The Twelve Gates - The Kosmon Church

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The Twelve Gates by The Kosmon Church (1951)

Our thanks to Beh Kheng Ling and Susan Griffin for typing out and editing this article from Kosmon Voice, originally from The Twelve Gates.





Twelve Gates is a series of themes for meditation, one for each month, of the zodiacal year together with appropriate Oahspe studies. This series may be started at any time, and will be particularly helpful to all who desire to live the higher life in the light of Kosmon. It originates from our English Fellowship in England, and has much for those spiritually inclined.

If the seeker would enter into the higher life completely; if he would unfold in spiritual realization as a flower unfolds to the sun, the awakening of his mind must be commensurate with the awakening of the heart, for all manifestations of inner growth must be balanced, and the receiving and the giving forth in service must be of equal measure. How shall we truly serve save we be quickened by the light? How shall we receive unless we share with others the light we already have? Only through angel communion can the higher life be made complete, and one of the keys to this communion is meditation. To contact the higher planes of being and receive of their light and power, even by angelic ministry, we must give time to withdraw from this plane and enter the silence. The ability to enter the silence cannot be obtained at once. It is an art one must learn so that it becomes part of that inner life into which one gradually grows. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that spiritual unfoldment is a process of growth, as step by step the effects of mystical experiences become implanted within the higher self. To enter the silence requires effort at first, but with practice the seeker becomes proficient. He should not be satisfied nor consider he has advanced far until he easily transcends the influences of surroundings, and consciously makes clear contact with the higher spheres, and the messengers whom he will meet therein, so that this can be a daily experience and an integral part of his life. The first step is to send out to all the world thoughts of peace and harmony. The second step is the attaining of rhythm by slow, regular breathing; inhaling to five seconds and exhaling to another five. The third step is to relax the body completely. Fourth — to shut out all thoughts of the world and its cares. Fifth — is to listen to the great stillness and endeavor to hear the voice speaking in the Omnific silence within until the silence envelopes one completely, and that Inner Voice reveals the light unto the awaiting heart and mind. Then with the mind's eye he sees before him the All-seeing Eye and beneath that the Sacred Name in gold — circle, cross and leaf. While all round him there appears a pale, blue light. Having then read the theme for the month, the seeker murmurs the prayer 3

"Unfold within me Thine Attributes, O Eternal Father that I may receive Thy Grace, and as the flower unfolds displaying Creation's glory, so may I, Thine Emeth child, display the glory of Thine Eternal Self." He then develops the thoughts which the theme will have quickened within him, trying to find an ever deeper meaning behind the theme, and noting how its message applies to himself and the universe around him. Then dwelling in the silence, perchance some vision may come to him, and he will feel a holy power enfold him. It will be the light of the heavenly worlds brought to him by the angel messengers and guides who come in the Father's Name; and he shall know a peace and joy which the world cannot give. Finally he turns to Oahspe and tries to memorize the study verses, then with the keynote in his mind he goes forth to life renewed in spirit, and from him all darkness falls away because he will have entered the inner light and found strength for further service through spiritual understanding. So shall there grow within him the Father's Kingdom and he shall make it manifest on earth.

METHOD At least once each week, the seeker will withdraw into his Own room or some other quiet place, and seated facing the East — the direction in which the sun rises, symbolic of a new day or fresh awakening — he will quietly recite ROE from Bon's Book of Praise, followed by Joshu's Prayer.


THE QUARTER: SPRING March 21st to June 21st




This is anciently the first quarter of the physical year. For all those in the cooler lands of the Northern Hemisphere, it is associated with spring, with the end of a cold and stormy winter when growth has been arrested. It is the beginning of new life. But today it is only in the Arctic and in the centre of great continents that new growth waits until April. Nor was this time originally a time of sowing and beginning. From Spain to Northern India the ancient festivals from late March to the beginning of May were associated with the first fruits of the harvest, while at the opposite season, what Northerners regard as harvest time was the beginning of the farming year. Even in Britain today the farmer ploughs much in autumn and sows some grain before the winter. And what of the whole wide world where each calendar month sees somewhere the sowing of crops and somewhere their harvesting. No, the sense of beginning at the Vernal Equinox when the noon-sun leaves the equator, and passes towards the North, is a spiritual one and not necessarily connected with a natural spring-time, though this sense of new beginnings may be greatly reinforced in those areas where March and April, being new warmth, or in those hot lands where the rains come during this quarter. To begin anew is not enough; If Aries is the new beginning Taurus is the establishment, Aries is fire, Taurus the human settlement around the fire, the temple embracing the altar flame. The constellation of Aries is like a triangle, symbol of God; that of Taurus reminds us of the horns of the crescent which is the form of people gathering in an act of worship. Gemini the third sign of this quarter is associated with the element air, without which fire cannot burn, without which life cannot be maintained, and also with the Breath of Life which is EOLIN. The constellation includes two very bright stars, one of which was much brighter than the other but today the once-faint star is now the brighter one. These symbolize the duality of Corpor, (Earth or Body) and Es (Heaven or Spirit). Once Corpor was stronger in man; now the strength of spirit increases. The seeker mush begin, he must aspire, searching for an ideal. Then he must establish himself in spiritual disciplines and in good works done to others. In this task he comes to know himself divided. The evil tempters that we call the tetracts, mockery of spiritual things, stubbornness, vanity, inertia, the tendency to criticize others, even delight in evil power and the subtle self motive, all these are in each one of us, but also in each one is 5

the strong aspirant, the devoted helper, the joyful worshipper and the dreamer of dreams. To go forward a Man must feed and reinforce his virtues, then they will grow like new leaves on an evergreen tree, pushing the old leaves off. If virtues grow, then evil must fall away; this is the only true way to overcome evil. This is in truth the way to fight evil with good. Most men, alas, are only dimly aware of the conflict within self and because they do not know themselves truly, they externalize this conflict. They trust the concept of a battle into the outer world seeing other men, other nations, other races as enemies. Only when men are at peace with themselves will the world know peace. As a child grows and becomes a man, so the tiny child of the spirit which exists in each one of us can grow, eliminating evil as the grown body eliminates the child form, as the main interest eliminates the child interest. New Birth, New Growth, New Knowledge, these are the gifts to us of the overshadowing hierarchies who rule the Zodiacal Signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini. And today the star of the spirit is truly in the ascendant.


