recently entered into another such ‘cycle’ and is beginning to experience the changes being brought about by the new season dawning upon it. It is aptly said: “A new age is upon us.” The coming era(s) will usher in many changes upon the earth and its heavens, most notably of which will be mans understanding of himself and his true nature. In the past, man has been preoccupied with his corporeal self, but in the 47
future, he shall come to understand immortality as well as mortality. Because man has now attained to comprehensive judgment, the heavens are being opened unto his understanding. There will be many new revelations coming forth, but it will be up to man to sift through these to determine which of them will meliorate the condition of man, and uplift him unto spiritual enlightenment. It has been said that it is the journey and not the destination that is important. This is so, but in our case, there is no destination, as our journey is forever and ever, worlds without end. Enjoy the journey, with it’s never ending cycles and seasons. Pause in each meadow, valley, or mountain and enjoy what the Creator has placed before you. You are an angel in development and your life is just beginning. You shall exist long after this your birthplace, the earth, has moldered away.
Love, Spirit Dove
WE TAKE SO MUCH FOR GRANTED. Countless blessings touch our lives moment by moment. How many of us take the time to observe and appreciate them? Like so many, I have fumbled and stumbled through life, missing so much of what the Father has bestowed upon us. It has taken the greatest gift of all, my precious Wandering Star, to cause me to take note of life, in all its forms. The Great Spirit resides within all of His Creations, and He can be observed by simply opening ones self unto His Creations. From the smallest microscopic entity, to the limitless expanses of the universe, the Presence of the Almighty is there; all are infused with life, motion and spirit because He expresses His existence through them. Without the Presence of the Almighty, none can exist. Far upon a near-by hill, covered with trees, bushes, vines and brambles, I see a small, yellow flower, with her petals spread wide, smiling at the golden sun. I can hear her praises from here; “Thank you Father for allowing me this time, this time to enjoy my friends the trees, bushes, vines and brambles. I shall never complain that I am alone for I shall never be truly alone with Your Presence all about me. The smiling, yellow face, waving in harmony with the song of the wind, is far more a tribute unto the Almighty than the mightiest man who is blind to that which he tramples beneath his boot. From sun to sun, the tiny flower is a glory unto everyone. Beneath her outstretched leaves, ants are busy toiling; taking in their stores for the coming winter; while above her is the honeybee, partaking of her succulent nectar. All are in harmony, all are singing their praises to the Great Mystery, the Great I AM. From the outstretched limbs of the gently swaying trees, birds of gorgeous array sing, as they hop merrily from limb to limb, while others are 49
taking to wing. The woods are full of life indeed, all are provided for, none has need. A group of white-tailed deer can be seen, silently making their way to the evening glen, while avoiding their predators den, a covey of quail, a brood of bushy-tailed foxes, quietly but happily make their way through the tall grasses. The woods are truly alive and none has need for any of man’s contrivances. From sun to sun, the day is a gift unto everyone. From its golden hue, glistening upon the morning dew, to the reds, orange and blues, as the close of day ensues. How can anyone but marvel at all that lies around? Mother earth brings forth her abundance that we might partake of her bounty but how many take the time to thank her? How many take the time to protect her? She gives so much, and asks so little but we constantly abuse her. God forgive the wastefulness of men, the wanton destruction of her gifts. Mother earth and our Father, the Great Spirit give of themselves day by day, moment by moment but we are so busy with our own selfish ways that few of us even take notice. Praise be unto all of Creation, thank you for allowing us to sing and dance before you. Not all men will always be so unmindful, for a new day dawns tomorrow, a time when perhaps there will be less sorrow.
Love, Spirit Dove
WHERE DID AMERICA GO? Do you remember the commercial a few years back, the Native American with tears in his eyes, languishing over litter? We should all have our handkerchiefs out now. Liter though, as unsightly as it is, is, in my opinion, only one indication of a continued downward spiral in American morals and self-respect. From every quarter, graft, corruption and a general disrespect for the rules that govern our people are rampant. Like a serpent, the populace is turning upon itself, biting to death this great land. Ancient prophesy has foretold that the demise of American would come from within. It would appear as though this is of a truth coming to pass. What can you and I do to stem this flood of spiritual and moral decadence? Unfortunately, absolutely nothing! Oh, there are small groups here and there that pray in a positive way for change, but their prayers are like unto a whisper in a strong wind. It is too late to stay this avalanche of spiritual darkness thrust upon the masses, both in America, and around the world. Is there any hope? Yes, indeed! There is. Those of us, who remain faithful to the Great Spirit, to the Creator, by whatsoever name you choose, can find inner peace and guidance, both in this life and the next. We do not have to blindly follow the masses. It has been suggested that we “come out from among the world’s people, and found a kingdom unto ourselves.” This can be accomplished in many ways! This does not necessarily mean that we need to physically become a separate people, although this would certainly be ideal and may become a reality in time. For now, however, we can begin to affiliate with one another by whatever means is available to us, this “Newsletter” being one of those avenues. This newsletter is intended to be for the people, by the people and of the 51
people. Please, let us hear from you and your thoughts on how to proceed.
Love, Spirit Dove
BE STILL, AND BATHE IN THE LIGHT Do you find yourself pensive and easily angered? Are you so engrossed in the affairs of life that you have forgotten to enjoy your existence? If so, you’re certainly not alone but you can do something about it. With today’s turmoil, it’s easy to loose one’s perspective of what life should, and should not be, that realization in itself can be the firs step toward improvement. First, you should realize that happiness and inner peace cannot be obtained by external stimulation alone; people, places and things in themselves cannot provide this. It’s only obtainable by an inward feeling of well-being, a feeling of being in harmony with yourself, the Creator, and your environment. There are several factors, which promote harmony; the chief of which is how you yourself process your place within the scheme of things. If you think positive, happy thoughts, chances are you will be positive and happy, no matter what circumstances surround your life. Many books have been written, many pulpits have been manned, and many psychologists’ couches have been filled, attempting to assist humans in coping with life’s problems; they all have bits and pieces of light but none, it would seem, have the total picture. Many of these ‘would be’ benefactors have, in actuality, only served to further confuse people. The truth, as it were, is oftentimes disguised by its very simplicity. Look about you at the so-called ‘natural’ world; does any of the rest of creation require elaborate rules and regulations? Does it require churches, hospitals, and a legal system that boggles the mind? No, of course not! Only man has complicated his existence upon the earth, the rest of creation lives in harmony with it. It would be foolish to admonish the affairs of mortals; mortals will continue to spiral downward into darkness, as they have not the light of 53
heaven within them, but you don’t have to follow the crowd! You can obtain spiritual light from within our own members. You don’t have to become a recluse, trying to escape from the darkness, nor do you have to join mans multiplicity of churches; neither of these will bring you the light of the Father. The light of the Father is as close as your own very self. Seek within. Take time out of your activities to just be still. Mediate; contemplate all the wondrous gifts that have been bestowed upon you. Life itself is a miracle; the odds of you even being here to enjoy living are astronomical. When you start your day tomorrow, remove the scowl, replace it with a smile. When you greet your fellow travelers, take the time to speak; be cheerful and uplifting, don’t be passive or hateful. Trust me; what you put out there will come back to you many fold; and what you put out there IS catching. Take the time to look about you; look beyond your follow men (and women) and see the glory and the beauty of our Fathers Hand all about you. Open your mind and your heart to the angels that serve the Almighty; they are all about us, every moment of the day and night. You don’t have to allow dark thoughts to enter you mind; replace them with positive, up-lifting thoughts. Be like the ‘natural’ creations, all of these fill their place according to the Fathers Will, so can you. Listen to the Voice within. Do not put your thoughts and desires upon things of the earth, all these molder and pass away, and none can be taken beyond the veil of life; place your trust and your love unto the Father, Creator of all things, seen, and unseen. The light of the Father is everywhere present, none more so than within your own soul. Be silent and bathe in its glow of spiritual understanding.
Love, Spirit Dove 54
A WARNING For many years, there have been numerous writings presented to the world in an attempt to awaken the populace to our ETERNAL NATURE; it would seem that many have begun to accept this fact, especially those who frequent this site. Now that we understand that we survive the physical envelope, and that many of our friends and relatives, who have gone on, are still present. We must exercise caution and discretion as to how we approach and use this knowledge. The famed revelations given unto us by Oahspe relates that humankind, when confronted by change, tend to run from one extreme to another, and our spiritual understanding is no different. We are cautioned that; as more and more people put away the religions of old, accepting the presence of our departed kindred as a normal circumstance, that subjective spiritualism will become the new order of things. Since we will be dealing directly with those who have survived mortality, we may tend to accept what they have to say, rather than use our own judgment in matters of both the earth and its heavens. Just because a person has left his or her corporeal raiment, does not automatically make them any wiser or better informed. It would be foolish of us to pay much more attention to them than we would anyone else yet cloaked in mortality. It should be remembered that, except in very, very rare circumstances, NO angels commissioned by God or his Lords ever deal with individual mortals, but rather come in groups, dealing with groups upon the earth plane. If you are communicating with individual ‘spirits,’ you are dealing with those who have yet to join the united forces of God and his angels. That is an indisputable fact! Use extreme caution my friend. At this stage of our spiritual development, as well as it will be with our 55
early entrance into the next sphere, we are (and will be) easily guided and miss-guided by those who act as our guides and familiars. Many of these people DO NOT have our best interest at heart, and shall lead us off into abstruse directions for a long time to come, even if they do not actually intend to. Our sure foundation lies within the Creator, the Great Spirit, (or whatever term you wish to use) for expressing the EVER PRESENT, CREATOR OF ALL, none other, save His God or Lords, are of any benefit to us except those commissioned by them to direct the affairs of mortals and angels alike. They do not, and will not, come as individuals to individuals. All of us are allowed total freedom in all things, including what we do with our newly acquired understanding, but please know that whatever you take unto yourself, you shall ultimately be responsible for; know too that the place of heaven and earth are within the keeping of God, his Lords and their angels of light. A selfless act is a selfless act, but be aware whether it be of God or simply something perpetrated by misinformed spirits.
Love, Spirit Dove
A REMINDER Our Creator, the Great Spirit, Who is the sustainer of all that is, has always given us complete freedom of choice, in doing so we are responsible for whatsoever we are and for whatsoever befalls us. As we can create a heaven upon earth, so can we create hellish conditions for ourselves. We cannot blame anything or anyone in heaven or upon the earth for our conditions. In the past, the Great Spirit allowed us to set up elaborate religions to help us with our spiritual growth and attainment, and these have been good for us, but today we must stand before our Creator, accepting full responsibility for ourselves. No longer can we blame any priest, rabbi, medicine man, church, book, or set of doctrines, for anything else in heaven or earth. We have attained to comprehensive judgment and we can, and must, think for ourselves. We are responsible unto ourselves in all things. Look around, and witness the beauty and wonder of the Ever Present, in all ITS glory, not only in the fields, the streams, the mountains, the oceans and deserts, but also in man himself. What a wonder to behold! The Father loves All of His Creations, and would have it that we all love one another as well. All of the expressions (Creations) of the Great Spirit, the Ever Present, are perfect in their own order, only we (humankind) have been brought forth a blank slate, to be written upon by ALL of the Father’s Creations, including our very selves. What a wonderful gift the Father has given unto us; we have been given our very selves to create, and in whatever way we choose. We are therefore responsible for whatsoever we become. Go forth in your lives, rejoicing, for you have LIFE, eternal life at that! There is nothing, no conditions whatsoever that are worth lamenting over! Go forth into the world with the knowledge that you do not have to become ensnared in the affairs of mortals, some of whom are yet below the grades! 57
Be a beacon of light and life before your Creator; show the Father how much you appreciate the LIFE given unto you by living it well. Abide by the commandments given unto all people of old (the Ten Commandments) and love your neighbor as you would love your own family. Remember: Those who abide by the laws have no need for laws; a people with many laws are a lawless people, or they would not need such laws. We need only to learn to love and take care of one another; all else will take care of itself.
Love, Spirit Dove
HAPPINESS Elusive, hard to find but we all seek it. Many years ago a close friend of mine made the statement that one cannot find happiness by seeking it in people, places, or things. Over the years, the truth of that statement has rung true time and time again. I suppose happiness means different things to different people but to me it is defined as s state of well being. An inward expression; sometimes quiet and subdued and at other times, a raging fire of glowing warmth. How does one obtain to this state? There is no one solitary answer to this age-old question, but there are signposts along the way. Many of us have sought for happiness and fulfillment by searching for it within our circle of family and friends. How disappointing it is to find that these relationships are but an illusion of happiness. Like you, they are but people, seeking their own development and direction along their life’s pathway. You cannot base your life, or your happiness upon them. The same is true of your commitment to a church or other organization. Yes, you can find affiliation and companionship there too but you cannot find true happiness, based solely upon your relationship with them. You can travel the world over, going to most exotic and wonderful places; experiencing all that life has to offer, and yet feel empty, lonely, and devoid of happiness. You can engross yourself with producing all manner of wealth, owning all that the physical plane has to offer, but still not find happiness, or even fulfillment withal. Happiness cannot be found in people, places or things, no matter how much they mean to you, or how close your relationship is to them. That is a simple fact of life. So where does that leave us? After a lifetime of living, it has become painfully clear that all the ‘things’ we have sought after in our quest for 59
happiness are but evanescent, having no substance in fact. If we cannot find it with our family, our friends, our church, or our possessions, where do we go from here? From the earliest days, our Creator has given us signs, symbols and subtle directions regarding who we are, what we are, and what is expected of us. From this we have created elaborate systems of belief, and codes of conduct, creating a multiplicity of churches, religious dogmas, and systems of ‘faith,’ ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, none of which have brought us peace, harmony, or even good will towards one another. So how do we find it? First, do not make yourself a slave to anything of earth. All ‘things’ of earth have a beginning and an end. You, however, are eternal and will exist beyond the earth itself. Put yourself into the proper perspective. Place your ‘faith’ in your Creator. ‘CREATION’ is everywhere Present, and is not off in some remote ‘somewhere.’ Your Creator is here with you today, as in the early days of the earth, as will it be long after the earth exists no more. You do not require a church, or a ‘Saviour’ to speak in your behalf! The EVER PRESENT is with you every moment of your life, you have only to open yourself unto that PRESENCE. Man (the true man which is spirit) develops the opposite of the ‘physical’ man (the cloak within which the spiritual man is developing). We develop and find happiness and fulfillment by giving that which has been given unto us, whether it is talent, ability, wealth of spiritual light. The more you give, the more you receive! You do not have to dress in finery to approach your Creator, nor do you have to pray for the things of the earth. The Father knows before you ask of what you have need of. You do not have to consult the spirits remaining upon the earth to assist or direct you either. Take your church congregations and go forth, giving of yourselves that which the Father has freely given unto you 60
for the benefit of all. (In the days to come, this shall become manifest upon earth; this is a prophesy given unto us by our Father.) Inner peace and harmony shall follow, and you will indeed find true happiness that nothing can destroy, in this life or in the next.
