Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper - April 2019 Edition

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Vol. 55 No. 05

April 2019


Rochdale’s Autism Awareness March Community Relations Committee sheds light on this important condition - Page 17

The Elite Marching Band of Queens New York, a community based music mentoring program founded and directed by Larry Carthan, sets pace for Rochdale’s Annual Autism Awareness March.


Spreads Joy at RV - Page 14 President’s Report - Pg. 2

| | General Manager’s Report - Pg.- 4Pg. 4 | General Manager’s Report

Youth Planning’s Art at Gallery - Pgs. | In Remembrance| Summer Jobs RV - Pg. 15 14 &| 17 Easter Basket Giveaway - Pg. Pg. 28 16

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin


President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Mario Turner Jean Hall Timothy Mercer Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Lisa Stark Secretary Joyce Williams Assistant Secretary Maryam Hubbard


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Mario Turner Glynis Urquhart Joyce Williams Mark Busgang (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Timothy Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Maryam Hubbard Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Jean Hall Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Clifton Stanley Diaz Information Technology Kamal Saleem/Maryam Hubbard MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones Public Safety Chief (Interim) Adolph Osback Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel Robert Bernstein

April 2019

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators,


am delighted for the spring season bringing in the beautiful flowers and warm weather so we can enjoy the parks and other outdoor activities taking place here in Rochdale Village. It is the time to take advantage of all the beautiful amenities that are provided free of charge to us all. I have seen a few bicycles, skateboards and scooter traffic on campus. Please understand that these items are prohibited from being used on walkways as we have seniors and children who are walking along the paths. However, scooters, bikes and skateboards can be used in any of the recreational parks throughout the grounds. If anyone is travelling through the campus I ask that you go slowly and take care for we have many pedestrians young and old on our walkways.

Upcoming Events With summer approaching, we will be having a number of fun-filled events for both the children and the seniors. Look out for the Youth Planning Mother’s Day Jewelry, Candy & Card making event and the Senior Mother’s Day Concert & Aretha Franklin Tribute on Friday, May 10, 2019, all of these great events will be taking place in the Com-

munity Center at different times. Please come out and enjoy. The Youth Planning Committee will also be having registration on May 11, 2019 from 12 noon to 2 p.m. for the Basket Ball Tournament. The Community Relation Committee will be hosting the Annual Spring Fling Bazaar on Saturday, May 04, 2019, between the hours of 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Saturday, June 22, 2019, the Community Relations Committee will be hosting the annual Health Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Big Mall. Also on June 22, the Community Center Committee alongside the Youth Planning Committee, the Community Center and Miss CARICOM International Foundation will be hosting a Beauty Pageant crowning two queens; Miss Rochdale Village and Miss CARICOM. The Miss Rochdale Pageant is the first ever, which will give the youth an important platform for awareness among different causes and to empower the individual as a person helping them to appreciate who they are, to give them self-esteem, promoting leadership, confidence and public speaking. This event will give the youth an opportunity to showcase their talent. I encourage all young ladies who are eligible to register for this special event. Come out, get involved and show your support to the activities taking place in the community.

Jean Randolph-Castro

There will be a Cancer Awareness Support Group Meeting taking place in May 2019, we are looking for more supporting members. Information will be sent out to the members and a save the date flyer will be posted. Look for the posting of the flyer for the annual Cancer Awareness walk scheduled for September 2019.

Board Meetings Board meetings are held monthly. Before the Board meeting begins we hold a Cooperator’s Session that is allocated for the Cooperators to respectfully voice their opinions on matters affecting them but unfortunately, respectful discourse does not always occur. There have been a number of Cooperators who have been very disrespectful to Board Members in the Cooperator Session and even disrupt the Board Meeting. Board Members are unable to focus and (Continued on page 21)

Rochdale’s next Board of Directors meeting moves to third Monday, May 20, 2019 at 7:45 p.m., in rooms 11/12/13 due to Memorial Day holiday on Monday, May 27, 2018.