THE QUARTER: SUMMER June 22nd to September 22nd




The times of Cancer, Leo, and Virgo are associated with ENERGIES that are with spiritual powers. The duality of the Being discovered in Gemini remains with us. The ancient symbol of Cancer is a dual one. The Cancer is ruled by the moon and Leo by the sun. Also the Lion and the Virgin stand together in ancient picture and story symbolizing the duality of Sexy energy and the still peace of untouched purity. These are the two aspects of Being, the two aspects of the Creator, the perfection selfcontained and the going forth in power. The lunar energies of Cancer are associated with an ancient power which waxes and wanes in and around all of us. It is the spiritual unseen power which is nearest to corpor; it may not be seen save by the more clairvoyant, but it may be felt whenever we are really aware of the presence of someone who is with us. This sense of ‘presence’ may also enter unseen in the absence of the one we have called to mind; it may be invoked by our will or charged by the will of the person concerned. It is subtly blended with all corporal manifestations. We may call it the etheric or to use an Oahspean term “sar’gis”. The power of a person is in his outgoing effective power and such power is not always obvious but is effective in the long run. Cancer is associated with the moon which has its light from the sun and we are reminded that life power is from the Creator and he who would truly go forth must first receive; he who would influence men must receive from angels. The seeker must bring himself into harmony with all the phenomena of nature. He should always be aware of the moon’s change, which Oahspe tells us, is also the change of the watch of the ashars and guardians. He must accept the waxing and the 7

waning of his own spiritual energies. He must seek ever but sometimes he must wait as a dry land waits for rain. He must enter into the light of the sun, casting his mind outward to encompass the whole earth and the cycle of the year, until he can grow in awareness of the cycles of time and attune his actions to new knowledge. Within himself man finds and ideal which is truly independent of all time, the ideal of perfection which deep in his heart he knows to be something of the future and of the past yet existing with the present; that which was, is and is to come. The perfection which was before time began, and which is held in men’s minds as a promise for the future, has been symbolized since ancient times by the form of a young woman, pure and virgin. She holds a sheaf of corn, a lamp or a child. In the constellation of Virgo this is Spica, the star of hop. It was once the key star of the Zodiac whose light shone on the Vernal Equinox when the God of the Cycle (Osire) first inspired men to the knowledge of the Zodiac; it was the star of the autumn equinox in the Chinese calendar established some five thousand years ago and this, for the Chinese, was the beginning of the year. The bright star of the soul, long established in its primal purity, is associated in the mind of man with a garden of Perfection which shall be recreated in the City Beautiful; Evil thought has created evil living, which is destructive and inharmonious in nature. Good thought can ally itself with good growth through nature. The soul feeds on beauty and nature responds when man realizes her perfections. The primal perfect relationship between man and nature must be restored in all the realms of cultivation, in all man’s relations with animal life. The seeker who would cultivate the good life is as one who weeds his garden; the seeker who would have true power is he whose mind and body are under perfect and harmonious control, in whom the living energies of outgoing power and all desire to dominate lie under the hand of the Virgin soul. When the body is prepared to die that the soul may live, then will all men pass painlessly through death to greater life?


THE QUARTER: AUTUMN September 21st to December 21st




In Aries is a new beginning, in Taurus the establishment of a new endeavour and in Gemini the realisation of the duality of the Higher and Lower self. Then under Cancer, Leo and Virgo we seek the great spiritual energies which feed the soul, the receptive and projective powers linked with the moon and the sun, the healing and restorative powers of nature. In that quarter we were concerned with maturity, with attainment, with freedom from the limitations of corpor. Surely there is something in us, some element of our being, which has chosen to be born on earth, which here manifests a life purpose which the conscious mind has to unfold or find. The seed of the spirit lies in the womb of the soul and its gestation depends on many things. For many people realisation of the spirit comes only after corporeal death, but in those, who call themselves seekers this realisation has come into consciousness while they are still on earth and in the corporeal body. This can and should be so with all men and women. Some children are already born, in whom the realisation of the fuller life of the spirit in the body comes naturally with physical growth. But for most of us still, corporeal maturity comes long before our real spiritual birth. Many fully grown men and women are still in spirit as babes in arms. How often do they feel helpless? How often do they cry? Through Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius we come to the spiritual expression of true spiritual maturity and move towards the acceptance of spiritual responsibility. Libra, the Balance, is an airy, spiritual sign. We are all at first biased towards Corpor and find in Scorpio the meaning of corporeal death. In the waters of Scorpio corpor is drowned as the world once drowned in the great Flood, We cannot step from the difficulties of earth straight into the sweetness and light in heaven. The ascent is not easy but it will be made when we realise to the full, the drowning horror of being altogether swamped in corpor. From the death of earthly desire, from bewilderment and set-back, even from pain and suffering, the spirit is released to ascent upward like the eagle which once represented this zodiacal sign. In many lands this is a time of harvest but the corporeal harvest must be truly assessed before the soul seeks the higher way. And what is then attained? In Sagittarius the fiery sign is the Archer often represented by a centaur. The fiery power of Aries was latent: 9

that of Leo explosive. Now in the horse is an emblem of Life energy but the horseman has energy under full control. Now is the fiery power in Sagittarius under perfect control and effective; with bow and arrow and straight aim. It hits the mark. The seeker is now a disciple learning control, cultivating his nature in balance of body and spirit, ready to endure, to suffer, knowing new aims, knowing new joys of attainment. He is preparing for that service which is perfect freedom.


