§13: The Tablet of Emp’agatu *6
Chapter 2: Masonic Plates in Oahspe
Part VI. The Book of Saphah Revisited
Discovering the True Spiritual Path of Oahspe
Emp’agatu *6
Labelled Image and Text
Newbrough Placement:
(Saphah – KII: 9↔17).
Best Placement:
(Saphah – Emp’agatui: 0→).*44
Format: 14 to 15 columns by 9 rows (122 in total)
Presented Origin: Pan and Mayan.
It is not because I wish to look for name games that I am taking the time to look at the names for plates of Saphah as representing some kind of secret reference. I also am not claiming my conclusions are necessarily true. Yet the facts remain that the Masons as a manner of modus operandi did use codes and symbols that embodied secret messages.
Concerning the Plate of Emp’gatu, the proposition is that “Emp’agatu” is an acronym. Using initials in this manner was a common practice among the Masons.*44 In order to construct the proper acronym, please consider the following Masonic abbreviations:
E:. Eminent; Excellent; also East.
M:. Mason; Masonry; Marshal; Mark; Minister; Master. Meister, in German. Maitre, in French.
P:. High Priest
G:.A:.O:.T:.U:. Grand (Great) Architect of the Universe*99
Therefore Emp’agatu could be interpreted as representing:
Eminent Mason Priest As Grand Architect (of) The Universe.
If such a title seems presumptuously too “grand,” please realize that Masons see themselves as “the masons of the universe,” that is, those whose secret plans build societies, our world, our universe. Yes, masonic leaders, for the most part are very rich, white supremacist elites. And they are responsible at the highest levels of government, banking and industry for all the horrible things currently happening in our world.
Since this tablet is so filled with Masonic symbols as well it being part of a sacred rite for the Kosmon Church’s priests, it does make sense that this term “Emp’agatu” was meant to be reserved for use by only the highest in the order. No one but the “Faithist” priests or initiatives to become priests are really even allowed to even read this rite prayer. I was told this directly by two “Faithist priests,” one from The Church of Kosmon in England, and by one from The Universal Faithists of Kosmon in America. Of course, Oahspe ideals go in the exact opposite direction as has been explained many times before, where religion is no longer a good spiritual path to be taken.
Yet a different official though secret explanation from the Kosmon Church exists. I post an explanation below that is provided only to their inner circle:
The word Emp’agatu we are told, refers to a particular period, or stage of the earth’s progression through the firmament, during which, upon the earth itself, there passed a sequence of events, constituting a chapter of the ancient history, culminating in the manifestation of the Light as a focal point upon some part of the earth, usually marked by the formation of a Brotherhood, or perhaps a Temple. An example of this definition must at once occur to the mind of every Guataman. I refer to that which is recorded in the First Book of God, when in the Arc of Speta, Guatama was ravaged by a warfare very similar to that afflicting the world today, only that then, it must have been even more terrible, for the awful element of Black Magic then manifested. Guatama was desolated, its beautiful cities and Temples destroyed, and in ruins, and those who survived of the inhabitants were terrified, fugitive, homeless, and starving. We know that when the hour had struck for the manifestation of evil to cease, and the deliverance of Guatama to begin, the Great Spirit called our Master Eawahtah to service, and he became the force of the Light of Guatama. *24
I am unimpressed by this explanation and troubled as well.
Let its problematic areas now be identified.
First, there is the very vague statement “The word Emp’agatu we are told,” immediate raises the questions: “Told by whom? How?” It must be assumed this explanation was channeled by “spirits / angels” but since its source is so vague, there is no way to confirm its authenticity. I would also assume that this “information” was passed on by Newbrough or another psychic “priest” of the Saphah Lodges.
To summarize this explanation, the term Emp’agatu refers to the passage of a world from war-chaos-famine to a time of prosperity and peace. It is also added significantly that such afflicted peoples are saved by a particular spiritual group or high master where the power of The Creator’s Light is used to solve their problems and bring about communal harmony.
