§6: The Plate of Tau
Chapter 2: Masonic Plates in Oahspe
Part VI: The Book of Saphah Revisited
Discovering the True Path of Oahspe
Unlabelled Images and No Text
Newbrough Placement:
Saphah – Se’moin: 72↔76
• Best Placement:
Saphah – Se’moin: 54→ *44
The Plate of Tau, (Taurus) parallels closely with that of The Plate of Aries. Both are astrological signs of the western and the eastern zodiac. In addition, both were also likely represented on the painted

ceilings of Shalam’s temples (The Temple of Jehovih or The Temple of Tae). Interestingly, both plates also depict their namesake animal symbol as the largest, all of which are amidst the stars, the sun, and the moon.
What implications can be made from this? First, that primitive peoples first turned to the sun, moon and the stars as worshipful in themselves, establishing a tradition of spiritism based on using animalism-celestial-lights. Second, such symbolic-occult systems are a closed system where one cannot commune directly with The Great Spirit since one’s soul is focusing its attention on the superficial.
The two kinds of animals represented in The Plate of Tau are eleven bovines (cows / bulls) and thirteen horses in number. Regarding the spiritual meaning of these animals, a series of related passages in Oahspe will help explain this.
While horses specifically connote positiveness, they also connote being empowered to take control: and the term, horses, signifieth dominions in the lower heavens. The term, cow, usually meaneth adaptability to the creative period. In the original Panic, cow meant receptivity (Saphah – Vede: 19-20) *6
And in a further related passage outside of Saphah, here and elsewhere these interpretations are affirmed in explanations to Zarathustra:
I'hua'Mazda said unto Zarathustra, the All Pure: To receive and to impart; what else hath man; what more desireth he?
Then I'hua'Mazda made a picture of a cow, and a picture of a horse, a strong male horse dashing forth. And he asked Zarathustra, saying: Which of these signifieth receiving; which of these signifieth to impart? And
Zarathustra perceived. I'hua'Mazda said unto Zarathustra: To be negative is to be a cow; to be positive is to be a horse.
(God’s Word 10: 6-7) *6
Thus, The Plate of Tau is just one more astrological image in Saphah which symbolizes spiritual ideas supposedly to be striven for by allegedly specific Faithist groups of the past, and which current Faithist groups ostensibly also should be striving for. In this case, the interpretation is to be receptive to the Creator’s inspiration and yet in contrast to this, also being capable of acting with force to achieve and create good works for the benefit of everyone.
Nonetheless, people of the planet Earth, look once again at both astrological images. Are such good avenues for direct inspiration from the Creator? Granted the animals have metaphysical symbolism but is such a higher spiritual path? No way! Putting a human face on a bull and a sheep with a bunch of animals depicted in star constellations has not even an iota of beauty or universal truth.

Rather these plates are filled to the brim with idol worship where base animals are the focus. Can anyone explain how contemplating animals is superior to simply tuning your spirit directly to The Voice of The Great Spirit? Impossible to do so since the major aim of Oahspe is to simply remind every child of the Creator to personally communicate with The All-Highest.
In contrast to Aries, two and only two kinds of animals, are presented in Tau. Likewise in contrast, while the various animals of
Aries were the totems of Faithist tribes in Jaffeth, the animals of Tau represent something entirely different.
It might be suggested that these animals were also intended to represent tribes of ancient times as the The Plate of Aries did. However, in The Plate of Tau, there are but two kinds of animals, horses and bulls, all in the process of transitioning to the powerfully enforcing and going forth male.
Truth be told, there is no published passage in Oahspe that has both groupings of Faithists tribes, eleven and thirteen in number related somehow in a meaningful way. Hence, it can be concluded that the horses and bulls in Tau do not represent tribes, but simply represent the power to act and power to rule respectively. As to number of each kind of animals, “eleven” and “thirteen,” these can be seen as cyclic

numbers of prophecy.
For the number “eleven” is used repeated as just that, and especially so in Cosmogony and Prophecy, and the number “thirteen” being a prophetic number present in occult, mystic and the false Osirian literature as portending powerful upheaval, dominion and transformation. *57
But what of the meaning of the number of animals, eleven and thirteen cows and horses respectively?
