Our Odyssey into Eternity 629. — February 16th, 2020
Across these mystic and dazzling landscape — a collage of valleys, cliffs and towering natural stone monuments, we descry the pure magnificence of The Desert of the Sun Quest. We walk now aglow with the brilliant heat of Our Cosmic Sun, The Soul of the Galaxies. We are trekking these heavenly lands to become more one with The Realms of Light that fill all of Etherea.
As we walk, we breathe in this sanctifying fire, holy light from the Sun of Suns.
Each deep breath takes us deeper into the Sanctification
of this Wilderness Journey.
All around as far as the eye can see,
mountains and rocky formations of splendor shimmer in red-orange
hues of golden glow. For all now are praising The Great Spirit from horizon to horizon … and even farther beyond.
Yes, our Spiritual Quest is go beyond our limits, pushing away the selfishness that we have acquired living as mortals born and bred amidst human error and self-centeredness.
For we need to trust
our own true spirit more — not less. We need to love Our Great Spirit more — not less. We need to join hands with our true brothers, true sisters of the heavens ever more, wise with self-mastery, vibrant with the grandeur of kindness, of thankfulness. Even now they are supporting our steps, their heavenly thoughts aiding us to progress us towards the New Heights of Higher Realizations.
Farther and farther we travel in the intense light and heat, cosmic energies inside us transforming.
For Our Creator is Perfection in
All Creations. Thus, all our paths lead yet towards The All Highest — if we will but will to climb and make the ascent.
As we push upward against our accumulated mortal thoughts, heavy with bondage,
we sweat out the dross. As we breathe inward the
soaring winds for spiritual strength, one by one our steps take us further away from our past misconceptions, free at last on these high plateaus to embrace the noble vibrations stirring innermost at our soul’s foundations.
Our pilgrimage goes onward, willing ourselves upward, as lighter and lighter our body and mind, soul and heart become in this desert of spiritual discovery.
Upon the crest of the next foothill we see what
we have been searching for. Against the sunset streaming skies we now behold, we now envision, The Beckoning Horizons that reach beyond this world, through the night of stellar space that encases our world. Horizons Ascendant soar to join us with These Infinity of Stars where each of us shall next call our new home, our new heavens, Our Harmonious Salvation, Universal and Wondrous.