Chapter 2: Masonic Plates in Saphah

§1: The Tablet of Se’moin (Plate 65)*6
Discovering the True Spiritual Path of Oahspe
Part VI. The Book of Saphah Revisited
Se’moin *6
Labelled Images and Text
Newbrough Placement:
Saphah Se’moin: 0→
• Best Placement:
Saphah Se’moin: 0→ *44
Presented Origin: Pan.
This plate, the Tablet of Se’moin, is considered the central and most key of all such plates in Saphah. For it portends to be representative of the first human language, that of the continent of Pan, the cradle of human civilization. Concerning what the actual term “Se’moin” means, there appear to be no lexical units of either “se” or “moin” anywhere in Oahspe. This being the case, there is a greater possibility of the term “Se’moin” as well as its images NOT being part of the original Oahspe text. And following this line of reasoning, the next step is to see if some kind of Masonic interpretation or use of this term may be found.
It turns out that there is another anagram (phonetic) to be formed from “Se’moin,” for example “M-e-i-s-o-n, which obviously is another way to phonetically express the term “Mason.” As will be seen, many of the titles of these mysterious word plates can be reconstructed to indicate that a Masonic author created all these terms.
Se’moin Term Totals: *62
So about half of the Se’moin mysterious words do not have a reference, and almost half of those that do, are referenced only within Saphah. Nevertheless, there still are a fair number of nonSaphah references concerning the symbols of this plate. While this may seem fairly high, especially in comparison with other mysterious word plates found in Saphah, it would be hoped that even more references might exist since Se’moin is the “first language” primer for the beginning of civilization in our world. I honestly expected to see more throughout Oahspe. This did not turn out to be the case very often.
Se’moin Masonic Symbols Referenced
No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah
Crossbones (Uhk’sa)
Serpent (Hiss’pe)
Serpent (Hiss’sa)
Triangle (Sam’tu)
L-square (Tu’fong)
Trowel (I’che)
Compass (Tu’fa)
Pyramid (Sarji)
All-Seeing Eye (I’he)
Hexagram (Git’s’ang)
Pyramid (Sarji) Hatchet
(Uh’sauk) Spider web
(Mek) Sun (Git’ow)
Cardinal directions (Bak)
Cardinal directions (F’si)
Cardinal directions
(Td’nam) Cardinal directions (T’ong) Hand
Skull (Ung’wan)
Stair steps (D’gani)
Stair steps (S’spe’su)
Triangle (Guz)
Tripod (K’sam)
Stair steps (D’hi)
Crossbones (Sa)
Serpent (Hiss)
Mouth (Mai)
Gau plumbline
(Gau) Aries (Sed)
Taurus (Tau)
Sun (Git’ow)
Moon (E’git)
Moon (K’git)
Moon (M’git)
Burning altar (Agni)
Stair steps(Che’vot)
Ear (Gee)
Sun (M’git’ow)
Sun (Hi’dang)
Aries (Sed)
Total Masonic Symbols: 41 out of 121 (33%).
Total Masonic With No Reference: 21 out 40; (53%).
Total Masonic With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 24 out 40; (60%).
In summary, out of 121 (11x11, Masonic numbers representing the religious disciple, “11” standing for the two Masonic pillars, Boaz and Jachin)59 Se’moin symbols, 40 are Masonic (33%). Of these 40 symbols, 21 are never referenced, 24 never outside of Saphah (60%).
Conclusion: The number of Masonic symbols being used is significantly higher than you would expect out of a universal sampling of thousands of possible symbols. Additionally, since most of these are not used outside of Saphah, the suspicion grows that these symbols were artificially implanted by the Oahspe editors intent on falsely representing Masonic dogma into Oahspe.
An opposing view might argue that the fact that if any of the symbols are referenced at all, not to mention some at multiple times, is evidence enough that Saphah and any Masonic symbols were not placed in Oahspe under false pretenses.
However, if Oahspe is what it says it is, that is, a work of higher realm angels, then it must be the case that a much higher quality of organization and precision would exist. Unrelated terms and
symbols would not be “dead end” knowledge which could never be properly used or understood. It is because of this “angelic” context, that every instance of error and sloppiness is proof that disingenuous authorship involving Oahspe took place.
