Prayer: Light and Darkness, O Creator, are ever before us, ever within us. We simply have to choose which we wish to bring into ascendency for these current moments of our immortal life. O Our Creator-Mother-Father, we now embrace Thee and Thy Light upon our path this day. Amen.
We are standing in a circle on a floor of pink floral design but whose essence is heavenly light. There are about sixty angels present and I say angels because their robes and aura are so radiantly bright and quite beautiful in a multitude of styles. Aside from the robes, the vibe of this group is international and inter-temporal, that is, women and men from many different cultures and time periods of history. Our concord is within a large sphere consisting of a series of many rings of light, bands of gold and silver alternating which are circumscribing this sphere.
During every round of blessings, one participant in this Global Concord takes a dozen steps or so to the center of this dais, which is shaped as a multi-rayed star.