Campaign Report Madame Tussauds

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Madame Tussauds Singapore

Fenna - Sanne - Louise - Job - Robin


Executive summary Assignment In December 2017, the Marvel Experience was launched by Madame Tussauds Singapore. As the biggest project since its opening, it needs to attract many tourists. The Marvel Experience consists of a pre-show with three Marvel figures and a 4D cinema. The reason for the campaign is to inform foreign tourists about this new part of Madame Tussauds Singapore. Therefore, we as an agency company are going to create a campaign for Madame Tussauds Singapore to promote the new Marvel Experience including 4D cinema.

Research In order to create this marketing communication plan, we must thoroughly research the consumer, product, and competition. Madame Tussauds Singapore is located at Sentosa Island, which is easily accessible by car, taxi, and other forms of public transport. Together with Images of Singapore LIVE they offer extra entertainment and the opportunity for customers to buy a combi ticket so they can visit all the exhibits that they offer. Relevant competitors for Madame Tussauds are popular places to visit for a tourist during their time in Singapore.

Marketing communication target group To define our market segmentation, we looked at geographic, demographic, and psychographic criteria. The campaign will be focusing on European stopover tourists, millennials, (18-35 years old) and families (Children 19 years and below, plus parents 30 to 45 years old). The calculation we did to make sure our target group is big enough can conclude that we have chosen a good segment. After defining the target group, we created personas and customer journeys. There was a persona and customer journey created for a child, a millennial, and a family man. Each customer journey has its own categorized touchpoints, and the customer journeys help to create a concept that has value for the customers of Madame Tussauds Singapore.

Marketing communication objectives

to Madame Tussauds Singapore.

We defined several objectives, categorized in the follow-

Marketing communication instruments and media

ing six subjects: Category need, brand awareness, brand

There will be different types of instruments and media

knowledge, behavioural intention, and facilitation be-

used in the campaign. For the online campaign, we want

haviour. In short, we want our target group (families and

to use advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. In

millennials) to achieve a familiarity with the brand and

addition, we want to create a geo filter on Snapchat. For

become aware of the new Marvel Experience at Madame

the offline campaign, we will also use advertisements in

Tussauds Singapore. We also want to make sure that 5%

the baggage hall at Changi airport.

of our target group will actually visit Madame Tussauds Singapore during their stopover, and once our objectives


were determined, we focused on the marketing commu-

The budget for the assignment is S$ 75.000. The budget

nication strategy.

created shows that the campaign is too expensive, as it would cost S$ 113.600. The biggest costs are the square

Marketing communication strategy

meters at Changi Airport and the development of the VR

The campaign is based on a transformational position-

Game. When one of these two choices are left out, the

ing. The customer will go through a change from ‘nor-

budget is within the assignment. For this reason, there

mal human being’ to ‘one of the Marvel heroes’. We want

are two alternative options created. The first option is to

to achieve the objectives to reach and transfer emotion

change the offline campaign into an online campaign,

during the campaign. Our promise in the campaign is:

and in this way, the costs to rent a part of the baggage

Offering the target group an unexpected, but exciting

hall at Singapore Changi airport will not be needed, and

Marvel Experience at Changi Airport, and in this way our

the budget will fit into the given amount of S$ 75.000.

target group will not get bored at the airport and will feel

The second option is to extend the target group, as the

like one of the Marvel heroes themselves.

campaign is valuable for more targets than just European families and millennials.

Concept development and creation The concept is divided into three different phases: The


awareness, consideration, and the purchase phase. In

The communication tools and objectives must be eval-

the awareness phase, the target group becomes aware

uated to know the impact of the campaign. This can be

of the campaign. The main goal of the campaign is to

done by taking surveys, statistics of social networks, re-

make the target group become specifically aware of the

views at second party sites, mouse tracking, and count-

Marvel Experience. At the baggage hall, there will be a

ing the number of tickets. After six months of cam-

‘Marvel area’ where you can put on Virtual Reality glass-

paigning, Madame Tussauds will have the opportunity

es to get a Marvel Experience VR (Virtual Reality). The

to implement the campaign for another six months. We

VR-glasses will let the target group feel like they are one

advise that they evaluate after the first half year.

of the Marvel heroes. They will fight to save the baggage hall from evil robots, and as a result the target group will change from ‘normal human being’ to ‘one of Marvel heroes’. The goal in the consideration phase is to make sure the target group will consider visiting Madame Tussauds Singapore. The purchase phase has a goal to make sure the target group will actually buy tickets and book a visit Executive summary | 3

INDEX Chapter 1. Introduction

Executive summery

2-3 4. Marketing communication objectives


5. Marketing communication strategy


6. Concept development & creation 7. Marketing communication instruments & media 8. Implementation


13-15 16 17-23


Chapter 3. Marketing communication target group

chapter 2. research into consumer, Product & competition


8-9 9. Budget


10. Alternative concept


11. Evaluation


12. References


13. Appendix


Index | 5



This report contains research, objectives, a marketing communication strategy, the concept, instruments/media, implementation, the budget, alternative concept and an evaluation.


In December 2017, the Marvel Experience will be

Madame Tussauds Singapore, so the final number of

launched by Madame Tussauds Singapore. As the

visitors increases.

biggest project since its opening, it will need to attract

To make sure our target group becomes aware of the

as many tourists as possible. The Marvel Experience will

new Marvel Experience, we created a marketing com-

consist of a pre-show with three Marvel figures and a

munication campaign. We want to offer our target

4D cinema. The reason for the campaign is to inform

group an unexpected and exciting experience that will

foreign tourists about the new Marvel Experience at

take place at the baggage hall in Changi Airport.

Introduction | 7

Chapter 2


This chapter describes the research into consumer, product, and competition conducted. It will conclude with an analysis of the most important findings and their consequences for consecutive elements of the marketing communication plan.


