Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper April 2017 Edition

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Vol. 53 No. 04

April 2017


Spectrum Cable presents Bulk Deal to Rochdale Board

Directors permit Spectrum to present survey to Rochdale residents Page 3

Rochdale’s massive boiler arrives in time for Earth Day Page 4 Youth Planning Committee hosts Mega Easter Basket Giveaway for RV Families Page 12 Photo credit: Al Ephraim

President’s Message - Pg. 2 | General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4


Happenings Around Rochdale - Pg. 13


Resolutions Pgs. 17 to 20

Page 2 ROCHDALE VILLAGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Mario Turner Jean Hall Tim Mercer Treasurer Lisa Stark Assistant Treasurer Maryam Hubbard Secretary Joyce Williams


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Clifton Stanley Diaz Stacey Francis Jean Hall Maryam Hubbard Tracey Irvin Tim Mercer Earl Roberts Kamal Saleem Derrick Shareef Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Mario Turner Joyce Williams Gary Casimir (State Representative) COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Tim Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Maryam Hubbard Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Tracey Irvin Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent

Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc.

General Manager Marion Scott

Assistant Managers

Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI


William Young

Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones

Public Safety Chief Victoria Pearson

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2017

President’s Message

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators, While we are experiencing a few unfortunate mishaps in our community, Rochdale Village is still one of the greatest places to live in Queens. We have the most beautiful campus and so many amenities to enjoy during this summer. We are simply blessed. Enjoy your home. The Board and management will be working hard in the future to avoid any more unfortunate mishaps and we will continue to ensure your safety. Moving forward, destructive board meetings will not be allowed under any circumstances. There will be zero tolerance. While these behaviors have escalated in getting out of control to such a high level, we will ensure all cooperators that your community is a safe environment and you deserve the right to enjoy it. We are working diligently to avoid these things from ever happening again.

pleased to announce that there is no foreseeable carrying charge increase during that time! This is major as there are so many improvements being made and new amenities being added to our campus without an increase is great news.

Our Safety First

While there are many terrific things going on in our community, unfortunately I have to report that some of our residents fell victim to robbery. It saddens me to hear about these occurrences taking place and that our fellow cooperators experienced these heartless acts. One suspect has already been arrested. Public Safety is working diligently with the 113th precinct to apprehend the other suspects. If you see something, say something. In addition to that, as we repave our parking lots, we have been and are installing the underground wiring necessary to add cameras and enhance our surveillance system. The Balanced Budget, No safety of our residents is of Increase the utmost importance. There are so many things happening through- New Boiler out the development that The first of four (4) I am excited to share with new boilers has arrived! We you. As you know, every are getting much-needed two years we must prepare upgrades in our Power a two-year budget for Ro- Plant. By getting brand chdale that is submitted to new boilers, our plant will HCR for review. The Board be much more energy efhas reviewed and approved ficient. This will produce the budget for fiscal years huge savings for the cor2018 and 2019 and I am poration in energy savings.

Jean Randolph-Castro

We are also set to receive a rebate from National Grid in the amount of $1,300,000 upon completion.

More Possibilities

In addition to the arrival of our new boiler, we are looking forward to providing more services for our cooperators. We are currently in negotiations with Spectrum for a bulk deal to provide TV and up to 300 mbps of internet service starting at $37.00 per month. We know that many of our residents are on fixed incomes so this would be a huge savings for our cable needs. There is also the possibility that our current storage space provider Bargold, is expanding and adding more storage units in our buildings to accommodate the growing need. I believe that while these proposals may seem insignificant that it would greatly improve our quality of life. Peace and Love to all.

Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco

Human Resource Director Dolores Benner

General Counsel

William R. Greenspan

The next Rochdale Village Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for 7:45 p.m. Monday, May 22, 2017 in the Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom

April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 3

RV board permits Spectrum to present bulk rate survey to residents By Susan Van Brackle


• 125 television channels • up to 300 mbps of premium internet speed

pectrum cable has presented Rochdale • 1 converter box Village with a proposal for a bulk service agreement. • Spectrum will feed service to digital bulletin boards Their bulk sale proposal went in the lobbies that producto a committee of the board es consistent messaging of directors. The committee throughout the cooperamembers decided that the tive and removes cluttered only way to consider such showcases. an agreement is to determine • 2 dedicated channels that cooperator interest with a cooperators may watch survey. from their homes of the laundry room and entrance The Proposed Agreement door, which is extremely If plans move forward, advantageous from a public every apartment in Rochdale standpoint. Village for the next 6 years • A generous up front signing would receive a special rate for bonus to Rochdale Village, television and Internet services Inc. that will help to offset through the proposed bulk rate future carrying charge exsale from Spectrum. Their penses. offering includes the following • A dedicated Spectrum hotfeatures:

line available 24/7 for Ro- coverage is generally associated chdale customers. with 300 mbps while 100 mbps is the average threshold Optional Service Amenities for internet service amongst As always, residents most providers. The premium may purchase individual coverage of 300 mbps allows service packages to round out Rochdale households quicker the current bulk sale offering upload and download speeds from Spectrum such as: of popular content, gaming and more. • A Silver Package of expanded channels - $20.00 Next Steps In the coming weeks, • Any additional converter boxes (1 is already pro- residents will receive a survey vided) - $4.99 online and/or in print that will gauge cooperator’ desire • Spectrum Voice (phone to move forward with the service for residents looking to switch from proposed bulk sales agreement their current providers) - from Spectrum. Proceeding to the next step with Spectrum $20.00 will depend largely upon sign Most notable about up from each household at the Spectrum’s offering is the cooperative. Further details possibility of having up to will follow in upcoming 300 mbps of internet service communications from the in the bulk package. Premium Rochdale Village Bulletin.

