The Wonders Within 671.
December 6th, 2020
With all the prayers and affirmations we may be
doing, O Creator, there is still a lot to be said for just taking the time to listen to You speak inside our soul. Perhaps there will be words we can hear. Perhaps it will be more of a potent spiritual feeling that shall unfold at the right time. Perhaps it will be a kind of future blessing that shall guide us onward. Yet what I would like to acknowledge now is that
while we should want to have the power to bless and elevate aspects of our lives, and especially those dear to us, we do not want to shut out the possibility that You have special work for us to complete. It may be for a short time or for decades. It may be a one-time effort to help but one person in one particular situation. Or it could be a spiritual task we are to involve ourselves deeply in for the rest of our life. We know we have a personal choice in all of this. Yet most of all, we now recognize that we are all partners together and our decisions are best reach in a mutual fashion, with You, Our Creator, and with everyone in our life, Our Brothers and Sisters, Your Children forevermore to love and be loved.
We are slowly arising, suspended in an atmosphere of good spiritual vibrations. There is an undersea feel to this environment although the lighting is bright and the colors and hues are in various streams of radiant pastels. All the
changing of hues and streams of color are in a very slow but sublime, gracefully blending movements.
We are like
ocean plants swaying in these magnificent flowing energies.
We sense an inner inspiration to concentrate more fully on our own inner attunement. As I have already said, the vibrations are quite positive here.
Concentrating on a
deeper level reveals a series of portals, each a different color, pink and lavender, silver and gold, white and saffron, revealing a heavenly garden of some wondrous kind.
We are now being asked to enter any of these gardens but some of my companions have left our company to step into a different realm of heavenly reality.
I figure I must do the
same and will work on harder on my concentration.
All at once, after an even higher spectrum of energy sweeps throughout this celestial plane, opening my particular portal
wider, as well as those of everyone else.
Instinctively we
will ourselves through our own individual portal opening.
For a few moments we gaze in wonder at meadows in bloom in full heavenly radiance. We breathe in pristine breezes
Sparkling rainbow spheres made in the blending of sunlight and fountain spring mists bless our tear-filled eyes of elation.
Then a swift series of angelic faces briefly appear before our happy, cheerful faces.
Our eyes meet with those of each
new heavenly friend. Short embraces and pats on the back as we hug move us right in the core of our hearts and souls, a time in theirs where we may express our highest.