2.1 Consumer

2.1.2 Involvement R&P matrix

2.1.1 Involvement FCB matrix

The involvement of Madame Tussauds regarding trans-

Customers try to find information about Madame Tus-

formation is high. Madame Tussauds is linked to peo-

sauds online, after which they use the website to find

ple’s lifestyles, so for instance, when people like celebri-

more information about Madame Tussauds and the

ties attend exhibits, they are more likely to attract others

Marvel Experience. Therefore, the matrix shows that the

to visit Madame Tussauds. Visiting Madame Tussauds

involvement of Madame Tussauds is high and that the

also has a culture value for the visitors, which will result

affective of Madame Tussauds is high as well.

in a positive experience.

2.2 Product

2.3 Competition

Madame Tussauds Singapore opened in 2014. Along-

Relevant competitors for Madame Tussauds are pop-

side Madame Tussauds Singapore, you also have

ular places to visit for a tourist during their time in

Images of Singapore LIVE, and in here you can discover

Singapore. We have chosen to look at price, opening

the colourful story of Singapore. Both are located on

hours, and in which category the activities fit in. We find

Sentosa Island (Images of Singapore LIVE, 2017). In

Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Gallery, Quayside

November 2017, the Marvel Experience was launched

Isle, Marina South Pier, Sentosa Island, iFly Singapore,

by Madame Tussauds Singapore. As the biggest project

and Wildlife Reserves Singapore as their most prevalent

since its opening, it needs to attract many tourists. The


Marvel Experience consists of a pre-show with three Marvel figures and a 4D cinema.

2.4 Most important findings and concequences Madame Tussauds Singapore opened in 2014 and they launched a Marvel Experience in November 2017. The Marvel Experience will consist of a pre-show with three Marvel figures and a 4D cinema. Therefore, we did some research about the consumer, the product, and the competitors and will create a campaign regarding them. Due to this research, we can communicate the unique selling proposition of Madame Tussauds Singapore, which is offering unique forms of entertainment. The most relevant competitors for Madame Tussauds are Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Gallery, Quayside Isle, and the Marina South Pier. So, this research allows us to define our target group and to make sure we make a campaign that is unique.

2. Research into consumer, product & competition | 9

3. Marketing communication target group

Here, you can find the details of the marketing communication target group for Madame Tussauds Singapore. The chapter concludes with the most important insights on market segmentation and customer journeys.

3.1 Market segmentation

3.2 Conclusion market segmentation

For our market segmentation, we looked at geographic,

We are going to focus our campaign on European vis-

demographic, and psychographic criteria. The target

itors. This is due to Europeans being the closest to our

group comprises of tourists from Europe. The life-stage

own culture, and that is why it is easier for us to focus

of the people are millennials (18 to 35 years old) and

on them. From the 15,231,469 international visitors in

families (children 19 and below plus their parents - 30 to

2015, 1,635,725 of them are European visitors. We made

45 years old). At last, we also described the personality

a calculation of the segments to see if the segment is

and lifestyles of Europeans.

big enough to make a campaign for, which you can find in the appendix. Our conclusion is that we chose good segments.

3.2.1 Personas

3.3 Customer journey

The personas we made are based on the research we

For every persona, there is one customer journey with

did. We created a persona for a child, millennial, and a

categorized touchpoints. You can find these on the next

male person with wife and kids (family man). You can


find these personas in our research report.

3.4 Important insight and relevance for objectives. Our campaign needs to be interesting for millennials (18

The most crucial touchpoints are the following:

to 35 years old) and families (children 19 and below and

- Screens (customer journey Stephano and will also have

parents 30 to 45 years old). Children have high involve-

impact on Juliano and Chris’ journey)

ment on the opinion of their parents, so we have to make

- Cookies/online display (customer journey Chris -> and

sure our campaign is interesting and clear for them as

will also have impact on Stephano’s journey)

well. Based on the calculation we did, we saw that there

- Store/branch (customer journey Juliano -> he will also

are at least 1.635.725 European visitors in Singapore.

involve his whole family with this touchpoint, for instance

12,5% of the visitors are families, while 29,7% are millenni-

his parents or even brothers/sisters)

als. Together, that is 42,2% of all European visitors. After

- TripAdvisor (customer journey Stephano and Chris)

the calculation, we can conclude that the segments we

The research shows us to create specific objectives and a

have chosen are big enough to do our campaign for. Not

good marketing communication strategy. The customer

every touchpoint has that much impact and relevance

journeys help us with making a concept that has value

compared to others.

for the customers and Madame Tussauds Singapore.

10 | 3. Marketing communication target group

3. Marketing communication target group | 11

4. Marketing communication objectives

This chapter is about the objectives of the campaign and the reasons why we chose them.

4.1 Category need

4.2 Brand awareness

Make sure the target group – who are families and

Make sure 345,140 European stop-overs in Singapore,

millennials (345,140 ) – get familiar with the new Mar-

who are families and millennials, become aware of the

vel Experience at Madame Tussauds Singapore via the

Marvel Experience at Madame Tussauds Singapore,

advertisements during their stop-over.

during their stopover in Singapore.

Argumentation: This is our main goal. Madame Tussauds

Argumentation: It is important the target group knows

is well known, but the Marvel Experience is quite new.

the existence of the product or experience that a com-

We have to show the target group that the company

pany offers. In this case, our target group doesn’t know

offers a new ‘product’: An experience that will change

about the new Marvel Experience at Madame Tussauds

Madame Tussauds Singapore into a unique attraction.


