The Plateau of The Blossoming Presence — The Eloists — from Radiance — (47 pages) — [1983-1999]

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THE PLATEAU OF THE BLOSSOMING PRESENCE The Eloists from Radiance (1983-1999)



Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.

Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:



Let your lives speak, knowing it is not the words professed that have importance, but rather the small and sometimes seemingly inconsequential acts that accumulate from day to day that make the difference.

Here on the Plateau, we, your friends, watch over you in the hope that we might inspire you on your way to nobler thoughts and deeds, often those which are at variance to what your peers would care to pursue or undertake. We strive to protect you from unsavory influences and spirits who may endeavor to lead you in the way of their own selfish designs. Often, where you are strong, we succeed. But at times when your will is weak or your nervous system is enervated or fatigued, our influence is hampered and the dark forces win out. Our temerity, however, is unfailing and as long as the potential for good persists in our wards, we will ride any storm to see them through. Think of us, as we think of you, sending us your loving blessings in Jehovih's name, and our bond will strengthen in ways that will benefit our labors for All Light, and for you as well. Seek the Light with all the force of your will, being tolerant of others who may differ from you, being compassionate to perceive the needs of others, and you will move through this life with greater peace of mind and joy 4

of soul.


All are assembled in the Council Chamber of the Library of the Light Ever Present, eagerly listening to the speaker, a being from higher realms: a very beautiful, shining goddess, whose aura radiates soft pastel colors of soothing vibrations. She speaks of the nurseries where stillborn mortal babes are cared for; how they are taken by a pleroma of mothering angels, one by one, back to their mortal mothers that they may partake of their corporeal love which is food for the little ones. Other babes have had only a few short months of corporeal life before entering spirit life, and still others have experienced several short years on earth. Millions of these young souls are tenderly cared for in heavenly nurseries the world over. They mature very slowly. They are taught by emancipated teachers in schools about Jehovih's Ever Presence with them and how to give forth their Creator's love to all. The Creator's spirit worlds are well organized for the expanding growth of all created souls who have been denied a corporeal life.


The Plateau of the Blossoming Presence also has nurseries, schools and colleges for all ages of spirits born of harmonious parents. The children learn easily of the Creator's great wisdom and power. How Love conquers all ills. They know true happiness, as they eagerly learn the gift of giving. Their souls are ever expanding in love and service for all.


The forces of change are all about us, permeating every aspect of our existence during this cycle of expanding Light. The lower heavens of the earth are just as agitated as the mortal plane and this keeps the second resurrection hosts in a constant state of activity directed toward controlling in the most efficient and constructive way the evolution of events on the planes below.

There are more inhabitants in the higher realms about the atmosphere of the earth than in the lower planes, but because these higher realms are naturally broader and more expansive there is no awareness of being more densely populated as a result. We can assemble in great numbers when the need arises, and it can be done 6

very quickly and efficiently whenever a crisis occurs, but when we are going about our singular projects there is never the sensation that we are tripping over each other in our separate haste.

All that we do here is orderly and well planned, with a vision that encompasses our long range objectives. We deal with goals and aspirations that address issues that unfold over generations upon generations, rather than just a few years at a time as mortal administrators normally do. Consequently, it may be hard for you as mortals to appreciate the issues that we need to address, and you cannot even begin to appreciate the massive force of mind and will that we assemble here in our more exalted realms to engineer the changes that have occurred and are about to occur on your plane of being.

Remember that growth in wisdom increases as a rule with growth in experience, and very often the errors and misguided attitudes of mortals are understood more clearly as they grow in realization once they've arrived on the spiritual planes of being. As the reality of spirit dawns upon the consciousness of those that arrive here and they begin to appreciate the darkness and pain to which they had become a party while residing on the earth plane, a great deal of remorse and regret often results, and if they are able to redirect these emotions into more positive channels they often become most potent 7

crusaders for the goodness and truth that is destined to be regained in this New Age. When these individuals are added to our pleroma of Light, the forces generated amplify our effectiveness for change exponentially.

All the forces of darkness that have for too long dominated the balance of power on your plane and the lower atmosphere an planes are being dislodged by the greater forces of Light that have been massing on the planes above. Just like a laboratory balance that finally tips when the last grains of sand are added to the counterbalance, so will the evolution of your planet change direction when the forces of Light reach the critical mass necessary to initiate that change. Then will the momentum finally be overwhelming and move inevitably in our favor.

Jehovih has willed that certain fundamental changes must be achieved through our own hands at the commencement of this New Age. Knowing this basic principle regarding opposing wills placed in balance, consider as an example the fact that the Creator has decreed that no one who has participated in warfare can rise to the etherean realms until war has been eliminated from earth. You can imagine the sheer number of souls and wills that are amassing on our planes with this one single objective in their minds. Imagine how many souls know that their continued progression is on hold until this 8

singular task has been accomplished. How long do you expect that your proportionately dwindling numbers on earth can withstand the inspired will for change that has been accumulating on our higher planes of being through the centuries past and present?

