Madame Tussauds Singapore
Fenna - Sanne - Louise - Job - Robin
This report contains research into customer, product, competitors and the target group. The customer is high involved with the product. The cognitive is high as well. The involvement of Madame Tussauds regarding transformation is also high. The company offers an exhibition of three real-life sized Marvel figures and a 4D cinema about Marvel heroes. The benefit of the product is a real-life entertainment experience. The associated value is covering all senses, because visitors will have to use them all to get the best experience. The product is a high standard addition to Madame Tussauds Singapore’s current collection wax figures. Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Gallery, Quayside Isle and Marina South Pier are the most relevant competitors of MT. Images of Singapore LIVE adds value to Madame Tussauds Singapore, because it’s right next to it and combo tickets are optional. Both are located at Sentosa Island, which is easily accessible by car, taxi and public transport. The marketing communication target group contains the most important insights on market segmentation and three different customer journeys. The campaign will be focussing on families and young adults from Europe. The target group consists of people from different life-stages: (young/middle) adults single, (young/middle) adults with no children and family with 1 or more children. Travelling companions are alone, spouse, friends and family. Two purposes of trip stand out, namely holiday and visiting friends/relatives. Looking at the European culture individualism and optimism are important characterises. Despite Europe has a high grate of welfare, they like discounts. Facebook is the most likeable social media form. Following three customer journeys there are twenty-eight different touchpoints which our created customers encounter before they visit Madame Tussauds Singapore. These touchpoints are fundamentals for the campaign and should be used by creating this campaign. TouchPROJECT C21045 ASSESMENT 1
points with the highest importance and relevance are
screens, cookies, store/branch and TripAdvisor.
Summery | 3
INDEX Chapter 1. Introduction
a summery to introduce you
Chapter 3. Marketing communication target group
chapter 2. research into consumer, Product & competition
1.1 Product | Madame Tussauds
2.3 Competitors
1.2 The assignment | Marvel Experience
2.4 Important findings
1.3 Research report | Chapter
3.1 Market segmentation + 3.2 Conclusion
3.3 Customer journey + 3.4 Important findings
2.1 Consumer 2.2 Product
8-9 10-11
4.0 Closing
Index | 5
1.1 Product Madame Tussauds Singapore
In November 2017, the Marvel Experience will be launched by Madame Tussauds Singapore. As the biggest project since its opening, it needs to attract many tourists. The Marvel Experience will consist of a pre-show with three Marvel figures and a 4D
cinema. The reason for the cam-
paign is to inform foreign tourists
ence at Madame Tussauds Singapore and to tell them about the new
that they can have a great experi-
Marvel Experience, so more people will visit Madame Tussauds.
1.3 Research report
The first chapter is the introduction, which describes
nation of the content. The second chapter describes
the product, the reason for the plan and a brief explathe research into consumer, product and competition
1.2 The assignment
conducted. It concludes with an analysis of the most
Marvel Experience
tive elements of the marketing communication plan.
important findings and their consequences for consecuIn the third chapter, you can find the details of the
Therefore, we are going to create a campaign for Madame Tussauds
marketing communication target group for Madame
Singapore to promote the 4D cinema and the new Marvel Experience.
Tussauds Singapore. The chapter concludes with the
In this way, we can attract European and Asian foreign tourists, espe-
most important insights on market segmentation and
cially young adults and families.
customer journeys. The last chapter is a closing chapter.
Introduction | 7
Chapter 2
2.1 Consumer
B (high involvement and high cognitive)
2.1.1 FCB matrix
find information about Madame Tussauds online after
This FCB matrix is made for Madame Tussauds and
which they use the website to find more information
the new Marvel Experience. The matrix shows that the
about Madame Tussauds and the Marvel Experience.
involvement of Madame Tussauds is high and that the
When the customers have enough information, they
cognitive of Madame Tussauds is high as well. However,
make the decision whether they want to go or not.
the Marvel Experience is new, meaning that the involve-
When they have decided to visit Madame Tussauds,
ment has a high cognitive. First the customers try to
they buy a ticket (which is known as the ‘do’ box).