Group managers accepting orders for Rochdale’s new affordable kitchen cabinets two wood tones are now being offered along with and double door features. The order also or many people, springtime includes: brings to mind thoughts of sprucing up ones’ home. • Choice of Cherry Wood or That’s why now is as good a Antique Ivory finish time as any to place an order • 100% Plywood material with Group Managers for one of • Quartz Countertop the new kitchens being offered • Stainless Steel Sink here at Rochdale Village. The • Brushed Stainless Steel new kitchen offering was first Gooseneck Retractable Spray introduced to the community in Head Faucet the August 2016 Bulletin. Since • Brushed Nickel Drawer Pulls that time, input from the Board • 4-Double door cabinet of Directors and feedback from closures residents has contributed to what • 2-Door Pantry cabinet is believed to be an exceptional bargain for the money being How to Order spent. Orders must be paid in full at the Management Office Kitchen Features Cashier’s window before Initially, Rochdale’s new group managers can finalize kitchen cabinet design extended the reservation for cabinet counter space by removing installation. Cabinet delivery the broom closet. By popular is up to 4 weeks from receipt demand, the broom closet was of the final payment. The price returned to the cabinet layout and range depending on the size of By Susan Van Brackle


Cooperators have a choice of Cherrywood or Antique Ivory finish along with a host of other features for this affordable kitchen cabinet offering.

the kitchen cabinet is $2,300.00 to $3,040.00 (which includes the cost of assembly.) Add $50.00 to the range if customers decide to have the door pulls shown above. Benefits of Rochdale Kitchen Installation Cooperators that install the Rochdale Village approved kitchen cabinets will benefit by reducing outgoing restoration charges when they move. Furthermore, Rochdale’s

plumbers are authorized to service the equipment vs. equipment that is selected and installed by cooperators from outside equipment suppliers. Place your order today Visit the Community Center to see the new kitchens if you haven’t already done so. Then, arrange an appointment with your Group Manager to have the cabinets measured for installation of this fabulous new kitchen.

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April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

by Marion Marion Scott Scott -- by

General Manager’s Monthly Report for March 2017

Balanced Budget No Rent Increase In the April the Board voted on a balanced budget for Rochdale Village for the fiscal years of 2018/2019 with no increase. During the budgeting process a stringent examination of every line item occurs in conjunction with the Director of that department respectively. Every piece of equipment’s cost is weighed against its anticipated useful life and potential benefit for Rochdale. New mowers capable of turning grass clippings into mulch cost us now but save on the back end. In the summer and fall we save thousands of dollars’ worth in garbage bags once used for the disposal of clippings and leaves. Rebuilt turbines and new boilers reduce fuel usage augmenting our energy consumption. These two examples are projected through the analysis of historical costs versus the anticipated savings new equipment brings. The more difficult calculation but very tangible savings of both examples is in man hours saved. After we have exhausted that process a final draft was brought to the Budget and Finance Committee meeting for review with the committee members.

Rochdale’s mammoth boiler that was recently installed in the community’s power plant on Bedell Street.

It was then reviewed by Safety and MTA police. the Board before being There are two perps from an unrelated incident brought for a vote. that are currently at large our security Rochdale Assists NYPD however cameras produced clear in Arrest Home Security is images that the police one of the most pervasive are using to pursue the Safety is of problems facing society criminals. today. In our case “home” utmost concern to us and extends beyond the we will continue to work at preverbal front yard and keeping Rochdale safe for picket fence. For us a our residents. New tools secured home spans 120 coming soon to our Public acres including 2 malls, Safety department include 20 buildings and a stand- new bullet proof vests, alone power plant. With access to view camera’s that being said we have while in the booth, a new great news, the perp who training curriculum and committed the robberies additional cameras to be on Bedell Street, Lot 8 placed in parking lots. and the LIRR has been apprehended by the 113th New Boiler Arrives The 1st of 4 new Precinct with the aid of Rochdale Village Public high pressure boilers has

arrived at our power plant. This serves a benchmark that Rochdale has wanted to achieve for many years. Prevalent issues such as independency from the electrical Grid plus past technological and financial limitations have made this a challenging proposition. That has been overcome due to some “out of the box” thinking that has led to positioning the 1st boiler outside of the power plant. This unique phasing solution alleviates the need for rental backup power equipment during the upgrade that would have cost Rochdale an exorbitant 14 million dollars. The remaining 3 boilers will be custom built inside the power plant. This will avoid other expenses such as the removal of the roof or wall that would occur if we had a fully built boiler shipped here. We were also able to secure a sizable grant from National Grid upon completion of the project they will pay a little over a million dollars to Rochdale Village as part of their energy saving initiative. Once all of the boilers are fully running we project a savings in gas usage of 1.8 million dollars a year based on current usage numbers and the new boilers’ specifications.

COOPERATORS! Please do not deposit bulk garbage in the building’s service hallway after 3:30 PM Thank you.

April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 5

Controller’s Report - by William Young Community Center Profit & Loss Statement year-to-date

Consolidated Profit & Loss Statement as of

February 2017

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April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village, Inc. Balance Sheet FY 2016 and FY 2017

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity 2016

Description of Account


Base Rent Vacancy Rent Commercial Surcharges Late Charges Dispossess Restoration & All OtherCharges Tenant Subsidies Allowance for Bad Debt

1,923,137 325,186 201,891 643,394 106,122 106,387 1,276,436 144,522 (3,830,868)

1,908,244 321,033 233,911 647,220 94,774 104,058 1,230,196 164,806 (3,888,868)

1,908,167 322,574 229,536 644,447 100,781 102,863 1,238,632 239,262 (3,946,868)




Gross Receivables



Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging 2016

April 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Victoria Pearson

Public Safety Monthly Report March 2017 Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of March 2017. Public Safety maintains twenty-four hour coverage.


LOITERING: During the month of March 2017, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering conditions. As a result, Public Safety officers responded to total of (36) complaints of loitering which were resolved as follows:



Conditions corrected – Seventeen (17) loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave.