From this quoted text and from the disclosure that this set of symbols is used in a chant-prayer-rite to bring harmony into the world, it is concluded that the purpose of Emp’agatu’s symbols and language is to generate universal harmony across the land for all the peoples living therein. Yet the entire premise is ill-founded. Why the need for Pan-Guatama symbols AND the corresponding English text that goes with each symbol? The suggested conclusion is that Eawahtah used such symbols and chanting rites to “focus” All-Light across the land for its peoples’ harmonization. The second necessary conclusion is that the current people from this era may do the same to heal the hurts of the world.
Both conclusions fail. Certainly prayers-blessings for peaceful, harmonious lives for a people are essential. Oahspe principles dictate, however, that the
prayers-blessings be spontaneous, personal and directly to and through the Creator, not read-recited text led by priests. Additionally, there must correspondingly be spiritual lifestyles lived in service to our communities. Thus, seriously good questions exist. Would the great spiritual leader Eawahtah have created a complex matrix of 122 strange symbols with affirming text for each one? Would a series of SECRET lodges been created to pray and meditate to create this focus of light? The answers are No and No. Oahspe already has Eawahtah’s efforts to harmonize Native Americans documented and NOTHING about these symbols and corresponding chants are mentioned in Oahspe.
Even more significantly, consider the Great Spirit’s Inspiration and methods to Eawahtah:
Whatsoever is one with Me hath no hard labor. Behold the flowers of the field; I color them. Behold the ant and the honeybee; I lead them; the bird I teach how to build. Man alone is stubborn, setting up ways of his own. O that he could learn to be one with Me! To move and labor with Me! Then spake Eawahtah, saying: Holy Egoquim! I will go and teach man, give him Thy words; make him understand. (God’s 1st: 26: 21-22)
Fundamentally, the Native American Path is one with the Universe of The Great Spirit, in all its natural beauty and wonders. The Spirit of Eawahtah flows in the serenity that each of us can only find in the wilderness of forests and waterfalls, fields of grasses and lilies, seashores and sunsets, mountains and starlight. Saphah and Emp’agatu are in stark contradiction to this and thus so too are Newbrough’s lodges and churches that blaspheme
Oahspe’s spirituality.
And this is the first Egoquim law. And thou shalt deal
unto all men, and women and children, as justly and as kindly as to thine own mother, out of whose breast thou wert fed when thou wert helpless and of no strength. (God’s 1st: 28: 21-22)
So here are the themes of service given with love and kindness being set forth as the very first principles of Eawahtah’s “laws” or wisdom to guide us unto the higher heavens. In Emp’agatu, it is more about invoking the power of the angels and of “The Father” to save us. Additionally, you will find in Emp’agatu all that fascination with the suffocating, encumbering mélange of crude Saphah images to stain mind and heart.
And this is the second Egoquim law. And to the sick and helpless; to the stranger and the man that cometh afar; to the widow who is destitute; to the child that hath no father; thou shalt be both father and mother to them; and take them into thy house and feed them; and give them skins and cloth to wear; and if they be lost, thou shalt go with them and show them the way.
Like all good spiritual paths, service and sacrifice rate as the highest virtues with which to embody our spirit-soul. All fellow brothers and sisters who are in need, need us to help them acquire all physical, educational, vocational and spiritual elements to make all lives flourish with real happiness. A quick but decisively honest look at Emp’agatu and Saphah reveals to us that the actual truth that cults and religions lead us away from helping others but towards the very subjection and fouling of all we truly are. Whom do we choose to worship and be led by—ritual priests of lies or by The Almighty Spirit of The Eternal? Thus, it is clear once more that the inner circle of spirits and Saphahist mortals who surrounded Dr. John Newbrough have failed time and time again to understand / care about
the true spiritual path of Oahspe. Instead, they only understand their desire to be glorified without justification and to be held as the chosen of God Almighty, masters of any and all mortals outside their circle. And so it is now revealed by our own efforts that it is not simply the published Oahspe that is in direct contradiction to the explanations concerning Emp’gatu by the Saphah Lodges-Churches, but also by unpublished Oahspe text. In clear distinction from such rites, let us next consider a fragment of the unpublished Emp’agatu:
EMP'AGATU said: By the angels in high heaven, the EMP'AGATU said: I am the son of Se'moin, son of Jehovih. I am the change of voice of the Seen and Unseen. No man can measure my mysteries. I travel with the growth of mortals. Think not this is my all; it is not my all. I am like the consuming fire that never ceases to burn. I was with the ancients; am today and will be
forever. I am he that receiveth new signs and symbols; the old I cast away as a worn cloth, and the new is my house of idols. Mortals are my working tools, and my records the food of all nations. (Emp'agatu 1)*6
As noted earlier in this book, Jim Dennon discovered and published unpublished texts of Oahspe in 1987. Also as explained earlier in this book, recently I inputted Newbrough writings, Oahspe texts by book, including unpublished one as given above, into authorship verification software. The unpublished Emp’agatu was linguistically established as NOT having been written by Newbrough but rather by the same authors of Oahspe itself.