2.1.2 R&P matrix
more likely to visit Madame Tussauds. When they don’t
The involvement f Madame Tussauds regarding trans-
like celebrities, it is less likely for them to visit Madame
formation is high. This can be seen in the matrix placed
Tussauds. Visiting Madame Tussauds has a culture value
above. Madame Tussauds is linked to people’s lifestyles,
for the visitors, which results into a positive experience.
so for instance when people like celebrities they are
2.1.3 Means and chain ladder Features: Madame Tussauds offers true sized heroes,
Values: Madame Tussauds covers all aspects, because
combined with a 4D cinema filled with Marvel figures.
visitors will have to use all their senses to get the best
Benefits: It is a real-life entertainment experience.
This chapter describes the research into consumer, product and competition conducted. It concludes with an analysis of the most important findings and their consequences for consecutive elements of the marketing communication plan.
2.1 Consumer | 9
2.2 Product
2.2.1 History The women behind Madame Tussauds is Marie Gro-
were opened. In May 2007 Madame Tussauds became a
sholtz who married a French soldier called Francois
part of the Merlin Entertainments group, which is one of
Tussaud. After a lot of years of traveling with her oldest
the biggest names in the field of family entertainment.
son Madame Tussauds opened her first Exhibition in
The global count is now up to 12 attractions and Mad-
Baker Street in London in 1835. After she died her two
ame Tussauds is celebrating her 250 years of existence
sons continued the business. Over the years a lot of
(Madame Tussauds, sd).
Product A real-life entertainment experience
new attractions in different cities over the whole world
Website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and a newsletter
Marketing mix
Euro 29,00 online Euro 39,00 offline
Place Singapore, Sentosa Island
2.2.2 Madame Tussauds Singapore Madame Tussauds Singapore opened in 2014. Along-
Something that adds value to Madame Tussauds Sin-
side Madame Tussauds Singapore you have Images
gapore is that Images of Singapore LIVE is right next to
of Singapore LIVE, in here you can discover the col-
it. In this way, they offer extra entertainment. Customers
ourful story of Singapore. You experience yesteryear
can buy tickets which allowing you to go to Madame
in a 45-minute actor-led attraction. The attractions are
Tussauds and to Images of Singapore LIVE. So, in Mad-
located at Sentosa Island which is easily accessible by
ame Tussauds Singapore you do not only visit Madame
car, taxi and public transport. (Images of Singapore
Tussauds, you also get an experience at Images of Sin-
LIVE, 2017)
gapore LIVE and have a boat ride with it.
10 | 2.2 Product
Relevant competitors for Madame Tussauds are popular
Singapore and between which the tourist can choose,
places to visit for a tourist during their time in Singapore.
the competitors or Madame Tussauds Singapore, also
We especially searched for activities that are popular in
called indirect competitors.
2.2.3 Marketing Mix | 11
2.3 Competitors
2.4 Imporant Findings
Relevant competitors for Madame Tussauds are popular
Singapore and between which the tourist can choose,
Madame Tussauds has a global count of 12 attractions
up to date and clear. The online communication needs to
places to visit for a tourist during their time in Singapore.
the competitors or Madame Tussauds Singapore, also
which one of them is located in Singapore. Madame Tus-
be attractive to get people buy a ticket for Madame Tus-
We especially searched for activities that are popular in
called indirect competitors.
sauds Singapore opened in 2014 and they will launch a
sauds Singapore. Something that adds value to Madame
Marvel Experience in November 2017. The Marvel Experi-
Tussauds Singapore is that Images of Singapore LIVE is
ence will consist of a pre-show with three Marvel figures
right next to it. They are located at Sentosa Island, which
and a 4D cinema. Therefor we are going to create a cam-
is easily accessible by car, taxi and public transport. In
paign and did some research about the consumer, the
this way, they offer extra entertainment and offer the
product and the competitors. The involvement of Mad-
customers a combi ticket so they can visit both. This is
ame Tussauds is high and the cognitive of Madame Tus-
important to know for our campaign so we can commu-
sauds is high as well. However, the Marvel Experience is
nicate the unique selling proposition of Madame Tus-
new, meaning that the involvement has a high cognitive.
sauds, which is offering different forms of entertainment.