Love, Spirit Dove
Lord of my region and division, your wisdom and guidance are beyond my scope of understanding. It is only of late that I have begun to understand the system and order of Jehovih’s universe. I am grateful and respectful for the work put upon your soul. Thank you for your guidance, and for the light that you bestow upon me; your unworthy subject. In Jehovih’s time, and in His way, we shall all grow and mature to know His Will. Blessed are you that you serve Him as you do. I am admonished at your wisdom and power. I fain from opening my mouth before such servitude unto our Creator. How can I ever attain to your high estate? Thank you my elder brother for your presence before our world and I bid you strength to overcome the darkness of men.
Love, Spirit Dove
TO YOU I AM WED There is such a contrast here upon the Red Star (the earth), outstanding examples for those with eyes to see. It is early morn, a cool breeze whispers as it kisses my cheek. The lake is calm, the reflection of the colorful clouds scattered across the blue-sky ripple, as the gentle currents of air mingle with their reflections. All about are the wondrous members of our Father, in harmony, singing and playing before Him, as if thanking Him for another glorious day. Praise be to You Father for giving of Yourself, that we might live and breathe, experiencing Your Works, the endless joy of Your Hand. Let me never complain for those who are yet unripe, dumb to Your Presence, for they miss so much by not knowing You, or Your members. To You I am wed, now and forever.
Love, Spirit Dove
SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE AND SYNCHRONISMS IN OUR DAILY LIVES Recently my attention was drawn to an obvious, but often overlooked phenomenon; the synchronization of occurrences in our daily lives. Have you ever looked back over the circumstances of your life and found how things just seem to have fallen into place in a natural order, often without your even attempting to arrange them? What got me to thinking about this is that Wandering Star and I recently drove to a neighboring state, but we decided (for some reason) to leave extra early and, come to find out later, had we left as we had originally planned, we would most likely have been involved in a most horrific auto accident. What (or who) inspired us to leave those few minutes early? We are certainly thankful that they did! Later that evening, my wife, and I began to consider the many and varied circumstances that have taken place over the past several years that changed, and often times surprisingly, affected our lives. We came to the realization that we are not always the Captain of our ship, that in most instances, our lives seem to evolve more by our choices than by our design. We would all like to think that we are our own masters, but are we really? We have been informed, through various writings (such as Oahspe), that we attract the kind of spirits that we ourselves manifest. That seems to be so, and these ‘unseen’ influences do seem to inspire our choices by their proximity, but they cannot cause us to accept their inspirations, as we have total freedom of choice in all things. How are these ‘entities’ attracted to us? They are attracted in various ways, the most obvious of which being by our own actions and interests, but they are also attracted by the thoughts that emanate from us every moment of the day and night. Few people realize that our thoughts are not as private as we would like to think; even our rambling, uncontrolled thoughts float from us as distorted 64
colors and patterns that can be ‘picked up’ by others. Many people, both seen and unseen, have a degree of ‘physic’ ability and often they can pick up these thoughts, even if they do not fully realize what they are ‘tuning’ into. When we concentrate and direct our thoughts (such as in prayer) they no longer float randomly from us but can be directed literally to anyone, to anything, and to any place upon the earth or in the heavens, they are unlimited either in their scope or their ability, to not only communicate, but to create as well. We need to learn to control our thoughts. Since we constantly broadcast our inner most thoughts and feelings, the bound spirits that are within our sphere of influence very often answer us. These spirits are not necessarily trying to ‘control’ us but, like in the case of our related ‘familiar spirits,’ may think that they have our best interest at heart, whether they actually do or not is often debatable. It may be difficult to accept that we have so little control over ourselves, but we actually do have considerable control, if you acknowledge the one attribute that Creator has bestowed upon us, namely total freedom of choice in all things. That is also the chief reason why we are responsible for whatsoever we make of ourselves, or what befalls us, as we know right from wrong; we are capable of making responsible choices. We can accept, or reject, any of the myriad choices that we are subjected to moment-bymoment. The influences of which I am speaking are a common occurrence, and affect each of us in various ways, and to various degrees. Whether we acknowledge it or not, we are all subjected to them. To some, it is only a vague prompting, to others it becomes a total and complete ‘take-over,’ in these cases the host can become completely controlled by the spiritual realm. This is the basis of all the debase actions perpetrated by the ‘so-called’ evil people in the world. Having laid the foregoing foundation, it is not difficult to see in retrospect how our lives have been influenced and directed by ‘unseen’ hands. We are 65
not exactly ‘puppets’ but all of us follow their inspiration as surely as the night follows the day. As with us, and our trip out of town, had we not un-wittedly heeded that ‘suggestion,’ we might well not have been here writing this to you today. We need not concern ourselves too much regarding the spiritual influences about us but we must, at all times, make the wisest, most informed decisions we can by keeping the Father’s Commandments and directions before us. We must not allow ourselves to be ‘ruled’ by those in the unseen realms, nor should we consult them regarding the affairs of either heaven or earth, but we must be careful of what we ask for, privately or publicly, as ‘what we put out there WILL return to us in some way or measure.’ More often than not, what we seek will come to pass but what we seek is often not what is best for us. If you will, would you please consider how your own life has been altered in some way, and let us know some of your own experiences. With even a little thought, it won’t be difficult to see how various ‘synchronicities’ have come into play. The subject of ‘spiritual influence’ is almost unlimited and there are many aspects of it that we can discuss in future articles. May we hear from you?
Love, Spirit Dove and Wandering Star
EARTH IS A SACRED PLACE Earth is likened unto a portal; from everlasting to everlasting.
Like the rise and fall of the tides, life, in all its forms, is brought forth upon the earth, spends it allotted time, and is ushered off into the ‘unseen’ realms prepared for it. Nothing can stay the Hand of the Almighty, Creator, dispensator, and dissipater of worlds beyond number. “Look about you O man; can you create the smallest living thing? Can you bring forth life? Can you cause the wind to blow, the oceans to course, the mountains to rise and fall; can you cause the earth to bring forth in abundance or decline in decadence? What right do you have to proclaim your sovereignty over My creations?” The earth is a sacred place, given unto us all by our Creator, it abounds in beauty and abundance; there is a sufficiency of all things for the inhabitants of the earth, we have only to take care of it and one another. It is man himself that has made the earth a place of strife and contention, a place of wars, pestilence, hunger, and need. It is you O man, which has brought about the conditions that prevail upon this beautiful world. The time has arrived when we must all take responsibility for ourselves and for the world in which we live. While it is true that most men are followers, there are sufficient leaders, even in this day, which can lead our people unto the age of Spiritual Enlightenment, come forth; listen to the Voice of the Almighty speaking within your souls. No longer should we allow ourselves to be led by corrupt politicians and men of greed. This earth has been given unto us all for our joy, and to fulfil the needs of its entire people, not just the affluent, and those in power and pre-eminence. There is ample room and bounty for all if we will but share with one another. The Father has given unto each of us certain talents, abilities and 67
material wealth, but it was not given unto us for our exclusive use, rather it was given to extend our usefulness and responsibility unto our fellow man. We are up lifted by our up lifting those within our reach. To some the Father has given the power to up lift but a few, to others, the power to up lift many, even the entire world. You are judged according to how you use the excellences that have been given unto you; you will not be held guiltless if you do not heed the Fathers commands. The heading of this says it all; that which constitutes our being has always existed, having been amalgamated into its present form that we might develop and perfect our selves, and our brothers and sisters, prior to our birth unto our eternal journeys. The earth is truly a portal from Ever Lasting to Ever Lasting; it is here that we are focalized into our very selves; it is not a place for us to become owners, nor is it a place for us to covet, acquiring its riches unto ourselves. No one can own the earth, for it belongs to our Creator, it is on loan to us for our brief stay. We are its stewards and guardians. Use it wisely and return unto it that which you have taken by giving thanks unto the Almighty, if not rebuilding that which you have destroyed.
Love eternally, Spirit Dove
OH MY GOD Thank you for your patience, and your understanding. How great a toil it must be, over seeing this restless world, and its heavens. And you, my Lords, who are endlessly tending to the affairs of mortals, what loving toil you have taken upon yourselves. Glory be unto you all – now and always – Great E-OIh has chosen wisely. I would ask forgiveness for my unripeness and my slowness unto growth, but I perceive it is unnecessary. Time and experience shall bring forth flower and fruit in due season – worlds without end. I am nearing the autumn of my corporeal experience. I fear not my unfoldment unto reality. Blessed be the angels who serve you and Creator. All is well. Give thanks, my brothers and sisters, for all that has been bestowed by Great Spirit, and those beyond us, in His endless heavens.
Love eternally Spirit Dove Apr 1980
CHILDREN OF THIS DAY, what do you suppose he would say? Perhaps it would be: “I am sufficient unto my own creations!”
Man has fashioned unto himself a multitude of religions, each having its own unique interpretation of our Creator, His creations, and what lies beyond our current existence. Each of these ‘religions’ have their own set of doctrines and sacred writings, and most of them purport to have the ‘keys’ to heaven, claiming the exclusive dominion over our spiritual salvation; is it any wonder that we have become so confused about our spirituality? According to the mid-2005 census by the Encyclopedia Britannica, there was (at that time) at least nineteen separate and distinct religions, serving six different segments of the worlds people, with a myriad of sub-religions under each branch. When you compound that by all the various teachings presented by each of these ‘religions,’ there is no wonder that we are confused about spiritual truth. How does one choose? Added to all of this, is the fact that the religions of the world have lost touch, if they indeed ever had any, with what the various terms mean concerning heaven, the Creator, His God, Lords and the countless legions of angels residing within the heavens, and upon the corporeal earth. None seems to understand the structure and scope of the heavens, let alone the various functions of its population. It is customary in this era, to classify various terms as meaning the same thing, for an example, it is often, but erroneously, said that the Creator, God, Lord, and Lord-God refer to the same thing, when in reality they do not, nor did they ever, anymore than a Saviour or “our Lord” mean the same thing. It will not be until man learns the hierarchy of the heavens (and beyond) that he will be able to make intelligent decisions and observations concerning ‘spiritual truth.’ Man is still very immature spiritually speaking. 70
I’m not going to try to validate my claims at this time, but for the sake of clarity, I will attempt to briefly explain the differences in some of these basic terms;
misinterpretations of the information that has been handed down to him for his education and spiritual advancement. It is no wonder that humankind knows so little about himself or creation! Briefly, the Creator is the Ever Present Energy that pervades all of the universe, both the seen and the unseen. The Creator is unfathomable by men or angels; you shall never see the Creator as you might see a mortal or an angel, but you can see the Creator by observing the countless manifestations of His Presence; we ourselves are as an atom within His Existence. All things, both seen and unseen are manifestations of His Presence, and nothing exists without Him. It is interesting to note that ‘He’ is used in a masculine sense, since ‘He’ is considered our Father, whereas the earth is generally considered our Mother, the feminine gender, whereas there is no gender with either in fact. God, on the other hand, is an angel, a one-time mortal, who has risen through the spiritual ranks, attaining to the rank of “God,” having been instated by the Will of the Creator to oversee the earth, and its bound heavens for one cycle of the earth, which is generally around three thousand years. God answers to the Archangels, who, in turn, are commissioned by the Creator to oversee the travel and development of the earth along its roadway through the universe. There are many offices and duties of the heavens beyond the earth, far too many to explain in this writing. The Lord(s) are lower in rank and are subservient to God, having been instated by the prevailing God (or Goddess), to oversee a segment of the physical earth. That is where the term; landlord originates for they are truly in charge of a given area of the earth and its people. In the very early days of the earth, when its population was sparse, some ‘Lords’ were commission to take on some of the duties of “God” in their particular dominion, and were, 71
therefore, entitled Lord-Gods. An angel is simply any spirit; (we ourselves are, in fact, angels in development.) Generally speaking, when we think of an ‘angel’ we think of someone who has had considerable experience in the spirit world, and our conception is ‘usually’ that they are under the commission of either the ‘Lord,’ or ‘God,’ which is often the case, but simply being an ‘angel’ does not necessarily mean that they are. The duties and responsibilities of angels are far too varied and numerous to even attempt to explain. Suffice it to say that there are ample opportunities for us to involve ourselves upon our entrance into the spiritual realms; there will be plenty for us to do. Many people today are beginning to question their (our) spirituality and have begun to reconsider and evaluate the teachings of their various religions. This is a good thing and marks the beginning of the ‘Era of Spiritual Enlightenment,’ which we are now embarking upon. In the many years that lie ahead we shall come to understand the true nature and purpose of our existence. Man is now capable of comprehensive judgment and the heavens are being opened unto him. This writing is but one of the many stepping stones, and there will be many more to follow. To those who are inspired unto spiritual understanding the pathway will become well marked. He who seeks shall find. Seek within and listen to the inspiration of the Creator and His angels. We can all attain to His Voice in one form or another; to some it shall be weak and hard to discern, but given time, it can become a power with direction and purpose. To others the inspiration of the heavens upon their souls shall come in many ways, perhaps upon the wind, gently rustling the trees, perhaps upon the waters or within a summer’s rain. Take time to meditate, take time out of your busy schedule, and simply listen to the silence. The Creator, His God, their Lords, and the legions of angels that serve them are at hand to help you and to direct your steps. 72
Turn a deaf ear to the dark angels all about you that are ignorant of the Ever Presence of the Almighty. Smile and the world will smile with you. Laugh and your laughter will wash away your cares. Even though the earth is in turmoil, the Father and His angels are with us and they are our sure foundation. Seek their guidance and consolation.