THE QUARTER: WINTER December 22nd to March 20th




Soon after we enter the sign of Capricorn, we begin a New Year full of resolutions. It is a symptom of Man’s present condition that he is always aware that things are not all they should be and could be, and that more individual effort is needed if we are to improve our lives in the deepest sense. But it is well known that all such New Year resolutions tend to fade; the new effort is transitory; everything seems to come against us and soon we cease to make an effort. Next year we shall once again review our lives with dissatisfaction and make another futile effort, until we become wise in the ways of the world and cynically cease even to trouble to make resolutions which we know we cannot keep or to consider any improvement. We may even look back with some contempt on those who are still trying. Those who have begun the spiritual ascent in Aries, Taurus and Gemini; those who have discovered the spiritual powers of Cancer, Leo, and Virgo; those who have striven for balance in Libra, endured the suffering of Scorpio and found true aim in Sagittarius, these begin new life in Capricorn. Capricorn is an earthly sign like Taurus and Virgo. In Taurus the hearth flame of daily life is set upon the altar; in Virgo the seeker finds vitalizing powers in nature; in Capricorn the disciple leaves sanctuary and enters the world of affairs. He goes as a herald of a new order but he goes quietly, unobserved, not blowing his own or any trumpet, but apt in good works, in wise advice, in new power. Having endured in Scorpio he can never again be overwhelmed in corpor, having found his true aim, the Kingdom of God upon Earth, he is prepared to work and yet also to wait. Change is now the key-note. Aquarius comes yet further to strengthen the new light on earth. Once one of the four key figures of the zodiac, Aquarius represented the man or angel. Aquarius is an airy sign like Gemini and Libra and the airy signs emphasize the duality of corpor and spirit, but what was twin in Gemini and balanced in Libra is now unified in Aquarius, the man who like an angel, pours blessing on mankind. Spiritual man, linked in the holy communion, is becoming aware of the times and cycles of angel inspiration. He does not waste effort. Angel inspiration in its right time flows to encourage invention, to enlighten the visionary, to discover new healing, to turn men towards peace. 11

Some there will always be who come into the world with a special spiritual burden or task to fulfill. They come as innovators, theirs is a new idea, a wider vision, a higher ideal. The disciple, however ordinary a person he may be, is attuned to new light; he will recognize it even when he does not understand it; he will respond with patience with sympathy, adding nothing to the burden of hate and persecution which the world may throw upon the light-bearers. The disciple stands free. He is no longer of the mob which will always choose the law breaker they understand rather than the law bringer they do not understand. The new influences are raised to yet higher spiritual level in Pisces, where the sign of the two fishes swimming in opposite directions may be taken for individual power to move freely despite pressures. Or it may be compared with the Oahspean sign of Esfoma, the two arrows indicating the wind of change within the bounds of corpor and ascent from corpor. Change both destroys and creates but on earth all change comes within the ultimate limits of the purpose of its creation. Pisces is a watery sign like Cancer and Scorpio and the water signs emphasize that which seems beyond man’s control; but through the acceptance in Cancer of the powers that wax and wane; acceptance in Scorpio of the end of all that is thought to be life, the spirit now swims free, part and parcel now of the spirit of change, the cycle of time, the motion of All Life, into Kosmon.



SUN in ARIES March 21st April 20th The Spring time ever speaks to us of a fresh awakening. The Winter has taught us its lesson, and the seed has lain dormant within the earth during the long months of rest. So too, for us this life is a sequence of cycles — even the cycles of Cosmic expression. We receive at one time the seeds of a new growth — the Winter of circumstance intervenes and the seed lies dormant. Then one day the sun shines again and the life currents move within the Es body — the Etheric Body hears the call and then comes the awakening. So with every new beginning, Aries, the initiator, provides the power which shall call into being the Ideal, and this Ideal shall find materialization in Scorpio. The fire of the Eternal is even as a glowing flame burning on the altar of our material life. Who can fathom such a mystery saving by a consciousness of all-perfecting grace? Man is ever pressing onward toward perfection. This perfection is attained in Iesu. But an impulse is always necessary. It requires a strong will, an ever-going forth in might to bring into being the latent qualities of the Perfect Man. So here we commence. Here at the Dawn of the Vernal Equinox. Here at the sunrise of a new hope. All failures are forgotten, or only remembered as lessons for guidance, as we pass to the planes of expression. Now we put aside the old self, that we in transcending, may fully enter on the path of spiritual unfoldment. 13

Iesu — the perfected man — is our ideal, and shall be attained through the House of Ben. The nine stages of our growth must give birth to the ultimate in Wisdom's Light. But it is here at the door of the awakening that the Light shall enter, and slowly, but surely, grace shall perfect, what love has bestowed, the immaculate dove of esoteric glory. So now we lay the plans to build the spiritual house. In meditation we seek a closer communion with all that pertains to the Higher Self. Love and Wisdom are both the Light and Lamp which shall lead unto the Chamber of Iesu - the perfected man. Though days of Ha'k (darkness) come, days of Kosmon (fulfillment) will follow. Therefore, as a Faithist I will say, "All things that teach me are well. May I bear the yoke uncomplainingly for Kosmon cometh even in Uz." Sow in the morn thy seed. At eve hold not thy hand To doubt and fear give thou no heed Broadcast it o'er the land. Then duly shall appear, In Wisdom, Beauty, Strength, The tender blade, the stalk, the ear, And the full corn at length. Keynote for the month: "I AWAKEN IN THY LIGHT, O LORD OF MY BEING, AND THOU SHALT GUIDE ME IN ALL THINGS."

Oahspe Study Verses 1st Week:

1st Book of God XXIII: 10. Cpenta-armij VI: 9-15.

2nd Week:

Jehovih’s Kingdom V: 9-28.

3rd Week:

Arc of Bon XXII: 3-4. Fragapatti XIV: 11.

4th Week:

Lord’s 4th Book IV: 8-13.



SUN in TAURUS April 21st to May 20th The outpouring of the life-forces begun during Aries becomes cohered and consolidated in Taurus. Thus we have the sign of inner strength, and the will awakened in Aries now comes into manifestation as a building power. So now we find the means to be of service, by and through which the ideal we gained in Aries can begin to be actually expressed upon the earth-plane, especially through beauty and music. Taurus is the time in which the foundations of future activities are laid, but here we must show a wise judgment, a careful discrimination by which to ensure that only the best materials are used. Thus we have to learn the lesson of the Pleiades. It is the lesson of service before self, that through the ray of Taurus we may help to bring the blessing of a new light unto the earth - the influence of spiritual love, beauty and harmony which shall eventually become embodied in the New Race. We must proceed according to the Will of the All Light. His judgments are farseeing; His Will is the Law that shall ever guide us. Even so, by focusing our will to His we shall attain unto that wise judgment and discrimination. Just as we desire to build the Father’s Kingdom on earth, so must we build a new self within - the Kingdom must firstly grow within our own hearts. Yet strangely enough, as we give service unto others on the other plane of life, so are we building the temple of light in the soul. At this time then, we strive to see the Presence of the All Perfection within all things, either corporeal or spiritual, for does He not reveal Himself through his creations? And we see that He is beauty, strength and harmony. Yes, all things proclaim His power upon them. The Spring season of the year reveals the awakening of new life, and we rejoice therein, for even so does the higher self awaken within us, and our lips again speak the words of Loo. So this day, we come again to the fountain of strength, and we find a wonderful ability to go forward, overcoming any obstacles that may be in our path; and as we 15