Unfounded – Eighteen (18) unfounded loitering complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present).


Responded – Seventeen (17) loiterers found and/or loiterers were advised of RV’s rules and regulations.


Violations issued – One (1) violation for loitering were issued.


Non-compliant of directives to leave – Zero (0)

CRIMINAL MISCHIEF/AUTO: 0 EVICTION(S): 5 * Special Verticals are performed by the Supervisors

There were (06) arrests for the month of March 2017.


The Rochdale Village Public Safety Department will continue to organize to better serve the community. DVR UNIT ACTIVITY RISK MANAGEMENT INCIDENTS 13 INVESTIGATIVE INCIDENTS 25 (including fire incident) VIOLATIONS ISSUED 00 ARREST INCIDENTS 06 TOTAL INCIDENTS


TOWED VEHICLES The Public Safety Department towed Eighteen (18) vehicles during the month of March for violation of parking rules on the complex. *SPECIAL VERTICAL PATROL BY ROCHDALE PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours to curtail unlawful activities and have been positively reinforced. VERTICALS: 1731 SPECIAL VERTICALS: 32 TOTAL: 1763 TOWING: WARNING ISSUED: TOTAL:

18 02 20



1 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 109 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25

Listed are the classifications of Notice of Violations issued: CLASSIFICATION AMOUNT Illegal Move out 3 Illegal Move in 1 2 Illegal Move out Negligence 4 1 Illegal Move in Harboring a Pet 2 5 Negligence Harboring Loud Noisea Pet 5 5 Loud Noise Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language 1 6 Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering 3 1 Loitering Illegal Sublet 5 0 Illegal Sublet Damage to Rochdale Property 2 0 Damage to Rochdale Property 4 Littering Littering 0 Failure to Comply 4 Failure to Comply 2 Reckless 2 3 RecklessEndangerment Endangerment Illegal Occupant 1 1 Illegal Occupant Dispute 0 0 Dispute Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance 0 0 Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal 2 2 CriminalActivities Activities Fire 2 3 FireHazard Hazard Urinating UrinatingininPublic Public 0 Disturbing Disturbingthe thePeace Peace 1 GasLeak Leak 0 Gas Trespass 0 Trespass Odor Odor 2 1 Harassment Harassment 1 Total




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April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Pius Kwarteng-Danquah

Contract Summary/Status — March 2017 LOCAL LAW 11, CYCLE 6, 7 & 8 BUILDING FAÇADE REPAIRS: Building Numbers 2, 4, 7, 9, 17-20 completed end of December, 2016. SHOPPING CENTER: 1. Project Schedule: Construction Start, October, 2016; Completion – September, 2017.

4. Phase 3 - Hallway renovation started 1st February. Estimated completion, end of September.

Project to start mid-May, 2017. PARKING LOT #6: Project completed end of December, 2016.

COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION: 1. Community Center Interior Work: Phases 1 & 2 completed end of October, 2016. Phase 3 is in progress. Men and women restrooms and senior center started on 3/13/17. Work still progress.

ROOF LEAK RENOVATION: 1. Building 7A, Apt. 13E (Completed in February, 2017) 2. Community Center – Room 18 (Completed in February, 2017) 2. Contract Amount: $1,760,000. 3. Community Center – 2. Project Schedule: Construction began in Club Lounge & Ladies Restroom Bathrooms are scheduled to be completed in the April of 2016 with completion, September 2017. (Completed in March, 2017) following phases: 4. Big Mall Entry Canopy Roof 3. Contract Amount: $1,765,000. (In Progress) 1. Phase 1 - Men’s bathroom completed 5. Building 2C, Apt 13C mid-March, 2017. COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF: (In progress) Work on parapet wall completed end of October, 6. Building 4C, Hallway 2. Phase 1 - ADA bathroom renovation will 2016. (In Progress) be completed end of May, 2017. 7. Advantage Care SMALL MALL ROOF: (Pending) 3. Phase 2 - Women’s bathroom will be com Project completed end of November, 2016. pleted end of May, 2017. ASBESTOS RECORDS (Reorganizing Files): PARKING LOT #3: Project to be completed by end of May, 2017.

RV suggests tub reglazing as alternative to Bath Fitter tub inserts By Susan Van Brackle


ath Fitter® tub liners are widely advertised on television and in local malls. An installer places a new molded plastic layer over an existing tub surface thus giving any bathroom an instant facelift. At face value, the Bath Fitter® “system” is a quick and easy way to upgrade the look of a home however; there are factors that should be considered before moving towards this solution.

since it is not part of the origi- to brightening up dull, sallow nal apartment equipment. bathtubs. Why not arrange to have the tub reglazed? Restorations can 2) Experience has shown that the schedule the appointment for you tight grip of the adhesive used to meet with an authorized vendor to apply the Bath Fitter syspartner. Once an assessment is tem damages the tub’s surface when removed. Ultimately, made, a mutually beneficial date full removal and replacement will be arranged for a time when of the original tub is required. the work can be performed. The benefits of reglazing though 3) The Cooperator will be re- Rochdale Restorations includes sponsible for the cost of dam- cost efficiency, use of a sanctioned ages that are incurred during Rochdale vendor, little risk of removal and replacement of damage to the tub that would the tub. expose the cooperator to escalated restoration fees upon move out. More Cost efffective Solution

tips for the care and maintenance of the resurfaced tub and is glad to share their expertise. • A removable tub mat with NO suction cups is recommended. Suction cups can damage the resurfaced finish. • Abrasive cleaning agents like Ajax, Comet, scouring pads or scrub brushes should also be avoided. • Instead use products like Soft Scrub, a mild soap or non-abrasive sponges to extend the life of the reglazed tub.