Love eternally, Spirit Dove
IT REALLY DOESN’T MATTER! With all of the turmoil that is currently going on in the world, it is no wonder that many people feel anxious and vexed about life; one can easily loose sight of their spiritual priorities amid all of the conflicting statements and circumstances. It is well that we should be informed, but we should not become too engrossed in the affairs of mortals; it is far too easy to become mired down by the atrocities and absorbedness perpetrated by mortals. It is important that we maintain our faith in the Ever Present Creator, and pay as little attention as possible to the disharmony and spiritual darkness displayed by men. The Father, and all those who serve him, is our sure foundation, now and forever. Always keep that in mind and be grounded by His Presence. There is so much beauty and harmony displayed all about us, why not dwell upon these, rather than the disharmony emanating from the men of darkness. There is much for us to love and appreciate in our daily lives; take the time to bring them into focus, let them be your guiding light. The smallest expression of the Father is more wondrous and majestic than all of the rhetoric arising from the entire mortal plane. Wandering Star and I arose before the sun, which is our usual routine, and drove to a neighboring cafÊ for breakfast. During our trip, we enjoyed the matchless beauty of the suns rays, mingling among the straggling clouds, crowning the endless array of autumn colors of the changing season. No mortal artist could ever duplicate such a scene! Only our Creator, in all His matchless beauty, can ever display such magnificence. It is generally known that the most spiritually profound time of day is a half an hour before sunrise; it is at this time that a clear channel, if you will, is established betwixt the mortal and immortal worlds. God and His angels often use this time to impart spiritual inspiration to us; it is wise to meditate at this 74
time, listening to what is given in love and harmony. Be still and listen to the silence within. Wandering Star and I are fortunate to reside in an area where ‘natural’ beauty still exists but the Creator’s Majesty can be found most anywhere, if one will seek to find it; even within the contrivances of men the Father’s Hand can be seen. Those with eyes have only to see it. The Father’s Presence abounds within all of His Creations, great or small. Why am I writing this? It is simply to remind you that nothing of men’s fabrication is of any importance whatsoever when it comes to matters pertaining to spirit. “It really doesn’t matter” what man thinks or what he expounds. Our relationship to our Creator is the only matter of importance. Life, which is of and by spirit, can be lived in happiness and bliss only IF we live our lives in concert and in harmony with the Father’s Will. I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, says the Creator; I Am the Beginning and the End! In no other way can you find fulfillment, unless you seek the Father first, and then strive to fulfil His mandates. The Father has provided all that we require and has filled our cup to the brim with good things; if life tastes bitter, it is only that we have partaken of the bitterness of men’s darkness. We hope that you are experiencing peace, joy and happiness in your lives and that you are one with the Almighty.
Love eternally, Wandering Star and Spirit Dove
WHAT A DIFFERENCE A LIFETIME MAKES! Wandering Star and I were just commenting on how fast the days seem to come and go, now that we are in our so-called Golden Years. Obviously, the days are not flowing any more rapidly, but they certainly do seem to have sped up. It is not that either of us feels any disparagement regarding the time we have remaining, quite the contrary, we are both looking forward to the change, and to the adventure of embarking upon another phase of our existence. There is, of course, a certain amount of apprehension at facing the unknown, but we feel comforted that, since the Father has always provided a way for us, He will continue to do so as we progress. Looking back, there is so much that has transpired during our lifetimes, not only regarding our own personal lives, but also with the world, and its peoples. The people of today proclaim, as I am sure many that preceded us did, that we live in a most ‘modern’ world, full of wonders, even with its inherent complications. I guess it is no wonder that the people of this era feel the same way, what with all the so-called advancements we have witnessed during our short tenure. Time, we are told, runs in cycles, and that in reality, there is nothing ‘new under the sun,’ while that may very well be true, it is difficult to visualize some of what we’ve experienced as having occurred before; I’m sure it has someplace, and at some time, even though probably not in quite the same way. I spent much of my early youth in a part of the country (America) that was slow in attaining to the developments of other parts of the country, which allowed me the opportunity to experience, and appreciate how life was spent in even earlier times than my actual years. It is still vivid in my recollection how we, as a family, a large family I might add, worked and played together. We arose before daybreak to the rooster’s 76
crow, and were busied with our various chores; milking cows, gathering eggs and the like, while the ‘women’ prepared breakfast. What a breakfast it would be too! Ham; bacon and eggs, as well as biscuits and gravy were not unusual; not to mention fresh milk, jelly and jams and often fried potatoes. I can still smell the luscious aroma. As a family, we worked the fields, tended the animals, and generally took care of the many duties required to operate a pretty much self-sufficient, rural farm, situated in the hills of Kentucky. We were not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination but somehow we always seemed to manage. We were not especially a ‘religious’ family either but all of us were keenly aware of our relationship to ‘Mother Earth’ and to a higher, Creative force, which I later came to understand by the many names affixed to it. Thanks to Wandering Star, and my various associations with the native peoples of this great land, I have adopted the terms ‘Great Spirit’ or ‘Great Mystery’ but this force is known throughout the world by many names. Up until then, life was very basic, but improved as ‘modern’ improvements began to arrive in their area, notably electricity and the telephone. My grand parents (with whom I was staying) did not acquire running water, indoor plumbing, nor gas or propane until after their home burned and they moved closer to town. During those early years, I can still recall my astonishment at witnessing my first black and white television, and how I was mesmerized by it since, until then, I had only listened to the wonderful stories crackling from the family radio. Our usual entertainment was listening to the adults playing homemade musical instruments and singing on the front porch, while we youngsters played together in the yard. Another moment in time that left an impression on me was when my grand parents acquired their first telephone, and how everyone on the party line would listen in on everyone else’s conversations. Our ring was two shorts, and a long, produced when anyone on the line cranked their phones handle 77
the proper sequence. It was quite a conversation piece for some time, until the practice became somewhat annoying. Even though life was often difficult, it was also very rewarding, as most everyone looked out for everyone else; you could always count on your friends and neighbors to help you out in your time of need. It was a very different society than that which we share today! Men and women in those days said what they meant, and meant what they said; they were mostly selfreliant, honorable, and hard working people whose word was their bond. Overall, it was a much richer and happier life than we observe today. There are so many wonderful memories that I could share with you about that bygone era, but then, this is not an autobiography, but an attempt to compare the ‘then,’ with the ‘now.’ There are significant differences, and most people of today, those who have not experienced these things for themselves, haven’t the foggiest idea of how society’s basic values have changed over these relatively few years. ‘More,’ definitely does not mean better! Many people in this country seem to place too much importance on their ‘physical’ existence, rather than their ‘spiritual.’ I suspect that they are not used to having an intimate relationship with their Creator. Many have lost their ‘oneness’ with Him; the ‘earth’ is, in many instances, all that they know, especially if they no longer live close to, or rely on, the Father’s Presence in their daily lives. My wife, Wandering Star, spent most of her formative years living on the Cherokee reservation in North Carolina; it is here that she too learned to live close to the land, being taught the traditional ways of the Native Americans of her tribe, who followed the commandments of the Great Spirit. All of the Father’s Creations are sacred to them, and many continue to live in concert with His creations. Those who have left the old ways, be it Native American or traditional country culture, have lost a great deal by forgetting our natural relationship with the Creator and the land. So-called ‘modern’ culture has come to rely 78
upon man’s contrivances, rather than placing their faith and trust in the Ever Present Creator. Admittedly, it is very difficult to maintain a positive and joyous demeanor as we confront the world we live in today but ‘what is out there, does not have to reside in here!’ Even though we cannot change the world out there, we CAN change what is in here, we can change our views, our attitude, and how we react to our experiences. Our attitude dictates not only how we feel about the world but it also dictates our sense of happiness and well-being. We should train ourselves to view the Creator’s Hand within all things; we should strive to see the good and the positive rather than the bad and the negative. We do not have to be burdened by the burdens of the world. We should keep in mind that ALL THINGS, even our fellowmen, are a part of, and an expression of the Ever Present Creator. As we confront the world, let’s put a smile upon our face, have a kind word for those we meet, and be willing to help not only those in need but everyone that comes within our reach. As negative attitudes are catching, so are positive attitudes. If we continue to exhibit happiness and pleasantness unto others these attributes will, in time, become our natural bent and others will follow suit by being pleasant to us as well. As one person can change, so can the entire world. What and how we think is much like a prayer and everyone receives it, whether it is realized or not. The collective thoughts of the masses truly create our reality. The years of my life have passed steadily by, one after another, and life has been full; school, military service, business executive, trade specialist, electronics technician; raising a family, loosing a wife through divorce, loosing a son to drugs, and two daughters to marriage and, all the while, seeking spiritual truth, understanding, and the ‘right road’ unto eternal life. My cup has truly been filled to the brim! Now, that I am in my final years, I am even more blessed; the Great Spirit 79
has bestowed unto me a help-mate in the form of Wandering Star, has allowed me to glimpse into the realms of spirit, and has inspired me to write about what I have learned, both of immortality, as well as mortality. Thank You Father. It is difficult to look upon the world that we live in and maintain a positive attitude; there are so many factions at work, so many people pulling in diverse directions. With such a lack of harmony amongst mortals today, it is no wonder that there is unhappiness and unrest. Everywhere you look; there is dissention among the peoples of the earth. It takes an effort to seek within and find contentment and harmony, but our faith and trust in the Great Spirit can, and will see us through. Even though our world is being shaken to its very core with darkness and inhumanity, there is, and shall always be HOPE, so long as there are those who love, respect and follow the Father’s Commandments. We have been told, that we cannot leaven the whole mass, that we cannot change the world; but we can change ourselves. We do not have to follow the crowd, rather we can assume responsibility for our own spiritual salvation, and open the door to spiritual enlightenment and guidance; it is available to those who will seek it, and are willing to accept responsibility for their own ‘whatsoever’ they are. Many trials and tribulations shall issue forth in the years that lie ahead, we cannot avoid them, but the angels of light, that serve the Creator, shall come forth to guide us, and are, in fact, at our doorstep this day. Strive to be one with the Father and live your highest light in all things and they shall be there to guide you. The Father did not go away from His Creations; He IS Ever Present, and within ALL of His Creations. He is as near to you as is your breath of life. Call upon Him and He shall give unto you light, and hope, and happiness of heart, no matter how dark the world may become. Place your faith in the Father and seek the kingdoms of God, for they are your sure foundation, now and forever. 80
Love eternally, Wandering Star and Spirit Dove
WHAT IS EXPECTED OF US? A lot of ‘religions’ would have you to believe that there is only ‘one’ way to salvation, and that is that you follow their particular teachings. This is not all together correct. I say that because, even though most ‘religions have the general direction correct, they do not take into account that everyone evolves and develops in different ways, and at different rates. As with the “Ten Commandments,” which most everyone is familiar with, these are guidelines that should be followed by all people, but how many people actually think about, let alone follow, those golden rules? Most Christians believe that the Ten Commandments originated with Moses, and are the exclusive directions of their many branches of Christianity. Again, that is not entirely correct. Commandments handed down by the Lords in charge of the various divisions of the earth, were, in essence, the same as those we possess today but structured to suit the various levels of development of the peoples they were given unto at the time. The ‘rules’ are basically the same everywhere, and are the foundation for how we are to conduct our lives. If everyone would follow those ‘commandments,’ what a wonderful place this earth would be! Having alluded to the obvious, let’s consider how these ‘laws’ impact our lives, even back to the time of Zarathustra, when the ‘word’ first became manifest among mortals through the Lord-God of that era. “The Voice was, The Great Spirit, The I AM. Zarathustra, being all pure, taught that to be a Faithist in the Voice, as it comes to the pure, was the highest that a man could attain. Zarathustra taught that to build up one’s own faith in the I AM would produce the highest happiness. The Great Spirit spoke unto Zarathustra, saying: Some have I created 82
with faith in men, some faith in spirits, and some with faith in Me only. Let those who have faith in men, have faith in men; those who have faith in spirits, have faith in spirits; and, those who have faith in Me, have faith in Me. The latter are Mine. What is Mine, I will gather together. Mine shall be a people by themselves, of themselves. Mine have no Gods but Me. Mine have no idols nor images of Me. Mine bow down not before idols. And Mine covenant in My Name secretly. Mine remember the four sacred days of the moon, Mine honor their parents; Mine kill nothing that I have created alive; Mine do not commit adultery, nor do they steal, or tell lies; nor do they covenant anything upon earth. Mine return good unto all men. Sound familiar? Essentially, in order to live happily and to grow in spirit one must first, and foremost, have faith in the Creator. It is by, and through the Ever Presence of the Creator that all things exist. One should not covenant anything on the physical plane but love and respect all things, knowing that all things belong to the Great Spirit. One should love and respect all life; as none can create life, no one has the right to take it for any reason. Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. Try to uplift your fellow-man with a smile, a kind word and by lending a helping hand. You ‘are’ your brother’s keeper. Keep yourself and your world clean; your body is the temple of your developing spirit and the world is the wondrous place given unto your keeping for a while. Both belong to the Great Spirit, and are on loan to you. I’m sure that all of this sounds like lofty, unobtainable goals, but I assure you that spiritual bliss can be obtained, and that you can find peace, harmony, and happiness while living upon the corporeal earth, but you must ‘give’ in order to receive. Did you notice the statement: “What are Mine, I will gather together?” This was not a hap-hazard statement, but is quite literal. There will come a 83
day, in the not too distant future, when those who have “faith” in the Ever Present shall begin to gravitate together. Even though it doesn’t seem like it today, there are a few out there that are ready, willing and able to begin putting away the things of the earth and begin re-learning how to live together in harmony. I believe that the first prerequisite, beyond having faith in the Almighty, is to learn to accept others as they are. None of us are perfect, far from it, and none of us have all of the answers. We need to be tolerant and forgiving of others apparent short-comings. Surely we have short comings too? (Smile). Any community of two or more people will necessarily take on a unique personality, exemplifying its members. We need to seek out those that best fulfill our own aspirations. As no two people are exactly alike, so too, no two communities will be exactly alike. Naturally any ‘spiritual’ community will exemplify its particular priorities, but the more ‘open’ and diverse a community can be towards its members, the more potential it will possess in becoming a lasting entity. Many ‘communities’ of the past have been too rigid, often having ‘leaders’ that set too high a standard for its membership. This is one chef reason so many have failed. Community minded or no, each of us can enjoy the life that has been given unto us by extending the same courtesy and joy unto others as we ourselves would want to receive. Good luck and love in your endeavors.