desire to banish all that is ugly in life, even so we now attune ourselves to the All Perfection. So, then, does His Light flood our inner being, and of a truth we are born anew. Keynote for the month: “NOW AM I STRONG IN THEE, O JEHOVIH, NAUGHT SHALL TURN ME FROM THE PATH THAT LEADS TO THEE.”

Oahspe Study Verses 1st Week:

Sue IV: 26. Sethantes XIV:2.

2nd Week:

Eskra XXX:11-19.


Apollo VII:7-9.


Judgment XXVIIII: 3-15.

3 Week: 4 Week:



SUN in GEMINI May 21st to June 20th Having awakened to the inner light and found the strength by which to be of service, we now conceive the desire to go forth as messengers and call others to seek the ideals we have seen. But we must first pass between the two columns of Gemini, the columns of Amereth and Aheba, because not until we have passed through the veil of this dual mystery can we enter the inner sanctuary and become real messengers and teachers. For only those should speak who have the authority of experience and attainment. So Gemini is that period of the cycle when the higher mind is quickened and the inner light becomes expressed as thoughts embodying the ideal. As the etheric body was strengthened in Taurus, so now it becomes vitalized by the mind in Gemini, and the realm of the ideal sends forth its bright shafts through thought to illumine the path of the seeker, and make active the vehicles of expression. So at this time of the year, we begin to learn the lesson of blending the opposites within us, the masculine with the feminine, the higher mind to illumine and uplift the lower — the lower to make practical the idealism of the higher. Then as we pass through the transmutative experiences of Amereth, the new self becomes manifest bearing the glory of Aheba. So there is hope for mankind, because those children of the Father who have found His Light begin to radiate its quickening glory, and in Amereth or Aheba make manifest His Will. Thus does Kosmon come out of the darkness; and as the East proclaims: “Let there be light,” so does the West call: “Send forth the messengers.” Through spiritual attainment we shall become radiators of the Light of the Father unto all who need it, and joy shall come to those who follow the way of ascension.



Oahspe Study

First Week: Ben II:32. Lika XVIII:25. Second Week: Eskra XXVIII:1-4. Third Week: Discipline VI: 3-9. Fourth Week: Jehovih IV: 13-21.



SUN in CANCER June 21st to July 20th Having begun to understand the deeper power, love and wisdom in Aries, Taurus and Gemini, we now come to the time when through a firm grasp of the Kosmon way of life we can experience the flow of spiritual forces within us. From the higher spirit planes to us, from us to those who need, remember the direction of these forces always takes place under angelic guidance. For this, however, we require poise and quiet confidence; yea, we must learn to look within to find the Creator within ourselves and all things. He is the source of our strength. “Within you is the power.” So we enter the great silence, stilling the turmoil of the outer world, that consciously we may contact Him who is our very life and light. From this contact, and the awakening of the spiritual forces, we build around us that robe of protection under which the storms of life cannot pierce, but, we must learn to make that robe, the “seamless garment ,” so wide that others less strong than ourselves may shelter until they, too, have learned to know the power within, which when found, casts out all fear. This is the time when we learn to hold fast to that which is good and true, when Tae becomes Seffas within us, when we grasp firmly our highest ideal, and in humility, yet with confidence, become the corporeal embodiment of that ideal. As the mind reaches out towards a greater understanding of the universe, seen and unseen, as the soul aspires toward at-one-ment with the All Highest, so must the resulting response, for there is always a response to any sincere endeavour on the path of attainment, become firmly established upon the corporeal plane. This we do by our 19

deliberate effort — by realization and affirmation - the very creative power of the higher self. As the light of the All Perfection becomes established in our life, so does all darkness pass away, and faith and knowledge are one. So now we clothe ourselves in the robe of azure and of silver that the subtle astral currents shall not affect us, for we are learning to control them and thus become strong. O Rock of Ages, Thou art indeed the foundation upon which I build my house. Keynote for the month: “I OPEN MYSELF TO THE INFLUX OF SPIRITUAL FORCES WITHIN WHICH I AM BORN ANEW.”

Oahspe Study Verses: First week:

Lika VI:10. Sethantes XIII:2.

Second week: Apollo I:9. Third week: Cpenta-armij IV:4-7. Fourth week: Lika IX:2-6.



SUN in LEO July 21st to August 20th Within each soul is a Radiant Center. This is the very Presence of the All Perfect. The more we realize this Presence and its power, the nearer we come to the goal of attainment, which is at-one-ment with the Center of All Being. Now has the mid-summer hour of our awakening come. Now is the noon-tide of our mystic journey. Even so, we seek again that perfect and Eternal light which is the very heart of the Universe. So in Leo we draw by conscious intention the flame-tipped streams of Etheric power which the Spiritual Sun ever gives to those who ask in humility and purity. Then will the Spirit’s form glow like unto the sun; the physical body will receive a corresponding power for strength, health and transformation. But, in all things we must be Wise, and ever maintain perfect self-control, because until the Asu (Adam) self is entirely transmuted, it is always possible for the seven barriers, or tetracts as Oahspe calls them, to arise stimulated by the influx of psychic energies, and hold us back upon the path of our true unfoldment. So as we aspire to the regal estate of high initiation, let us remember always that humility is the first law we must learn, and as unseen powers become active in our lives, watch that they are used only in the service of others. Then the glory of the Spiritual Sun which Leo gives shall fill our heart with its Radiant Power, and our true selves shall be like the sun at noon. When by this power we have become light-bearers, the great angelic messengers shall come to us and enfold us in their auric light, and our lives will blend with theirs in sweet 21

consociation. We shall know those things that they know by a deep awareness, and then, though this profound illumination, we shall be able to give forth the living message with power. Of a truth, the two worlds will be as one, even through angel communion. Then the words of Bon as revealed in Yad become plain to us: “... and Thou gavest me a new growth, a fruit of life in fire” for the vision of the soul will have recovered, and the true Es body will be indeed a body of light. Through the ministry of the great lords in light, the mighty Spiritual Cosmic forces will become focused upon us, but for this we must first be prepared, lest in an unguarded moment through one of the tetracts, we open the way for these great forces to affect the physical body when manifesting on the Asu level. Let us here and now learn the magistry of the wise ones. So shall the glory of the Lord of Everlasting Day come unto us, and we shall be at-one with Him through transcendence. Keynote for the month: “MINE VERY THOUGHT, WORD AND ACTION SHALL PROCLAIM THY PRESENCE, JEHOVIH.”