4.3 Brand knowledge

4.4 Behavioural intention

European families and millennials (345,140) know about

Our goal is to make sure 17,257 people – which are Eu-

the fact that Madame Tussauds Singapore also offers a

ropean families and millennials who have a stop-over –

Marvel Experience during their stop-over in Singapore.

visit Madame Tussauds Singapore after they have seen

Argumentation: Many people view Madame Tussauds

an advertisement about the Marvel Experience during

more like a museum. This objective must make clear

their stop-over in Singapore.

for the target that they will not just go to an ordinary

Argumentation: The best place to advertise in Singa-

wax-museum. Our goal is also to change the opinion

pore is at places where the target group comes togeth-

of people who think they will only see wax statues. We

er. The best place for this is likely the Changi Airport

have to elaborate that they will have a unique experi-

where European stop-overs get out of their plane and


go to their hotel.

4.5 Facilation

4.6 Satisfaction

European families and millennials (345,140) who have

5% (863) Out of the 17,257 visitors who actually went

a stop-over in Singapore are able to find information

to Madame Tussauds Singapore leave a review at

about the Marvel Experience at Madame Tussauds

third party websites such as TripAdvisor during the six

Singapore so they know where, what, and how to buy a

months of campaigning.

ticket during their stop-over.

Argumentation: It is important for Madame Tussauds to

Argumentation: In order to facilitate the behaviour of

know what people think of the Marvel Experience. As

our target group, we need to offer them the informa-

can be seen in the customer journey of Stephano, the

tion they need in order to consider buying a ticket. As

third-party sites are important to stimulate the purchas-

a customer, nothing is more annoying than not getting

es, and that is why it is important for us people leave

enough information about the product or in this case

their reviews.

about an experience. This objective is linked to the consideration phase of our customer journeys. 1 European visitors: 1,635,725 -> 12,5% Families & children and 29,7% Millennials = 690,280 visitors for one year. 345,140 visitors for half year. 2 In a half year there are 345,140 visitors. 5% is realistic to reach, which are 17,725.

12 | 4. Marketing communication objectives

5. Marketing communication strategy

This chapter describes the strategy for the campaign, consisting of positioning and proposition.

5.1 Positioning

5.2 Proposition

For the positioning, we looked at our objectives. The

The campaign offers the target group an unexpected

goal is to achieve the objectives and to reach and trans-

and exciting Marvel Experience at Changi Airport. In this

fer emotion during the campaign by giving the target

way, our target group will not get bored at the airport

group the right information. With the offline campaign,

and they will feel like one of the Marvel Heroes.

(the Marvel Experience VR) the customer will go through a change from ‘normal human being’ to feeling like ‘one

The campaign offers a less stressful experience by us-

of the marvel heroes’. In this way, the campaign transfers

ing the Virtual Reality experience at the luggage room,

emotion. At the end of the Marvel Experience VR, the

adding more joy and an unexpected beginning for their

customer gets information about where they can buy


tickets and where Madame Tussauds Singapore is located. In the communication tools, the goal will always refer to the website of Madame Tussauds and to their social media platforms, so this is also a way of informing the target group. The conclusion is a two-sided positioning, which is a combination of an informational and transformational positioning.

Chapter 3


Chapter 6

This chapter contains the concept, the creative concept and the storytelling. DESIGN MGZ 6 | 13

6.1 Concept

hall from evil monsters, as a result our target group will

Everybody once had a childhood dream to be a hero

change from ‘normal human being’ to ‘one of Marvel

with amazing superpowers. These powers could be like

heroes’. There will be eight VR-glasses, and the time of

shooting a spider web with your hand, being as strong

each game is 3 minutes, so there is an opportunity for

as the Hulk, or using the shield of Captain America. The

other people to also play the game while they are wait-

goal of the concept is to make people aware of the

ing for their luggage. To play the game, they will have to

Marvel Experience at Madame Tussauds Singapore by

log in with their Facebook account and like the Madame

offering an experience where people become ‘one of

Tussauds Singapore Facebook page, or signing in with

the Marvel heroes’. In this way, they will feel like a hero

their e-mail address. In this way, we can easily commu-

for a moment instead of feeling like ‘a normal human

nicate with the people who played the game later on in

being’. The experience will be unique, as people can feel

their vacation.

like they mean something, help others, create a safe area, catch the monsters, and save the baggage. As a

Online campaign

result, everyone gets an unexpected beginning of their

Besides the offline campaign, there will also be an

holiday while reliving a childhood dream. Besides, in this

online campaign. There will be online advertisements

scenario they will be less bored while they are waiting at

on Instagram and Facebook, plus a geo filter on Snap-

the airport.

chat. The online campaign is very useful to reach our target group because there is always an opportunity

6.2 Creative concept

that our target group misses the Marvel Experience VR

To make sure we reach our target group, there are three

because they arrive at another baggage hall. Instagram,

phases described: The awareness, consideration, and

Facebook, and Snapchat use location settings, which

purchase phase. Each phase knows its own goal.

will allow us to reach our target group while they arrive in Singapore. Each social media channel uses their own

6.2.1 Awareness

way of advertisement. Snapchat can be utilized for their

The research from the customer journeys showed that

geo filters of the Marvel Experience, then Instagram and

every journey has a touchpoint at Changi Airport in the

Facebook will be used to show advertisements through

awareness phase. For this reason, the campaign will

the timeline of our target group. The tone of voice used

start at Changi airport. In this phase, we want our target

in the campaign will be informal and will connect the

group to become aware of the campaign. The main goal

general European culture.

of the campaign is making the target group aware of the Marvel Experience. This goal will be reached by the

The designs of the offline and online campaign always

offline campaign (the Marvel Experience Virtual Reality)

have a link to the website of Madame Tussauds, infor-

and the online campaign.

mation about where you can buy tickets, and where Madame Tussauds is located.

