Angels Mating?! Whites from I’hins?! Blacks from A’su?! Part 1, Chapter Five, §2 Discovering the True Path of Oahspe Robert Bayer (2019)
Statement of Explanation June 23rd, 2018
The full book of which this section is a small part is not yet finished. That book is called Discovery the True Path of Oahspe. Currently it is but the first version. It may be several years more before it is completely finished, for example, footnotes are not standardized nor are the sources yet included. However, it is being made public, one section at a time, and even though some errors may still be found in this book of research. The motivation for doing this is to admonish right now all who mistakenly and blindly follow those who work to make Oahspe into a religious cult, thereby seeking to glorify themselves instead of really practicing what Oahspe emphatically advises. In essence, Oahspe was channeled for the new age for three main purposes: (1) to teach every person how to hear the Creator’s Voice directly without the need of a priest or seer, (2) to teach all the importance of making sacrifices, of achieving good works of service for the benefit of those in need or in darkness, and (3) to begin to work together to establish communities that are developing in Oneness with the Creator and in Harmony with the angelic heavens
Angels Mating with Mortals so that Whites are
Descended from I’hins while Blacks are from Druks?!
Types of Races: I’hin, I’huan, Yak, A’su*6 And the Lord brought the angels of heaven to man; by his side took they on forms like unto man, having all the organs and attributes of mortals, for it was the time of the earth for such things to be. . And it came to pass that a new race was born on the earth, and these were called I'hins, because they were begotten of both heaven and earth. Hence it became a saying: The earth conceived of the Lord. And the name of the first race was Asu (Adam), because they were of the earth only; and the name of the second race was I'hin (Abel), because they were capable of being taught spiritual things. (1st Lords 1st 1:2-4) *6
I must admit that the first time I saw the above plates of all the “first races” (minus the Druks image for some reason) according to the 3
published Oahspean text, I felt only fear and revulsion. I think I still do. These negative feelings are fairly universal I would guess. And they match how I felt seeing the many hideous images which are in Saphah. I like to believe that this was an intuitive response to that which was both untrue and repulsive. Furthermore, just as Saphah is a sham that was unrightly inserted into Oahspe, so too can this author now prove that the “story of the races” according to the published Oahspean text is FALSE.
Yet it is not just the existence of the races that is false, it is their origin as presented in the published Oahspe that is equally rubbish.
For the main premise of the origin of all mankind according to the published
The argumentative proofs AGAINST angels-primates cross-breeding are along these six lines of reasoning: (1) The geological time scale of primates that could have resembled some of the published Oahspean races does not correspond at all with that of Oahspe’s.
(2) No fossils of these Oahspe races, though supposedly numbering in the millions, have ever been found. (3) The sequence of “race” creations is so ridiculously complicated as to be virtually an impossibility of ever occurring. (4) Oahspe texts are in contradiction to the angel-primate mating theory by specifically stating that the true duties of the angels in question is solely that of teaching and resurrecting mortals. (5) Oahspe texts are in contradiction to the angel-primate mating theory by specifically stating that modern humans were created by the Se’mu process, which includes immortality for the humans. (6) Modern biological data proves that all persons are of the same single race, not the repeated blending of different groups. Let us first present a visual summary of primate species duration on Earth.
Geological Timeline of Primates*3444294
Earth’s Primates Existential Timeline 5
Interesting points to take in from this above visual summary are that: (1) Modern humans began around 80,000 years ago which is what Oahspe states! Therefore, consider this also the point at which a more recent Se’mu era began as well. (2) There is no evolutionary “missing link” between previous primates and humans. Ergo, modern humans simply suddenly appeared. See this as further evidence in favor of the Se’mu creational process, as well as evidence AGAINST any evolution of modern humans from primates. (3) All primates that have any resemblance (such as long arms) to the published Oahspean races of A’su, Druks or Yaks only existed on Earth FAR PRIOR (millions to hundreds of thousands of years) to the time of Oahspe’s “race-creation” phase of 80,000 to 90,000 years ago.
Many uninformed and Oahspe-blind writers have tried to link the “Oahspe races” of I’hin, A’su, Druk, and Yak to primitive ancestors of modern humans. These conjectures fail because of the very real scientific evidence that proves otherwise.
First, any resemblance of A’su, Yaks or Druks to the long-armed primates implodes because these had gone extinct at least a million
years earlier. This in itself disproves the published Oahspe texts concerning races because there would be no one for the angels to have mated with who matched the A’su race, and there would be no Druks or Yaks to have been bred into the world since their existence in Oahspe is described as being about 80,000 to 90,000 years ago, a million years or more too late to link with any similar primates that have scientifically-established archaeological remains.
