Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.
Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to: theeloists@gmail.com
Thank Thee for the liberty to choose our own way. We cannot always choose the kind of experiences we want, but we can learn to govern our reactions, and keep them constructive, and in this way be the choosers, and gain control over our lives. Thank Thee for the clarity of our perception which enables us to make a wise choice of direction. Thank Thee for an environment which is favorable to our purpose.
We are the choosers and the doers; and yet Thou art the inspiration, the will, the love that is behind our effort, and behind all the energies and faculties we use. Thou art the Instigator Who makes our lives what they are, the Planner Who has designed our which comes when we liberate ourselves from self is Thy greatest gift, the most wonderful human quality,
and the most worthwhile individual attainment. It is a continuously flowing fountain of delight springing forth from the limitless depths of Thy Being in us, expanding outward to inspire, strengthen and uplift all who come after us in the paths of soul progression.
We want to give you the inspiration that will take you upward, over present hurdles and into a new dimension of being. The uplifting force of our combined aspirations is a sight to make you marvel. How the Creator has blessed us with the power to better ourselves and improve our surroundings! We are always in a state of wonder even while we are in
the midst of tumultuous activities and negative forces. We can see the Light melting resistance and organizing all the little particles of peace and well-being into a mighty ray from the heavens to our place beneath. We can imagine how our continued work will benefit people once they tune into the increased vibrational energy. And you wonder how it is that we are steadfast and constant in our encouragement for you! We cannot be anything but hopeful and full of praise. We are forever grateful to be a part of this plan for Creation.
Arise and shine, your light has come, God's glory fills
your soul! God, meaning the Creator. Names mean nothing to Jehovih Who is the Creator. Most people think of God in the figure of a man; some, as the Supreme Being, or Great Spirit. The Creator is everything, and is everyone, so cannot be limited. He is the Supreme Being. His glory does fill your soul. Contemplate this great light of divinity within every soul now! Don't miss this great opportunity while in the earthly body to express your highest light. Use your god-given powers to make this a better world for all. One candle in the darkness can ignite other candles, as it were, and soon the darkness of earth will melt away.
As we bring this cycle to a close and set our sights on the objectives for the New Year, we find we will need to emphasize the basics, namely taking the time for councils, time for the focus, time to tune in with Jehovih and with us, your Angelic Hosts.
Today we find ourselves occupied more with lifting work than had been the case in years recently passed before the upturn in the cycle occurred. We anticipate it will be occupying a great part of our attention in the years ahead, at least through the tum of the century. There will be significant changes in society by that time that will allow us the opportunity for greater diversity in the work we do through you, but for now we will need to concentrate on building
your focus for lifting souls in need and providing a means through which we can convey the positive message of hope and Light that many people are seeking in these times of change. Do all you can to guide others onto the path of Light and we will do all we can to support your growth.
The Creator has sown an immortal seed of divinity, a part of Himself, in every human soul. This means we can grow to become more and more divine and beautiful throughout eternity. We can begin now to become like gods and goddesses. Instead of fighting with one another, we can bless one another with
beautiful thoughts and feelings; and with cooperative good works instead of competition. We can bless people by silently affirming their divinity, their oneness with the Creator, especially when we do this in a group. All people who ever lived are still living. Some have created a hell for themselves, and are suffering in a condition of bondage to earth. Others have progressed to higher places of life, and are full of light, love and compassion, serving the Creator by helping to raise up all those who are beneath them in the grades of development. Once you have grasped the picture of what you truly are in essence, you will find new energy and new joy in living. You will see the possibility of overcoming every handicap, and becoming a healthier, happier individual in this life and the next.
We sit in oneness with you. At last the ribbon to the past can be detached and let loose. With a sigh we gather and smile. Old habits may cling, but with positive determination they may wither and disappear with our consent. We must "try" for a while before the newly developed choices become easy, comfortable, consistent ones. But they can become part of our person, even more so than the old undesirable habits which never really did fit us. Our preferred, light-filled choices will become the norm as we solidify our spiritual base. This brings us full circle to establishing goals which encourage the formation of new habits, free of limiting attitudes. We may be "creatures of habit", but we can consciously choose to develop
healthy ones, in every way reflecting the divine souls whom we are.