This means the customers first want to learn something
The most relevant competitors for Madame Tussauds
about Madame Tussauds before they will visit it. They try
are: Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Gallery, Quay-
to find information about it online and when that infor-
side Isle and Marina South Pier. We especially searched
mation fits to them, they will buy a ticket. That is why it is
for activities that are popular in Singapore and between
important for our campaign to make sure the online in-
which the tourist can choose, the competitors or Mad-
formation about Madame Tussauds needs to be correct,
ame Tussauds Singapore.
* It is a restaurant, so it is free to come in, however you
Chapter 3
need to pay for food and beverage. We have chosen to look at price, opening hours and in
The indirect competitors are close to each other when it
which category the activities fit in. First, we choose to
comes to ‘opening hours’. The price range lies, however,
look at price of the activities, because when an activity
more apart. We have searched for activities a visitor can
has a higher price range it is not relevant for a visitor to
do instead of visiting Madame Tussauds, so then it is rel-
visit the activity instead of Madame Tussauds. We also
evant to look at the price range. The competitors with a
looked to the opening hours. Madame Tussauds Singa-
price most closely to Madame Tussauds Singapore are
pore is open every day, however, when a competitor is
Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Gallery, Quayside
not open every day could mean that the visitors have no
Isle and Marina South Pier. So, these competitors are the
choice to decide which activity they want to do instead
most relevant for Madame Tussauds Singapore. Our de-
of Madame Tussauds Singapore. Also, we looked at the
cision for those four competitors is based on what tourist
category for a clear image in difference of the
can do during their time in Singapore.
12 | 2.3 Competitors
Chapter 3
Here you can find the details of the marketing communication target group for Madame Tussauds Singapore. The chapter concludes with the most important insights on market segmentation and customer journeys. DESIGN MGZ 6 | 13
3.1.1 Geographic
The target group are tourists from Europe.
People in Europe have a culture based on individualism, that means personal happiness is very important to
3.1.2 Demographic
them. However, countries in Asia have a culture based
on collectivism, so they are focused on their community
Madame Tussauds offers an experience instead of a
(Geert Hofstede, 2017). As a result, European are more
product. Each life stage can get another experience of
optimistic than countries with a collectivism culture
the attraction. Adults with children get another expe-
rience than adults without children. This makes life-
Lifestyle European
stage a relevant segment to reduce the target group.
In the graphic ‘paid- and free-access attractions and
Based on the research this forms the following relevant
sites visited’ we can see which attractions European
segment: (young/middle) adults single, (young/middle)
tourist visits. The conclusion is that free-access attrac-
adults with no children and family with 1 or more chil-
tions have way higher percentages of European visitors
dren (Boa, 2016).
than paid-access attractions. We can conclude that
Travelling companions
going to Sentosa, where Madame Tussauds is, might
The highest three amounts in the statistics of travelling
be too expensive to go to for European visitors. It can
companions are: alone, spouse and friends. However,
be interesting to promote Sentosa Island with discount
children aged 19 years and below scores also relativity
cards. In this way, European visitors will be more likely to
3.2.1 Conclusion
bigger than the budget they spend on the campaign.
high. Combining those groups together creates the seg-
go have a look there (Boa, 2016).
Based on the research we did we choose for the
That means the segments are big enough to do the
ments: alone, spouse, friends and family (Boa, 2016).
Social media use
following two segments:
campaign for.
Purpose of trip
Facebook is very popular medium in West-Europe, there
1. Families (with children)
The two most common ‘main purposes’ are holiday and
are 232.2 million active Facebook users, which is 19% of
2. Young adults
visit friends/relatives, which is leisure. 72% of the main
all Facebook users (marketingtribune). West-Europe has
purposes of the trip from European are for leisure (Boa,
a score of 63.3% of internet users (emerce).