Secondly, no archaeological remains have ever been found concerning the A’su, I’hin, Druks, or Yaks. Perhaps some primates have some similarities but all of these were found millions of years ago, NOT 80,000 to 90,000 years ago.
Third, Neanderthals do not resemble any of these four fake races either since they did not have long arms nor were they small like the I’hins nor tall like the Druks.
Additionally, they originated
approximately 400,000 years ago, and were not yet extinct up to 40,000 years ago.*3939383 Therefore the timing of the beginning and the ending of Neanderthals, goes against the published Oahspe account in that they were not the result of interbreeding races 90,000 B.C. So no, Neanderthals were not I’huans or Druks either.
Please keep in mind that since the published Oahspe account of the I’hin race into humankind, conception means immortal life begins each time inside a mortal’s body. In lieu of this, Oahspe is consistently pro-life at every stage of life, from conception until the natural passing over into the spirit realms.
Consider the following
passage, one of many of this theme:
Out of the darkness man is brought forth a blank and his entity is a spark of Jehovih. His entity will never cease to grow. Yea, from the hour of conception it is a new star in the world, and it magnifieth itself forever. (Knowledge 2:24) *6
Oahspe states this unconditionally. However, the published Oahspe-version says that the earliest humans did not have soul-immortality. Yet this is a contradiction of the previous passage, and in truth, of other Oahspe passages.
The “angels-race-breeding” aspect in Oahspe makes Oahspe look bad. For to the casual reader, this animalistic episode would appear to make Oahspe sensationalistic, exhibiting crude sexual references for the purpose of attracting new readers.
It could also be argued
that many would see a union of angels and mortals as a physical 8
impossibility, and thus, this angel-mortal mating was considered as more evidence that the Book of Oahspe was ridiculous nonsense.
I would argue that while it may be possible for angels and dark spirits, under special conditions to mate with humans, it has only occurred on a minute scale, where only a handful were able to accomplish such. For surely there are hundreds of documented cases of spirits or angels in spirit circles being shown as capable of materializing, of raising beds and roofs and even the local participants up into the airs above.
Nonetheless, the idea that earth-wide mating in the millions
could have occurred is impossible, if only because second resurrection angels have a lot more self-control than this.
A further illogicality in this “race creation� process is given in the narratives about how the Druk race came to be. Consider the following two quotations:
But it came to pass in course of time the evil voice (satan) encompassed the earth about with serpents that spake like men and angels, and the serpents made friends with All Evil, Father of Anra'mainyus; and the women of the tribes of A'su went and tempted the first men, the I'hins, whereby there was
born into the world evil offspring. (Lord’s 5th:14) *6
And he (I’hin) strayed out of the garden of paradise and began to dwell with the asu'ans (Adams), and there was born into the world a new race called Druk (Cain), and they had not the light of the Father in them, neither could they be inspired with shame, nor of heavenly things. (1st Lord 1st 1: 13) *6
These two accounts of how Druks were created are in opposition! Which was it? The I’hin dwelt with the A’su and procreated with them? Or the A’su women went to the I’hin men and tempted them into intercourse? And if it were both, why not state that straight out in the same narrative text?!
And concerning the “creation” of the I’huan race, again there are conflicting narratives:
And it came to pass that many of the I'hins lost the generative desire and, so, brought not forth many heirs. But the brown people (Druks) burnt with desires, and they laid hold of the I'hin women when they went into the fields, and forced them, and thus brought forth again the I'huan race, the copper colored, strong and bright and quick. (Cycles 1:27) *6
But Anra'mainyus, evil creator of evil, went to the druk women; speaking to them in a dark corner, he said: Ye have of the root of Babao to make delirious; fetch it to the white people that came with doves' wings; fetch, and they will eat and get drunk. And when the young men are drunk, go ye to them, for they are my gift. So, of them that came out of the arc of Noe'chi, was sin newborn; for the druks went in where they were drunk, saying: Lest the white people and the yellow people fall upon us, and our seed perish on the earth, make us of flesh and kin, bone and bone, blood and blood. (Lord 5th 1:19-20)
In the first case, the Druks go into the fields where the I’hin women were farming and violently rape them. In the second, the Druk women get the I’hin men drunk and then have intercourse with them. Once again, two different accounts at odds with one another. If both are true, then put them together.
The conclusion is that the dark spirits inspiring Newbrough to include this slop are not bright enough to get their stories straight. And once again, it is inconceivable that an entirely new race can start from a series of rapes and adulterous behaviour. Surely the I’hins had spiritual leaders who would have put a stop to this at least to any
widespread violence or misconduct. A whole new race of millions from these crimes or taboo acts? Not likely in the least!
