Sunrays of Radiance — Soul-Mastery — The Eloists (2017)

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Soul-Mastery The Eloists (2017)



Sometimes words fail us, O Creator; or no words come to us expressing thoughts of spiritual value. We are aware only of being something. What is it that we are? What is our true nature? We look at our consciousness, and try to analyze it. What is this that I am aware of? It is being, but what kind of being? Can I govern my consciousness, change it without the use of words? If my consciousness is not bright, cheerful and loving, what can I do to change it? Shall I affirm what I want it to be? I want to radiate an uplifting influence. I will not tolerate a dark and heavy consciousness. If I am not feeling what I want to feel, I will affirm it till I do feel it. I believe in the power of thought. I can change myself by the power of thought. How else? I cannot see any other way. I must take charge of my mind, and make it work to serve Thee, O Creator.


We seem to be of two parts, a lesser self and a higher self. When the lesser gets into trouble, the higher steps in and helps it. When the 2

lesser questions, the higher supplies the answers. It is the lesser which has created the outward appearance by which we are known to our fellowmen. The higher is our true, immortal self, the Voice within us, representing the Creator's will, wisdom and love. Most of the time, we hear the Voice faintly. Mortals call it "conscience". But if we cultivate it, question it and listen, and try to follow it, it grows clearer and clearer; and eventually it is possible to receive inspirational thoughts, uplifting messages or powerful truths from this Presence. Not always are these inspirational ideas acceptable in the outer world; but still, they represent truths toward which humanity can strive. They can give hope, strength and upliftment. They can give meaning to life. They can help a person overcome fear, and establish one's life on a firmer happier foundation. The all-highest truth is available to mankind in the present age. It is our salvation. Someone will bring it forth, and put it to work. It is the coming thing in the world. Many people will express it in many different ways. Watch for it.


Keeping one's mind on the spiritual focus is a challenge. Viewing all 3

you think, feel and do from your higher perspective is not easy. The conscious mind is bombarded with thoughts all throughout the day. This is a constant surge of energy that has no rhythm or consistency. This barrage is pervasive and can clog one's reasoning and overwhelm the inner levels of thought and understanding. Each person at this important time of change must learn and practice techniques to calm the mind. You must learn to control the environment of your being and learn how to disregard the unnecessary babble that bounces all around our world. You must learn to listen from the soul, and from this high level of consciousness think, feel and react with life. Each person can learn to pay attention to what is important in everyday life. It would be so much better if people were walking around looking at the sky or plants or just smiling at each other. You can learn and, as you do, inspiration will come to you.


The light of the inner being expresses through a person's actions and can be seen by the way in which they deal with other people. A glowing light can be seen in the eyes and smile of one who is at 4

tuned. This energy will be passed on to all those that come in contact with such a person. The light of The Ever Present is with every person at all times. It will express outwardly in different degrees according to the degree of development, attunement and selfless expression that the individual has reached. The potential for everyone is the same although everyone moves at a different pace. The light and the love of the Creator are resources available to everyone at times. Even if someone is on the downward path, the resources of love and light go with them and can be called upon at any time and place. It is up to the individual to choose the time and place and the degree to which these resources will be utilized. All efforts, either up or down, so to speak, will bring results and the path you choose is up to you. You may let others control many of your actions, but ultimately the choice is yours. It would help so many people if they could feel more clearly the power of choice that is within them and take the steps to use it. Let the power of this light and love move you today and feel how it can help you to change in thinking, feeling, and acting in new and positive ways.



We would be more persistent and positive within ourselves in affirming the truth of Thy Presence and dominion, O Creator. But we would not advise others to do the same, or expect them to; for each has their own methods of achieving control of the mind and intent with Thee. We would practice awareness through breathing, also, without use of thought or affirmation. We would combine the two methods, at times, according to how we felt inspired. We would not limit our self to anyone form of concentration, but would keep our channel open to Thy Inspiration, trying to improve our techniques. We would never feel that our way is superior to another's, for each of us is an individual, and what is suited to one is not our own bondage, and at the same time not overly interfere in your part of the work, for that could begin to create further bondage for ourselves. This is not a selfish consideration, mind you, but a result of our desire to strictly adhere to the Creator's will that we limit our interference in the unfoldment of other people's lives and growth, except when such interference is required to prevent those in our care from having a detrimental effect on the lives and well-being of others. That is why the activities of false gods and drujas are often curtailed, because their freedom of action is always secondary to the well-being of the whole; and the entire planet, the whole of creation always takes precedence over the needs of any individual or group. That is why we hold off at times and limit our instruction or advice, because if we did not, we would potentially be doing you more harm than good. So 6

follow your highest light from day to day and we wish you the greatest success with all your endeavors through the decades ahead.


Changing patterns are in the weave of life; constant and consistent is the perpetual transformation of life. This time is no different from any other. At times the transformation is swift and sudden, and at other times the cycle is slow and barely perceptible. But at all times it is evolving into a kaleidoscopic vista of experiences that spur you onward to greater maturity and growth.

The Creator's hand is in this matter. The All Mind experiences all that you experience and always moves you forward. All that is left for you is the choice as to whether your forward movement is upward or downward, but at no time will the Creator's Presence permit you to stand still. We are all involved in an era of rapid changes that impinge upon all of us whether spirit or mortal, and the cycle of light upon us is in a phase of exponential growth.


Regardless of where you are and what you are experiencing, all you can be certain of is accelerating change and the opportunity for unprecedented growth. How it will affect you depends on what you choose to experience and how you choose to perceive the fluctuating environment about you. You can let the world around you enervate you, discourage you and pull you down, or you can use it as an impetus to greater growth. It can instill you with the resolve to be better than you are. All change is by definition fraught with opportunities, and it is your understanding of the Creator's Purpose in this New Age that makes you valuable to us, the Angelic Hosts, in ushering in the blessings of Kosmon. Resolve to attune yourselves with us and with the Creator within so that you will be an influence for good in the decade of Light ahead.