The same principle has been applied to many other objectives and you can be sure that our resolve is absolute and unstoppable. We will see Kosmon blossom and flourish, for we have all willed it to be so. No mortal darkness can withstand our steadfast resolve, and the walls of past ignorance are already crumbling at our feet as the momentum is gathering before us. Those of you in mortality who can understand and appreciate our objectives, should join forces with us in the consciousness of your own beings, realizing that the power of your thought forces can augment our own. The synergy between us will fuel the fires and kindle a consciousness that will bless your children with the world of our dreams!



Every day the energy grows around our circle.

Every day the lines of light that stretch from our pyramid hall at the center of our community to the corners of your triangle below grow stronger and more resilient. Every day the lumens of light that build throughout this dawn will become ever more rejuvenating and invigorating. We are primed and ready for a strong and radiant decade ahead for all our spiritual workers.

It will not be an easy decade for the Uzian world, but it can be a wondrous and redeeming decade for our spiritual family on earth if they are not immersed In worldly pursuits and worldly problems either physically or mentally. If you can stand somewhat apart arid not allow yourselves to be caught up in the mentality of the masses, you will not be affected by the psychic turmoil that will build through the surge of this decade. Remember to stand apart in mind if not in body. Their books, their films, their papers, their magazines, their television programs, their politics, their social problems, their economic problems must be pushed away, at "arm's length". You must make a conscious affirmation this is "of the world's people," and not of me because I am one with the Ever-Present Creator and the 10

Angels Who labor in the Creator's name. This doesn't mean you must totally shut these things out, but you must temper your participation in the worldly activities somewhat, or at least to the degree that it will no longer affect you psychically or emotionally, or have a formative influence on your attitudes and personality. You must be the judge of this, but you must look at yourself and the experiences you choose more objectively.

We have reached a stage where this is beginning to matter more, not only because or your more "sensitive" stage of development, but also because of the changes that are occurring within the minds of the outer world as this "decade of the dawn" progresses. Remember that we had mentioned before that the surge of light affects the spiritually progressive person in one way and the unprogressive in "another. Unfortunately the mass of humanity might now still fall within the "unprogressive" classification and this will become more self-evident as the decade unfolds. For us, however, it will be a delightful progression. Just stand somewhat apart and blossom here beside us as we bask under the radiant" sun of our Creator's Presence!



Greetings in Jehovih's light and love. A very nice day is in store for us on the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence. For we are eager to speak to each of you personally to tell you how beautiful our homes are, how interesting our countryside, our woodlands and water places, bubbling brooks and waterfalls, our lakes and the numerous islands where we sail our little boats for quiet hours of meditation; or we roam through the cool woods inbreathing ozones of intoxicating air. We are never alone, nor do we wish to be alone. The harmony among us is so complete, we move as one body. Our desires are one. We play and dance and sing together. Our voices blend harmoniously in a chorus of sweet melodies. We marvel at how silent your togetherness is. One day, you will be so situated, you will feel free to let the joy of being express in abandonment. This. is a time in the corporeal life on earth' when turmoil and chaos are wildly expressed, stirred by the ever increasing intensity of the enhancing light of Jehovih's hosts who are tearing down walls of separating from the hearts of mortals in every land of your ¡planet. Be strong in your faith with your angelic co-workers. Endure the increase in light and power that stirs your own mortal selves. Keep close to the ever-present Creator within. Do not allow negative thoughts and feelings to express. Dissipate the negative by deep breathing in 12

awareness with your Creator, and you will, help speed the day of emancipation for all souls everywhere. Be one with light and love for all.


Ever-Present Great Spirit,

Praise be to Thee for all Thy blessings.

Our days are brimful of peace, love and contentment because our focus remains forever on Thy Presence and how we may serve Thee more effectively in all our ways.

We are not perfect. There remains so many ways in which we may improve ourselves. But as long as our focus is not on self, but rather on how we may better fulfill the Creator's special and unique Purpose in our personal lives by serving others in more unselfish ways, we know our needs, and therefore our shortcomings, will be taken care of. How marvelous a feeling it is when you finally become aware that you are free of self! It is so hard to do while in mortality, because 13

there are so many basic needs that must be met, which are somewhat conducive to a selfish preoccupation. Yet we all can significantly progress in this regard in spite of our current circumstances. We in spirit are free of so much of these self-serving necessities that we can make real progress in rising above self once awareness of the need dawns upon us.

This is one of the first great steps toward reaching the God-head where the angelic ministering hosts work in concert with the organic realms above. This is one of the first steps toward resurrection. We begin by focusing our minds as completely as we are capable with an overwhelming concern for how we may best serve to enlighten those who may be behind us due to weakness, infirmity, misfortune or ignorance.

We apply our energies and talents as fully and completely as we can, while always working with others in concert for a united purpose. We realize that when our efforts are compounded, the energy and results produced are not merely the sum of the parts, but an exponential multiplicity that gives us the Power of the enlightened Organic Realms above.