The I’hins and I’huans were supposedly advised to NOT mate with A’su or Druks or their heirs will no longer be immortal. Some Druks supposedly wanted to mate with the I’hins so their heirs will be immortal. Quite the existential love drama, wasn’t it?
Which brings up another question of interest: Is this the universal method being used to establish humans with an immortal destiny? That is, did humans become possessed of immortal souls simply because their ancestors mated with angels?
In the beginning God created the heavens of the earth; and the Lord made man upright. And man was naked and not ashamed; neither knew man the sin of incest, but he dwelt as the beasts of the field. … And the name of the first race was Asu (Adam), because they were of the earth only; …(1st Lords 1:1,4) *6
The question repeated: how is a world of immortal humans established upon each world. Apparently in Earth’s case, according to the published Oahspe, this involved primates mating with corporealized angels. 12
And the Lord brought the angels of heaven to man; by his side took they on forms like unto man, having all the organs and attributes of mortals, for it was the time of the earth for such things to be. And it came to pass that a new race was born on the earth, and these were called I'hins, because they were begotten of both heaven and earth. Hence it became a saying: The earth conceived of the Lord.
(1st Lords 1:2-3) *6
Does this creative process stand to reason — for all worlds across the countless galaxies — where humans are to be transformed via intercourse with angels —in order to become immortal beings, in order to eventually become angels?
Put quite simply, this sexualisation of immortality is distasteful where the main drift of this is that we all are descendants of this seemingly unnatural breeding. Not a pleasant thought but it is explained that the angels involved were mortals who died before having a full mortal life and so were mostly naïve and so curious about the entire sexual process. And these unions are explained as initiating a good result — that of helping make the humanoids on earth more than just animals but rather mortals with a potential for an immortal life. 13
However, the angels involved were thereby supposedly spiritually bound to these mortals until their upliftment unto the second resurrection. This was supposed to require up to several centuries for them to fulfil their obligation to help their “family” to attain higher spiritual ascension
Once again, I am summarizing the explanation of Oahspe’s “races origin” story in order to demonstrate how it utterly fails. One could recap this process from the 1882 version in the outline that as follows: (1) Se’mu falls upon and covers the earth, probably most effectively upon the shallow ponds and lakes. (2) Life forms emerge of every kind for that era of flora and fauna. (3) Human primates would be, in this most recent se’mu era, known as the A’su race. (4) Angels
impregnated), thereby creating the I’hin race. (5) The I’hin race mates with A’su race by the millions, creating the Druk race. (6) The Druk race mates with A’su race by the millions, creating the Yak
(7) Further blending of the races of Druks and I’hins creates the I’huan race. 14
(8) Ghans are created next: I’hins and I’huans being those mating together. (9) The combination of these races after thousands of years of cross-breeding then ultimately produces the modern human race.
Really? That is wildly over-complicated — as well as degrading and often violent on a scale difficult to conceive of. Where is the beauty, where is perfection of the Creator’s Universe? Where is its simplicity?
So millions of the A’su simultaneously decide to start raping I’hin or to a lesser degree, are the ones enticing the mating? And then what happens? The bastardized offspring all gather together to form their own clan — as toddlers?! They can form their own race communities? That’s obviously impossible!
Do the I’hins abandon their bastards? Don’t they raise them as I’hins? Do the A’su raise their new Druk kids? How? Why? they all move on?
All the implication of these questions lead to one conclusion: no effin way that
this mishmash of
continental-wide racial raping, this
“white-is-right” I’hin to “black-is-bad” Druk, ever happened!
The I'hins were white and yellow, but the druks were brown and black; the I'hins were small and slender, but the druks were tall and stout.
(Lord’s 1st 1:3)
Primates and Ancient Humans*6363637272 Question: Why would the Masonic Drujas be interested in fostering this angel-mating and degeneration of man as a species? Of course, one obvious reason is that the lower spirits always want sex and violence to be the main motivations for why anyone does anything.
Furthermore, the Masonic Newbrough version of Oahspe would have us believe that the purest of whites were the direct offspring of angels, 16
the chosen race, the chosen people, the white race. Conversely, this version would also state that the lowest of all humans, virtually beasts, were black-brown.
May we remind the audience that the
Masons are primarily, if nothing else, an organization run over the centuries by virtually only very rich, very set in their ways as the alpha everything, white men. That means the Masonic spirits who watched over Newbrough, were just as racially prejudiced as any men on earth ever were.
So the evidence builds — not against Se’mu — but against the black on white, angel on black rape by the millions theory-lie of preposterousness.