Offline campaign When the target group – European families and millen-

Main goal: The offline and online campaign need to

nials – arrive at the baggage hall, they will see a ‘Mar-

make sure the target group becomes aware and gets

vel area’ where they can put on Virtual Reality glasses

excited about the Marvel Experience at Madame Tus-

to get a Marvel Experience VR (Virtual Reality). The

sauds Singapore.

VR-glasses will let the target group feel like they are one of the Marvel heroes. They fight to save the baggage

14 | 6. Concept development & creation

6.2.2 Considaration

Main goal: Make sure the target group, European fami-

After the target group knows about the Marvel experi-

lies and millennials, buys tickets for Madame Tussauds

ence, they have to consider if they actually want to visit

Singapore by giving them a second reminder.

the experience. In the awareness phase, they get excited about the Marvel Experience after playing the VR game.

6.3 Storytelling Today is the day. Stephano and his family are finally

At the end of the game, there is information about

going on their holiday, and they have waited for this

Madame Tussauds; Where they can buy tickets (online,

for so long, so they are very excited. Once they have

with discount) and where Madame Tussauds is located.

arrived at Changi airport in Singapore, the stress begins.

The target group probably will not buy the tickets im-

They have to wait for their luggage at terminal three,

mediately while they are at the airport, which is why we

while the children are restless and wanting to go to the

trigger them after they arrive at their hotel. Five hours

hotel. When they arrive at the baggage hall, they see a

after they have played the game we want to send them

Marvel stand. The children are very excited and want to

a reminder with an added discount, we can do this be-

go to it, as they are very curious. They can get a virtual

cause they have logged in with their Facebook account

reality experience of the new Marvel Experience of Mad-

or their e-mail address. In this way, they will remind how

ame Tussauds Singapore. It is really awesome and they

excited they were while playing the Marvel Experience

really like the experience, plus the waiting time for their

VR. Now they might consider buying tickets.

luggage goes very fast because they have been entertained while waiting. Arriving at their hotel at 11:00 in the

Main goal: Make sure the target group, European

morning, they unpack their stuff and take a moment to

families and millennials, consider going to the Marvel

rest at their bed because they are exhausted. Five hours

experience at Madame Tussauds Singapore by giving

after they have played the game at the airport, it is

them a reminder.

16:00 a.m. and they are in the city centre. They are going to eat something and enjoy the city of Singapore, but at

6.2.3 Purchase

that time, they receive a reminder on their phone from

After sending the first reminder in the consideration

Madame Tussauds Singapore about the new Marvel

phase, we will send a second reminder via Facebook or

Experience and think back to their awesome experience

email after the next five hours. In this reminder, they will

at the airport and they consider buying tickets. Again,

be reminded again about the Marvel Experience and

five hours later, when it is 21:00, they receive a second

we will also emphasize the discount they can get when

reminder, this time especially about the discount they

they buy their tickets online. Reminding them again of

can get when buying their tickets online. Stephano has

those two things could be the last push to purchase.

no idea yet about what they are going to do tomorrow,

After the second reminder, they will buy the tickets for

so he decides to buy tickets for Madame Tussauds Sin-

Madame Tussauds Singapore online.

gapore. His kids are really excited and happy.

With the promotions on Facebook and Instagram, everyone who missed the stand at the airport become aware of the Marvel Experience at Madame Tussauds Singapore. With the call to action button that will be used with Facebook and Instagram, the target group can easily click on it to buy their tickets.

6. Concept development & creation | 15

7. Marketing communication instruments & media

In this chapter, the instruments and media are described in general and there will be provided reasons why.

7.1 Instrument 1 - Online advertising

7.2 Instrument 2 - Exhibition

7.1.1 Instagram and Facebook

7.2.1 The Marvel Experience VR stand in the baggage hall

Instagram and Facebook will be used in the campaign to

The Marvel Experience VR consists of a pop-up stand.

inform the target group about the Marvel Experience of-

The stand is located at terminal 3 at Changi airport and

fered by Madame Tussauds Singapore. By informing the

has a Marvel theme design. The goal of the stand is to

target group, they know where to buy tickets and where

make people excited about the Marvel Experience at

Madame Tussauds Singapore is located.

Madame Tussauds and to inform them about the attrac-

7.1.2 Geo filter Snapchat

tion. As a result of the VR game, they feel like one of the

The geo filter in Snapchat will be used in the campaign

Marvel heroes and the time they have to wait for their

to make the target group aware of the Marvel Experience

luggage will go faster than expected.

at Madame Tussauds Singapore. People can use the geo filter at Changi airport, because when they arrive, they

7.2.2 VR glasses

will likely check their social media such as Snapchat.

At the Marvel Experience VR stand, there will be eight

With Snapchat, they want to send their friends a photo

VR-glasses available and the time of each game is 3 min-

of where they have arrived, then they will see the Marvel

utes. In this way, there is an opportunity for everyone to

Experience filter.

play the game while they are waiting on their baggage. As a result of the VR glasses, the target group feels like one of the Marvel heroes and they really experience the transformation.

7.2.3 Television screens To make sure there is interaction with everyone, there are two television screens added to the Marvel stand. The goals of the television screens are to provide information and show what the VR players are doing. As a result, everyone can be a part of the VR experience.

16 | 7. Marketing communication instruments & media

Chapter 8

IMPLEMENTATION This chapter contains the planning, design argumentation, media development, how to advertise on social media, and pre-testing.

8.1 Planning The campaign will start in March and end in August. The decision to make this timeline is based on research. The research showed that most of the visitors arrive in the month August (Boa, 2016).