Additionally as stated earlier, Newbrough did suppress a good deal of channeled text from being included in the original publication, as well as added much that was never channeled via his original second resurrection connections. Both were terrible decisions by JN. In the above passage, it
is clear why he suppressed it since this Saphah text contracts his Masonic-style cultism. Its message is that The Creator does NOT want the current generations becoming obsessed with former revelations and symbols at the expense of receiving their inspiration directly from the Creator.
EMP'AGATU said: When my people are grown in the tongue; grown in the lips; grown in the throat; grown in the nose, then I come in a chariot of fire and consume their libraries. With a stealthy tread and silent whisper I say unto men: Go not back to the ancients, O my beloved, nor seal up your souls, that Eolin may enter and give you light. Know ye that words are but idols and graven images? But they will not hear, and the Es that is in them cries out with bondage, and I send the burning flame and burn their books into ashes, for I will deliver them from the bondage of the ancients. (Emp'agatu 2) *6
Verse 2 hammers home the message of this book about Saphah. Yes, the “bondage of the ancients” must be
avoided at all costs or how shall you ever be one with The Creator?
JEHOVIH, the mighty, Eolin of old, saith: Go, My son, Emp'agatu, give to the swift-growing Es of mortals, larger signs and words. Behold, they grope in the ruins of the past for the idols of old. (Emp'agatu 3) *6
Therefore, the meaning of the term “Emp’agatu” as given by the Kosmon Church zealot is completely wrong.
Emp’agatu refers to the process of liberation from dangerous, harmful religious cult ideas. Furthermore, it refers to being inspired by The Highest Light of the current age.
Tablet Emp’agatu Totals: 62
To be honest, if the images were drawn more clearly, it might be the case that even more Masonic symbols would have
been found. However, perhaps that is the intention of the Saphah plate spirit-world authors: to confuse their readers in order to awe them. For it is often taken by the naïve to portend that that which cannot be understood, must be from a high source indeed and never questioned for an instant.
There are 122 symbols in Emp’agatu so I will not comment on all of them. Please consider some commentary on the following images:
Bad times, earth evils, winter, plagues, poisons, physical troubles rather than spiritual.
So many of the symbols of this plate look like disgusting insects. I am inclined to see this being because the spirits involved are from the lower regions where astral monsters roam.
The created but not the spiritual. Mountains, valleys, earth lower and upper heavens. All encompassing as madeby theCreator. All of the originally channeled text has great intelligence, upliftment, and precision in its content. This is NOT the case concerning Emp’agatu. This image is repulsive, apparently some kind of reptile or insect. It could be pointed out that the denizens of hell leaders take on such non-human forms due to their vile, toxic minds. This may explain why so many of these symbols exist in this plate. The name “Jew” is likely being used in an anti-semitic sense since the image is horrible in appearance. The text has no discernible relationship to either the image or its name, again a sign of carelessness or chaos. In addition, the text contradicts itself by relating that which is NOT spiritual with what is from the higher heavens AND that which is all-encompassing.
All things under the sky. All the corporealworldisawombandthevoice thereofis thesumof all.
I chose this symbol to discuss because it appears to be a starship alongside what may be photospheres or smaller ships. Interestingly, “oo’m” approximates the electrical measurement term “ohm.” This text seems to have a positive connotation, especially if the image represents a starship, where the angels would be in the business of delivering angels and spirits into the 3rd resurrection.