Oahspe Study Verses: First week:

Sethantes XIX:9.

Second week: Lord’s 1st Book: I:16-17. Third week: Sue III:1-5. Fourth week: Saphah Ho’ed:7-11.



SUN in VIRGO August 21st to September 21st The Theme applicable to this month is found in the Book of Inspiration. It reads: “And if he hath great purity as well, then he shapeth My Light into corporeal words.” What is purity? Clearly it not only refers to a rule of conduct, but it says, “great purity.” Here we can see that it refers to such things as purity of mind and heart. Purity of desire even in such a matter as founding the Father’s Kingdom. It is the abnegating of self-desires in service for Jehovih Thought is linked with desire. Thought can cause reflexes in the Es Body. Do we always realize what this means? We, who are builders of Jehovih’s edifice? The Es Body in one of its aspects is known as the Body of Light. If we shut out sympathy, if we abridge love, then that Body of Light becomes stunted in its growth. Ethe responds to Thought, hence it is said that the mind can build up Thought Forms. These forms can act on the Sensitives with whom they come into contact, or who contact them. Hence, it is written, “Sit in judgment on thine every thought.” We can build up these forms, even unconsciously though they are more potent if we are aware of what we are doing. So then we can enter this state of purity of though during the hours of contemplation. Then bright forms will be built up and they will be useful. We have to consider purity in its several aspects. Purity must be a natural attainment born from the desires to unfold in the Light, not the ignorance of innocence nor the fear of what which is unclean. Purity of diet, purity of body, purity of thought, purity of motive,


purity of action—these are the basis of Zarathustra’s teaching, and they have been repeated by all the great teachers since his day. How is the Light shaped into corporeal words? Here we see that Inspiration is indicated. This purity of the Spiritual Body allows the inflow from the interior planes to an uninterrupted channel. The great need felt by the teachers of man is herein supplied. The Spoken Word is shaped from the Light. The world needs such teachers, The Word spoken must live. It cannot live unless it is the Light. Some Wise Men call this the month of the Virgin. Here is a symbol for providing new conditions for the Kosmon Race. A better spiritual environment—a better physical environment—for one is as essential as the other. The New Race needs an environment which we could and should provide. For amongst the thousands of those who throng the highways are those who would readily respond to spiritual conditions and create a new world. So now we learn the lesson of purity in service, that we may negate all evil influences which may affect our ray. Of course, as in all our teachings, we do not forget the ministry of angels. For are they not with us in all that we do in the founding of the Kingdom? How much better can they come to us then, when we provide the right conditions? So let us strive—ever—for “great purity.” Keynote for the month: O THOU JEHOVIH, HELP ME TO MAKE CLEAN MY SPIRIT, THAT I IN PURITY MAY SERVE THEE.

Oahspe Study Verses: First week:

Arc of Bon: XXIV: 5-7.

Second week: Divinity XIV: 1-3. Third week: God’s Word XV:14. Fourth week: Ben X:19. Inspiration II:1.



SUN in VIRGO September 22nd to October 21st

What is it that inspires our theme this month? It is the power of the “Balance” - it is “adjustment.” How woeful the world has become through the disturbance of the Light within by the darkness without. The conflict between the false and the true. We must work that the true shall become manifest and the balance restored. Not until the lower heavens of the earth are redeemed - not until the reflex of the lower hada regions is deflected, or negated, is this possible. There is only one answer - it is the work of those who are the redeemed. By this we mean those who have passed through the fires of tribulation and have transcended lower hada — yea, even more than that, it is those who have by sacrifice and service reversed the current of bondage on their ray and stand free. There are but few corporeans who can claim this. But many an angel, having gained the heights and earned the Crown, returns upon the shining path of service to help us in this holy work. Such is the power of love. Can we feel free when another to whom we are linked remains bound? What is it that calls the Ethereans back to minister in the times of 25

Dawn? It is the power that moves the Universe — it is the Light of Being in all its wondrous power. It was said of old that “God is Love.” God is the centre. He is the Elder Brother of the Race. So He doth represent the redemption of the bound. Come, therefore, and let us reason together. Is the spirit in conflict with the flesh? Does the psychic disturb the serenity of the soul’s true power? If so, we who would be free from the bondage of lower hada must seek adjustment. Here our service will help us. Here our prayers will be the means of approach to the One All Light — The All Perfect. We can enter into spiritual communion with the Light of our Being. This involves many things. It links us with angels who do Jehovih’s Will and are especially associated with our ray. By contact with the Interior Light we shall grow in the Light. But we must affirm our contact. By the Ess Ora we can do this. It is not difficult. Firstly, we think of ourselves as Spirit. Think of the Spirit or Es Body. We picture ourselves as that Spirit dwelling within the physical body. We then think of a line of Light stretching away through the vastness of Infinitude. This is the Line of Light at the end of which we are focused. Now we meditate — we would become balanced. We would adjust the physical with the spiritual, and the physical with the psychical. Then the great Universal Light of Love streams about us. We realise that it is a reality a Power. It is the Power coming from Jehovih. Coming to us through His Son our God. We breathe rhythmically and etherically and live anew, thus the forces become adjusted. The Astral becomes subservient to the Spiritual and all about us shines the dawn. Let us now repeat: “Our Father who are in Heaven,” “May the Forces within me now become adjusted” “May I now realise the Power of Spirit” “May I now live in conscious contact with Thee” “For Thou art forgiveness” “For Thou art restoration” “In Thee I am renewed.”


