Oahspe — The Eloists— from Radiance — (42 pages) — [1983-1999

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Oahspe The Eloists from Radiance


Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.

Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:



More are hardships to be desired than ease and luxury. This is a statement from Oahspe which is most provocative, so difficult for mortals to accept that they who utter it are deemed fools. How many thousands of years of experience in darkness, a Creator, hast Thou given humanity to bring it to the present stage of its growth? In this age, we have the capacity to awaken as divine souls, for understanding Thy Presence and Power, and becoming co-creators with Thee in building a heaven on earth. Humanity does not yet understand the magnificence and glory of its destiny, compared to which the experience of darkness, however painful, is as nothing. But a few are beginning to understand their oneness with Thee, and are consciously trying to work with Thee for soul upliftment. It is in this awareness, and in losing the lesser self, that people find peace, love and joy of living, and escape from the age-old miseries of their corporeal nature. Neither science nor philosophies nor religions will do it. The Light of the present era will infiltrate our nature, our souls will come alive, and we will begin to practice love and good works from the inspiration of Thy Presence within us, O Jehovih, and Thy Kingdom will be established on earth.


We have a tendency to lecture ourselves and others, and philosophize about life, and to put into words the way we feel about everything. Is this good? By writing or speaking our thoughts, are we accomplishing anything worthwhile? Perhaps what we say isn't so important as the fact that we are exercising certain faculties, and keeping the mind on a constructive level. We are giving strength to the soul's purpose, and lessening the control of darkness. Of course, we should be careful not to bore or annoy others with our opinions or realizations. People respond more to gentleness, kindliness and goodwill, than to words. Also, they respond to the practice of good works. We must learn to put the higher qualities into our words if we would have them be effective for good. Our purpose, O Creator, is to help uplift others and thus to serve and glorify Thee. We would rather keep our tongues quiet, and never reveal a word of Thy inspiration upon us, or express a personal opinion, if, in the process, we leave the impression that we consider our light to be above that of any other. But, after all, should we plan in advance what we will or will not do? It seems better that we should learn to live more from Thy inspiration of the moment.

Is it not better, always, O Creator, to praise Thee praise others,

praise life; and be thankful, happy, kind, gentle and willing to serve, than to be forever reasoning and philosophizing about everything? Reason and philosophy have a place in life, no doubt, but we are seeking the way to help uplift our family, friends and neighbors.

Once in a while, words will ring a bell with someone, and help them find the answer to something they are seeking. In our own search words have helped us greatly, especially those in Oahspe, and the words of our founder, Walter DeVoe. If he had expressed kindliness only, without words, without explanation, we would not have responded as well as we did. Oahspe has been invaluable in opening up our consciousness and giving us understanding. If we accept the truth of the statement in Oahspe that "an opinion is not Light," we should bear this in mind when we put our thoughts into words. Words are truly like seeds that, when implanted in a person's consciousness, where there is fertility through a person's searching, can grow to become priceless realizations. This has happened to us. There is the possibility that it can happen to others whom we can reach with words.

The following uses of words can be beneficial:

To speak words of praise and thankfulness to the Almighty. To affirm one's faith in the Creator, and one's love for the Creator.


You are our bridge to mortality. Through your faculties we are able to reach our wards on your plane in ways that are not possible for us through regular channels of inspiration. We are very much aware of the needs and aspirations of all who have made an effort to rise above the limitations and imperfections of past revelations and doctrines that no longer offer enough food for growth to the more discriminating minds of this new age. That which may have been wholesome and fulfilling to searching souls of centuries past may be inappropriate for seekers of truth today, regardless of what inherent values these doctrines may possess. The doctrinal roots may be strong, but with the passage of time the fruits may wither.

As you search your souls in meditation and reevaluate or question both your past actions and your future aspirations, we can offer valuable guidance and timely observations. At the very least, our having passed through the portals of death gives us some advantage in wisdom and perspective. Our time is not metered as your time is, for our perception is from a different perspective and the measurement of time is a relative quantity.

You perceive time in

small quantities that you subdivide in smaller units. This tends to mislead you and inherently limits your ability to perceive the larger

trends and ultimate course of events, just like the traveler who only looks down upon the pebbles at his feet and never raises his head to appreciate the expanse of highway yet stretched before him. Oahspe, hopefully, has expanded your perceptions in this regard, and has allowed you to see that the greater trends in humanity, cultures and societies are not happenstance or coincidence, but rather are carefully guided and tempered toward a carefully premeditated and predetermined end. You know that this has been so through centuries past and will continue to be so through centuries yet to come; and come they will, for mankind on your planet is destined to survive and thrive for many centuries yet to come in the future.