Enlightened man but born of earth. Prophet,leaderofpeople.
The image looks akin to that of a dragon or sea serpent. There are at least a dozen of such terrible creatures represented in Emp’agatu. The text does NOT correspond at all to this image. This text would go far better with the
image of Tae. The expression “me” is also confusing.
Perhaps it is an inside joke of some sort? Ioo
The moverofall.
The text and image match better as the image approximates the sign of the Creator. Of course, if one seems the image as that of a gravestone or Christian cross, then nothing makes sense once again. The word “loo” is perplexing. My only guess to make sense of what is likely a random word is to mathematically interpret “loo” as “100,” that is perfection, which is what our Creator, the mover of all, is.
All for men. Symbol of Oan. Rites of sodomy. Homosexual activities. Pleasures for pleasures’ sake alone.
Belief that organs of pleasure are given to be fully indulged. Belief that manis thehighestexpression.
All perverted sexual symbols and text are disgusting and have no place in Oahspe, a book from the angels. There is no rationale for including this symbol “W.” It may be assumed that many of the top Masons are homosexuals, and so enjoy associating Oahspe with being gay.
These are some of the many Emp’agatu images that no one outside of a few priests of the Faithist Masonic Lodges understands or are repelled by And these priests would say most likely that that is a good thing, because those who would advance spiritually, must scrutinize and vigorously
study the obscure. Yet this is all conjecture. Nothing is certain and the images are far from being what may be described as beautiful or inspiring. If this all seems like a waste of time, well, that is because it is! There is no good reason to care about such indecipherable symbols and their often pointless corresponding words. But the Masonic Faithist Priests do! And that is where they, the leaders of the Faithist movement, have been putting their attention and mistakenly describing Saphah as “sacred.”
This matters because for the past 100 plus years,
the “Oahspe-Faithist” leadership, the Masonic-style lodges in America and in the U.K., have been leading all efforts to focus attention away from genuine service and communion with Our Creator. In fact, new generations of Saphah church-lodge cults have sprung up across the world,
especially in America. They recruit primarily using the Internet and Youtube. Many of these have no direct association with the past Saphah priest groups, although having been founded nevertheless by being similarly inspired drujan-obsessed false clergy, mortals and spirits
Why so? Their motivation is undoubtedly for their own greater self-glory and lesser sacrifice! Where is the commitment to service to others? Lost in the worship of the fake tablets plates! Where is the encouragement of hearing the Creator’s Voice, each in their own way?
Squashed under the rulership of the “Faithist” priests in their white robes. Where is the connection between the higher heavens and the Oahspe readers as a community? Diffused by the interference of the drujan Masonic spirits. And that is why disunity and confusion have been the case with perhaps the most enlightening book ever written
Oahspe. It was disfigured at birth by the Masons with Saphah and their Masonic Lodges. Newbrough chose the wrong inspiration to follow because he spent so many years as a Mason, indoctrinated at the highest level possible, and continued to always think of himself as a Mason, and of all readers of Oahspe, as Mason initiates on the Mason path, even until his death, where he had a Masonic funeral. At any rate, clearly a high percent of Masonic symbols are used in Emp’agatu. In fact, many symbols (122) are used.
Both of these features, as explained and quoted before, are against Oahspe teachings: (1) where there are to be no priests ruling over the people, and (2): hearing the Voice or Inspiration of the Creator, as directly as possible is to be encouraged. But the study and idolizing of religious symbols is exactly what the Masonic Path entails. And so we have this array of plates of religious / occult symbols to entwine the minds of those who would hearken to such.
