The Power of Vortexya Editor:
Robert Bayer (2015)
Table of Contents Preface Poem – Vortex’ya (page 3) Chapter 1: The Creator – The Great Vortex (page 4) Chapter 2: Vortexya in the Cosmos (page 9) Chapter 3: Vortices throughout the World (page 14) Chapter 4: Angels Using Vortexya (page 41) Chapter 5: Vortices in Mortals (page 44) Chapter 6: Prophesizing from Vortexya (page 61) Chapter 7: The Spiritual Dimension of Vortices (page 67)
Vortex’ya, Celestial Fire, Elohim — Starlight Igniting, Illimitable Energy Innermost — Omnipresent! Feel Unseen The All Motion! — Absolute Spirit overflowing, … unfolding, … revolving … Galaxies, … heavens, … worlds, … radiating Wondrous Order. Ever-Present Luminous Power Creative — Arise! Quicken us, Our Universe, Sublime Sanctifying Service Alive in Vortex’ya. Robert Bayer 3
Chapter 1: The Creator – The Great Vortex It cometh to this: Vortexya is unseen power, but it is without sense or judgment. Next back of this standeth the life of every living thing; and next back of all standeth the Creator, Jehovih. All learning, science and religion are but far-off stepping-stones to lead man up to Him. To acknowledge this, and to call on him constantly, is to keep open the road to receive His hand and hear His voice.
(Oahspe: Cosmogony 11.14)
Thus the great Vortex is a living, exhaustless Fountain, wherein dwell infinite Love and Wisdom, and from which flow the undefinable worlds 4
which pervade the Univercoelum.
And these are formed by succeeding
and expanding waves, the same principle being distinctly manifested in every department of animated Nature.
The Universe, therefore, is an
ocean of infinite Love and Wisdom. (Principles of Nature: p326)
For there never was a sound formed or a word uttered that could convey the least conception of that all-pervading ESSENCE, that Great Spiritual PRINCIPLE, that Great Positive, Omnipotent MIND, which dwells in the VORTEX from which flow millions on millions of Suns, of Systems, Of Universes, that extend out into undefinable space almost to the filling of space itself—and yet all constituting nothing more than an expression of one single THOUGHT emanating from the inexhaustible VORTEX of infinite PURITY and PERFECTION! (Principles of Nature:
The great omnipotent mind of the Creator is in the form of a vortex. (Principles of Nature:
Matter and Motion constitute the original condition of all things, developing light and heat, and take the form of a great Vortex, which contains the Power of the Great Positive Mind. (Principles of Nature: p122) The great vortex of celestial Intelligence, — the great center of eternal Love, the great nucleus of Omnipotence, the immortal flower of Wisdom, which breathe forth the elements of universal Harmony and the fragrance of undying delights, — is the irresistible Magnet which attracts upward 5
the human Soul. Hence to the unimaginable center of all things, the spirit goes to commune with the one only and true God. And while the theology of the earth bids the soul to think of Deity as the child conceives of a great and powerful monarch, or as the poet dreams of the awful shadows of an unseen power — moving like a conscious, all-pervading atmosphere upon the bosom of creation — the truly scientific, philosophical, and theological mind beholds God as an organization of unchangeable and celestial principles. Such a mind conceives of something — A SUBSTANCE u-a concentrated sublimation of real elements and essences; and thus the Deity, being familiarized with our reason and intuition, causes us to realize the truth that He has proportions, tendencies, and principles of action which he can neither change, suspend, transcend, or destroy. Therefore, “with God all things are” not “possible.” He can not go counter to the eternal principles of Power, Wisdom, Goodness, Justice, Mercy, and Truth, which describe the sublime perfections of his character. He can not change, transcend, or destroy, the anatomical, physiological, mechanical, chemical, electrical, magnetical, or spiritual processes of his universal constitution. He can not suspend or change the associative, progressive and developing modes of his manifestations in Nature. We have, therefore, assurance made doubly sure that God is a fixed, organized Principle in the constitution of the Universe — “without variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (The Great Harmonia – The Teacher)
The Great Vortex of Positive Power, the Great Sensorium of the Divine 6
Mind, is, therefore, the Central Spring of all action and vitality — the celestial FOUNT of unspeakable magnificence and inconceivable PERFECTION. He lives through all things, but more particularly in the great seventh spiritual sphere or SUN of the Universe. The elements and attributes, principles and essences of His inexhaustible Soul, are perpetually flowing to, and in, and out of, every thing, whether material or spiritual, that exists in the immeasurable domain of being. His Spirit fills all existence; but the most interior, and, to human minds, the most inconceivable qualities and properties of his celestial and infinite constitution have their source deep in the Center of universal, being. (The Great Harmonia – The Teacher)
God is the SOUL of the Universe; hence the Universe must necessarily be the BODY of God. And unity and system are manifested every where. In the Great “stupendous whole” there can not possibly be any contradictory or antagonistic displays of Divine principles; a perfect and unbroken chain of correspondences or analogies must of necessity run through and unite all things — giving them coherency and harmonious proportions; and, therefore, since unity, order, and system, are universal, the human mind is justified in reasoning analogically, and apprehending man as a minute representation of the mighty whole — as the spirit of man lives in his body, so the Spirit of God lives in the Universe. As motion, life, and sensation are diffused through the various organs, nerves, muscles, &c., in man’s constitution; so are the essences, elements, properties, qualities, principles, and attributes which exist in 7
the Celestial constitution of the Divine Mind diffused throughout the boundless empire of visible and invisible Nature! (The Great Harmonia – The Teacher)
Chapter 2: Vortexya in the Cosmos
The axial motion of the earth’s vortex rotates the earth. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.3) The vortices of corporeal worlds are strongly influenced by the etherean vortexian currents that world passes through. Certain spiritual / physical conditions and often strongly influence or change a world which passes through the vortex of an etherean region. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 6.14; Cpenta-Armij 10.5, 13.5, 13.8; Lika 3.5, 7.4)
Vortices create, and move corporeal worlds, and hold them in place. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 6.9,6.19; Jehovih 3.4, 3.6; Plate 40)
The earth travels in the vortex of the sun (Oahspe: Praise Hoth 6; Saphah Se’Moin [V’Work-'Um] 110; Plate 4) Within various units of celestial cycles, such as one cube (48,000 earth years) of celestial time, the cycles of a vortex show patterns of variation as completed cycles have occurred. (Oahspe: Ah’Shong 2.6; Knowledge 4.13) The vortex of a sun rotates worlds around it; vortices within the sun’s vortex. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.33-34; Jehovih 3.7, Lika 1.9 Plate 41)
A solar system and its worlds and vortices travel together in the galactic circle. (Oahspe: Eskra 3.5; Wars 37.7; Plate 68) Vortices of Etherean worlds and realms are vast and powerful. (Oahspe: Praise YAT 5)
In the initial phase of a world being formed by a vortex, vortexya manifests itself as molten fire. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.23)
A sun is a central world whose vortexya manifests as extreme light and heat, called a photosphere. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.25)
Chapter 3: Vortices throughout the World The vortex of a world causes the gravity effect. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.7)
A world’s light is produced by the rotation of its vortex and wark on the same side that is exposed to the sun. Vortexian power causes light. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.35, 25-26)
The whirlwind is a representative of other vortices throughout the universe. (Oahspe: Saphah Se’Moin [Wark] 45; Jehovih 3.3; Sethantes 8.11; Fragapatti 18.4) Vortexya holds all corpor together, even the earth or worlds themselves. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.29-31; Judgment 12.19)
By the power of rotation, swift driving forth in the extreme parts, condense I the atmospherean worlds that float in the firmament; and these become My corporeal worlds. In the midst of the vortices made I them, and by the power of the vortices I turn them on their axes and carry them in the orbits I allotted to them. Wider than to the moons of a planet have I created the vortices, and they carry the moons also. Around about some of My corporeal worlds have I given nebulous belts and rings, that man might comprehend the rotation of My vortexan worlds. For each and every corporeal world created I a vortex first, and by its rotation and by the 15
places in the firmament whither it traveleth, caused I the vortex to conceive the corporeal world. A great vortex created I for the sun, and, within this vortex and subject to it, made I the vortices of many of the corporeal worlds. The sun vortex I caused to rotate, and I gave it power to carry other vortices within it. According to their density and position are they thus carried forth and around about the sun. (Oahspe: Jehovih 3:4-7)
Osire, through his mathematicians, now furnished the Lords with maps of corporeal stars, and moon, and sun, and the position of the earth, with the sun-belt, and bestowed the names of animals upon them. Showed where the region of Cows was; the place of Bulls; the place of Bears; the place of Horses; the place of Fishes; the place of Scorpions; the place of Sheep; the place of Lions; the place of Crabs; the place of Death; the place of Life; the place of Capricornus; and marked the seasons, and made twelve sections (months) to the year, which was the width of the sun-belt. And he placed the sun in the midst and made lines thence to the stars, with explanations of the powers of the seasons on all the living. And he gave the times of Jehovih, the four hundred years of the ancients, and the half-times of dan, the base of prophecy; the variations of thirty-three years; the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices of the stars, so that the seasons might be foretold, and famines averted on the earth. (Oahspe: Osiris 12:1-3)
