Common Objections to Oahspe – (2019) [55 pages] – Discovering the True Path of Oahspe - Part 1- Ch 5

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Common Objections to Oahspe Part 1, Chapter Five, ยง1-9 Discovering the True Path of Oahspe Robert Bayer (2019)


Statement of Explanation June 23rd, 2018

The full book of which this section is a small part is not yet finished. That book is called Discovery the True Path of Oahspe.


it is but the first version. It may be several years more before it is completely finished, for example, footnotes are not standardized nor are the sources yet included. However, it is being made public, one section at a time, and even though some errors may still be found in this book of research. The motivation for doing this is to admonish right now all who mistakenly and blindly follow those who work to make Oahspe into a religious cult, thereby seeking to glorify themselves instead of really practicing what Oahspe emphatically advises. In essence, Oahspe was channeled for the new age for three main purposes: (1) to teach every person how to hear the Creator’s Voice directly without the need of a priest or seer, (2) to teach all the importance of making sacrifices, of achieving good works of service for the benefit of those in need or in darkness, and (3) to begin to work together to establish communities that are developing in Oneness with the Creator and in Harmony with the angelic heavens .


Part I: The Overwhelming Significance of Oahspe Chapter 5: Common Objections to Oahspe

Despite the challenges of discovering The True Spiritual Path as outlined in Oahspe, the treasures of heavenly knowledge and heavenly service are attainable. Assuredly Oahspe has provided many radiant answers concerning immortality, heretofore never revealed to mortals in the history of our world. The follow quotations


exemplify the essence of The True Spiritual Path of the New Age of Kosmon:

But in Kosmon I shall send nor Savior, nor archangel, with a loud-sounding trumpet; but I will come to man's understanding through the light of Mine own wisdom. And man shall interpret My words as I speak to his own soul; and such shall be his sacred words. Man shall pray to Me, and speak to Me in his own way, and not according to the dictation of any man, nor priest, nor sacred book, save the book of My creations. (Es 1:13-14)*6

Therefore, the Saphahists have NO reason to declare themselves as priests or reverends at any time. Doing so means they have ZERO understanding of what Oahspe means as a spiritual perspective. This is not a choice other than being on the right or wrong path. Therefore, should you ever come across someone who says they are a priest or reverend or monk from some Oahspe lodge, church or organization, tell them to get out of your face and just go away.


Behold, in the ancient days, I provided Saviors and rab'bahs and priests to pray for man, and confess him of his sins; but these things will I put away, and no one shall pray for the living, nor confess him of his sins, by words or signs or ceremonies. (Es 1:17)*6

All of the following are basically good persons who have mostly good intentions, though there is likely as yet an unnoticed desire for self-glorification. These persons can be very congenial and kind! Never equate one good quality or idea (or several) as a reason to accept everything from that individual. Each idea must be examined carefully before being lived by. In their case, there are spiritually fatal views being falsely promoted by these self-proclaimed “clergy.” My response:

Dear Joan, Joy, Ruth, Vernon, Selah, Gwen, and Ann, can you read English? Read again the text quote above this paragraph if you are having trouble comprehending this. For you have no right to push Moon Cycles, Se’moin symbols, Masonic Pillars, Bee Ceremonies, or Corn Purifications! All you are doing is increasing mental and spiritual bondage and confusion for all involved while fooling 5

yourselves and your followers that somehow doing all of the above is a great excuse to not make a sincere sacrifice for those truly in need, you know, the poor or alienated?! Each and all of you should publicly renounce your claim to be ordained or self-proclaimed holy priests, reverends, and / or shamans! Let’s work together as equals instead?!

But every man shall pray for himself, in his own way, and confess his sins unto Me for forgiveness. And instead of praying in words for his brother, saying: Jehovih, help him, he shall go in person, and help him with his own hands. (Es 1:18-19)*6

There are scores of such messages in Oahspe where true service is the new commandment to fulfil. No more should any of us shirk our duty by saying we simply prayed for that person. Now that does not mean we should not pray for nor bless others — indeed we should, but it must not end there. We must make an effort to directly work for the good of others, as challenging as that may seem. It is OK to say that you do not know how to start to do this. If one is uncertain, still better to do something, however small, in direct good works. For


example, raking the leaves of your old neighbors, or working in soup kitchens for the homeless.

In Kosmon, I shall not come to make a servant of man unto man; nor to make him afraid, when the priest speaketh. I will make man hold up his head fearlessly before men, in remembrance of his daily covenant unto Me, his Creator, in the practice of righteousness. In that day, the preacher and the priest shall be of little avail; My standard shall be of good works, and not of words. (Es 1:23-24)*6

In short, serve all within your reach by making real sacrifices of time, energy and money to help others, honouring the Creator thereby. However, never shall any Faithist, any person, glorify or humble themselves before any spiritual, ordained or not. earned, not given.

Salvation is

Saphahists, Masons and World Religionists, are

you listening? Do you get it at last that you have erred mightily in pushing Kosmon Church doctrine?

