Taking Steps towards Our Future 643.
— May 24th, 2020
I walk once more across the chasms of the underworld. This time upon a single Line of Light. There is below the usually dark chaos and explosions, voices of hysterical rage and hate below.
It is much like walking a tightrope yet I feel no real
Guardian angels walk on either side, their
holy emanations being felt, their bright aura’s illuminating a protective sphere around me. So I feel no fear.
Also round me there is a circular series of kind, beloved faces gazing at me with expressions of warmth, encouragement and loving smiles.
We all
know one another well, but I am as one asleep in a dream who can only concentrate with great effort. Most of my attention is upon the Line of Light ahead of me. Still I smile too, bathing in such a heavenly radiance of affections. It is a comfort and a joyfulness beyond
emotions being directed my way.
I see my mother briefly, beaming with love as she so frequently did on earth.
I see my father, youthful
and serene and far more at peace than I have ever seen him before.
They are both happy for me and
send their constant love eternal along with some confirmation of new hope and spiritual achievement that is in the process of being developed throughout the world.
I tear up a bit, still stepping onward, while praying more than saying aloud: “All my love, …. All our love …. Beautiful …. Eternal … Unstoppable …
us … Before Us … All around us ….”
I can see now the destination at the far end where Chasms of Hell starkly end.
Many personal friends
— of a higher spiritual nature — are fashioning step by housing fixtures and furniture and artworks of various colors and patterns, translucent for the most part, though some are crystalline. This is all being
done synchronized according to some Divine Plan It occurs to me that they are. building a new kind of composite structure-landscape that is a blend of a cosmic home, an angelic academy, and a heavenly garden.
It is being built upon pure marble foundations amidst a wilderness of tree-covered mountains of majesty. All of this is protectively situated alongside a river sublimely shining silvery streams amidst an emerald valley of unsurpassed loveliness. .
It shall be as a new heaven on a new earth where the higher virtues and ideals take precedence over all other human endeavors, being a means to enlighten the world with how to achieve a new era of peace and harmony and love that shall be mirrored by the world’s millions until all on earth and the lower realms
overflow with:
….. The Waters of Universal Oneness, ….. so pristine … so rejuvenating … …..The Winds of Supernal Liberty, ….. so uplifting … so free ….. …..The Blossoms of Sublime Wonder ….. so fragrant … so enchanting … …..The Fire of Sacred Love ….. so empowering … so devotional …
And behold … our Stars of Destiny are now aligning to become The Immortal Salvation we have all been dreaming of … that we are all willing to be … All Praise and Thanks to Our Great Spirit of All Creations — to The All One we are together with and are becoming.