As previously stated, the vortexian currents are to the earth in the daylight; and from the earth in the night; although their force is toward the 16
centre of the earth (from the east) and toward the north pole afterward. The following result happeneth: For example, a pool of water is charged during the day with the positive current; during the night the negative current escapeth upward from the water. The decomposition resulting therefrom is called se'mu (green scum), a mucilaginous substance which floateth on the surface of the water. In some days' time this se'mu, by motion (from some external cause), assumeth certain defined shapes, crystalline, fibrous and otherwise, after the manner of strange configurations of frost on a window-pane. In some days after this, if the se'mu be examined with a lens it will be discovered that here are miniature trees, even forests, with vines and grasses. No seed was there. This new property is called Life, and because it existeth everywhere it is called Omnipresent. Man can account for the se'mu; for the positive and negative forces; for corpor and for ethe; but Life is unfathomable by man. The se'mu (green scum) floateth against the ground; its infinitesimal trees and vines and grasses take root and grow, and live a season and die; but from the roots and seeds a larger growth succeedeth. Thus becometh all the world inhabitated over with living creatures. Nevertheless not one thing of all of them mergeth into another; but every one bringeth forth after its own kind. Man inquireth of the earth, the rocks, the air, and of all things: Who is this Life? This Omnipresent that quickeneth into life all the living? But none can answer him. Then man inquireth of Life: Who art Thou, O Life? And the answer cometh to the soul of man: I am Life! I am the I Am! I Am the Ever Present! All that thou seest in earth or heaven,
and even the unseen worlds, also, are My very Person! I am the Whole! (Oahspe: Cosmogony 4.18-20)
The 'Golden Ratio' - 1: 1.618033989 All energy expresses with an infinite, vortical pattern and flow. All energy is theorized to express with a vortex pattern. This is evidenced to us constantly from the largest things, such as our spiral galaxies and the very curve of space-time itself, to the very smallest as evidenced by the miniature atomic vortices created by atomic particles. The vortical flow in particlesăƒťatomic path vortices, as imaged by the CERN 3.7 meter bubble chamber, when measured - is in accordance with ratio of 1: 1.618033989. This ratio is a never ending decimal and is a perfect pattern for infinite flows in time/space. This ratio will repeat the same proportion infinitely. Many spiral galaxies arms and these atomic particle paths - make a perfect match with the “Golden ratioâ€?and prove that these particles are 18
traveling in infinite flows. .(Atomic Vortex Theorem of Energy Motion, D. Bond)
A vortical flow of energy is clearly manifest in the spheres of stars and planets. Their rotation is vortical in nature as are their orbits through time-space. The conservation of angular momentum is present in all energy as all energy functions in a cyclic, regenerating expression. In radio-astronomy, observations of this vortical flow within our milky way galaxy demonstrate this flow exists and not in one single plane.(Atomic Vortex Theorem of Energy Motion, D. Bond) Increasing vortex’yan power can be equated with increasing lumens of spiritual light. (Radiance VII, #6, p22) 19
The material universe is a Vortex, from which all forms, material and immaterial, are unfolded and developed to the external or surface. These forms assume the force and form of the Vortex; while the Vortex possesses the form and force of the whole; and from it new particles and developments are constantly and successively emanating. in immediate juxtaposition with every corresponding
And each is
part or particle.
Consequently, Nature also forms an arch,-- and as such, to sustain itself requires parts
to form the Whole.
And if any part should become
disunited, the whole would become prostrate and disorganized.
instead of this, each part performs its specific office, as an end, in the great Arch composed of them all. It even requires an ultimate to join the great chain or circle of united motion, as the keystone is required to unite and perfect the whole arch of existence. (Principles of Nature: p77)
And yet creation, or the existence and production of worlds, has been but one moment in progress as compared to the duration of the formations 20
that are to go on throughout time and space unimaginable Then all these systems, with all their emanations and appendages, arising from, and yet progressing to, the Vortex of Positive Power, may be justly considered as ONE SYSTEM! It is here subdivided, in order to facilitate a general conception of the whole Structure by enabling the mind to associate the various orders and degrees of development which it is more capable of comprehending. Yet it is but one general Evolution of worlds from the Great Centre, and therefore is but one infinite Production from one eternal Origin! And only one single moment has elapsed, comparatively, since the first formed of these vast and universal systems has had an existence! But one single moment have they been in process of development from the Great Source, and in passing through all the various changes and conditions which the particles of each have assumed, in form, order, specific gravities, geological developments, undefinable and unimaginable revolutions, and reciprocal and incessant interchanging and circulation of parts and particles! The vast Ocean of materials in ceaseless motion and activity, from whose bosom these systems
inconceivably extended system and System of systems involved together, with all their accompanying excellences and beauties, are everlasting indices of future, inevitable, and corresponding emanations from the great exhaustless Fountain from which these all have successively flown. All these productions and reproductions -all these suns and systems of suns, with all their accompanying worlds — are but as one particle, are but one breathing forth of internal qualities from the great eternal Fount, 21
in comparison to the grand and glorious developments that are to be produced and extended throughout the height, and depth, and length, and breadth, of the whole vast Univercoelum! Thus but one atom has been developed in comparison to that which shall be developed; and but one second has elapsed in comparison to the corresponding extension of time! (Principles of Nature: p139)
The spiral motion is the ultimate realization of the Great Law of Motion. (Principles of Nature:
The Great Vortex of Positive Power is constantly sending forth the Design and Power which develops the Ultimates of Matter and Energy. (Principles of Nature: 22
The Universe is a vortex which has no beginning and no end, an eternal vortex that is an infinite circle. (Principles of Nature:
Angular motions and forms progress to circular, which in turn progress toward spiral which progress higher still to the more perfect motions and forms of the celestial vortices. (Principles of Nature:
The motions of the universe are circular and spiral and power the systems of concentric circles of the suns (Principles of Nature: p129) As it was in the beginning, so the vast and boundless Univercoelum, the Great Sun and Centre from which all these worlds and systems of worlds emanated, is still an exhaustless Fountain of chaotic materials, and living, inherent energy to drive into existence billions and millions of billions of suns, with all their appendages, more than have yet been produced! For it has eternal Motion, and contains the forms that all things subsequently assume: and it contains laws that are displayed in the geometrical and mechanical structure, combinations, and movements, of the vast systems that are brought forth. And from this great living Vortex 23
roll forth the unimaginable elements, properties, combinations, laws forces, forms, and motions, that have produced, and will still produce, an infinitude of systems and Systems of systems, whose concentric circles are but an expanse from the Great Germ of all existence, and are incessantly acting and reacting, changing, harmonizing, organizing, and etherealizing, every particle of chaotic and undeveloped matter that exists in the Vortex! (Principles of Nature: p142)
Thus from the lowest to the highest spheres of progression, there is a constant, inherent development where the perpetual vertical or celestial is spiritual, refined, pure, everlasting infinite, unspeakable celestial glory, brightness, and grandeur, which is The Vortex, the Creation of the Great Positive Mind. (Principles of Nature: p123-124)
The Vortex of Pure Intelligence is the Great First Cause. Nature:
p124 [5P]) 24
(Principles of
Within the Great Vortex are contained all that is everlasting, eternal, and infinite. (Principles of Nature: p125)
The great Vortex of the Eternal Positive Mind contains the pure Intelligence and infinite perfection (Principles of Nature:
The Everlasting
and almighty Perfection that is within the Vortex of
Eternity, breathes eternally forth the inexpressible perfection of all harmonious,
The great Vortex or throne of infinite Power has universal Principles of Nature and forces which emanate from it in general uniformity. (Principles of Nature:
That is, to be a creator of a mutual affinity, such as might join together the universal creations and their Creator! to form a connexion between Cause and Effect, so that a relation might exist between them which never had before existed! If he was designed as a mediator, then he was entirely incapable of performing the office for which he was set apart. For how is it possible for a medium to be added to any already-united system, the relations of which are the relations of Cause and Effect. This proposition is also superficially founded; and its tendency is to destroy in the mind the order and uniformity of the vast creations of the Universe, ALL of which sprang spontaneously from an inconceivable VORTEX by 25
the impulse of an ETERNAL CAUSE. (Principles of Nature: p502)
Our infinite Creator created all matter through and in which are tiny vibrating, breathing, etheric vortices.