Love, Spirit Dove
THE GOLDEN RULES given unto man: OF ZARATHUSTRA; first mortal to set down the ‘word’ as given by our Creator, through the Lord and his attending angels.
THE VOICE WAS, THE GREAT SPIRIT, THE I AM. Zarathustra, being all pure, taught that to build up man’s own faith in the I AM would produce the greatest happiness. Zarathustra taught that each self must learn to build up itself in love and wisdom, and after them, trusting in the I AM. As the Voice came to Zarathustra he perceived that the I AM must have a name in order to be distinguished by men. Zarathustra said, Or (Light) Mazd (entity of light), and he called the ‘Highest Known’ Or’mazd, being The Person, The All Master. Or’mazd spoke to Zarathustra, saying: Some have I created with desire to dance, some with desire to sing, some with desire to pray. Some have I created with faith in men, some with faith in spirits, some with faith in Me only. Let those who have faith in men, have faith in men; let those who have faith in spirits, have faith in spirits; let those who have faith in Me, have faith in Me. The last are Mine. What is Mine I will gather together. Mine shall be a people by themselves, of themselves.
Mine have no Gods but Me. Mine have neither idols nor images of Me. Mine bow down not before idols. Mine covenant in My Name secretly. Mine remember the four sacred days of the moon. Mine honor their parents. Mine kill nothing I have made alive. Mine commit not adultery. Mine steal not, nor tell lies; nor covet anything. Mine return good unto all men. Zarathustra taught these words, and those who were followers styled themselves Zarathustrians. Or’mazd spoke to Zarathustra, saying: Take the ten suggestions: What are they? Zarathustra said: My flesh is not my own substance, but Or’mazd’s. How then can I claim the ten suggestions? These, then, are not the Zarathustrian Law. They are the Or’mazdian Law. All things come from Him. All things are His. OF EA-WA-TAH, born of the tribe of Honga (of North America); taller than other men, with a bright shining face like that of new copper. Eawahtah said: I am Your servant, O Great Spirit. What shall I call You, that the tribes of men be no longer distrustful? Then answered the Creator: Call Me after the wind O Eawahtah! Eawahtah said: How after the wind? The Great Spirit said: Come with Me, My son. Then Eawahtah walked along and came to a place where the wind blew in the leaves. The Creator said: Tell Me, My son, what does the wind say in the leaves? And answered Eawahtah: E! Then the Creator took Eawahtah to the big sea 86
water, and asked: What does the wind in the water say, My son? And Eawahtah answered: Go! Then the Creator took Eawahtah to the high crags, the rocks above the clouds, piercing, where the wind whistled; and He said: What says the wind, My son? And Eawahtah answered: Quim! And the Great Spirit said: Call Me Egoquim, O my son. I AM three in One; the earth and all that’s in the earth and on the earth, and all the stars and moon and sun; they are one of My members. And the air above the earth, the Atontea, is another member of My Person. And higher yet; in the high place above the air, is the ether; the great penetrator; and that is the third member of My Person. I AM everywhere, far and near; all things your eye sees; all things your ear hears are of Me and in Me. Whatsoever is one with Me has no hard labor. Behold the flowers of the field; I color them. Behold the ant and the honeybee; I lead them; the bird I teach how to build. Man alone is stubborn, setting up ways of his own. O that he could learn to be one with Me! To move and labor with Me! Then spoke Eawahtah, saying: Holy Egoquim! I will go and teach man, give him Your words; make him understand. Eawahtah inquired: What shall I say; how shall I teach the sons and daughters of men; give me a synopsis? Egoquim answered Eawahtah, saying: One Great Person, even Egoquim, Creator and Ruler over all in heaven and earth. Him shall you have and no other God, nor Lord, nor idol, nor man, nor angel, to worship, forever! Him shall you love above all things in heaven above, or on the earth, or in the waters of the earth! And you shall teach Him to your children, and command them to teach Him to their children, and so on forever! And you shall swear against all other Gods, and Lords, and idols, to serve them not forever! And the same to your children, and to their children, 87
and so on forever! And this is the first Egoquim Law. And you shall deal unto all men, and women and children, as justly and as kindly as to your own mother, out of whose breast you were fed when you were helpless and of no strength. Teaching this to your children and to their children after them, forever. And this is the second Egoquim Law. And to the sick and helpless; to the stranger and the man that comes from afar; to the widow who is destitute; to the child that has no father; you shall be both father and mother to them; and take them into your house and feed them; and give them skins and cloth to wear; and if they be lost you shall go with them and show them the way. Commanding these things unto your children and to their children after them, forever! And this is the third Egoquim Law. And you shall not tell lies; nor speak falsely against any man, nor woman, nor child; nor break your word of promise, even though death may come upon you to induce you otherwise. Unchangeable as the setting and rising sun shall be the word of your mouth! And you shall command this to your children and to their children after them, forever! And this is the fourth Egoquim Law. And you shall not take and posses that which is another’s; nor allow neither your children to do so, nor their children after them, forever. Which is the fifth Egoquim law. And you shall respect the times of woman; and when she is bearing unto you, you shall not lie with her; nor give her heavy labor, nor angry words, nor fret her; but be obedient to her, doing whatsoever she asks you to do, for it is her time, and she is your queen. 88
Teaching this to your young men and to your young women, and to theirs that come after them, forever; for their young is begotten of Me, and I will have them shapely, and strong and brave! Which is the sixth Egoquim Law. You shall labor six days, but on the seventh day it is the moons day, and you shall not labor, nor hunt, nor fish, but go to the alter of your Creator and dance and sing before Me; and sit in silence to hear My words, which I speak into the souls of men, and of women and children. Teaching this to your children, and to their children that come after them, forever. This is the seventh Egoquim Law. You shall restore the rites and ceremonies of Choe-pan and Annubia-pan but the part I swear you shall not restore; which is: You shall not flatten the head to make a seer, a Haonga, to drive the judgment of the brain away to the prophetic regions. Teaching these things to your children and to their children after them, forever! Which is the eighth Egoquim Law. Then rose up Eawahtah, saying: I am Your servant! Lead me, for I am going in Your Name, even to the end of the world! OF MOSES; who brought forth the Ten Commandments unto the Israelites: When the Israelites traveled forth among the different tribes, they were beset to know what Lord or what God they worshipped, and by what Lord or what God they were led forth. The Light of wisdom and words came to Moses to say to the nations, Alas, His Name, Whom we worship, man dare not utter. Within the commune families, were certain signs and passwords belonging to the different degrees. There were also oral rules of life and worship, but these were kept secret from the multitude, but the instruction of 89
the commune fathers to the families was by this method made to harmonize all the people. For general behavior, Moses gave ten commands, which were not only made public, but incumbent on the commune fathers to teach orally to their respective families. The following are the commandments thus taught, that is to say: I AM the I AM that brought you out of Egypt. (1) You shall have neither Gods nor Lords but the I AM. (2) You shall not make any image of the I AM out of anything that is in heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters. (3) You shall not bow down before idols or images, or anything having the form of anything in heaven, or on the earth, or in the waters. You shall not speak My Name in public, for I will not hold him guiltless that gives it to idolaters and lovers of evil. (4) Remember the sacred days and keep them holy. Six days shall you labor; but the seventh day is the Sa’abbadha. (5) Honor your father and mother. (6) You shall not kill (any living thing.) (7) You shall not commit adultery. (8) You shall not steal; (9) Nor bear false witness; (10) Nor covet anything that is another’s.
Editors Note: The following is the origin of the name of the I AM, as given unto the Israelites. God said: As in the olden time man named all things according to their own spoken words and sounds uttered, so in the days of Thor came to the Ghans the written words of everything on earth and in heaven. When man had written the name of all things, one only had he not written, even the name of his Creator. 90
God said: Even that also shall you write. Then man inquired: How can I find a word to express the Creator? God said: Many tribes have I raised upon the earth, and, behold, they have all written the names of all things, save only the Creator. Go to, therefore, and write His name also. Man said: Alas, O my God! I know no name, save the names I have already made. If I could hear the Creator, or see Him, then could I write His name. God said: You have named the wind (wh-sh!), which you have not seen. Name then your Creator. And His name shall comprehend all things, far and near, seen and unseen. Then man drew a circle and called it ‘O’, for it represented that which is without beginning or end, and which contained all within it. Then man drew a line cutting through the circle from east to west, to represent the light of the east traveling to the west. Then man drew a line from below upward, cutting the circle at right angles with the horizontal, to represent the one road of all things, from the bottom up forever. The first line man called ‘E,’ for it was the same as the wind speaks in the leaves. But the second line he called ‘IH,’ for it represented that unseen shaft that cuts all things in two. And thus when man had completed the engraving, he called it E-O-IH! God said: In this, your symbol, you have found the way of a true square and the four quarters of the world. Keep His Name and the image thereof a secret between the rab’bahs and your God. Neither shall you utter it aloud, for it is sacred upon the earth. Editors Note:
E-O-Ih has been transmuted into many variations over
time, however it is commonly understood as; Je-Ho-Vih, which was further mis-stated by the Egyptians, who wrote much of what is accepted today as, Je-Ho-Vah. 91
These are the doctrines as taught by Joshu (Jesus); an iesu from the Es’ean (Essenean) tribe of Israelites. God said: These were my doctrines, as I taught through Joshu: You shall keep the ten commandments of Moses. You shall not engage in war, nor abet war. You shall eat no flesh of any animal, or fish, or bird, or fowl, or creeping thing which Jehovih created alive. You shall live in families (communities), after the manner of the ancient Israelites, who held all things in common. You shall have no king or queen, or bow down in worship to any, save your Creator. You shall not call on the name of angels to worship them, or to counsel with them on the affairs of earth. You shall love your neighbor as yourself, and do unto your fellow man as you would have him do unto you. You shall return good for evil and pity to them that sin. It has been said: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; but I say, return good for evil. And if a man smites you on one cheek, turn the other unto him also. The man shall have but one wife, and the woman but one husband. As the children honor the father, so will the family be blessed with peace and plenty. Remember that all things are of Jehovih, your Creator, and you are His Servants, to help one another. And as much as you do these services to one another, so serve you Jehovih. Behold only the virtues and wisdom in your neighbor; his faults you shall not discover. His matters are with his Creator. Call not on the name of any God, or Lord in worship; but worship Jehovih 92
only. And when you pray, let it be after this manner: Jehovih, Who rules in heaven and earth, hallowed be Thy Name, and reverent among men. Sufficient unto me is my bread; and, as much as I forgive those that trespass against me, so make me steadfast, to shun temptation, for all honor and glory are Yours, worlds without end. Amen! To visit the sick and distressed, the helpless and blind, and to relieve them; to provide for the widow and orphan, and keep yourself unspotted before men; these are the way of redemption. You shall take no part in the governments of men, but observe the will of Jehovih, being obedient unto all governments for His sake. ALL men are the children of One Father, who is Jehovih; and whosoever chooses Him, and keeps His commandments, is His chosen. To preserve the seed of His chosen, you shall not wed but with the chosen. (This was the reason for circumcision. Ed) Contend not with any man for opinion’s sake, nor for any earthly thing. And let your speech be for other’s joy; or open not your mouth, if your words will give pain. Therefore, be considerate of your speech; teaching others by gentleness and love, to be respectful toward ALL men. Preserve the sacred days of the rab’bahs; and the rites and ceremonies of emethachavah. And for three years, Joshu traveled among the Israelites, preaching and restoring the ancient doctrines. And there were gathered in groups, of tens and twenties and fifties, more than two thousand Israelites, of the ancient Order of Moses, who became steadfast followers of the teachings of Joshu. **** What follows are the remnants of these ‘GOLDEN 93
as given in the
‘King James Version’ of the ‘Holy Bible.’ Exodus 20: And God spoke all these words saying: I am the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make unto yourself any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor, and do all your work; But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. Honor your father and your mother; that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God has given you. You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is your neighbor’s. *** 94
Virtually all tribes, races and peoples from the very first days of humankind upon this world have received rules and commandments suited to their particular development and understanding. What has been given here is but a sampling of the better known proclamations. It is not the purpose of this writing to uphold any ‘religion’ as being that given by the Creator. Let those who have eyes see and those with ears listen for themselves. ALL religions are but stepping stones leading to spiritual development and unfoldment. None are absolutely necessary, and none will, in, or of itself, lead you to ultimate spiritual growth. Only you, by your actions, words and deeds unto others bring forth spiritual enlightenment and the fulfillment of the Father’s commandments. We are ALL of, by and sustained by the Ever Presence of the Great Creator (by whatever name you choose.) None can gainsay His works or the commandments handed down by His prophets. Each of us, in our quest for spiritual enlightenment, must decide for ourselves what we choose to believe and what we choose to accept into your daily lives. You will NOT be condemned by WHAT you believe but rather by HOW you live.