We are going to focus our campaign on European
Leisure activities
visitors. This because European are the closest to our
Welfare in Europe is reasonable high, as a result of that
own culture and that is why it is easier for us to focus
research we did. We created:
3.1.3 Psychographic
people in Europe have more money to spend on leisure
on them. From the 15,231,469 international visitors in
1. Child
For the campaign, we are going to focus on European
activities, sports or trips. Moreover, the most things that
2015, 1,635,725 of them are European visitors. We made
European people does in their spare time are (offline)
a calculation of the segments to see if the segment is
2. Young adult
tourists. Therefore, we describe the personality and lifestyle of European.
social networking, volunteer work or watching television
big enough to make a campaign for. The calculation
(Verbeek, 2012).
you can find in the appendix. The conclusion is that we
Singapore can get after the campaign is two times
3.2.2 Personas The personas we made are based on the
3. Male person with wife and kids
chose good segments. The profit Madame Tussauds 14 | 3.1 Market Segmentation
3.2 Conclusion Market Segmentation | 15
Chapter 3.3
THE CUSTOMER JOURNEYS For every persona, there is one customer journey with categorized touchpoints.
Juliano is going on a holiday to Australia, he and
so happy. He calls his father to show him. He jumps and
his family have a stopover in Singapore. Juliano is the
screams in every direction.
only son. He will go for one month together with his mom
- TV (Managed touchpoint): At the hotel of Singapore,
and dad. After so much time flying, Juliano will be very
Juliano watches television and sees an advertisement on
tired and want to find an activity that will please him.
the biggest celebrities in Madame Tussauds Singapore.
Juliano loves Marvel. He talks with his parents about the
Juliano cannot wait anymore, he has just seen on tele-
possible activities in Singapore.
vision all his favourite characters. He talks to his parents. He hates to go to see them and the Marvel experience.
Awareness - Word-of-mouth (earned touchpoint): At home, Juliano’s
parents discuss about the different activities to do in Sin-
- Websites and content (Managed touchpoint): At home,
gapore. Juliano listens to the conversation. His parents
Juliano wants to go to the Marvel experience in Singa-
talk about Madame Tussauds and the Marvel experience.
pore. He wants to know everything about the subject.
Juliano loves Marvel, he knows all the heroes and wants
He will see the website, fan page, Marvel videos with all
to go to this experience. He loves so much that he seeks
the heroes, 3D cinema, all the possible experiences about
information on the internet. He is excited and talks to his
parents. - Word-of-mouth (earned touchpoint): Once he got well
informed. The desire to go to see the Marvel experience
- Store/Branch (Managed touchpoint): During a stroll
in Singapore is omnipresent. Juliano really wants to go
in the centre of Singapore, Juliano sees a play store. He
there. He talks to his parents. He tells them everything he
runs into the shop. His parents follow him. There are toys
has seen, read and heard. His parents have never seen
everywhere. His parents decide to buy him a Marvel toy.
- Agent/Broker (Managed touchpoint): Walking through the streets of Singapore. Juliano and his parents arrive
their son so enthusiastic.
At the counter, the parents realize they can buy tickets
in a square. There’s somebody disguised as a Marvel character. We can take pictures with him. Juliano runs to-
- Outdoor (Managed touchpoint): At the Singapore air-
for Madame Tussauds and the Marvel experience. They
wards him to take a picture. When his parents finished taking the picture, the Marvel character gives Juliano a
port, Juliano wants to go to the bathroom. He is excited
decide to buy them.
flyer about Madame Tussauds and the Marvel experience as well as a link to buy tickets online with a coupon
to have arrived. When he washes his hands, he looks into
code. Juliano’s parents buy the tickets that evening.
the mirror and suddenly the mirror changes and Juliano sees his head on the body of a Marvel hero. Juliano is
16 | 3.2 Customer Journey Juliano
3.3 Customer Journey Juliano | 17
Stephano is going to visit relatives in New Zea-
employee sees the brochure of Madame Tussauds in his
land. He has a stopover in Singapore and likes to fill in
hand. She informs him about the new Marvel Experience.
his spare time with leisure activities. He does not prepare
Stephano is glad to know more about it, so he can form
that much, but plans activities at the moment.
an opinion.