Suppose you were in a position of forced inactivity and had nothing to read, and no means of entertaining yourself. Where would your mind be? What would be the nature of your thoughts? Would you hold to an awareness of the Creator's Presence, and create thoughts o attunement with Him? Could you generate good feelings, and pour 8

them out to bless people? Imagine yourself in such a position, and try exercising your mental powers in a constructive way. If you were actually placed in a confined, restricted position, such as are men and women in prisons, you would need to have control of your mind in order to make life bearable. Probably, you will never be so confined, but it is a good practice to imagine it, and test yourself by trying to keep your thoughts in attunement with higher states of life. Let it be an exercise for the good of all confined or handicapped people. Jehovih 's angels will use you to inspire and strengthen their souls. THE MAGNET (1992)

A horseshoe magnet furnishes us with a good illustration of the influence of the Unseen. You see bits of steel obeying an unseen influence, and as you play with the magnet you discover that this influence extends out and around the magnet. When you place the bits of steel upon a paper with the magnet beneath, and tap the paper gently, the bits of steel will dance into a symmetrical design, which proves that the unseen influence exerted by the magnet radiates lines of force which are evident by the design.

In like manner your mind radiates an influence. It is a spiritual power. The unthinking often say, "How can there be anything with any power 9

which I cannot see or feel?" You cannot see or feel the magnet's influence, yet you can see from its effects that it exists.

This unseen influence of the magnet is like the unseen spiritual side of all things in existence. You see and sense the material side of life, but the spiritual side of life is as real, and is the power that organizes the material side.

Your mind is a spiritual influence. When I use the word MIND I mean more than that part of you which thinks, feels and acts consciously. I mean also that supra-conscious will which organized your mind and body and gave you the ability to live and think and act.

The spirit, self, or soul of you possesses an unseen organizing power like the unseen influence of the magnet which forms the design with the bits of steel. Your mind and body are effects of the organizing influence of that potent spiritual will which is your real Self.

Trees, grasses, vegetables, flowers, animals and humans are all spiritual magnets, and their forms reflect the unseen influence which made them. They are visible effects of unseen causes. They are all organizing minds.


Now you will begin to use your spiritual imagination by thinking of the individual minds that organize all physical forms. You will begin to conceive of the spirit of things as real. The acorn, for instance, is not merely a material form. It is a living spiritual will with a purpose or design hidden within its spiritual being. It develops its dormant powers by appropriating the warmth of the sun and the chemistries of the earth to form roots and trunk, branches and leaves, until its purpose is manifested as a majestic oak.

The mind or spirit of the animal possesses still more wonderful potentialities. It is not rooted to the earth. It is intelligent in motion. But superior to all living forms is humanity which has the self conscious ability to think and will, and to direct all the forces of the Universal Mind so that it becomes a co-creator in fact and potentially the Creator's hands at work.

Your unseen mind is a most powerful force. It is the life and organizing power of your physical body, and is so complete and superior that it will still live and clothe itself with an objective spiritual form when the physical body no longer exists.

Your soul or spirit or mind, (I use the words interchangeably), radiates a spiritual and also a mental state and grade in ways that are not visible to mortal eyes but are blatantly apparent to us. For 11

you, you will see the net result of your efforts all at once at the end— the end, that is, of your mortal life when you ascend from your earthly shell to join us here in spirit. Then will even you be made aware of your true being, to your delight or sorrow depending on how honestly you have viewed your circumstances and prepared your way to the future. For now, reflect on yourself frequently by the Light of the Ever-Present within, and follow where the Voice directs you. When you apply yourself with objective sincerity you will find your way to a better future.


Caress the earth with your voice. Sing her into spring and warmth. See the earth breathing with a steady pulse; she is alive! She will greet you all with gifts.

Spiritual adventures are not all off in faraway places. You can witness miracles as close by as your own front door. If you are "in tune," you can create them at will. Your participation in as simple a gesture as greeting the earth can raise the vibrations of the atmosphere around you. Just think of what could happen if your 12

whole day were filled with simple but uplifting expressions of joy!

We think you are ready to step into your own spiritual power. Not as a god or goddess in a different realm, but as a truly aware, soulful being who brings greetings of light to all in your world. Make up your mind. Is this your gift from the Almighty? Will you carry out your life's calling?


The shining light at the end of the tunnel is your own soul.


beckons and gleams, waiting for you to emerge from the darkness and embrace it in full light.

The tunnel has no distance, really.

It is

an illusion which falls away as soon as you understand that all you need to do is accept yourself, body, mind and soul, as a divine gift. Accept yourself and live as a model of Light. Being one with the Light, places your soul at the center of your person and, as such, it radiates inspiration through every part of you. away when you can feel its warmth within.


Heaven is not so far


We seem to be of two parts, a lesser self and a higher self. When the lesser gets into trouble, the higher steps in and helps it. When the lesser questions, the higher supplies the answers. It is the lesser self which has created the outward appearance by which we are known to our peers. The higher self is our true, immortal self, the Voice within us, representing the Creator's will, wisdom and love. Most of the time, we hear the Voice faintly. Mortals call it "conscience". But if we cultivate it, question it and listen, and try to follow it, it grows clearer and clearer. Eventually it is possible to receive inspirational thoughts, uplifting messages or powerful truths from this Presence. Not always are these inspirational ideas acceptable in the outer world; but still, they represent truths toward which humanity can strive. They can give hope, strength and upliftment. They can give meaning to life. They can help a person overcome fear, and establish one's life on a firmer, happier foundation. The all-highest truth is available to humanity in the present age. It is our salvation. Someone will bring it forth, and put it to work. It is the coming thing in the world. Many people will express it in many different ways. Watch for it.



Suppose everything were taken away from you—your friends, your home, your work, all the things surrounding you which are comfortable, agreeable and I enjoyable. Suppose you suddenly had to leave all this and go to another place among strange people, strange surroundings, and uncertain living

support you? Would you

have any faith, courage or strength? Or would you be reduced to utter despair? Judge ,yourself as to how much of the consciousness of the; Creator's Presence you have, developed. How much more do you need to develop before you are ready 'for' any contingency?