For from the dawn of primeval times, mankind has sought the spiritual answers to guide themselves upon the eternal path of 7

resurrection into the heavens. Myriad are the sum of all those ways. Sadly, seldom have such paths not been those of a false religion or cult. And so billions of souls found themselves entrapped in astral realms and hells of falsehoods. In fact, for over twenty thousand years, of perhaps eighty percent of every person ever born has been slaves to their religion of false gods. That is a record of enslavement that mercifully will never be matched in this world again.

Yet not all mortals were crushed by religions. Fortunately some sought and practiced direct worship of The Creator. As a matter of fact, all of the following civilizations primarily achieved and lived lives of spiritual freedom.

Yes, the I’hins lived spiritually free, as did most

Native Americans, the original Zarathustrians, as well as the ancient Jews, and Essenes, where their worship of and inspiration from led directly to God Almighty, The Great Spirit.

And as the ages

progressed onward, more and more seekers of light throughout our societies discovered the true paths that are The Great Spirit of the Universe.

And now in this era of Aquarius / Kosmon, this has never been more true; as the modern masses have left the false religions by the millions. Nowadays, the children who were born into one of the world religions, have either abandoned any kind of spiritual path, or instead 8

count themselves among the new agers who see love and liberty without any ruling clergy to interfere.

To be sure, personal freedom

is the founding principle of this new age.

Now while having no spiritual path can certainly lead to moral degeneration, there are worse fates.

Regrettably, some of course

have been deceived and simply traded in one set of chains for another; rejecting a false religion such as that of Christianity, only to fall subject to different toxic dogma such as brewed by the fake mysticism of the Masons, End-of-the-World Cultists, Satanists, or Saphahists.

All of these groups, if only in matters of doctrine, are ruled with near absolute control by their priests and masters. Of course in their own eyes, they do not call themselves tyrants since, according to themselves and their slavish entourage, they possess “true” (actually not!) knowledge to a superior degree. Therefore, in their minds and in the minds of their followers, the “wise” clergy should be the ones who make all the major decisions about everyone’s spiritual path.

Freedom upon their path is simply a slogan that never matches the reality of their spiritual activities. For all their rites and dogma and symbols exist for the sake of enslaving minds and spirits. 9


these prayers! Study and meditate upon these symbols! Talk about our holy book! Come on, our holy prophet from long ago said we should do this rite according to the moon cycles! See how very convenient it is, being so busy with this religious hoopla, to forget to really do much good for anyone while laboring at all of the above. Oops!

Meanwhile in the unseen astral regions below, even unto hells, these priests and masters are in their turn but puppets in the hands of the false gods and demons who rule their respective dark realms. Even if one does not possess the spiritual senses to see such darkness, there is proof that you ain’t exactly going upward using such false paths.

For instance, consider the fact that these groups virtually NEVER seek to give service in good works to those in need. Just as the principle of freedom is spoken of in order to deceive the unwary, so too is service not much more than an ornament. The same can be said of the false religions. Therefore, the general absence of good works is in itself proof of no resurrection on a cultism path, just as it is true for the false religions path. Nearly all is selfishness and self-glorification and deception.


The question remains, however; how does anyone really know they are on a “true path” rather than on one where one is being deceived? For example, pretty much all the members of the Catholic Church, of Islam, of Heaven’s Gate, of Aum Shinrikyo and of Mary Lou Brown’s Universal Light, or The Kosmon Church were deceived into believing in such things as:

(1) the infallibility of their spiritual leaders, (2) it being a good thing to marry multiple spouses, (3) it being a good thing to rape women and children, (4) simply calling upon the name of their highest prophet will bring them salvation, (5) being ready to commit suicide or to kill for religious purposes, (6) the turning over all one’s money to their group leader, (7) daily and faithfully praying specific prayers or taking part in officially recognized rites brings about salvation, or (8) simply confessing one’s sins before death brings salvation, and / or (9) rationalizing that it is very OK to seldom if ever perform actual good works service in order to help the poor or distressed. 11

All of the above is a combination of preposterous and / or evil dogma, where much of what cultists and religionists really believe is crazy. Therefore, you have to wonder why anyone in their right mind would still believe any of this to be true. Yet millions and millions of suckers have accepted all these false ideas to their everlasting shame and detriment (and millions still do in the next world!). The answer to this lies in human nature, not all of which are necessarily bad impulses, i.e. the need for community, the simplicity of simply believing what you are told to believe.

Yet it is despicable

to seek achieving salvation — not as process of increasing sacrifice and real love — but rather by one that employs instantaneous means to it, as listed above —where the clergy tell you are the Chosen Ones of God, so all is forgiven and well.

Which brings us to the reason why this chapter was written: Should Oahspe and its new age path be rejected? To be sure, Oahspe has its share of potentially outlandish ideas and Saphahist cultist entrapments. In response to such, let us now list those which are most obvious to new readers:


False OR Evil Ideas Oahspe is often Accused of: (1)

Angels in Spaceships!


