Prayer: As Thou Shalt Will, O Creator. As Thou Shalt Will. Our Highest Light is Thy Light.
A portal to Etherea opens several meters wide before us. How it dazzles our eyes! A Spectrum of Brilliant Fractals Cascading. Symmetries of Marvelous Colors now stream, now spin, now spiral, in graceful sublimities.
We half-leap, half-fly to enter and to be immersed by these heavenly energies. It takes a few seconds for our spirit eyesight to adjust to this intense illumination, but soon afterwards, … there is a resplendent peace that flows all over every molecule of our eternal spirit.
It is an Inner Peace that was not there previously. It is the heavenly peace we all need to become our best soul-felt self. It is the peace, so I am now being told, that precedes the times when we are most able to share Our Divine Love with all.
We breathe it all in now …. Timeless Visions of Beauty … the Mystic Music of the Spheres … Radiant Light Rays of The Ideal Tints and Tones of a Sacred Rainbow.