The Rochdale Village Helpful Hints for Care of Tub 1) Upon move out from RochContact your area’s Group dale, residents are required to Restorations Department has Rochdale’s knowledgeable Manager about the cost for tub remove the molded tub layer a more cost effective solution Restoration team even provides reglazing services.

Group Manager Numbers at RV

For all maintenance requests and repairs, please note the following group numbers and contacts for your convenience. Call (718) 276-5610 and dial the following extension for your circle:

Group 1: ext. 402 and 403, ring bell #304 in Bldg. 2 Group 2: ext. 405 and 406, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 5 Group 3: ext. 410 and 411, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 10 Group 4: ext. 413 and 414, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 13 Group 5: ext. 417 and 418, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 17

April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Senior Center Events - May 2017

Rochdale Village Maintenance Notice



A mass clean out will be conducted in May 2017 to control pests and vermin. The service will be performed during the same time that the air conditioning filters are changed for the warm weather season. Cooperators will receive prior notice so that they may plan their schedules accordingly. The service can be performed expeditiously if residents schedule time to be available. Cooperators that did not receive the multiple apartment upgrades that were previously installed should arrange an appointment with Maintenance to complete this work by calling 718-276-5610. Thank you.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2017

April 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Community policing efforts help make speedy arrests at Rochdale Village

Clifton Stanley Diaz (center), Chairman of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors and President of the Civic Association awards Neighborhood Community Officers Bradley (left) and Edwards (right) during roll call at the 113th Precinct.

By Susan Van Brackle


n Friday, April 28, many Rochdale residents learned that an assailant was formally charged in connection with the rash of robberies that occurred in multiple locations on Bedell Street early Sunday morning on April 23, 2017. One incident occurred at a bus stop, another in parking lot 8 and

again on the Locust Manor railroad station platform. Within 48 hours, a suspect was apprehended. According to Deputy Inspector Frederick J. Grover of the 113th Precinct, the crime was solved expeditiously due to the partnership efforts of Rochdale’s Public Safety division under the direction of Chief Victoria Pearson in association with unit Detective Rotanz and Sergeant Esposito under the direction of

Lieutenant McGarry; input from the community’s Civic Association spearheaded by Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz, the 113th Precinct Community Council and assistance from Rochdale Village cooperators. “Community policing plays a big part in providing the necessary attention that a residence this size needs, stated Talib Bey, Vice President and co-chair of the Public Safety

Committee. It improves relationships with the population and in turn helps our local precinct know how to better service the neighborhood.” Some of the enhancements of relationship building include police cruisers that now drive through each circle periodically as an extra measure of precaution and, Rochdale now has Neighborhood Police Officers Bradley and Edwards dedicated to this community.

THANK YOU: From the Rochdale Village Maintenance Department The Maintenance Director’s office would like to extend a hearty ‘Thank You’ to all cooperators that provided speedy access to their apartments over the 6 weeks during the gas outage. We know this was a challenging occurrence however, with cooperaBon, we were able to do the job safely and effecBvely. Without the cooperaBon of the residents like you, the job would not have gone so smoothly.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2017

Youth Planning Committee celebrates the Easter holiday at Rochdale Village By Susan Van Brackle


h to be a kid at Rochdale Village! Especially during the Easter season. As if school-wide spring recess wasn’t enough, Rochdale’s Youth Planning Committee hosted its’ Annual Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Hunt chaired by board Vice President Mario Turner, like the majority of the Youth Planning Committee initiatives, celebrates family time together and gives parents and children a chance to power down and enjoy each other’s company. Not even April showers and overcast skies could dampen the spirits of happy families and kids that attended this annual event now in its fourth year. This year’s event included

rabbit returned as mascot for Easter 2017, taking “selfies” and portraits with families and friends alike. But the stars of the event were the tons of Easter baskets, donated gifts like prayer dolls from Building 13 resident Alecia Thurton and Board President Jean Castro and the bicycle raffle that was conducted by representatives Howard Ottey and Kevin Martin from Spectrum Cable. Committee members Gloria Young, Moses Turner along with Community Center Director Julia Shaw and Colleen Jordan were on hand with committee chairman Mario Turner to personally distribute decorative Spectrum Cable Community Solutions Specialists, Howard Ottey and Kevin Martin (back row), baskets, Easter treats and to ensure that teamed up with Rochdale’s Youth Planning Committee to raffle off bicycles to two lucky children. parents and children had a good time. decorative face painting, which is houses that were positioned Judging from smiles on many guests’ a regular crowd pleaser with the throughout the great lawn behind the faces, mission accomplished. children and inflatable bouncy Community Center. Peter Cottontail Photo credits: Al Ephraim

If You See Something, Say Something. Call Rochdale Village Public Safety at (718) 276-2400 or text at (347) 455-9373. Thank you.

April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 13

Happenings around Rochdale Village Officer Agnish Wiley retires from Public Safety By Susan Van Brackle


fter 15 years of dedicated service, the cooperative bid fond farewell to Public Safety Officer Agnish Wiley, Jr. on Friday, March 31. Officer Wiley patrolled at various posts during his tenure at Rochdale Village but served more recently at the back gate near the corporate offices and the Community Center during the 4:00

p.m. to 12:00 p.m. tour. Friends and colleagues celebrated Officer Wiley’s retirement at a noon luncheon held in his honor in Community Center rooms 6 and 7. Human Resources Director Dolores Benner and Public Safety Chief Victoria Pearson recognized Officer Wiley with a service plaque and gift certificate in addition to other gifts bestowed to him by is fellow team mates. Best wishes to Officer Wiley in his new role as retiree.

Officer Wiley says farewell to Human Resources Director, Dolores Benner (left) and to his post at Rochdale Village (right).

Mother’s Day “Mommy & Me”

For more information or to register please call the Board Office at (718) 276-5700 ext. 336

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2017

Our Rochdale Villa RV’s Project Management team working overtime on interior upgrades

Public Restroom upgrades in Rochdale Village Mall #1

Kitchen completed in Public Safety Department mid-March 2017 Rochdale’s Project Management team has completed a plethora of esthestic upgrades across the complex that you see on this page. Job well done!