The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Last chance to participate in Charter Spectrum’s bulk deal survey By Susan Van Brackle


you; door-to-door. The sense was that this second bulk deal proposal should be presented to the community in a manner that would allow each household to register a preference from the comfort of their own homes. Please know that neither in 2017 nor now has the Board of Directors, Management or any other team member of the Rochdale Village corporation taken a position with regard to Spectrum’s offer other than to present it to cooperators. As with any democratic process, shareholders have the right to vote for what they want, or don’t want. The role of the Board of Directors, Management and the Rochdale Village Bulletin Office, up to this very moment and beyond, will be to provide shareholders with the details of this bulk deal so that an informed decision can be made.

n page 10 of this Bulletin, cooperators will find the full channel line-up that’s being offered as part of Spectrum’s bulk deal offer. There is also a blank survey form on page 11. Residents are encouraged to vote their preference on Spectrum’s bulk deal offer by May 31, if they haven’t already done so. This is the final distribution of the survey that will be circulated at the cooperative. Members of the Board of Directors, Management and the Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper would like to say thank you for taking time out from your hectic schedules to share feedback about Spectrum’s latest proposal. Cooperators may recall 2017 and how sales specialists were on premises performing direct sales. In an effort to mitigate that process, Respectfully, surveys have been delivered to Rochdale Village Bulletin.

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April 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for March 2019 HIRING PRACTICES

Over the past month or so there has been negative innuendo surrounding hiring practices at Rochdale Village. Suggestions of nepotism or favoritism are not only apocryphal, they undermine every effort made by our human resources staff to ensure the most qualified persons are selected respective to the job applied for. As the managing agent tasked to oversee all aspects of the day-to-day operations, we endeavor to uphold a fair and equitable employment process; this is true for both our union and non-union employees. Rochdale has contracts with three (3) different unions: Local 32BJ – Maintenance and Grounds, Local 94 – Power Plant and the Special and Superior Offices Benevolent Association (SSOBA) - Public Safety. While all three contracts are unique to the corresponding union, they are synonymous in regards to hiring procedures. Once a position becomes available, the job is posted internally for seven (7) days. Current employees with a satisfactory employment status may apply for any and all vacant positions. Employees will be considered based on their qualifications and ability to perform the job functions successfully. Once we identify an internal candidate that closely match the qualifications of the position, the employee is contacted and interviews are scheduled with Human Resources and the head of the department. If no internal candidates apply, the job is then posted externally through various recruitment companies and online agencies for the population at large to submit applications/resumes. Once candidates apply, the interview process commences and ultimately the most qualified individual is selected for the job. The newly hired candidate or promoted employee goes through a probationary period and are evaluated during that time frame to assure they are the right fit for the job and for Rochdale Village. We



A mass clean out to control pests and vermin will be conducted in the buildings in May 2019. The service will be performed at the same 2me when air condi2oning filters are changed to prepare for the warm weather season.

Cooperators should watch for posted no2ces and other communica2ons they will receive prior to apartment inspec2ons. This way they or a representa2ve can plan their schedules to be present. The service can be performed expedi2ously if residents schedule 2me to be available. Cooperators that did not receive the mul2ple apartment upgrades that were performed during previous apartment inspec2ons should arrange an appointment with the Maintenance office to complete this work now by calling 718-276-5610. Thank you.

venture to promote from within when at all possible and have a great many examples of those who have come up through the ranks successfully. Our goal remains to have a first rate staff hired based on merit and ability to provide the necessary service Rochdale villagers are deserving of.


The time for the mass clean-out has come once again. For those of us that may have forgotten or did not live at Rochdale when this was first done 5 years ago, the objective is to exterminate an entire building from the top down in one day. For your convenience, we have also included the State mandated apartment inspections and convector filter change. This will enable us to take less of your time while providing necessary maintenance services. Please be advised, for the process to be effective we need full access to each apartment. Even if you have no sign of pests we still to check your apartment as a preventative measure. Rochdale staff will accompany the exterminators to aid in closing potential access points that vermin use to traverse the building. These areas include the convectors throughout your apartment and closet at your apartment entrance. Please inform our staff of any other problem areas that may need attention. The exterminator’s primary focus will be roaches and mice. For specialty extermination (e.g. bedbugs, fleas, gnats) please contact your group office for an appointment.



