This collection is Oahspe-based, and yet which may also rightfully be described as spiritualistic and mystic writings, is comprised of articles from the British periodical, Kosmon Unity, from 1894 to 1994.
In all parts of the world to-day, many people have become conscious that the earth is entering a New Age, and recognising the guidance of the Supreme Being, they desire under that guidance to assist in the inauguration of this Age by spiritual means, both practical and theoretical. In this they follow the path of the World-teachers and co-operate with the great minds working from the spiritual spheres. To this end, the living of a higher life, by the practice of brotherhood, peace, spiritual communion and service to one's brother man is essential. This is enhanced by personal occult and mystical unfoldment. Unto this purpose, the book called Oahspe was given to the world, and all who can accept these ideals and follow the Oahspean teachings can become members of The Kosmon Unity, a