Renovated Board of Directors’ Offices in Community Center

New NORC Office construction Before and After Newly designed Board of Directors’ Meeting room

April 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

age Community What’s going on throughout the Rochdale Village complex?

Clifton Stanley Diaz (center), Chairman of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors and President of the Civic Association with Inspector Frederick J. Grover (left of podium) and officers of the 113th Precinct during roll call.

Rochdale resident Karen Clements, Editor of Communities of Color newspaper and President of the 113th Precinct Community Council, hangs out with the force after receiving a recognition

Residents and over 150 Facebook friends welcomed the complex’s new boiler into the community when it arrived on April 19, 2017.

A sky high crane required mega-tonnage in counter weights before it would be ready to hoist the Power Plant’s boiler into position at the facility without tipping over.

RV’s Norma Dean (standing) celebrated an 85th birthday flanked by board members Earl Roberts (left), board secretary and committee chairman Joyce Williams (1st right) and board president and co-chair Jean Castro (far right) during the Rochdale Village Senior Committee Meeting.

Members of the Rochdale Village Senior Committee Meeting held lit votives and remembered loved ones gone by in a celebration of life. Chairman Joyce Williams and committee Gloria Williams performed songs and poetry.

award from the Rochdale Village Civic Association.

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April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

RV’s first Spring Fling event takes place in Grand Ballroom By Susan Van Brackle


ommunity Relations C o m m i t t e e Chairperson and Assistant Treasurer of the Board of Directors, Maryam Hubbard, held the first Annual Spring Fling Bazaar at the Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom on Saturday, April 22 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Talented designers turned out in droves to vend to this community selling gifts, crafts, footwear, clothing, jewelry, household items and more. Even authors

used the event as an opportunity to advance their literary works. Raffles of gourmet baskets and gift cards were distributed to customers and vendors alike. The Spring Fling Bazaar is a nice entré to another popular community event – the Annual Fall Festival hosted by the Community Center Committee. The difference between the two festivities is that the Spring Fling Bazaar was primarily an indoor vendorselling event that was strictly focused on merchandise. No food was sold at the event allowing for merchants the

chance to focus on the wares they were promoting. To stage an event of this size required a talented team. That’s why special thanks goes out to Community Relations Committee co-chairs Keveena Hollins-Paul and Hettie Powell, Community Center Director, Julia Shaw, as well as the following Committee members:

• • • •

Debbie Brown Mary Czwartachi Brenda Bradford Ethel Gomez

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Elaine Harris Gwen Henderson Inez Lewis Mary Richardson Janine Cross Joyce Levy Nana Hyacinthe Norma Dean Mary E. Ingram Margaret Cummings June Callahan Edna Baker Clara Sheppeard Deborah Smith Dorothy Jackson Sandra Ruiz Margaret Stroud-Cox

Outdated prescriptions and vitamins should never be disposed of in toilets or down the sink RV. Practice safe disposal methods at area pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS. Thank You.

April 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 27, 2017


WHEREAS, the second floor of the Big

Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Lisa Stark

Mall has been vacant for many years;

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Maryam Hubbard

have been working hard to find tenants for the

Timothy Mercer

Jean Randolph-Castro

second floor that would bring missing services to

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

the Mall, provide additional revenue to the

Mario Turner Joyce Williams

corporation in order to keep carrying charges low


and increase foot traffic to the other stores;

Stacey Francis

Jean Hall Derrick Shareef

WHEREAS, the Board and Management

WHEREAS, Yong Xing Lin d/b/a Flaming


Grill & Supreme Buffet (“Hibachi Grill�) has


agreed to lease 12,000 square feet of skating rink

Kamal Saleem

space upstairs and 1,610 square feet downstairs of


the space currently occupied by East Ming Dragon;

Talib Bey

Tracey Irvin

WHEREAS, Hibachi Grill has agreed to

pay for the build out of the new sit-down

Earl Roberts

Eight for, four against, one abstention, two absent; motion passes.

restaurant upstairs, which will include an investment of approximately $1.5 Million into the R16-17: community;

WHEREAS, the current Federal Pacific

WHEREAS, Hibachi Grill has agreed to Public Lighting Panels and main breakers have

sign a lease for the downstairs space for five (5) exceeded their mechanical limitations and are in years and a lease for the upstairs space for need of replacement to ensure proper function of twelve (12) years with a five (5) year option; and main hallways, stairways and upper floors; WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are attached.

WHEREAS, the bid proposal from

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Flaming Elmhurst Electric Corp. in the amount of $235,121

Grill & Supreme Buffet, Inc. lease is approved by was accepted by the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors.

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April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 27, 2017

of Directors and approved by HCR;


WHEREAS, work progressed and it was

WHEREAS, the Rochdale Village (“RV”)

discovered that twenty-seven (27) additional

Public Safety Department is in need of new bullet

panels were installed tapping off the existing

proof vests for officers and supervisors;

main panel, which violates electrical code and

must be corrected and

level 3 bullet proof vests including fitting for

101 officers and supervisors from four (4) vendors

WHEREAS, Elmhurst Electric has

WHEREAS, proposals were sought for

submitted a proposal to correct this deficiency

with prices ranging from $30,300 to $46,171;

for $96,498.

provided an onsite demonstration of a product that


WHEREAS, Promark International (“PI”)

Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts

offers top protection, fits comfortably underneath

the proposal from Elmhurst Electric Corp. for

a uniform and accomodates male and female

$96,498, subject to the approval of HCR.

officers; and

Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Lisa Stark

WHEREAS, PI provided a price of

$46,171 that is not the lowest bid but is FOR considered to offer the best protection for Clifton Stanley Diaz

Stacey Francis Rochdale Village’s officers;

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer


Jean Randolph-Castro Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts

Earl Roberts

Kamal Saleem the proposal from Promark International for level

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples 3 bullet proof vests, for a total of $46,171.

