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- Case Study one
Chang Architects // 2014 // Singapore
As Tony Fry mentioned in his book, one of the tasks that ‘design futuring’ has to confront against current environmental backdrop is ‘redirecting towards far more sustainable modes of planetary habitation’1. Conventionally, residential project is using solid wall structure to enclose the private area as ZHOO DV GHĂ€QLQJ LWV LQWHULRU DQG H[WHULRU VSDFHV Differently, this precedent of residential landed house suggested another innovative GHĂ€QLWLRQ RI JRRG FODVV OLYLQJ LQ WURSLFV LQ WKH physical and spiritual sense – by living with and constantly in touch with nature. Not only taking into consideration of local climate and site resources, this project succeeded in response to the broader context of gathering plants and water bodies as part of the overall planning for the purposes of passive cooling as well as general wellness of the environment.
To residents, this project relooks at ways of enhancing the joy of tropical living, of enlivening communal living in a contemporary, tropical setting, where family members reside in a home of interconnected social spaces. To environment, the architecture demonstrates great cooperation between nature and manmade in terms of material used. Salvaged materials and objects from the old house form SDUW RI WKH QHZ KRXVH¡V VFKHGXOH RI Ă€QLVKHV DQG UHF\FOHG ZRRG ZHUH XVHG IRU Ă RRULQJV and cabinetries. In person, I will rate the project as ‘a tropical paradise’ which demonstrates the future possibilities of designing a residential habitation with sustainable approaches, also serving differing needs and aspirations in a contemporary urban setting.
image source: http://www.archello.com/en/project/cornwall-gardens
1. Tony Fry, Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg, 2008), p. 1-16.
~'%1&7%6 6*' $14-'.& - Case Study Two Zwarts & Jansma Architects // 2005 // Netherland
As we know, wildlife animals take an important role as part of the ecosystem, but they are the one suffered the hugest impact from the aggressive and insatiable human activities as well. Aiming to help balancing and restoring out ecosystem, keep protecting the stable growth of nature life and minimizing the deconstruction of our mother nature are essential in current stage. Considering confronting our nemesis of ‘defuturing condition of unsustainability’, the bridge known as ’Ecoduct’ could be the response in the way of architecture1. The Borkeld is functioned as a wildlife overpass which designed for wildlife animals to get across highway A1 in the National Park called ‘Veluwe’. image source: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread. php?t=1468140&page=52 https://au.pinterest.com/pin/378443174914082641/
Through the project, the architect made their effort to help animals regain their natural habitat which irrupted by human being, and also intended to make the intervention for human to be as discreet as possible where the span of bridge was designed without a central pillar to create a calm image for drivers on the highway. Gradually, the idea of building such ecoduct bridge spreads around the country of Netherland. Such a precedent provides insight to how architecture can instigate change of the world and remind people to consider more of the lives surrounded. In addition, the design strategy of composing natural ecology into man-made ecology paves the way of rescuing current distressing situation and should be highly encouraged for further dissemination.
1. Tony Fry, ‘Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice’ (Oxford: Berg, 2008), p. 1-16.
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4'5'#4%* 2#8+.+10 - Case Study one ICD-ITKE University of Stuttgart // 2014 // Germany
As through the contemporary computational design strategy and technology, the project ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14 has been created and demonstrated the architectural potential of novel design, simulation and fabrication processes. According to Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman, the development of digital architectural design should be accommodated by “emerge in the intersection between science, technology, design and architectural culture�1. As the project showing here, the project was planned and constructed within a multi-disciplinary team of biologist, palaeontologists, architects and engineers. image source: http://www.archdaily.com/522408/icd-itke-researchpavilion-2015-icd-itke-university-of-stuttgart
The project is focused on a parallel bottom-up design strategy with the help of novel robotic IDEULFDWLRQ PHWKRG WR IRUP WKH ÀEUH UHLQIRUFHG polymer structures. In total 36 individual elements were fabricated, whose geometries are based on structural principles abstracted from the beetle elytra. Each of them has an LQGLYLGXDO ÀEHU OD\RXW ZKLFK UHVXOWV LQ D PDWHULDO HIÀFLHQW ORDG EHDULQJ V\VWHP 7KURXJK WKH development of computational design and simulation tools, both the robotic fabrication characteristics and the abstracted biomimetic principles could be simultaneously integrated in the design process. Nowadays, without the help of various computational design strategies, such complex geometries are impossible to be conceivable and achievable. In conclusion, the pavilion precedent demonstrated the possibility of synthesis between material, form and robotic fabrication through computational strategies which can lead to the innovative generation of architectural design. Simultaneously, the tectonic feasibilities of architecture are also widened with the assistance of multidisciplinary research approach.
