haven - Domestic Violence Shelter

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11,500 sq ft / 1,060 sq m domestic violence shelter AMSTERDAM, the NETHERLANDS

“safety through visibility” the domestic violence shelter and resource center, located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, provides a welcoming and accepting space which includes lodging and resources for those affected by intimate partner violence, or IPV, in the immediate area. the space draws inspiration from the Dutch research on domestic violence shelters; that they should be seen and not hidden. the city of Amsterdam prides itself in its “smart mobility”, which includes the infamous canals that snake through the city. incorporating the two “bays” at the end of the curved canals, the shelters community areas on the outskirts of the building mirror these bodies of water. applying this to the research done on the importance of the feeling of freedom, movement and independence of victims, the space hopes to provide security to those staying in the shelter.

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site Fahreinheitstraat 99 1067, SC Amsterdam Netherlands

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Amsterdam cityscape

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designing for domestic violence EMPOWER making one’s own decisions mobility, safety, access to the outdoors, wayfinding, and flexibility are five strategies to empower victims within a domestic violence shelter

SECURE a sense of safety and well-being creating boundaries, ensuring confidentiality, utilizing an abundance of daylight, and incorporating healthy design strategies through materiality ensures a sense of security within victims

RECONNECT community support and reconnection proper community support through outdoor, public, and private gathering spaces allows engagement between those staying at the shelter and outsiders

PARENTING Supervising opportunities for bonding visibile sitelines throughout the shelter enables parents to supervise and encourage activites with children. flexible furniture and outdoor activites encourages multiple uses.

HARMONIZE Minimizing conflicts having a range of rooms and areas for different activites such as sport, play, gathering, group and individual minimizes conflicts. controlling acoustics can also contribute

the opposite “community bay” on the north side of the building contains a teaching kitchen for guests to utilize as well as to host external classes. the built in seating along the windows as well as the movable tables contained in the center of the space enable opportunities of rest and individual work

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