Soaring in Consciousness 661. — September 27th, 2020
Prayer: We perceive, O Creator, that with but a little more effort in our attunement to Thee, we feel so much better, so much lighter.
consciousness Ever-Presence,
with a
our Great
appears to be taking place throughout our being. Our visual perception clarifies.
countenance shines forth — in smiles that frame our true spirit ever more so. This is the best any of us can feel — whenever we make the effort to Feel The Oneness and The Love and The Light that The Great Spirit Ever-Present is blessing us all with every moment of immortality. Exhilaration in The All-Highest! We are soaring the Arctic Skies of Everlasting Purity.
circumscribe our angelic flight together this morning. Mountains of Royal Blue, crowned in glittering snow, crystal-blue glaciers, imbue our minds with breathtaking clarity, an Eternal Knowledge of the Tranquility that permeates Our Cosmos in every star, every person, every indivisible atom.
We are poised in our flight fully entranced —our purpose here may be no more than just feeling happiness that is boundless — and that is just fine
Upon our wings of
unsurpassed gladness and wonder, we continue to ascend and roll and turn in circles that move in unity with Our Dazzling Sun, now at its zenith at noon. As our rejoice-filled sailing of the celestial heights dispels every ounce of negativity from our being, our mental state, our astral body,
gleaming translucent empowerment. For Our Spirit is The Sacred Fire Eternal in its essence and so we return to our ethereal state of soul-star resplendence.
In this state of being, angelic and ethereal, we begin to realize that we can achieve any good work for the upliftment of all in our life. What we must each do is place our full and constant trust in Jehovih the I AM, ... and then soar swiftly to the highest heights we may explore — discovering the divine and beautiful in every aspect of every person, of every garden universe which we are being blessed with this moment — One with ALL LIFE!. We are hardly surprised to next then fly behind the mighty, the impeccable,
Great White Eagle. Great purpose and power goes before and within and so we took move onward to a new day of life.
However, this time we know we cannot fail, cannot fear, but can only love and illuminate all we reach and embrace, ‌ with heart and mind, spirit and soul ‌ worlds without end, Amen.