Only by Love, Only by Peace — 646. — June 14th , 2020 — [10 pages]

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Only By Love, Only by Peace 646. — June 14th, 2020

Prayer: We perceive, O Creator, how easily we can stray away from Thy Ever-Present Inspiration.

All it takes is to give into such

negative feelings such as arrogance, hatred,

or fear. As we are all interconnected in the Constellations of Immortal Life, when any of us lash out in anger or condemnation or fear, we can be sure that further vibrations of such darkness will soon be expressed to everyone’s




Creator-Father-Mother, we pray to be far quicker to forgive and forget, to encourage all within our reach unto mutual acceptance and justice-seeking support. No sooner had we finished our prayer than we were pulled briskly into the spiritual planes down below.

There was urgency in

this transportation to the cities of the hells. We were and are being called, each one of us, so that we may do all we can to help the children of the new age to shine forth THE

PEACE and JUSTICE so in demand by so many in current times. In tears of sorrow, hope and heartfelt forgiveness, we were moved as never before. We were brought to the cities of hell, the cities of hate, which were turning and tossing in rage and horrifying anguish. For these citizens of the lower realms were generating the darker fires of anger, the flames of which reached to all under their sway upon the mortal realms. And so we perceived once again that classic truth, as above, so below. And the vibrations of hateful feelings and

revenging violence were literally as a city fire where one building ignites to incinerate another. Striking fists and powerful kicks and screams of vitriol-filled hells and earthly cities cascaded within an imploding vortex of great negativity. Angelic Voice:

“It must never be forgotten

that all you see now in terrifying battle and tortures, have real grievances to hate. For those






convulsions of rage were while on earth, enslaved and imprisoned, tortured and robbed, murdered and raped without mercy. They were they themselves victims of foul hatreds and scorn, all without any basis. No justice was ever shown to any of them, only greater and greater injustices of foul crimes

against themselves and their loved ones that never were brought to the light of day. And so now every injustice now on earth against






thousand-fold from the spirit realms below.� Shocked and weeping with sorrow, we asked how then can such storms and fires of hatred be put out? Angelic Voice: “Justice must be served. Yet evil will, will only create more evil. How hard it is for any to suffer untold, uncounted injuries, where lives that were filled with love and happiness, were reduced to ruins, ash, and overwhelming pain and despair!

As ever, only love and forgiveness can be our salvation that inspires remedies.� “You







star-spheres of light where inspiring angels of mercy and healing have gathered to put out these fires of hate. So they now are pouring out all their blessings and heavenly healing peace and forgiveness upon the multitudes now in turmoil.

Save for their

mitigating angelic power, far worse injuries and hellish acts would have taken place. And






themselves those who were grievously wronged in the distant past. And yet they nobly found the inner courage and fortitude, to forgive and bless their oppressors and so

rose ever higher in spiritual power and attunement. And with them they have even gathered the very ones who oppressed and injured






incredibly they now labor as a team of harmonizing love. Selflessly they work now to bring the opposing races and religions towards a new age of eternal peace and fellowship.� Perceiving their great spiritual light and love and power to restrain such dark energies, we took inspiration from their example and joined them in spiritual concords of prayer and redemption, willing all who have wronged others in hateful ways, to instead seek their own redemption by atoning actions of love. Likewise upon those who

had suffered great loss of beloved kin in crimes






forgiveness and healing. For as the ripples upon a universal pond, cosmic





spread from person to person, community to community — the unfoldment of soothing grace — bringing together all away from strife — bringing one by one towards one another newfound and abiding friendship. Again and again, together in communing prayers, we focused in heavenly concord all and more of our angelic love, every iota of will power for heavenly forgiveness, each blessing that empowered reconciliations of attonement that were genuine and sincere.

And the great spiritual leaders, in truth and humility, born and raised on this land gathered






us, so

inspiring that


Almighty would win the hearts and minds of all, transforming all into true brothers and sisters for eternity, for a greater peace and happiness. Let there be peace on earth and in the spirit world. Let there be healing love unfolding in the souls of All The Children of God The Creator of the Universe Harmonious.

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