This is the great invigorating and intoxicating revelation that we are absorbing as we have the pleasure of working here on the Plateau 14

organically as part of our association of spiritual workers under the auspices of the High Council, who coordinates the activities of all those who labor in concert here and in the heavens below. We lend you our spiritual and moral support, and the blessings of a thread or beam of our spiritual light, which we are able to anchor down onto your Place of Radiance below. All of us here are working with you, blessing with you, and inspiring you as best we can along the way. Our line of light extends to you our hearts and our love. We are as one now as we ever have been in the past. Never forget that as we join with you together in this great undertaking for the Creator's sake and the blessings of Kosmon.


From the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence, we greet you. We are waiting for you to visit our Place of Radiance in spirit. There is unending information on the history of our planet in the library here, history you should learn that is not in your history books. We attend classes daily to learn of many things we have to learn in our spirit life here. We still have work to do in the upliftment of our brothers and sisters on the corporeal earth. We travel with the hosts of light in 15

fireships. Those of us who are newly arrived here have much to learn, but angels of long experience say there is no end to learning of our Creator's vast creations. We who have had training in our corporeal life find that we can be of great help to the myriads of souls entering the heavens of the earth each day. Our assignments are always with angels of great advancement. We watch and learn how to help bewildered spirits understand they no longer have corporeal bodies. We help the angels of light and love teach new-born spirits how we exist here. We greet all new arrivals with tender love and understanding. All awakening is done with love, and we rejoice in our work. You on earth are helping to open avenues of soul strength to us on the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence. Your daily efforts accomplish more than you realize. We need your cooperation to speed the day of earth's awakening to the Creator's Presence in all life everywhere.


Your faithful service to the children in darkness is appreciated by us, the angelic hosts. realize.

More is being accomplished than your minds

The seeds of soul quickening power are falling into the lives 16

of responsive souls.

Your faithful efforts keep the doors open for us

to transmit the light of the Father-Mother Creator.

Together, we

move forward step by step in liberating the bound spirits from souls on earth.

Your co-workers on the Plateau of the Blossoming

Presence rejoice with us in your steadfast dedication and efforts to fulfill the will of Jehovih.

They too give their soul energies to

awaken slumbering mankind.

They are tireless in their efforts.

They are on hand to greet newborn souls as they arrive from corporeal into spiritual life. The work of teaching the newborn is a long, slow process for the emancipated angels.

They need your

corporeal help at all times. Your breathing awareness gives them the energy to fulfill Jehovih’s purpose of awakening souls to understand that they are immortal and will live and learn forever in His Kingdoms of Light and Love.


See the beautiful rainbow. Come ride up the rainbow with us into the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence. So many of your friends are awaiting you with open arms. Come and visit the library where so much knowledge resides, awaiting exploration by curious minds. 17

Come into the spacious reading rooms. Pick out a comfortable corner. Turn on your spiritual light and start on a journey of discovery. Whatever your mind or heart desires to know, we have it in storage here. Ask, and your request will be granted immediately.

Our books need no words, no pictures. All is done by thought transference. You have microfiche on earth. We have something eminently better. It needs a very small space to store, yet if typed in your earthly volumes, would probably take up a whole bookcase. We do not need lengthy card catalogs. You can call on a book or its equivalent simply by tuning into a specific thought. The content of the book or its equivalent will be directed into your mind automatically. You will get the words, pictures, smells and feelings that come with the book, the personality of the author, and any relevant and important detail. Isn't that wonderful? You can always request more details such as why the author wrote the book, the story behind the book, whether the book was the recording of a real event and real people, its authenticity and, oh, so many other things. Wouldn't you like to come in and pick a book to experience! Remember the best part is that it will take you only a few minutes to experience a book that would take you days to read. It is automatic speed-reading without your having to learn speed-reading. We thought that should get some of you encouraged enough to make a trip up here soon.


What are you waiting for? Come up tonight and join us in the mind boggling experience of a spiritual book. We invite all of you to


Spirits often try to tease the mind with worries. They try to take your mind away from the angels and the divine plan which is your life-long dedication. You have come a long way, and nothing can stop you now, or put you back into the old uzian ways. Keep lifting your mind up to the blossoming Presence on the higher plateau. Send your thoughts to them. Feel that they are constantly with you in everything you do. You are a sensitive instrument and could be easily influenced by low grade spirits; but now you are enclosed in a strong light and power which is holding you above the darkness. You have to exert yourself, however, to go forward and grow stronger, and to always be strong and positive in any circumstances and predicament. In your silent periods in council, you can always bless others. Use the time to pour out your soul's highest feelings of light and love to all. Don't get heavy. Keep radiant and joyous always.



We send you greetings from the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence. We are carefully watching your progress. It is slow but if you can hold on to your purpose, the rate of progress will increase, slowly at first, then faster and faster. We eagerly await your unfoldment. Much has been said about this already, but repetition is necessary because you still do not seem to grasp the essentials in this development phase. You must attune with us more often, otherwise you will be in a holding pattern with little advancement. The group's effort is helpful in this respect, because you can advance much faster as a group than as individuals. You already know this. Just put it into practice. The rate of advance of the group is only as fast as the slowest individual. All the more reason for you to encourage each other, support and help each other in your upward journey together. Never forget that even if you move very fast by yourself, sooner or later you will need the help of other members of your group and you will have to help them get to where you are before you can all make giant leaps in your development.