Love and respect eternally, Spirit Dove
OAHSPE Hi folks; perhaps I’m speaking out of turn but I’d like to put in my two cents, for whatever it’s worth. I am one of the “old timers” to Oahspe; for forty years I have witnessed people trying their best to either form a ‘new’ religion out of it or, as is often the case, dissecting it to pieces. Don’t get me wrong, Oahspe is a wonderful collection of writings, but it is not wholly new nor is it infallible. It is information on many levels, that’s for sure BUT it was never intended (in my opinion) to become just another ‘revelation’ to become worshipful. In everyway Oahspe demands that we cleave to one another as brothers and sisters, becoming an extended family if you will. It doesn’t make a bit of difference how much you know, or, for that matter, how much you think you know. What’s important is that we begin to accept one another as equals and try our best to live and grow in harmony with the Ever Present and one another. It would be naive to think that many of us are truly prepared for the ‘ideal’ community BUT it won’t come about until WE begin living together (as best as we can) and practice loving one another. It’s putting the cart before the horse to even think that we can begin rearing orphan children until both conditions are right, and we ourselves have grown sufficiently to be worthy of that estate. The Creator has promised that in this era He “will bring us together,” you can’t force that but you can accept the Will of the Creator and approach Him with humility, being ready to accept whatsoever is put upon us when that inspiration is upon us. All things are accomplished by and through Jehovih and His angels, which we too are His angels in formation. Have faith and follow your highest light, even if you don’t completely comprehend everything that Oahspe has related. It doesn’t matter! What matters is what’s in your heart. Be open unto 96
His, and His angels inspiration. Thanks - hope I didn’t offend anyone.
Love, Spirit Dove
HELLO It’s been a while since we last communicated; I haven’t had much to add to the wonderful information provided by those on the net. I’m not sure if this will go to you personally or to the whole group but I thought a brief note might be of interest that you might like to share. As you probably know, I live in a small RV and as such rely essentially on propane. For the past few days I have been having some difficulties with my hot water heater; this should have been a tip off but I ignored it. Anyway, a couple of mornings ago I was impelled (inspired) to turn off both my small electric space heater as well as my propane heater. This was unusual as it was still quite cold out and I had no reason to do so except that I felt I should. No sooner had I done this when the whole coach was filled with the strong odor of propane; had either of the heaters still been on I have no doubt that I would not be here today to tell you about it. I quickly ran outside to shut off the unit but as I opened the access door, allowing fresh air into the compartment, an explosion ensued, sending flames several feet into the yard. Fortunately I was not standing in front of it but off to one side. I have no idea what kept the inside from exploding too but I was spared the tremendous explosion that very well could have occurred. As you might guess I wasted no time in thanking those unseen folks for their help and inspiration. It’s beyond my understanding as to why I was spared, but this is by no means the only time something like this has happened. It’s especially strange to me as I don’t feel I have been especially helpful to the es world in recent years in promoting the precepts given in the Oahspe but have always lived as an example as best as I could. Various people and animals come to both Gail and I for assistance from 98
time to time and we always know (or think we do) that our help is needed and always attempt to give it as best as we can; perhaps this is why? Anyway, I wanted to share this in hopes that others might become better aware of just how closely our existence is with our brothers and sisters, not only on this plane but that which cohabits with us. There’s not a moment in time when we’re not influenced in some way by the proximity of those already born into immortality. Take care to listen but also evaluate what comes unto you for those about you may not be any further informed than we. By the mere loss of their corporeal bodies does not make them any wiser. Listen and follow your ‘highest light’; if it comes to you expounding the earth, it is of the earth and possibly serves only ‘mammon’ but if it comes to you from on height, expounding how you might better live, help your neighbors or meliorate the condition of the world about you, listen and act accordingly.
Love to you all, Spirit Dove
IT IS MID-JULY, 2008 The subject is ageless, and the message is timeless. Dear family and friends, A few weeks ago, it was discovered that I have a tumor growing within my colon, only a few inches from the outside. The first prognosis was good; mostly that the tumor was localized, contained, and wouldn’t be too difficult to remove. With each succeeding visit and subsequent analysis, however, the prospects of this being easily resolved have diminished. It now appears as though the tumor is cancerous and has possibly involved the near-by lymph nodes, this means that I cannot side step the chemotherapy and radiation procedures as I had originally planned. My first thought was to approach this in a strictly natural way, through prayer, meditation, diet, and exercise, but now I’m convinced that I don’t have enough time (or willpower) to accomplish this, as the tumor has a death-grip upon my colon, causing me considerable discomfort and pain. If I had detected the tumor sooner, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have sought a better approach, but as it stands at this writing, I have very few options. This has been, and is, a most humbling experience, knowing that this insidious growth is flourishing within my bowels, being unable to do much about it. I wish I had more faith in the medical profession of today but in truth, I don’t; the only ‘faith’ that is of importance now is my faith in the Creator, and the angels that serve Him. With the very real prospect of dying, perhaps an even horrific demise, my ‘faith’ is being called into play in a very poignant way. There is much ‘soulsearching’ and any facades that I may have had have been torn away, bearing the full truth of my spiritual understanding. I am truly thankful for having spent a lifetime in search of spiritual light, which makes the possible transition from mortality to immortality more easily accepted. 100
The message that has flowed from my pen these many years has always emphasized ‘faith’ faith in an Ever Present, an all inclusive Great Spirit, Creator, giver and sustainer of all things, seen and unseen. My writings have never upheld any religion as being the only ‘true’ word of either God or of the Creator. Organized religion, in my opinion, is not necessary in order to be one with, and in harmony with, the Great Spirit; it is having faith in the Father, and the angels that are in harmony with Him, that is of paramount importance. If you feel that organized religion is necessary to your own development and direction then, by all means, pursue that course. The Father is within all of His Works. It is not my intention to make this a ‘forum’ to expound my own personal beliefs, they are of little importance, but perhaps some of my reflections may inspire a few of you to stop and examine your own spirituality; we are, after all, spirits experiencing our corporality and not the reverse. We are, and always will be spiritual entities. Our lives, in this state, are short at best; our corporality (our physical existence) has been given unto us in order to protect and nurture us until we are born into immortality. Most of us place far too much emphasis and importance upon the physical and ignore the spiritual, that is, until the end of mortality seems imminent. We surely do pay attention then, don’t we? It is important that you listen to that small voice within your own members; listen to it and live your own personal ‘highest light’; ignore those impulses (inspirations) that would lead you away from love and harmony. The Father is within ALL things and if you are in harmony with Him, you are in harmony with all things. This is an eternal axiom. Most everyone acknowledges the unlimited power or prayer but few people realize that our thoughts are powerful of and by themselves. Our thoughts emanate from us all of the time, but it is when we concentrate those thought forms into action, such as during prayer, that they take on a life and 101
action of their own. Prayer (thought in action) can accomplish all things. Thought forms are not limited in scope or distance, but can and do travel to whomsoever they are directed, whether upon the physical earth or unto the highest heavens. All of us can cultivate mastery over our thoughts and over ourselves; many religious practitioners throughout the world have exhibited some mastery over their thoughts, and have wrought many so- called miracles in doing so. All things are possible through prayer and meditation! Moreover, place or distance is of no consequence. Contemplate on this and you will begin to understand the full import of the foregoing. Knowing this, you may ask; why haven’t I overcome my own infirmities? It is because I am weak in all particulars and currently lack the ability to control my own thoughts to any degree commensurable with my understanding; my lack of ability however, in no way lessens the spiritual facts. You still have time to develop your own entity if you so desire. It has come to me, in so many instances, how some people lament and complain about what befalls them; usually this is about some supposed curse placed upon them by God or the Creator (or so-called nature *). (* Nature; the forces pertaining to the earth, are dumb in all particulars and do not single out anyone or anything, neither good nor bad.) Neither the Almighty, nor His God have ever, nor will they ever, place any burden upon any of their creations. The Creator, by His Love, has Created us in His likeness, and wants only good things for us. It is man himself that has created the scourges that have befallen the world. The Father’s world is perfect; it is man’s own spiritual imperfection that makes it a place of contention. In summation; I can never blame anyone for my condition; it is through my own wrong living and lack of spiritual development that I have allowed this condition to develop and grow. It has been said of old; ‘that the rain falls upon the just and the unjust’, it is not, nor shall it ever be, the Father’s Will; likewise if I should be granted a longer life upon the earth, it will be through the 102
prayers of others, and the skilled hands of the surgeon, guided by familiar angels, that accomplishes. It is up to God should others intervene upon my behalf. I will always love each and every one of you for who you are and without qualification; should it be my time to be born out of corporality, I will not return to any of you in person, but shall help to prepare your way into the spiritual realms as well. I shall await you with love and anticipation. Love one another with all our heart and soul but most of all Love the Creator and His Angels; they shall be your sure foundation throughout eternity. Since writing this, the prognosis of my recovery has greatly improved. I feel that this is due, in no small measure, to the prayers and well wishes of so many people (many of whom I’ve never met). Thank you all. God bless you for your selfless prayers; prayers DO work miracles.
Eternal love to you all, Brice, (i.e. Spirit Dove)
HOW TO RAISE A HATEFUL, VINDICTIVE CHILD (This is, of course, spoken in jest, sort of)
Most everyone is aware that an infant is like a sponge, soaking up most anything and everything it experiences. The first prerequisite to raising a useless member of society is to live in the worst possible environment you can muster. That is not to say that the material world has anything to do with it per se, as we are all aware that many of the most useless members of society come from the affluent and well-to do segment. What you must do is show your infant as much disrespect and hatefulness towards others as you can manifest. Drink, smoke, and use as much profanity as you can. After all, you want to be an example to your child. Isn’t that right? Never show love or tenderness to one another, especially not to the young child in your care. After all, it’s a tough world out there and you wouldn’t want your child to grow up being, loving and caring, now would we? If your child wants something, be sure to buy it for them; maybe that way you won’t have to pay any extra attention to them, and that way too, they won’t have to learn to use their abilities; a sure way to cultivate a selfish, selfcentered person, who places value on things, rather than love and selfrespect. Be sure that when you do pay attention to your child, that it be full of malice, hatred and is abusive, if not physically, then definitely emotionally. Make sure that your child is afraid of you. Everyone knows that when someone fears, that fear will, in time, turn to hate. It’s pretty simple really; just be your wonderful self and all the rest will fall into place. You can enjoy years and years enduring your wonderful prodigy and look forward to your wonderful grand children, who are most likely learning the 104
same lessons you taught your child.
Love, Spirit Dove
THOSE WHO RETURN TO INSPIRE US In ages past, it was through God and his Lords that the ‘word’ and ‘wisdom’ of the Father was made manifest among the inhabitants of earth. in this era, it is through those who have gone on before, who have returned to us to inspire us, and lead the way unto Kosmon, the era of spiritual enlightenment. Listen to our forefathers, for they are the light and the way.
Spirit Dove
HE LIVES By Helen Gleason
I see Him in the sunset with its muted crimson glow, The Crowning of a lovely day, as oceans ebb and flow. Not only in the mountains can His Majesty be seen, but in a tiny leaf of gold of a spreading chestnut tree. In fields of yellow buttercups or crimson-petalled rose, in every plant and flower bloomed I see His love exposed. He lives in small rivulets that flow o'er rocks and rills, to mighty oceans' rolling tides with foaming waves He fills. His love has made a world for us if we would only see the treasures of the universe, and all of it is free. I stand in awe and worship `fore His wonders grand displayed, and praise the Mighty One Whose worlds and miracles arrayed.
It is well and good to have lofty aspirations and grand inspirations of the Father’s Kingdom to come; learning how we might better live and serve Him, but many of us fail to realize that we exist at this moment as part of His Creation, and are, in fact, an expression emanating from His Presence. We don’t have to attain to, or become anything save what we already are. We live in this beautiful world, filled with His Presence. It’s our responsibility to take care of this precious gift given by Him.
This world is being plundered and depleted of its life giving sustenance, and (in my opinion) we should spend more time and energy in help to rid it of its parasites, otherwise, those that follow us (who shall form the Fathers Kingdom) shall have no place to build His edifice. 107
Love, Spirit Dove
Re your letter; Don't be too hard on yourself. It seems as there have been many who ambled through the Faithist halls of doubt and disillusionment, not to mention disappointment. Myself included.
Each of us have had to decide our own acceptance/rejection of the Oahspe scene. Most (unfortunately) go the rejection route and end up floating off to something else. To me Oahspe is very special (but I think it has become corrupted) or, perhaps the "spirits of darkness" have done an excellent job in thwarting would be followers. The primary problem (as I see it) is that the readers (followers) of the Oahspe discipline tend to develop a "I know more than you" attitude and go around trying to impress one another. That's unfortunate as they could be doing a lot on an "unselfish" level. Oahspe is one of many writings that bring enlightenment to us. It's neither the first (nor the last) of such information. (In my opinion.)