“The bound regions of spirit shall not enthral me” “Thy Light shall shine within my aura” “My Spirit Body shall become cohered” “So may I start my redemption” “And realise the presence of Angels.” “Father, Thou art the Light.” “Father, I live in Thee.” “Now and forever. Amen.” Can we realise how far we have travelled in these few moments? Those of you who have the inner vision, or the power to feel vibrations will have noticed how the aura has changed. Yes, we change— then the world in which we live, move and have our being, changes also. We can change the whole world by making Spirit manifest. This is the work of the Gods of a truth. They are Jehovih’s Messengers. We are their companions on earth. We cannot work alone so the change within brings them nearer us. They are with us now. The Star of Love has sent them to the Star of Redemption. Let us look up in Faith. Yes, let us be Faithists. Love shall triumph, and when the Love Adorable has entered in, all forces will become adjusted. Prayer in Spirit will help us, verily we shall live in it and it shall live in us. All Hail! Keynote for the month: “IN ALL THINGS I WILL MAINTAIN THE BALANCE BY THY POWER, O JEHOVIH, AND NAUGHT SHALL DISTURB MY EQUILIBRIUM.”

Oahspe Study First Week: Osiris II:17. Second Week: Jehovih’s Kingdom VII:24-25. Third Week: Es XX: 37-39. Fourth Week: Cosmogony 11:14.



SUN in SCORPIO October 22nd to November 21st The keynote of our contemplation for the month is Regeneration. Here is a theme replete with inner knowledge, yet requiring to be understood simply in its first aspects. Can a man be born again is an old question, and one which has been answered in many ways. In regeneration, that which is re-born must be something which has already lived, for the word “new-growth� is not sufficient. Have we then something within us which has lived and which is now dead? Yes, there is the paradigm: the archetype upon which our limited selves are built. This is our gift from Jehovih - it is that which is made in likeness of Himself; and since He has lived before time was, we must by the same token have lived in Him. That which is dead is the starry inheritance of the Most High. It died when we came into physical life, yet even while we are in the physical form it can be called into new life, if we will. It can be called into life, because although it died it did not decay, nor can it die really unless we cease to be human and per chance sink below the plane of the animal. Plunged into the vortex of physical existence this higher self, which alone truly KNOWS, functioned for a time perchance - even persisting well on in youth - then alas for our spiritual teachers, it plunged back into darkness, shattered by false doctrine, or unbelief in things spiritual. We had no guide on this dark earth and so we gathered around us a material cloak shutting out the Light of Spirit. 28

What is it we sing in our Supplicato: In our contemplations, Be Thou now our guide, Whilst the gates, Etherean Angels open wide. Yes, when these gates open for us we see the glory of the Life which awaits us when we gain Etherea’s heights. For, since there is a power which those possess whose natal month this is, so can we all possess that power in seeking it now. The wonderful touch of an angel’s hand will awaken within us a slumbering fire - not of wrath or of passion — but a fire of regeneration. How can we liken this rebirth to something easy to understand? When the chemist wishes to combine two substances, in some cases he must introduce a third in however small a part, and when he does so — wonder upon wonder - a new substance is born possessing power which neither original substance had by itself alone. Here within us lie sleeping those elements of our higher being waiting for the wonderful and mystic Ahoma to complete the union — that a new being be born within us, and then, we, stepping boldly out into the Light, glow with that same Light, unseen by the spiritually blind, but possessing power to heal, to calm, to guide and bless. Brothers, when this comes to us it is the Morning of New Life, and though we have passed through the night of doubt and sorrow, we are like one waking from a troublesome dream to find it all unreal. The sun is constantly radiating energy. This helps physical generation. It causes life to manifest its ever-present form. Without the sun’s light and energy, things would not grow though life were present. Nor can we shut out this light and radiant energy. It penetrates the earth’s crust, that even things will live and grow in caverns. Right within the caverns of our being things like the darksome tetracts grow because the force of living matter takes on an animal body, and mind — intelligence misinterpreting the power, has often caused the tree of life to bring forth poisonous things instead of the fruits of knowledge. But when we are strong in Jehovih, we put these darksome tetracts away and the power regenerate quickens the body of light and it glows like a radiant sun at noon. The great work cannot be accomplished in a day, but it can begin today. The mind beginning to free itself from worldly distractions begins to dwell on things that are good instead of contemplating evil. Immediately the power begins to flow through the tree of 29

life — just as in the late Autumntide we hear the wind blowing through the trees, taking away the dead and dying leaves that in the Spring a new foliage may appear more wonderful than the last because more mature. Some advanced and illuminated teachers have spoken of a “New Life” which comes from a new breath. Maybe some inner quickening can come to us which, like this breath, can awaken the higher aspiration of the soul. For without breath there is no life, or shall we Faithists more correctly say, without breath life cannot manifest in form. Sometimes we sing “a holy air is breathing round, a fragrance from above.” So we must try to realize in this our contemplation that this breath is the presence of Jehovih and it is manifest in the form of a ‘Holy Air’ which is the presence of the angelic hosts. Now is the acceptable time for us to take advantage of this holy power - though the whole subject is cloaked in mystery, some day the veil will fall from our eyes and we shall understand. This, then, is one of Jehovih’s times spoken of in Oahspe. Though there are great and lesser cycles concerning the whole, are we not part of the whole? Contemplating the wonderful power of regeneration, objectifying in our minds the presence of angels, believing in the intrinsic purity of our spiritual being, we shall start a vibration which shall be as a new song. The voice of the Light, like the music of the starry spheres, shall calm our fears and renew the fading vigor which the world of Uz has stolen from us. The way is open to all to try and prove Jehovih, and only personal experience can be of any use in the proving. Yes, again the theme, now in contemplation we draw unto ourselves the breath of heaven — this fans the slumbering fire of Agni into a living flame - the dross is burnt away, and the soul enters the Light. Now I am strong in Thee, Jehovih - this strength shall stay with me and I will bestow unto others, even as I have received. Those passions within me which fain would have accomplished my ruin, shall give place to powers of light, and as I bathe in the magnetic stream of ethereal power, even so shall I rise again. Glory be to the Father — blessed be His Son, our God. So let all persons know the Father, that in Him they may find the glory which was, is and ever shall be. Life Eternal, Hail! All Hail!