- 1. Print (managed touchpoint): Stephano takes a look at
- 6. 2nd party sites (managed touchpoint): In his hotel
the magazine that the flying company offers inside the
room Stephano looks for Madame Tussauds Singapore
plane. There is a page with the highlights of Singaporean
on He finds ratings and reads some re-
attractions and museums. He sees some wax figures of
views. People say Madame Tussauds is expensive relative
Madame Tussauds Singapore and a Marvel themed page.
to the duration of stay. TripAdvisor offers comb tickets
He thinks this could be a good occupation when arriving
with other attractions and hotels. Stephano prefers a
in Singapore, because he wants to fill his spare time. He
longer trip that day, so he looks at the comb tickets. A
feels glad by having this option in his mind.
comb ticket with Images of Singapore Live (18,51 euros),
- 2. Screens (managed touchpoint): Walking on Singa-
a Full-Day Sentosa Island Experience Including Hotel
pore’s airport whether or not aware, Stephano is being
Transfers from Singapore (63,20 euros) and a Singapore
confronted by different screens with promotions of Mad-
Flexi Attractions Pass with Optional Universal Studios
ame Tussauds including the Marvel Experience. He rec-
Singapore Admission (65,12 euros).
ognizes the attraction from the magazine and link those
- 7. Website/other websites (managed touchpoint):
Stephano pays always attention to his expenditures,
- 2. Traffic (managed touchpoint): Walking from airport to
this time he also wants to be sure to make a beneficial
taxi he receives a flash of an advertisement at a passing
purchase. He compares prices of the Madame Tussauds
touring bus. Not consciously knowing that he saw it, he
Singapore website with other ticket providers like Tri-
takes the taxi.
pAdvisor. He noticed a comb ticket with SIL is 10 euros
- 9. Word-of-mouth (earned touchpoint): In the evening
cheaper at TripAdvisor compared to the Madame Tus-
Stephano is skyping with his relatives in New Zealand.
sauds Singapore website. Besides he takes a look at the
He tells them he about Madame Tussauds and the boat
prices of Universal Studios Singapore compared to the
ride. He is looking forward to visiting his family and the
Flex Attractions Pass offered at TripAdvisor.
attraction the other day.
- 8. 2nd party sites (managed touchpoint): Stephano prefers a full-daytrip instead of a one hour visit at Mad-
ame Tussauds. The fact that he likes to see famous peo-
- 4. Print (managed touchpoint): Arriving at his hotel, he
ple of Singapore and surrounding Asian countries, makes
walks by a box full of leisure brochures in and around the
him do not want to miss the wax museum. So, he decides
city. He looks for daytrips and activities to have some op-
to combine it with a stay at Universal Studios. He buys
tions for next day. He also takes the brochure of Madame
a Flex Attraction Pass at TripAdvisor. After paying he re-
Tussauds, because he was already surprised in plane.
- 10. Facebook (earned touchpoint): Before he goes to bed, he scrolled through Madame Tussauds Singapore’s
ceives directly an email from TripAdvisor with the offer
- 5. Word-of-mouth (earned touchpoint):
Facebook page to have another impression of the present wax figures and the Marvel Experience.
and the e-tickets. He checked the filled in data and sees
An employee of the hotel asks if she can help him. Steph-
the logo of Madame Tussauds.
ano explains he is looking for an activity next day. The
18 | 3.2 Customer Journey Stephano
3.3 Customer Journey Stephano | 19
Chris is going on a holiday in Bali, he and his family
cited about it, but does not ignore the option.
have a stopover in Singapore. His kids like Marvel, so he
- 3. 3rd party sites (earned touchpoint): Searching for new
buys them new strip books or joins them during a Mar-
Marvel gadgets for his sons on the internet, Chris ends
vel-movie. At the kitchen table, they have a conversation
up on a fan site: Scrolling down
about their stopover and what to do.