8. Implementation | 17

8.2 Design argumentation

with the target group via the social media and offline via

The design of the media used for the campaign is in a

the stand. The ultimate goal is that the target group buys

traditional comic-style. There are different reasons why

their ticket online.

this style is chosen. The first reason are the bright colours that Comic-style has, as these colours are used to attract

8.3.1 The Marvel Experience VR stand

people, arriving at the airport and seeing a full coloured

It was chosen to place the stand at one of the baggage

stand will be attractive to the target group. They can also

halls of Changi airport because the customer journeys

see the online campaign with the colourful advertise-

showed that visitors from Europe usually arrive by plane.

ment, which stands out beside the other content on so-

The virtual reality stand will be placed in the middle of

cial media. The colour blue and red are chosen because it

terminal 3 at Changi Airport (Chamberlin, 2015). This is

fits the Comic-style. The colour red is a link with Madame

because terminal 3 is the place where European flights

Tussauds Singapore. The colour blue is chosen because

come in and the focus of the campaign is on European

this colour increase someone to do something and blue

families and millennials. During their time waiting, people

is associate with peace and calmness (stidolph, sd).

mostly just get bored. The goal of the campaign is to en-

These three items are good for the campaign, because

tertain the target group at this particular moment within

the campaign wants to influence that the holiday has

their journey.

started when the target group sees the online and offline advertising. The second reason for using a Comic-style is that Marvel is originally a comic. Nowadays, people know Marvel especially from their movies, but it all started with the stories about superheroes in their comic books. The comic-style of the campaign will remind people of these comic books. The third reason to use a Comic-style is to use Spiderman, Captain America, and Iron Man. These characters are central in the new Marvel Experience of Madame Tussauds Singapore. To use them in the campaign will also create more cohesion between the campaign and Marvel Experience of Madame Tussauds Singapore. 8.3 Media development The social media will be used to make people aware of

Research showed that Virtual Reality is a trend and fits

the Marvel Experience, even if they miss the stand at

the interests of the target group families and millenni-

Changi airport. With the social media promotion, peo-

als. Playing the VR game during waiting time prevents

ple can easily click on the call to action button, visit the

people to get bored the time they have to wait. Even if

website directly, and finally buy their tickets. Through

people are not playing the game, they will be attracted

the stand, people can see the social media that Mad-

by the fact that other people are playing and will get in-

ame Tussauds Singapore uses, plus when people use the

formed by the television screens.

VR-glasses, they need to login with Facebook or email to play the game. As a result, there is a way to communicate

18 | 8. Implementation

8.3.2 The Marvel Experience VR game

People get information in different ways: At the end of

People who arrive at terminal 3 can play the Marvel Ex-

the game and from the television screens.

perience VR game. To play the game they have to put on

They get information about:

one of the eight available VR-glasses, and there is only

- The 4D cinema at Madame Tussauds Singapore

eight VR-glasses because of the size of the stand. Before

- The location and how to get to Madame Tussauds

the game starts they have to log in with their Facebook

- The website and buying tickets online with discount

account or fill in their email address. This way, communi-

- The social media channels used by Madame Tussauds

cation with people who played the game is much easier. The goal of the game is to transfer the target in a Marvel

After playing, people will feel like a hero and being ex-

hero for a moment instead of feeling like ‘a normal hu-

cited about the Marvel Experience of Madame Tussauds

man being’. People can choose between being Spider-


man, Ironman or Captain America, which are the three heroes that are seen in the 4D cinema of Madame Tussauds Singapore. In the VR game, their arms turn into the arms of their chosen heroes. The purpose of the game is to protect the baggage hall from evil monsters. The game will take three minutes and eight people can play the game at the same time. This creates the opportunity for a lot of people to play the game over a short period of time.

8. Implementation | 19

8.3.3 Snapchat geo-filter

ds by Madame Tussau Singapore

Snapchat is the fastest growing app in recent years and fits the millennial portion of the target group (omnicore-


agency, sd). In a few seconds, people see a picture or stories of other people’s day. Companies can advertise via this social media channel by buying a geo-filter. People can make photos using this geo-filter and spread it around their friends. The geo-filter works with geo-targeting, so only people who are at Changi Airport get a geo-filter of The Marvel Experience at Madame Tussauds Singapore. Budget wise, there is only chosen to use a geo-filter at Changi airport. The choice to use Snapchat at Changi airport is based on research which shows that the target group is definitely at this airport and the target group uses Snapchat.

e Experienc e L E V R A THE M


ecome one of the Marvel heroes!


20 | 8. Implementation


Send To

8.3.4 Instagram Instagram is used by the target group (statista, sd). The Instagram advertisements can be seen all over Singapore city using geo-targeting. Stopovers open their Instagram at a place that offers Wi-Fi –like Changi airport, a restaurant, their hotel, etc. The target group sees an advertisement of the Marvel Experience at Madame Tussauds Singapore through their timeline, and people can click on a call to action button to get to the website of Madame Tussauds Singapore. Here, they can buy tickets online with discount. Besides, they can click on the logo and follow the Instagram page. In this way, the target group gets reminded that they were considering a visit to Madame Tussauds. The text for the Instagram post includes a call to action and hashtags. The text that will be shown with the post is: ‘Start your holiday full of action! Visit the NEW Marvel 4D cinema as we bring your favourite Marvel Heroes.’ By promoting this Instagram post, there is instead of the ‘promote’ button a call to action, which says ‘buy your tickets here’ with a direct link to the right website page. The 30 hashtags that will be used are: #Singapore #Madametussauds #Madametussaudssingapore #Marvel #heroes #marvelheroes #Marvel4D #holidays #stopover #MadametussaudsSG #virtualreality #VRglasses #new #family #ironman #captainamerica #spiderman #spidey #marvelexperience #becomeamarvelhero #4Dcinema #singaporecity #exploresingapore #placetovisit




#marvel4d #marvel4dexperience #mtsg

8. Implementation | 21

8.3.5 Facebook This social media channel fits the target group (internetworldstats, sd). Like the Instagram advertisement, the Facebook advertisement can be seen in Singapore city using geo-targeting. The advertisement includes the same picture as used by Instagram, and is in the same comic-style that creates cohesion between the social media channels. The picture for the Facebook post includes a call to action. The text that will be shown with the post is: “Start your holiday full of action! Visit the NEW Marvel 4D cinema as we bring your favourite Marvel Heroes.” By promoting this Facebook post, instead of the ‘promote’ button, a call to action is shown which says, ‘book now’ with a direct link to the right website page. To play the game, the target group needs to login in with their Facebook account and like the Madame Tussauds Facebook page. As a result, it is easier to reach the target group during their holiday with Facebook.