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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Profit and Loss Financial Statement Narrative: February FY 2019 Explanation of Significant Fluctuations

To ALL Board Members and Cooperators: Below you will find a summary of the significant variances between Rochdale Village Inc.’s CURRENT Actual Yearto-Date Financial results compared to the FY 2019 BUDGET as of FEBRUARY 2019. Operating Income before Depreciation and Amortization and Income Taxes increased approximately $1,827,000 to $6,840,000 as compared to $5,012,000 in the Budget. The FY 2019 P & L reflects $2,500,000 of income from the sale of the cell tower income stream. Operating income without the $2,500,000 of income would have been $4,340,000 as compared to $5,012,000 in the Budget. a. In the Revenue category, revenue Increased approximately $2,682,000. This increase is principally due to the $2,500,000 of revenue received related to sale of the cell tower income stream. b. In the Administrative Expense category there were unusual expenses related to (1) the legal costs for the

preparation of the Shelter Rent disShelter Rent calculations and actual pute and filing of the Article 78 with NYC Shelter Rent assessments were the court (2) the legal costs related to lower than the Budget anticipated. a labor issue (3) the legal costs related to the filing of the J-51 paperwork e. In the Employee Benefits category, to obtain an approximately $400,000 expenses decreased $(451,000) as credit related to project work that compared to the Budget. This decrease is principally related to the qualified for the J-51 credit (4) costs FY 2019 Budget reflecting higher related to the phone system overhaul costs (5) the cost of transportation of cooperators during the renovation of f. In the Commercial expense category, expenses increased due to costs parking lots. related to the Brownfield clean-up. c. In the Power Plant expense category, expenses increased approximately ALL other expenses were relatively in$1,710,000 as compared to the Bud- line with the FY 2019 Budget. get. This increase is principally due to (1) an increase in Gas consump- Below you will find a summary of the tion in FY 2019 (2) A $600,000 significant variances between Rochdale retroactive assessment by National Village Inc.’s CURRENT YEAR Actual Grid for 1 year approved by the NYS Year-to-date Financial results as comPublic Service Commission (3) the pared to the PRIOR YEAR for the same impact the 40% increase in the Na- period. tional Grid unit price per decatherm Operating Income before Depreciation on FY 2019 bills. and Amortization and Income Taxes d. In the Insurance and Real Estate increased $2,036,000 to $6,840,000 as Tax expense category, expenses de- compared to0$4,803,000 in FY 2018. creased approximately $(904,000) NOTE: The FEBRUARY 2019 Year-toas compared to the Budget. This date Operating Income before Depreciadecrease is principally due to the tion reflects a one-time non-recurring inBudget being based on prior years come of $2,500,000 from the sale of the

Rochdale Village, Inc. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT Fiscal Year 2019 (for the months ended February 28, 2019

cell tower income stream. If that was not reflected in the Operating income would have been $4,340,000 as compared to $4,803,000 in FY 2018. a. In the Revenue category, Other revenue Increased approximately $2,760,000. This increase is principally due to the $2,500,000 of revenue received related to sale of the cell tower income stream. b. In the Maintenance category, expenses decreased approximately $(1,467,000). This decrease is principally due an increased focus on managing expanses and more expenses capitalized in FY 2019. c. In the Power Plant expense category, expenses increased approximately $1,410,000 as compared to the Budget. This increase is principally due to (1) an increase in Gas consumption in FY 2019 (2) A $600,000 retroactive assessment by National Grid for 1 year approved by the NYS Public Service Commission (3) the impact the 40% increase in the National Grid unit price per Therm on FY 2019 bills.

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April 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2017, 2018 and 2019

Rochdale Village, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE




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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2017 AND FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2017 AND FY 2018 vs. Budget

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April 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Chief Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report March 2019 Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village Public Safety Department during the month of March 2019. Public Safety maintains 24 hour /7 day a week coverage. COMPLAINTS: 1. During the month of March 2019, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety Department officers responded to a total of (79) loitering and (97) noise complaints from Cooperators which were resolved as follows:

a) Founded-Compliant- (25) Loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave and (50) of the noise complaint sources corrected the volume of the noise.

b) Unfounded Calls- (54) unfounded loitering complaints and (47) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard).

c) Founded/Non-Compliant Calls- Loitering individuals & noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives – (10) received violations for loitering and (5) received violations for noise complaints.



4 0 4


62 0 2

For the month of March 2019 there were a grand total of (04) arrest made on Rochdale Village Grounds.