Along the many lines of objection to this view, think next about the actual heavenly realities of the second and third resurrection angels working with the A’su. Naturally, the original plan must have been all about resurrecting the A’su via teaching them how to live a more spiritual life style —and in addition, probably spiritually empowering them via angelic blessings and prayers. And to better interact, it would make sense that these angels took on physical forms for the time being, if only to be visible so that they could teach the humans.
But then ask yourself, is it reasonable to expect millions of angels to all at once go renegade and start impregnating (or becoming impregnated by) the A’su? With no one noticing in their headquarter heavens?
Therefore, would not the angelic lords and gods of the organized heavens of earth (think Hored) immediately pick up on anyone going all sexual on the mortals. Remember, such higher angels are as one person, and the lines of alignment are strong and bright between them all. Therefore, no way would this all go out of hand where the angelic leaders could not but easily notice any mischief almost immediately. They would have swiftly intervened in order to stop the abuse of any mortals by their angelic teachers. Thus, such a scenario of angels en mass making babies with their mortal students is virtually impossible.
I put it to the Oahspe community, is this how the Creator operates? A series of rapes on a vast scale never seen before or even imagined? And going on for several thousands of years?
It is all a new level of ridiculousness. 18
Moreover, the second resurrection angels working the primitive initial communities of mortals were ordered by Sethantes to help uplift these persons. Remember, we are talking about second resurrection angels! These angels would be those who would be very disciplined and exhibiting high levels of soul-mastery, those who live in the heavens while following the All Highest constantly. These were hardly likely to start mating with their mortal students.
Perhaps a few of these high-angels might stumble into such sins but only a very few, certainly not enough to start a new race.
Furthermore, it is clear that the Creator and the God of our world had ordained that angels labor to raise up the grade of their mortal wards, wards who were already immortal due to the Se’mu creation process. The end of the se'muan age, that is, the time of the termination of creating animal life. Jehovih said: Behold, I quickened the earth with living creatures; by My breath came forth all the living on the face of the earth and in the waters thereof, and in the air above he earth. And I took the earth out of the dark regions, and brought her into the light of My ethereal worlds. And I commanded the living to bring forth, by cohabitation, every species after its own kind. And
man was more dumb and helpless than any other living creature. Jehovih spake to the angels that dwelt in His ethereal worlds, saying: Behold, I have created a new world, like unto the places where ye were quickened into life; come ye and enjoy it, and raise man upright and give him words of speech. For these will also be angels in time to come. (X’Sar’Jis: Plate 7) *6
So here we have two basic phases of civilization and immortality: (1) Se’muan creation of mankind and (2) angelic upliftment of mankind.
And so Jehovih commanded the angels to assist the race of humans according to various phases of raising the race of mankind into that of immortal angels: After the creation of man, the Creator, Jehovih, said unto him: That thou shalt know thou art the work of My hand, I have given thee capacity for knowledge, power and dominion. This was the first era. But man was helpless, crawling on his belly, and he understood not the voice of the Almighty. And Jehovih called his angels, who were older than the earth, and he said unto them: Go ye, raise man upright, and teach him to understand. And the angels of heaven descended to the earth and raised man upright. And man wandered about on the earth. This was the second era. Jehovih said to the angels that were with man: Behold, man hath multiplied on the earth. Bring ye them
together; teach them to dwell in cities and nations. And the angels of Jehovih taught the peoples of the earth to dwell together in cities and nations. This was the third era.
(Oahspe 1:1-5)
You’ll notice Jehovih did not command the angels to mate with primates. And there would never be any need to do something so carnal and unspiritual. At any rate, in contrast to the “race-creation” stages as given above, a normal method of starting immortal life on a planet would likely occurs as in the following cycles:
(1) Se’mu falls upon and covers the earth, probably most effectively upon the shallow ponds and lakes. (2) Life forms emerge of every kind for that era of flora and fauna. (3) Human primates would be in this most recent se’mu era, about 90,000 years ago, known as the modern human race, likely already possessing a mind capable of spiritual cognition. (4) Angels by the millions bless, inspire, spiritually empower, everyone conceived to be born and to be finalized as immortal beings. (5) The angels are in corporeal form also so that they may directly teach the modern human race to live as the I’hins are portrayed, tribes with a higher morality and a respect for 21
and a knowledge of the Creator and the universe. Perhaps this is where the ancient representation of UFO flying saucers is derived from, the angelic spaceships.
Hence, it is the Se’mu process, not the fake angel-mating story, that can be concluded as the natural method of establishing modern humans on earth.
