Spiritual Science Walter DeVoe (1924)
Spiritual science is a system of thought that encourages the methodical study of those spiritual truths common to the foundation of all religions, that will lead to a more balanced growth in any individual. It recognizes the fact that the road to spiritual growth can be studied as systematically as the study of chemistry, physics or any of the exact sciences. Spiritual science will make you joyously and creatively efficient for growth in this world and the next. It will prove to you that you are a Temple of the Living Creator, inspired by the Will of the Almighty as expressed through your own being.
Do you want to realize the healing life of the Creator in you? Do you want to learn how to pray with greater power? Do you want to grow mentally to a state of greater capacity and power? Do you want to become superior to the destructive forces in your environment? Do you want to experience the miracle of the Creator's presence expressing through your life? Do you want to experience a more vigorous state of health and well-being? If so, then open your heart and mind to the study of spiritual science with the same sincerity and devotion that you would show for any other subject that you would wish to pursue with definiteness of purpose.
The study of spiritual science will connect you consciously with the constructive, healing power of the Creator and in that process the All Person will become much more to you than an abstract Principle of Power. You will come to know the I AM as an actual, real, creative Intelligence in every cell of your nature, in every thought of your mind, in every emotion of your feelings and in every motion of your will. 2
You can learn to feel the presence of the Creator as the very force that rebuilds your body from day to day and that heals you of all infirmities. All distress and imbalances in your body are healed by the Ever-Present Power of the Creator directly, despite whatever outside intervention takes place through doctors or drugs. You will learn what a miracle it is just to be alive. You will realize that there is no greater miracle than the simple, commonplace act of existing. You will realize more fully that the power which causes you to exist from hour to hour is the power of the Creator residing in your being. How great will be your joy when, as a result of your own experience, you realize that you can make larger demands upon the creative nature of the Ever-Present and know that it will respond to the demands of your own creative will. You can feel the response. You can direct this healing power within your own being to reconstruct your mind and body into a more healthy and perfect pattern.
Ask and You Shall Receive
Spiritual science will reveal an entirely new principle of prayer to you. It will teach you how to pray so that you will get results. There is a creative power of the Creator that was with you from the moment of conception, but it in a sense "sleeps" until you learn how to awaken it and use it constructively. It is Almighty, but it expresses only as much of its power through you as you are able to call forth and use. "Ask and you shall receive" means more than asking an unknown power with words of prayer. It means praying or making a demand in such a way that the creative power can respond. In this regard, the creative power within you is the servant and you are the master, and in the final analysis, you are 3
always given the power to choose.
For example, you know that when you want your muscles to grow strong, you exercise them. In that way you make a demand upon the Creator of your muscles to rebuild them. Praying to the Creator With the desire to make your muscles stronger without at the same time using your muscles would not be asking in the right way. Prayer that agrees with the method of the Almighty's Will, especially if the prayer is unselfish, is always answered. The All Person in you knows what you have need of at all times, but as a general rule waits for you to exercise your power of choice; decide and then ask. Spiritual science clarifies for you just how to pray with clarity using all the force of your mind and body. That which you demand will be answered in the degree that you fulfill the law of selfexpression.
Seek and You Shall Find
You desire to live a more dynamically active and joyful life. By making the right kind of demands upon the unlimited life of the Creator within your being, you will find that the Creative Life will respond instantly and express through every thought and every physical cell that you bring into the right relationship with that Presence.
The power of the Creator that you may draw upon and use may be compared to the oxygen in the air. It is present in unlimited quantities, but it is useless to you until you absorb it through your being into your blood. The Creative Presence of Life is more closely present with you than oxygen. It seems to be inert and inactive until you lay hold of it and 4
make it active with the creative force of your mind and body.
Your body will not absorb the food that you eat unless there is cell hunger. Unless your blood has an appetite, or affinity for more oxygen, deep breathing will not further oxidize your blood. In a similar manner, you must have a hunger, a deep burning desire, for the life of the Creator to express through you in order to be able to receive that Life in greater abundance.
The Ever-Present Great Spirit is waiting to give you all the power that you can use. The Creator's love desires to satisfy the hunger of your immortal nature. The I AM has already given you eternal life, but that does not necessarily mean that you have awakened to that fact. The Infinite Presence will aid you to outgrow all your physical and spiritual limitations to the degree that you fulfill the laws of your being and exert your own will to demand your rightful inheritance as a son or daughter of the Creator while making wise use of the powers that you receive. Spiritual science shows you the way.
