3 minute read

SynoPSiS oF cooPeraTor’S SeSSion

Response: The Board is in the process of reviewing the procedures regarding the community room rules and regulations and we are also in the process of reviewing the rooms so that we can bring up at least one room by April 1, 2023, so until we have the room brought up and we agree on the Board policy, hopefully able to vote on that in March, we will not be renting out any rooms.

Question: I received a notification, last week, Thursday, regarding the gas inspection that was supposed to take place on Friday, in Building 16, the B section. Now no one showed up, no additional amendments were sent out. I called and no one knew what I was talking about. Can you explain that?

Response: An inspection was done of Building 16, A Section, B apartment line. There was a gas leak in the month of December. It was repaired and National Grid approved the repair, but the Building – the Department of Buildings must check all jobs that they pulled a permit for and the reason for their inspection was to verify that it was done properly.

Question: Since the work was done on the community rooms, doesn’t the

Fire Department have to come back and put those signs up showing the quantity of people allowed and also the fire extinguishers and whatever has to be done, sprinklers, I don’t know, whatever the building codes are at this point with the total renovation of the community rooms? I do know that we need to have the Fire Department put those signs back up in the room before you can even open them.

Response: Yes. It is called the public assembly. That is the signage that you are talking about? I spoke to the architect about this. We are grandfathered in with regard to that, however we are still taking steps to have those rooms reassessed to update those numbers, so the rooms can be opened according to our architectural firm, Robert J. Stahl, so that we don’t have a problem there. With regard to the other part of your question, the FDNY does have to check our fire alarms so we are just making sure that our fire alarm system is up to date there and that is the last step before opening the room.

Will respond to online questions in the Q & A given the timing, the Cooperators Sessions ended at 7:30pm.

rochdale Village Board oF direcTorS MeeTing resolutions - FeBruary 27, 2023


Moved by: Stacey Francis

Seconded by: Keysha Beasley

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors hosts committee meetings to foster civic engagement through informational meetings, cultural programs and activities, and community events.

WHEREAS, funds are needed to cover expenses for the myriad of events and programs throughout the year.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the committee budgets submitted for the following are approved and the monies will be taken from the operating expense account;


Letisha Azizah

Nadine Browne

Jean Hall

Khedda Hayden-Ryan

Maryam Hubbard

Kamal Saleem

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Sheila McKenzie

Eleven for, four absent: motion passes.

Keysha Beasley

Stacey Francis

Gary Hawkins

Althea Hicks

Jean Randolph-Castro

Edward Douglass

Derrick Shareef


Moved by: Maryam Hubbard

Seconded by: Khedda Hayden-Ryan

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors wishes to recognize the diversity within our community;

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors embraces transparency and fairness for all of our shareholders;

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors adopts the attached procedures for new groups and organizations.

Objective: In accordance with the Rochdale Principles of Cooperative Living the formation of new groups and organizations should be available without artificial restriction or any social, political, gender, racial or religious discrimination, to all Rochdale residents who can make use of services provided by Rochdale Village, Inc. and are willing to accept Rochdale’s established policy and guidelines. Any new group or organization is required to submit to the Board of Directors the following;

1. Statement of reason for group or organization.

2. Defining if the organization will be political or non-political.

3. The principles and/or purpose of said organization or group.

4. The names and addresses of the principals of the group or organization (they must be Rochdale residents) which repre sents .4% of the annual budget.

Political Groups are defined as groups formed by Rochdale residents that exist in part or in whole with the intention or running candidates for the Board of Directors, under their organizational or group name. Political groups have access to building community rooms to hold their meetings without charge. The notification of meetings, activities and events can be posted on the regular bulletin boards and digital bulletin boards. Advertisement in the weekly information

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