You may recall that modern science has not
explanation as to why there is no “missing link” archaeological evidence that has ever been found. The reason for this is due to the Creationism Process of Se’mu: This new property is called Life, and because it existeth everywhere it is called Omnipresent. Man can account for the se'mu; for the positive and negative forces; for corpor and for ethe; but Life is unfathomable by man. The se'mu (green scum) floateth against the ground; its infinitesimal trees and vines and grasses take root and grow, and live a season and die; but from the roots and seeds a larger growth succeedeth. Thus becometh all the world inhabitated over with living creatures. Nevertheless not one thing of all of them mergeth into another; but every one bringeth forth after its own kind. (Cosmogony 4:19) *6
The Se’mu life process has no known parallel in the worlds of science, mysticism, or spiritualism. This vision of how life began on 22
earth creates via primordial life energy cosmic, presumably a spiritual-universal force that periodically engulfs worlds in galactic cycles measured in the tens of millions of years in terms of occurrence. It is a primeval season of the sowing of the species.
What then activates and energies the initiating of Se’mu? Is it the Earth passing through special cosmic regions whose elements are conducive to Se’mu’s creative phase? Is it the high angelic “creators” group whose supernal powers allow them to fashion the spiritual and physical essences necessary to enable this species-beginning process. Likely both are true and planned by the higher beings and the Creator far in advance.
At any rate, each epoch of Se’mu may be characterized as bestowing a unique set of living creatures upon The Red Star of Earth, whether coelacanth, brontosaurus, mastodon or human begin. From the anthropological fossil discoveries, such eras of distinct species in the millions are recorded.
In this way, the first humans
also began in a similar fashion.
Of course, the commonly held scientific view is that a series of primates evolved into modern humans, with an earlier ancestor species being held to have lived on Earth as far back as 2,000,000 years ago.
This evolution view is challenged again and again by 23
Oahspe, mainly because there is no evidence other than extremely minor physical adaptations (known as natural selection) being documented as having occurring, such as in the coloring of feathers.
For myself, it is obvious that evolution on the scale often being presented — such as starting from single-cells to dinosaurs to apes to humans — is impossible. Consider that millions of species simply disappeared. Why? How? If evolution truly existed, then it would account
simultaneously, it would account for the millions of species simultaneously appearing to live upon our world.
And yet evolution
has no explanation for either of these stupendous transformations of species on our world.
In fact, evolution is NOT about sudden changes or sudden appearances in species, it is about extremely gradual ones over millions of years time.
The facts are therefore against evolution due
to the mass extinctions and mass creations of species within the duration of a few years. Apparently science can often be unscientific once popularity and research grants become more important than the truth, i.e., man-made global warming. Remember, at one time science was certain that Einstein’s 1917 theory of The Stationary Universe was true. However, by 1929, Edwin Hubble had disproved this by measuring the shift of galaxies. 24
Some of the leading scientists and mathematicians of our world discussed these
presented the mathematical evidence that the DNA transformations necessary for evolution to work has a probability that approaches virtually zero. You may watch their enlightening discussion, entitled “Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution” in full at this URL:
Moderator Peter Robinson and mathematician-biologist scientists David Berlinski, David Gelernter, and Stephen Meyer (2019)
Of course, Luts, the cosmic fire and brimstone, such as comets impacting Earth, could easily be the cause of mass extinctions. Correspondingly, Se’mu Eras at least has a chance to demonstrate how millions of life forms could nearly simultaenoulsy appear upon our world. Certainly evovlution cannot.
Species Cycles across Geological Eras*3332349 27
Each geological era is quite extensive in time and has millions of unique species, virtually none of which make it to the following era, due to a period of mass extinctions. The duration of each Earth era is approximately as follows:
Dominant Species
Cellular Creatures
So we know that Se’mu happens at irregular times, with perhaps as long as several hundred million years between each occurrence. And preceding it, we know mass extinctions took place. We know this because one era of species does not cross over into the next era. Relating to this, one possibility for the extinctions could be the destructive cosmic cycle known as Luts, a time of massive burning and brimstones falling, not unlike that of an outbreak of super-volcanoes and / or massive meteor strikes upon Earth’s surface.
There is still another period to all corporeal worlds, luts. In the time of luts there falleth on a planet condensed earthy substances, as clay, stones, ashes, molten metals dessiminated, and so on, in such great quantities that it can be compared to snowstorms, piling up corporeal substance on the earth in places to a depth of many feet, and in drifts to hundreds of feet.
Luts was by some
ancient prophets called uz, because it was a time of destruction. (Cosmogony 8:3-4)
Therefore, the Earth has had, and continues to have, cycles of destruction, that is, fiery Luts — and of new life, known as Se’mu. With regard to these cycles, Man’s existence upon this world has been so far, relatively brief, a mere hundred thousand years as compared to the billion years of Earth-Life consisting of species in the millions.
In summary, creationism as a cosmic process is confirmed by both science and mysticism.
The geological eras of the past
demonstrate that the sudden vast loss of species, together with the sudden vast increase in species, can only be explained by a creationist process.
