6 yoga poses to try every day in the morning

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5 Yoga Poses to try every day in the Morning Morning is a great time. It is the only time when you feel fresh and relaxed. It is the time when you can breathe freely before the day attacks. How would you like it if you kick start your ay with some relaxing and beneficial yoga poses? Like it is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Similarly, couple of exercises or yoga poses if done regularly can benefit your health in many ways. Yoga has been benefiting our lives from last 300 years. And with the passage of time more and more number of people are seen getting involved with it. Yoga is a great way to bring harmony among your mind, body and soul. In this article, we have shared information about several yoga poses that must be practiced by you everday.

1. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana):- Trikonasana also known as triangle pose gives your spine an excellent stretch. It tones the spinal nerves and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Eventually, your body becomes flexible and execution of other asanas is improved. Performing this asanas daily, you will notice reduction in shoulder, neck and knees stiffness. It relieves indigestion, acidity, back pain and gastritis problem. Additionally, Trikonasana works great on legs too. It improves deformed or weak legs, knee and ankle problems.

2. Child's Pose (Balasana):- The word Balasana is derived from Sanskrit words “Bala” Which means “Child” an Asanas means “Pose”, therefore it is known as Child’s Pose. This asanas is performed with an open mind to give you a great sense of physical,

mental and emotional relief. It relieves lower back and neck pain. Performing this asanas relaxes the internal organs and keep them supple.

3. Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) :- Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the pose practiced in sun salutation and it has great benefits to offer. In this position, as your body weight will be resting on your arms and shoulders, therefore it develops upper strength and bone density. It is good for people who suffer from severe pain in their shoulders and upper back. Moreover, it improves the blood circulation in your body. It lets blood flow throughout your whole body hence, keeping your immune and blood pressure in good position.

4. Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana):- Standing positions are the foundation of Yoga. It not only makes your legs stronger but also gives you strength to practice other yoga positions easily. Extended side angle pose is one such pose that is meant to strengthen the legs, stretch spine and open up your body completely. It pose is beneficial in curing constipation, lower back pain, osteoporosis, sciatica and menstrual discomfort.

5. Tree pose (Vrikshasana) :- Tree pose is an excellent pose to balance your legs while toning your leg muscles at the same time. It builds inner and outer strength and improves your balance and control over your body. Similarly, Tree poses teaches you how to balance various other aspects of life. It helps your body to attain pelvic stability. This pose has also been known to relieve Sciatica to some extent. Yoga and certified yoga teacher Yoga is known to harmonize your mind, body and soul. And practicing yoga early in the morning is great way to wake up your mind and body and let positive energy flow in to your life. Yoga can be performed any time. As it involves various muscles and boy parts, therefore you might not have the flexibility to get into every position. Considering having a certified yoga teacher can help you learn the nuances of yoga and its various poses, its benefits over health and its long term effects. If you are looking for yoga teacher training in India, do lots of homework and then leave the job with the ones whom you think are capable.

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