And these numbers 11 (= the 2 pillars, Boaz and Jachin, the entrance to Solomon’s temples) and 13 (the final degree, The Royal Arch of Solomon) are held in special sacred status by the Freemasons, small surprise there.
In the case of the Aries plate, there are 32 animals (20 birds and 12 mammals) while there are 24 (13 horses and 11 bulls) shown on Taurus plate. Together, they are intended to represent the power of Osiris, a false god worshipped in the Middle East, and held in esteem by the Masons:
Osiris, being interpreted, is: I am the Light, the Life and the Death. Out of myself made I all that live. The sun I placed
in the firmament as a sign of my power. The stars and the moon and things that speak not and know not are the works of my hand. I am the Tau and the Sed (Taurus and Aries, bull and lamb), the power and wisdom over all and within all. Without me nothing is, nor was, nor ever shall be. Without me nothing is, nor was, nor ever shall be (Aribania). The spirit of self-assertion; tyranny; to enslave; to master others per force. Tow (Aii). The self-assuring man, or spirit. Y'taw (Vede). Tau'baw, a bull, or Ti'taw, I am the T'taw. I am the master at the bridge Chinvat. Without my will none shall rise to Nirvana, my upper heavens. Through my good-will only shall any man ascend. I am the Judge and Savior of men. On my forehead resteth the sun; the stars are my cattle. In worship of me, the stars and the sun plead before me. The horses have I placed over the cows. The moon (Mas) cringeth beneath my feet. I am war, I am Thaw, a bull. My bulls shall be the edicts of kings. Who worshipeth not me, him will I destroy (Vede). (Saphah Se’moin 54↔55) *6
Certainly, the true etherean god Osiris would not claim to be the Creator. And there is no reason to believe that the inspiring angels of Oahspe would want anyone to think for an instant that Osiris is the Creator, or that the Creator wants mortals to associate the name ‘Osiris’ with the Creator. So, this is a really “in-your-face”
why-is-this-in-Oahspe” passage. And it cannot be argued that it is here for historical purposes because this is The Book of Saphah, and there is no context presented here other than the ritual and symbolic language plates along with references to Se’moin symbols.
While this passage does make references to the Plate of Aries, it even more so distinctly describes that of Tau. In this plate’s image, we can see the “horses” placed over the “cows,” which signifies that Osiris being a god of action, not passivity.
The sun resting upon Osiris’ forehead is a sign of glorification of Osiris, falsely proclaiming him as The All Sun, The All Life.
The moon indeed is at Tau-Osiris’ feet, symbolizing this god’s control of worship and spirit communion.
Yet these bovines, the star constellations of the heavens, represent both the female “cow” as well as the male “bull” whereas Tau-Osiris can ordain anything he wills with absolute power. And if any oppose the false Tau-Osiris, they are threatened with annihilation.
No, this is not the etherean god Osiris nor the Creator but simply a false god / real demonic being, one who is worshipped and reverenced by Free Masons.
The All-Seeing Eye of Osiris with the Masonic Emblem*64
The Masons do hold special allegiance to Osiris (the false), made worshipful in Egypt thousands of years ago did. This is just one of the continuing unacceptable-to-true-Faithism major flaws with the Masons who insist on putting their spiritual focus on and attunement towards ancient symbols, names, and gods. The above is a Masonic image. This connection between the Masons and the false Osiris will be further explained in the next chapter when the plate of The Tablet of Osiris as well as the passage of Osiris are discussed.
Thus, both the Plates of Aries and Taurus could not have been in the original manuscript of Oahspe, for why would second

resurrection angels desire the false Osiris to be glorified in the eyes of any Oahspe readers? Remember, this is not a part of the heavenly historical context in other passages of Oahspe. This is in Saphah!
Nevertheless, as set forth in Saphah, Aries represents wisdom and gentleness and love. Taurus represents dominion and the transformation from the receptive passive to the going forth with active power. And just because there is symbolic metaphysical meaning, that does NOT indicate that such is “good” or “knowledge to be sought.” Only a fool chooses to revere that which is NOT the Creator-Direct-Center-Soul, by choosing animal symbolism to cherish and adore. Masons do such! Real Faithists in Jehovih never!