The Public Safety Department will continue to organize in order to better serve the Rochdale Village community. DVR UNIT ACTIVITY: RISK MANAGEMENT INCIDENTS 7 INVESTIGATIVE INCIDENTS 30 VIOLATIONS ISSUED 0 RELATED ARREST INCIDENTS 4 FIRE INCIDENTS 3 TOTAL INCIDENTS 44 TASK FORCE UNIT ACTIVITIES: • Conducted (176) Directed & Routine Verticals. • Made (0) arrests, issued (0) Trespass Notifications, issued (0) • C-Summonses, issued (33) violations to include (10) for loitering and encountered (19) Loiterers during routine & directed patrols. • Responded to assigned calls from Central Dispatch (12). TOWING ACTIVITY The Public Safety Department towed (08) vehicles and issued (69) warning stickers for the violation of various parking rules throughout the complex. Routine & *Directed Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers and Supervisors: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers and Supervisors patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours in an effort to curtail unlawful activities. *Directed verticals are additional post inspections performed in order to proactively reduce Quality of Life conditions in designated “Hot Spots” as determined by community complaints and the analysis of various patrol reports.

118 126 151

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

CLASSIFICATION Illegal Move out Illegal Move in Negligence Harboring a Pet Noise Complaint Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering Illegal Sublet/Occupant Damage to Rochdale Property Littering Failure to Comply Reckless Endangerment Illegal installation of a camera Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal Activities Creating Fire Hazard Urinating/Defecation in Public Drinking Alcohol in Public (Open Containers) Gas Leak Trespass Offensive Apt. Odor Harassment Walking Dog on Premises Throwing things out the window Illegal Parking Health Hazzard Resisting Arrest Assault on Rochdale Village Personnel Bulk/Improperly Discarded Garbage Refusing to show ID Unauthorized Air Conditioner Theft of Property Vandalism Smoking in unauthorized area Total

AMOUNT 1 1 4 2 5 3 10 9 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 62



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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Claude LeBorde

Contract Summary/Status — March 2019

Projects – Open: Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status:

Asphalt Paving Stasi Brothers Asphalt Corp. 4/20/17 NTE $100,000 per year (2 year contract) $87,941 Paving in worst areas in Lots #1, 4, 5 & 9A will resume beginning the week of April 22nd.

Funding Source: Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status:

Operations Fire Alarm/Sprinkler System (Large Mall) Elmhurst Electric Corp. 12/6/17 $815,000 $137,100 (of which $87,600 was for P & P Bonds) A kick-off meeting has been scheduled for April 9 for the purpose of starting the Sprin kler system by the week of May 7, 2019

Funding Source: Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: Status:

HCR Reserves Building Pipe Insulation Anglin Insulation Services 6/5/18 $138,190 $80,854 Insulation completed in Buildings 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, & 15

Funding Source: HCR Reserves Project: Laundry Room Services & Renovations Contractor: Woodside Super Laundry Contract Awarded: Five (5) year extension granted on 3/26/18 Contract Amount: Monthly payments to Rochdale of $72,572 in year 1 with increases up to $76,862 over the 5-year period Paid to date: N/A Status: All Buildings have been renovated and the Contractor, Sigma Maintenance, has com pleted installation of the Keri Key system in Group 4. They anticipate com pletion of the four (4) remaining groups by the end of April. Project: Building Group Directional Signs Contractor: Youn Design Contract Awarded: 12/12/17 Contract Amount: $80,000 Paid to date: $15,000 Status: The NYC Department of Buildings has ap proved work permits. Color samples have been approved by Management. Shop drawing have been approved by our Archi tect, Robert J. Stahl and the Contractor, Youn Design has submitted their schedule as follows: ROCHDALE SCHEDULE (5 GROUPS) GROUPS ADDRESS Job Number Installation Work 1 163-15 130th Avenue Q00050045 April 29th May 3rd 2 168-10 127th Avenue Q00051128 May 6th May 10th 3 170-10 130th Avenue Q00051144 May 13th May 18th 4 172-10 133rd Avenue Q00051155 May 20th May 23rd 5 134-25 166th Place Q00051167 June 6th June 10th Funding Source: Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount:

Operations Mall Pylon Signs Youn Design 12/26/18 $113,300

Paid to date:


Status: Waiting for work permit which is contingent upon Architectural pylon construction foot ing. A civil engineering site visit has been scheduled for the week of April 15th to in vestigate the amount of footing required for this project. Funding Source: Wells Fargo Escrow Project: Air Monitoring-Various Locations Consultant: A & B Inspection Services Corp. Contract Awarded: 6/12/17 Contract Amount: NTE $100,000 per year (2 year contract) Paid to date: $45,371 Status: On call as needed Funding Source: HCR Reserves Project: Consultant: Contractor Contractor

Brownfield Cleanup Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna LLP Tenen Environmental Sigma Maintenance & Restoration


Mall 1 pressure monitoring suction pits and piping complete. Mall 2 pressure monitor ing and suction pits complete and piping will be scheduled in the upcoming days. Under this NYCDEP mandate, soil testing has commenced with the installation of de pressurization wells in selected commer cial stores in both malls.

Funding Source: Projects – completed: Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: Paid to date: 12/6/18) Status: Funding Source: Project: Contractor: Contract Awarded: Contract Amount: $1,722,675 Paid to date: Status: Funding Source: Project: Contractor Contract Amount: Paid to date: 1/17/19) Status:

Wells Fargo Escrow Parking Lot & Walkway Restoration City & County Paving 9/2016 $2,520,420 $2,520,420 (final payment to contractor on Complete (Lot #7 completed with the addition of 21 new spaces) Wells Fargo Escrow Community Center Roof Repairs AM&G Waterproofing 4/11/18 $1,795,000 reduced by $72,325 resulting price $1,550,407 Complete (Awaiting sign off and warran ties) Wells Fargo Escrow Façade Repairs – Group 4: Violation Proto Construction Corp. $268,552 $268,522 (final payment to contractor on Complete

Funding Source: HCR Reserves ROOF LEAK RENOVATION: 1. Building 7C, Apt. 13C (Completed January 2019) 2. Building 20C, Apt. 13A (Completed January 2019) 3. Mall 1 – OB’S Restauran (Completed January 2019) 4. Building 17C, Apt. 13B (Completed February 2019) 5. Building 19B, Apt. 13B (Completed March 2019) 6. Mall 2 – Dry Cleaning (Completed March 2019)

Goodbye Winter! The Rochdale Village Power Plant will officially convert from heating mid-May in order to ready the facility to generate cooling by mid-June.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin


April 2019



The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Bldg._______Section:______ Apt.:___________ DOUBLE PLAY DEAL INCLUDES: • Premium channels: HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Starz, Encore, Epix, and The Movie Channel • 400 mbps WiFi Service. (This is a 100 mbps increase from the April 2017 offer). • Two converter boxes (increased by one box since the last offer). • A base rate of $55.00 per month (estimated at $59.12 with taxes and fees). • 6-year contract. • 2-year price freeze (3% per year price increase every year for the next four years thereafter). • A $253.00 value for an estimated $59.12 (cost with tax included). • Spectrum currently pays early termination fees (up to $500.00) for residents that switch providers by December 1, 2019. This is a current offer for triple play customers and subject to change at times. DEAL DOES NOT INCLUDE: • Two dedicated channels that cooperators may watch from their homes of the lobby entrance (offered in the April 2017 proposal). • DVR and phone service are sold separately. • Installation fees may apply for non-Spectrum customers (fees can range up to$49.99 but subject to change). VOTING OPTIONS: TEXT TO ROCHDALE BULLETIN (OR) TEAR OFF SHEET AND LEAVE IT AT RV MANAGEMENT 1. Clearly mark decision of YES or NO on the ballot sheet. 2. Either tear off this ballot page and return it to the Management office reception desk or... 3. Text a picture of the completed ballot to the Rochdale Village Bulletin at 347-480-9479 (Text Nbr.): All TO ACTIVATE CHARTER SPECTRUM’S OFFER, RESIDENTS MUST FIRST AGREE BY MAJORITY VOTE TO ACCEPT THE BULK PACKAGE AND 1) ALLOW SPECTRUM INTERNET AND TV FEES TO BE INCLUDED IN THEIR MONTHLY CARRYING CHARGES. 2) NOTE: RESIDENTS THAT CURRENTLY HAVE SPECTRUM’S TRIPLE-PLAY PACKAGE WILL RECEIVE A SEPARATE BILL FOR TELEPHONE SERVICES.