Across the barrier of Light and darkness, mighty armies of the Creator's hosts are waiting, for souls to awaken, to transcend, to cross this invisible barrier and start their upward ascent. The Army of Love prays and lends a helping hand. To the wandering souls lost in the dark, watch for that spark of Light. Whenever there is Light, we are present. Even in the darkest of hells, we are there, laboring to raise the chaotic souls upward sometimes with good luck,
sometimes with very little success. But we keep on laboring, for it is the Creator's Will. How do you value the ascension of a soul? How much labor is it worth? Apparently to the Creator, any amount of labor and any time is worth the effort if a lost soul could be guided on the upward path. Cheer up, friends, we are here laboring on your behalf now. Can’t you feel our presence? Can't you sense the uphill ascent you and we are going to make together? It's going to be a long climb and will test your stamina to the full. The reward is so satisfying, though, that you won't mind the long climb at all. When you were on top of the mountain, did you regret the time and energy you spent to get there? The panorama can only be had there, and nowhere else. This is a similar journey, though much longer, and differs significantly in one aspect. After you have made the long climb up,
you do not have to descend again, unless you so incline. The Creator created all to be on an upward path. Temporary backslides are just the spice of life, to prevent life from becoming monotonous and boring. The Creator also designs tests to test our abilities to withstand hardship and adverse conditions, though He never gives tests that are beyond our capabilities. Strive hard to be the most perfect soul you can be. Report all your development and hear our happy laughter and sincere congratulations.
These lead toward the upward path. There are no short cuts, no "easy outs". All must plod the same path soon or late. We all must learn the truth and grow in wisdom through experience. Those tasks undertaken and done well give the strength to do more. This is the way to the higher heavens. Beware of those who offer easy answers for spiritual redemption, and at the same time beware of those who offer complex and cryptic methods for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Though the way is never easy, yet it is very simple in principle and very simple to explain; so simple that it may be deceptive, leading one to think the practice of these Truths is easy to attain. In reality successful growth comes only through years of arduous practice, consistent discipline and objective self-evaluation. Purity of
thought, integrity of thought, word and deed, selfless service to your fellow sojourners, the human family, this is the way of growth. Yet who applies themselves to practicing these principles to any degree commensurate with their understanding? We your angelic mentors watch and wait, prod and inspire with the hope that the glimmering of understanding that we spark within your being does lead you onward to the path of Light. To the degree that we are successful, to that degree are we helped as well. In time you will join us and share in the same undertakings, helping those who are behind you to progress. Why not begin the process now and you will find yourselves stronger for your efforts and that much more prepared for the work that is ahead. Verily, you can be helpmates with us even now and you will find the day of your transformation to join us in this
realm a happier day, for you will be able to step through that unseen portal without regret or apprehension. That alone is worth any seeming sacrifice now.
Take us at our word on this, for we all have made that journey before you, and all of us agree that had we the opportunity to retrace our steps we would have done much more before giving up our earthly shells and all the advantages that went with it. Now we must accomplish without our earthly attributes what we could have done when we had the earthly shell in which to work, and that is a much harder task. Take our advice and reexamine yourselves daily through the light of your souls, objectively, and correct your actions in every way you can. We will do our part and help you along. Be at peace in your souls, dear friends.
The Creator is as powerful in this world as in the spiritual world, and yet Jehovih permits humanity to create and live in slums. The low planes of the spiritual world are similar to the slums of earth life. The slums of the spirit world are created by beings in this world, and those who were in any way instrumental in creating them on earth live in them in spirit until they combine their intelligent efforts to create better conditions for their fellow spirits. The person who reaps most from the labors of others in this world reaps most of the effects of their poverty-producing policies in the next world.
Everyone suffers the consequences of spiritual causes they set in motion. In like manner everyone can enjoy the consequences of all the good they
create for others. How greatly does humanity need to understand that "Whatsoever we sow, that shall we also reap."
Fulfilling the law of consequences, those who have given their lives in the service of others create a place like their own dwelling in the spiritual world for those who, like them, had sacrificed everything in life to reveal spiritual truths to humanity. They can reap together in a land of love, of the love they had sown together. They could not promise to exalt selfish and unloving spirits into a heaven of love, simply because they had faith in them. The kingdom of love is not given as a reward for blind faith; it is won by works of love that transform the character into a form of heaven, that is, into an angelic character.
