Rider: Seb Garat
ly kite in vanced yet userfriend is today the most ad big sizes and more neutral IV MK on ssi se Ob e Icon”. Th speed on ion for been an “RRD e improved turning trendsetter in d worlwide recognit portant features , lik easiness to ride “unhooked”. The new ine im ga s on e ha It kit . e e th kit n ed ive ad ed dr gr ov ne up pr o ali im als d ren ve an ad r r ha of ou es we re powe The updated version arch on the small siz d incredible 5% mo ves, great for every serious kiteboarder. a new leading edge stable kite, with an mo our range. Thanks to have been able to create even a more ow. Perfect for kiteloops and power nd we wi so , ing ps fly loo e e th kit of pull on all areas e smooth power in 6-5 speed and progressiv 15-13.5-12-10.5-9-7-
EN” “ADRENALINE DRIV Color Combinations:
PROGRAM: FREESTYLE PRO Model Contest 42 Size 42 x 134 FIN 4 x FLOW 5 G-10 Straps Screwit System V2 + Assy Strap V2 Size availables: 132x40 / 133x41 / 134x42
PROGRAM: FREESTYLE Model Poison 40 Size 40 x 132 FIN 4 x FLOW 5 G-10 Straps Screwit System V2 + Assy Strap V2 Size availables: 130x38 / 131x39 / 132x40 133x41 / 134x42 / 135x43
PROGRAM: FREESTYLE PRO Model Style 40 Size 40 x 132 FIN 4 x FLOW 5 G-10 Straps Screwit System V2 + Assy Strap V2 Size availables: 131x39 / 132x40 / 133x41 134x42 / 135x43
ITE! r WEBS u o it is v ection ire coll t n e e h For t
www.robertoriccidesigns.com 路 info@robertoriccidesigns.com
Ph: Nicolas Calvez
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