Angels Mating with Mortals!


What? A New Fantasy Continent!


Mass Murder by Angels


Polytheism: A Myriad of Names for the Gods


The Collapse of Modern Civilization!


Utopias Will Be Created to Bring about Heaven on Earth?


Demonic Rituals!


Cultism Mind-Control Groups!

Watch out for spiritualism sensationalism! This almost never equals truth! 13

1ยง: Angels in Spaceships!

UFO Spaceship*333232221

And to God and his Lords, with the Brides and Bridegrooms, will I send down from etherea ships in the time of dan; by My etherean Gods and Goddesses shall the ships descend to these heavens, and receive God and His Lords with the Brides and Bridegrooms, and carry them up to the exalted regions I have prepared for them.


(Jehovih 7:17)*6

Historically, surprisingly, it is within the text of Oahspe where for the first time spaceships were mentioned in a published writing, in this case, where angelic beings travel in them.

The concept of angels

needing spaceships, or that they came from other worlds, takes some getting used to but — in a boundless universe, it only seems natural that there would be other worlds. And to travel distances measured in hundreds of light years, light-speed fast ships to traverse between galaxies, would be necessary. Videos of real UFO spaceships exist by the score. Could many of these be inter-dimensional spirit world ships? Considering how fast they travel and yet can instantaneously disappear, ethereal realm spaceships are as plausible as any other explanation. Certainly the knowledge to develop such technology and travel such vast distances, likely would have to involve a civilization of immortals.

For myself, I do not really care a whit about UFOs or angelic spaceships. For all I know, all the spirit world is instantaneous transmission and transport by pure thought. What matters to me is that there is a system of heavens and progress through service to others via the Inspiration of the Creator of Worlds without end. That’s it! I actually get annoyed when anyone gets too excited by UFOs. If they exist—great! If they do not—doesn’t bother me! Our spiritual priorities matter.


§2: Angels Mating with Mortals!

Types of Races: I’hin, I’huan, Yak, Asu*6 And the Lord brought the angels of heaven to man; by his side took they on forms like unto man, having all the organs and attributes of mortals, for it was the time of the earth for such things to be. . And it came to pass that a new race was born on the earth, and these were called I'hins, because they were begotten of both heaven and earth. Hence it became a saying: The earth conceived of the Lord. And the name of the first race was Asu (Adam), because they were of the earth only; and the name of the second race was I'hin (Abel), because they were capable of being taught spiritual things. (1st Lords 1st 1:2-4) *6

Oahspe: angels mated with prehistoric humanoids! This is distasteful and the main drift of this is that we all are descendants of this seemingly unnatural breeding. Not a pleasant thought but it is explained that the angels involved were mortals who died before having a full mortal life and so were mostly naïve and so curious 16

about the entire sexual process. And these unions are explained as initiating a good result; that of helping make the humanoids on earth more than just animals but rather mortals with a potential for an immortal life. However, the angels involved were thereby spiritually bound to these mortals and for their upliftment unto the second resurrection, which would require up to several centuries for them to fulfil their obligation to help their “family” to attain higher resurrections.

In other words, since the introduction of the I’hin race into humankind, conception means immortal life begins each time inside a mortal’s body. In lieu of this, Oahspe is consistently pro-life at every stage of life, from conception until the natural passing over into the spirit realms.

Consider the following passage, one of many of this


Out of the darkness man is brought forth a blank and his entity is a spark of Jehovih. His entity will never cease to grow. Yea, from the hour of conception it is a new star in the world, and it magnifieth itself forever. (Knowledge 2:24)


Yet to the casual reader, this animalistic episode would appear to make Oahspe sensationalistic, exhibiting crude sexual references for the purpose of attracting new readers.

It could also be argued that

many would see a union of angels and mortals as a physical impossibility, and thus, this angel-mortal mating was considered as more evidence that the Book of Oahspe was ridiculous nonsense.

I would not concur with such criticisms. First, although every mortal conception — by any known means science currently possesses — has no conclusively provable evidence of a spiritual creation taking place, that is in fact what takes place. For every religion and virtually all mystic paths would agree that the conception of life leads to the conception of an immortal life. While mortal conception involves simply mortals, the result is one, according the billions of religious mortals, where an immortal has been created from conception onward.

If so, there is no physical proof for this either though, for

why should the immortal be able to arise from the mortal?

That is exactly the point and the purpose of the angels conceiving with those who were humans, where mortality was made possible through the immortals born via the mortals, due to the spiritual powers of the angels involved. And surely there are hundreds of documented cases of spirits or angels in spirit circles being shown as 18

capable of materializing, of raising beds and roofs and even the local participants up into the airs above.

Hence, there is evidence of a greater spiritual reality. For the very existence of our own mind and all its non-physical activity where original thoughts and dreams take place at all times. Additionally, our minds possess non-physical powers such telekinesis, telepathy, prophecy, channelling, and claircognizance, all of which and more have been scientifically documented as having, for all intents and purposes, taken place.