It is the Creator's Good Pleasure to Give You the Kingdom
It is the Creator's pleasure to give you life in endless abundance. You can have all the creative, healing life that you need for the intensification of your physical and spiritual forces when you demand it. The supply is always equal to the demand. The Creator-is able to meet all the demands of creation. The Great Spirit's Will ever urges you to become more and more perfect. The All Person is glorified by the health, the beauty and the growing perfection of all people. You can learn to 5
exercise the creative will in you and thus express the Will of the EverPresent within you.
So-called miracles of healing have been facilitated by faith, prayer, suggestion, hypnotism, thought force, nature cure, and physical culture. These remarkable cases convince us that there are depths of power within human nature which have never been adequately sounded. These instances of miraculous healing help us to understand the truth that the human form is really created in the image and likeness of the Almighty's Will. Because the Infinite resides within our very selves, we are endowed with a measure of the powers of Omnipotence. We are as yet but babes in our understanding of the use of those powers, and so much of the time they lie dormant within us, even as an Ever-Present Potential that is occasionally hinted at but mostly untapped.
The brain of the modem business executive slumbered within the brain of our early primitive ancestors. The law of use developed that brain. Primitive peoples possessed the possible brain development of the greatest intellect of modem times, but those possibilities were potential, not actual. They were in a passive, not active state. Humanity's varied experiences have made a demand upon the hidden potentialities which the Creator stored in the brain of the earliest humans, and they have increased each person's capacity to express intellect and executive power. There are other latent powers still slumbering within the human mind which, when developed, will make humanity as benevolent as it now is selfish. Humanity will become as much improved in spiritual capacity when compared to our present society as it has' improved in mundane abilities over ancient savages.
A New Era
A new era is unfolding in human history which will call for giants of benevolence to bring a new order out of human chaos. Honor and power will be realized only by those who have prepared themselves to do the Benevolent Will of the Creator, regardless of the name professed. The present generation is passing through great distress because people are seeking to satisfy selfish desires instead of uniting their energies unselfishly to make the world better for all. The discordant conditions causing distress at present, as well as in the immediate future, will tend to drive humanity to seek for deeper principles and better methods for the organization of human society. The present disorder is a manifestation of the struggling death of the old nature of selfishness with all of its organizations. It will be replaced by the birth of a more benevolent nature of humanity which will create a co-operative system of social and industrial life. In that process, the time will come when even poverty and criminality will be a thing of the past, as will all the evils and wars begotten of the present system of selfishness and greed.
Spiritual science will show you principles of growth which affect nations as well as individuals. It makes clear the fact that nations suffer from spiritual diseases which destroy national life just as individuals suffer from spiritual diseases which destroy individual life. Principles of spiritual science when absorbed into your constitution will be your greatest source of safety and strength during times of social and industrial readjustment. They enable you to be a guiding light to many and to point a way to safety and peace for all who are willing to cultivate their attunement to their Creator and devote their lives to the Creator's service. It may be that personal needs are the most pressing to you now, but by 7
learning how those needs may be satisfied, you will grow to realize that there is a greater good that you can attain by co-operating with others to extend awareness of these principles to other people that are within your reach in the world.
Knock and It Shall be Opened unto You
As previously stated, the Creator has increased the mental capacity of humanity to the degree that humanity has made a demand for a greater and more active mental capacity. Increased mental development and sophistication have come from exercise and use. By using most intensely the powers inherent in everyone, one can make a demand upon the creative forces in one's nature for a more powerful and responsive mind, just as one can make the same demands upon the same forces to develop more powerful muscles and a more vital nervous system.