1. Rivka and Robert Oxman, ‘Theories of the Digital in Architecture’ (London; New York: Routledge, 2014), pp.1–10.
$'+,+0) 0#6+10#. 56#&+7/ - Case Study Two Herzog & de Meuron, ArupSport // 2007 // China
The stunning landmark building of Beijing National Stadium located at the south of the centrepiece Olympic Green and staged the 2008 Olympic Games with a gross volume of three million cubic metres which was considered to be the world’s largest enclosed space and steel structure. Better known as the Bird’s Nest, the most impressive part of the project must be the unwrapped steel frame which functioned for aesthetic purpose but also the entirely structure. If just simply using traditional methods through countless calculations and drafting on the paper, this kind of feasible structure would neither be designed nor built, hence the computational design strategies took a very important place at this stage. image source: http://www.designbuild-network.com/projects/national_ stadium/ http://w w w.detail - online.com/inspiration/national stadium-in-beijing-103349.html
Besides, the engineering and construction of building are also heavily depended on computational design or parametric design. As an Olympic venue, there were many standards and requirements laid down which asked high level computational techniques and simulation tools to work out. For example, Computational ÁXLG G\QDPLFV &') VLPXODWLRQ EDVHG RQ the Games-time situation has been used to FDOFXODWH WKH WHPSHUDWXUH DQG DLUÁRZ VSHHG at each angle of the structure and optimise all ventilation facilities accordingly. As the era of rapid development of computational architecture, people are always trying to utilize various types of tools to examine more possibility while conceiving projects. On the other hand, it also gives impetus to people design better and more potent tools to take advantage in projects. Nowadays, the generative, computational design movement becomes an essential part in architectural design, as well as enhancing our ability to evolve the built environment.
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6*' '52.#0#&' 6*'#64' 10 6*' $#; - Case Study One DP Architects, Russell Johnson // 2002 // Singapore
The eye-catching building in Singapore is a world-class performing arts centre made up RI WZR URXQGHG IUDPHV Ă€WWHG ZLWK RYHU triangle glass sunshades. Locals have dubbed them “the Durianâ€?, as the twin structures resemble the spiky tropical fruit that is unique to this part of the world. As Peters said in the ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, ‘the development of computational simulation tools can create more responsive designs, allowing architects to explore new design options and to analyse architectural decisions during the design process’1.
image source: https://w w w.esplanade.com/about-us/architectureand-building-design
This is a project occurred quite early in the modernist period which showing how the revolution in computational programs and the advancement in design from computerisation to computation. Such computer aided tool gave architects and engineers the ability to model buildings with simulating different solution to determine the best performance based on the analysis. However, to regulate and experiment various parameters to generate solutions, architect acquire adequate experience and knowledge of mastering the algorithmic design. $ VSHFLĂ€F SDUDPHWHU H[DPSOH LQ WKLV FDVH LV the adjustment of sun exposure level made to the shading system which the angles of ‘spikes’ VKRXOG EH GHĂ€QHG DFFXUDWHO\ WR PDGH WKH EXLOGLQJ HQYHORSH HIĂ€FLHQW HQRXJK DV ZHOO as ensuring the interior comfort level, what is all credited to the use of such computation generative approach during design process.
1. Brady Peters, ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, (Architectural Design, 83, 2, 2013) pp. 08-15.
5/+6*510+#0 +056+676+10 - Case Study Two Foster & Partners, Brady Peters // 2007 // Washington DC
With the continuous development of computational design technologies and tools, the algorithmic thinking paves the way for architects to explore various design possibilities in different parts of the architecture such as the case showing in terms of roof construction. The structure consists of large span grid with varying nodes of height, which produced construction issues to the design team. Hence, a single computer program was written by one of the architect in the design team to generate the geometry of the roof. The computer code was used to explore GHVLJQ RSWLRQV DQG ZDV FRQVWDQWO\ PRGLÀHG throughout the design process. It was also used WR JHQHUDWH WKH ÀQDO JHRPHWU\ DQG DGGLWLRQDO information needed to analyse structural and acoustic performance, to visualise the space, and to create fabrication data for physical models.