Finally, since all humankind is born into the world with non-physical abilities and the right to contend with and most importantly to contend with any opposing spiritual powers, both here and in the Ha’dan, so too must we conclude these powers exist within ourselves, and will continue to do so. Our spirit is immortal and we can trace the origin of our immortality to these naïve angels who knew not what they were about to do.


3ยง: What?! A New Fantasy Continent!

The Lost Continent of Pan (Whaga) *6232909

Fascinatingly, an entire genre of literature, some scientific, some mystical, some nothing but low-level spirit hogwash, all revolve around a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean, a continent called Lemuria or Mu.

The remarkable comparisons in this matter

between Lemuria and Pan are that while the Native Peoples of the Pacific regions have oral traditional histories of a great land of their ancestors being submerged, which were ultimately written down in journals and books, in fact, it was Oahspe that was the first book to 20

bring this catastrophe to light of western civilization. The first mention of Lemuria aside from Oahspe, is by Helena Blavatsky:

"Lemuria" entered the lexicon of the occult through the works of Helena Blavatsky, who claimed that the Mahatmas had shown her an ancient, pre-Atlantean Book of Dzyan. Lemuria is mentioned in one of the 1882 Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett*62329111

While both the publication of Oahspe and the discovery of this letter occurred in the same year of 1882, it was Oahspe’s account that was actually published first in the occident nations, in this case, America. Therefore, as some detractors have tried to do, it is wrong to say that Pan is based on Lemuria. That is impossible since Oahspe became known first in the western occult world.

During the following decades, scores of books were published about the continent Lemuria / Mu, including references to be found in the hundreds of Native Peoples Tribal histories.

And yet it cannot be

disputed that to Oahspe itself goes the honor of providing the first western revelation that thousands of years ago, a Pacific continent sank beneath the waves.


I say “revelation” yet there is still the possibility that all these accounts are wrong, and that Lemuria-Pan never existed.

Let us

consider the scientific data which shows the location of earth’s continents 94 million years in the past:

The Continents of Earth, 94 million Years ago*49494949

Since the continent of Pan sunk 24,000 years ago, you might wonder why it is not visible on this map. One counter-argument might be if Pan had really existed up until 22,000 B.C., then it would have existed millions of years prior.

Let us consider other scientific data that estimates where our continents were in the far past. Here we have depictions of our world’s continents at 4 distinct eras of our primordial past.


The Positions of the Earth’s Continents at 4 Different Times in the Past*4955559

The maps of our world presented here have no depiction of Pan. Therefore, does this not mean that Pan never existed?

I would argue that is NOT the case.

While there is some scientific

basis for these conjectory “models,” what must be kept in mind that these images are just that: “models!” Mere conjectures that may approach close to what actually was the reality but also — may not!


On the other hand, in order to see evidence which shows that Pan probably did exist, consider the following global map of continental plates:

Our World’s Current Continents and Respective Plates*434232212

What strikes you when you see this arrangement? Clearly each continent has its own plate — or rather, each major plate has a continent that is visible here — except one — the massive Pacific plate where Pan used to be! This is the most convincing evidence that Pan-Whaga existed. For true continental plates have just that on them: continents!


So it would seem that since the sinking of Pan 24,000 years ago, the Pacific Plate is the only continental plate without a continent.

Please note I am not trying to go so far as to prove the existence of Pan! All I am successfully doing is pointing out that its potential existence is a reasonable conclusion, and that there is no basis for an automatic dismissal of Pan as being simply too crazy to believe. Naturally the “Ring of Fire,” unique to this Pacific Plate alone, is also evidence







unfathomable power upon this plate’s circumference eons ago.

In line with other research on the matter, a good deal of many oral traditions and folktales speak of a “land” in the midst of the Pacific Ocean:

Noah is but one tale in a worldwide collection of at least 500 flood myths, which are the most widespread of all ancient myths and therefore can be considered among the oldest” What is the significance of the various flood legends? The answer seems obvious: (a) we have well over 200 flood legends that tell of a great flood (and possibly more than 500—Schoch, p. 249); (b) many of the legends come from different ages and civilizations that could not possibly have copied any of the similar


legends; (c) the legends were recorded long before any missionaries arrived to relate to them the Genesis account of Noah; and (d) almost all civilizations have some sort of flood legend. The conclusion to be drawn from such facts is that in the distant past, there was a colossal flood that forever affected the history of all civilizations.*30393938

Consequently, it is reasonable to think that Pan-Whagga was this Pacific continent close to 24,000 years ago. However, there are scores of various accounts and geological descriptions which are in not in agreement. Please note well that there is variation in Pan-Lemuria







Consequently, all of this does not in itself lend proof to the existence of Lemuria-Mu. but might rather appear to be some proof against..