The theory of evolution as presented does not
explain the sudden swings of completely different species make up. While it is true that evolution is hypothesized to have taken place over a billion years, it is also true evolution has no explanation for the 29
sudden changes that geological evidence has established.
In contradiction, Oahspe itself does have a rational explanation for the preceding, that of creationism via Se’mu and the sudden elimination of millions of species via Luts.
Thus, in addition to
evolution being discredited by the evidence, so also has the fake texts of Oahspe propounding that angels mated with primates has been disproved. The process as just given does NOT say a word about angels inseminating primates as a means of creationism. Why would it? For as just presented above, it is ridiculously impossible that humans could evolved from a bizarre series of mass rapes of various “races” who archeological remains have never been seen at any point of time in the history of our world. Yet that is what Newbrough’s racist Masonic drujas would have us all believe: that whites are descended from angels and blacks are descended from apes. Absolute rubbish!
Not coincidentally, the Freemasons have a history of racism from centuries past to the present day. For instance, here is a 2019 video screen-capture of a blackface skit performed at a Mason gathering in Belfast, Ireland.
Belfast, Blackfast Performance for Masons’ Entertainment*30303923
For centuries, Blacks and Whites were segregated within the Masons, with the Black Chapters known as Prince Hall!
Should I
even bring up the fact that to the present day, women are not permitted to join a regular Masonic chapter?
Authentic Prince Hall Advertisement*5645321
Which shall we fear more, the racial hatred of the Masons—or the Satanic influence commonly demonstrated? Sure is disconcerting that Newbrough never rejected the Masons. Sure am becoming more convinced than ever that the anti-African racist texts in Oahspe were implanted by Newbrough’s white Masonic racist spirits, and were never in the original Oahspe text.
Nevertheless, in all parts of the earth there lived ground people, who were black and brown, and burrowed in
the ground; and they had long arms and curved backs, and were naked and not ashamed, for which reason they were called DRUKS. (Cycles 1:75) *6
And they obeyed God's commands; but the dumb earth cast clouds upward, and blinded the ways of the I'hins, and they strayed away from the mounds, and came to black druks, which speak not; have no words; being dumb like the black mud of the earth where they burrowed. (Divinity 24:5)*6
Even if it be proven that great men have souls that live after death, is it not yet proven that the druks have souls also. If they have souls, then heaven must be a stupid place indeed. (God's Word 13:7) *6
Thus laid the three great countries, Arabin'ya, Parsi'e and Heleste, of which Parsi'e was mightiest, peopled with very giants; ‌ mostly full-blooded I'huans, half-breeds betwixt the I'huans and the burrowers in the ground, the brown people, dull and stupid. (Wars 21:1) *6
The United Supreme Council, Prince Hall*34334238
Hey Newbrough, whatzzup with the segregation in your Masonic groups? Why the heck did you accept all the denigrating racist text into Oahspe — all under false pretenses, all under false inspiration — when Oahspe has always emphasized respect, harmony and love between all peoples?
But, in this era, I come not to an exclusive people, but to the combination of all peoples commingled together as one people. Hence I have called this the Kosmon Era. Henceforth, my chosen shall be of the amalgamated races, who chose me. And these shall become
the best, most perfect of all the peoples of the earth. And they shall not consider race or color, but health and nobleness as to the mortal part: and as to the spirit, peace, love, wisdom and good works, and one Great Spirit only. (Es 20:37-39)
Yet there is no peace where there is racism or racial supremacy, such as has been traditionally a part of the Masons.
White Men ONLY in the White Mason Lodges*30303924 35
The past racist history of Masons is even worse, that would be in John Newbrough’s time, Newbrough being of the highest rank in the Masons during the entirety of his life, even throughout the community of Shalam until his death. And the drujan Masonic spirits John Newbrough allowed to take control of him and to alter Oahspe, would do everything they could to denigrate and segregate Africans. Consider the following
The position of White Freemasons toward Black Freemasons during this era is eloquently expounded in the Pike Principle. Albert Pike, a noted Masonic authority and jurist stated in 1868: Freemasonry is one faith, one great religion, one great common star around which men of all tongues and languages shall assemble. ‌ [Nevertheless] I took my obligation to white men, not Negroes. When I have to accept Negroes as brethren or leave Masonry, I shall leave it.
It is more than fair to conclude that these racist texts in Oahspe are due to the Masonic influence and were never in the original Oahspe, for the history of Masonry is racism!
To say that American Freemasonry is not racist is ludicrous. Indeed, American Freemasonry demonstrates that moral Americans,
without legal restraints, are as racists in their private lives as they were in the days of Jim Crow.