8.3.6 E-mail To play the game, the target group has to login with their

login with their e-mail address. When having someone’s

Facebook account. However, there is also an opportunity

e-mail address, there is an opportunity to send informa-

to login with their e-mail address. This option is for people

tion about the Marvel Experience of Madame Tussauds

who do not have a Facebook account or who prefer to

Singapore via e-mail.

22 | 8. Implementation

8.4 How to advertise on social media

8.4.1 Snapchat

button to ‘book now’. The next step is to make a target

During the research, it was necessary to figure out how

group, click on ‘make new’, country ‘Singapore’, age ‘13 to

snapchat works, so in the appendix there can be seen

45 and gender ‘women and men’. Then, make sure that

with screenshots how it works to make a geo-filter:

you fill in the time and the budget per day, which is S$

Login at, and take into account

20. Lastly, make the payment ready and click on ‘pro-

that it is needed to have a VAT. When logged in, you can

mote message’.

make advertisements and find statistics, like costs, settings and how many times people have swiped up. In

8.5 Pre-testing

the menu box, you can find how to create a geo-filter ad,

To validate if the social media channels are correct and

add your own filter, text, colour, and elements. When the

working for the campaign, there needs to be some test-

geo-filter is finished, you can decide how long (by the

ing first. These tests are not reliable, but this is nice feed-

hour) and where the geo-filter advertisement works. You

back for the design of the advertisements.

can draw your own fence and see how much it costs, but you cannot use more than 50,000 feet for one geo-filter

8.5.1 Five second test


A five second test was also created. The goal was to know if the call to action was visible and attractive. 25

8.4.2 Instagram

people were responsive and had left a comment. These

Within Instagram, you can promote every photo that you

were mostly positive about finding the call to action, and

have posted. Click on the photo that needs a promo-

that is why we decided to keep this design and the loca-

tion, then click on the blue promotion button. You get

tion of the call to action. However, there was an improve-

three options with goals that can be promoted, choose

ment made by adding ‘buy your tickets here’ button. In

for ‘more website visitors’. Then you need to make sure

the appendix, you can find a screenshot of the results.

you have the right URL and action button with ‘Buy your tickets here’. Next step is to make sure you have the right

8.5.2 Preference test

target group; you can change it instead of an automati-

There was a preference test made where two similar ad-

cally one. You can fill in the location ‘Singapore’, the age

vertisements were opposed with a different design. The

‘13 to 45 and the gender ‘women and men’. Click on finish

goal was to find the preferences of our target group and

and chose the budget, each day S$ 20, fill in the pay-

which design is the most attractive. According to the re-

ment data and click on the ‘make promotion’ button. On

sults, 31 out of 38 people preferred advertising 2 with the

the homepage of your Instagram you can find the statis-

blue background. This is worth a success rate of 81.58%.

tic of your promotion.

That is why there is chosen for the blue advertisement design. In the appendix, you can find a screenshot of the

8.4.3 Facebook


To promote a message on Facebook, it is useful to have a business account on Facebook which is linked to the page. You can promote every post you have on Facebook; just go to the post you want to promote and click on the blue button ‘promote message’. The goal you choose is ‘clicks on link’ and change the call to action

8. Implementation | 23

Chapter 9

BUDGET In this chapter, the budget is specified. For the concept, there is an online and an offline campaign. The online campaign includes the social media channels and the offline campaign includes the advertisement in the baggage hall, plus the costs for the Marvel Experience VR. Normally, the staff costs are included in the budget. However, for this budget it was allowed to leave the staff costs out of the budget. The advice for Madame Tussauds Singapore is to have 10% contingency costs of the whole budget.

24 | 9. Budget

9.1.1 Explanation expenses data sheet Snapchat

Virtual Reality installation

Research showed that the costs of a geo-filter is based

Virtual Reality installation is a one-time payment for half

on square feet and the location where the filter needs to

a year. These costs include the VR glasses and installa-

be. During the research, a snapchat geo-filter was made

tion (virtual reality expert, sd).

to determine the costs. It can be found in the appendix. Television screens Instagram and Facebook

There are two television screens, which are on each side

With Instagram and Facebook, a company can decide

of the stand. The televisions will be used for advertise-

for themselves how much money they want to spend on

ment. However, they also will be used to connect the VR

the advertisement. The campaign lasts a half year and

glasses. The television screens are a one-time payment

approximately there will be spend S$ 20 per day for both

(, sd).•

channels. Television standards Square meters reclaim

The televisions will be eye height with the standards,

For the offline campaign, it is necessary to have an area

these costs are a one-time payment (tv vloer standaard

within the baggage hall at Changi Airport for the stand

shop, sd).

and for the VR experience. The research showed that you have to pay the charges to be present at Changi Airport.