We have told you that one sign and prerequisite to the full blossoming of the Kosmon age is technological sophistication or a mature wisdom of the things of corpor, which shall become evenly balanced with a spiritual sophistication as well. This growing balance between the two is already evident in things of corpor; but less evident to you have been the things of spirit, yet it is there as well. We have told you that one aspect of this spiritual growth will be a greater interaction between your plane and ours, one in which communication on all levels will become more frequent and commonplace. Spiritual communion or "channeling" as is the popular term now has been reinstituted since the dawn of Kosmon and it has flourished since. Your lack of greater awareness of this fact is that

you measure time in smaller quantities and that allows your perception of this fact to be clouded by the brief interruptions in spirit communion that occur when the sub-cycle intensity of light fluctuates and causes momentarily unfavorable conditions, just as so-called "sun spots" momentarily interrupt radio communications. Ten or twenty year lapses of favorable degrees of light cloud your awareness of our presence and cause you to turn your thoughts toward the more familiar things of corpor and forget our presence. Yet we have been here, nevertheless, and since these lapses are only as a skipped heart beat to us we are in a sense frustrated by your short attention span and equally short memory. Conditions were most favorable from dawn through the release of Oahspe, and favorable again only two generations ago. It is again becoming favorable now. To you these are separate events, but to us it is all one.

Numerous mortals have the psychic sensitivity to perceive our influence, many more than has been the case in the past, for that is also part of what the growth of Kosmon is about. This sensitivity in great numbers combined with a new burst of favorable conditions will foster so-called channels in great numbers over the next several decades. They will be of all levels of inspiration and of equally diverse motives. We also tell you that the time will come when their spiritual influence will become more tangible and commonplace, and

the spirits of the dead will walk and speak and talk and teach visibly to mortals and the veil between your plane and ours will be cast away not to be closed again forever.


Oahspe has been our major contribution to awaken mortals to the greater spiritual truths that they are now mature enough as a race to comprehend, especially in reference to their evolution into a new age of corporeal and spiritual sophistication.

It has never been our

intention that that would be the final installment of truth from our planes.

Rather it was intended to be an overview, an “ice breaker�,

so to speak, that would allow the reader a comprehensive realization that would free his mind of the shackles that have bound him to the half-truths, misconceptions, and lies of the past.

We are now on the verge of a new era, one that will endure for somewhat less than forty centuries and has as yet only consumed somewhat more than its first. It has barely begun and already you have progressed corporeally from horse-drawn wagons to space

ships, not to mention in many more subtle ways as well, due to our continual inspiration over the years.

Have faith in yourselves and the future will unfold as it should. There will be many changes in your society through the next decade. Lifestyles will be reshaped in many ways and events will be somewhat more disruptive through the coming decade than they were in the decade past. We are now in a new decade by our calendar (140 A.K.) and you will see some changes this year, that will accelerate as the next few years roll upon us. From your mortal viewpoint you should remain centered and secure, not taking on any changes in lifestyle that would create any great disruption, risk, or confusion, because you may find the added effects of disruption in your environment a bit too disconcerting for your own peace of mind. Keep focused on your work whatever you choose that to be, and keep yourselves centered and secured, like a starfish on a rocky shoal, and you will not be washed away by the changing tides. There is much conflict and confusion yet to be resolved before the Light peaks at the end of the next decade.

Remember that the

rising luminosity of spiritual light is not always comfortable, but it is always humbling, centering, and mellowing to those that understand the workings and mechanisms involved and who therefore are appreciative in their greater wisdom.

SERVICE (2001)

What is our work? What are we trying to do? To learn to love one another, and to practice good works for one another from the inspiration of Thy Presence within us, O Creator. To cultivate awareness of Thy Presence and Power with humanity, of Thy Rulership throughout the universe, and of Thy All-ness. To try to live and act from the consciousness of eternal life, and not for this world alone. To get control of our minds and bodies so that we are masters of ourselves, and able to act as Thy instruments here on earth. To learn how to serve and glorify Thee, and not serve self, nor the self of humanity. To become nothing as selves in order that the darkness may be replaced by light, and that Thy Will, wisdom and Love may manifest through us. What is self, and how is it distinguished from that which is not of the self? "Two things only set I before Thee, O man; the Self that is Myself, and the self that is thyself. Which wilt thou serve?" (Oahspe) Thy Voice is gentle and loving, O Jehovih! It speaks only for upliftment, peace, goodwill and good works. Thou art the All-Highest in us, giving liberty to all. Thou art the beauty and nobility of the divine souls that we are in reality, and that of all human souls in all worlds forever.


