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Controller’s Report - by William Young Profit and Loss Financial Statement Narrative

For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023(FISCAL 2023)

Rochdale Village Inc. PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT FY 2022 and FY 2023 vs. Budget

For tHe eleven (11) montHS ended February 28, 2023, Controllable inCome beFore intereSt, depreCiation, amortization, and inCome taxeS deCreaSed $(2,708,000) to $5,013,000 aS Compared to $7,721,000 in tHe budget below you will Find an explanation oF tHe aCCountS witH SigniFiCant CHangeS vS tHe budget:

Controllable Income is defined as income less variable expenses that can be managed by the Company (“A measure of Operation efficiency of the Company). It is commonly known as EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes and Depreciation and Amortization).

Operating Revenue and Expense variances are explained below:


Total revenue - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Total revenue increased $1,143,000 to $77,197,000 as compared to $76,053,000 in the Budget. The increase Total Revenue was related to the following accounts within the Total Revenue category:

Apartment revenue - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Apartment revenue increased $749,000 to $67,585,000 as compared to $66,836,000 in the Budget. The increase of $749,000 was related to the impact of the 3.76% carrying charge increase February 1, 2023 and an increase in surcharge rent.

Other Rental Revenue - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Other Rental Revenue increased $280,000 to $1,947,000 as compared to $1,666,000 in the budget. This increase is principally due to the increase in monthly parking charges in August 2021 from $39.50 to $45.00 and no such increases were anticipated in the Budget.


Total expenses - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, total expenses increased $3,852,000 to $72,184,000 as compared to $68,331,000 in the Budget. This increase is explained in the following expense categories:

Administrative - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28,

2023, Administrative expenses increased $637,000 to $5,575,000 as compared to $4,938,000 in the Budget. This increase is principally due to (1) Account 505.30 Commercial Leasing Fee – an increase of $92,315 related to 6% fee for each lease renewal or new lease which is paid to management (2) an increase of $210,000 in collection costs related to the courts opening up (3) an increase of $237,000 in administrative office expenses related to inflation impacting purchases of office expense and other related costs which was not Budgeted for.

Maintenance and operating costs - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Maintenance and Operating costs increased $3,550,000 to $14,204,000 as com- pared to $10,654,000 in the Budget. This increase is due to the following expense categories:

Contracted Services - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, these accounts increased approximately $3,172,000 to $8,484,000 as compared to $5,312,000 in the Budget. This increase is principally due to the increase in Apartment Repairs (account 620.50). This increase is related to: (1) the cost impact of supply shortages (2) an increase in requests for floor tile replacements in FY 2023 which is related to the impact of covid delaying work in the prior year (3) the impact on expenses due to the significant increase in Inflation.

Public Safety - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Public Safety costs decreased $(1,404,000) to $4,675,000 as compared to $6,079,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the Budget reflecting a full staff.

1. Guard Salaries - The Budget reflected 100 Guards at full staff and we have 78 actual Guards with 22 vacant positions.

Power Plant - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Total Power Plant expenses increased $1,465,000 to $17,052,000 as compared to $15,586,000 in the Budget. There were both positive and (negative) fluctuations in the expense categories which are explained below:


- (Fuel Oil, Fuel Gas & FuelOil - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Fuel increased approximately $391,000 to $435,000 as compared to $44,000 in the Budget. This increase is due to the additional fuel-oil costs related to the installation of a new aerator in FY 2023 which required running the oil fueled generators.

2. Fuel, Heating and gasFor the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Fuel expenses increased $183,000 to $6,396,000 as compared to $6,213,000 in the Budget. The reason for this increase is related to increased usage: offset, in-part, by lower costs related to National Grid and Engie (our Natural Gas supplier) as describe below:

(1) National Grid - The favorable impact of the Change in our Service Rate Classification from a SC4AHigh Load Factor Service ($0.2640 per Therm) to a SC21 – Baseload Distributed Generation Sales Service classification ($0.0327 per Therm) from National Grid that management was able to obtain through a 3rd party Energy broker. This rate classification change has reduced our National Grid bills from over $300,000 a Month to approximately $120,000 a Month. If usage remained constant, the savings would be over $2,000,000 a year!! The savings would be offset by any increase in usage.

(2) Natural Gas Prices (Engie) –In September 2020, when the Natural Gas market was at a 25-year low, Management executed a 5.5 year forward contract at $0.392 per Therm (a measurement of natural gas purchases). This locked in the price of Gas prices for 5.5 years. This means that Rochdale Village Inc. is protected from Natural gas price fluctuations till March 2026.

2. Water & Sewer - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Water and Sewer expenses increased approximately $1,193,000 to $5,619,000 as compared to $4,425,000 in the Budget. This increase is due to the Budget projecting savings from the water conservation project being delayed due to COVID. Further analysis indicates that the savings are not as beneficial as anticipated in the Budget. In addition, more residents continue working from home which results in an increase in water usage.

Insurance Expense - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Insurance expenses increased $1,143,000 to $7,464,000 as compared to $6,321,000 in the Budget. The increase is due to the 2021 and 2022 insurance policies renewals. In the renewal, the most significant policy increase was the General Liability including umbrella. During discussions with our insurance broker, he explained that there have been significant industrywide increases in insurance costs related to COVID and our claims experience is negatively impacting on our costs.

Employee Benefits - For the Eleven (11) Months Ended February 28, 2023, Employee Benefits expense decreased $(1,092,000) to $7,854,000 as compared to $8,946,000 in the Budget. The decrease is related to (1) a decrease of $(528,000) in Local 32 BJ benefits due to the contract reducing the 32BJ benefits to offset the impact of the one-time $3,000 bonus payment to 32BJ employees (2) A decrease in SSOBA benefits due to the vacancies as compared to the Budget at Full Staff.

1. Reserve Funds (Wells Fargo and HCR) - The reserve and escrow balances were $30,682,000 as of February 28, 2022.

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2020, 2021 FY 2022 and FY 2023

- by William Young

Easter Specatular

By antHony CHarleS blake

Holy one Death with a surprise

The outcome with a rise

The sun shining hope

The smell of Spring

Flowers of beauty

Colorful eggs

Jelly Beans jumping

Egg Hunts

Picture taking moments

Easter garments

Don’t forget the Bonnet

Strike a pose in parade fashion

Duracell Bunny who is energized

Going Going Going Easterized

Easter surrounding the Spiritual Host master

Deserves praise

Enriched in Earthly spirits

Excellence in merits

Easter bound

Holy sounds

Easter view

Faith to pursue

Praying always due

Easter time

All events combined

Happy Easter

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