Game design

There was no price found, but this was solved by taking

The concept includes a VR game experience; which is

the price of an ad light box from Schiphol Airport Am-

why there is game design costs. After research and con-

sterdam. The light box is in the same place as the stand

tact with a Dutch Game Studio, it was clear that creat-

should be, however the stand is half the size compared

ing a VR game definitely costs at least â‚Ź25.000, so S$

to the light box. Because we are aware that the stand can


provide more inconvenience than the light box, there is chosen to use 60% of the price of the official light box for

Staff costs

the stand in the budget (Schiphol Media).

Normally, the staff costs are included in the budget. However, we have now chosen to leave this out of the

Poster and back wall

budget. The staff costs include building and dismantling

For the stand, there is chosen to make a back wall with a

the stands, checking the stand/VR experience, checking

poster on it. These costs are a one-time payment for half

the social media advertisements, and monitoring social

a year. (textielwand, sd).

media advertisements. Also, the design costs for the advertisements are not included in the budget, and normal-

Floor graphic

ly it would be.

To make the stand more unique, a floor is chosen to have with an image projected on it. These costs are one-time payment for a half year (, sd).

9. Budget | 25

9.2 Expenses

9.3 Revenue

26 | 9. Budget

94 Loss and profit statement

9.5 Conclusion The budget for the assignment is S$ 75.000. The budget

Because we are aware that the budget is too high, we

which is made shows that the campaign is too expensive,

have chosen to show two different options which you

namely because the campaign costs around S$ 113.600.

can see in chapter 10, called ‘alternative concept’.

The biggest costs are the square meters at Changi Airport and the development of the VR Game. When one of those two are left out, the budget is within the allowed amount. The costs at the airport are estimated S$ 47.784. However, this could be different because it is just an estimation. When Madame Tussauds Singapore makes a deal with Changi Airport or the costs turn out to be lower, the budget will be lower too. For the VR game, there is also an option to make a sponsorship with Samsung to develop the VR game and make the campaign happen, this also will make sure that the budget will be lower. 9. Budget | 27


Chapter 10

The budget that is made for this campaign shows that

campaign’. Another option is to extend the target group,

the costs of the campaign are too high for the budget

because the original campaign is valuable for more than

which is given. For that reason, there are two alternative

only Europeans. In this way, the advice is to apply the

options. The first option is an alternative concept, which

campaign to the entire target group of Madame Tus-

fits into the budget of S$75.000. The alternative con-

sauds Singapore.

cepts calls ‘Going from an offline campaign to an online

28 | 10. Alternative concept

10.1 Going from an offline campaign to an online

• People get excited from others when they see some-


one playing the game. When arriving at the baggage

The budget that is made for this campaign shows that

hall at Changi airport, people will be bored for wait

the costs of the campaign are too high for the budget

on their luggage. When you see someone playing the

which is given. For that reason, there is made an alter-

Marvel Experience VR game, a lot of people will want

native concept, which fits into the budget of S$75.000.

to join as well because it looks fun. For example, the

This option is also a good way to make the campaign

game ‘Pokémon Go’ became a huge success because

work even when Changi Airport does not want our

players shared their enthusiasm with each other and in

stand in the baggage hall. The highest costs of the

that way, attracting other players to play the game. This

campaign are the costs to rent a part of the baggage

is the same for every game. You could sit in a horrible

hall at Changi Airport, this, according to our research is

bar, or being bored at the airport and still having fun;

€30.000, which equates to S$47.784. This cost can be

Everything depends on the company you are with,

eliminated when creating an online campaign, instead

and that social dynamic is the same for games (Meeus,

of the offline campaign. This means the concept will be


online which results in an application. People can use their own phones, download the application, and play

10.2 Expend the target group

the game. Creating an application will cost less than

The campaign is valuable for more targets than just

hiring space at the baggage hall at Changi. According

European families and millennials. Everyone who ar-

to our research, creating an application will cost about

rives at Singapore and goes to the baggage hall can

€25.000, which is S$39.820. Beside the application, we

play the Marvel VR Experience. This means that the

would need some Google Virtual reality glasses. The

S$47.784 is employable for more than one target group.

costs for that are also very low, namely S$3,99 (Al-

However, when choosing an offline campaign which is

iExpress). In this way, the budget will fit into the given

valuable for more targets, there needs to be a second

amount of S$ 75.000.

social media campaign for other nationalities. In 2015,

However, there are strong arguments why an offline

15,231,469 visitors came to Singapore. The top 5 inter-

campaign is better according to research:

national visitors are Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Australia,

• People are tired of downloading apps. There is an app

and India. Most of the visitors arrive in the months of

for every need, but there is no need for every app. An

July and August, while 77,7% of those arrive via air. The

app has to be unique and applicable for a big part of

gender of international visitors is nearly the same; With

everyday life in order for a person to download it and

males accounting for 51,5% of the population and 48,5%

retain it. There are now over 1.6 million apps available on

females, so there is no need to focus on a specific gen-

Google Play and 1.5 million on the Apple App Store. On

der. The most important age group are visitors between

average, smartphone users access 27 apps per month

25 and 44, plus most people only stay for a short time.

(Cheok, 2015). When people don’t download the app,

21.8% stay under 1 day, 18.7% stay for just 1 day and 17.1%

the whole campaign would fall apart.

for 2 days. This means most people are in Singapore for a stopover during their trip (Boa, 2016).

10. Alternative concept | 29


After six months of campaigning, Madame Tussauds has the opportunity to implement this campaign for an additional six months. The advice is to evaluate after the first six months, then adjust if necessary and take the campaign for another six months.

11.1 Evaluation tools To know the impact of the marketing communication

tually been achieved. For example, the objective ‘Make

campaign of Madame Tussauds and to know if the

sure the target group, which are families and millennials

effect of the campaign is positive, the communication

(345,140), gets familiar with the new Marvel Experience

tools and objectives must be evaluated.

from Madame Tussauds via the advertisements during their stop-over.’