There are millions of angel workers bringing light to souls in all parts of the world. You are being enlightened by them. You are being made aware of the Creator's Presence with you in all life. You are being impressed with the reality of spiritual worlds, and the immortality of your soul. You are being inspired with an urge to express peace and goodwill, and to give service to others in any way you can. You are being charged with a purpose to serve the Creator, and being taught how to commune directly with Him. Although you see much tragedy, turmoil, violence and suffering in the world, you are being sustained with faith in the goodness of life, and trust in the Creator. You know that everything is worked out for the freeing of souls from bondage to false
gods, and addiction to the things of earth. A great new Light is reaching millions of mortals. A slow but sure transformation of the world is taking place.
Search the universe as mortal or angel and you will never find the abode of your Creator. No matter the direction, no matter how far or how fast the journey, you will never be closer to your Creator than you are right now.
We all think, at times, that we will be more aware and somehow closer to the I AM when we have reached the next level of existence, yet we find on our arrival that we are still essentially the same self, though
perhaps a little wiser and a little more experienced. Of course, there is a degree of progression as we move through the higher plateaux, but the changes in awareness do not come in dramatic leaps as one might expect when changing to another level of existence. Even the first step from atmospherean to etherean is not as drastic as one may think.
The change in environment is certainly noticeable, and appearances certainly change. Just the fact that we have been able to graduate to that level of existence does imply a greater degree of development in benevolence and wisdom. Yet it does not summon a significant change in sensitivity or awareness. The facts remain the same, whether on your level of development or ours. The Creator is, was, and ever shall be as close today as in eons to come. You are just as immersed within the being of
your Creator now as you will be in countless centuries to come. All that changes is your state of mind, your inner being, your deeper self. It all happens within the distance of your mind and not the distance of the farthest galaxy. It is all attitude, not altitude. It is in your perception, your discipline of mind, your understanding and comprehension. These are all internal qualities, not external trappings.
This is why the seemingly inexplicable happens.
Namely, the fact that angelic beings can rise to the uppermost levels of the atmospherean realms and then plummet into the darkness of selfishness and deceit until they reach the very bottom, to be entrapped in the hells of their own creation.
At this moment you are already subsisting in the realm of spirit, though you are a corporean in fact.
You are already an angel in the making. You are a co-worker with us, your angelic mentors, beginning to fulfill the plan that your Creator has devised for you. Do not seek that Presence in the clouds. The Ever-Present is not in the stars. The I AM is the foundation of your being, and you are already in the eternal school of progression. Embrace this greater awareness here and now and realize that the All Knowing Presence is at your fingertips. All of It is available to you and all of It depends on your attitude, perception and your state of mind.
Death is a bridge across which all must pass to enter life. Death is a cloak that is tossed aside to reveal the raiment of the new. Death is a gateway to the stars, and suns, and to the hosts whose praises rise in triumph and humility to the Most High, who has given light and darkness, both of which are beautiful. Death is a torch illuminating the night. Death is a glory as truly as life for all who recognize that it is a beginning to which there is no end. You cannot judge death by what it leaves behind, for it transcends itself. Death is a bridge, a gate, a cloak, a shell, a husk, a way through which the fearless find new hope that nothing can dispel. Do not try to unsnarl the riddle of my words, nor seek answers beyond the depth of their meaning. Simply accept this step, which leads to a
new unfoldment for you all. Each shall be guided.
Each shall find the way out of the night into eternal day. You who are here shall build more quickly now, aware of forces that you cannot touch, aware of beauty that you cannot see, aware of music that evades the ear, aware of wonder that delights the soul. Death is a word; life is a love. Death is a bridge; life is a journey. Death is a dream; life is an awakening. Death is a dusk; life is a dawn. The cocoon is gone, but the butterfly shall emerge as lovely as your love, as vivid as your light, as gentle as your thoughts, as kindly as your words, and as graceful and enduring as your indomitable strength.
Let us go back to the beginning, not your beginning, which was finite; not the beginning of time, which has no beginning; nor the beginning of creation, for that too has been unfolding and evolving in perpetuity.
Since it seems harder to comprehend something that always has been than it is to comprehend something that has a definite starting point, let us try to find that.