A Power greater than yourself has created your present living conditions and put you in them. You are dependent upon that power. You should try to understand it and cooperate with it to a greater degree every day. This should be your most important interest and purpose. For it is your real security, your real joy of living and peace of mind. It is the means by which you can make your life worthwhile, and which will enable you to repay your Creator for the blessings you enjoy, and for the great gift of life eternal He has given you.



Welcome home, dear friends. We have been awaiting your return from your worldly pursuits to find solace in our focus of peace, Light, and truth. We gather here with you, doing our work on this side of the Great Divide as you concentrate along with us from your side. In that harmony we fill your being with the energy that will nurture your spirit, lighten your burdens and harmonize your thoughts. We will so fill your mind with the Loving Power that we hold so dear, that you will be lifted into a state of greater resourcefulness than you possessed in the past. As you bring your true self into the Light of the focus you will see yourself at last as you truly are: radiant and resourceful, peaceful and poised, strong of will and loving, just as we already see you under your earthly shell. You will blossom forth in the way we already perceive you, an angel in the bud.



Believe in yourself. You are strengthened and protected every day by your personal guardians and mentors. If there ever was a time to feel sure of yourself, it is now. You are blessed as well, and you will feel our thoughts with you if you take the time to relax. Please accept the loving gifts of spirit that the Creator gives you and live up to your highest potential. You will create wonders of your own when you can truly say that your life reflects the goodness of your spiritual ideals.


Sometimes, in moments of greatest need, and out of sheer desperation, the soul of a person can break through and express a light and strength it has never known before. These words proclaim the great truth, that a Supreme Being created us in love and for love, and that a life of joy, peace, beauty and perfection is the ultimate attainment for all human beings. Imagine that the Almighty is speaking these words from within your nature:


"I am with you, present in your soul. Give me your recognition, your faith and your love, and you will release the dynamics of My Being throughout your nature. I created you for joy and love. Believe this! Act the part of a joyful and loving person, and you will see! Keep persistently at it, ignoring all contrary suggestions and all other limiting thoughts which enter your consciousness. I have always been with you from birth, giving you of myself, sustaining life, carrying on all the functions of your body, enabling you to do all that you have chosen to do in your lifetime. With all other things, I have given you liberty. Because the mortal world is in darkness, unaware of My Presence and Power, you have, like everyone else, gone along with it during most of your life, failing to recognize Me, and to use My Light in you. My plan is that My children shall help to upraise themselves; and thus they will grow as divine souls, and become instruments of My Will, Wisdom, and Love, in this world, and in higher and higher worlds to come. You can this moment help to heal yourself by giving me, your Creator, recognition by affirming My Presence and Power, and by creating with Me thoughts and feelings of goodwill, faith and peace for all."



Angel hosts of the Almighty bless your soul with peace. You can make yourself receptive to their inspiration. You can find a new light to live by. You can change yourself. You can become a happier person without changing your circumstances or your environment. It won't be easy, but you can do it. You need only to start elevating your thoughts to a higher level where you are in tune with the heavenly beings who serve the Creator. Aspire to be an instrument of the Creator's light and love. Dedicate yourself to serving His purpose of world upliftment. You will have the backing of millions of angelic workers. Determine to rid yourself of self desires, attitudes, motivations and opinions that interfere with the flow of heavenly light and love. Praise the Creator. Recognize His Presence in all life, and especially in every human soul. He is the Light of your soul and every soul. It is your destiny to become wholly one with Him.


In climbing the highest mountains, exploring the polar regions, searching into space and under the oceans, people have given their lives. In standing for what they believed to be right, people have given their lives for spiritual reasons as well. These are examples of 19

consecration which inspire us, O Creator. We, too, are engaged in a great and challenging task, the conquering of self, and we need the same kind of courage and determination. The awakening, uplifting and freeing of the soul of humanity is Thy Purpose in this age; and Thy Hosts have come close to earth to inspire and strengthen mortals, and otherwise help in unseen ways. But, the path of mortals is not made easy thereby. The work they must do for their own development is not done for themselves alone. No savior is going to redeem them. They must redeem themselves; that is, they must free their souls from the darkness which has made them suffer, and produced turmoil on earth instead of a kingdom of heaven. We are repeating back to Thee, O Jehovih, what Thou art impressing upon our souls. Thou art giving us a sense of the value and importance of what we are doing, and we are inspired by the admirable achievements of others. Thank Thee for enlightening us with new realizations every day.


Honor the person inside you, the soul that is coming to Light. Each day will flow smoothly if you are true to your real self, your higher self. This is evident to those who contemplate, but has yet to be 20

discovered and reinforced daily by most initiates to the spiritual life. Perhaps it will come later, after you have learned through trial and error. Perhaps you will learn it in one fell swoop, after a sudden change from the ordinary round of daily activities. But we emphasize the truth to you now, so that you can begin to make it happen. The heart of your true self beats strongly even if you cannot hear its pulse. The Light of the Creator is immortal, so you can be assured that, 'whenever you decide to give space and time and nourishment to your seedling soul, it will be there, ready to grow.


We do not want to be alone, or separate, or to possess any spirituality or soul power we are not willing to see in others, and share with others. We would give to everyone, O Creator, everything that we have and are. If I would be more loving and kind, I must see loving kindness, and affirm it, and have faith in it, in others. If I would be more wise, I must see wisdom in others. Whatever I aspire to express of Thy Presence, O Jehovih, I must recognize it, and give it my faith, in every soul in my world. If I have a problem with another person, and do not want to hurt that person — so to establish 21

harmony between us, I will praise Thy Presence in their being, and see and affirm qualities of understanding goodwill. I will feel and know that Thou art as strong in that person as Thou art in me, or stronger.









consciousness, and will know that our problems will be settled amicably. Thou art inspiring every soul with peace, and the desire for peace. People are willing to lose self for the sake of peace. The world is weary of war and competition. Thy light of peace and goodwill overspreads the planet, creating changes in human nature, and making all things new.