Photons of light travel through the whole universe in even direction like a whirlpool in a moving stream. They are called "Cosmic Rays" and they come in on all directions upon all celestial bodies.
Everything is whirling around in vortices from the atoms in man's body to the solar systems and galaxies. Our Creator's creative power permeates everything, from matter on up (spiritually speaking as well) up to the Great Grand Central Sun's vortex. 26
Any vehicle or object that is not being driven along under its own motive power or is drawn by gravity starts turning over and over in mid space because of the whirling action of spacial ether everywhere.
Every bit of
matter that is not already crystallized into some kind of body or in some stage en route from being dissolved and suspended in spacial ether, is still in the Creator's mind as an idea, to be materialized later.
That old saying, "Love makes the world go round," takes in a lot more territory than just this world. (The Faithist Journal, 2001)
The Atom While the largest atoms are in conceivably small, they are vast as compared with those of the finest ethers. The form of atoms must be that 27
of an oblate ovoid, or the shape of all egg flattened somewhat on the sides from the necessities of force. This form is not solid, but consists principally of an immensely elastic spring work of spirals encircled by spirillĂŚ of different grades, which form constant channels of force. These channels move spirally around the outside of atoms as the principle of expansion and heat, and forming a vortex at the larger end, pass through the center in the other direction, tending to draw the atom in smaller on the principle of cold and electricity. Thus is an atom an epitome of the universe, having a gradation of elliptical and spiral orbits in imitation of those of the solar system; having its axial center of unity around which its external spirals revolve as a principle of diversity; having its positive end at which repulsion rules, and its negative end at which attraction is the dominant principle; constituting the most marvellous of machines with wheels within wheels driven by water, even the water of ether, some of which is much swifter than the lightning. (Principles of Light and Color)
This animated planetary vortex movement displays north and south vortices focusing towards the gravity center. Each vortex implodes energy from the sun towards that center at which movement an expansion towards the east west direction takes place. This expansion is by way of a spiraling outward energy movement along the equator. The idea that our planet is like a bar magnet is incorrect. A man made bar magnet focuses away from its center towards its poles where as in nature such as our planet two poles come together to create a condition known as gravitation. These two merging vortices poles with their apices located at the center of the earth are controlled in their interaction by two additional side poles called, east-west poles. East-west poles are located at the spiraling outward moving energy disc located at the equator. They pull north-south together and by doing so flattening the planet on its poles. (Vortex Science)
The idea of power places and vortices has become a popular concept today. But just what is a vortex and how can we better understand our relationship to it. The first thing to understand is that a vortex is a center of spiraling energy. We see this in the motion of our Milky Way galaxy. This spinning wheel of stars is one of billions of galaxies all spiraling through space. As above so below, the macrocosm is mirrored in the microcosm.
Our solar system is a spiraling vortex with the
planets spinning around our sun. Our earth and moon spiral through space as a planetary vortex that sustains all life as we know it. And the atom as a vortex also spirals like a minature solar system. The vortex is 29
a basic law of creation, everything is moving in it. Wheels within wheels within wheels. (The Earth Vortex & Energy Grid system)
The creation and maintenance of special conditions supporting the development of nuclear synthesizing reactions typically characterize the normal evolution of stars, planets and their satellites. Most important is the tendency toward self-organization of masses, developing sequentially, transforming from shapeless clouds of gas to vortex units of various sizes, having precise spiral structures and hierarchical co-subordination. With reference to the Solar System, this means that the Sun, planets and their spherical satellites were formed in a joint and uniform vortex process. (The Formation of the Solar System from Endo-Galactic Vortex)
We have seen that the finer and more subtle a substance becomes, other things being equal, the more potent is its character (Chap. First, XV.), and the more nearly does it seemingly approach self-action. We see also that the merely material universe has no power in itself of perpetual movement — that protoplasm, for instance, which some physicists proclaim as the starting point of all life, must be entirely powerless without some higher and finer principle beyond it: whence, then, is the power at animates all being? If matter alone proves thus insufficient for this continuity of life, are we not driven irresistibly to the conclusion that what we call spirit, must be a necessary factor? In fact, is there an example that can be produced in the whole realm of being, in which continuous and self action exists excepting when some principle of spiritual force is combined with material 30
conditions? To reach the primate of power, then, we seem compelled to mount the ladder of fine forces to those which are still finer, until we arrive at conditions so exquisite as to be able to receive directly the impress of Infinite Spirit. But Spirit itself, if we are to judge by all analogies, must flow out and permeate all atoms and beings on a diviner plan, though in harmony with the fluidic process. (Principles of Light and Color)
The Spirit-Land, together with all the natural worlds which night or science reveals to our knowledge, belong to this one immeasurable system. Within the vast cloud of material globes is the “silver lining” - the Aurelian circle - which is the soul’s immortal Home. It is revolving within this visible circle of resplendent suns and planets; just as the spiritual body is a silver lining within a cloud-environment the outer visible form. The spirit-world can be discerned by the super-telescopic power of clairvoyance or other faculties of spiritual penetration. But as it is not discovered by telescopes, it will remain all unknown to the natural sciences for a long period. This interior circle or spiritual world is what we term “the Second Sphere.” Within that is the third; next, the fourth; then the fifth; lastly, the sixth; the seventh is the Deific vortex, a great Positive Power, perfect and divine. But between each two of these spiritual Spheres, there is a system of suns and planets corresponding to the Milky’ Way so visible in the sublimities of our heavens. The higher and more harmonious the mind the nearer does it approach to the Divine Centre - the inexhaustible Fountain of Love, Power, and Wisdom. Matter is repelled by the central Sun, but spirit is attracted incessantly toward it. 31
But, as I have shown, individualized spirit is never absorbed - can never lose its identity. (The Thinker, Andrew Jackson Davis)짜
Vortices in the World
Se’mu, and therefore Life, requires the action of vortexian currents of various kinds, atmospherean and ethereal. Life force of Se’mu, that is, the beginning of life, is caused by vortexya. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 4.18-20)
Corpor cannot move of itself; it requires vortexian power to move (Oahspe: Cosmogony 2.12)
Light, heat, magnetism, and electricity are one and the same manifestations
Even magnetized ore or steel do not exert that much attraction by way of magneticism.
Nor do worlds or even suns exert much force in terms of
attraction. It is the vortices, the vortexya involved around such matter and worlds, which makes it appear that matter is attracting matter, but vortexya is the true cause of the forces which cause matter to move (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.45-57)
Currents of vortexya flow together to form a spiral. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 3.25)
All things, even plants and herbs, contain various degrees of vortexya within themselves, and are capable of releasing them as heat (plants) or as electricity. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.36-37)
The vortex of a world causes lightning.
(Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.18)
Vortexian power causes rain. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.32)
Vortexya causes the ocean tides (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.45)
Weather elements such as wind, tornadoes, drought, rain, snow, and hail are caused by mixing of various vortexian currents in the atmosphere. Snowflakes are fashioned by vortexya of the atmosphere. Snowflake patterns are caused by vortexya.
Crystalline frost patterns are fashioned by vortexya.
Strange shapes of
plants and creatures on a frosty window pane are caused by vortexya (Oahspe: Cosmogony 4.3, 4.5-6,4.18; Plate 42)
In darkness, vortexya rises away from its center, while during the day, vortexya is received by that which is in the sunlight.