Be that as it may, no matter what "doctrine" any one of us accepts to follow, that doctrine is only as good as what use you make of it. In other words, live your own personal highest light and do what YOU think would be best to uplift you neighbor. Small deeds (and words of praise, not judgment) tends to accomplish far more than any "church" ever could. Live by example not words. The churches all over the world now "sell" the words and few are engaged in doing what they are taught. A mountain can be moved by moving one small stone at a time. The time span of Oahspe is in millions (and millions) of years. Don't concern yourself of what you see at arms length. The Fathers Will IS being done and in His Own way. There are many of us throughout time and the universe who strive to do Creators Will in whatever way is shown minute by minute. And so are you my friend. 109
Don't sweat it - you have millions of years ahead of you!!! It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks - you have only to please that which created and sustains you, now and always.
So much for the soapbox! ha ha! I can get off on a tangent myself but it serves little good. I find it is a full time job just keeping my own self on the straight and narrow, without having to try to direct someone else.
Love, Spirit Dove
ADVERSITY TEMPERS THE SOUL Those were the words spoken to me in a recent ”vision.” It is soothing to know, beyond a doubt, the wonderful, compassionate, and loving angels that minister unto us moment-by-moment, day by day. How can I (we) but praise the Great Spirit for providing such wonderful companions?
It has been said that we shall not be given more than we can manage, sometimes I wonder about that but looking back in retrospect, I must admit that it has been so, even as difficult as it may have seemed at the time.
One but has to look about to realize that there are others who endure far greater difficulties than ourselves, how selfish and self-centered of me to even consider that my plight is of any consequence at all. We are all being “tempered” every day in one way or another, some admittedly more severely than others but all things will serve an ultimate good in time to come.
Having faith in the Almighty is the greatest shield and protection anyone can ever have. If one truly believes in the Father, and lives his or her life to their highest light (spiritual understanding), serving others with all their might, their outlook will be bright and positive and they will see the beauty and harmony in all of the Father’s works.
Your outlook, your attitude, frames your happiness, you are the product of your own making. No two people see anything exactly alike but you can train yourself to see the beauty and the harmony of life; if you are one of those who go about dwelling upon only the apparent negative aspects of our existence, you will be unhappy and will overlook all the beauty that the Father has bestowed upon us and our world. How can you find light within a dark corner? 111
If, on the other hand, you are one of the more spiritually enlightened, who look upon the Father’s Works in wonderment and love, you will pass though this plane in joy and lightheartedness, enjoying the life that the Great Spirit has bestowed upon us. It is within your grasp to create your own reality, a reality of light or darkness, happiness or sadness, spiritual growth or corporeal decline. No one else can do it for you, it is up to you.
Love eternally, Spirit Dove (llastop2@...) & Wandering Star, my devoted and lovely wife June 10th, 2008
Wandering Star and I visited the local library this weekend, which contains an outstanding genealogy department, as well as a large section devoted to the Native Peoples of the Americas.
She and I whiled away the hours; her with her avid research into our family trees, while I immersed myself in a couple of booklets about Native peoples beliefs and customs on both the continents. We were both enthralled and mesmerized by the wealth of knowledge that was available. What a wonderful way to spend a lazy Saturday morning!
An aspect of early Native existence, which we tend to overlook, is the considerable differences in their environment as compared to that of today. They, unlike us, were very much akin to, and completely at home in the world about them, they lived in harmony within their environment, being native to and a part of the forests, the plains and the mountains which they inhabited; they were keenly aware of the Creators Presence within all things, including their very selves. They respected and worshipped the Great Mystery in their every action, word and deed, they did not need, nor did they require, a special place to worship, the world was their cathedral.
In contrast, today's people no longer relate to the so-called `natural' world but cling to the contrivances and monuments built by men; we have lost our connective-ness to the ALL ONE, the Great Spirit, the Creator of all things. We rely more on the affairs of mortals than upon the angels sent to oversee and instruct us; we are dumb to our true nature and purpose. The Father and the angels that serve Him are as present today as they have ever been but our souls are as if covered by a stone and we cannot hear or see them because we listen more to the impulses of the corporeal world. 113
It is neither my place, nor anyone's for that matter, to sit in judgment of our fellow travelers but it does not take a genius or a gifted scholar to see the results brought about by the societies of the world in this era; we are obviously headed in the wrong direction! Somewhere we seem to have lost not only our perspective but our priorities as well; it is apparent that we have placed too much importance upon the affairs of the flesh, and too little on the affairs of our spiritual growth!
Our Father, and the angels that serve Him, wish only good things for us, and they stand at the forefront to help us find our way through our darkness, but they cannot, and will not do it for us! We must seek within and listen to the Father's Voice and follow His mandates, which are well known from time immemorial. We must begin our own salvation by returning to our Native ways by respecting all that the Great Spirit has bestowed upon us and by living our `highest light' in every aspect of our lives.
It is through the young that the future of this world belongs; it is not until we become better role models unto them, by example and not merely by words, that they will begin to once more rise in the spiritual grades. It is not too late to reverse the downward spiral of the future inhabitants on Mother Earth, the future of tomorrow lies in the hands of humankind today.
Many years ago I was inspired to write a small article concerning the youth of today but it was never widely published, perhaps this would be a good time to include it as it is a satire of WHAT NOT TO DO regarding the rearing of our children. We hope that you enjoy reading this but please remember that this is only given in jest.
Love always, 114
Wandering Star and Spirit Dove
DEAR M------, "A seeker along a path."
Hello M------, I am moved by our comments, I too have traveled the road you are now experiencing, and I can relate to the ebb and flow of your growth in understanding.
Oahspe has truly been a light in my life, and it has assisted me greatly in determining what `life' is all about but Oahspe is not the beginning, nor is it the end of all that there is to be learned. Life is not only in the blood, as is stated in Oahspe, but perhaps more importantly; life is in the living.
Many people, who live by the precepts of the antiquated religions of our fore fathers, are just as pious as anyone who has read, and purports to understand Oahspe. What is of paramount importance is how we, as individuals, conduct our private and public lives before the Creator, God, the Lords, and those angels that have our growth and direction in charge.
It matters little if one can quote scripture by scripture from any of the many and varied `books' that have been give unto us, unless they put into practice the information contained within them. It makes no difference whatsoever if you are able to conceive all that you are capable of conceiving at this stage of your growth, unless you, yourself live your own personal highest light. It takes more than `lip' service.
We each have enough on our plate, if you will, to take care of developing our own persona before our Father and His angels; there is NO one path that is the ONLY path unto spiritual (personal) growth. 116
As many people as inhabit the earth and its heavens, there are just as many ways unto eternal life. Life is in the living, and there is no right, or wrong way per se; there is, of course, devious paths that can, and are often followed, but in time, ALL people CAN attain to light and growth. Unfortunately, there will always be some (perhaps many) that choose paths that are downward, even unto destruction, but that is their choice, whether they understand that or no.
LOVE, WISDOM and TRUTH are available to ALL people, whether they have read Oahspe or not. Oahspe is (in my opinion) the greatest well-spring of information available at present (that I'm aware of) but the mere study of it alone is next to meaningless; I can quote from it too until I am blue in the face, but I've said nothing unless I can convey; Love, Wisdom and Truth in how life is to be lived.
The original Ten Commandments, given unto all societies from nearly the beginning of time upon this small world, are the benchmarks of an upraised society. Those that live by them need not preach them. They are part of that society. A people, with many laws, are a lawless people; people with few laws live without the need of them, and follow their highest light instead, they are in concert with the Creator and Creation. They need no books, laws, or rules to live by.
Have faith in the Father in all things, living your own personal highest light, and you shall enter the bound heavens (and beyond) fearless and full of love, and wisdom, understanding the truth of Creation.
Love, Spirit Dove 117
Recently, while talking to an acquaintance, the subject of my religion came up. "What religion are you?" I was asked and, without giving too much thought to the question, I replied: "I'm not religious, but I am a spiritual person." By the dazed look I received I knew right away that my comment had gone somewhere off in left field. This person had obviously never considered the distinction between the two terms. Have you ever considered this yourself?
I believe that most everyone is familiar with what `religion' is but what about `spirituality?' I you think about it, you will probably agree that the two terms mean very different things.
Religion is obviously an `organized' approach to worship; those who follow any particular `religion' have agreed to follow a given set of rules, ceremonies, and dogmas associated with that particular religion, the understanding of `spirituality' notwithstanding. Most everyone is aware that there are four, perhaps five basic religions prevalent in the world today, with a myriad of sub-religions springing from these basic postulations.
If you follow any of these `religions,' you are then considered as `belonging' to that religion. In my case, I have studied and have been associated with many of them, and I have chosen not to `belong' to any of them; rather, I have chosen to follow the essence of `why' these `religions' came into being in the first place, namely spirituality.
In past eras, as well as today, man has committed unbelievable 118
atrocities in the name of their especial religion(s), without giving thought that we are ALL, everyone of us, created by the same creative force, by whatever name or concept you choose.
We are ALL `spiritual' creatures and not one person, church, community, or nation has the right to impose either their religion or their shortsighted wisdom upon another. It is a crime, as well as an abomination before the Creator of us all.
As many man-tribes have come to realize; all `things' are spiritually based but it is man alone whose `spirit, evolves beyond the so-called physical plane. Virtually all creation is based upon the `living' Presence of the ALL ONE Creator. It is spirit that brings PRESENCE of the Great Spirit that brings forth life, individuality, and the existence of ALL things, animate or inanimate, seen or unseen.
Becoming aware of one's own spiritual nature, as well as that of all creation, is to begin to grow and evolve beyond the `physical' or `animal' creation from which we have sprung. This is in part why we are here, to develop not only the physical being, but the spiritual as well. The body is little more than the current vessel in which we are traveling, but `spirit,' the real you and I, will exist long after this world, with all its `religions' no longer exist.
Love, Spirit Dove
I AM THE I AM THAT BROUGHT YOU OUT OF EGYPT. (The Father, the Great Spirit.) 1. You shall have neither Gods nor Lords but the I AM. 2. You shall not make any image of the I AM out of anything that is in heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters. 3. You shall not bow down before idols or images, or anything having the form of anything in heaven, or on the earth, or in the waters. You shall not speak My Name in public, for I will not hold him guiltless that gives it to idolaters and lovers of evil. 4. Remember the sacred days and keep them holy. Six days shall you labor; but the seventh day is the Sa'abbadha. 5. Honor your father and mother. 6. You shall not kill. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal; 9. Nor bear false witness; 10. Nor covet anything that is another's. *** COMMENTS FROM SPIRIT DOVE:
Virtually all tribes, races and peoples, from the very first days of humankind upon this world have received these rules and commandments, suited to their particular development and understanding. What has been given here is but a sampling of the `better known' proclamations.
It is not the purpose of this writing to uphold any `religion' as being that given by the Creator. Let those who have eyes see, and those with ears, listen for themselves. 121
ALL religions are but stepping-stones leading to spiritual development and unfoldment. None are absolutely necessary, and none will, in or of itself, lead you to ultimate spiritual growth. Only you, by your actions, words and deeds unto others, can bring forth spiritual enlightenment and the fulfillment of the Father's Commandments.
We are ALL of, by, and sustained by, the Ever Presence of the Great Creator (by whatever name you choose.)
None can gainsay His Works or the Commandments handed down to us by His prophets. Each of us, in our quest for spiritual enlightenment, must decide for ourselves what we choose to believe, and what we choose to accept into our daily lives.
You will NOT be condemned by WHAT you believe, but rather, by HOW you live.
Love and respect eternally, Spirit Dove
The Voice of the Great Spirit can be heard over the oceans, the mountains, the valleys and over all things upon the earth, its heavens, and the great beyond, the never-ending universe. Listen to His Wisdom in all things, and in all places; it has ever been, and it shall ever be. You do not have to be native to any culture, but you need to live in harmony with all of Creation, and be content with your own creation, your own, whosoever you are; listen to the wisdom of our brothers and sisters who lived upon these lands long before any of the other cultures and races came to subdue it.
Love eternally, Spirit Dove
You have said it well my friend, the angels have interceded in your lives, helping you and Chika unto the right road, placing you where you belong. Like you, I can recite so many, many such instances, I fain from speaking, other than to laud their works and inspiration. The ones of darkness, we ignore and speak not of.
From the early 60's I have maintained a journal, entitled; "REFLECTIONS," wherein I have kept note of various prayers and, in some instances, their answers. I have begun to post some of the ones that are not too personal on both this site as well as the one in the Netherlands. Rarely are these `notes' dated and, other than Wandering Star, whom I've only shared a few, I've never shared them with anyone; may I take the liberty to share a couple here with you?
(1) "Father; Once again Your children have inspired the way, once again I am reminded how You, through Your Creations, lead and guide us unto the right way, even in such small ways, everlastingly.
Thank You Father and those who are in harmony with Your Creations for Your guidance.
(2) "Father, how soon we forget Your Presence! No sooner than have conditions seemingly gone wrong, than we are cursing and crying out in despair, forgetting that adversity gives us an opportunity to grow in spirit. 124
Forgetting too to be thankful for all the gifts that You have bestowed upon us; even life itself! For all about us are countless souls much less fortunate!
Once again, O Father, forgive Your son for his shortness! I indeed float upon a sea of self! One day, if it is Your Will, I shall overcome this world, and my endless immaturity; perhaps then I shall be worthy of Your Love.
Reach out, through Your sons and daughters, and touch the souls of men, whom You Created for Your Own Glory. Amen"
If you think some of these submissions might help others in some way let me know and I'll post others.
Love eternally, Spirit Dove October 4th, 2008
It is commonly believed that the traditional Thanksgiving we celebrate in America began with the Colonists in 1621 however, this is only partially correct. Thanksgiving cannot be traced to any specific event but has evolved over time to what it is today.