Oahspe Study Verses 1st Week: 2



3rd Week:

Eskra XXVII: 12. Ben I:6. Discipline VII: 19-20. Discipline VIII: 12.

4th Week:

2nd Lords I: 18-20.



SUN in SAGITARIUS November 22nd to December 21st Let us watch the arrow in its flight. It presses on towards its mark impelled by that force which started it on its impetuous course. Did the archer aim true — then it meets the mark, unless some conflicting current of air carries it from its true path. What do we learn from this? Have we not been impelled forth by the Great Mind, to make for a shining mark which is the goal of our Destiny? What conflicting currents, those circumstances which dog our steps, cause us to deflect from the true way we should take? This is the theme for our thought today. It is the theme of giving forth in might. Can we get a glimpse of those powers we possess? If so, life and its meaning would not be half so obscure as it is. Why is this? It is because we should find in the resistance that life opposes to our efforts a means of intensifying the Will to accomplish. We are told in Oahspe that we must develop Life, Motion, Individuality, Personality. So let the theme for our contemplation be the going — forth. We must develop selfexpression. The Higher-Self expression. The lower must die. What is it that starts the arrow on its impetuous flight? Is it the will of the archer? Yes, but the will of the archer caused the tension in the bow which when released gave the impulse to the string starting the arrow on its course. So many things are thus involved in this phenomenon.


How can we tell the cause of all the impulses which come into our lives? Only by realizing the greatness of the Will of the Infinite and striving to know Him more and more. In contemplating the ever-going forth we are reminded that we must not halt or falter on the way. There is an occult reason for this, for strangely enough all spiritual growth is accompanied by an occult unfoldment. The mystic elements of our inner nature begin to bring forth the fruits of the spirit, and a New Life begins to dawn when we go forth in faith. And in this Going-Forth we receive that gift which life ever gives, the Wisdom gained through experience. So we shall find that we are gaining knowledge through contact with things; and with a spiritual awareness this knowledge is vast and deep beyond measure. We can also know life by being sympathetic with those whose experience of life is different from our own. By being sympathetic we mean a willingness to try and understand how others experience things which affect us — how do these same things affect them? Being in earnest about life and all that it means, and trying to realize that the Life of Es is a higher call. Nor have we to wait ‘till death before we enter that larger and fuller life. It becomes real to us here and now, and with the awakening of the spiritual faculties, a thing of lasting joy and renewal — Faith is realized in fact. Astrologers are wont to say that those people who are born under the sign of the Archer have a deeply sympathetic nature. Very active in their expressions of good-will, kindly and ever hopeful in all trials. Erstwhile impetuous in other ways. We can in a way believe that Jehovih has set His seal upon His creations and that those who run may read. Let us try to understand that it is in our power to know through sympathy, and in the reaching out beyond the confines of our limited selves, realize the Etherean purpose for which we have been born on corpor. So it is a condition of assimilation that we shall know that impulses play in the lives of others. Then we shall truly understand the meaning of the last clause in the Declaration. Shall we strive to know the Farther more and more? Shall we strive to know Him as He is to be found in others who walk life’s weary pilgrimage with us? It is in thus striving that we grow. The Spirit groweth by giving away. Now devotion or worship always tends to liberate the spirit from the bonds of inertia. This is because we have found in devotion a means of expression. Then, so soon as we 33

enter into devotion, we open the doors of spirit and the powers needed to quicken spiritual growth find an entry. The presence of angels, who by their higher radiation of spiritual energy give an impetus to slumbering aspirations, helps us in this. This is why the Faithist believes in spiritual communion in the highest sense of the term. So let us seek and by this communion learn of Life and all it means. Amen. Keynote for the month: “THE SPIRIT GROWETH BY GIVING.” Oahspe Study Verses: First week:

Ah’Shong IX: 19-22

Second week:

Osiris III: 7

Third week:

Fragapatti XXIV:4

Fourth week:

Discipline XIII: 8-9



SUN in CAPRICORN December 22nd to January 21st

The month of Capricorn, as our ancient Brethren called that period, is the month which begins for us a New Year. It commences at the Winter Solstice, and so we start anew another round of earthly career. The earth is sometimes called the Mother Mi. Yes, the earth has provided us with a body that we might know earthly things. It is in this body that we begin a series of experiences which shall give us the key to that fuller and larger life which begins when this earthly sojourn is over. So let us contemplate this theme. Let us meditate on the reason for earthly existence and endeavor to discover in it that key which shall unlock the doors of understanding, that we may know the other life even whilst in the physical form. It is necessary that we should know that other life, and its relationship with this life. 35

We have to reach out if we are to become the harbingers of the New Kingdom. This month has a lesson — and it is realization. It tells us how we may know the powers which lie latent within this body which Mi has given us. For though we are of the element Earth — yet this element has possibilities. Doest it not mature the seed and provide nourishment for her plants? What subtle alchemy dost thou possess, O Earth, to change the seed and give it the power to become the tender flower? The power called “Life” has moved thee into motion and things of beauty and joy come forth from thy bosom. So we can change this elemental body that it may vibrate in tune with a note struck on the higher octave of being. This mere physical body shall not be ruled by the tetracts because we aspire unto Jehovih. And so the great reaper with sickle of gold shall, in the time of harvest finds us to be of true seed, and weeds and tares non-abounding. Here then is the theme, to nurture the purest and holiest within, and to eliminate all that is gross and earth-binding. To realize the latent possibilities of the earthly self and to know of a truth that we can now build everlastingly. To know also, that we suffer the consequences of acts which are sometimes called misdeeds. Nor may these be wholly ours as we are now. To know that those who have gone the way before us may leave some burden for us to bear — is to understand the meaning of suffering. Then also to realize that in bearing this burden we are not alone, for they too must share it, and anon share it with others, when we, perchance, may lay it down and pass on. Knowing this, we will not add to the burden, for the reaper is ever watchful, and we cannot escape by one jot the consequences of deeds wrought. This is the beginning of a New Year. What will it bring? Some sorrow, some pain — but it shall not be without its joy. This joy will be a spiritual revealing unto the soul, and as a result of its power, the dark side of earth-life will become illuminated and we shall understand. 36