Oahspe challenges most conventional religions through the power of reason and common sense. This is the great gift the dawn of Kosmon has bestowed upon humanity; that is, the return to the power of reason and self-determination as it should be for any people who have reached maturity, both spiritually and corporeally.

With maturity comes responsibility, and so you have been told. The responsibility is yours to take your own destiny into your own hands and mold it in the direction you want it to go. The results will be to your own glory or detriment with only yourself to blame and only yourself as your ultimate savior or redeemer. We have been guiding you and giving you advice, but ultimately all is left at your discretion. Be diligent and continually reexamine and reassess your progress just as you would with any other project or goal; the principle is the same whether it is applied to an external task or your own internal development. Remember that we are usually never satisfied with the rate of our own progress and we usually are our own hardest critics. So be kind to yourself. Keep an elevated mood, and where you find yourself falling short, reaffirm your commitment to fix it, and take the steps to carry on with the humble assurance that you will ultimately attain all you aspire to. Be at peace in your soul.


Oahspe has opened the¡ door between your realm and ours in a way that dispels so much of the lies, superstitions and fallacies about life in spirit and our ultimate destiny upon arriving in this realm of greater experience. Beings of great enlightenment who were commissioned for this job were divided into groups and assigned sections of history for their synopsis and review. All these reports were then assembled and transcribed at the appropriate time. Once they were content that the essence of their information had been safety transcribed and readied for printing, they relaxed the tight security they had assembled for the project and they removed the specially created angelic pleroma from the earthly base.

While Newbrough continued to be guided and protected by a smaller group of inspiring; hosts, it was nowhere near the magnitude created for the transmission of Oahspe. Since a certain degree of latitude was given to Newbrough in the publication of the manuscript, it did vary in some detail from the original text, but not enough to change the meaning or message.

Those Hosts who had the publication of this guidebook . for the new age under their care did take the process as a serious and weighty

responsibility, but they did not fuss over the manuscript in any way that would suggest that they wanted to precisely construct a sacred text in which the readers would hang onto its every word, comma and period. They were content to have the essence of their ideas conveyed so that people would be set on a fundamental path toward greater personal awareness of their Creator, with an understanding of their personal responsibility for their own unfoldment and the unfoldment of others.

They wanted it to be a guide, not a straight-jacket.

They wanted it

to inspire broader thinking and creativity, not stifle it. They wanted it to inspire independence and creativity, not regimentation and short-sightedness. Once you have embraced the ideas expressed in Oahspe, then take the initiative to strive to express all the talents that have been created within you. Step forth with the Creator's Light upon you, having the confidence that this direct and divine inspiration will guide you to act as the angelic soul that you already are, capable and ready to accomplish wonderful things for the benefit of all souls in this New Age.


Oahspe states that there are more meaningful ways to serve the Creator than building churches and alms houses which are impotent in reaching the cause of society's ills. When you look about your cities today, you see great numbers who are homeless and destitute, and just as their¡ numbers have proliferated before your eyes in the past few years, so will they continue to grow in numbers at an ever accelerating rate over the years ahead, until they become a great burden to your society.

They are a reflection of the ever-widening gap between the wealthy and destitute that inevitably grows in a free enterprise system and they are one omen of the economic and social ills that are destined to grow through the decades ahead. Though democratic republics are the highest forms of government yet to manifest in the world to date, even they are inherently flawed and their weaknesses eventually begin to show with more obvious clarity as the years roll on. Whenever the priorities of those who compose society are ultimately self-serving and selfish, there must inevitably be a reaping of the lesser light. It gradually becomes more obvious in the people who have been elected as government representatives, and it becomes more obvious as the bureaucracy, waste, injustice and

squalor grow before your eyes.

Do not think that the current society will find a solution for these problems, for it will not. Temporary patches and short-sighted solutions will be found when it becomes politically expedient, but do not expect the ungodly to act in a godlike manner with any true effectiveness or consistency. The deterioration will be slow and will gradually come to disgust those who are truly altruistic, sensitive and compassionate. These are the ones who will eventually transform society. Not through a sudden reformation, not through any great exodus like Moses turning on Egypt; rather, it will be a gradual transformation that will well up from within as the Light of the Ever-Present moves them to act. It will be subtle and silent at first, but the movement will grow with ever greater inspiration as the Light of this New Age grows within the hearts of those who have chosen to sincerely seek the Higher Light over the baubles of Mammon. Their new world will gradually grow alongside the old, and in time will displace it, not by force but by the fulfillment of "natural law", just as gold displaces water. Keep your eyes on the signs of the times, for it is at the dawning of times of light, such as the one that is upon us, that Esfoma's hand is most visible to the few who are perceptive to her marks on the sands of change.