Perhaps not surprisingly, there is no agreement about what this Pacific continent was shaped like, nor even consensus on what its true name was. Pan? Whagga? Lemuria? Mu? consider the following images:


For example,

The Lost Continent of Lemuria-Mu (1) *66634534

The Lost Continent of Lemuria-Mu (2) *6663443


The Lost Continent of Lemuria-Mu (3) *6663553

The Lost Continent of Lemuria-Mu (4) *6622553 28

The various versions of the sunken Pacific continent are not necessarily similar in shape with one another or with Oahspe’s Pan. On the other hand, were I to display all the maps claiming to be that of the sunken Pacific continent, you might come to the conclusion that virtually no one who made any of these maps knows the truth about what they were drawing. Yet legends of this continent and the flooding of its lands exist in many Native American and Asian legends, cultures which never had any contact between each other.

Here is a quick list of SOME of the Native American flood stories:

Great Serpent and the Great Flood

Manabozho and the Flood:

Algonquian stories about a legendary flood caused by the slaying of evil water spirits..

Mi'kmaq Flood Myth: Micmac legend about the flooding of the earth caused by the weeping of the sun.

Waynaboozhoo and the Great Flood:

Ojibwe legends about the culture hero rebuilding the world after a great flood.

*Flood Myth: An Algonquin Story * Ottawa Flood Myth:

Anishinabe Indian legends about the flooding and rebirth of the world.


Cree Flood Myth

Cautantowwit and the Flood:

Nipmuc legend about the Creator remaking the world after the flood.

Arapaho Deluge Story: The Sun Dance Wheel:

Gros Ventre myth about the flooding and rebuilding of the world.

Yellowstone Valley and the Great Flood:

The Voice, the Flood and the Turtle:

Caddo myth about the flooding of the earth.

Athabaskan legend about Raven saving the animals from a great flood.

Caddo legend about a nature spirit that punished the people with a flood for desecrating dead animals. *2323009

Here is one legend in more detail:

Before the earth was new, the sun was all that existed in the great universe. The sun divided the earth into several parts separated by many great lakes. In each part he caused one man and one woman to be born. They bore children and lived for many years. Wickedness pervaded in this family, and slowly they killed one another. The sun wept and wept with grief. The tears became rain that fell from the skies until water covered the entire earth. The family had to


set sail in bark canoes to save themselves from the flood. A violent wind overturned their boats. All perished in the sea, but the old man and the old woman, who were best of all people, and it was they who populated the earth.*494994949

Fascinatingly this parallels the Pan Deluge Story given in Oahspe in that the flood was sent to destroy the evil (unripe) people whereas the good people were saved to restart the world again. Of course, this also mirrors Noah’s Ark of the Christian and Jewish Old Testament as well.

At any rate, the concept of Pan as a continent

that would be submerged has so many Native People legends (at least 500) that it is hard to discount that the spirit world taught the First Nations about the ancient historical past. Once again, the standard is not to prove Pan existed, only that it is rationally possible that it could have.

I also cannot scientifically prove the existence of

the spirit world, though there is a lot of indirect evidence that would lead one to infer that it must be the case.


4§: Mass Murder by Angels

The Lost Continent of Pan (Whaga) *6 All of the previous takes us away from a further spiritual issue — that of the supposed enlightened and high-raised angelic hosts killing billions of mortals when the continent of Pan was intentionally destroyed by the ethereans and assisting second resurrection angels. Consider the following quote from Oahspe:

Again I said: O Jehovih, deliver Thou the earth from evil, for Thy glory, forever! And the vortex of the earth closed in from the extreme, and lo, the earth was broken! A mighty


continent was cut loose from its fastenings, and the fires of the earth came forth in flames and clouds with loud roaring. And the land rocked to and fro like a ship at sea. Again I said: O Jehovih, deliver Thou Thy heavens, which are bound as with a chain, to a rotten carcass. And again the vortex of the earth closed in about on all sides, and by the pressure, the land sank down beneath the water, to rise no more. And the corporeans went down to death; and the fetals and familiars gave up the battle; neither had they whereon to stand, nor knew how to go to any place in all the heavens, but were lost and crying out for help. And my hosts hastened in all directions with their birth-blankets, and received the druj and fetals and es'yans in millions and millions, and gathered them to the place of the fountain of light, whither I had provided atmosphere for them, and they were placed within. And their numbers were so great that even Gods had scarce seen the like before; and in order to attest before Thee, O Jehovih, I had them numbered, using the sections of the divisions of my Gods and Goddesses in order to do so. And there were of druj and fetals sixteen billion six hundred millions, many of whom had lived on earth as fetals and druj for thousands of years, though many others of them were not capable of everlasting life. (Aph 6: 7-10)*6

Oahspe: gods and angels conspired to sink an entire continent and so murdered hundreds of millions of people! It would seem dumbfounding that there could be deliberate killing by those who are 33

supposed to be of a higher spiritual fibre. It is a case of doubting that any and all real angels would in effect be capable of committing any heinous act. Again, at first glance, such genocide would seem to be unthinkable.