The Creator will give you generously of the Infinite Life and Power that springs from an Ever-Present Source. The Eternal Power in you can give you a more vigorous heart. Your digestive system can be re-energized. You can make a demand upon the Creator's power within you for a rich and healthy constitution, and that demand will be recognized and fulfilled. The same Power that created your tissues, glands and organs is still present within you and is always ready to recreate them when the appropriate conditions of mind and body are applied. That same Intelligent Power, which formed your organism from the original cells and then diversified them to create your liver, kidneys, muscles, bones and brain, this instant is willing to do as much and more than It has done for 8
you in the past if you will only allow your lesser self to step aside so that that Power can be expressed. It is already expressing through you every moment. Think what a miracle it is that the intelligence of the Creator is this instant creating the right kind of metabolic constituents that you need through the action of millions of cells in your body. When you turn your attention to this matter of your own life, you will behold so great a wonder that, you will want no other or greater proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator. The wonder and mystery of your being will awaken a great awe within you. You will realize that you are "fearfully and wonderfully made." This awe is the awakening of your faculties of spiritual awareness which can know and feel the presence of the I AM. This awe of the Creator is the beginning of wisdom.
We live so immersed in our mundane existence that the unseen forces about us are seldom noticed by most unenlightened souls. An ardent study of the truths of spiritual science, however, will enlarge your understanding, intensify all the powers of your spirit, and give you a more masterful control of all the forces of your spiritual and physical nature.
You will learn how to arouse into activity the slumbering creative power which resides in your spirit. This power of the Creator in you can reorganize every function of your body. You will lay hold of the Power of your Creator within you and direct the Power of that Presence consciously to invigorate your heart, to vitalize your blood, to energize your muscles, and to give new zest and joy to the creative activities of your mind.
Teaching the Principles of Spiritual Science
When we speak of spiritual science we are not referring to a new or divisive sect or creed any more than the discovery of physics or chemistry could be considered a new or divisive physical science. We are speaking of the fundamental spiritual Truths that are always in motion regardless of our lack of recognition of their existence or the denials of self-serving religious bigotries.
Those who have the desire to teach and the initiative to devote their lives to helping humanity can make the teaching of spiritual science a rewarding endeavor that can fill all the years of their life here on earth as well as in the hereafter. By sharing the spiritual ideas and principles that rise above sect and creed, they can give instruction and inspiration to the multitude now hungering and thirsting for the healing, soulawakening Truths like those we have been sharing.
Through selfless service devoted to the upliftment of others, you will gain the inspiration and protection of Hosts of Angels who share the same aspiration, thus adding to your power in doing good. In whatever field you may pursue for the benefit of humanity, you will gain angelic protection which will provide a barrier against the destructive psychic effects experienced by so many seekers and healers who have not learned the means of gaining inspiration from the angelic realms above the first resurrection. Every student and teacher of spiritual science will gain the conscious directive power of the Great Spirit within their soul, and we, as a Concord of Creators, who attune ourselves with you through our prayers and blessings, will add the power of the Angel Hosts' exalted thoughts to your efforts. 10
When a student, for example, seeks to serve by assisting someone impaired by some sickness, it is often helpful to bring in the assistance of the Concord of Creators and thereby draw upon all the healing resources of power that this association of disciplined thought in concert with an Angelic Pleroma can provide. This power has developed through years of experience involving the co-operation of many concentrators, both here and on the unseen planes above, and by working in cooperation with such an association, we can have the advantage of all the knowledge, experience and vision those years of unified service has provided.
When an individual joins in that organic association, working with others in singleness of purpose, they are given the benefit of the overshadowing protection of a host of angelic souls whose strength of inspiration will amplify all efforts toward selfless service. The strength of all the immortal, benevolent angels associated with us in our efforts, gives strength to the growing spirit of the student working with us as well as the soul in need that they are trying to help. Under this inspiration, the student outgrows spiritual and psychical limitations more rapidly than would have been the case if these efforts were conducted in isolation without this added power.
We do not teach individuals to make themselves subject to spirit influences, rather, we teach students to develop the powers latent within their own spirits. We show how to outgrow the influences that emanate from the plane of undeveloped spirits, which affect all minds on the mortal plane to a greater or lesser extent, whether the individual is consciously aware of such influences or not. We go one step further and 11
teach the individual how to gain the inspiration and protection of the Hosts of Angels who are always within reach when our minds, our hearts, and our actions are aligned in the proper manner. Finally, we teach the elementary steps needed for people to develop their individual souls. By learning to exercise their own divine attributes, they can become so radiant that they grow to personify the love, wisdom and will of the All Person within. Thus they will grow to learn to vibrate' in harmony with the purified and benevolent angels of Jehovih's higher realms.