Emp’agatu Masonic Symbols Referenced
No Reference Saphah Only
lion (Gan’bau)
compass (Gan’Ben)
serpent (Hiss-x)
cross (Dan’hiss)
serpent (His)
sword (Ax’m)
All Seeing-Eye (Sig)
Outside of Saphah
burning altar (Sias) acacia branch (Owi’f) acacia
cornerstone (Bot)
dog (n’qui)
serpent Gan’iss
burning altar Sa’ga
burning altar Sac’x
burning altar N’os
bull (F’i)
mouth (Mouwth)
eye (E’go)
ear (Zhe)
spear (Kain)
ladder (Yim)
sun (Dawn)
toe (Toe)
hand (X’hand)
hand (M’hand)
hand (More)
scales (Anube)
Aries (Te)
bull (Te)
cosmos (Die)
hand (Hand)
lodge (Lodge)
hatchet (Ax)
hatchet (Ax’ox)
triangle (Git)
branch (Li)
cross (Loo)
triangle-square (Dan’t)
trowel (Zei)
seasons (Wot)
summer (Sisu)
L-square (Rit)
L-square (Er)
hatchet (Por)
2-pillars (Es’nau)
hatchet (Cha’pop)
plumb (Umb)
compass (Ya)
acacia branch (Fow)
trowel (Frewd)
crown (Lo’tak)
goat (Qui)
triangle (Sam’oan)
stairs or ladder (Yim)
triangle-square (Dan’t)
trowel (Zei)
No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah
Total Masonic Symbols: 55 out of 122; (45%).
With No Reference: 39 out of 55; (71%).
With Reference Outside of Saphah: 11 out of 55; (20%).
Interestingly, this group of Masonic symbols is even less likely to be referenced outside of Saphah (5 out of 55, 20%).
Such statistics do indicate that Saphah was never really meant to be a part of Oahspe, but rather a separate work.
This table is especially filled with Masonic symbols because of the fact that its chief aim for its creation was for these symbols to be directly incorporated into formal Oahspe-Masonic-Lodge rites.
There is an official explanation about the purpose of
Emp’agatu From Kosmony Unity, wherein an anonymous Kosmon Church writer in his article “Emp’agatu” states that:
It is our duty to assist in this Founding of the Father’s Kingdom on Earth, by giving a stimulus to the promotion of the Universal Spiritual Brotherhood of Humankind, so that wars shall cease forever, and peace and harmony be established forever. To this end, we have been given a translation of the Tablet of Emp’agatu, which when chanted, becomes a Mantrum of immense potency, and invests those who use it with an auric cloud of great power. *24
Thus, there exists a clear admission by Newbrough “Lodge”
Faithists that the plates are for spiritual rites, for spiritual prayers and invocations and for spiritual meditation. All of these parallel the methodology of Masons who regularly did the same with their vast array of spiritual symbols from the past antiquity of religions and cults. This is not at all what Oahspe Faithists ever thought they were getting into when
they were reading the non-Masonic sections (such as The Books of Jehovih, The Book of Judgment, or The Book of Fragapatti, to name a few), channeled by the higher angels. But any such reader who approached the “Lodge” Faithists were given this false path, this false interpretation to follow, not exactly the same as various lodges such as The Church of Kosmon, but yes, those with a hodgepodge of rites and symbols.
I first learned of this Emp’agatu rite at a recent Molina Lodge (2016 and earlier) celebration. I know this is the case because I heard these ideas promoted directly to me by the priests in power.
From the Prayer Rite for The Tablet of Emp'agatu, never fully published in any Kosmon Church publication, it is written that:
Come, let, us be receptive to Etherea’s Glory, And use its power to lift men up.
Then the Right-hand path shall be our defence Against the treachery of the Left-hand path.
Again we covenant ourselves to Thee, O EOIH. The evil forces shall not prevail. Unbelievers shall not disturb our Faith. *26
In uprightness and rectitude, by Square and by Compass, We will lay the foundation of our work in truth. *26
This prayer-chant was received from a high priestess of The Kosmon Church. I have broken my promise never to reveal it to anyone. However, there is justification in doing this since TKC has violated the spirit of Oahspe so brazenly.
This is but a fragment of a very long “spiritual” rite text. And you can be sure, based on what this priestess has told me, that there are hundreds of pages of such texts. All of them are secret and those of the inner circle must swear oaths to never reveal them. This is the Masonic way. It is very elitist
and mysterious and is absolutely nothing but mental chains and to some degree — rubbish. Well, I will concede that parts of such have their “mystical” beauty aspects but in the end, the end goal does not liberate the soul to hear the Creator’s Voice but rather sets up institutionalized worship to block it. In total, it was 750 words!