Take heart that as a group, your path has been made smoother and easier because you have so many more angelic helpers willing and waiting to guide you on your way. Be thankful that you are part of a 20

spiritual group and keep the flame alive for the others to follow. Let others learn from your experience and never be selfish and hide spiritual factors that helped you achieve your development. Share with others who are ready. Give them some of your energy and enthusiasm for spiritual work and inspire them to follow their highest light.


All the Angel Hosts on our Plateau of Light draw their power from the Ever-Present within and from their own angelic overshadowing who administers to their needs. Your spiritual power is derived from the same sources.

The only difference is that you are consciously

aware of it less of the time, and you dissipate more energy in mundane directions.

You must cultivate your awareness of our

presence in the Work. We will respond in the same way to you and strengthen your efforts. Affirm your awareness of Jehovih and your commitment to serving the All Highest.

You will feel greater

awareness, thereby clearing your spiritual senses for the work at hand. We are always present with you, as much today as yesterday. The time frame we work in is more expansive than you can imagine. 21

We are more dependable than anything in your material world. We are not shaken or distracted easily. When you focus in the light, verbalize your understanding of the Work and your desire to be part of it. In the days ahead we will find a place for you which will suit your circumstances and talents.

As you seek to wed yourself to the Light,

our emissaries will protect you and guide you on your way.


are many years of productive endeavors ahead, both on your earthly plane and on our Plateau of the Blossoming Presence.


The Eloists on the Plateau are here with you in person as well as in thought. There are groups of us that often join with you in focus while the rest of us hold you in our thoughts daily from our council chambers above. We work on your plane to inspire all souls searching for truth, and we do what we can to teach and enlighten them. We work with the lowest of the low to give them sustenance and relief.

Here on the Plateau we work with those who are more advanced to give whatever teaching, guidance and sup- port we can. We often 22

function as a clearing station in which we help others who are uncertain of who they are and where they are going to find themselves and find their way. We often help to place them with organizations or groups that can best serve their needs.

Our facilities are more than adequate for our needs and we have places for meetings, focus work, lectures and teaching, as well as facilities for caring for those troubled and weakened souls whom we bring up from the earth for further care and treatment. All of us here spend some time in healing work in that part of our Ministry building devoted to such purposes. We join together in crescent, and through the force of our united wills orchestrated through our affirmations, we have been able to revive and awaken many souls who had been so depleted in consciousness that they were almost given up as hopeless by other workers. Many other groups who have learned of our success with these individuals often bring additional souls to our facility here, so we often have more of them than we can easily deal with. This work occasionally takes an inordinate amount of our time, but on the other hand we all agree that perhaps it is the most rewarding.








consciousness, they sometimes stay on with us here for further care and instruction, while at other times we turn them over to other groups to continue their care.


We have a great deal of help from representatives of the high council and we frequently have assistance from others who reside on the higher plateaux. We feel most fortunate in this regard and feel very blessed to have such capable assistance. Because of the nature of our work and the fact that we are well organized and efficient, we have been given fairly large facilities to work in which include many buildings and an open air theater for our larger gatherings.

We reside on a well situated second resurrection plateau, although there are several other plateaux above ours. We on occasion have visitors from the highest second resurrection plateau. These are individuals who are nearly ready for graduation to the etherean realms. They are much older than us and well experienced, so they are a great help to us and have wonderful stories to relate. We find it all so inspiring and we look forward to each new project with excitement. We never lack in things to do and we are never bored. But, in spite of our busy routine, we take time to be with you, and we always hold you in our thoughts and prayers, because you are a part of our group, one with our family. You are indispensable to us and you do help us more than you realize at this time. We feel most fortunate to have co-workers on your plane who are so attuned to us. It makes our burdens lighter. When the time does come for you to join us here, you will find that we have progressed onto a new level of activity which will be ready for you when you arrive. That will relate to 24

the time when we are able to sever our bonds as an organization with the earth plane below. Our overshadowing hosts say it is time for us to end this session now. We appreciate each opportunity we have for these contacts. Blessings from the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence!


See our beautiful home in the forest. It stands like a hidden alabaster jewel. It is most amazing to look upon and almost takes you by surprise when you enter the clearing after walking through such a quiet and dense forest path. The light streaming through great tall pine trees (almost reminiscent of giant redwoods) leaves a dancing pattern on the iridescent walls of the building. Though there is no darkness, no shadows, yet in this instance there does seem to be an extra brightness there above the trees that allows these beams of light to burst down between the branches somewhat like you would expect to see in an earthly forest on a sunny day.

The structure of the building, with its tall columns and grand oversized windows, strikes a most impressive pose. As you 25

approach, you can often hear music reverberating from within as musicians sing and play in concert with the great organ at the west end of the hall. Our spirits are lifted into reverie by the sweet spiritually pure songs that emanate from the hall. You know at once that something special and unique occurs there, and as mortal Eloists you know this is so.

