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Media & iT coMMiTTee
Date: March 17, 2023
Location: Zoom & Rochdale
Village Community Center (Rooms 11/12)
The committee reviewed a sample video which contained QR codes to Roch- dale’s Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. The slides will be forwarded to committee members to test the QR codes which will redirect them to Rochdale’s social media profiles using their smartphones or tablets.
This video sample will be presented to the entire board at the March 2023 board meeting. In addition, a revamp of the buildings’ electronic bulletin boards & monthly bulletin be presented for discussion.
Next Meeting: April 20th, 2023 7pm We invite new members to join the committee.
DATE: March 9, 2023
TIME: 7:00PM
LOCATION: RM 11, 12 &13
• The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm
PuBlic SaFeTy coMMiTTee
The NCO officer Easton give out flyers and announce that their first quarterly meeting would be held in Rockdale Community center on March 16, @ 7pm.
1. Reinstating hall patrol – we need to reinstate hall patrol in each building.
Some of the incentives will be : a. Radios for communication partments of 113th precinct. The meeting was turn over to our invited guest:
RV Public Safety Chief Osback spoke on: a. Actions being taken to address problems in building 1. b. Actions being taken to address problems and building 15. c. Parking issues in Mall #1
After Chief Osback give his update. The 113pct officers were ask in to introduce themselves to the committee
Easton and Police Officer Joseph Olivero. Each person gave a brief description of their duties. Inspector Ray Jenkins spoke of the some changes he brought/ brining to the precinct follow by Q & A session. 8:20pm the meeting was adjourned.
National night out will be held on August 1. 2023
CHAIRPERSON: Khedda Hayden-Ryan
Approval of minutes
1. Update on community activities.
2. Planning events for 2023 b. Jackets for identification c. Training and certification in CPR d. Ring Door bell
At this meeting the committee members had the opportunity to meet and speak with Chief of public safety and all de-
The meeting was attended by many of the high ranking officers of the 113th Pct. Captain Karathanasis who is newly assigned to the pct., Capitan Meyers along with the Rochdale’s appointed NCO (neighborhood coordination officers) officers Police Officer Anthony
Thursday, April , 2023, at 7:00pm location TBD
Meeting ended at (Time) 8:20PM Attendance: 34 SHAREHOLDERS
Minutes submitted By Khedda Hayden-Ryan Chairperson