Oahspe is our way of reaching many of those who are ready for a higher truth, both on your plane and on the lower atmospherean planes as well.

We have been pursuing a long and laborious

pathway, one that began when humanity first saw the faintest glimmer of understanding many countless centuries ago. We have nurtured your development as newborn immortal souls, as a loving parent nurtures a child or an exacting gardener cultivates a garden. Our labors have endured throughout your long history of ups and downs, ebbs and flows of enlightenment and darkness.


ultimate goal for your mortal realm, at least, still stands some years ahead, but it is coming.

That goal is humanity’s maturity as well as

raising up well-balanced candidates for the angelic realm; evenly balanced between practical material knowledge and the tender mercies of the spiritually enlightened.

This lies only a short step

away in the historical perspective for your race, and beyond that lies a span of continuing maturity in spiritual sophistication and material knowledge until all things of the spirit are open to your understanding. Then will all facets of the corporeal creation be subjugated to your collective will for the benefit of all those in your realm of being, equally and without enmity or prejudice.

In that day, the angelic hosts of the higher realms will walk with you, face to face, and even the ancestors of your most ancient times will be at your side to reach and reveal until all wonders of the universe are opened to your understanding.

Then will your descendants

know the fullness of Kosmon and our work on your lane of being will be complete.


We are here to work with each of you. We know you are searching for inspiration.

Many of those who find Oahspe have difficulty at

first recognizing the light within it. Still, a connection is made, a seed planted.

Those who can grasp a greater understanding of

Oahspe early on will feel the vortex of energy surrounding Oahspe, and they will come under an angelic influence that can provide them with a true spark of light: a spark that will awaken new ways of thinking about life here on this plane and in spirit.

This is a time of

spiritual awakening in which Oahspe is one means by which the Creator is facilitating the process. Spiritual awakening is happening on a grand scale and not always through a direct Faithist context. The search for inspiration will expose the masses to an abundant

and sometimes confusing assortment of spiritual information and expectations. We can give these millions of souls support through the changing times by keeping the light anchored on this plane. We can also help in great measure by assisting the angelic hosts in clearing away the darkness so long prevalent in atmospherea. Faith, daily practice of attunement and working together with other dedicated souls will win the day.

In joy and peace we support your

efforts. The joy of heaven enfolds your soul and makes your life a melody.


We have been shown through Oahspe, O Creator, that mortals are frequently inspired by spirits of low development who are earthbound. This influence, to a large extent, affects the thoughts, manners, attitudes and habits of humans, and is not of the true self, the soul. At times and to varying degrees we, meaning all mortals, are obsessed or subconsciously manipulated in this way. Because of Thy Presence, O Creator, with us, in our souls, we have some control over the promptings of undeveloped, earthbound spirits.

We are able to discriminate between good and evil, and to choose to follow the higher way. We can love instead of hate, be peaceful instead of quarrelsome, serve others instead of hurting them, and put self aside in order to serve the best good of all. We do not have to live in darkness or express darkness. We can choose to serve Thee, and attune ourselves with Thee. We will then grow strong in light and truth, becoming powerful in helping to uplift those in need.

Thy Angel Hosts are on the side of those who choose to express light and to serve Thee. They far outnumber the spirits of the lower heavens. They will not do our work for us, but will back us when we make the effort. Humanity needs to know these principles. Once it gets the picture, it can begin to discriminate more clearly, more perfectly. We know what we are in our own true being. Thou art speaking in our souls, O Creator, saying, "Your own true being is the All-Highest."


Children of Kosmon: We know that the road you have followed since Oahspe was placed in your hands 100 years ago was confused,

often frustrating and difficult as you tried to put into practice the intense new light that the book imparted.

But spiritual light comes in

bursts and cycles and new light must precede new cycles or our mortal wards would be continually lagging behind needs.


was no exception. The brief dan of light during the first 50 years of dawn allowed us to bring Oahspe through in spite of very trying psychic circumstances.

The seed had been planted and a span of

darkness was needed to allow proper germination. John knew this in his heart but he had a strong will and the excitement of a child with a new toy so he had to try to fulfill a prophecy that was not written for his generation.

He was told of the circumstances, but we allowed

him to try because the experience would give him strength of soul that would be an asset to him in the future.

