Nakamura Tetsu — [ Poem ] — March 13th, 2021 — Robert Bayer — (1 page)

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書式変更: フォント : (英) MS Pゴ シック, (日) MS Pゴシック, 14 pt

Nakamura Tetsu, 中村 哲: To the Higher Soul Ever True To the People of Afghanistan — an Asian Angel of heroic hue Timeless kindness — his Peace Japan Medical Services, great societal works imbued, Whose high purpose was every village, ever person from hardship and death to rescue. First in the 1980s, as a doctor saving the suffering of leprosy—unclean disease did undo. The 1990s: Uncle Murad constructed clinic after clinic that life after life could continue. In the 2000s: using canal-building techniques from native Japan, his home state Kyushu, Together built canal networks transforming drought and desert into fruitful farm verdure. Thus over one-million once-starving poor were empowered to till lands of prosperity anew.

A martyr in the end, in the end, Dr. Nakamura still attained his saintly visions of virtue,

Seeing thousands of villages brought back to life by the waters of vitality and love renewed. Ever Alive with The Spirit of Good Works: Nakamura Tetsu.

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