Lisa Stark Mario Turner Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Joyce Williams Seconded by: Joyce Williams ABSENT FOR Talib Bey Clifton Stanley Diaz

Stacey Francis

Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer

Jean Randolph-Castro

Earl Roberts

Tracey Irvin Thirteen for, two absent; motion passes.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 27, 2017

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

five (5) illuminated double-sided signs for a

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

total of $126,839.38.

Mario Turner Joyce Williams

Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Lisa Stark

ABSTENTIONS FOR Jean Hall Clifton Stanley Diaz

Stacey Francis

ABSENT Jean Hall Maryam Hubbard

Talib Bey Tracey Irvin Twelve for, one abstention, two absent; motion passes.

Timothy Mercer

Jean Randolph-Castro

Earl Roberts

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples


Lisa Stark Mario Turner

Joyce Williams

WHEREAS, proposals were sought to

construct directional signs at the entrance of


every group in Rochdale to help residents and

Talib Bey

visitors alike with building locations, on the

Tracey Irvin


Thirteen for, two absent; motion passes.

WHEREAS, proposals were sought for

five (5) illuminated double-sided signs; and


WHEREAS, Advertising & Artistic Signs

provided a price of $25,367.88 per sign for a

approximately 25,000 residents and a surrounding

total of $126,839.38 which includes taxes and

community, which would benefit from a Job Fair and

permit fees to be paid out of the HCR replacement

a College Fair;

reserve account which is replenished at a rate of

$195,000 per month.

Sanders has proposed to host a Job Fair and

College Fair in Rochdale Village for its residents


WHEREAS, Rochdale Village has

WHEREAS, New York State Senator

Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts

and the surrounding community; and

the proposal from Advertising & Aristic Signs for

WHEREAS, the Job Fair and College

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2017

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 27, 2017

Fair would take place in the Ballroom on Tuesday,

Services (“RVSS”) has a number of youth and

May 30, 2017 and on Saturday, June 10, 2017

senior-based programs, including but not limited


to Teen Lift, After School Test Prep, Youth

Mentoring, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts and


Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts the

NORC activities;

resolution to provide the Ballroom for a Job Fair

on May 30, 2017 and a College Fair on June 10,

Services is approved to receive $35,000 in


discretionary funding from the New York City

Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Lisa Stark

Department of Youth and Community Development (“DYCD”) later this year;

FOR Clifton Stanley Diaz

Stacey Francis

Jean Hall Maryam Hubbard Timothy Mercer

Jean Randolph-Castro

Earl Roberts

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark Mario Turner

WHEREAS, Rochdale Village Social

Services is requesting upfront monies in the form of a loan to fund the aforementioned programs, in the amount of $35,000; and

WHEREAS, Rochdale Village Social

Services will pay back the full amount of $35,000 once DYCD releases the discretionary funding.

Joyce Williams Talib Bey

WHEREAS, Rochdale Village Social



Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves

Tracey Irvin

a loan in the amount of $35,000 to Rochdale Village Social

Thirteen for, two absent; motion passes.

Services for 2017 programming.


Thirteen for, one abstention. Motion ratified.


WHEREAS, Rochdale Village Social

Let’s make it a “Smoke-Free” Rochdale In New York City, there is No Smoking allowed in common indoor areas of residential buildings such as: • Stairwells, • Laundry rooms, and • Lobbies Smoking is permitted in private residences and on sidewalks. Please be courteous to your fellow neighbors.

April 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - March 27, 2017

Meeting began: 7:55 p.m.

Barbara Staples - Director

Board Members: Present Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro - President Mario Turner - 2nd Vice President Jean Hall - 3rd Vice President Tim Mercer - 4th Vice President Joyce Williams - Secretary Lisa Stark - Treasurer Yvonne Breiner - Director Stacey Francis - Director Earl Roberts - Director Kamal Saleem - Director Derrick Shareef - Director

Also present MSI Real Estate Herbert Freedman - General Manager Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager Lance Williams - Assistant General Manager William Greenspan, Esq., Corporate Counsel William Young - Controller Corey Jones - Director of Maintenance Victoria Pearson - Director of Public Safety Judy Jones - President, House Congress Not Present Talib Bey - 1st Vice President

Tracy Irvin - Director Gil Francisco - Facility Manager The agenda for the evening: 1. Motions 2. Adjournment 3. Cooperator’s Session The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting. Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (6) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions). Motion to adjourn came at 10:20 pm.

Commercial Services Committee Minutes for Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tim Mercer

Meeting attendees: Committee Attendance Sheet forwarded • Jay Williams; • Reyel Basea Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017.

Time: Called to order: 7:00 p.m . Adjourned: 8:17 p.m. Facilitator: Chairperson, Timothy Mercer Meeting was facilitated by Chairperson, Timothy Mercer Unfinished Business: Dentist Office: Broken window issue has been resolved (Reyel Basea to follow-up) Cleaners: Starbucks was brought up as a suggested merchant as well as a satellite cleaners. • Jay Williams is looking into the Satellite Cleaners • Available Spots: 4 spots in Mall 1; 1 potential spot in Mall 2 Rainbow Shop & RVO: Both Merchants received letters regarding

the cooperators complaints. - RVO blocked door needs to be looked into; Isles are clear but the front part of the store is cluttered. Key Foods: Carts that are blocking the cashier’s aisles is a fire hazard - Rain checks will now be honored everyday per Key Foods Management (Marvin)

New Business: Ideal: People are still finding bad meat. - Suggestions: Call 311 to investigate; Ask Greenspan if we can put it in the Rochdale Papers - We need a complaint form. Meet & Greet: It has been unanimously agreed that the Merchants & Cooperators Meet & Greet date will be held on Thursday, May 25,2017, at 7:00 p.m. Invitation to be sent out to Merchants. Place - TBA

