Upon Resplendent Rays- [Vision] - August 30th, 2020 - (3 pages)

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Upon Resplendent Rays 657. — August 30th, 2020


We live. We breathe. We pray. Always because of Thy Living Presence, O Creator, The Essence of Our

Immortality. And this immortal life we share together only has meaning where we have discovered the power of spiritual purpose. It is true that we as humans can retreat into self and pleasure seeking, where only what pleases us, only that which benefits our self matters at all. Yet to live our own life just for our own happiness and success is stride towards the gates of hell. Therefore, let us acknowledge the truth that our lives only have peace where our dedication is focused upon bringing success and happiness to others, with our very best. For doing so is the very GOODNESS that Thou our Creator achieved in creating us, in guiding and inspiring us, and in loving us through all creation and creations.

Hence we reconsecrate every moment of every day to be as Thou

Art — giving away our spirit, our energy and our love in service to all whom we are blessed to have beside us inside

this Life Eternal. High in the mountains of the Adalatek Arctic, the Almighty Light of the Universe is on full display.

Here All is

naught but Radiant Light in every form. To be certain, The Source of All Light is Thee, O Creator, and is most dazzling in this Universal Sun that shines through all Thy Stars Brilliant and Illimitable.

Behold now we how each sunray vibrates with Eternal Light and

Hope as it reveals the innate natural beauty, symmetrical in all its matchless artistry.

For by Thy Sun's Solar

Energy, whether physical, spiritual or mystical, the creations of splendor are revealed to our willing, opening eyes. Next to us is a swift mountain stream of sparkling, surging waters. Higher up we see the crystalline grandeur of glaciers of white-royal blue, immovable ice unrestrainable that is moving imperceptibly down the valley to shape the lands and rivers below. Along the riverside streams, upland flowers of miniature loveliness decorate the emerald grasses swaying in breezes filled with living vitality. Deeply we breathe in these floral glories. Farther down below us, we descry the surging waterfalls and cascades of shimmering wonders, whose sprays fashion the arcs of rainbows iridescent — sunbeams blending with the bejeweled water droplets tossed up high into these pristine airs. We listen with awe to these descending floods unfolding their might overflowing, certain that it is Thy Voice of Majesty that speaks in these waters unleashed upon the lands below. The message — to be

entranced in the wonders of the cosmos so that we may transcend our small self unto The Great Oneness that is Thee, Thy Great Spirit. With ever fuller moments of gladness, we rise upward to see from on the heights the vast encircling horizons that circumscribe our world. Truly The All Light Ever-Present has illuminated our world's spheres with renewing tranquil feelings. Before us, now the Sun sets, the sun rises, simultaneously in our hearts and upon our world's horizons and we can but smile in tears of joy as we too revolve round these Galaxies of Exhilaration, discovering the ideals of angelic love and light, of happiness, of beauty, penetrating through the stars into our very souls now together as one.

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