The darkness of the years that followed is history, but the subtle growth of the Light alongside is also there to be seen if you are perceptive to the changes in spirit.

Suffice to say that the precepts

of Oahspe now float in a more receptive atmosphere and are even practiced by those who are, as yet, unaware of Oahspe’s existence.

A new phase will be soon upon us, a very important phase. We are only allowed to say that this new aspect will burst into blossom in 153 A.K., and we will inspire others with the same information so that you may see confirmation.

This is an event of great importance, but the

precise date of this day of Kosmon is unpublishable. (Should you see it published, you will know it is in error.)

It will mark the

commencement of what will actually be a Kosmon year.

You have already been told what your labor will be to prepare for this new phase.

Oahspe was put into place 100 years beforehand,

along with an awesome host of inspiring angels so that circumstances would be ready for the event at hand. Remember that the new light upon us is stirring the lower heavens and their anxiety impresses on mortals, causing prophecies of impending doom.

But we reiterate that there will be no cataclysmic events in

this cycle.

Some hard times environmentally and socially in small

pockets, but nothing to cause you to “run to the hills.” Just do the work we have told you to do and leave the prophecies of doom to the crepe hangers.

All is in control.

A new light is at hand. Kosmon

can’t be forced.

Shalam left that message in the New Mexico pecan

groves, but it is coming – though not in the way that you would imagine.

The Book of Shalam was an allegory, not to be taken


Just a pleasant story to express important concepts. Get

the “big picture”, as they say.

It is the Light of Progress that can’t be held back.


Oahspe has been our major contribution to awaken mortals to the greater spiritual truths that they are now mature enough as a race to comprehend, especially in reference to their evolution into a new age of corporeal and spiritual sophistication.

It has never been our

intention that that would be the final installment of truth from our planes.

Rather it was intended to be an overview, an “ice breaker�,

so to speak, that would allow the reader a comprehensive realization that would free his mind of the shackles that have bound him to the half-truths, misconceptions, and lies of the past.

We are now on the verge of a new era, one that will endure for somewhat less than forty centuries and has as yet only consumed somewhat more than its first. It has barely begun and already you have progressed corporeally from horse-drawn wagons to space ships, not to mention in many more subtle ways as well, due to our continual inspiration over the years.

Have faith in yourselves and the future will unfold as it should. There will be many changes in your society through the next decade. Lifestyles will be reshaped in many ways and events will be somewhat more disruptive through the coming decade than they

were in the decade past. We are now in a new decade by our calendar (140 A.K.) and you will see some changes this year, that will accelerate as the next few years roll upon us. From your mortal viewpoint you should remain centered and secure, not taking on any changes in lifestyle that would create any great disruption, risk, or confusion, because you may find the added effects of disruption in your environment a bit too disconcerting for your own peace of mind. Keep focused on your work whatever you choose that to be, and keep yourselves centered and secured, like a starfish on a rocky shoal, and you will not be washed away by the changing tides. There is much conflict and confusion yet to be resolved before the Light peaks at the end of the next decade.

Remember that the

rising luminosity of spiritual light is not always comfortable, but it is always humbling, centering, and mellowing to those that understand the workings and mechanisms involved and who therefore are appreciative in their greater wisdom.


Oahspe asks us to be organic or affiliative in good works, for this is the basis in fact for participation in the second resurrection. Besides this we are admonished that "without Jehovih, none have risen." This has been the main emphasis of our overshadowing since we took formal and active control of your Eloist organization. Our emphasis has always been the overriding importance of selflessness in good works as an affiliative unit under Jehovih's inspiration, and we feel that through our early influence you have been educated well in this direction. Never lose sight of this principle regardless of whatever difficulties may befall you, for you may lose all else without cause for concern, but without this foundation, you cannot hope to retain our guidance and protection. Follow your corporeal pursuits as you are required and follow your own separate interests as you wish, but always be un- compromising and fastidious in maintaining this united focus and your collective efforts to "plant seeds of light and harmony" through your instruction, your publications

and your

retreats. Even with all your weaknesses and shortcomings you can still set a most valuable example and chart a useful course for many souls who are still groping about in the darkness of an uzian world. Ask us for anything selfless in this work and we will do all we can to grant all that Jehovih chooses to give. We are the same now as we

were in the past, but stronger, more confident, more anchored and established,







increasing in a greater vortex'yan tide of Light. All this gives us optimism for greater things to come for all of us here as well as on your plane below. Hold the Light with us, dear friends, and love to all!


Oahspe speaks to issues that rise above and beyond the petty grievances that preoccupy humanity today, and if they could just grasp the central message that the eight hundred pages in so many words endeavor to convey, most of the issues our society contends with today would become instantly irrelevant and immaterial.