Status on targeted date for completion of renovation: The ceiling and bathrooms slowed down the renovation process. Jay Williams will get a new scope of where we Other Concerns Hibachi Grill: are with completion. Voting on Hibachi Grill to continue on Stationery Store in Mall 2: Merchants Monday’s March 22nd Board Meeting. are paying their rent. Store targeted time to open was this month. Notice was sent - The majority of the Committee members to them to either open or relinquish their voted that Rochdale Village Board of Directors allow East Ming Dragon to stay in spot. Malll. Duncan Donuts: Ice Cream is over-charged. Prices are not - Motion made by Michele Hall and 2nd by Bob Williams ........ Motion Carried the same in other Duncan Donuts. Next Meeting: TBA,7:00 p.m. Motion made to accept minutes by Kevin Dilworth and 2nd by Michele Hall. ...... Motion Carried.

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April 2017

Rochdale Village NORC Weekly Activities - May 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner~ Woman By JusB

Consistently and without instruction you instinctively cared for and nurtured me. Mind, Body, & Soul as if you were employed by the good Lord himself ... to be the everlasting presence of my unexplainable crave for your very essence. Like no other it took a sister to complete this brother. A feminine orchestration and introduction to the world as if through a child’s eye. It’s your God given talent, love and power that I devour. Truly the EVE of all things good, WOMAN! The very thought of you is enough to make the world seem new. In its’ beginning it was me and you. Mother of Nature, Queen of the Nile, Conductor of the Underground Rails and the wind in my sails. You are why the lion roars, without you there is no pride. Woman!! The most valuable asset to the character of a strong man. The first one to teach me as a baby how to stand. From my first date I can remember the sensation of her warmth, after she let me hold her hand. The world changed because there’s nothing a man won’t do for a woman. Love’s meaning is explained in the description of a woman. Imagination & reality are of the same sensation only because you make dreams come true “with the things you do. God’s gift .... WOMAN!!

My Room By Malinda Perry Dixon

It’s my room and I say so! First of its kind in the world you know. There have never been toys like these you see. Mom and Dad picked them out especially for me. There are toys that squeal and toys that compute. Some that are soft and squishy and some that reboot. And, my night light’s awesome It casts a warm and fuzzy glow. Its’ power keeps monsters away and other gremlins, so It’s my room and I’m happy to be here. With my stuffed lion, tiger and furry teddy bear. I’m a big kid now with my own room. Learning how to keep it neat - and clean it up too. Clothes go in the closet and shoes in a row. I fluff up my pillows on the bed to be ready for nap time don’t you know? It’s my room and I’m a big kid now!

Stuff By Malinda Perry Dixon

Stuff is only stuff ‘cause when you’re gone You can’t take it with you You can’t bring it on to the “upper room” where joy abides. There is no space for clutter So why not give away all that stuff before you depart To do so is simple, thoughtful and smart ‘cause, at the end of the day, bottom line is It’s - only - stuff.

Elegance and Grace My Tribute to Ms. Stella Young By Anthony Blake

A woman who had class and perseverance Added in was devotion for religion Stella Young achieved in life what God decreed It was living in faith in how she would proceed. Ms. Young’s career involved WABC-TV and JP MORGAN CHASE She also had a caring voice in socializing It would be laughs and plenty of encouraging words Ms. Young was also an avid traveler among other things But Heaven saw Ms. Stella Young had achieved enough on Earth It was time for arrival in Heaven The gates were opened Ms. Young stepped in It nothing but praise and rejoice Her heavenly room was ready It was planned just right and steady Ms. Young and I would often travel on the LIRR together from work and talk She will be missed and I even talked to her after she retired as I would often see her on any given Saturday Ms. Young had that special smile and Fashion distinction God bless the family, but to the family, you are never alone, as Heaven is your encouragement Heaven that will guide The blessings that Jesus will provide “Father I pray on this day, the road is long and may have some detours, please don’t let any family member to go astray. I need you Jesus to carry the family every step of the way”.

Open Call for Poetry Submissions

If you are a poet and you know it, then contact the Rochdale Village Bulletin Take advantage of this open call for poetry submissions to the Bulletin. Submissions are due the 2nd Friday of the month by email to Who knows, the next creative writing in the Poetry Corner could be yours.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Community Relations Committee Minutes for Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Called to order @ 7:12pm • Posters advertising the Spring Fling Bazaar have by Chairperson Maryam been placed at all three entrances in the big mall. Hubbard • Raffles will be sold to customers, but given as a • The committee discussed courtesy to participating vendors. that the upcoming Spring Fling Bazaar event has Gourmet baskets and gift cards will be given out been successfully sold as the raffle prizes. out since 3rd day of Maryam Hubbard registration. The plan • Next event will be our annual health fair being is to expand next year giving more vendors the held 6/17/17, from 10am-4pm. All correspondence opportunity to participate. has gone out for vendor request. Volunteers will

be needed for this event and will be discussed who can and what time volunteers would be available. • Annual Family Fun Day picnic to be discussed at our next committee meeting. • So You Think You Can Cook event?? Date to be determined for this cooperators only event. Meeting adjourned @ 8:00 p.m.

Community Center Committee Minutes for Thursday, April 20, 2017 In Attendance Edward Douglass; Delores Watts; Lucille Jones; Tina Young; Dorothy Jackson; Margaret Stroud-Cox; Margaret Cummings; Mary E. Ingram; Debbie Brown; Norma A. Dean. Jean Randolph-Castro

Welcome The meeting was opened at 7:00 p.m. by Co-Chairperson Eddie Douglass. New Business - Annual Event: 70’s, 80’s + 90’s Dance with Dr. DJ Bob Lee. Tickets will

be $30 each . No discussion about selling at the door. There’s no color coordination for the dress code .