In this case however, there is a rationale, based on the dire conditions of the time: where the morality and deteriorating physical condition — that is, where mental and sexual health of the people of Pan was now so continually rotten, that there was no hope of any other result other than millions born every day into a mortal world of hellish conditions and disease.

The final defence of such killing is

that the Creator does have the right to be a destroyer of life, where the end result will be a better world for all, and an ending of the nightmare that had evolved for mortals and spirits of that continental area.

There is no small measure of good will here in that angels in the millions labored furiously to rescue, heal and educate the victims of the Panic Deluge, placing them in heavenly hospitals, schools and homes, far better than their lives as lived upon the hells of earth and the hells of spirit realms.


Why was Pan in such a horrid state as opposed to the rest of the world? This would be because Pan was the first continent to be populated with I’hins and I’huans and Druks and Yaks. Therefore it was the most populated area on earth at this time. The spiritual path had not yet been instilled in the other races, save for the I’hins.

Thus, in the sense that the people of our world for the most part at this time in primeval history were not much more than endless cases of darkness begetting darkness, druja spirits feeding and mating on sickening mortals, you could say the world was at a critical point in history where the process of mortals becoming immortals was failing. The crop had become diseased and so garden was “dug up” and the good yield was replanted in “clean soil” to start again.

Unquestionably any decision to simply allow this festering morass of humanity to continual to feed upon itself to the ruin of all would never be an acceptable option. Eternal hell on earth as it would be in the spirit realms as well — had to be stopped! And so the Creator and the ethereans intervened in order to help begin a better new world.

And what happened in this distant past concerning this deluge story has a mystical echo in what is predicted to happen in the not so far future: the destruction of our modern civilization due to its immorality 35

while the righteous and wise survive to build the new utopias that shall make life on earth very similar to heaven on earth.


5ยง: Polytheism: A Myriad of Names for the Gods

Tablet of Biene *6

Oahspe faithfully records the scores of names of the etherean gods sent to save earth. They have specific names written down in Oahspe and which we are told, such as in the following: Sethantes, Ah'shong, Hoo Le, C'pe Aban, Pathodices, Goemagak, Goepens, Hycis, See'itcicius, and Miscelitivi! Oahspe also records the names of 37

hundreds of other gods, most of which were false ones. So, why is any of this important? How do we know any of these gods existed? Do not all these names simply seem made up?

To those raised under monotheistic false religions, to see these multitude of names, even if none actually refer to “God Almighty,� is normally shocking and repulsive.

However, this is all a misunderstanding, where the True Creator is the One God over all, that any should ever worship, is what Oahspe really teaches. For the gods mentioned by name in the original text of this book, both true and false, and are not intended to be considered The One God, Creator Almighty.

Nevertheless, new readers should be shocked and repulsed by the false god homage found in the Book of Saphah. Much more on this later.

Of course, it is also to be expected that names foreign to our own native language would easily be thought of as distasteful and alienating. This is because the names of any other language and culture likely seem strange to anyone who grew up outside some linguistic naming of names. Additionally, there is no proof either way 38

whether these godly personages actually existed. Yet the use of these names seems consistent with concern to all internal referencing of these “gods� throughout Oahspe. Hence, the naming is at least important in the sense that a lack of names could be confusing and would serve no real purpose either. However, there is the likelihood that the fewer of the god names that are presented, the less likely mortals would idolize the true or false ones. The goal of Oahspe has been and should always be to encourage more direct worship of the Creator, The God of Gods.

For myself, these countless naming of names is neither proof for nor proof against the existence of gods and goddesses. For roses or garbage would be just as sweet or rotten by any other name. In other words, what we actually do to help others is what matters. Sure there are many stories involving the true and false gods in Oahspe, but what matters in these narratives is that we become the wiser in perceiving how mortals and spirits are better off seeking The Great Spirit of the Universe, and never the man-god variety.

As a result, it should be kept in mind that the value of the names is that it can help us to understand the heavenly histories more succinctly. Since our main task in reading Oahspe is to understand the deeper-lying meaning of these histories and philosophies, the 39

names will at least, even if primarily untrue, help us in comprehending the spiritual histories and messages of Oahspe more fully.

If I were to speak to the original angelic authors of Oahspe, I

probably would have advised a more generalized kind of historical recounting of heavenly histories in order to cut down on the number of naming of names.

The line of thinking in such a recommendation takes on not only more value in itself, but actually is further proof that the profusion of such names in Saphah, takes us farther away from the All Voice within ourselves. For in Saphah there is little or no spiritual message of value to be shared, that false god names in themselves, where hundreds do exist there in written form, are a kind of idolatry. Perhaps the Masons and Saphahists see value in seeking to form a personalized relationship with “the gods,� or take pride in the number of god names we have studied, but such in fact is not only worthless but degenerative to our spiritual attunement to the All Highest.

The God of All Gods, Jehovih the I AM, should be our only idol. Therefore, let us be true to the Creator of the Universe and all the Children of the Universe, The Creator’s Creations. Our highest purpose must be to bend all our attention and intentions to be ONE


with the WILL of The Great Spirit, where we bless all with all the love our hearts can unfold.