Yes, of the earth man shall learn earthly things, for it is in the understanding thereof that he may hereafter know heavenly things. So we begin to manifest the Light of our higher being, day by day realizing what a power we possess because we have a physical body. We shall glorify Jehovih in making manifest the knowledge He has vouchsafed unto us, and then slowly but surely the sun’s power shall increase in us. The soul will then awaken with a cry of joy; because the soul has awakened to realize its presence, then a new and holier experience of life will commence. So we enter into realization that the earth-life is a schoolhouse and whilst journeying through it we prepare ourselves for the real life which begins when the earth life is over. But glory upon glory. We can, if we will, commence to come into at-one-ment with the real life here and now, and during the years which lie before us, grow more and more into the rapture of its beauty and song. Keynote for the month: “BY THY POWER, O FATHER, I WILL BECOME FREE OF ALL THAT HINDERS ME ON THE PATH OF ATTAINMENT.

Oahspe Study Verses: First week:

Inspiration, XIII: 20-23.

Second week: Judgment , XV:19-24. Third week: Jehovih, VI:3-6. Fourth week: Apollo, I:3.



SUN in AQUARIUS January 22nd to February 20th February is the month of the Water-bearer. This symbol tells its own story. The water is spiritual life - it is the vitalizing stream which can make the arid and dry places blossom and glow with life. And, there is a great need for the water-bearers, for surely this life of ours would be arid enough were it all, and nothing else, but a mere material round of joys and sorrows. Ever since the beginning of time Jehovih has had His witnesses in the world. Under the touch of their hand, the dead have come to life, the dry places become oases. These witnesses are with us today. They still make manifest the Light; never can the world sink into absolute darkness, never. And so, beloved Wayfarer, there is hope, no matter how dark the path for you, or hard the lot. You can, during this time of spiritual manifestation drink deep of the waters of life and be renewed in Faith. So the angels will bend in ministration sweet and the water of life will flow once more for you. And as you seek for Light, the bearer of the message will approach and you shall of a truth receive. Gifts of power have long been delayed. Limitations bound the limbs and dogged the footsteps that fain would run quickly. But it is given unto some to suffer in a strange way. None can account for it, except the Great All Wise Knower.


Maybe in suffering the great world evil is resolved and redeemed! Maybe the Light Bearers are come to help those who suffer and who bear the load. Borne upwards on wings of song, you shall surely be when the fetters that bind have been removed. Helpless you seem perhaps, but you are not hopeless, and it is in this abiding hope you shall triumph at last. Then you shall teach others, by that strange power of a new personality, which seems not of this world, shining through you. Somehow in helping others you will be helped, as if the Law of Service were truly reciprocal, as surely it must be? So let us continue to ask that we may receive and give even as we receive, of this lifegiving stream. Then we shall hear the world-teachers gladly, and comprehend their message understandingly - and the way of Life shall be revealed unto us. We shall know things past, present and to come. Star of Mystic Light and Inner Revelation art Thou, O Uranus. O shine on the Path of the Aquarians that they may understand themselves. Jehovih is Life, Motion, Individual, Person; in proof of which, He gave unto thee, Life, motion, individual, person. Keynote for the month: “THROUGH SERVICE SHALL MYSELF BECOME MERGED IN THE ALL SELF.”

Oahspe Study Verses 1st Week: 2



God’s Word XXI: 9-10. Jehovih VIII: 10. 1st Book of God: VI:12. Fragapatti XVI: 16.

3rd Week:

Judgment XXXIX: 24. Fragapatti XXVIII: 40.

4th Week:

Divinity I: 27.



SUN in PISCES February 21st to March 20th

This is the month of the world Redeemers. What does this mean? It can only mean one thing. There are those in the world who seem to suffer more than others. Those who bear the patience, loneliness, sorrow, trial, but withal are able to live their lives and take their place amongst their fellows. They do indeed feel more acutely than most people, but all the while their sufferings are lightening the lot of others, who are not yet born to bear as they do, the things which make life hard. So we can look ever to the eternal hills from which cometh our strength. The messengers of the great starry heights, the noble souls will help us. This month we devote to the Iesu who have come to help humanity in different phases of its unfoldment—always bearing the Lamp of Truth, suffering ignominy and reviling. O ye who bear the sign of the Sacred Fish, like those who are in a country not their own, ye are here on corpor. But the Light ye bring in a blessed Light, and all about life’s pathway it will glow leading men hack to the paths they have forgotten since the Panic flood. Therefore we meditate on the great Iesu who have come from time to time. We link them in thought in one holy bond, from Zarathustra unto Joshu, the last great Light who came to earth. Joshu, of the Essenes—the great ones who by their holy lives helped in his ministry. 40

Let us think of the great Iesu in their works of love and self-denial, and meditating on them, feel the power of the vibrations they created steal through our souls once again, because the vibrations which they started still live. This was truly a part of their mission holy and sublime. They in their greatness were able to rise above the limitations which corpor imposed, and by their freedom made clear the way from earth to heaven. Can we not, like them feel the great sorrow of the world? Can we not suffer and learn with patience, knowing that Kosmon will one day come in all its fullness? Yet their strength, wonderful and sublime, can be ours. The power gained in silent communion with the great spiritual worlds and all they mean, can be ours. We can in this communion like ourselves with the life ray of any one of the great Iesu, and walk with them, and know life as they knew it when they were on the earth. There are within us the possibilities of becoming in part what they were wholly. This power to feel keenly, and be able to help through what we feel from those with whom we come in contact. Then the earth will become changed for us. Now beauties in life will appear, and from afar there shall stream down unto us over on the crest of the great life wave, the Love, Wisdom and Power of the great Teachers who have aforetime come to help in the world redemption. The Sun has entered Pisces. The Sun has made glad our hearts. ALL HAIL! Keynote for the month: EVER FOR THY GLORY, O, JEHOVIH, WILL I STRIVE UNTO IESU.

OAHSPE Study Verses First week

Cosmogony, XI: 6-7. Bon, XII: 14.

Second week:

Eskra, IV, V: 20-22

Third week:

Discipline X: 13.

Fourth week:

Praise, YAD.


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