1 minute read

~ Poetry Corner ~

Poetry Child

By antHony CHarles Blake

There was once a child 10 This was no pretend A child would read Poetry To the child, the words and meaning were a mystery

The child started to write his own words Turns out, it became Poetry

Words and sentences popped up into the child’s head



Me mother’s name was Flannery, Worked all day in a cannery, Came home to cook for her man Nothing that came from a can.

A mere threescore year ago, The good sod turned to dust, ‘Taters rotted in the groun’ So too, my friends, we must.

‘Twas threescore year ago, Of mother, Pa was keen, She was the lovin’ kind, alas Upon the village green.

Their lovin’ was so carefree, Threescore year ago, Without benefit of clergy, That I began to grow.

Now, three score year and ten, I’m sayin’ ‘bottoms up!’ Drink to the carefree love they had And have another cup.

Three score year has passed away, My ink has all run out. My youth all but forgotten, Not much to sing about.

A Leprichaun once told me “Drink all your three score years. Never fret or get upset, just Raise your cup to “Cheers!”

So, come along, so come along, Out time is almost up, Three score year is good and gone, Let’s have another cup! When life trials and tribulations

May see to come

You could still Stand the test as you rest In the Lord’s assurance

And hold on to the promise keeper’s word He will flourish you In the court of In presence and You will be righteous Planted in the house of the Lord Like a tree in cedar in Lebanon.

Encourage yourself

And never settle for defeat Keep positive dreams alive! Let your feet stand Complete in the Hope A steadfast to Hope Unmovable bless place Of the Blessed!!!

Dream your Dreams

And keep them alive and thrive For if you are waiting on the Sovereign


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