This Prayer for Us Together — 647. — June 22nd, 2020 — [8 pages]

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This Prayer for Us Together 647.

— June 22nd, 2020

Deep within ourselves, O Creator, we strive to arise!

There inside us is the immortal person you made us to rise up as. This true self of ours is the person who cares more and more about each soul who crosses their life path upon our own. There is a great need for we ourselves to summon whatever love or support we can muster for those who are passing right before our eyes for these few moments of the day. Perhaps there is no need to directly tell them of our love but we can and we must still feel this love. For how else can we claim that we actually

lived this day as ourselves? It is true we can choose to ignore this call and not to seek to muster the will to be a loving soul to the loving soul who is now within arm’s reach. And it may be very inappropriate to physically embrace these travelers as their path joins that of our own. But somehow it seems essential that we make the decision to care, to express that caring, and to put forth our spirit, intent to share our love as fully as can be, on an invisible but very potent spiritual level — one that may not be seen on the surface but still is powerfully there.

Can any of us really say we have lived this day or this moment well unless we risk feeling love for our fellow soul, being determined to affirm that they as a mutual soul matter very much to our day and our life as it unfolds. This fellowship love does not mean we clutch at our brother and sister for some validation that we matter and that we must be recognized as virtuous. It is the opposite in fact, that we wish to bring some light, some joy in this person, these persons lives so that they know they do indeed matter — very much so — but quietly as all great truths are quiet yet

resounding. What will be that small gesture of kindness, that word of song or laughter? What will that smile of hope and happiness look like? It will shine in our eyes and in theirs as a reflection that shall seem to stretch forever between us — yet still just a moment in time. For I am determined that we shall not pass each other as strangers who care not for another. I may not be able to put any of this in open words before you, my brother, my sister.

But I am determined that my heart shall sing that song of springing wondrous cheerfulness, that which shall gather up the weight of the world, and tossing it swiftly aside. Ending any darkness, putting away all doubts — so that we may rejoice in our real love together — at being alive this moment of universal life — together, just together in some moments that really do matter. . My Love I Love Thee! Let us both go forward to champion the world with all that is good and bright and never-ending.

Let us create a world of jubilant creations that shine as the sun of the sun of suns, eyes filled with wonder, hearts filled with light, souls filled with love. Now and Forever! All Our Blessings are Now Unfolded and Unfolding great miracles, great magic, great gladness to live as — All — Are — One!

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