As we approach today, we know there is a special focus being held, for two members of the Algonquin nation stand as honor guards at either side of the front steps, each dressed in full ceremonial "gowns" of their clan. Their appearance is somewhat incongruous. They fit the forest surroundings well enough, but seem somewhat out of place next to the marble columns at the top of the steps. Soon, others begin to stream in as they approach from the various pathways leading in through the forest, all dressed in the typical pastel gowns and outfits, ready for whatever the spiritual focus promises to provide.

You are already aware, I am sure, of the energy created by music when played in the realm of spirit. The effect of the energy produced can actually be seen as patterns of light, sometimes in waves, sometimes a ball of undulating light above the orchestra. Imagine, if you will, how much more intense these patterns become if you begin with the full pipe organ as well as other "wood wind" instruments and 26

string instruments as our councils do. Add to this the spontaneous vocals that often accompany the music, and add to this still the vortices generated by the spontaneous dance of the worshippers creating more vortices with their bodies, their arms and their minds as they dance about the floor. The patterns generated and the energy produced are great indeed.

Then as the clouds of iridescent light collect above the rotunda, picture the results when the time comes for the council to bless those in need. As their thoughts are crystallized in loving unity of thought and as their words of blessing and affirmations choose their mark, wisps of energy, like multicolored lightning bolts, streak from the corona of the cloud above the meeting hall, and with a "clap" of rolling thunder, streak across the heavens or down to the earth to energize and sustain those in need, as well as the ashars who have those soul in their charge. Thoughts are potent. Thoughts are things which can be directed for good. This is all too evident to us on our plane of existence, and it will be all the more apparent to you as well when you at last join us here in spirit.



Receive what Jehovih wills. We are here to help you. We will guide your steps along the way. Just relax and feel where our thoughts guide you and you will gain expertise with time. Patience perfects. We propose an essay on a typical day of loving service on the second resurrection plateau and how it differs from that of a first resurrection plateau.

Knowledge of the all Light is the pursuit of all souls on the plateau. Our thoughts, our wills and our united effort is all directed to this one purpose. Unity is our motto in everything we do. Our cares have long since been cast upon Jehovih, and the joy of selfless service is our preoccupying endeavor. The Light of the Ever-Present fills the air so that no darkness, illness, or ugliness can enter. Barren landscapes are an impossibility, and hospitals, detainment centers or asylums have long been left on the plateaus below. The All Light is all that remains in the form of colleges, libraries, auditoriums, sparkling bright factories and similar facilities dedicated to the cultivation of the All Light.

The day begins. No dawn to greet us for the Light is Ever-present. Our focus of what you would call friends or close co-workers 28

depends upon the association we had long since established on the earth and the planes below... These are the ones with whom your links are most personal and perpetuated. We are, of course, all friends here, linked together with a deep abiding love and comradeship which is of a degree incomprehensible to those below. Unlike the plateaus below, where personal residences are needed and provided, we don't require as much time for personal solitude, but stay amongst our focus of co-workers when we wish to retire and relax. Our particular circle shares the white alabaster dome to the west of the "Library of the Light Ever-Present". Our new day has no dawn, but we feel ebb and flow, rhythm and cycle, and we know from the Light within when a new dawn has begun.

We affectionately call our abode the "Alabaster Bubble", and on this dawn we assembled together in the central chamber for music and discussion. As you might expect, many of us who reside together were once companions on the earth plane, for often soul attraction on the lower planes continues through the planes above. Because our interests and talents are similar, we were all working on the same projects at this time though that is not always the case. Currently the Voice of the Ever-Present has directed our efforts into two avenues, which had been arranged and delegated to us by the High Council so that whatever tasks we undertake may be in complete harmony with the object of the plateau as a whole. That 29

object, of course, is dependent on the work of the Ever-Present as it comes to us through the throne of God, his appointed son for this cycle. Our two projects at this time have been to help bring the Light of the organic heavens to a group of healing "Angels" on the plateau below, and to bring the new Light of Kosmon to an organic group of dedicated mortals on an obscure corner of the earth.

A soft insistent voice speaks within us, "The day has begun." We leave our domed retreat of polished alabaster behind, and bathed in the Eternal Light we stroll by the flower beds and through the forest path to the "Library of the Light Ever-Present" where we are to be briefed by the representatives for the High Council concerning our project for the day. The Library stands by itself in the broad meadow beyond the trees. Its appearance resembles a four-sided pyramid of burnished silver. Its cap stone is an iridescent ruby in appearance, though its hue varies with the ebb and flow of energy. Passing by its flower beds we walk through its glass doors and into the foyer within.

Our morning gathering at the Library is always like a family reunion. We always arrive with an air of excitement, filled with tales of our latest experiences and we waste little time finding others to speak to because our opportunity is brief. The reunion is soon aborted by a call to order by the High Council's representative in the east end of the hall. Today our instructions were routine and anticipated. We 30

were to meet with our group of mortals who have been seeking spiritual development in the north central region of the Himalayas. These meetings had been set on a pre-arranged schedule and, of course, we were aware that this was such a morning. There are fourteen different committees working with this particular group of developing mortals, each committee working on a particular aspect of development depending on our talents and interests. We had been helping by developing out of the body experiences and so-called trance speaking in their developing mediums. As our instructions were brief, we were among the first to leave for the misty shrouded earth below...