Much of your problems today are the net result of shortsightedness, and self-centered preoccupations or greed. Humanity must again awaken to the fact that they are immortal beings who are the expression of an All-Pervading Intelligence that permeates the universe as well as the essence of our individual beings.

For that very reason we are nothing, we possess nothing, we own nothing outside that All-Knowing and All-Loving Being. The sooner we can grow to comprehend and embrace that reality, the sooner we will be freed from a world of violence, fear, oppression and pain; the sooner we will be able to rise above our own confusion and uncertainty as to what is right, good or true.

Your fellow sojourners on your plane of being spend an inordinate amount of time debating a wide range of issues that are part and parcel of the first resurrection's plane of being and have no validity or relevance to our organic realms beyond the burdensome labors the result of their misguided reasonings impose upon us. It often fills us with pity, abhorrence or disbelief.

Your goal must be to rise above such obtuse reasonings to embrace the higher truths of our emancipated realms, for much of what may pass for intellectual pursuits or philosophical reasoning on your plane of being is just found to be so much misguided rubbish upon one's arrival here. The highest truths are simple and need no smoke screen of defense through convoluted reasoning, and no higher judge is needed than the light of thine own soul if (and only if) you can find your way through to the clear and unsullied Source from which that Light so clearly shines.


Oahspe has a focus around it due to the exalted message it offers and the unique source from which it emanated. Do not allow yourselves to be misled by the possibly "dated" cloak it is wrapped in or the package in which that message is delivered. The fact remains that the spiritual forces surrounding that book, both in the form of thought forms and the high raised angelic beings that are in attendance wherever and whenever that book is presented, are overwhelmingly potent in cleansing light and exalted spiritual power.

Regardless of how remote the printed edition at hand is removed from the original manuscript or how tattered and abused the physical text may be, yet when it falls into someone's hands and is embraced openly and sincerely, a dedicated pleroma of enlightened guardian angels are placed at that person's disposal to protect, guide and enlighten that person to whatever extent they are able to deliver and the grade of their ward empowers them to bestow.

Have no doubt that this book is blessed with a potent and dynamic focus of spiritual light that rises above whatever errors and imperfections it may possess. Antiquated language or mode of expression, and any other details aside, it is the greater message,

the "big picture", that matters and its importance must not be minimized. Neglect it and your focus with us may be weakened at this stage of your development. Keep it an active part of your councils and whether you have read it fifteen times or fifty, it still has much to offer toward your spiritual growth and edification.


Oahspe has been a way for us to gain a foothold in the minds of mortals who for too long have been bound in ignorance to the falsehoods of the past, until they were no longer able to think for themselves or judge new concepts with an open mind. Until the time of its publication, the light of our organic heavens was all but eliminated from their consciousness. But with the birth of Kosmon, small "cracks" of an opening awareness dawned within the minds of humanity and a few souls here and there were attuned, awakened and of a high enough grade to appreciate the universal and eternal truths we had to offer. Realize that even though a very few individuals were receptive to Oahspe's historical narrative and perspective, yet it allowed the minds of many more to be opened and the walls of resistance to be weakened so that they could begin to

crumble. The mechanism involved is what we term the "sea of thought".

When one individual becomes enlightened to a new and liberating truth, that truth is broadcast from that person's mind into the waves of thought that surround us and permeate our universe with a consciousness that impinges in some way upon the consciousness of all minds. Just as one candle brought into a dark room will lighten it and another candle will lighten the room even more, so did the awakened awareness in the minds of even a few individuals brought out by the truths of Oahspe caused an enlightened awareness in the collective minds of all mankind.

Consequently, the impact of Oahspe has been greater on the spiritual level than is readily evident on the mundane level when viewed from the standpoint of those mortals who have actually read it. Yet, over the years, the readership has grown among those who are ready for a higher light and with each succeeding generation its influence on the mind and spirit grows exponentially, which in its own way, adds to the awakening that is becoming so much more evident in this age of Kosmon.


Oahspe assists any sincere searcher of spiritual truth to unlock those basic principles that are of real importance in starting the upward path. Other revelations that have their origins in antiquity and ancient cultures from different countries can mislead the student of Kosmon and lead him onto pathways that may deter his progress, or into detours that may lead to confusion and error. Oahspe is a basic textbook of historical perspective and principles to live by that will help to keep you on the path of progress and keep you safe from gross errors that may retard progress. This is so as long as you resist the urge to read more meanings into its words than are intended to be there, and resists the urge to interpret it too literally or worse, worshipping it as some do the other "bibles" of the world, taking it as the unalterable beginning and end of all wisdom and truth. When we begin to bring other texts through, their purpose will be to expand upon those concepts already at your disposal and to provide more detailed history and instruction where we think it will be of benefit. Some principles are easier to grasp when placed in different words and perhaps in a language better appreciated in your culture and experience.