11.1.1 Surveys To evaluate the campaign, there will be at least one

11.1.2 Social media networks

survey at the beginning and end of the campaign. This

To evaluate the online campaign, it has to be monitored

way, Madame Tussauds can make some adjustments

at least every week. This way, adjustments can be made

when it is necessary. This tool is one of the main meth-

when it is necessary. The social media that will be used

ods that could allow us to see if the objectives have ac-

hold statistics and allow Madame Tussauds Singapore

30 | 11. Evaluation

to see the evolution of the number of people who saw

11.1.4 Mouse tracking

the advertisement plus who clicked on it to have more

To evaluate the website of Madame Tussauds Singa-

information and to buy tickets for Madame Tussauds.

pore, we will need to make sure that it is monitored

Social media networks can also assess whether the

every other week. This way, adjustments can be made

online and offline campaign has been successful thanks

when it is necessary. Using mouse tracking will help to

to photos posted, hashtags, comments, etc… which have

see where people clicked and the number of people

also been indexed and be used to create statistics (Ex.:

who went to the website. This technique is a very good


way to make sure that the target group are able to find information about the Marvel Experience at Madame

11.1.3 Third party sites

Tussauds Singapore.

The evaluation of third party sites is also needed during the beginning and at the end of the campaign on sites

11.1.5 Count the number of tickets

like Google Reviews and TripAdvisor. Here, Madame

To see if the objective is achieved – Which is 5% of our

Tussauds Singapore can see the number of reviews,

target group – visit Madame Tussauds Singapore thanks

opinions, and suggestions. With this evaluation, Mad-

to the marketing communication campaign, it is neces-

ame Tussauds Singapore can evaluate one of the

sary to count the number of tickets. These evaluation

objectives which are, 5% (863) out of the 17,257 visitors

needs to take place at the end of the campaign.

who actually went to Madame Tussauds leave a review at third party sites such as TripAdvisor during their six months of campaigning.

REFERENCES AliExpress. (n.d.). DIY Virtual Realitu Glasses Google. Retrieved from AliExpress: item/DIY-Virtual-Reality-Glasses-Google-Cardboard-Comfortable-Glasses-3D-Glasses-VR-Box-Movie-For-iPhone-6/32792755272.html?src=google&albslr=229984443&isdl=y&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&source=%7Bifdyn:dyn%7D%7Bifpla:pla%7D%7Bifdbm:D Boa, S. T. (2016, October). statistics and market insights. Retrieved from stb: Chamberlin, C. (2015, December 8). guide singapore changi airport. Retrieved from ausbt: https://www.ausbt. Cheok, J. (2015, december 12). getting tired of too many apps. Retrieved from businesstimes: Images of Singapore LIVE. (2017). Retrieved from imagesofsingaporelive: http://www.imagesofsingaporelive. com/ internetworldstats. (n.d.). stats facebook. Retrieved from internetworldstats: http://www.internetworldstats. com/stats4.htm Loo, D. v. (2016, 8 1). de kosten van een app laten maken. Retrieved from App specialisten: https://www. Madame Tussauds. (n.d.). Madame Tussauds Singapore. Retrieved from Madame Tussauds: Madame Tussauds. (n.d.). Madame Tussauds Singapore About Us. Retrieved from Madame Tussauds: https:// Meeus, R. (2016, juli 18). PokĂŠmon Go: zien spelen doet spelen. Retrieved from HLN: games/pokemon-go-zien-spelen-doet-spelen~ac6451a1/ mpa. (n.d.). marina south pier. Retrieved from mpa: national gallery. (n.d.). Visit. Retrieved from national gallery: omnicoreagency. (n.d.). snapchat statistics . Retrieved from omnicoreagency: https://www.omnicoreagency. com/snapchat-statistics/ sbg. (n.d.). Contact. Retrieved from Singapore Botanic Gardens: Schiphol Media. (n.d.). Schiphol Media. Retrieved from Reclaim 2 Giant Lightbox: https://airpitch.schipholmedia. com/public/img/productsheets_next/Reclaim2GiantLightbox_LO_A2_1511.pdf Sentosa. (n.d.). store. Retrieved from sentose: sentosa. (n.d.). store ifly. Retrieved from sentosa:!/ statista. (n.d.). statista. Retrieved from instagram in europe:

32 | References

stidolph. (n.d.). psychologisch effect kleur. (, Producer) Retrieved from stidolph. textielwand. (n.d.). textielwand. Retrieved from expowall: tripadvisor. (n.d.). Attraction Quayside Isle. Retrieved from tripadvisor: tv vloer standaard shop. (n.d.). tv vloer standaard shop. Retrieved from visionmounts tv standaard: https:// virtual reality expert. (n.d.). virtual reality expert. Retrieved from samsung gear: https://www.virtualrealityexpert. nl/product/793893/samsung-gear-vr-4-gear-vr-controller-sm-r325nzvaphn.html?tid=plawrs. (n.d.). visit. Retrieved from wrs: (n.d.). Retrieved from vloerstickers: nl/producten/stickers/vloerstickers (n.d.). Retrieved from samsung:

APPENDIX 13.1 Pains, gains and customer jobs

Pains - Tired of a long flight - Kids are restless - Waiting on the luggage delivery for a long time

Gains - Being in a holiday-mood, time to relax and enjoy - Feeling excited because everything is new - Quality time with the family - Curious about exploring the city and different culture

- Pass by the customs - Stress of being in an unknown city and where to find the hotel

Customer jobs - Looking for the luggage collection point - Find the way to the taxi, bus or walk to the hotel - Hold everybody together - Visit the toilet - Pay attention to the parents

13.2 Snapchat

34 | 13. Appendix

13.3 Pre-testing

13.3.1 Preference test

13.2.2 Five second test

13. Appendix | 35


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