- R+B - August 27th Committee shirt colors: Grey T-Shirts -Possibly music instrument Logo -We need a DJ

There will be prizes (3) for best 70’s dressed, best 80’s dressed and best 90’d dressed . ./ Ten people per table colors oftable clothes- multi.

Supplies Needed: Chips; Hamburger (Beef & Turkey); Hot Dogs; Sausages (Beef & Turkey); Wine Coolers; Sodas; Water

New Business - Music Festival We need 4 Groups: Reggae, R+B, Gospel & Jazz - Gospel - August 6th - Reggae - August l3th - Jazz - August 20th

Respectfully, Chairperson. Jean Randolph Castro Co-Chair, Eddie Douglas Submitted By: Janna Hernandez, Board Admin. Assistant

The RV Church Corner Why not visit a neighborhood house of worship here in the surrounding Rochdale Village community? Peace. The church of St. Bonaventure 114-58 170th Street Jamaica, NY 11434 718-526-0040 10 a.m. Mass Celebration 8:30 a.m. Morning Mass Celebrations: Mon., Wed., Fri. St. Benedict the moor 171-17 110th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 718-526-4018 Reverend Gordon P. Kusi, Pastor Reverend Stephen Jantuah Deacon Pascual Olivas Angela Lewis, Dir. Religious Ed. Noon & 5 p.m. Mass Celebrations 8:30 A.M. Morning Mass Celebrations: Tues., Thurs. Christ the King Church 145-39 Farmers Boulevard Springfield Gardens, NY 11434

718-528-6010 Pastor: Jeffry T. Dillon Service Times: Saturday Evening 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Daily Mass: M-F 8:00 am; Sat. 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: 8:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Bible Study: 3rd & 4th Sundays Confession: Sat. 4:00-5:00 p.m. Shepherd’s House Open Bible Church (SHOBC) 134-30 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11434 Sunday school - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship Experience -10 a.m. Wednesdays - Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm Fridays - Deliverance Service 7:30p.m. Christ Pentecostal Temple, Inc.

109-45 157th Street Jamaica, N.Y. 11433 Tel: 718-529-3900 Suffragan Bishop Derrick Farmer, DD Service Times: Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Monday & Wednesday Noonday Prayer: 12:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7:30 p.m. Friday Youth Service: 8:00 p.m. Saturday Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m. Our Lady Of Light Parish St. Catherine of Sienna Church 118-22 Riverton Street St. Albans, NY 11412 Mass Schedule: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. Sunday 8:00am and 12:00 p.m. St. Pascal Babylon 112-43 198th Street St. Albans, NY 11412 Mass Schedule:

Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. The Greater Rescue Church of Christ, Inc. of the Apostolic Faith 110 - 51 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11433 Phone: 718-739-7165 Fax: 718-739-3880 Website: E-mail: Rev. Leslie B. Hodelin-Wilks, Pastor Min. Gene Robbins, Assistant Pastor Service Times Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 11:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship: 6 p.m. Prayer Service: Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Kingdom First Living Bible Class Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Worship: Fridays, 8:30p.m. The Rochdale Village Church Corner lists an array of houses of worship to attend. List your church! Email:

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7:00 P.M. Environmental Committee Meeting Room 8* (K. Saleem) ______________ 7:00 P.M. Social Services Committee Meeting Room 5* (M. Turner)








7:45 P.M. Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Grand Ballroom



7:00 P.M. Legal & Management Meeting Management Office Conference Room (J. Castro)








7:00 P.M. Community Center Committee Meeting Room 2* (J. Castro)

7:00 P.M. Commercial Services Committee Meeting Room 5* (T. Mercer)



7:00 P.M. Youth Planning Committee Meeting Room 2* (M. Turner)

7:00 P.M. Maintenance Committee Meeting Rooms 6/7* (J. Hall)


11:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Operation Prom “PROM DRESS GIVEAWAY” Presented by the Youth Planning Committee Grand Ball Room (M. Turner) 13

7:00 P.M. MOTHER’S DAY EVENT Presented by the Youth Planning Rooms 11/12/13 (M. Turner) 19

7:00 P.M. Youth Planning Committee Meeting Room 2* (M. Turner)


20 9:45 A.M. New Cooperator Orientation Room 3* (C. Diaz) 27

*All of the committee meeting rooms are subject to change due to the Community Center Renovations.

Senator Sanders in conjunction with Board of Directors



7:00 P.M. Public Safety Committee Meeting Rooms 6/7* (T. Bey)

9:45 A.M. New Cooperator Orientation Room 6/7* (E. Herold) _______________ 7:00 P.M. Community Relations Committee Meeting Room 2* (M. Hubbard) CANCELLED 17





10:00 A.M. Senior Citizens Committee Meeting Grand Ballroom (J. Williams)


7:00 P.M. HOUSE CONGRESS Room 8* (J. Jones)


April 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Please call the Board Office with any questions (718) 276-5700 Ext. 336.

10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Grand Ball Room

See what’s going on in, and around our community... A little something for everyone!


Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.




Susan Palmer -Van Brackle


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • ROCHDALEBULLETIN@GMAIL.COM The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Saturday, JUNE 17th,2017 10 A.M. – 4 P.M.

Rochdale Village Big Mall

The Rochdale Village Community Relations Committee Presents


For More Information contact:

Board Office 718-276-5700 Ext. 336 Approved for Posting by the Board Office until June 18, 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2017

For Tickets Contact: Jean Castro 347-229-8514, Ed Douglass 718-813-0984 Tina Young 718-614-8163, Dorothy Jackson 718-949-5419 Mary E. Ingram 718-712-5876, Norma Dean 718-276-2606 Margaret Cummings 718-528-0156, Debbie Brown 347-561-8390 Board Office 718-276-5700 Ext. 336

Approved for Posting by the Board Office until July 23, 2017

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