In this instant, computational design tool allows the architect to experiment different fabricated solutions on the digital model through modulating algorithmic script to ensure the accuracy during the design process. Considering the generative design critically, I start to wonder whether is the computational tool might make the architect or the design team over rely on them hence causing inconceivable design through process. Thus the architectural shift from composition to generation must be intertwined progressively as a steady evolution.
image source: h t t p : // w w w. f o s t e r a n d p a r t n e r s . c o m / p r o j e c t s / smithsonian-institution/
7KH ÀUVW SDUW RI VWXGLR DLU LV DERXW WKH LGHD RI conceptualization which aimed to lay the foundation stone for the following parametric design processes. In the Design Futuring (a1) session, the topic is trying to point out our direction as an architectural designer, taking the consideration of building up our future design through sustainable approaches. In order to make my argument more convincing and comprehensive, I usually selected to analyse two precedent projects either form sharp contrast between or existing in different situations. As the cases I have selected in a1, the Cornwall Garden is to be a sustainable residential habitation while the Ecoduct is more focusing on the protection and restoration of ecosystem. Secondly, the Computational Design (a2) introduces the process of the computational evolution, as well as how it engaging into the GHVLJQ SURFHVV 7R GLVFXVV WKH EHQHÀWV RI WKH involvement of computational strategies, the case of ICD-ITKE Research Pavilion is talking about the exploration of materiality and robotic fabrication through computation, whereas the Beijing National Stadium utilized the computational technology in the structure and analytical calculation aspects.
Get into the last chapter of Part A: Composition & Generation (a3), I started off looking into how architecture makes response to the shift from composition to generative design. There are various aspects that the generative design could be involved in such as the building performance of the Esplanade, and the structure construction analysis of the Smithsonian Institution.
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week 1 : oc tree
week 2 :contour curves
studio: air part b:
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b1: research field--genetics
rchitecture is now recasting itself. The evelopment of computational technique as pushed architecture design to a newer nd higher level. In general, These parametric urves and surface are fluid when it comes to onnectivity, rejecting the notion of urban and ructural typology, continuity and morphology nd historical style. It often follows biomorphic orms which enhance the natural growth of the hapes, and the certain genetic rule is now able o be built using the digital parametric method.
ompared to traditional architecture design, gitally-generated forms are not designed but e calculated and produced automatically. this case, many possibilities can be chosen or designers and to be further developed, hich gives special perspectives that may ot occur in the traditional design process. It is on-predictable. Designers are not making a orm, but finding forms through digitally-based enerative techniques.
s John Frazer mentioned “ Architectural oncepts are expressed as a set of generative les, and their evolution and development can e digitally encode.�
b.2a: l-system
L-system is applied to recursive aggregation with consideration of genetic algorithm, the design leads to “a string-like structure equivalent to the chromosomes of nature�. It can be treated as a basic concept and we can also create amazing works by using L-system if we understand it very well.
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b.2b: bloom project
Commissioned by the City of London or the 2012 Olympic Games.
Bloom has become the genesis of a research agenda that connects Architecture and Gaming culture. The project is interactive in an unusual way, as it can be designed, altered and dismantled by the crowd. The participation of the public is really what makes Bloom come into life.
Genetics make the design process become more simple. Components are all the same shape. It means hat it is easy to use some digital abricating method In this case, components can be lightweight and easily casted by people but he structure of components should also be strong enough. There will be infinite ways to assemble the components.
b.2c: manual recursiON
component 1
component 2
component 3
component 4
b.4: technique: development For further development and fabrication purpose, four new components are not complex in shape, which can allow various connecting possibilities. In addition, I want the sockets to be an important part to shape the components.
component 1 rule set 1
component 1 rule set 2
component 2 rule set 1
component 2 rule set 2
component 3 rule set 1
component 3 rule set 2
component 4 rule set 1
component 4 rule set 2
b . 5 : t e c h n i q u e : prototypes 3D printing and Laser cutting are both good fabricating method for my components but I prefer to use the laser cutting because I think I can get deeper understanding of our research field in the process laser cutting. I need to assemble all components by myself and this is a good way to get knowledge and idea.
b.6 technique: proposal
b.7: learning objectives and outcomes
This part of learning improved my understanding of parametric design dramatically. I am still not really good at parametric design but I found the joy from the process. For example, if I need to start a new definition and then use it to produce a complex model, it is still hard for me but I will be very excited if I figure it out. Before I learn this part, I can not make any model that I can not imagine in my brain. Parametric design gives me a new method to design and think and this will be the future trend. However, I still prefer to use traditional ways to design even the parametric design will be the future trend. I think part of the sense of designing in parametric designing is missing. Maybe, I am wrong. I will get more knowledge about traditional design and parametric design and I hope I can find the answer that I want.
b.8: appendix: algorithmic ske
etc sketches
bibliography John Hamilton Frazer, An Evolutionary Architecture (London: E.G. Bond, 1995), p.9. https://www.plethora-project.com/bloom/, retrieved on 10.04.2018.
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