Our method of travel in this instance requires no elaborate vehicle. Rather, our means of traveling through the intervening space consists merely of the envelope of our thoughts and the desire to be at the corporeal location of our labors. A flash of light and we are there, all of us together, standing on the hillside in front of the Himalayan abode in which our mortal wards meet at a pre-arranged time to praise their Creator and receive instruction from their mentors whom they know as envoys of the Ever-Present, but not as individuals.

The impersonal nature of our communication is not only adhered to in order to prevent unnecessary attention being brought to us as 31

individual personalities (and therefore away from the Ever-Present), but also for practical reasons. Depending on needs which fluctuate substantially over time, we may come in groups of as few as eight to as many as eight hundred thousand crowding on this tiny Himalayan hillside. Imagine the confusion of our mortal wards were we to start naming the individuals who were with them on that day. It would not only draw their concentration away from the things we needed to teach, but would waste valuable time with no constructive purpose other than to emphasize the self which is not of primary importance on our Plateau.

So called spiritual communion of this type requires much more co-ordination and planning than you might imagine. It also requires a constant protective pleroma of a degree which is only possible when an organic overshadowing is linked to an organic association of mortals consecrated to the Ever-Present and maintaining a purer devotion and life style than that followed by the average mortal. Picture all the dark and misguided thoughts of the masses as an oily black soot that continually rains upon mortals affecting their thoughts and attitudes in such a way as to cultivate base desires, anxiety, paranoia and other negative volitions. Our mortal wards must not only be shielded from these so that the higher Light may pierce though the darkness, but also constantly shielded from the wandering familiars who would prefer to bring destructive elements 32

into our design. This requires a continual expenditure of protective energy that we are only able to maintain to a high enough degree with groups of mortals that are organic in purpose as we are. They need not be living under the same roof or even in the same geographic locality, but their concentrated unity of purpose and harmony must be of the right degree. We expend a great deal of energy at these sessions not only in instruction and manifestations, but also in just maintaining a constant vigil, whether the instructing groups are present or not. So that once our meeting is completed, we ourselves sometimes feel the need for an activity requiring less intensive concentration, and so with the speed of a flash of thought, we will be back on the Plateau to turn our attentions to the next activity of the day.


This is a good day to start thinking about the library. Imagine yourself walking through the door, seeing the great array of books and the wonderfully comfortable chairs into which you wish to sink and stay for a while with a book so interesting that once you have started you will not wish to let go until you have finished. Imagine other beings 33

there, reading, learning, socializing — just as you would. See their smiling faces, hear their beautiful voices and participate.

See the red carpet that spirals upward to the Council room. Follow it when you are ready and begin a unique experience of being in council with friends, some whom you already know, but some you don't. They welcome you with a hug and a smile. You feel like you have already been there, for you have. Dedicate part of your time to serving the Creator in this Council room.

Imagine the most beautiful swirl of light and music and it Is there in the Council room. Beautiful spirals, circles, unbreakable chains of fire and sky, now it is violet, and now green, now yellow, and then white mixed with red. The variation is only limited by your imagination. Concentrate on the light and music for it will guide you to a higher consciousness.

Now we will take a walk through the "Plateau of the Blossoming Presence". See the beautiful parks all around. There is no ugliness on our plateau, only beauty and light. There is no bad weather here either. All that has been left behind. Here the weather is always perfect. It never rains or snows, nor does it get cold. We are always comfortable with whatever we choose to wear.


Let us walk along the river. Oh, yes, we like the river. It is one of our favorite walking paths. Somehow walking along a river bank still gives us pleasure. It is as if every turn along the bend gives you a new vista. It is very restful and restorative. We don't come here for solitude, like you do. We usually come with other people, as a matter of fact. We would walk along the river, discussing spiritual matters, comparing experiences and learning from each other while we would be enjoying the scenery, the smell, and the melodious sounds. This we do during our rest periods. We also work very hard during our working periods as you must be aware by now.

You can row boats or canoes if you like. Or you can just pick a boat you like and make it move with your concentration or lie still in the middle of the river. Most of us enjoy doing that. It is a very interesting experience, especially when you have never done it before. The newcomers always laugh and giggle when they find out what they can do with a boat. You can command it to do whatever you want at will, just by willing it, and it will be so. It is an intoxicating experience, yet a good one for the newcomers to show and demonstrate what willpower can do.

We have bicycles here for people who want to "exercise", but we really do not need it as a mode of transportation. As we can go anywhere at will, it is not necessary to have cars and buses or even 35

planes like you do. Most of us still prefer to walk when the distance is not great. Some prefer to thought-project at all times. We do need fireships, avalanzas and the like when we have to travel to a far-off destination. We need the speed and protection then. That's the end of our walk for today. Will continue later. Love and blessings from all to all.