As already stated, The Plate of Aries “seeks” to falsely portray its animals as totem symbols for Faithists tribes of Jaffeth thousands of years ago.
Assuredly, both plates with their celestial backgrounds are representative of astrological (and Masonic) interpretations. Can astrology and astronomy both be valuable in different ways? Sure, but let’s not get carried away and decide that we should put such knowledge higher than direct service to and communication with the Creator Almighty:
Learn to prophesy by the sun, and by the moon and by the stars. They tell no lies. The Lord then gave the signs of the zodiac (the horses, and cows, and lions, and sheep, and birds) that rule upon the earth, and upon the winds of heaven, and on the heat and cold, and the sun, and moon and stars, and spring and summer, and fall and winter. …
(Lord’s 5th 2: 15-16) *6
Accordingly, this is another Oahspe passage that could possibly be related to the Plate of Tau, where the plate actually refers to a heavenly area positioned between a specific star region and an earthly one:
The place of removal which Ahura had decided to inherit was in the second belt below meteoris, known in atmospherea at that time as Vara-pishanaha, which laid betwixt the land of Vind'yu and the star-region known as the Horse and Cow and Calf Pastures, a heavenly place, uninhabited. From Ailkin to Vara-pishanaha was fourteen hours in grade twenty-five, which was the average of Ahura's hosts; but its enlargement in the upper belt would be as fifteen to nine.
(Cpenta-Armij 7:18) *6
So, these “Star Saphah” plates where designed by the Masonic spirits to allude to original Oahspe text passages in order to deceive Oahspean Faithists. Yes, the sun, moon and stars tell no lies but those who seek to associate themselves with the same in order to glorify false gods (Osiris) and oppressive spirits (The Masons) can lie and have lied.
Remember, there was neither any value nor opportunity for the Faithists of that day to create these images. How would they know or care about these animal totems of communities living outside of their knowledge? Nor would the angels serving ancient Jaffeth of those times, nor the angels who helped channel Oahspe, have seen any benefit in creating these animalistic images, even if they are based on esoteric information in Oahspe and other “mystic” sources.
No, it would be the Masonic spirits who led Newbrough astray who would and did do just that, creating these images based on Oahspe, creating them in a style that is Masonic, a collage of symbols that are secret knowledge. None of these images have even an iota of value that would inspire anyone to greater attunement which is direct to the Creator nor to service to the world. All they achieve is the chance to trap minds into wrongly thinking such as part of secret knowledge resurrection along with other false “Faithist” rites worship.
Nevertheless, an analysis of all these plates and images and rites is taking place to show that care was taken to use symbolism that is based on actual Oahspe text and that there is a correlation between Oahspe text and the symbols created by the Masonic spirits and Newbrough. That is the whole point of creating secret knowledge and secret symbolism. It makes sense on the surface and can therefore so cast the unsuspecting into a euphoria of sudden “understanding” or “winning over” of converts who now see the “connection” of what certain plates or symbols mean, even if the bottom-line message is against the original precepts of Oahspe.
Yet the in the end, what is not understood by the initiates is that this “secret knowledge” and blind adherence to the same as a chosen goal and outcome is in itself taking the initiate upon a path that goes in the opposite direction of what Oahspe is really trying to instill in all mortals:
1. the development of communicating directly with the Creator,
2. the development of putting self aside and working to uplift others through good works, and
3. the foundation of sustainable spiritual communities that will function as the higher heavens function, putting
away the darkness of the world and living instead by the light and love of the Universe and the Ever Present Creator.
Learning how the cycles of the moon are to be kept sacred or how the symbols of The Plate of Hy’yi correlate to the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life will not directly nor indirectly help the orphans, the homeless, the poor, the faltering aged, unwed mothers and their unborn children, or the fallen of our world.
Such will also fail to teach discovering the true inner inspiration that is the All Voice of the Creator. All these secret teachings will do is deceive its adherents into thinking they are doing the Creator’s Will (as the Christians would mistakenly think of saying the Rosary) while taking them farther away from listening to the All Highest and doing their all highest.