Consider the following Se’moin images:
The Plate of Se’moin is the center piece of The Book of Saphah as it is considered representative of the first written language ever used by mankind, Panic. It was purportedly taught to men and women by angels who engraved it on stone tablets using spirit power:
And the Lord spake unto the I'hin, saying: That the labor of the Lord thy God may be remembered on the earth, go provide me a stone and I will engrave it with mine own hand, and it shall be called Se'moin (see first tablet, Book of Saphah), because it shall be a testimony unto all nations and peoples, on the earth, of the first written language in all the world. (1st Lords 1st 4:2)*6
Clearly this plate is not intended to be a complete representation of the Panic language, but rather a spiritually significant collection of spiritual ideas for the reader to connect with – and to understand for a higher heavenly knowledge.
Yet the main themes of faith in the Creation, service unto others, and uniting in communities, are hardly represented. So what was
the supposedly intended purpose of the angelically channeled Se’moin? From a heavenly standpoint, these symbols add nothing to the Kosmon era goals of a world united in peace, love and good works, consecrated in every way to the Creator. That is troubling.
To put this another way, which will lead a person to greater harmony and awareness: seeking to hear the Creator’s Voice directly from within … or contemplating Se’moin images.
Some would argue that as to which is more valuable, that depends on the individual and the particular current needs of that person. That is ridiculous and simply being contrary for the sake of arguing. For the absolute truth on this question is that NOTHING can surpass direct inspiration from Our Creator. For the process of Communion with Our Creator is a living, spontaneous communication which is transcendent, infinite and beyond the interference of any darkness by nearby spirit drujas.
So o ahead and stare or focus on a single image for hours as you will, as however your mortal or spirit masters direct you. They will be delighted to have you as their serf or slave. Yet all you are doing is locking your mind into a prison cell when you could be roaming the universe of wonderful ideas and power and love, all courtesy of The All-Highest Light.
Hence, the end result, and no doubt the intended result of including this tablet was simply to focus Oahspe readers and Faithist cultists
on esoteric knowledge that would distract these seekers from fulfilling the real goals of Oahspe, as mentioned above, and instead seek a cultism-religion where the masters and the students studied and meditated on such symbols, deceiving themselves that doing such alone was all that was required for heavenly resurrection. Nor could it ever be rightly state that such symbol meditations were ever a key step in knowing how to approach resurrection. Besides this, the images themselves, are bland, crude and obscure. Take a look right now at Se’moin images to confirm this.
In essence, Saphah was implanted not to set others free but instead to act as spiritual chains of the mind and spirit.
Yet even in the sense of Se’moin representing a language, is being presented in various faulty ways. Please consider that these symbols are pictograms in that the pictures represent the meaning, and where also there is a direct correspondence between the symbol and the pronunciation, as in Mek, meaning “spider-web, and represented by the image:.
However, this is in contradiction to the earlier representation of how the Panic language works as explained in Plate 64 (The Panic, Yi’haic, Vedic, Hebraic, and Sanscrit Primaries). According to the plate, there are Panic symbols which are combined from single characters in order to make a single word. Thus, for the pronunciation of Mek, there would have to be three symbols, just as a regular alphabet system would! This is just more proof that
Saphah is a sham.
Unfortunately, from the beginning of the “Oahspe” movement, and even among current Oahspean Faithists, Se’moin is held to be an almost sacred collection
And as explained earlier concerning the Masons idolizing “Osiris,” we find that a very long paragraph of 247 words is incorrectly placed within the Saphah section. Obviously this is an attempt to create a false worship of Osiris where there is no need to do so in the text of “The First Language.” Why should there be?
It is certainly more than possible that many of the symbols of Se’moin were authentically channeled by Newbrough from the second resurrection. However, one good conclusion is that this set of symbols were greatly altered. For the Masonic cult had and has its own dark ideas to propagandize and they are in clear force in this case, where as usual, the symbolism is promoting false esoteric knowledge which attempts to mislead the reader once again.
Stare as long as you want at Se’moin, it is not just a waste of time but a means to connect your mind to those who would imprison your mind in their false dogma and actual cult of dark oppression.
I include the colorized version of Se’moin in order to contrast how crude, inscrutable, the original black-and-white version is. You see,
even those who hold this plate in high esteem, know it looks bad and so color it to diminish its negativity Basically, this is idolatry where a golden (or monocrhome) calf is being worshipped instead of The Great Spirit within. Let’s make the right choice, shall we?