Even though we pass through deep, dark clouds, we possess Jehovih's lamp, the Light that lights everyone that comes into the world.

The splendor of the Infinite Intelligence, which shines within our souls, pierces the gloom, and tells us that we shall emerge.

The inner intelligence of intuition gives us a pleasing hope, a fond 22

desire, a longing to live forever.

From the same source comes a secret dread, an inward horror of falling into naught, of perishing. Our souls shrink and are startled at the thought of destruction.

But the Divinity that speaks within us is the Voice of Heaven itself, inspiring the idea of a hereafter, an eternity of progress for all human souls.

We proclaim exultantly the truth:

"The stars shall fade away, The sun itself grow dim with age, And nature sink in years, But we shall flourish in immortal youth, Unhurt amidst the war of elements, The wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds."

We do not let our vision of immortality weaken our efforts to do good while we are here in this world of mortality. Our hope is an inspiration to greater activity. We shall reap all the good we sow.

Our souls are immortal but the condition of our continued spiritual 23

existence will depend upon the use we make of our spiritual talents and powers in the present.

This earthly strife is our opportunity to advance from strength to strength, and to develop well-knit souls; and then, all battles won, we shall mount joyfully to the greater opportunities for greater growth which eternal life affords.



Thou art in command, O Creator, and Thou art dealing with the darkness in and around us. It is not darkness on an individual level, but is of our heredity and surroundings. We see individuals as divine souls, forms of Thy will, wisdom and love, who are conquering the darkness, who were born to conquer it, who are Thy loved sons and daughters destined to become like gods and goddesses in the highest spiritual realms. We would see no failure, no faults nor weaknesses in individuals, but only in the spiritual atmosphere surrounding mortals, and affecting everyone alike. We are apt to call some individuals evil and some good, but in Thy sight, O Creator, the evil are not to be condemned, nor the good to be praised, and thus to be separated from one another. All are like fruit growing on the same tree, some ripe, some unripe, their condition being due to circumstances of birth and surroundings. Thou art the Supreme sower and Reaper, O Creator. All are Thine. Thou art watching over them, the greenest as well as the ripest. Thou seest the full potential of every seed soul. We would see everything as Thou seest, O Jehovih, and learn to sustain our awareness of Thy Presence under all circumstances; for Thy glory and the all-highest good of all souls.



In affirming Thy Presence, O Creator, we are not trying to make something happen, but are trying to keep ourselves aware of what is happening? In answering our critics, we do not want to explain or defend ourselves, or talk about ourselves for any reason, though we may do so at times. It is not our purpose to be examples for others of superior soul expression, but to help awaken others to Thy Presence in themselves, to help them see how they can conquer their fears, and become happier, healthier human beings; doing this not for the sake of the self-side of persons, but for Thy sake, O Creator, and for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

As long as we think about ourselves, talk about ourselves, and plan for ourselves, we are not striking the right keynote. Our effort must be to constantly think and talk about Thee, our Creator, to build up our awareness so that we are able to see Thy Presence in all people and all things, being willing to accept whatever comes our way and make the best of it. We affirm for everyone that Thou art with them, speaking in their souls; that Thou art victorious in them now and forever.



We are all the Creator's children in the Eternal Garden of Light and Love. We are all flowers blooming with fragrance and loveliness unique to each one. We are all evolving, growing and developing in our own way and in our own time. No one can be hurried along for the sake of getting to a certain stage of growth earlier. There is a purpose to our development, to allow us to expand forever in consciousness, in love, and goodwill to all souls everywhere. When the expansion stops, we are then at a turning point in our life where three choices are possible: to stay on an upward path, to stagnate, or to go downward in our grade of light. Sometimes our choice is not even made consciously. It is done almost involuntarily by our subconscious in accordance with the level of light that is within us at that time. However, it really does not matter in the long run. Whatever your choice is, you will eventually reach your true destiny, wherever it is that you wish to be. It may take you a longer time if you make a choice that is not right for you. But it is no big loss, for you learn along the way that every error teaches you a different lesson. As long as you learn that lesson and move on, all is well. The Creator does not punish or recriminate because of your poor performance or 27

bad decisions.

You are your own judge and you will judge yourself

more harshly than anyone else will. The Omnipresent provides well for all children that they may grow to be gods and goddesses in the celestial realms.


Angelic soul power, a measure of our soul's worth.

We don't have

any scale set up and waiting, but it is a value worth computing under a discriminating eye. As far as value to others and the Creator goes, it is being looked at all the time so that our talents may be applied best.

We aren't judges in a legal sense where people are divided

into "guilty" or "not guilty"; we only see relative merit and force and dynamics at the time of examination. But examination goes on thoughtfully all through the centuries, all through our soul's growth. It is a challenge to be on our toes and examine ourselves to see if we have progressed. Eventually, we too will be part of teams who choose individuals for work based upon their soul's growth.

We can always aspire to more: more health, more dedication, more service. As our picture of "power" grows, we can grow to fill it. It is a 28

lasting, detailed expansion and develops with our knowledge of the Creator. Assess your soul's power and climb closer to your Creator through a plan of marvelous, inventive steps.


It is not through a strict self-denial that we can free the soul to do Thy work more perfectly, O Creator; but it is in building up our consciousness of Thy Presence and Power, and attuning ourselves with Thy Will, Wisdom and Love. This accomplishes a gradual diminishing of the pressures and demands of the psychic world, and an involuntary and almost unnoticed loss of the desires which held us bound. So, our practice is not one of asceticism. Instead, our energies are directed toward building soul awareness and ent, and in working together harmoniously to provide such things as have become necessities in our present state of growth. We try to let go within ourselves. Our soul builds up its consciousness to be free from bondage to earthly things, and to be one with Thee.



