Nelson Mandela, Liberty for Africans Founding Father, Who took the long walk to freedom — The ANC Leader; Who never gave up to despair, never gave in to hatred — The Dreamer. For this is Robben Island’s Supernal Prisoner for decade upon decade — absolutely unbreakable — The Warrior. O Sing his names: Rolihlahla! — Madiba! — Tata! O tribes of Zulu, Tsonga, Vhavenda, Xhosa, Tswana! The One from Thembu who demolished apartheid — every chain and bar With nothing but Majestic Justice and Courage—Halleluya! Waged Peace and Truth — racial reconciliation — Ndiyabulela!
Bringing Black, Brown, White Together for the first time, for the future of South Africa. Encouraging the impoverished with prosperity, the downtrodden with education, — alpha through omega; Ever Shining forth the Spirit of Africa: Nelson Mandela.