During the day,
vortexya flows towards the earth, while during the night vortexya flows away from the earth. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 3.4,4.18)
Positive and negative vortexya are forever going to and from the earth. (Oahspe:
Cosmogony 7.10)
The splendor of the sunlight is caused by the vibrations of electric and magnetic force as they mingle and blend in the atmosphere of the earth. In higher states and conditions of matter, in the spheres of spiritualizing matter, the same process is transpiring.
(Radiance IX, #3, p14)
All of a world’s atmospherean plateaus are within its vortex. (Oahspe: Apollo 3.19; Cpenta-Armij 2.24, 3.7, Judgment 12.22; Eskra 11.1 Saphah Se’moin [Inqua] 33) A world’s vortex can draw in celestial objects such as a comet or meteor or space ship. (Oahspe: Divinity 17.2)
The Earth’s vortex is transparent. (Oahspe:Apollo 10.11)
While within Earth’s vortex, the grades of atmospherean heavens corresponds progressively as their distance away from the earth increases (Oahspe: Plate 42) The heavenly atmosphere within a world’s vortex is decidedly more dense and dark than that of the etherean. (Oahspe: Apollo 5.19)
The vortex of a world causes the auroras of the poles to appear. (Oahspe:
Cosmogony 1.20,1.24) 39
Chapter 4: Angels Using Vortexya As the majority of persons born through the ages have been of the selfish or self-centered type, the magnetism of the earth’s vortex near the earth has been overcrowded with the earthbound minds of the people of earth. This composite of minds developed an astral vortex like the earth vortex, but of a greater velocity and sentient substance. Its inward driving force crystallized a planet of this dark sentient substance at its core. In this core, men who developed dictatorial wills of mighty force while on earth united to form what might be called a Black Crystal Throne of Deception and Evil, whose satanic dominion has captured the world, and has inspired leaders to engage in the universal destruction of civilization and humanity.
This dire fate would now culminate had not the will of the 41
Almighty Benevolence fore-planned the development at this time of a Sun Vortex of Benevolence, and given it power to expand from the very core of the earth outwardly, with ever-increasing velocity until the vortex of darkness and selfishness should be disrupted and destroyed, and the myriads of souls bound in its coma of inertia are awakened, liberated and whirled out to states of liberation and progression.
The Almighty vortex
of Benevolence is now active universally, the dominance of the vortex of unselfishness has been awakened, and the darkness which has hidden the Realm of Soul Reality is about to be dissipated forever so that mankind can live and act benevolently on earth as the angels in heaven. (Radiance I, #6, 27-31)
The mingling of the love and intelligence of the One with the more negative substance within the universal Mind, produces the transcendent beauty, grace and harmony manifest in the heavenly spheres of the Creator’s eternal nature. (Radiance IX, #3, p14)
Vortex power is used to power space craft of es and ethereal.
Cpenta-Armij 2.15, Sethantes 8.11, Lika 17..2)
A group of low spirits can pull connected individuals into a vortex of hells or knots. (Oahspe: Divinity 10.17) Angel star ships are powered through vortexya. (Oahspe: Thor 3.20, Lika 1.8) 42
Progressive spirits / angels study how to use and control vortices, the operation of the universe.
(Oahspe: Wars 7.9)
Etherean angels have the power to create, control, alter, or destroy the vortex of a world. (Oahspe: Aph 2.6, 6.6, Apollo 1.1, Cpenta-Armij 2.20, Lika 1.10,1.16,1.23, Fragapatti 3.4, 28.3, Knowledge 5.43, Synopsis 3.3) A resurrection and upliftment efforts for a world from Etherean angels commonly takes place when a world’s vortex merges with Hi’dan (Oahspe: Aph 10.12) Ethereans unite in council to create vortices. (Oahspe: Praise Lais 7) It is common for angels of heaven to study through course instruction the various powers and currents of vortices (Oahspe: Divinity 3.26)
Chapter 5: Vortices in Mortals Man exemplifies the perfect unfolding of Nature’s interior qualities and represents within himself the united and harmonious universe.
these correspondences it can be plainly seen that all things which have form and distinct existence have an interior independence, but that externally they are dependent on all things, and display a universal use. And it would be as unjust to abhor any of the lower kingdoms as it would be to have a prejudice against any of the imperfect portions fo the human organization.
For forms are only the temporal combinations
material substances; but the Cause (of which forms are the effects) is the invisible and there is eternal. And as forms, the uses of which the mind does not always comprehend, are the constant manifestations of Nature, 44
so they are the constant and successive productions of her immutable and eternal Principles of Nature.
And the first and most comprehensive
attribute that is manifested in these forms is divine Wisdom.
And their
unity and harmonious reciprocation prove that Wisdom is the higher attribute flowing from the Fountain of divine Love.
Love, therefore,
determines the universal relationship, and Wisdom the universal adaptation.
So these attributes are the highest laws of Nature,
comprehending within themselves various modifications of the same Principles of Nature as all flowing from the same exhaustless Fountain wherein exists infinite Intelligence. This is the Vortex from which are unfolded successively the receding waves of a united Universe. And one of these is an index to the expanding sublimities of another; and so their ceaseless flowings comprehend the whole Univercoelum. And as these are the flowings of the general materials in space, so the earth constitutes a similar vortex of power, which rolls forth succeeding waves from the mineral to the vegetable, to the animal, and to man: and the breathings of inherent qualities transcend Motion, Life, and Sensation, and form a pure and exalted Spirit. The wave of development is not arrested here, but it goes on throughout the unimaginable spheres in the interior world, until it approximates and is responded to by the Great Positive Mind.
Thus are the concentric circles of material creation
unfolded—which correspond to, and absolutely prove, the concentric circles of spiritual creation and spiritual, endless progression. (Principles of Nature:
Spiritual light influences the general population to act more spiritually, to be more active. (Radiance VII, #6, p22)
Within a cycle of light, the vortexy’an tide and the grade of light is constantly in flux (or change) to a varying degree. It is almost like the waves of an ocean that ebb and crest in smooth cycles, with some peaks higher than others and some valleys lower than others. (Radiance IV, #31, p31)
Personal vortex’ya maintains the vitality of your being. (Radiance XV, #3, p18)
When an individual mortal is under the influence of a’ji, his spiritual body, aura, or energy field is constricted in appearance and the vortex’yan field about him follows an inward directed or impeding clockwise flow, dimming and constricting all major charkas. (Radiance V, #3, p13) 46
When the intensity of cosmic light exceeds 100 lumens, an outwardly directly, counterclockwise vortex’yan force is created which opens the aura, expands and brightens charkas.
The spiritual effect of such light is
that to various degrees, individuals will become more altruistic and peaceful, more focused on and attuned to the Creator’s Will and Light and Love. (Radiance V, #3, p13)
Low-level spirits can deplete the personal vortexya, or life force, of mortals they are in close contact with.
This process of depletion is
accelerated where the mortals are engaged in the same dissipating activities which hold the spirits in mental bondage.
The detrimental
effects of such depletion to mortals include depression, anxiety, fatigue, and chronic physical ailments.
Close association with the angels, and a
shunning of the dark activities and places which hold the spirits in bondage, help to protect mortals from losing their vitality, spiritually and physically. (Radiance XIII, #3, p24)
Despite the strength of any vortexian influence for light or darkness, each person or group has or can develop enough wisdom and will to overcome the darker influences and so advance or progress. Each person is influenced by the light and dark currents passing from and to the earth even at such times. (Robert Bayer)
The psychic medium can see vortexya. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 1.20)
The eye is a miniature sun which receives and sends vortexian power. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 5.10)
Inspiration flows along through the power of the vortex. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 11.9)
Personal vortexya can be lost when coming near or in contact with those who have a negative polarity, are old, or by being among a large group of people. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 11.11)
Vegetarianism is extremely important in becoming more spiritual, as it increases one’s perception of the spiritual.