Light eternal shines on all souls, rich and poor, intelligent and ignorant, good and evil. For what is one without the other? There is no difference between the two opposites. One is merely the reflection of the other. If you believe you are good, you have only to look into the mirror to see potential evil. The dichotomy is within you. You are the master channel switch. You have an internal program through which you can create alternate pathways. You are the super computer that can perform any functions you desire. Be aware of the opportunities to do both good and evil. The difference is really not so dramatic to anyone who has erred. You will remember the lessons learned, the slight hesitation before you made the plunge in the opposite direction from what you first intended. You will remember the slight confusion, the dull ache in your head and heart, yet still you plunge onward regardless of the warnings of your Inner Light. All of you have experienced this at one time or another. None of you are immune. For only the Creator is All Wise, All Knowing, and All Powerful. The lessons learned in corpor are useful later on when you are in the spirit world. You must strive to grow and to learn while you are in corpor. The maturity of your spirit will depend on these lessons learned. You are immortal and as such must seize each opportunity to learn and to develop all your faculties to prepare for your journey 30

into eternity!


You can be the master of your mind, or it can master you. It is so easy for the mind to jump from one thing to another. We find ourselves wandering off into mundane thoughts, or worrying about some trivial or unfounded problem. We delve into the past or dream of the future. Now is the time for us to be masterful, and take the reins, and pull all the loose ends together. Turn to Jehovih within your being. Let His purpose control your thoughts and feelings. Think of what you can do and express as part of His divine work for humanity. What kind of person do you want to be? Do you want yourself to be open to the reception of every thought that is floating around in the composite mind of the world, or do you want to carve out your own destiny under the inspiration of Jehovih and His angelic hosts? Do you want to live from your highest light at all times, and make it impossible for darkness to get control of your thoughts and feelings? You have the power to be what you want to be. So start now to be your own master, and let Jehovih come forth through you to bless the world. You are the captain of your ship. Steer it into clear 31

and sparkling waters. Peace and love be with you always.


It is a clichĂŠ to say, "Nobody is perfect." But it is probably the most true of all truisms, and is well worth remembering. It helps us to be patient with one another. He is a fortunate person who has the ability to recognize his own faults. If he makes an effort to overcome them, and become a better person, he is travelling a high road, and can attain a degree of soul power that will make him an effective instrument for changing the world. He attracts to himself beings of high estate who work with him and through him to influence the lives of many people by way of soul inspiration. In past ages, the Creator prepared and raised up prophets and messiahs who were pure and good by nature, and who were outstanding light-bearers in their era. The light-bearers of today are not outstanding leaders. They were not born pure and good. They are people who are unhappy with themselves, and dissatisfied with the conditions of life around them. They number in the thousands; and they are common people, recognizing their oneness with the limitations and weaknesses of all mankind. But they see that there is a spark of divinity in every human 32

soul, and they know that somehow it must be awakened, vitalized and brought into expression. They see that if they want to attain to freedom of soul and mastery of self, they must make an effort, express their strength of will and purpose, turn to the Creator for help, and attune themselves as best they can with the All Highest Light. Such people are instruments, in the hands of the Creator, for world upliftment. There are thousands of potential "saviors" of the world who do not want to be prophets or messiahs, who just want to conquer darkness, express peace and goodwill, and help to make the world a happier place for everyone. Perhaps you are one of them.


Whenever you are without good feelings, you can produce good feelings by means of thought. - You can meditate upon, visualize or fantasize good and beautiful things. You can affirm, "I am that. I am good and beautiful. I am strong in soul, able to be kind, loving and compassionate. I am one with all that is good and beautiful in the universe. I am an outgoing instrument of light and love." If being radiant with good feelings is something you really want, nothing can 33

defeat you. Thoughts of self are put aside. You are aligning yourself with the power and will of the Almighty. You are opening yourself to the inspiration and exalted feelings of celestial beings. They rejoice in the fact that they can use you to bring light, love, peace and goodwill to the submerged souls on earth.


It is just as easy to be a bearer of light as a bearer of darkness. Just switch your thoughts and feelings to the highest you can conceive. Rededicate yourself to the beautiful plan of the Creator to lift humanity out of its bondage of darkness. Be determined not to let yourself be pulled into the negative states of self-pity, self-criticism, and feelings of anger at others. You may wish and dream for the happy, carefree times you had when you were young, but see the good in the present moment. Remember how far you have come in spiritual awareness and development, how much wiser you are today, and how much more useful to the Creator. Youth is a beautiful time for some, yet there are many who suffer in childhood and adolescent years. This should not be. You are part of a divine plan that will change this, and will make a beautiful world for babies to be 34

born into. We don't like to think of the darkness of the world, but we must be strong enough to face it, and yet rise above it. You are the master of your soul and mind. You can direct your life toward the light, or toward the shadows. You know how much better you feel when you are attuned to light and goodwill for all, how uplifted you feel, how like your real self, the one you want to be always. Be a bearer of light, and you will be enfolded in the Creator's light and love always.


Welcome a beautiful dawn. See the delightful hues of the rainbow in the sky. Reflect the glory of the rising sun and be a veritable soul giant, full of Light and Love for all. Radiate thy Light and Love to all souls who need it. For there are many who flounder in a sea of misery created by their own negative thoughts, and these negative thought forms return to haunt their creators. You are the Sons and Daughters of the Creator. You have an indomitable will that will conquer all. Use that will to raise yourself above the sea of misery and rise into the bright sunshine. Soar like an eagle into the clouds. 35

Sing songs of praise like a nightingale. Open up thy inner being to radiate the Light and Love within to all.


The Cry of the infant Divinity in humanity has been heard by the mothering love of the divinity in Angels; and the Creator, through the Angels, has responded to this cry.

The infant angel of power in you needs to be vitalized by the love of the Creator's ministering Angels all the days of your life so that you may grow in wisdom and power among mortals.

The angels of the Ever-Present will nourish and strengthen your growing Divinity. They will also give you of their inspiration and protection as you co-operate with the Concord of Creators they have organized for that Purpose.

The Creator, who is the very nature of all physical and spiritual forms in the universe, created you to express and personify Divine Will, Wisdom and Love.