While it is true that the colonists at the Plymouth Plantation did observe a Harvest Festival with the Wampanoag Indians, this was not the origin of the practice. The Wampanoag Indians were only one of the many tribes of Native Americans that traditionally observed the practice of giving thanks for the seasons harvest; the Pueblo, the Cherokee and the Creek Nations, as well as others, regularly observed the tradition.
Most likely, the tradition was better established by the British settlers at the Berkeley Plantation in 1619, led by Captain John Woodief, when thanks and prayers were given by the Puritans for a healthy arrival from their trek across the Atlantic; they too had traditionally observed a `harvest celebration' in their native homeland.
The Harvest Festival was usually celebrated from the end of September, to early November, and generally lasted for three days, most usually commencing around September 29th on average. After the Thanksgiving celebration at Plymouth in 1621, Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of Thanksgiving and prayer, assigning it to the last week of November.
It wasn't until President Washington issued a proclamation for a nationwide day of Thanksgiving, on November 26, 1789, that it became a religious 126
holiday to promote a spirit of common heritage; before this, the tradition was observed sporadically around the last week of November.
In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln officially appointed the last Thursday of November for the observance of Thanksgiving, as this correlated to the anchoring of the Mayflower at Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
In 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt revised the `holiday' to be observed a week earlier, on the fourth Thursday of November, to encourage holiday shopping, which was adopted by a joint resolution by Congress in 1941.
While it is obviously an important holiday, especially to the early settlers of this nation, it should, in my humble opinion, be observed every day, not for just the `things' that we are provided with, but for life itself, and for the opportunity we all have to become that which we were created to become.
At the least, traditional Thanksgiving should not be observed by gorging ourselves with carnal food, but rather by prayers and fasting; it should be a day of reflection and meditation, truly a `spiritual' day.
So many of our `holidays,' religious and otherwise, seem to have evolved into mere `shopping' days, this is too bad for, in most instances, these `holidays' have lost their true meaning and import. We are truly a nation of `money-getters;' Jesus had a few unflattering things to say about that practice!
If you will, please take a moment of your time to reflect upon the following `prayer' of Thanksgiving that was given a few years ago, it is good for anytime during the year. It is especially needed now that so many of our 127
brothers and sisters are confronted with war and pestilence. They need all of our prayers, more than ever before.
Love eternally, Wandering Star & Spirit Dove
It is commonly believed that the traditional thanksgiving we celebrate in america began with the colonists in 1621 however, this is only partially correct. Thanksgiving cannot be traced to any specific event but has evolved over time to what it is today.
While it is true that the colonists at the plymouth plantation did observe a harvest festival with the wampanoag indians, this was not the origin of the practice. The wampanoag indians were only one of the many tribes of native americans that traditionally observed the practice of giving thanks for the seasons harvest; the pueblo , the cherokee and the creek nations, as well as others, regularly observed the tradition.
Most likely, the tradition was better established by the british settlers at the berkeley plantation in 1619, led by captain john woodief, when thanks and prayers were given by the puritans for a healthy arrival from their trek across the atlantic; they too had traditionally observed a `harvest celebration' in their native homeland.
The harvest festival was usually celebrated from the end of september, to early november, and generally lasted for three days, most usually commencing around september 29th on average. After the thanksgiving celebration at plymouth in 1621, governor william bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and prayer, assigning it to the last week of november.
It wasn't until president washington issued a proclamation for a nation-wide day of thanksgiving, on november 26, 1789, that it became a 129
religious holiday to promote a spirit of common heritage; before this, the tradition was observed sporadically around the last week of november.
In 1863, president abraham lincoln officially appointed the last thursday of november for the observance of thanksgiving, as this correlated to the anchoring of the mayflower at cape cod , massachusetts .
In 1939, president franklin roosevelt revised the `holiday' to be observed a week earlier, on the fourth thursday of november, to encourage holiday shopping, which was adopted by a joint resolution by congress in 1941.
While it is obviously an important holiday, especially to the early settlers of this nation, it should, in my humble opinion, be observed everyday, not for just the `things' that we are provided with, but for life itself, and for the opportunity we all have to become that which we were created to become.
At the least, traditional thanksgiving should not be observed by gorging ourselves with carnal food, but rather by prayers and fasting; it should be a day of reflection and meditation, truly a `spiritual' day.
So many of our `holidays,' religious and otherwise, seem to have evolved into mere `shopping' days, this is too bad for, in most instances, these `holidays' have lost their true meaning and import. We are truly a nation of `money-getters;' jesus had a few unflattering things to say about that practice!
If You Will, Please Take A Moment Of Your Time To Reflect Upon The Following `Prayer' Of Thanksgiving That Was Given A Few Years Ago, It Is Good For Anytime During The Year. It Is Especially Needed Now That So 130
Many Of Our Brothers And Sisters Are Confronted With War And Pestilence. They Need All Of Our Prayers, More Than Ever Before.
Love Eternally, Wandering Star & Spirit Dove November 23rd, 2008
Dear Creator,
Today we commemorate another mortal `Thanksgiving,' with all the strife and spiritual darkness that abounds in this era.
It is difficult at times to be positive and happy with all the trials and tribulations going forth this day; that is until we realize that all is within Your keeping. All things will, in time, prove to serve an ultimate good. We entreat You to protect and guide Your children who are in harm’s way, comfort them that are in distress, and protect those who are the innocent victims of man’s folly.
Beyond comprehension is Your Presence. Forgive us for our lapse of faith in You and in ourselves as well. Your Will and Your Light shall prevail now, and forever.
Thank You Father for all of Your gifts and blessings.
Bless those who serve You.
Love, Spirit Dove November 23rd, 2008
Once again, my fellow travelers, we approach the end of another `solar year' upon the corporeal earth. We are about to celebrate the Old, as well as the New Year’s days.
For those of you who are not familiar with these days let me give you a brief description. As the earth plies about its roadway, chasing after the sun, it approaches and recedes away from the sun, causing the duration of our period of light to lengthen and shorten in relationship to its travel. In other words, our days grow shorter in the winter and longer in the summer months.
In this hemisphere the shortest days generally occur around December 20th and December 21st, varying slightly from time to time. At the time of the shortest days (the Winter Equinox) the earth appears to end its furthest travel from the sun and appears to begin its return toward the sun. These two days are essentially the same length in measured time and, from then the days begin to lengthen, until we reach the longest days (the Summer Equinox.)
The shortest day is called the Old Years Day, and it is a time of reflection upon the things that have transpired during the preceding year; a time to ask those whom you've wronged for forgiveness, exchanging gifts of no intrinsic value, with singing, and prayers.
With the setting of the sun on that day, you shall be purged of all animosity and claims against every man, woman and child in the entire world.
And with the New Year’s Day, you shall rejoice and sing and dance; mingling together old and young, even as the old year and the new year are joined together, side by side.
As with the Old Year you reflect upon the things that transpired, so then, shall you look unto the New Year as a blessing and a time to better yourself and your relationships with your Creator and your fellow travelers. These, then, are the most sacred and holy days of the year and begins the cycle of Sabbath days which occur every seventh day thereafter.
It has been shown that it well for man to labor for six days but on the seventh, the Sabbath, mankind should rest and partake of spiritual communion and praise unto the Creator and His Creations, with singing and oratory.
This also places the inhabitants of earth in concert with the time and seasons within the `bound' heavens of the earth.
The Creator has said: That mortals and angels may live and labor in concert, behold, I have given certain days whereby large congregations on earth may be met by My organic heavens, in reunion, mortals and angels, for the happiness of both, and for the glory of My works.
Now, behold also, as by My Presence I inspire you, when you labor with Me, and you are doing righteously, and with purity and love, so also is it with you, in regard to My angels.
When you make and keep your corporeal (physical) body pure and clean, My angels, who are pure and clean, come to you to aid you, and to enlighten you. 134
And when you put away all unclean thoughts and all selfish desires, and seek to obtain wisdom, and to learn how best you can help your fellowman, behold, My angels of light and wisdom come to you, and, by virtue of their presence, which you see not, they inspire your soul in the light of your Creator.
Man has said: I will not be a seer, nor a prophet, nor a su'is, nor sar'gis; verily, I will not have angels with me to teach me, or to give me any light or knowledge under the sun.
Whatever I can attain, it shall be my own. Wiser is it for me to attain to know, and to do things of myself, than have angels come and give to me, or manifest through me.
Verily, I will not be used, by man or angels, for it would be prostituting my flesh and my spirit to others.
Behold, my body was given to me for my own use and profit, to establish and develop my own soul unto eternal happiness in individuality. Alike unto all people is My Presence. I AM unto the just and the unjust; I AM everywhere, both in darkness and in light.
Because you are in darkness, you discern me not. Because you are imperfect in flesh and spirit, you deny Me. Because you are confounded with inharmony, you believe not in Me.
He (or she) who has not an ear for music discovers not a tune; even as he (or she) that is discordant denies My Person. 135
To the pure there is no selfishness, neither for earthly things, nor for their own flesh and spirit.
A pure man (or woman) is as a clear glass; he (or she) can see out of themselves, and, so, perceive My angels and Me.
Through the pure man (or woman), pure angels can see mortality as well as spirituality. Their presence inspires men and women to understand all things.
As much as a man (or woman) that is not a seer, or a su'is, or a sar'gis are the angels, as is with those that are seers, or su'is, or sar'gis. Because you see not, nor hear angels, only proves your darkness, but proves not the absence of angels.
To the dark, come the dark; with the dark, abide the dark, both, angels and mortals.
More is the man of darkness ruled by angels than is the man of light. Behold, I created you not to fill any place in all the world for your own self's sake.
Neither gave I your flesh nor your spirit to be yours only. These, also, shall you relinquish, saying: To You, O Creator, I give all; my flesh, my spirit, my mind, and all my service, to be Yours forever. (You are sufficient unto all Your Creations.)
You shall say: Appropriate me, soul and body, in whatsoever way You can, that I may do the most good unto others, mortals and angels. Until you attain to this, you shall not hear My Voice, nor see My Hand. 136
As I gave away Myself, and thus created all things, so shall you follow in My footsteps, in order to become one with Me.
Herein lays the secret of wisdom, truth, love and power, time without end.
Penned from "Book of Inspiration" By Spirit Dove December 21st, 20089
It is rare for me to speak of myself but in this case, I am inspired to speak out since cancer is so rampant, affecting so many people, in so many ways. Perhaps my thoughts and observations can be of some help.
Cancer can, and does strike indiscriminately. You do not necessarily have to be in ill health to become a victim. It seems to me from my research that it has more to do with diet than anything else.
Cancer seems to be more prevalent in societies that have an abundance of processed food, with little exposure to `natural' sources of vitamins and minerals. The human body is an amazing organism and is capable of defending itself from almost all invasions, so long as it is provided with the necessary tools, in this case vitamins and minerals.
So much of what we purchase today has been messed with (mostly for financial gain in one form or another) from the time it is a seedling to the time it is offered to the public for consumption. Rarely are we allowed to receive `natural' food, and if it IS offered, the price is ridiculously inflated.
Before I proceed with any further comments, I feel impelled to submit a disclaimer in order to protect myself; I am not a medical doctor nor do I present this submission in order to advise anyone what they should or should not do concerning the subject matter. I am, however, qualified from the standpoint that I have (and am) experiencing cancer first hand and I have come to some basic conclusions, which are mine and mine alone.
There is no `quick fix' for cancer, it is an insidious, destructive force, and it is present in all forms of life if the organism cannot stave it off by its 138
own defenses. That is why it is imperative that everyone make sure that they are receiving all that the body requires; this is not so easy in societies that will not provide it through their monetary exchanges, opting monetary gain over the welfare of its people.
There are so many ails in the world today that I doubt that anything I say will have much, if any, impact upon the subject BUT, if YOU, as an individual, will take the time to consider my words and take YOUR life and health into your own hands, you CAN (in my opinion) not only stop but reverse cancer.
Make it a point to locate sources of `natural' foods, even if it means growing your own on a small scale, or perhaps forming group gardens to share the expense, work, and benefits of a more healthful diet. Look into the body’s needs, I'm not a physician, nor am I a dietician but I KNOW, beyond any doubt that the basic requisite for a healthy body it to provide it with its needs, which includes exercise, pure water, and a good environment.
While you are looking into this, it might be well that you look into the natural sources of the so-called vitamin B-17, or laetrile as is sometimes called. I do not necessarily advocate its use but it DOES seem to hold great merit in the prevention and irradiation of cancer. I would have used it myself had I realized early on that my colon was infected but there just simply was not enough time to reverse the cancers growth. I was left no other option than to proceed with the so-called medical professionals approach to its removal. I would never wish upon anyone what I have had to endure because of this decision. 139
Having said all this, I hope it will be of some value to you; it is never too late to begin to take care of yourself and (in my opinion) sidestep cancers hold. ALL things can be changed or altered given the tools to do so. Give yourself a fighting chance NOW, before cancer finds a foothold within your members.
Since this is a `spiritual' site, I would be remiss if I didn't put in my two cents regarding the spiritual aspects upon the subject; all things are spiritual as a point in fact, nothing is strictly material.
All of my life I have heard people saying such things as: "Why did this happen to me? What have I done to deserve this?" or such things as "If it is Gods Will such and such" or "An act of God!" or perhaps, "I am blessed (or cursed, as the case may be)." What utter nonsense these concepts are! Neither the Creator, God, the Lords, nor the angels serving them have anything whatsoever to do with the matter. As it has been said: "Rain falls upon both the just and the unjust." This is a wise and insightful statement! Neither our Father nor those that serve Him, have any desire to intervene in the lives of mortals. It is up to us to avoid the pitfalls of both our corporeal as well as our spiritual existence; that is part of our responsibility.