There is much going on, so keep your eyes and ears open. We will try to give you stronger impressions of what is happening and going to happen. In Oahspe you will find many answers. It is a tool to be used. It has its strong points as well as its limitations. Use it as a guide book to higher understanding and awareness. It gives history, guidelines, causes of problems, conditions and the path to loving solutions with a perspective on who and what we are. It is a factual account although an abridged version of the records in the libraries of the second resurrection plateau. It is there to help the reader gain a broader perspective on life, to give hope and to help open the soul to the light, wisdom and power of the Creator.

We will grow beyond Oahspe as the Creator's Voice is being felt and heard by more and more souls. It is in this inner awakening that a more direct path of growth and learning will be discovered. The higher angels are much closer to revealing themselves and the higher spiritual realms are ready to receive new students. The Creator moves us all and the times are ripe for learning through new skills and abilities. It is the time of soul awareness.


We read in the book, Oahspe, that the earth is entering into an era of light; and we believe it. Why do we believe it? There is some evidence of it in the world despite the fact that mankind still engages in war and the passion of hatred, despite the fact that the ruling powers









aggrandizement. We do see people who work unselfishly for the good of others. We do see a degree of order despite the confusion and turmoil. We know that there are many idealistic people in the world who believe in a god of kindness and love, and who try to live up to their ideals. They don't get into the news, but they are there. Something inspires them to be as they are. Is it the power of heavenly beings of light, as pictured in Oahspe? If all the millions of people who have lived on earth and passed on are still living in spiritual worlds, and if they are all living just for themselves, with no desire to improve, and no concern for the suffering of others, there would be no reason for their existence, no sense in their being born in the first place. It is reasonable to believe that most have outgrown selfishness, and have developed a capacity for expressing god-like characteristics, angelic behavior, and creative powers greater than anything seen on earth. It is also reasonable to believe that, having become god-like beings of light, they are working to help the bound

and suffering people on earth and in the lower spiritual worlds. And it certainly seems that they must be working under a supreme authority, a ruling power, benevolent in nature, or else they could not coordinate their efforts and work together harmoniously. It is hard for most people to believe that we are coming into an age of light and that angelic beings are inspiring mortals in the practice of peace and goodwill. But there are many who know from a deep, inner intelligence that life goes on after death, that mankind has a divine potentiality, and that those who have grown to a higher state work for the upliftment of all beneath them. The Voice of the Creator speaks within us all. If we want light for the purpose of building a better world, and if we keep on questioning, the truth will become clearer and clearer to us. Who doesn't want a better world? Who is satisfied? Perhaps only those who are evil, and even some of them may be aware of the Voice speaking in their souls.

The Voice of Light has spoken to mankind in all past ages, even in the dark ages. In an age of light, the Voice becomes more perceptible, and is heard by greater numbers of people. It is happening today. Change is in the air. The spirit of the times is for getting rid of the old and building anew. The new is for cooperation instead of competition, oneness instead of separateness, love instead of hatred. The dawn of light is here; and those who are moved by it are the most fortunate people in the world. Even though

trials and tribulations may come upon them, they will be sustained and supported, shown the way of freeing themselves from darkness and contributing to the upliftment of all mankind.


Oahspe warns that you must be careful of your thoughts, attitudes, habits and diet on a consistent basis if you are to remain free of the influence of low plane spirits and maintain the conditions that will allow your guardian hosts to protect you with strength and effectiveness. You must be continually on guard to maintain a high spiritual quality for you may lose your heightened state of awareness in steps and degrees that are not readily apparent to yourselves and therefore allow lower plane souls to acquire a foothold which they can then take advantage of to the mortal's ultimate detriment. Take care to maintain a healthful and spiritually pure diet. Watch your attitudes within the context of family as well as toward the outside world. Take care to follow in practice those truths you hold dear, seeing that in all your goals, aspirations and dealings with others you maintain absolute integrity of thought, word and deed. While realizing you cannot purify the government or save the masses of humanity,

be sensitive and aware of the sufferings of others, extending your influence to give a helping hand as well as the benefits of your resources whenever the opportunity presents itself and your ability to provide is adequate to meet the needs at hand. We affirm again that we, your Angelic mentors, are here to provide a link between you and the organic heavens and all the benefits that our association provides, but you must make the effort to meet us half way. You must take the time to still your mind and examine your thoughts and criticize your actions of the past and continually re-evaluate your plans and aspirations for the future. Only through such continual re-examination under the Light that was given you as the guide for your soul can you hope to be victorious in your lifelong struggle to overcome the darkness and limitations of your own mortality.