You were created with free will that you might gain wisdom from 36

experience. Wisdom will inspire you to exercise your goodwill with others for the benefit of all humanity.


Take charge of your life. Don't let yourself be washed along like a twig adrift, floating aimlessly and mindlessly wherever life's currents randomly carry you. You are already an angel in the making, and therefore a "god" in the making. At this moment you are your own personal "god", for whether you realize it or not, you are already in control of your own destiny. Because whether you choose to apply your mind and your will to direct your own destiny, or whether you choose to passively stand by and let external influences direct your course, yet it always remains in the final analysis your choice. Therefore, whatever has come to pass in your life, whatever you have experienced and endured, has ultimately been the result of your desire to either act, or even not to act, for your ultimate good or detriment.

Because you are ultimately in control, you are responsible and you yourself are the only one to credit or to blame. This can be a sorrowful realization if your life has not been all you wished it to be, 37

but at the same time it is a realization of hope and blessing because it reveals to you also that if you are really responsible and are really in control, then by definition the power to change is always at your disposal. All that is required is a conscious choice, and remember that a host of angels stand ready to assist you when your will manifests. With an eternity before you it is never too late to change, never too late to start anew, never too late to alter your course. You have the power to overcome your own inertia and to act.

Organize your thoughts, plan your actions in small incremental steps and begin. Begin anywhere. How about beginning where you are, right now! Take the first step, however small. Then take another, and another, and fairly soon you will find yourself in a new place. A place that is happier and more fulfilling than the place you are in now. That is the remedy for stagnation and it is called premeditated growth. It starts with the question "What do I want?", and it is always there waiting for you to open the door and begin.


Self has a way of popping up unexpectedly. When you think you did 38

something rather great and without self in mind, you suddenly feel proud of yourself, and are mentally patting yourself on the back. This is a natural reaction, and is sometimes needed to give encouragement for things well done. But let us always remember that Jehovih works in and through us when we are doing something that helps others. He gives us the inspiration and the drive to help us keep trying, and even opens avenues to help us accomplish our goal. So let us take time out to praise and thank Jehovih.

We will do an even better job if we don't let self get in the way. When we work entirely from a self motive, we shut out Jehovih, and are influenced by the lower spirits who don't want us to recognize Him and His Presence within us. So let yourself relax when a problem looms up, and put yourself into the hands of your Creator, and let Him give you the highest inspiration to go forward and solve every problem with ease, wisdom and love BE A STRONG SOUL (1989)

The personality and the soul of a person might be seen as two different parts of one entity. The personality, or lesser self, thinks, talks and acts on one level of being; and the soul, the higher self, on another level. In what they express they can be very dissimilar. With most people, the thoughts, feelings and actions of the personality 39

dominate the person's life, and the soul is submerged. Personalities are often annoyed, worried, angry, bored, frustrated, critical, complaining or hateful. But the soul holds opposite attitudes. It is calm, poised, kind, agreeable, harmonious, full of gratitude, praise, faith and love, seeing the good in all people and all things. The individual in whom the soul is strong takes control of his existence and refuses to give expression to the dark and negative qualities of the lesser self. Ask yourself, ''Am I a strong soul?" Determine to be more in control of your life. Be on the bright side for the sake of the good you can do for mankind.


You are your own destiny. You control what happens to you and those close to you. You can achieve what you really desire. The Creator's children are all endowed with the Ever-Present's Power, Will and Love. You just have to learn to use them for unselfish purposes. Guard your channel of Light carefully and nurture it with all the spiritual devotion you are capable of.


Think carefully, for you are at a turning point of your life. You can continue to grow, to stagnate, or to start a downward decline. The choice is always yours. You must tune in daily with your angelic hosts and meditate and communicate with your Creator. Just remember whatever talent that is not used or exercised will cease to exist, whether it is in the corporeal or spiritual worlds.

You must make your own choice in order to receive the end results. Life is not static. It is forever moving, growing, dissolving and regrouping. You must learn life's rhythm and flow along with it and not let it overwhelm you. To yourself be true. You alone can cross that bridge. You alone can make that turn in the road. You alone can travel upward or downward as you desire. No one, not even your Angelic Hosts, have the power to redirect you. You must accept all the credit and take all the blame. Therein lies maturity.


When you discipline yourself to do something which should be done, but you would rather not bother with, you are building up will power within your being. This is important to a growing soul. Many people 41

like to "take the easy way out". They rationalize and make all kinds of excuses to themselves and to others for their inaction. But when you go ahead and make yourself do it, not begrudgingly, you are taking another step forward to becoming a stronger soul, your own master. The next time it will become easier. As you use your will power to do something, you must also use your faculty of "wisdom". It will be beneficial to you in the end, and in some way beneficial to others as well. Will, wisdom and love are the three important faculties. All should strive to develop these to their highest degree. We talk a lot about love and we stress its importance to bring this world into harmony and peace. Will and wisdom, coming from the highest light within, are needed to face the problems on the way, to make way for unselfish love to take over and heal the hearts of all humanity.


When you are dealing with the world, you will have opportunities for inharmony and disturbance. You will have chances to get mentally upset, but there will also be a challenge for you and an opportunity to draw upon your inner Soul Power, which is Jehovih, to handle the situation from a wiser and higher Light, and to use your inner talents and power to solve the problems wisely. It will do you more harm 42

than good to let yourself get angry and disturbed. You can still be positive and strong when handling a situation that calls for your will, wisdom and power.

Angels become strong souls because they tackled all problems from the inner guidance of Jehovih within, not as separate individuals trying to buck the world to make the "wrongs" right! People in Uz will try to take what they can from others, without any conscience at all. Realize it is darkness expressing through them and appeal to their higher self when trying to deal with them. All are "temples of the Living God Whose spirit dwells within their souls!" You must sustain your Faith in the Ever-Present and throw off any feelings that would put you in the same category as those being expressed by others you are bound to contact in the outside world.