Instruction and Inspiration
Here in our Eloist Sanctuary we have had decades of daily experience in everything from healing the sick, strengthening the weak, and uplifting the depressed to rescuing es'yan souls immersed in knots of darkness and providing anchors of light to be used by Hosts of Angelic Workers. We have drawn upon this experience as the basis for the following emphatic statements.
Any consecrated human mind can experience the power of the Creator which exists within each individual to bless and benefit persons at a distance.
Any person who can unselfishly love other human souls and hold the desire to be of benefit to others, can thereby generate a force from deep within one's own inherent spirit which will strengthen the spirit of the person to whom the prayer has been directed.
The love and goodwill which one human being exercises to bless and 12
help another human being, is the very love and goodwill of the Creator in fact, though expressing through the human form.
Daily practice in blessing others with love and goodwill will develop the healing spiritual power of the Creator in any person. By such practice, that person will become more masterful until he or she personifies the loving presence of the Creator within.
Greater work can be accomplished when a number of people are trained to work together to express their creative will in unity of purpose. This will more fully , awaken the slumbering power of Infinite Intelligence within them and concentrate their compounded power of spirit upon whatever task is at hand to accomplish a greater good for humanity.
When such cooperative efforts are conducted with unity of purpose in one place on a regular and consistent basis over an extended period of time, a self-sustaining focus of spiritual light is generated about that location which is perpetuated and augmented through the assistance of great phalanxes of overshadowing angelic hosts. Such a Place of Radiance is any edifice in which the concentrators unite their efforts to develop a spiritual power superior in potency to any power gained by individual effort. A gradual transformation takes place there in which a mental atmosphere is created that is so bright with spiritual light, so pure, untainted and tranquil, that it facilitates all further efforts in just the same way that physical momentum helps a ball to continue rolling once it has already been set in motion. Such a Place of Radiance when deliberately created and tenderly nurtured is an invaluable asset to anyone involved in spiritual labor, especially when conducted in concert with angelic assistance from the unseen realms. 13
In the Sanctuary of the Eloist Ministry we have experienced the power which has been promised to those who discipline themselves to join together in unity of purpose and agree in their efforts to express the will of the Creator. We have come to think of our Sanctuary as a "Place of Radiance" or a "Place of Power" because in it there have assembled many dynamos of thought and will generating spiritual and mind power together. The amount of power generated and broadcast among our students is directly proportional to the united generating capacity of all the students who gather regularly and daily to do the will of the EverPresent I AM.
As a radio broadcasting station sends out waves of electrical energy which are received by every radio receiver attuned to its wavelength, so this Place of Radiance around the Eloist Ministry broadcasts waves of spiritual power which are received by all our students and associates who, by harmonizing with our methods and efforts, attune their spirits to the mighty healing spirit of love and harmony which we radiate to them from the discipline of our focus.
By practicing the law of loving blessings as a group of concentrators, we have gained a vision and become conscious of a heavenly "broadcasting station" created by Jehovih's Angel Hosts, who have been broadcasting their own form of blessings to humanity through the ages. We attune our united wills to those mighty benevolent Wills of the Realms of Light and gain the benefits of the organized power which they generate. Thus, a new way of illumination and healing power is created by the Hosts of Angels along with the Hosts of human concentrators of goodwill on earth for the nurturing of greater wisdom and love with all of humanity. 14
The path of spiritual progress must be tread daily with earnestness and zeal through all the months and years of your earthly sojourn if you would gain the heights of wisdom and power which beckon your spirit onward and upward. The Creator desires to give you your rightful measure of infinite love and power, but you must first open your mind to receive that inspiration and then exercise your will to express that love in unison with others for the benefit of all humanity. In that way does the inspiring motive or purpose of the Great Spirit and of all the Angels of Light become the same motive or purpose of your life. You can gain great growth of spirit as you study and practice the principles of spiritual science that have been revealed at one time or other through all the religious edifices of the past, but must now be extracted as precious kernels within a sea of man-made religious confusion. Join with us in our search for Truth from month to month through the pages of our journal. Those who search in all sincerity, being always attentive to the Creator's voice within as the ultimate source of inspiration, will not stray far from the path. Thus you will attune your spirit to receive the inspiration radiating from the Eternal Presence as well as from the Hosts of Angels who stand ready to serve the same Infinite Source of Light.