(Oahspe: Cosmogony 9.10)
Negative vortexya imparts to man corporeal growth and desires. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 7.10)
A true seer / prophet can sense the vortexian current coming from any object or person that flows near or through him, and can see the future 49
and the past from such currents. A su’is can hold an object and by tuning into the vortexya around it, determine its character, qualities, purpose. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 9.7,10.4)
To live in the fields and forests, and study the action of unseen forces upon himself; to eat not fish, nor flesh, nor any food that cometh of animals; to bathe daily; to permit no passion to enter his mind; to abnegate self and to wed himself to the Creator for righteousness sake, and to do good; to discipline his mind, to remain in any given direction on any subject, for days if necessary; to become oblivious to pain. After which he shall receive anointment from one who had previously attained the seership. To attain such prophecy is to forfeit sexual powers; to forfeit appetite; to forfeit ambition for leadership and fame; to forfeit concern for the opinions of the world. In fact, to become a Bridegroom (or a Bride) to the Creator. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 10.6-7)
Those who heal using vortexya should renew themselves using sunlight, herbs, natural settings. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 11.10) Vortexian power can be absorbed by the elderly, or by negative people, or by large groups of people. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 11.11) The control of discharging vortexya is the basis for sar’gis and communication with the spirits. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 11.12) People give off the negative current of vortexya in the dark and receive it in the sunlight. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 11.13) It is best that individuals develop both spiritual senses in conjunction with vortexian currents and in analytic thinking in regard to scientific principles which govern. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 11.9) It is good to study the principles of vortexya because such efforts will lead one to become more one with the Creator, and to progress spiritually. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 10.10, Divinity 3.26)
Music, colors, art, nature, are the result of and currents.
/ or emit vortexian
These beautiful currents flow with and through
even a
person’s soul, causing reverie and spiritual ecstasy, and even the harmonizing of distinct spirits. Music, color, in nature and art, carry with them vibrations of vortexian current which when attuned to, causes the beauty to be felt more deeply by an individual, a kind of beauty-induced happiness or enchantment. Therefore vortexya can be used to harmonize and heal, from such sources as music, art, nature, or persons or groups of positive disposition. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 9.5-6)
Thinking of self, desiring for self, willing and working to gain or accomplish for self, creates a mental vortex of force to the physical center of the focus (self).
This mental vortex of thought, feeling and
determination, like the magnetic vortex of the earth, binds everything to the “earth�, the physical body.
Consequently when a man dies, he finds
he is this mental vortex, earth-bound by a lifetime of self interest and self-seeking.
The comparatively few persons who forget self in sacrifice
and work for others, whose desires and aspirations and activities are for the welfare of all humanity, create a vortex that exalts them into the finer zones of spiritual force way from the planet. When the Angels come at 53
the beginning of a cycle, these are resurrected to states of life entirely free from the pull of the earth vortex. and daughters of the Eternal.
They gain the liberty of the sons
Only those with some strength of soul
have been able to rise above the terrible tidal wave of the vortex of selfishness which dominates the thoughts , desires and determinations of the people of earth, and rise to freedom.
As the majority of persons born through the ages have been of the selfish or self-centered type, the magnetism of the earth’s vortex near the earth has been overcrowded with the earthbound minds of the people of earth. This composite of minds developed an astral vortex like the earth vortex, but of a greater velocity and sentient substance. Its inward driving force crystallized a planet of this dark sentient substance at its core. In this core, men who developed dictatorial wills of mighty force while on earth united to form what might be called a Black Crystal Throne of Deception and Evil, whose satanic dominion has captured the world, and has inspired leaders to engage in the universal destruction of civilization and humanity.
This dire fate would now culminate had not the will of the
Almighty Benevolence fore-planned the development at this time of a Sun Vortex of Benevolence, and given it power to expand from the very core of the earth outwardly, with ever-increasing velocity until the vortex of darkness and selfishness should be disrupted and destroyed, and the myriads of souls bound in its coma of inertia are awakened, liberated and whirled out to states of liberation and progression.
The Almighty vortex
of Benevolence is now active universally, the dominance of the vortex of 54
unselfishness has been awakened, and the darkness which has hidden the Realm of Soul Reality is about to be dissipated forever so that mankind can live and act benevolently on earth as the angels in heaven.
A whirlwind whirls dust to its center on the sidewalk, and shows how planets are made. The motion of the wind forms a vortex which is like a whirlpool in water. The will of the Creator sets vortices whirling in space, forming comets which gather and condense the elements to create planets.
Vast fields of nebula are visible in the sky, whirling vortices of
positive and negative forces, which are creating suns for the eons of the future. By means of vortices are all things created, from atoms to suns. Thoughts, desires, passions and purpose also create vortices in a more ethereal medium. A vortex takes many forms from the time it flies forth a comet until it is a cooled and habitable planet. The vortex of a planet sustains its rotation and by its pressure toward the center creates what is called gravity.
A moon vortex is circular and open. A sun vortex is
bi-polar; its force expands outwardly until it becomes negative, when it flows back inwardly to the center.
This Master Vortex holds and
sustains the planetary vortices and their planets within its field of influence.
Human beings, like planets, are the focus of a vortex.
are self-centered, and their prayers, desires and ambitions are for the good of self. Comparatively few persons are moon-vortices.
They are
doorways through which spirits can communicate with or materialize to mortals.
They may be mediums or spirits of the lowest order, or of
spirits of a higher order, or as Messiahs and prophets of the Angels of 55
Heaven, all according to personal qualities or soul unfoldment.
It is possible for a human being to become a sun vortex.
As such, he
would be polarizing a whole world of souls, awakening, liberating and inspiring their progression as planets in his soul’s expansive influence. Only one such master vortex is needed to polarize into unity and harmony of the earth.
Not until this time has it been possible for man to
become the center of a sun vortex, and begin to form the inhabitants of earth into such a mighty pleroma, a solar system of divine power in space.
Human beings can generate power in the realms of magnetism, of mind, and of soul reality.
The Hopi Indian’s rhythmic actions in unison
generate a force that produces rain and heals the sick. Spiritualists, by assembling in a crescent formation and holding hands, form a magnet through which the magnetic force of their bodies flows to the poles. When a medium, controlled by spirits, sits between the poles of this human magnet, the spirits can use the force generated to materialize, or to produce the physical phenomena of an audible voice through a trumpet, levitation of objects, and the bringing of objects from a distance. The force generated by the Indians and by the spiritualists is the force of human magnetism. An orator talking to an audience of ardent believers polarizes the faith force and emotions of their minds and moves them to act to carry out his idea or purpose.
He generates mental force. A
dynamo for the generation of electrical energy is a magnet in the field of 56
which whirls an armature composed of coils of wire, which cut through the force field of the magnet, and generate electricity which then flows out through a wire to produce light, heat and power.
The spiritualists’
human magnet is like the magnet in the dynamo, but there is no action to intensify the power.
The Indians, by rhythmic dancing, create a vortex
of magnetic force which charges the local polarity of the atmosphere and induces rain.
It is possible to form a dynamo of human beings which
would generate not only magnetic force, but the divine power of the realm of the immortals.
These forces could be generated in unison
simultaneously, and they would provide the Immortals with the same means of clothing their soul bodies and making them visible to mortals. This soul and physical force would so clothe the expression of the Almighty Will that they would touch and control all the forces of nature. The power generated by such a Divine Dynamo would enable the angels to exercise their wisdom and will to heal all the diseased minds of humanity.
This dynamo could be duplicated until the world would
become a Power House of such generators.
The Power of the
Benevolent Will so generated would whirl as a vortex throughout all the vortices of greed, hatred and selfish ambitions which has generated for ages.
This could be accomplished: the healing of the nations and the
fulfillment of the Divine Will by mankind on earth.
When this planet was young, a host of angels came, clothes themselves in material forms, and begot offspring.
As a babe, before the mind
develops, is a soul expressing in physical form, so these primitive people 57
were souls.
Their intellect was similar but superior to the expression of
instinct in animals. Their souls were not yet inhibited by mental beliefs, and they walked and talked with Angels who taught them all they needed to know.
They were as young angels, conscious of Reality while living in
physical bodies.
This paradisiacal state lasted on earth during the
luminous side of the cycle. When the cycle entered its dark phase, souls were no longer exalted at death, but remained bound to mortals. Spirits, no angels, became dominant in control of human beings. Through the ages, this condition grew so bad, and spirit obsession so complete, that it was necessary for the gods to destroy the mother continent of the race which was the main breeding ground for this condition.
It was necessary to develop personal initiative and judgment
in earth’s peoples, so that they would not depend upon the influence and direction of spirits.
To accomplish this end, the gods, provided the
science of astrology in its completeness to develop judgment and self direction.
Thus through the ages was the instinctively sensitive brain of
primitive man developed to the present well-developed brain in which the intellectual, emotional and dynamic functions are well-rounded. again is man to become soul conscious.