Waves of peace sweep through your body and soul, calming you, relaxing you, letting your soul rise to a higher sphere of thought and being. Breathe in the life-giving ozone in the air. Open up your soul to the energizing sunlight and the blue sky. Be ready to receive all that 43

the Creator gives you, all yours, free, free of all obligations, free of all limitations, but full of love, life and power. Be that lucky person to be open enough to receive His boundless blessings. Be ready to explore the limitless universe He had created for our progression. We are all gods in the making, though some advance faster than others. Be careful of the obstacles along the way. See them for what they are, obstacles to be overcome and hurdles to go over. Every obstacle strengthens your power. Nurture that power and let it shine like a sun in the sky, to light up your world with wisdom and power. Be ever relentless and vigilant like the waves. If one attempt fails, try again. From failures you learn, but if you had never failed, you could not have learned your lessons in life. Otherwise, why would an Omnipotent Creator put obstacles and failures in our path? By His Will and Power, he could make everyone's life smooth and serene, never a mishap. If He had done that, none of us would grow and learn to become a tower of strength in Wisdom and Power. In His infinite wisdom, the Creator created trials and tribulations for us all so that we can grow and in so doing become worthy of His love.

Life is to be lived to the full. Grasp every moment and use it to advance yourself spiritually. Don't waste time on trivial things. Concentrate on only the essentials and always allow time for spiritual development. Time trickles away while you are involved in all the mundane things of living. Turn that trickle into a golden stream of 44

light and love, ready to be diverted to anywhere and anyone in need. Develop the capacity to be able to still your mind on a hectic day, even for 5 minutes, and dwell on a higher plane temporarily. You will find power and strength there to help you go through the rest of the day.

Beware of your mental powers. Do not direct your thoughts into useless and negative channels. Always think that you can do whatever you have set out to do, easily and calmly. With the help of the Angelic Hosts, any task can be accomplished. We watch over your development each day. We realize that difficult conditions are slowing you down. Now we think it is time to move on. Time for you to make a few changes in your life and adjust to a new way of living, free from frustrations and anger, time to think about what you wish to accomplish in the future.

Much happiness is waiting for all those who are inspired to follow the higher path. The path is never smooth. It is always easier to follow your lower inclination because you are then going downhill, but if you try to stretch yourself by going uphill, you will find that you can master the situation. The obstacles get easier and easier to overcome as you persist in your effort to go ever higher. There is no summit in this upward climb, and therefore no anti-climax similar to the one when you reach the mountain-top. No matter how high you 45

climb, you still have awe-inspiring vistas in front of you. You never quite reach the mountain top, and therefore, you always want to see how much higher you can go and when you will finally be there!

Many wonderful things occur to you and to those you love along the way, and the number of your loves expands as you go higher and higher. You must help others to ascend before you can ascend yourself. After a while, you grow in wisdom and love by being a sympathetic and compassionate helper to all souls who need prodding along the way. Much can be accomplished on this ever upward, ever higher journey. You alone will set the limits of your accomplishments. All corporeal factors of limitation no longer apply on this journey. The spiritual factors will be the limiting ones. Can you let go of self? Can you sacrifice your own progress for others? Will you? How much patience do you have when you are trying to teach some unfortunate souls the undeniable upward path and they do not progress at all? Will you love them as much as you love your corporeal family? Will you love them more? Many times you will be tried, and many times you will be sidetracked or stopped on your upward path. Will you have enough spirit to persevere?

Ponder carefully on your strong points and apply them well, for you will need all these good qualities to help you in your struggles to remain on the upward path. You can go upward or downward. It is up 46

to you. Jehovih's plan is to never let anyone stay on any plateau for long. Travel onward you must, and only you can plan on the direction and speed you will take. We can only guide and help whenever there is a request for us to do so.

Make your plans now. Map out the stretches of etherea that you would like to visit, all the different peoples and different worlds you would like to help, and believe that with our help you can and will accomplish all that you have planned. This journey is no different than any others you have undertaken. Careful planning and winning strategies will make your trip an enjoyable one. Be as informed as you can be. Make all the preparations now!


We want to express the true self, O Creator! The true self, the soul, is not severe, not extreme, not objectionable to anyone, but always relaxed and happy in the awareness of oneness with Thee. It has an aura of goodwill about it. It does not set itself up as a paragon of virtue, or as an ideal attained, as an example for everyone to emulate. It asserts love for all, liberty for all, faith in all, without 47

criticism or condemnation. It does not try to change others. It gives faith and strength to the true self of others by means of a demonstration of trust. It radiates this trust, awareness and oneness, expressing it in actions rather than in words. The true self is not disturbed when criticized, or when others fail to recognize its worth. It concentrates upon Thee, Jehovih, to whom all praise and glory is due. It does not wish to build up its own image in any way. It puts in the foreground its faults rather than its virtues in order to resolve and control them. The true self has an awareness of Thy Presence and dominion in all, Thy Love and wisdom in the universe, and a divine destiny of harmony, beauty and perfection for all Thy children.


As always, your attitude determines the quality of the environment in which you live. Our job as your angelic mentors is to see that the thought atmosphere that surrounds your being is of the highest quality possible. This mental atmosphere, however, is there for you to take or discard as you see fit. By cultivating the right attitude, you create the best mental state to allow those exalted thoughts to flow into your consciousness to your ultimate benefit and the benefit of the spiritual work we are trying to perform through you. There is so much we wish to infuse into your consciousness and, in order to 48

accomplish that most effectively, you must engage your mental capacities in such a way that they harmonize with us in all your expressions and in your deepest comprehension of the Great Truths that govern all Life.

