The Creator’s Plan — [ Vision ] — 633 — October 11th, 2020 — Robert Bayer — (7 pages)

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The Creator’s Plan 633 — October 11th, 2020

Prayer: We come to Thee once more, O Creator. We seek not the blessings of happiness nor great power nor great wealth.

We seek instead only to see and feel and hear Thy Holy Presence within our soul. May Thy All Voice now inspire us with words through which we shall feel Thy Love, Light ever within. Our Creator speaks: From the Dawn of Time throughout the Cosmic Cycles Our Highest Goal has been to foster ever greater ascension inside Our Children everywhere. Yet mankind everywhere has, by and large, resisted the same, preferring to enjoy that which






This selfishness is the primary darkness of this mortal world and the astral realms that function around and within our homes and communities, whether of earth or of the astral entangled realms. Therefore, to breakthrough such barriers erected by the lower self, it is indeed necessary to plan and intend ways by which you work for the good of others. Start by reviewing each person in your daily life and imagining how to be a better person towards them, as if you have ascended in spirit to become an angel while living upon earth as a mortal. Your plans would include those with whom

you do not get along with, even with those who for intents and purposes, shower you with darkness. These plans to do good do not mean so much the giving of your possessions and money for the benefit of others, though that could at times be essential for your efforts to be of service. Rather, your commitment here shall be to uplift your fellow mortals in ways which are unquestionably those which help to bring greater happiness, support and mutual understanding between you and all in your relationships. This






business and work, friendships and play, family and togetherness, with the purest and highest degrees of love and kindness you have ever yet been able to create. This means you shall meet every potential and





negative behavior by those upon your Day’s Path — to respond instead

emotions and

thoughts and actions which are nothing but spiritual positiveness, compassion, and understanding. The underlying premise here is not so much that you are willing to endure pain for the good of others but rather that you shall discover that there can be no pain but only delight for one whose heart is empowered

by the Universal Love that flows forth to aid us in aiding others. This is the power, the love and the light, the sheer joyfulness that the angels labor with purpose by, the elements by which they explore and progress through each new phase of their life. Know then as you make sacrifices for the betterment of all, that as you commit yourself to becoming a heavenly being of this new transcendent harmony radiant within, that you will be receiving in return the greatest wonders and blessings you have ever yet known. For the Highest, The Best of Your True

Spirit-Soul-Immortality, is none other than The Great Spirit-Soul of the Cosmos, The Sacred Fire Eternal that is Our Inner Love-Light aflame, now and forever, for all of us.

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