When the materialistic,
intellectual delusions and selfish propensities are removed from man’s well-developed brain, it will become a perfect instrument through which his soul can, under angelic inspiration, give expression to the wisdom and power of the eons which is waiting for his recognition and use in the realm of soul reality. (Radiance I, #6, 27-31) 58
VORTEX'YAN ENERGY We admit a certain liking for those out-of-the-way places which stretch into the wilderness. They can inspire you to greater sensitivity to the forces of life around you. They are certainly statements in themselves for beauty and peace. We create vortices in such places, weaving currents of light from the essences of many living things. In such harmonious surroundings , this is easy, unlike working in areas of larger population. That is one reason why you feel better in such settings. You are receiving benefits beyond what you see and feel with your ordinary senses. We stress going to these places for vortexya and a healthy change of pace. This will continue to be important, so make it a habit. (Radiance XV, #3, 59
p18) Referring to human beings consisting of male and female, we can also speak of the eastern concept of Chakras. Chakra in sanskrit means turning wheel or vortex. There are 7 major chakras in the human energy body, each represents a specific level of human consciousness and each links into the human endocrine gland system. We can also refer to the human
medicine. This energetic system distributes the life force throughout the body and its proper functioning is essential for good health. These two factors interconnect and establish the basis of the human energy system / luminous body that emanates as the aura. (SVP Universal Cosmology Dale Pond)
Chapter 6: Prophesizing from Vortexya Vortices can be studied in order to calculate of predict future events or conditions. A ratio exists between the velocity of a world’s vortex and related vortices of the corresponding or encircling stars, which can be used to predict times of famine, war, peace, and prosperity. (Oahspe: Osiris 12.3; Saphah! 1.2; Knowledge 3.44)
Spiritual light influences the general population to act more spiritually, to be more active. (Radiance VII, #6, p22)
Within a cycle of light, the vortexy’an tide and the grade of light is constantly in flux (or change) to a varying degree. It is almost like the 61
waves of an ocean that ebb and crest in smooth cycles, with some peaks higher than others and some valleys lower than others. (Radiance IV, #31, p31)
Personal vortex’ya maintains the vitality of your being. (Radiance XV, #3, p18)
The major calamites of history correspond to the periods of a’ji. (Radiance IV, #3, p9)
Spiritual light influences the general population to act more spiritually, to be more active. (Radiance VII, #6, p22)
The past and the future of peoples and nations can be calculated or deduced or sensed by noticing the state or degree or kind of vortexian current flowing about the earth and its atmospheres. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 8.10, 8.12-13; Knowledge 4.8)
There is a parallel or a number of corresponding states of being between the polarity and direction of a planet’s vortex and that of individuals, groups and nations, and the
general population of that world, either for
ascendancy or declension in darkness or light, though some are affected more than others for various reasons. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 7.11, 8.7)
THE ORACHNEBUAHGALAH The ORACHNEBUAHGALAH of Oahspe not only predicted ALL 10 things on its timeline (chart) from the time it was written till now, but EACH match to its numbers and words is not only precise but represents the first, or the most, or the best of its kind (example World War I and WW2 were the most and first of its kind, John Dewey's book was the best 63
of its kind, the Erdman Act of 1898 was the first arbitration law of its kind, the killer flu of 1918 was the worst-most of its kind, the 1896 Olympics was the first of its kind, the 1947 Cold War and Palestinian-Israeli conflict were examples of the first and most dangerous and most important to the world of its kind ) this further separates it from some random anything match. The first, most, or best could ONLY OCCUR ONCE AT AN EXACT TIME (YEAR) and Oahspe HIT THE MARK EVERYTIME 10 TIMES CONSECUTIVE from 17 years into the future to 67 years into the future. Oahspe is also on course to hit its next prediction on the ORACHNEBUAHGALAH timeline chart 167-169 years into the future (from when it was written) for the 11th consecutive prophecy with an exact time frame. The Bible or no other book can claim to surpass or match Oahspe as a true prophet, which is more EVIDENCE that Oahspe is what it claims to be, the words of the Creator. ORACHNEBUAHGALAH is a TABLE OF PROPHECY based on CEVORKUM ORACH-NEBU-AH-GALAH gives precise words, and precise numbers that are added to precise beginnings of cycles to get precise dates or year of prophecy, and it is 100% accurate. From 1848 to 2048 on ORACHNEBUAHGALAH plate: Precise words (9) = arbitration, worship, peace, war, (epidemics), learning, plenty, order, famines.
Precise numbers (10) = 10, 16, 20, 48, 50, 66, 88, 90, 100, 200. The reason (the why) the numbers work is because they correspond with the places in the roadway of the travel of the earth (AH) around the galaxy (GALAH), the sub-galactic orbit called CEVORKUM. The roadway has certain nebulous (NEBU) regions and arcs of light (dawn of dan) at exact places in the circuit of the travel of the earth. The Creator put those regions there and thus KNOWS what numbers and words match up to make precise predictions like an Oracle (ORACH) of the Creator. No other book has this revealed precise knowledge that has PROVEN to be true. (James Michael, 2013) 64
Chapter 7: The Spiritual Dimension of Vortices I didn't know anything about the vortexya and I read a little bit, I have the feeling that it is that infinite "tiny" "little point" where all of us become one and we are expanded in many directions, as a result and without any effort spontaneous expressions of life and love and creativity are borne through us in every possible angle and direction, it is like a feast of the soul in communion with all in Him. Creativity and ecstasy....we become infinite, endless..endless ‌.Maria Jose S
Our Choice
The Creator is Spirit, the Motion of the Universe, the Motion of us all. This Energy Spiritual which creates, transforms, and animates, can be described as spiraling power which flows endlessly, and illimitably, in cycles, in the circles of All the Universe: atoms, worlds, and galaxies. Indeed, the Trinities of the All One manifest in everyway imaginable: in birdsong, flowers, and waterfalls, in fire, sunshine, and lightning, in hearts, minds, and souls, in Love, Wisdom, and Power. This Infinite Power is named in Oahspe as Vortexya, and Be within and round the three great aspects of being: i-n corpor, in es, in etherea. This Universal Force acts One with the Life Force of all the Living Children of the Ever-Present Spirit, in dimension, place, and time. The Great Purpose of the Creator 68
which directs Vortex Power is Ever Greater Progression, Resurrection, and Creation.
The more advanced the Children of the Ever-Present
Spirit are, the more they have learned to be One with the Ever-Present Spirit, in choosing, and in fulfilling Universal Design, which is Boundless and Beautiful.
Angels of the Almighty, accomplish as One with the
Creator, One with All the Universe, and the Children therein, all that can be described as Good and Uplifting and Joyful.
As they and we learn to
master and free self, to unfold the I AM within, to choose to serve with virtue for the greater benefit and harmony of all God’s peoples, they and we also learn to purify, to forgive, to accept, and to attune toward Higher Heavens.
In every case, this means finding and exploring the paths
which bestow love, teach wisdom, and unify power within those in need. So it is that the emotions we feel, the thoughts we think, and the dreams we envision, each and every one of them, are the Worlds of Happiness that we should seek to realize for others. As we make each step, each breath, each word, a Sacred Prayer of Thanks, of Hope, and of Compassion, to the All One Creator, we become ourselves the Creator, and together, an Unending Union or Galaxy of Illimitable and Immortal Lights. We now and forever choose to live as Angels of the Ever-Present Spirit. The Love, Light and Will of Jehovih are All One.
Robert Bayer
Spirit & Ether
"Spirit" which as we now know is the same as Keely's interetheric realm of matter/energy. According to Keely "matter is infinitely divisible". There is no ultimately tiny particle. The substance (matter) on these higher and finer realms bears little resemblance to matter on the so-called gross physical realm. Spirit ANIMATES matter. There is a bit of semantics problem here. When SVP says spirit (small s) it does not mean God. Small 's' spirit means this animating influence or energy. There have been times I've used 'Spirit" (cap s) meaning God. God means 'creative and all-knowing' which is somewhat different from 'animating' force or influence. Spirit (small 's') animates matter much like electricity animates 70
matter. I would not define spirit in terms of "physical ether". Spirit is as an energy flow or condition or state functional within the realm of the etheric states of matter and energy. The ether is not really a "physical" thing but more like a "liquid light" having properties of both these metaphorical substances. Here are several definitions of ether from Keely: (SVP Universal Cosmology - Dale Pond)
The Theory of The Ether
We know that physical matter which appears to be solid is actually the opposite. If you look at any physical object up close you will see that it is made up of an immense number of electrons which are in vibration and revolve round a central point which is known as a neutron. Matter consists of atoms and these atoms are composed of electrons and protons
which are held together by electromagnetic forces. Matter is
built up of tiny electric charges, both positive and negative which are not moving at random, but are connected together in an orderly fashion by the invisible universal elements called the Ether.