This morning we will take a trip around the plateau. See that beautiful pathway leading into the woods? Well, in the woods and past the woods are dwellings or gathering places of all types. Yes, you can choose to build any type of shape or form, and friends will help you build it exactly as you would like it. Most often, a group of friends will want to build a communal building to serve as their resting place and gathering place. However, in exceptional cases, we do allow individual dwellings for two. Dwellings for one are not within this plateau. No one here is a hermit. We are an organized organic society to serve the Creator's will. We abide by the decisions of the High Council, but not blindly like you do your Courts on earth. We


accept it because it is the highest light, and we accept it with faith, love and goodwill.

See the beautiful lake over there? This is our favorite recreation spot. Water still has a magical quality here. It helps us to regain our energy if our energy level runs low. Sporting events and games are held in this lake periodically to keep us fit and trim. All types of beautiful trees and flowers are arranged by the gardener. Smell the fragrance coming from them! Yes, some of them do smell like roses, only better, and besides, they won't fade and they don't need any sprays to make them safe from insects. Here they are always blooming, always fragrant, always full of vigor and love for whomever happens to like them.

You probably have not seen some of the trees that grow


because they don’t exist on your planet. They provide us with a tall canopy for our gatherings, and a source of delight for us. The ones that flower do so all year round. The ones that bear fruit are available year round, also. So, we are luckier than you in that respect. We can eat a fruit we like year round, and look at flowers we like all the time. Most of us derive much pleasure from this. The growing things remind us of the hand of the Creator in everything.


Time to end our walk. Return to your place of rest and be happy today.


Good morning. Here is a beautiful new dawn to greet

you. Smile

and be happy.

Today we continue our walk. From the lake, there are paths leading in all directions. We just came from the one leading from the "Library of the Light Ever-Present." Let's walk into the forest over there. As you can see, the forest is also a delightful place. The trees here do not cast shadows and gloom like they do on earth. They are restful to look at, though not the same as in your corporeal state. We do have birds, and a great variety of them, to delight the inhabitants. Some of them have very lovely songs. They only sing if we desire them to. We communicate our wish and then they sing. It is quite wonderful to have a bird symphony, and it is possible here.

See all the flowers around you? Yes, we are very fond of sweet smelling violets, lilies of the valley, too. They have a lovely fragrance 38

year round. We don't grow vegetables here as we do not need them for food. However, once in awhile, someone will have an experimental patch to test out some new theory that came out on earth, and sometimes to improve those theories, and improve the plants themselves. It's for all those people who love botany and biology.

What a lovely meadow! Tall grasses waving to and fro in the wind. It is another one of our favorite places to walk. All kinds of wildflowers abound. We still commune with nature the way you do, only much better, with more direct links.

Beyond the meadow are a few factories that manufacture very interesting things, quite different from your factories. Here they manufacture only light, or things to do with light, such as generating energy and light, over a great distance. We do not need them for close range, for each of us is a power generator. However, for projects like yours, we do need extra power. That's where the factories come into play. They provide us with the extra power needed. They know what we need ahead of schedule and always generate the right amount for our use - very efficient, not like your factories. Here there is no waste; there is no ugliness, only beauty and light.


We have very beautiful gardens growing spiritual fruits and flowers. Yes, we do have the peaches you are thinking of and they are one of the most delicious fruits around. We have many varieties, some that you have never seen or tasted, because some of them do not exist in your world. Whoever feels inclined will go visit the garden and either work with the trees and flowers, or rest and relax, or eat a few fruits that he likes. There is one person in charge of the gardens; however, he does not garden. He sees to it that the garden contains all possible herbs, trees and flowers, and changes them from time to time when we have visitors to make the visitors feel at home. He is more of a designer and coordinator, harmonizing the various plants and trees in the garden.

We don't need to eat, but fruits are a delicacy. When we

are tired,

or need some energy, we go to the garden and pick some fruit which would complement our energy level at that time.

The library is our meeting place. Everyone goes there for concerts, dances, meetings of all kinds, seminars for learning new things. It is the nerve center of our community. Everyone now has time to learn to do something they have always wanted to do but never found the time or money. Here, they can learn it and perfect it in a short time most gratifying to the newcomers. They just can't attend enough classes. We who have been here longer still feel the urge to take 40

some new course once in a while to keep our minds sharp and creative. There is so much learning here that no one can exhaust it all. Some try, though. The library is full of gaiety at times when there are no classes. We have dances, similar to your country dances, only much better organized and harmonized. The concerts are really something. Everyone always shows up for them. It is not just beautiful music, but beautiful sculptures of light in the air as well. They are fascinating to watch, swirling and melting into each other, better than light shows or fireworks. You would love it.


See that lovely green hill over there and the shining building on top. Yes, the building is a strange shape, very hard to describe, some sort of crescent in burnished silver, with a red star in the middle. They are a very dedicated group of workers devoting their full time to the healing arts. The crystal work is being carried out in there. Their primary interest is in crystals of all sorts, their uses and applications, and inspiring mortals to use the good properties of these crystals. They are not healing angels, as such. They are more developers of healing methods of all kinds. They then pass the message to the 41

healing angels or whoever is inclined towards such work to carry them out. They are really working hard at it. They want to help mankind by lessening the suffering —

very noble work, indeed!