The American Order stands as proof
that a large body of White Americans who profess themselves to be the most decent of their kind, continue to think and act along racially inspired lines. Because of racism in America, Black Americans are denied the business and social contacts so necessary for success in the free market.
Blacks operating on
the fringe of White society do not as easily get the bank loans, business leads, and job referrals to which other whites have such easy access.
Acknowledging of the legitimacy of the
Black Order is not enough to allow the White Order to rid itself of its racial contamination; recognizing the humanity of Black Americans is not enough to undo the shackles Blacks still carry. As long as Black Masons and Black Americans remain on the fringe of society, they will remain at the mercy of that influential minority of racists who have intimidated and paralyzed the moral consciousness of this Nation.
In contrast, the true texts of Oahspe instead outline how the angels are to teach and lead humans to evolve spiritually, becoming progressively more angel-like and progressively less beast-like. Consider:
Jehovih said: After the Se'muan age I gave to the earth from My etherean heavens sons and daughters, and they abode with mortals for three thousand years. And My ethereans established loo'is on the lands of the earth; and they commanded the loo'is, saying to them: Your office is to lead mortals by inspiration to dwell together, man and woman, as husband and wife; and in such adaption that their offspring shall rise higher in wisdom, love and power, than the father and mother.
(Ah’shong 9:20) *6
So the rapes of humans by angels is out of the question! Not part of any divine plan!
This begs the question: Were these first humans, call them A’su or not, immortal beings in spirit? Did they, after being created during the Se’mu process, have a spirit-soul by which to live on in the heavens when their body ceased to live?
And the answer is obviously YES! Look at this, and especially the words in bold (!):
Jehovih said: Have I not declared Myself in the past; in My works have I not provided thousands of years in advance? As I have shown system in the corporeal worlds, know thou, O man, that system prevaileth in the firmament. To the tree I gave life; to man I gave life and spirit also. And
the spirit I made was separate from the corporeal life. Out of se'mu I made man, and man was but as a tree, but dwelling in ha'k; and I called him Asu (Adam).
(Jehovih 6:9-11) *6
And the reason for this is that angels never create immortal life, ONLY THE CREATOR can achieve this. Instead the angels are assigned to laboriously work with the mortals and drujas, so that they develop the qualities whereby resurrections of spirit is possible and is accomplished. The heavenly and earthly histories of Oahspe’s true texts document just that.
Note well the fake and false red-colored sentence above. This is definitely proof of dishonest tampering with Oahspe. Consider that the red sentence CONTRADICTS the prior BLUE sentence as absolutely as two sentences can contradict one another.
So the
Tree does not have spirit but man DOES. And then in the RED sentence, this is immediately reversed. Of course! Because then it would be known that that Angels mating with the fake A’su would serve no purpose. So go back to 1882 and imagine the Masonic Drujan Spirits hovering over Dr. Newbrough, their grimy, cold hands clutching his head and shoulders, inspiring through channeling how they wanted John to falsely CHANGE the wording of Oahspe to match their false narrative of fake races.
Insufferable! Their
mistake? They FORGOT to delete the prior two sentences so that 39
their forgery would go UNNOTICED! Because they did eff up, their devilry IS noticed. Imagine then how many times they did NOT forget and weep over the outrage of what other great truths have been wiped out due to Newbrough’s association with the FOUL Masonic Spirits.
In short, while the angels can help by teaching mankind how to progress spiritually, ultimately, only the Creator can create the essence of life, or the essence of immortality.
A final refutation of Newbrough’s Masonic racist-based ideology is to be found in the scientific research involving DNA of modern humans.
The following two passages are long but they each explicitly state that modern humans are actually just one race according to their DNA! Only minute differences actually exist between our official but incorrect classification of human beings as being of the races of Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid.
Virtually all evolutionists would agree that the various races of men did not have separate origins, that is, they did not each evolve from a different group of animals, for instance. So they would agree with the Biblical creationist that all races have come from the same original population. The fact is, however,
that there is only one skin color: melanin. This is a brownish pigment which we all have in special cells in our skin. If we have none (as do people called albinos, who suffer from an inherited mutation-caused defect, which means they lack the ability to produce melanin), then we will have a very white skin coloring (actually pink-white because of blood vessels showing through the skin). If we produce only a little melanin, it means that we will be European white. If our skin produces a great deal of melanin, we will be a very deep black. And in between, of course, are all shades of brown. There are no other skin pigments*330339
Thus, we see that all of humankind have but one color when measured in the pigment of melanin. That is a very promising and cheerful thought!
There is one, and only one, human race, no
matter the spectrum of our melanin. I find that a happy and harmonizing truth!