There are many varied vibrations of the Ether. One form of this ethereal wave motion can be seen in the physical world as light. There are other forms which give us heat, color, electricity, ectoplasm, etc. This unseen 72
Ether gives us the ability to live and to think and to interact. The Ether is never at rest. It is a cosmic link which is always in motion. It cannot be sensed using physical senses, yet if it did not exist we would all be blind, deaf and cold as there would be no medium to carry the sound and light and heat waves. Matter itself is essentially etheric. Electrons in the atoms are particles of negative electricity and the protons are considered by scientists as physical
being electric in nature. Both are etheric which means that
matter is simply Ether in a state of constant and varying
This Ether is our connection between the physical senses and the higher cosmic forces, or the nonphysical world. Our physical senses only respond to a very limited range of these vibrations however. Beyond this, the universe is teaming full of life and energies which respond to higher ranges of vibrations, beyond what we can normally hear or see or feel. Our ordinary senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing) are greatly limited. We only experience a small amount of what exists in the universe out there. For example, we see only a limited range of light but we know through the advances of science and an instrument known as a spectroscope that beyond that limited range also exists ultraviolet light and infrared light. The ethereal forces influence and control the Physical Plane in many ways. They create form and hold together. They have the ability to give matter life, vitality, and power. The Ether is the conduit of essential life forces in the universe. (Spirit-Question – Synergy)
THE VORTEX WITHIN Greetings from our space to yours.
Many areas of development now are on the horizon of the Society. It is time to expand some ideas now into realization. The seeds of growth are now growing and in a very rapid manner. Being on top of the society’s plan for the growth planed is of primary importance. The numbers ever increasing now for manifold growth to many sections of the tree of the Society.
As mortals and Angels we admire the universe and the distance in which it goes. From the grass you stand on, to the bridge of Chin vat is where 74
the end of perspective as mortals lay. It is beyond this great divide, in and bridging, from atmospherea to realms of spirit ENERGY, that we are deficient in the pattern of the past. It is at a turning place for your inquiry to probe the depths that are from within, as well as those beyond, into energy from the other perspective. Dwelling in one area for knowledge is of little value unless all areas are explored and by this we mean to turn to the inner self. As this has been but mere words to some, it is of utmost importance to the creative process that we have inherited and now are responsible for.
The vortex that is within is very seldom explored to any great depth. It is like a bridge into the realms of unexplored heavens. Through the exploration of the inner vortex the keys to the heavens emancipated are in grasp. Those that are familiar with the principle of vortex and the power it contains will now be able to see, from within, the manifestations of matter development to their fullest form. It is a matter of seeing, in the simplest terms, the way of creation and to complicate it with the power, and the mathematics, involved will hold no significant purpose. Thus in simplicity the method can be revealed better than in the scientific method.
The words “seek from within� have been written, from the beginning, in all the creations apparent to mankind, in visible manifestation. Also through the written words of those that have sought for more knowledge in an undaunted manner will now be within our grasp. To continue with growth 75
is to let the past be as example but not for truth as this can create dormancy of your being both spiritual and physical. But let the past wisdom be for knowledge and for nurturing the growth of the new. It is within the tree of the society that can inform us to the power that lay within the vortex within. To be builders, by thought, the most powerful of any matter and to be understood as we enter the realm within.
As with any circumstance there are two sides, therefore that which lies beyond Chinvat bridge can be explained by that which happen within the vortex within.
The power of thought gathers like the galaxies of the
heavens on a clear night to bring into being the material of thought. Gaining in density and in mass the thoughts of one bear fruit on the outer vortex because of the formation of a mature thought from within the inner vortex. It is the realm of detail in which thought matter, by attraction, manifests itself in the form of ideas born and into real objects emitted by forces and by the nature of organization.
Be aware of that placid garden of prayer and thought and that indeed it will carry forth over the inner Chin vat bridge into the vortex of inner matter. So what you think of today is already in full manifestation and, in due course, will inhabit your area, street, community, town, or village. The reigns of direction remain within the vortex of the innermost being of self. You are the custodian of such a wonderful power that lies within your ability to create. It is you that can harness this force or better-termed power of light. 76
Consider that you are but a letter in a word and the word is but a particle of a sentence and the complete sentence becomes manifest as a phrase. This is the direction given to you today to harness the reigns of the inner vortex to master realities of the greatest and not to harbour anything less than this divine principle to enhance the people of the world. It is by our thoughts, and thoughts in unison, that we proceed through this edge of the new era, and proceeding as light bringers to darkness. To question every conceivable situation, institution and written word is the challenge. To dispense with the articles that have been used to undermine the divine within each person and each angel. Being foremost and always in our thoughts to bring truth within our midst. To cast away the principle, but not the persons, that wedges their once magnificent philosophies into the inner mindset and the vortex. It is like a healing crisis that happens within an organism that can and will repair from within that which is of no more use. The disease is Religion and the encompassing theories that have blackened the earth by what is called doctrine. The injuries to the souls of mortals and angels now will be eased both from before and after the bridge. That healing to the planet, now much overdue, is on course again with truth being a light bringer to the world. It is within that we can seek for truth and from without see the display of false messages of blood.
Prove it, now being the master key to truth, is what we have created and in due time the rewards of truth will shine as light. 77
As these words now unfolding before you will need to be proven, as all works presented for personal guidance, should come under the scrutiny of the unbiased and uncluttered mind. Become more familiar as humansăƒťbeing of a divine descent and not ever to be under the law as such happens within the animal, vegetable kingdom. Organic, and being disciplined like what was intended for the animals, at this time are not a positive attribute. To become engrossed with progress through the animals law is acting in violation of basic rights and freedoms. Mortals shall not perform and answer to a bell as they were given freedom from their transplanted beginnings from divinity. To be as gods now has been hampered by the many words of man which, through the assemblies of Religion, have made man less than animal or vegetable. To unwind this thread of knots and tangles cannot be done with any perfection only with the powers bestowed to humans and angels from divine realms. We have reached the second turning place for Mortals now being within our grasp, responsibility and because of the inherited power. The provisions of the great mother the earth now is in need of a complete inventory of both product of man and of product of thought.
No longer is needed the destruction of the planet mother by the powers now in control as the plentiful now becomes the needed. The basics now are dependent upon the ability to live without plunder and to love without passion. To be of giving rather than to be of taking, the community will develop in small steps to large leaps as the illness now identified can be 78
healed. The vortex now becomes another needed key for the development of the Race gifted from divinity. Be wise and be one of a questioning manner of that which is called law for the time of law is at an end, the use of such controlling forces has blackened the light of mortals to be less than an animal. Think and think it out thoroughly before your agreement binds you to more darkness.
Let the ties of “bound by scripture, rituals, rites, and ceremonies� be first loosened by truth of thought. The ceremonies made for animals are now in the place of decline as impotent for the new mortal and may your own thoughts manifest quickly upon the earth our mother. Be not afraid to let go because healing is of the society and no injury can become more than a small bruise which is the healing from within. Some have done this and the numbers continue to gather momentum. The light of the society now is a beacon to those somewhat lost in the snarl of belief systems.
Continue to be free with understanding powered by love and to be driven by innermost pure, free and total thought and the manifestations are within sight. As pioneers explore into the realms of divinity, which was till this time forbidden for mortals and that has had its day and will flow back to darkness from which it came.
Take charge of your destiny and prove these words by planting thoughts in the vortex that works from within. The ability to create is in direct proportion to the amount of individual thought that enters into the vortex. 79
Thoughts that are for growth of the society will attract like and similar thoughts from the ever-plentiful garden placid. There is no shortage of material if there is no shortage of determination. It is the storehouse of the gods and the mechanism used for the new direction that mortals now are choosing.