the news page he sees he a promotion of the upcoming Marvel Experiences at Madame Tussauds. He thinks di-
rectly of the button he saw the other day. Looking further
- 2. 1st Word-of-mouth (earned touchpoint): Chris speaks
into the promotion he sees an announcement of the 4D
out the list to his family. They have a little talk about the
cinema at Madame Tussauds Singapore. He got a little
different attractions. Also, Madame Tussauds is being
feeling of joy thinking about the interests of his kids.
discussed. They do not know anything about the Marvel
- 4. Website/cookies (managed touchpoint): He clicks on
Experience yet, because it was not on the tourism site.
the link to the Madame Tussauds Singapore website and
- 5. 2nd Word-of-mouth (earned touchpoint): Chris tells
accepts the cookies. He gets information about the at-
his kids about the Marvel Experience including the 4D
traction and feels agitated by telling it to his sons.
cinema in Singapore. He asks them what they think about it. His kids are very excited and his wife agrees.
- 10. 3rd Word-of-mouth (earned touchpoint): Chris tells
- 7. Website (managed touchpoint): By clicking on the
his colleague about his coming holiday and about the
display, for the second time he is being linked to the
fact that his kids are more excited about Madame Tus-
Madame Tussauds Singapore website. He clicks on the
sauds than about the Bali trip. He sees his colleague is
button ‘buy tickets’ and gets his family tickets.
curious about it, so he shows him a promotion video. - 6. Online display (managed touchpoint): Scrolling
through his Facebook timeline on his laptop a display
- 8. Web self-service (managed touchpoint): Chris notes
of the Marvel Experience pops up. Different displays of
that he can check for offers and promotion, but does not
the Marvel statues, 4D cinema combined with the logo
click on it. After buying the tickets the site says: Thank
of Madame Tussauds Singapore gives him a little impres-
you for your order, the e-tickets are sent by email. You
sion. He thinks about their stopover and decides to click
can also download them here.
on it. Loyalty expansion Consideration
- 9. Email (managed touchpoint): At work, Chris opens
- 1. Search (managed touchpoint): Chris searches for
his mailbox and sees an offer in invoice of Madame Tus-
‘short day trip in Singapore’ on Google. He finally finds
sauds. The tickets are included and there is some extra
a website called: Looking
information about the Marvel Experience in the email. He
through a list of attractions he sees Madame Tussauds
likes the extra information.
Singapore. He has a fast look and saw a button of the
- 11. Loyalty program (managed touchpoint): A few days
attraction. Unfortunately, he does not click on it because
before arrival Chris receives an extra email with informa-
the button did not seem like an attraction especially for
tion to ‘prepare the Marvel Experience’. He thinks that is
children instead of other buttons. The first impression of
nice and looks forward to their holiday.