Think as the angels do, not in the context of your limited world, but in the context of an ever expansive and infinite universe; not in the terms of limitation and lack, but in terms of abundance for the enrichment of body, mind and spirit. Think not in terms of fear and worry, but rather embrace the courage of those who know the power that dwells within them and who are one with the Infinite through Faith. Those who recognize the oneness of all creation and comprehend the great Truth that we are all brothers and sisters of the one Ever-Present Creator are free from jealousies, enmity or contention. In fact, they are free of all of the negative propensities that dominate and control the lives of those who dwell in darkness and who are unaware of their purpose and destiny as personified expressions of the Great I AM traveling on an endless journey through an unlimited universe of ever expanding delight. Yet, this is the awareness in the realms where angels dwell, and this is an awareness that can already be yours, here and now because you are already an angel. It is your temporary immersion in corporeality that clouds your perception and holds you back. But realize that it is only your perception that restrains you. Change your perception, change 49

your paradigm, and you can change your experience: "Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free, it is just your perception, and nothing more, that sets you apart from Me."

You can be the master of your mind, or it can master you. It is so cozy for the mind to jump from one thing to another. We find ourselves wandering off into mundane thoughts, or worrying about some trivial or unfounded problem. We delve into the past or dream of the future. Now is the time for us to be masterful, and take the reins, and pull all the loose ends together. Turn to Jehovih within your being. Let His purpose control your thoughts and feelings. Think of what you can do and express as part of His divine work for humanity. What kind of person do you want to be? Do you want yourself to be open to the reception of every thought that is floating around in the composite mind of the world, or do you want to carve out your own destiny under the inspiration of Jehovih and His angelic hosts? Do you want to live from your highest light at all times, and make it impossible for darkness to get control of your thoughts and feelings? You have the power to be what you want to be. So start now to be your own master, and let Jehovih come forth through you to bless the world. You are the captain of your ship. Steer it into clear and sparkling waters. Peace and love be with you always.



There is so much to be learned yet regarding the power of positive thought and alignment with the hosts of the Almighty. If you could just realize the possibilities that are right at your fingertips you would be rightly overwhelmed, but not scared off, we hope. More in awe, we think. And this isn't just you as one individual; that potential power leaps in magnitude once connections are made with other souls of like orientation and dedication. There is no reason on earth - or in heaven either, for that matter - for one to go about moping and in a negative energy imbalance. The causes, if examined, lie waiting to be dissipated with the love, beauty and divine spirit of optimism that each soul possesses deep within. Instead of artificial barriers, concentrate on developing new thought patterns when situations call for creative solutions. The world isn't out to "get you"; rather, it is a teaching resource for further awakening our divine talents. Remember, you are never alone. You may be responsible for initiating your own soul growth, but aid is always there to help us meet life's challenges with enthusiasm and a clear perspective.



Your thoughts are powerful. Your will is powerful. You are a creator. Look at your thoughts, your will and your feelings, and judge them. Are you creating with the highest light of which you are capable? Are you creating with the best you can conceive? When you have a quiet moment, do your thoughts drift aimlessly? If focused, what is the level of their focus? Where are you? Are you with mortals or with angels? What is your wavelength? Is it low or high? Are you positive or negative? What are you giving to the people around you? Judge yourself, and if you don’t like what you see, change yourself. Whenever you make an effort toward self-improvement, you have the support of higher beings, those who serve the All Highest. Whenever you give an uplifting thought or feeling to others, you are truly attuned with the higher beings, and they make use of your being to improve the condition of all mankind.


Stand constant guard over your thoughts and feelings, and let nothing that is dark or negative speak through you or rule you. If you 52

could see what is transpiring, you would be delighted. Imagine beautiful angelic beings close by at all times. Know you are never alone in your efforts to stay attuned with the Creator and His purpose. Your mundane activities and responsibilities need not be a strain on you. Relax and know that everything is in the Creator's hands. Give everything to Him, Feel that your most important task is holding to the light and being an instrument for creating harmony and goodwill. Believe you can do all things you want to do in the Creator's service. Do not admit to any handicap. You are a strong, radiant, beautiful, talented soul, one with many in the work of transforming the world. There is no end to the service you can give. You can be alert, aware, attuned, and full of enthusiasm for life such as you have never known before. Feel that you are just beginning to understand and put into practice the truths of eternal being. Let love for all be your chief aim in life, and all good works will follow.


Wherever we are, Thou art there also, Jehovih. Whatever we do, Thou doest with us. Thy Almighty Will responds to our every thought and feeling. If our thoughts and feelings are high, and for the good of others, we attract high, beautiful, benevolent beings who hold us in 53

their protective light, and use our good feelings to help others. If our thoughts and actions are low and destructive, we attract low spirits who use us for their own selfish and evil purposes. We are magnets for either light or darkness. The seeds we sow in Thy great universal garden are of our own choosing. We can make a tangled mess of weeds, thorns and briars or a beautiful garden of lovely fragrant flowers to uplift the souls of all in our world. Let us clear the soil this day and make it clean and free of rocks and weeds. Let it be rich and nutritious for the planting of our seeds of love, harmony, peace and goodwill. Let us be careful what goes into it so that nothing mars its growth and beauty. It is up to us to create the kind of destiny most desirable. We are immortal souls, capable of going forward and upward, developing many talents and faculties in worlds without end. The earth life is but a beginning, the embryo of all that lies ahead. We gain experience here which can decide our future in spiritual realms above. We attract to ourselves companions who are either high raised beings or spirits of darkness. We are in charge. The Creator is with us all the way. Praise Him for His wisdom, power and love.



When all else seems to fail, there is always Jehovih. He is always with you. Whether you are up or down, His Spirit within your soul will always guide and strengthen you. Let His light and love flow through your being and flood out the negative, depressing thoughts and feelings. Let His Presence go forth to the world around you. The more you give out His light and love, the more will flow back to you. See the good in all living creatures around you, animals and humans alike. They are your world. You attract to yourself whatever you give out. There is reason and purpose behind all your contacts and experiences in this mortal life. If you want better experiences, you will have to change your attitude toward life, be more outgoing, be more tolerant of others, and give up some of your desires for self. Change anything that cuts you off from acting and feeling as a divine soul. You are the master of your destiny. You are an instrument of either light or darkness. Jehovih needs you as part of the divine plan to uplift all souls in darkness. Awake, arise!

Let His light shine through you to bless the world.


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