While the foregoing statement is true, there are always exceptions. In very rare cases, angels have been commissioned from the `Godhead' to assist mortals on an individual level but it's extremely rare and it's never for self-sake nor for individual aggrandizement and they never make their presence known to the mortal subject. The angels of the Godhead nearly always come in groups, serving groups. This is a prime rule of heaven that must be followed. If you hear someone say that God did this or that, they are usually mistaken. 140
Generally speaking, few people understand that we are immersed in a sea of souls; souls (spirits or angels, either term applies) that have been born out of corporality and haven't sufficiently developed to inhabit places external to the earth-plane and therefore remain, to the most part, within our proximity.
It is these `bound' spirits that we deal with from the day of our corporeal birth to the day of our spiritual birth. These spirits inspire and direct us in our every action throughout our corporal lives. It is to these spirits that we need attribute our prayers as having being answered for it is they who cause the unseen to become manifest; it is they that are attracted to those of us who hold things in common with them, whatsoever that may be. In this case, like DOES attract like.
If you will think about it for a moment, you will realize that the vast majority of spirits being born into the realm of spirit (corporeal death) in this era do not rise above the earth plane and that is chiefly why there is so much confusion upon earth. It is caused by their diverse and often times confused state of existence.
If you consider the kinds of people who presently reside with us, they range from all aspects; from highly intelligent to unbelievably stupid, from God-fearing to downright evil. You will realize too that these self same kinds of people are those who surround us in spirit. Just the act of dying does not alter ones personality or demeanor one iota.
All things come to us from without; we, in our current condition, are impotent and without effect, whereas the spirits that surround us are potent and have considerable power over our environment.
The only true salvation that we, who are yet confined to our corporeal stature possess, is the ability to decide and choose what inspiration and/or information we wish to accept from the multitude that comes to us every moment of our lives. We have freedom of choice!
We have the power to choose virtually every aspect of our lives and are, therefore responsible for whatsoever we make of ourselves. You have the choice of where you live, what you eat, what you wear, the company you keep, the kind of person you wish to personify and even what and how you wish to worship and the list goes on and on. The Father has given you complete freedom in all these things and you are therefore accountable for what you make of yourself.
While it is true that neither the Creator, His God, the Lords nor the angels that serve them will ever inspire us into darkness and strife, it IS very possible that the bound spirits CAN, and often DO cause strife and havoc among mortals but know too that they shall pay dearly for their deeds in time to come. Nothing in heaven or upon earth goes unrewarded or unpunished in the aggregate. Remember this too in your own life and dealings.
Have I personally been invaded by disenchanted spirits? Who knows, perhaps, but I doubt it. I would rather choose to believe that my problems stem from poor choices and bad judgment by not providing my temple with the right materials to ward off my cancer. Because of my staunch belief in the Great Spirit, it could be that there are those who would do me ill. I pray for their sake that it is not so, even though I have already forgiven them.
I guess it really doesn't matter so long as I (and those who are inflicted by these lowly spirits) maintain a strong faith in the Ever Present Creator and those who serve Him. He is, and always shall be our sure foundation through 142
all things, both on earth and within the limitless expanses of the heavens that lie before us. Never blame or condemn the Hands that Created you and those who only offer love and peace throughout their tenure of servitude unto the ALL ONE.
Love eternally, Spirit Dove & Wandering Star
Others, much wiser than me, have said that life is but a journey, a journey that shall ultimately carry us beyond the confines of this small world, beyond our starry universe, and even beyond the realms that only the highest angels have traversed. The Great Spirit, the Creator that resides within my soul, has shown me that this is so. It is through Him that all knowledge and all things are possible, worlds without end.
Many of the Father's children trudge through their lives as though a great weight is cast upon them; it is as though they are traveling along a pathway that is steep and arduous. If only they could be made to realize that they can find joy and happiness in their lives, they do not have to live in despair. Our Father wants only good things for His children.
Certainly, it is difficult not to worry and fret over the conditions that we live with today, with wars, pestilences, and calamities at every quarter. The conditions that prevail upon earth are of man's own making. As man has created the conditions that exist upon the earth, man can change the conditions of the world by how he lives! God knows our plight and is mindful of our needs; He ever comes forth unto those who will listen. We must never place the blame for the woes of the earth upon our Creator, His God or the angels that attend them.
We cannot find spiritual peace or happiness by seeking those Excellences within the fabric of our corporeal (physical) existence. Many seek happiness by affiliating with their family or friends or with the members of their churches or other organizations, while these afford some 144
appeasement yet they lack fulfillment. Others seek happiness by traveling to most exotic places the world over but they too discover that those places do not fulfill their desires.
There are untold worldly trinkets to placate and appease the desires of man but none of these shall ever bring the peace or harmony for which he seeks. In time these `things' shall fade away as surely as the last rays of sunlight flitter through the forest before sunset. They are effervescent and shall soon fade from existence.
So where do we find this sense of peace, fulfillment and happiness if it cannot be found in people, places or things? Where do we seek to find God if not within our family or our churches or in our myriad of organizations?
Our Creator, that has brought us forth into existence, is Ever Present, residing within all of His Creations. This concept is very difficult, neigh impossible for corporeal man to comprehend in its entirety. That is partly why we have found it necessary to fabricate our various idolatries, that we might envision Him on a `physical' level. In truth, we shall never see the Father as we see our fellow man!
We are (each of us) a part of, and an expression of the Great Spirit, the Ever Present. We owe our corporeal selves to His corporeal Self and our spiritual selves (which is LIFE and motion) to His Immortal Self.
Our corporeal selves shall remain with the corporeal earth when our time on earth comes to an end, whereas our eternal and immortal self, being a part of the Eternal and Immortal Creator, shall live on into eternity. Native peoples the world over have understood this concept much more 145
than today's so-called modern man for they resided in a closer relationship with the Ever Present in their daily lives. They acknowledged their existence within the scheme of things. They worshipped the Almighty in how they conducted their lives.
Man today has lost that closeness and has forgotten his Creator; he is caught up in the contrivances and entrapments of the so-called modern world. It has been said, "Man shall be confounded by his own contrivances," and it is so!
Man has entered the age of spiritual enlightenment. Man is now capable of comprehensive judgment and is therefore, no longer bound by the decrees and religious dogmas set forth by his forefathers. No longer shall he bow down to any god, lord, church, or idol save the Great Spirit, his Creator.
Peace, harmony, love, and happiness cannot be found by any corporeal standard or measurement. These Excellences come only from spirit and by living a spiritual life. Man must put away the things of the earth and cleave unto his Father, seeking His Light and guidance in all things. When man does this, the angels that are by his side shall enlighten him and show him the way unto eternal peace, harmony, and growth, when humankind does this, the world shall once again become a place of happiness rather than contention. War shall be no more upon the earth.
Live in peace and love one another, the world is wide enough and bountiful enough to sustain all of its peoples. The earth belongs to no one but to everyone. We are all the Father's children.
Love eternally, Spirit Dove
MAY 3rd, 2009
Good morning my dear friends,
(Please forgive my writing, using the first person but I don't know of a better way in this case.)
We have had a lovely spring shower, the lushness of our surroundings seem especially refreshed and invigorated as throngs of birds are singing their praises unto one another and unto the Great Spirit. All about us `nature' exudes a sense of harmony and happiness, how could anyone deny the Presence of our wonderful Creator with such beauty all about us?
During these past several months, while dealing with cancer and its after effects, I have been blessed with an opportunity to reflect upon life, and the many aspects related to my views and priorities regarding it. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the many of you who have accepted and lauded my views, and to apologize to those of you whom I have offended by them. My intentions have never been to cause pain or anguish by my words.
It has been my privilege during these trials to readdress my heritage, or at least my base understanding of it; I have come full circle in many of my concepts of self and the world in which I live.
Even though my personal views may not have changed much, my approach as to how I extol them to my readers most certainly has. It is not my place to condemn or criticize others approach to life, how they worship, or, for that matter, whom they worship, that is a personal matter between themselves and their Creator. I have been guilty of over stepping my bounds 148
when it comes to imposing my opinions, for this I sincerely apologize and beg for your forgiveness.
When I was very young, I wrote an article that related to the spokes of a wheel, where the various spokes that emanated from its hub (the earth) represented the various religions of men and their ascension to the heavens.
Recently however, I read a quote from a Native American concerning the same wheel and its spokes; in this case, unlike mine, it related to the races of men living upon the peripheral of the wheel, with the various spokes representing men's different religious approaches, all of which would eventually arrive at the same juncture (the heavens). I like this version much better, even though the analogy is somewhat different.
There is no one way, nor one right way to approach eternal life. We are all finding our own path by the life that we live. No one has the right or the responsibility to tell another what to believe or how to approach eternal life.
I have found that as we progress along life's pathway that our perception and our concepts of reality changes with time and experience. What we believe at one point along our journey will not necessarily be what we believe later on.
As there are no two worlds exactly alike neither are there any two people exactly alike in their perception or understanding and, therefore, there is not just one-way unto salvation but there are as many ways as there are people.
Thank you my friends for bearing with me all these many years, I have enjoyed expounding upon the gems of spiritual truth that have come my way but I do apologize for my lack of consideration in doing so.
It is my hope to continue to write but in the future, it is my intention to dwell more upon praise unto our Creator and to extol the unlimited beauty and virtues of His existence within His Works.
I will always enjoy hearing from any of you who wish to communicate but I suggest that you place the word "Creator" in the subject matter of your correspondence, as I may not open it otherwise. Unfortunately, there are just too many underdeveloped spirits upon the earth in this era, and we must be careful what we allow into our computer as well as into our lives.
Love eternally, Spirit Dove (llastop2@...) & Wandering Star, my devoted and lovely wife May 3rd, 2009
Man comes forth upon the corporeal earth, conceited, boasting of his superiority over all of My other Creations. In his nearsightedness and with his little understanding of himself, or the world in which he shares, he boasts of his dominion over all that I have made.
Unto all of My Creations, I have bestowed perfection, save for man, whom I have created a blank, devoid of understanding and of wisdom. Man alone must develop his own entity, his own whatsoever he shall become. All things, seen and unseen, shall write upon his soul, therefore man alone, unlike any other of My Creations, is responsible for himself in all particulars for he has the freedom of choice.
Through My Presence, through My direct inspiration, I inspire the spider to weave its net, the bird to build its nest to perfection, the ant to gather in its stores and the honeybee to live in its queendom in harmony. All My Creations, save man, follow My Inspiration upon them and they err not.
The Lord said: "All the instinct that is in the bird, or beast, or fish, or insect, or creeping thing, was created with them, but man was created blank; and yet man shall attain to more subtle senses than any other living creature."
Man inquired: "How shall man attain to these?" The Lord answered: "Serve thy Creator by doing good unto others with all thy wisdom and 151
strength, and by being true to thine own highest light, and all knowledge shall come to thee."
So the Lord left man for a season to himself; and man so loved the earth and whatsoever ministered unto his ease, and to his flesh desires, that he fell from his high estate. And great darkness came upon the earth. And man cast aside his clothes, and went naked, and became carnal in his desires."
Behold, O man, I have lain before you examples sufficient within My Creations that you may learn and grow in wisdom... Heed My Presence within My Works.
Behold the honeybee; "I am a worker. In a community, I live with my brothers and sisters. I shut my eyes to things sour and bitter, and store my house with sweet provender only. Soul of man, hear me! I am the Voice of your Creator. Behold the harmony of my house, and the provision I make for my newborn!"
Behold the ant, O man. "I am a worker. In a community, I live with my brothers and sisters. Soul of man, hear me. I am the Voice of your Creator. Behold the industry of my house, and the burdens we bear jointly into our stores."
And of the spider, he speaks unto man; "Behold me, O man! I am one with your Creator. By the spirit of things, I move; by the geometrical figures of the unseen worlds, I build my house. Think not that I reason or take lessons from other spiders; I take no lessons; I move by the spirit within me, and it moves in concert with the spirit of things without. Hear me, spirit of man! There are two ways to knowledge before you; one is by the soul of things, 152
and one is by reason only." Listen unto the Voice of the Almighty within all of His Works, yourself included."
"As there was a time when I created every animal perfect in its order; so also shall such a time come unto man, and now is the dawn thereof." "As the spider leans to build her net without books and the bees to dwell in queendom, in peace and industry, without books and written laws and instructions as how to do this and that, even so, now is a new birth to the generations of My people."
"By My direct inspiration upon them shall they learn to do all things perfect, in the order of man for which I created him."
"Man shall know how to do things easily, and without the long labor of books, and without showing, or examples."
"As of old, I commanded you to have dominion over every living thing I created; so, now, I command you to take the earth and the waters of the earth and the air above the earth into your dominion also."
"And you shall rule over them; to drive away the heat, and bring the cold; to drive away the cold, and bring the heat, as you will, for the benefit of all the living."
"To accomplish which, you shall now, first of all, adapt yourself to your Creator, according to My highest light upon you":
"To put away your own in-harmony in your blood and flesh, and in your soul. Opening the way for My Inspiration to come directly to you, that you may be one with Me." 153
The ways and means to accomplish "putting away in-harmony in our blood, flesh and soul" will be the subject of future 'excerpts' and will continue in as many PARTS as are necessary to broach the subject.
Please look forward to PART TWO.
Love, Spirit Dove Hoyona, Yolda! May 13, 2009
EDITOR’S NOTE: It is quite possible that Spirit Dove has written Part Two, but if so, I have not yet seen it. If he has not yet on earth, Brice most certainly has in the higher heavens, and we all look forward to its simple yet profound wisdom, honesty, love and light. As far as I can tell, this was his last spiritual message before passing onward into the next world. I wish the greatest love and light to him, my good friend and look forward to meeting him in person for the first time in the heavens above. (Robert Bayer)
… Never The End …