the attraction does not get him. Chris feels not very ex-
20 | 3.2 Customer Journey Chris
3.4 Important findings Based on the research we did we choose for two segments: families and young adults from Europe. Young adults are defined as age group between 20 – 34 years. Our campaign needs to be interesting for adults and children. Children have a high involve on the opinion of their parents, so we have to make sure our campaign is interesting and clear for them as well. European have a culture based on individualism which means they are optimistic. Even though the welfare in Europe is reasonable high, European visitors visit the free-access attractions way more than the paid-access attractions. Going to Sentosa Island might be less attractive for European because of the price. For our campaign,
3.3 Customer Journey Chris & 3.4 Imporant Findings | 21
it is interesting to promote Madame Tussauds Singapore with a form of discount so European visitors will be more likely to go have a look at Sentosa Island. The discount can be communicated via social media, because our researched showed that Facebook is very popular in Europe. Based on the calculation we did, we saw that there are 1.635.725 European visitors. 12,5% of the visitors are families and 29,7% are young adults. Together that is 42,2% of all European visitors. After the calculation, we can conclude that the segments we have chosen are big enough to do our campaign for. Not every touchpoint has that much impact and relevance then others. The most crucial touchpoints are the following: - Screens (customer journey Stephano): Every European who has a stopover in Singapore walks through the hallways of the airport. This is the perfect place to influence people and attract them to Madame Tussauds. Singapore is a modern city. All new stuff and technologies can be used for campaigning, such as screens or interactive screens. Their waiting time can be more enjoyable by adding interactive screens that also promote Madame Tussauds’ Marvel Experience. Important is the place where the screens will be settled. A perfect place for interactive screens would be at the luggage pick up, because people are waiting on their luggage or the ones of their travel mates. - Cookies/online display (customer journey Chris): Nowadays almost every website uses cookies as one of their marketing strategies. With cookies Madame Tussauds reminds the customer of to visit them. With display-ads customers can be confronted with pictures of the new Marvel Experience. - Store/branch (customer journey Juliano): Play stores are attractive to children. Parents, especially on vacation, can’t handle their kids walking near a play store. Play stores in Singapore sell little Marvel heroes and gadgets. For Singapore tourists, this is a strategic place to campaign the Marvel Experience. Kids who like Marvel see impressions of the 4D cinema in the store and ask their parents to visit. - TripAdvisor (customer journey Stephano): 2nd party sites offer the same tickets of Madame Tussauds, but cheaper. People like discounts, so they will search on the internet for special deals or discounts. TripAdvisor is one of those sites that offer deals. A combo ticket with SIL is 10 euros cheaper than the same combo ticket on Chapter 4
the Madame Tussauds Singapore website. Besides TripAdvisor has a great international awareness, so people of whole Europe look at this website. The relevance for Madame Tussauds Singapore can be promoting the Marvel Experience on this website instead of offering tickets for higher prices on their own.
Closing This report is the fundament of the campaign. Each de-
Due to the findings into marketing communication tar-
cision during campaigning will be based on the findings
get group we know where to be focussing on and what
in this report. The important findings are enumerated in
to have in mind during campaigning. Our target group is
the summary. The Marvel Experience is a high valued
segmented as far as needed and calculations prove the
addition to Madame Tussauds Singapore. Especially the
target group will be beneficial enough as well. Due to
4D cinema is from high standards. Some currents trends
the customer journeys, we know what the target group
are also connected to high standards and can be used
thinks and feels. The report will help us creating a prop-
for campaigning. Research into customer, product and
er campaign for Madame Tussauds Singapore’s newest
competitors gave us inside of the company, what they
Marvel experience.
offer, where they stand for and what their customers like.
22 | 3.4 Important findings
Closing | 23
References Boa, S. T. (2016, October). statistics and market insights. Retrieved from stb: 2015.pdf Emerce. (n.d.). Topscoorder social media. Retrieved from emerce: Geert Hofstede. (2017). switzerland. Retrieved from geert-hofstede: Images of Singapore LIVE. (2017). Retrieved from imagesofsingaporelive: Madame Tussauds. (n.d.). Madame Tussauds Singapore. Retrieved from Madame Tussauds: Madame Tussauds. (n.d.). Madame Tussauds Singapore About Us. Retrieved from Madame Tussauds: marketingtribune. (n.d.). Europa in cijfers social media. Retrieved from marketingtribune: mpa. (n.d.). marina south pier. Retrieved from mpa: national gallery. (n.d.). Visit. Retrieved from national gallery: sbg. (n.d.). Contact. Retrieved from Singapore Botanic Gardens: k2&view=item&layout=item&id=688&Itemid=21 Sentosa. (n.d.). store. Retrieved from sentose: sentosa. (n.d.). store ifly. Retrieved from sentosa:!/ tripadvisor. (n.d.). Attraction Quayside Isle. Retrieved from tripadvisor: Verbeek, A. T.-R. (2012, July 6). Retrieved from wrs. (n.d.). visit. Retrieved from wrs: Zevenhuizen, M. (n.d.). westerlingen zijnoptimistisch. Retrieved from psychologie magazine:
24 | References