How do we explain the observed, or phenotypic, differences between different groups of humans? Evolution by natural selection is one means. When modern humans left Africa some 100,000 to 50,000 years ago, they migrated quickly all over the world to climates very much different than where they evolved. In these new conditions, different traits were better suited for survival and reproduction in different areas. For instance near the equator where we evolved, it was beneficial to have darker skin to resist the intense sunlight. However as people migrated to extreme northern latitudes, those with lighter skin (due to random genetic variation) were better able to survive as they could absorb more sunlight eeded to synthesize important vitamins. Lighter skin phenotypes therefore spread in these regions. Another example: people in Eurasia domesticated herd animals like cows and sheep, and eventually evolved the ability to digest milk beyond infancy, whereas people in other regions are lactose intolerant for life. So over time natural selection has changed the traits of different groups of humans based on their local environment. It is important to note however that not many traits have been selected for, and humans in fact demonstrate shockingly low genetic diversity compared to other primates. All humans share more genes in common than any two groups of chimpanzees for instance. In brief, I would answer your question by saying that populations of humans have evolved traits that make them suited to their environment, but we have not
evolved into different races or even different sub-species. Rather each human is a different expression of the same set of genes, with some expressions more common based on geographical location.*449494948
And so we learn next that the differences in our skin pigments and a few other physiological elements is due to Natural Selection, all on a very minor scale.
For we are the world, we are all one race!
A final question for this section is this: if Oahspe is wrong about how the races were created (or were not), and if these races of I’hin, A’su, I’huah, Druk and Yak, never existed, can we not then at last simply decide that Oahspe itself is a sham?
That would be a mistake, in my opinion, akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Yet we must come to terms that the racial breeding stuff is hogwash.
The chosen, whether I’hins, white old
men, Jews, or Masons, is wack, and not the way the universe works.
Please next consider the number of occurrences of such words in Oahspe:
Number of References
Oahspean Racial Reference Occurrences*62
That is a lot of references to implant on the sly, but it is possible. It is also true these references are not simply portrayed in a book or two such as in Saphah are. These “race” words are found across a spectrum of Oahspe sub-books, a dozen or more books per term, for example: 1st Book of God, 1st Book of Lords, Ah’Shong, Apollo, Saphah, Cpenta-Armij, Lika, and Fragapatti, to name a few.
Nonetheless, I see no other possibility than to deny their validity. Sure, you could say that such widespread referencing means these 44
races existed, and that the corresponding descriptive texts were in the original Oahspe — but then you are denying the Creation Process of Se’mu. You are denying how the angelic heavens operate to uplift mankind, and would rather somehow seek to mate with mankind as some kind of animal husbandry.
The rational conclusion to be made then is that this racial mating to create races is fundamentally false.
Go therefore back to the “true” and good” side of Oahspe, the Oahspe quoted texts previously given in this section are clearly opposed to the Masonic Infiltrative “racial breeding” when stating that: (1) Jehovih has fashioned Se’mu to create immortal human life, (2) Jehovih has commanded the angels to raise our “immortal” mortals to higher spiritual states, and (3) Hundreds of Oahspe textual passages are of the highest enlightening ideas ever yet shared in writing in the history of our world. One is true, one is false, racial breeding — or the Se’mu process and the angelic heavens uplifting our world in an organized fashion.
Without hestitation, the choice must be to reject the Masonic Racist text since: (1)
Oahspe time and time again comes out in favour of equality and freedom,
(2) the Masons have a long history of being a racist organization, (3) It has been proven in other sections of this book that Newbrough dramatically altered the original draft of Oahspe, (4) All scientific evidences is against these Masonic-made-up races of I’hin, Druks, A’su, Yaki, and I’huan, (5) Oahspe’s true texts in favour of creationism and spiritualism contradict the Masonic race scam. In summary, we must judge all communications one by one, rejecting that which is dark, negative, and false, while accepting that which is light, positive and true.
In this case, the Se’mu process created
immortal humanity and that the angels have been around since the dawn of time to help humanity progress towards becoming angelic-like themselves.
However, we can accept the truth that the Creator has assigned the angelic heavens to lift up all of the people of our world unto the eternal heavens of brightest glory and illimitable love.
We can
accept the eternal truth that it is the destiny of every person to work 46
for the resurrection, the spiritual ascension, of every person in our world, in their life and for their own salvation. And all of this is to one purpose; not to build up or exalt any man, nor God, nor religion, but to found Jehovih's kingdom on earth. To give man the system of universal peace, love, harmony and Kosmon, adapted to all nations and peoples in all the world. ‌
And to whoso doeth a good work
in truth, righteousness, wisdom and love, my holy angels are commanded to extend their sphere of usefulness and light. (Judgment 37:11,12, 14)