Here is a portion of the prayer chant based on The Tablet of Emp’agtu:
Saga. Lo, we have lit the Sacred Fire upon the Altar of Sacrifice.
Pe. That through Etherea the Redeeming Light, Foi’su. Amereth shall manifest in the House of Prayer.
Be. Repentance shall be the Sacrifice.
Chu. The Silent Voice manifests the Words of Power. Fin. The Waters of Life descend and bless us.
His. So shall all evil forces be subdued.
Te. The Hand of Gentleness shall restore the world to peace.
Te. Give ear to the Voice of EOIH.
Te. Projecting the message on the ethe’s waves.
Chok. That the world shall triumph through our sacrifice.
Mowth. Anon the angels shall descend and speak.
Les. Inspiring the Law-Givers, the men of wisdom.
Zei. To build the House of God anew.
Ez. Then to the earth from heaven above.
Co. Angels in Ministry shall descend.
Ego. To guide by the power of the All Seeing Eye.
Muk. The light of God’s Word to man in Kosmon.
Hiss. Father by Thy Holy Power may the past be Redeemed. Bo. So let us weave our clothes of spiritual light.
M’bo. That we may radiate light upon the earth.
This prose is inspiring and very symbolic, obviously. Too much so, I would think, since there are 122 lines to this prayer chant. To be sure the lyrics of the chant explain the symbols far more fully than done so in Oahspe’s published text. Yet to set before a new age seeker the requirement to immerse oneself in a system of over a hundred symbols in this plate alone, along with a total of thousands total in Saphah, indicates the high degree of mental bondage being advocated by the Saphah lodges and churches. And the prayer itself is NOT UNLIKE some portions of the
Catholic Mass, where we pray not from the heart, but from overlong authorized texts that take us farther away from The Creator, not closer. Pray from your spirit and mind and heart and soul directly spontaneously to The Creator! Is it so hard to understand the distinct advantages that doing so has?
Mastered one set of symbols and rites? Now do another!
This is the main problem with such an approach, in addition to being an elitism theme (I’vecompleted suchandsuchrite prayers), which is not a true approach for developing the virtue of humility.
First noting the obvious, we have once again perhaps the greatest symbols of the Masons directly stated here, “Square and by Compass.”
Second, the concept of the “Left-hand path” being an evil
one is a Masonic viewpoint:
We know from the symbolism of Jakin and Boaz, the two pillars of Alchemy, Kaballah, Hermeticism, Kundalini that Boaz is the left pillar of the Kaballah Tree Of Life (Kundalini is the Serpent aka Lucifer (Light Bringer) or Satan (in its infernal adversary aspect), Prince of Darkness (matter), each of us has our own personal Satan within, this is truly The Philosophers Stone as stated in Alchemy) etc. The Left side, is the side of Severity associated with the Left-Hand Path, the difficult, dangerous, shocking and often ‘quicker’ path to Enlightenment or Godhood. This is the path practiced in India by the Sadhus known as Aghoris, who drink and eat all their meals from a human skull, and live and perform their rites in Cemeteries. *
And if one recalls some of the grotesque imagery (skulls, monsters, bloody items and weapons) from the Masonic symbolism portrayed in this book, it is easy to make the connection that the Masons did and do at times look towards the dark side as a legitimate “way” to achieve mystical
power and enlightenment. This is, of course, completely at odds with the Oahspean Faithist path. Now the point being made here is NOT that “Masonic Lodge” Faithists were or are mostly akin to Satanists, only that they work with dogma that is the same or similar to occult Masonic beliefs, and refer to them at times as is the case here. The point here is that these “Faithist-in-name” only prayers are Masonic in nature, spiritually connected to the lower spirit realms and thus, NOT truly from Oahspe nor should ever be associated with the same. The end result is that such teachings only work against individuals seeking to hear and understand the Creator’s direct voice, or even the indirect, where another person is able to. Images of dinosaurs and insects and weapons made for killing are not going to make our world a better place but can be used to deceive and confuse readers of
Oahspe. No doubt that was and still is one of the intentions of the lower spirits involved with the creation of The Book of Saphah.