Spiritualism, i.e., the eternal process of heavenly resurrection along with all our loved ones, is the universal truth of soul progression. Reincarnation is quite the opposite.
1) Any memories are simply from the spirits who are seeking control of you or are one of your associated spirits;
(2) The danger in believing in reincarnation is due to the fact that there are cults on the astral planes and in the hells who will try to bring your mind into a state of near unconsciousness in order to control you;
(3) Reincarnation involves seeking to forget everyone you ever loved. And then have them forget about you;
(4) The fundamental truth about spiritualism is that the heavens are a new life — free of body — yet all very real — you will be pretty much the same person after you died — with the same problems and the same strengths. Fortunately, there are angelic organizations which will work to help you. But there are also dark spheres of various addictions or sinful tendencies