The Eloist Ministry began only a few decades after the writing of Oahspe and while The Eloists favor mysticism over spiritualism, their paths nevertheless are harmonious ones in that both champion being of service to the world in whatever way one can. Walter DeVoe, its mystic-new-thought founder, had entered the spirit world decades before these Eloist writings on Oahspe had been produced. Yet doubtlessly his adherence to the Eloist principles, such as vegetarianism, angelic communion and pacifism, all made Oahspe a favorite source of inspiration for the Eloists over the decades, even up to its closure at the turn of the millennium. Thus, following the Faithism path as described in Oahspe has been one of the major themes on the mystic path which Eloists have been researching for the world’s benefit for over 100 years. Here is a collection of their finest writings on this topic.