Gall: False God Worship*6 41

(6) The Collapse of Modern Civilization!

The Destiny of Our Modern Cities is Total Destruction? *39393

Without a doubt, there are a lot of problems in the world that could conceivably end civilization. First there is simply World War III being fought with nuclear weapons and a new generation of lasers and other yet unknown weapons that could kill billions. Think weaponized plagues, for instance. Secondly, there are terrorist organizations who could use the above military super-weapons to destroy us all. Third, there are social-economic disasters that could take us all out in the form of financial collapse due to excessive government corruption, waves of millions illegal 42

immigrants, or a society so drugged out on addictions and related criminal gang activity, that all our prisons, schools and hospitals are overloaded into oblivion.

And then there is the collapse of

the family due to an abandonment of any kind of spiritual path which can result in family members, particularly children, choosing to join gangs, become drug addicts or just commit suicide.

All of the above is happening or being prepped to happen by evil persons.

Or maybe astronomical levels of CO2 and other pollutants will finally melt the polar ice caps causing massive flooding and desertification which shall end civilization’s capabilities to adequately farm enough land to sustain more than a fraction of our population . And actually, possibly a combination or all of the above could take place. Time to panic? Many of our young children are getting frantic when told of such doomsday scenarios.

But stand strong, planet Earth!


Believe now in God the Almighty, O Peoples of The Red Star!

One should keep their spirits and hopes up as high as the heavens, as the great truth is that there is a Creator of the Universe whose Spirit is LOVE — and whose countless angels of immortal power shall labor without ceasing in order to carry out the salvation, resurrection and perfecting of all worlds anywhere, at any time, and that includes Earth.

So, no matter how dour any doomsday news sounds, things are going to work out for the best, all good things will continue to happen. Now that sounds hopeful!


(7) Utopias Will Be Created to Bring about Heaven on Earth?*30039393

Oahspe: within the next century, in the Age of Kosmon, our civilization will collapse and from its ruins will rise utopian “Shalam� communities, which prize selfless service and comprehensive non-judgmental love,

and so shall save the world!

Sounds too good to be true and all such attempts at some communities have so far failed miserably. Nevertheless, a quick look at the communities and cities of our world show an exceptionally increasing degree of corruption and disease. In addition, a collapse of the family unit as well as our governments at every level has been taking place, which is also disconcerting, if not frightening. 45

Hence, in the wake of a “civilization” that seeks to murder innocent babies by the hundreds of millions, even using public funds to do so, while harvesting their bodies for profit-making, there is perhaps nothing but at least some uplifting hope that some of our “new age” communities would value unwanted children, orphans or not. As a result of so many “throw away” babies, it is a great spiritual mission to save them from the butchers and bankers, and in place of mass murder, raise them as angels to be and thereby remake the world.

This would be the greatest service to our world ever achieved. It would be the remaking of our new communities (not the uz’ian hellholes, which are, well, … hell) to value life, at every stage of life, to value also the quality of life — ever more and more and thereby move onward in universal attunement to share the good skills and commodities needed to live a fulfilling, progressive communal lives together.

The fashioning and forging of the spiritual elements of true service and true faith will save our world and the spiritual realms above will respond to dedication to sacrifice for the good of each and every person.


Part V shall cover this important question far more fully concerning Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth.


(8) Demonic Rituals!

Virtually every time, about fifty in total, that I loaned the book Oahspe to a friend, acquaintance or family member, their reaction was that the book was “demonic.” They did not take the time to read or understand its many passages of spiritual profoundness. No, all they did was flip through it, reading scattered passages but especially those from the Book of Saphah. And what they saw there, convinced them beyond doubt that this book was a work of evil and from hell and the devil.

Consider the following images:

Isis. *6

The False Osiris. *6 Saphah Faithist History:14→

Saphah Vede:61→

Here are false gods, half-human, half-animal, with their naughty bits 48

being revealed for god knows what reason. Satanists certainly would not be offended by such images but virtually any other normal human being would. Even if it were just false images of false gods, in good taste, it would still have been very troubling to my past prospective readers. Why the heck would anyone want to read a book which was not about a Universal Creator, but rather, some antique god from a dead religion from millennia past?

Answer: they would not! And in my direct experience, they did not! All that happened is that they became very shocked that I would waste a minute of my time on such “demonic trash� and worry about my upcoming eternal damnation for dabbling in the black arts.