It is for our understanding that the vortex of inner most thought is but a doorway to the vastness of creation. This doorway is in our hands and the hands of mortals and angels. It is a key to freedom to be used wisely. May you find it now and prove that our light will overpower that which is “greed, power, wealth and self of the masters and leaders.� Many have used this same vast storehouse of power to manipulate the ignorant into a doctrine of deceit thereby holding mortals as hostage and in bondage for many, many years too long.
May you find the door and plant the seeds of thought. Be keepers of the divine power that is the inheritance of mortals and angels. Never underestimate the power of organized thoughts. Be wise in knowledge and distribute love freely. Think carefully and in our highest light create our thoughts for the betterment of the world.
Farewell –the Elders Through Wayne Sturgeon June 19 / 2003
When it comes to the divine essence of healing, there are really wondrous ways in which it can be experienced and given to all. Music, color (one and the same thing), touch, flowers, crystals. Prayer, psychic and magnetic healing, aromatherapy, even poetry and prose with their infinite beauty, has power to touch the heart, the emotions, to nourish the spirit and to soothe as well as uplift and create joy in the soul. All these things, and many more, combined with a pure diet, bring us into attnnment with the All Light, Jehovih.
We need to discipline our
thoughts too; very important, yet I believe that if we partake of all that a uplifting, beautiful and spiritual inspiring, then the best will flow forth from 81
us and so bless others as well as ourselves.
Sound, as in music, is not substance, but is currents of air in motion; which register their broken discharges on the drum of the ear.
It is
therefore possible for the ear to be so cultivated that it can detect these velocities, so as to determine colors thereby.
For of a truth, in entity,
sounds and colors are one and the same thing, but registered one on the eye and one on the ear. In other words, two organs of sense discover the same thing differently: to the ear it music, to the eye it is color.
If a man be given to reverie because of music or colors, his soul traveleth in the currents thereof, and he becometh oblivious to his surroundings. The vortexian currents in that case pass through him uninterruptedly. If one instrument in a same room be played upon, and other instruments in the same room be in tune therewith, the currents of vortexya will cause the others to give off sounds faintly. If said instruments be connected by wood fibres, the sounds will be louder. If the person in reverie holdeth the hands of others in the room, the same current will run through the whole. Hence music is the greatest of all harmonizers.
(Cosmogony and Prophecy IX:4-6)
Tuning oneself to the wondrous healing of the sacred rainbow rays — those rays the angels work with, has been a very moving experience for 82
I apply 21 differen rays for healing, and all are incredibly
translucent and effective. It was beautiful the way the angels taught me and I shall never forget it. It happened about 18 years ago when I was well into the vegetarian diet. (I’m vegan now, by the way, and have been for years.)
I was taught by being put through an experience or situation and then shown a color, a ray, which transmuted everything.
I also bought a
string of crystals and hung them in the light. Each morning I would check them and they all turned one particular color and I knew that that was the ray I was on for the day.
I learned the meanings of the rays, and felt them heal me and understood how to give these rays to others for their healing through creative visitualization. When I was being taught sometimes, the angels would make little stars of light around me at the appropriate moment, and also direct my gaze to a certain color so that I would both see and feel its healing power. I would also be able to see and feel the transormationt taking place within myself and others as the rays of light would bathe me or someone else.
On occasion I learned to use two different rays together. All 21 rays are just beautiful.
Never a day or moment goes by without visualization and
experiencing this healing for myself and others. When you tune into “a particular ray,� you are also tuning in to all those wonderful angels who 83
work on and with that ray, so the healing power is profound!
Most healers have green in their aura; musicians have purple (purple is to do with emotions, music and compassion).
Blue relates to the mind, beauty, mathematics.
There are many blues of
course, and those with pale blue in the aura have very high aspirations and are devotional also, and radiate powerful thoughts. Those who are very wise, knowledgeable and spiritual, have much golden light around themselves.
We all give off light from our auras, and when near others, we can also heal when the aura is beautiful. A smile, a touch, a spoken word, a song — time spent listening to, enjoying classical music, is very uplifting and healing, indeed.
It transports one to the higher spheres! Some find
Chopin’s music has that wonderful healing touch some find the same about Schubert’s Impromptus, or some love the violin, others the piano, and others’ the “voice.” Who does not love a beautiful compostion with its various tonal colors?
Everyone has their special healing gifts. Yes, music, color, flowers, touch, voice — the look in a child’s eyes or its smile, can heal me most of all — as do the elements of running water, soft cool breezes, the countryside and the rainforests, and the warmth of the sun (so called). Jehovih. 84
All is
The ocean is very cleansing and healing, and I am most fortunate to be able to spend a very special interlude beside it each morning before walking to work. The sound of the surf and the sight of the waves has me spellbound: Jehovih’s Presence and Power, the ebb and flow of Life, the sunrise so very beautiful, the dawn’s chorus of birds, beauty and perfection abounds everywhere. He is Ever-Present, in All Places, All Things. Praise to Jehovih, who is Greater than all.
Rosemary O’Dea, (Kosmon Voice, 1989)
In so far as this is your spiritual state already, you can through the Power of Prayer and in intention together already join the higher reality and so aid those who have passed from this life without knowledge of their new state. Many newly passed over are in a state of shock and disorientation, still associated with earth life and so inoperative in the new life. We should pray for them.
How does our prayer help?
Prayer creates a vortex of spiritual energy.
We call it that for want of a
better term, and your learned men speak of energy existing which cannot be seen or sensed, yet it is potent. Spiritual energy radiates from the finer realms of spiritual matter for you have momentarily linked your heart and mind with the Great Centre of All Life, the Soul of all souls. You have done this by an act of will. This is possible because the seed within you is Eternal and the strength within you is part of the Great All,
Turning the
mind inward and in a spirit of prayer for invoking the light causes a higher, finer radiation from you to the Centre and there comes back an answering wave, which is greatly magnified, as linked with the minds of Angels ministering in the Father's Name.
If your prayer has been
specifically for one you knew, then they can find that one from the image of your mind, identifying the thought image from its vibrational quality in the same way that an image can be transmitted onto a photographic plate.
The radiation however also partakes of the life quality of the ray
which brought that one into being, i.e. with his spiritual lineage, with his 87
time on earth and his etherean quality to come. Every mental and spiritual effort on your part clarifies the higher Life Rays of that individual, enhancing his tonal quality and enabling the Higher Ones to recognise what was, is and is to be. Given in trance by C. Morley (Reprinted from Nov. 1972 Kosmon Unity)
It cometh to this: Vortexya is unseen power, but it is without sense or judgment. Next back of this standeth the life of every living thing; and next back of all standeth the Creator, Jehovih. All learning, science and religion are but far-off stepping-stones to lead man up to Him. To acknowledge this, and to call on him constantly, is to keep open the road to receive His hand and hear His voice. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 11:14) 88
But in all gifts, the rules of prophecy should apply. If a man be gifted in music, he should study music, and not rely wholly on inspiration (the vortexian tide). If gifted in healing he should study, and learn to apply the researches of others, and not rely wholly on the vortexian currents. If gifted in prophecy, he should also learn the rules of vortices and planets. The combination of gifts with good learning, this is the highest. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 11:9)
For as there are spirits, who are captains over a star, or the earth, or sun, so are there generals over the etherean worlds; and yet beyond them, great commanders over the vortices in the wide universe. As thou hast felt the cold breeze of the spirit circle, made by the spirits in attendance, know there are those high raised in heaven in power and wisdom whose presence fashion the currents of the embryonic worlds, and propel them forth by a breath! They have others beneath them who are themselves Gods and Goddesses. . But remember, O man, that in all the glories there is still One who is higher than all, even the Person of All, who is Jehovih. (Oahspe: Knowledge 5:43-44)
If the person in reverie holdeth the hands of others in the room, the same current will run through the whole. Hence music is the greatest of all harmonizers. A person may be a great lover of music, but be so discordant in his disposition as not to enter the ecstatic state of reverie. Another person may not know how to sing three notes, but have so concordant a disposition that he is at once carried into ecstacy by music, or by colors, or by viewing the great harmonies of creation. The true prophet is such as hath attained concordance. The vortexian currents of any and everything pass through him. He seeth and feeleth with his soul. He is a perpetual register of everything near at hand. And if he cultivate his talent so as to estimate results therefrom, the future and the past are as an open book to him. (Oahspe: Cosmogony 9:6-7)
The End