Our True Spiritual Light — 583. February 26th, 2019 — [5 pages]

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Our True Spiritual Light 583. March 10th, 2018


We now move consciously away

from conflict. We step back from stating any opinion to challenge the beliefs of others. Let all proceed at their spiritual pace, let all

walk the path they have chosen. We are not to be the masters of anyone, nor should any of us have one. Save ONE! — The All One, the All Highest, the All Light, the All Voice, The Almighty, The All Life!

Lead us, …

guide us, … O Creator, so that we may walk forward, ascendant in harmony, free of any binding dogma, free of fear, … without self-righteousness, for we are all here to learn and to love to our utmost. In this, all our happiness is founded.

For there is a Point of Pure Brilliance ‌ A Dazzling





Radiance. The Sun of Suns is verily shining now! Here inside my mind, inside all our minds and souls. The Eternal Flame.

It is inextinguishable —

Yet as the All Mind is Omnipresent, so too is ours when attuned.

Thus so we may

conceive, we may call upon The All Light, The Sun of Suns at any point of time, anywhere. Whenever darkness seems to draw near, let us summon forth this Great

Fire of Transformation — The Cosmic Star Illumination— and so thereby dispel all that is of a darker selfishness.

May we always walk in the light, … safe and serene in every direction, … one in purpose with the All One.

Call we forth this Inner Power now, whenever we may … wherever we may be — so that the greatest light — Our True Spiritual Light — may shine forth to redeem all in our lives.

For it is by sharing True Light, not by sharing our opinions, that a higher vibration of spirit may be broadcast — call it a heavenly blessing or angelic attunement, as you will.

This is our work, our mission for the new age of Aquarius-Kosmon — to become One Sun of All Light that shall shine forth a higher source which shall create, … divine blessings, … illuminating thoughts,… a new sacred love that shall flow into the lives of

all who are walking the path of peace towards The Creator of the Universe ‌ Ever-Present in All. Let us begin. Let us never cease becoming Bright Suns of Love-Light.

Let us work with our hearts and hands as

well, kindness and service to offer at every opportunity.

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