And if my associate beginning Oahspe reader did not express revulsion against the Saphah images, they would then point out their revulsion against its textual passages, to wit:

B-G-G.: I now demand a thousand skulls. I's.: The Son demandeth a thousand skulls. B-G-G.: Baugh-ghan-ghad demandeth a thousand skulls. I's.: Baugh-ghan-ghad shall have a thousand skulls. B-G-G.: Baugh-ghan-ghad demandeth a pool of human blood for His Son's silver boat. I's.: Baugh-ghan-ghad shall have a pool of human blood for His


Son's silver boat. B-G-G.: Go forth, my brother Iod'a (Gods), and bring the skulls and the blood, for this is the time of the sacred solemn feast! I's.: We will forth and bring a thousand skulls and the blood for our King. All hail! Mighty King of Men! All Hail! (Sapah, Baugh-ghan-ghad: 47-54).*6

Skulls? Pools of human blood? Cannibalism? Mass murder? How very unpleasant! How very disgusting! How dare you ask me to read these demonic passages!

And even if I had responded with the typically ridiculous Saphah apologist line — that all of this was merely for historical purposes, religious ones that is — such new readers still wanted nothing to do ever again with Oahspe, and to a lesser degree, with me!

Well, I am not going to defend Oahspe against such charges but rather show and prove later on in this book that Saphah was NEVER in Oahspe originally, as real angelic inspiration would never have had anything to do with such anti-Oahspe content, with extremely negative and extremely messed up content.


So Saphah was meant to be a historical review of religions? Bah, humbug! Oahspe’s true content goes on and on for hundreds of pages as to how this new age of Kosmon is a complete break with the ancient dead and currently dying religions.

But we are

supposed to believe that our next goal in the Oahspe-Kosmon movement is to study the hundreds of scrabbled ancient symbols, scores of false god names, and the dozens of bizarre rituals in Saphah, which by the way, many of which Newbrough’s churches and lodges actually performed, not just studied.

Concerning all this, Part Four of this book will provide clear analysis and irrefutable evidence covering all of Saphah from the very first archaic symbols throughout it and onward to its many dark rituals, and then at last ending with Saphah’s final deceptive “historical” propaganda.

For myself and many others, one of the major themes of Oahspe which we treasure is that of freedom from clergy and rituals elevating clergy, where instead each person is themselves a shrine to the Creator of The Universe. Saphah and the Saphahist priests are one big downer of falsehoods and spirit-mind-control.

Speaking of which … 51

(9) Cultism Mind-Control Groups!

An Oahspe Cult*5454540

In 1906, The Brotherhood of Light, an Saphah-based community in Colorado, starved a dozen children to death. The tyrants of mind-control in this particular cult were George C. Rose and Minnie Wheeler. It took months for all the children to die, as they each died at different times. During this time, no one stood up to their spiritual


leaders to stop these deaths, though they could have done so. Instead, their mental slavery meant they could only submit to any horrors their leader priests decided to be sacred, including a diet of malnutrition that would kill the children.

All of this is the antithesis for which Oahspe was written. If I may quote one of many such text passages which are supportive of personal freedom:

The foremost in all lessons is that all men shall have liberty; and no man's judgment be binding on another's; for all do not see alike, nor can they understand alike. (1st God 17:17)*6

Therefore, as the rise of scores of Oahspe-based groups occurred over the past century, one would expect that none of their leaders would ever become a tyrant nor a council of tyrants.


this has happened time and time again, starting with the very first community of Shalam in New Mexico.

The members themselves

complained that John Newbrough did indeed run the commune as a dictator, little caring what other members of Shalam thought or believed: 53

As early as 1885, however, trouble arose that suggested life at Shalam Colony might not always be all lazy days of lounging around in robes, leafing through Oahspe for details on Chief Litabakathrava or the mountain of Yublahahcolaesavaganawakka. That year, certain Faithists accused Newbrough of being a tyrant, and in 1886, over a mere six-month time span, 50 percent of Shalam’s members abandoned the colony.*43429999

The issue of personal freedom within an Oahspe-group is diametrically opposed to any of these groups which are founded upon the view that Oahspe must be lived as a religion, with churches, clergy, master monks and master priests, and full-blown rights for every occasion.

In case no one has noticed, every religion has

non-elected-for-life leaders who rule their religion, exactly what Oahspe condemns time and time again. That is why when I naively joined my first Oahspe-group, The Universal Light, I unfortunately met my first Oahspe tyrant, a lunatic named Mary Lou Brown. She would not be the last one I encountered by any means and further research of past groups has only uncovered still more.


Nevertheless, none of this negativity, this enslavement of the mind and spirit in such Oahspe groups, is the fault of Oahspe itself. Oahspe on almost every page shares the view that this new age of Kosmon is to be lived in freedom and peace and many other virtues. The corruption of the message of Oahspe can be traced to those who chose the darkness of the past, and rejected the light and freedom of the current new age, deceiving themselves and their victims throughout their mad charade of feeling good about doing bad things with angelic light.

These are the Sapahists!

At any rate, Oahspe stands proud and noble throughout all this issue of personal freedom, and I love the book even more for taking a stand on the side of liberty.

The details of the struggle for freedom in the face of entombing religion, as far as the Oahspe-groups are concerned, will be covered far more comprehensively in Part Four (Saphah), Part Five (Shalam) and







Oahspe-Saphah-based groups until the present day).





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