Oahspe was an abstract of a variety of library records, which had been compiled and edited by a special panel of second resurrection angels and then transcribed by proxy with the special assistance of etherean forces. In Kosmon we can do this operation as often as we feel it is necessary or beneficial and as long as the basic

requirements are met. In time, the race will become so advanced that such operations will no longer be necessary.

The angels will be

able to speak with such facility that the heaven’s knowledge of historical and technical records will be readily available.

In the

meantime, the needs of those who are ready and able to benefit from our knowledge can be adequately filled by Oahspe and similar books that we have provided and will provide in the days ahead.


greatest limitation is the lack of capable and dedicated mediums to fulfill that task. If you are so inclined, such mediumship can be attained through persistent practice and following the same dietary and spiritual guidelines that Newbrough followed.

Oahspe was not

meant to be the final word or the ultimate authority.

It was merely

one of the first, and most definitely the major, text to be transcribed early in this age. More can and will follow if the needs required can be fulfilled. On some planets that reach Kosmon you will notice that they sometimes receive numerous revelations in the early days, while on others they receive only a few. peculiarities of each individual circumstance. they all reach the desired goals.

It all depends on the Ultimately, however,

In short, if you wish to help us and

participate in this regard, you can.

It just requires of you that

“burning desire� and the discipline, the commitment, and the action, to make it reality.


We see the darkness in pockets of deep intensity around the world. We also see areas of gray in varying intensities. These are places of unrest or war, where fear and uncertainly dwell.

These areas are

being liberated slowly and progressively by the angels of light. We see the light that surrounds these places and how it penetrates and breaks up the darkness.

Gradually, souls are being released.

This vision is one of atmospheria, where the forces of change are operating on a major scale.

From the beginning of time on this

planet, the ebb and flow of light and darkness have been present. The history of mankind all too thoroughly emphasizes the course of wars and the battles for power, territory and human lives.


history is often inaccurate and insufficient in describing how life really unfolds. Not until the publication of Oahspe, was the true history of humankind and life revealed.

Oahspe heralds a new understanding of the world and opens up a new chapter by describing the soul’s progression through time eternal.

The lessons of Oahspe go beyond history.

Within its

pages, the tools and knowledge of soul development are presented. We learn that we are expressions of the Creator’s Will, Wisdom, and Love.

When studying Oahspe, an interesting phenomenon

becomes apparent: something new is always revealed with each reading. Beyond the reading, we have an ever greater opportunity to live and act upon the principles we’ve learned.

Oahspe also

opens the door to the awareness that there are souls, not of this world, who have traveled from afar to watch and help the earth to grow.

Many of these souls lead the efforts to lift away the darkness

from our planet.

We learn from Oahspe to look beyond the text and to live a life of awareness.

The spiritual world is close and accessible to all.

When we are in a safe environment and our intent is clear, the lines of communication with the spirit world are open.

The community of

souls of light, of which you are a part, is the force of change that will lift the darkness.


We are here to be of service to Thee, O Creator.

What are we to do at this moment? What will contribute to the good of mankind? Are we in a position to accomplish anything of real value?

Answer: You are in the best of positions. You are part of a group, all members of which are dedicated to serving the one purpose. The group constitutes a generator. of divine power, a means by which many earthbound spirits are uplifted, and many souls are strengthened and inspired. You have read in Oahspe that the true God of the planet was directed, four hundred years ago, to raise up mortals who would reject all lords, gods and saviors in the time of Kosmon, and worship the Creator only you are among the thousands who have been raised up to carry out the will of the Creator. You can have no conceit about it. You know you are dependent upon the inspiration of higher beings. You know that the Creator speaks in your souls, and that you must follow the light of His Presence, even though as an ordinary mortal you are resistant. You know you are part of the darkness of the world, and that you must overcome it. Trust in the inner voice which tells you that you have a mission in life. You know there is something different about you, something in your consciousness that makes you unable to go along with all the ways of mortal life, unable to accept many of the customs and practices of the mortal world. Believe in yourself as an instrument of the Almighty. You are a light in the world's darkness. You are helping to bring in the new order of the ages, an order of peace and goodwill among the people of earth.

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