Not the start of time, not the start of creation, not the start of the first suns or first planets, but rather let us start at the first Source. The Source from which all of those things which evolve incessantly were derived; the First Cause, the Cause of all causes. This is certainly the easiest to comprehend, for there must logically be a first Source of Energy and Power even for perpetual motion and perpetual creation. There is
evidence of Intelligence, Order and Harmony in all you see about you. Such majesty and magnificence cannot rationally be the product of blind chance. So, using our indwelling powers of intelligence and reason, we inevitably come to the conclusion that there must be a First Cause that fuels even a perpetual creation, and since reason tells us that Cause must be intelligent (for to come to this conclusion we have used our own reason and intelligence, which also must have a first Cause), then this Intelligent Source must be our Creator. It is also logical to realize that several first Causes would be an unnecessary complication, and so we find ourselves before One Source, The All Source, The All Intelligence, and that is indeed our Creator. Can you not see that the concept of an All Person, an All Cause, is the easiest conclusion to arrive at? That
is the reason why even the most primitive and ancient races of humanity had a concept of God, the Creator. The difficulty comes in comprehending the Creator's real Magnitude in intelligence and power. This remains beyond our realm of finite understanding. That is why earlier races had their god in the form of a man or bestowed multiple gods to handle the multiple tasks throughout creation, for they could see it in no other way.
All things grow, evolve and change. It is an inevitable and unimpedible process in a continually evolving Creation. The same is true of the mind of humanity.
As your ancestors have grown to understand the technology of architecture over huts and caves, spaceships over rafts and wagons, computers and telephones over marks on mud and smoke signals, so they also have grown to comprehend their Creator
in more accurate and realistic terms. Yes, you have matured enough to appreciate the fact that your Creator is not a multiplicity of intelligences, but One Intelligence only; that your Creator is not a giant man sitting among the stars, but an Ever-Present Intelligence residing in all places and in all things.
Deep within your soul resides the very Person of the Creator and that Presence within you is as complete and whole and potent as is the Great Spirit that resides in the universe around you, just as every drop of water in the sea is the sea with no one part being more the sea than another, and every drop of seawater being of the same composition, regardless of how you choose to fragment or divide it. The great secret, however, is that the division and separateness you perceive between yourself and other souls, or between yourself and your Creator is simply another
illusion. The great truth is that you are not now, nor have you ever been separate from your Creator, and on a soul level you are not even separate from the other souls on your world.
Every individual soul in creation is inseparably linked to you in soul and spirit, whether they reside on this planet or some distant star. It is just the dulling influence of the earthly shell that temporarily houses the true spirit that causes you to be insensitive to the feelings and thoughts that emanate from others, but in time you will grow to comprehend the mental impulses broadcast from distant places and answer to their needs.
The day will come when you will rise into our world of spirit and there you will begin to perceive with greater sensitivity and clarity. At first you will become more
sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of those in your community and nation. Later you will rise to a more comprehensive compassion and concern for all those on your planet. When you rise to the etherean worlds, your appreciation of your oneness with all souls through the Creator's presence will lead you to a caring sensitivity for souls on countless stars and planets. But for the moment try to comprehend that you are indeed inseparably linked with all other beings on your plane of existence, every bit as much as the bond of blood relations links you to your immediate earthly family.
We are not saying that you should not love your family, for we want you to express your love that naturally flows to your family members. But what we do want you to do is to realize more fully how the Great Spirit binds you to all others who are travelling
on your earthly plane and in that realization become more understanding, more tolerant and more sensitive to their needs. For if all those residing on your plane could come to this awareness there would be no war, no crime, no suffering or starvation. "Man's inhumanity to man" would soon come to an end.
Do not despair. Such a transformation of consciousness is possible, for the reality is that such a transformation is already occurring, and though it is true that you will not see it in all its fullness in your corporeal lifetime, yet you will live to see signs of its unfolding power as this new age dawns upon us.
This is the dawn of an age that comes eventually to every planet that nurtures the human family. Finally the time does come when the races of humanity
mature enough in wisdom and consciousness to grasp the greater truths of spiritual adulthood. It is a time when they become aware of the great that they are spiritual beings who are temporarily residing in corporeal abodes. It is a time when the maturity of earthly knowledge begins to balance with the sublime truths of spiritual knowledge. It is that awareness that allows the glimmer of realization and recognition to well up from within and finally allows the understanding to "dawn" that:
"I and my Creator are one. My being and the being of my Creator interpenetrate at all times. I can perceive the Creator's presence in my own conscious soul and within everything in creation. The Great Spirit dwells within every tree, every blade of grass, every flower, every rock, every star and every cloud, but most of all within every other person be they young or old, rich or
poor, blessed or seemingly forsaken. Because I am aware, I am responsible. I am the Creator's eyes and hands on this plane of existence. If I am born to good fortune and prosperity, then I am responsible in part for those who are weak and unfortunate. For just as I and my Creator are one, so is the I AM one with all, and it is precisely that bond that makes me one with all mankind."