On your right, there is a lovely forest. Come, walk with me down the path. Is this not a delightful forest? The flowers are so sweet, the birds so co-operative and cheerful, and the grass is so soft under your feet. Have you ever felt a softer or a more luxuriant turf. Yes, it is free of weeds. We do not have to worry about them here. There is no need for weed killers. We make all things grow by our will. Unless we want to make dandelions grow, they won't grow. A while ago, a mischievous soul did turn a large patch of the grass into dandelions. You should have seen the uproar here. Well, some excitement is always good. But that one did shock quite a few people. I guess a lot of us really like the green grass just by itself, and are not about to change so suddenly as to want a whole field of dandelions. That poor soul took a long time to live it down. We mostly joked about it and him for a long time, good-humoredly, of course. It was fun.





Returning to our home on the plateau is as swift as thought. We will usually first stop at the Library to file a report and if our schedule is pressing, we may move directly onto our next task. Today, however, we have arranged for leisure time, because a chamber ensemble has been scheduled to play on the great lawn to the south of the Library of the Light Ever-Present, and already people are gathering on the grass in front of the chairs that have been arranged for the musicians. This is a small and informal event, but we do have great concerts as well in the great halls and amphitheaters.

Having filed our report for the morning activities in one of the meeting rooms especially reserved for this purpose, which is situated adjacent to the foyer on the ground floor of the Library, we stroll out to join the others on the lawn. There is no need for cushions or blankets to sit on, though we certainly could use them if we wished, for the lawn is never damp or muddy. It is always dry and perfect to the touch and it gives under your pressure like the thickest and most deeply padded carpet imaginable. Sitting or stretching out on the lawn is an experience of elegance.


Like your musicians, our musicians spend a few minutes tuning before they start, and having taken their positions in their chairs on the lawn, they go through the customary rituals which are fun to watch as well. Unlike earthly music which manifests its vibrations on your ears only, spiritual music is perceived on a variety of levels, with the most dramatic effect being auditory and visual. Since color is a vibration as well, we can see patterns of color form and dissipate in the air as the music is played. So, as each musician begins to tune, little sparks and wisps of color will form and vanish in the air before us with such subtlety that you almost doubt your senses in perceiving them. Once the formal performance begins, however, there is no doubt, for the color patterns become unmistakably substantial and persistent, forming an interblended web of colors that float in an ever-changing iridescent cloud above the musicians' heads. The dreamy, surrealistic scene makes it easy to float into a state of reverie. The hour passes quickly but leaves us feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Although we can enjoy concerts and other forms of entertainment as much as anyone, do not think that our days are passed in idleness. We maintain a high degree of activity and work very hard. We said earlier that hospitals and detainment centers have been left on the plateaus below, but that doesn't mean that we don't work in them or


even that they never exist on a second resurrection plateau. You understand that as

Although we can enjoy concerts and other forms of entertainment as much as anyone, do not think that our days are passed in idleness. We maintain a high degree of activity and work very hard. We said earlier that Hospitals and detainment centers have been left on the plateaus below, but that doesn't mean that we don't work in them or even that they never exist on a second resurrection plateau. You understand that as one moves to higher plateaus, the spiritual atmosphere becomes more rarified and that it requires a higher degree of development in order to subsist with comfort in that rarified state. Consequently, because those in hospitals and detainment centers are generally underdeveloped, they require habitations that are on plateaus with a relatively greater density and thus even those that are placed on second resurrection plateaus require a placement at the lowest possible levels. Those who have reached the degree of development necessary to make them compatible with the organic heavens are still, of course, at various degrees of development and therefore we require organic plateaus in a variety of densities, though even the lowest organic plateau is substantially more rarified than the highest inorganic plateau. It just so happens that the plateau in which this author resides is at a level above that which is suitable for


hospitals, but in any case many of us do work in the hospitals by traveling to the plateaus where these facilities are situated.

When needs or inclinations require us to work on this plateau which we have affectionately dubbed the Plateau of the Blossoming Presence, we have a variety of schools, colleges, factories, research centers and other similar facilities to occupy our attention.


Spirits often try to tease the mind with worries. They try to take your mind away from the angels and the divine plan which is your life-long dedication. You have come a long way, and nothing can stop you now, or put you back into the old uzian ways. Keep lifting your mind up to the blossoming Presence on the higher plateau. Send your thoughts to them. Feel that they are constantly with you in everything you do. You are a sensitive instrument and could be easily influenced by low grade spirits; but now you are enclosed in a strong light and power which is holding you above the darkness. You have to exert yourself, however, to go forward and grow stronger, and to always be strong and positive in any circumstances and predicament. In your silent periods in council, you can always bless others. Use 46

the time to pour out your soul's highest feelings of light and love to all. Don't get heavy. Keep radiant and joyous always.


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