Our Soul Ignites! 638. — April 19th, 2020
Prayer: That which Thou Wills, O Creator, so will we.
The Quest of Our Lifetime is
simply to express All that Is Thee at All
Times. Even when we can but express Thee but a fraction of the time, great progress can still achieved. And so we struggle on against all distractions, against all misconceptions, against all our fears since we seek The One True Aim. This is The Transformation of All we are — into Almighty Love Triumphant forevermore.
Our spiritual travels find us at an unique location. We are immersed in a kind of void, as if it were outer space, and of Universe
As we revolve as planets lost in
space, we struggle to orient ourselves, to escape this darkness.
It is the resultant
negative effects of our negative thinking, creating the very real darkness we have formed throughout our lifetime so far. Yes, we seem to be stuck, blocked from understanding how to break free of our darkness of self that now entraps our Innermost Star-Soul from shining bright. There is seemingly No Way to break free and return to a life of Happiness, of being on a path where we may reach our dreams.
continue indefinitely? We feel dejected in making the same mistakes, in fearing the same things, to continue to waste our time in pursuing the trivial, the detrimental. There is no escape that way. Seemingly countless times we have been hurt, been deceived, and have cried out in anger, reverberating dejection and despair, feeling powerless and abused by the
darkness of others who were on Our Life’s Path, however temporarily. we are
And so here
negative we
unwittingly stored within our spirit-soul. We ask why should any of us wish to carry on that which is burdening us, blinding us, blocking us from continuing Our Star-Soul Journey through The Cosmos Eternal. We struggle with all our might to see The Light!
For split seconds we can perceive
in visions, The Matchless Glories Brilliant, Crystalline, Resplendent and All Loveliness there to behold, there to create. Likewise, we envision in short bursts of clarity, as though in the heavens, the faces,
the souls of the special persons whom we care most about. We continue to make the effort to envision these scenes of love and of beauty are. Inside us, hope grows! The love of those in our life is in fact always ready to blend, to uplift, to encourage, to bless.
There is a Star-Sun inside each of
us — Energy-Light that is Love Joyous, Dazzling Bright! Unending! Universal in Unfoldment Heavenly! And so we are inspired to call forth, to invoke our very spirit-soul to ignite in all its Purest Essence, Our Soul of The Great Soul, Our Spirit of The Great Spirit now in Crystalline Energy Immortal —AFLAME!
For we are Suns of The Great Sun of Suns — Our Creator of All Creations!
There are
no limits! There is only Our Love of ALL LOVE. This SOUL POWER we now UNFOLD, … RADIATE! In
SOUL-LIGHT-LOVE, Our Soul-Star goes Super-Nova in Sacred Spirit-Fire Absolute!
Ethereal! Eternal! One with The God of Gods, where no darkness, no sin, no selfishness can ever again exist! This is Our Destiny! This is Our Soul! A Precious Gift of Love from Our Creator! This is Our Choice Evermore! Henceforth from this moment, let us serve all in need with All Our Angelic Devotion Invincible! Evermore!