1 minute read

NORC Brings The Celebration to 99 Year Old Cooperator

By olayeMi okeniyi

OnFriday, February 3, 2023, several people from Rochdale’s NORC made their way to the residence of one Mary Ford bringing gifts, decorations, and a cake! Born on February 3, 1924, in the Caribbean Island before moving to the United States in her 20s, Ford is currently a home- bound resident of Rochdale Village and NORC was there to celebrate her 99th Birthday. Ford is a long-time resident of Rochdale Village; in fact, she was among the first set of people to take up residence at its 1960s inception.

Ford is still energetic, loves to cook and has a great positive attitude. When asked, she readily admits that she hand- picked her apartment because of the view overlooking parts of Jamaica. She says the day Rochdale staff showed her the apartment, she immediately fell in love due to the beautiful floor view from her window and decided to make it her home. Ford looks forward to celebrating many more years at her Rochdale apartment, starting with to her 100th birthday.

“It was truly an honor to have witnessed this momentous milestone,” said NORC Director Phara Carolei. NORC is a program designed to support the elderly in their place of residence by providing a range of on-site health and support services. To contact the NORC office dial 718-525-2800 extension 2.

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