VOTE HERE: YES:______________


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2019

Rochdale Village Social Services wraps up successful study program in May

The free Academic Success Tutoring Program sponsored by Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc. completes studies in May after 27 weeks of academic lessons led by Instructor Andrea Johnson (standing center). Parent testimony of results received by student that excelled from Rochdale Village Weekend Study Courses April 16, 2019 To Whom It May Concern: I am a proud mom because my son worked really hard at his grades in school and was accepted to York Early College Academy (YECA). This school receives 1500 applications and only 90 students get accepted. He’s headed to the 6th grade fully ready. I’m sharing this because Mr. Kevin Dilworth’s team helped my son to get on grade level and above. Plus, I had to stay on my son because I knew he was capable. They say a good education is key to success and a prerequisite to opportunity. The nonprofit Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc's (RVSS) free Saturday tutoring program proved that for my son Rayshawn. The motivation, one-on-one instruction and an internet teaching tool (Study Island) helped my son overcome academic challenges, increase his individual grade level of performance, and paved the way for him to achieve success on the New York State English Language Arts and Mathematics standardized tests. It's all thanks to the dedication, motivation and extraordinary teaching skills of hired instructors Professor Andrea Johnson, Cassandra Kennedy and Roxanne Mayers, with the help of tutors Deevika Persuad, Anuska Joseph, Danella Codner and Samantha Ramchai. RVSS Academic Success Tutoring Program, you all have gone over and above our best expectations. Mr. Kevin Dilworth, I really appreciate this program. You all are so dedicated to these kids. You all are so appreciated. Sincerely, Shener


ndependent variations, horizontal and vertical axis graph definitions, and how to successfully solve X axis math problems are among the tough academic lessons being taught to students participating in the free Academic Success Tutoring Program sponsored by Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc., a non-profit organization. Middle school students were given those lessons from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 27, 2019, when lead instructor Andrea Johnson and tutor Rico Gabriel Pacificar used the program’s Promethean ActivPanel electronic board to help the youngsters prepare for upcoming standardized math exams. This level of study is just one part of the Academic Success Tutoring Program’s free educational efforts that occur on Saturday mornings. There are 10 instructors and tutors who also provide one-on-one homework assistance, help with fractions, decimals and fractions,

promote discussion and critical thinking, and supply youngsters with computer tablets that allow them to access the web-based Study Island on-line academic lessons. This year, more than 60 students registered to take advantage of the free classes. First through fifth graders get instructed in one Rochdale Village Community Center room, while middle and high school students meet in a separate room. The Academic Success Tutoring Program began October 13, 2018. It ends on Saturday, May 18, 2019, after at total of 27 Saturdays. The free educational effort is one of three Rochdale Village Social Servicesponsored programs that were funded with $65,000 in Discretionary Funds, for 2018-19, provided due to the efforts of City Councilmember Adrienne Adams (28th District). Contributed by Kevin Dilworth



The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2019

Operation Prom brings joy to deserving high school students from Queens area

By Olayemi Okeniyi “SHE SAID YES TO THE DRESS!” rang out once again in the Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom, as yet another young lady made her way across the stage to the roar of thunderous cheers of the crowd. The ballroom was packed with students, accompanied by their mothers, sisters, and friends all engaged in the singular goal of finding that signature dress for prom.

Saturday, April 20 was the Ninth Annual Free Dress And Tuxedo Giveaway offered by the Queens Chapter of Operation Prom. This was the fourth time it was hosted by Youth Planning Committee Chairman, Mario Turner at Rochdale Village. Mr. Turner also partnered with several ancillary groups to make this an unforgettable experience for all students involved. New Life Nail Spa was on hand to give manicures, SkinfatuatedNYC offered facials, Black Girls Can shared makeup tips and Operation Prom, a non-

profit organization, supplied racks and racks of elegant, donated ball gowns and accessories. The anticipation of prom is not enough to overshadow the fact that for many students, this farewell to secondary education can be very daunting and costly. The free dress and tuxedo giveaway exists to reduce this burden and to reward students who have distinguished themselves academically during their high school career. Under strict instructions from Candace Hutson, Director of Queens’ Operation

Prom, volunteers worked one-on-one to match each girl with a dress that suited her frame as well as her personality. One candidate walked away with a tuxedo, another with a ball gown and another a tiny black dress. There was also a station with crisp white shirts, bow ties and pocket squares for youth who understood their right to be equally striking at the prom. Armed with new outfits, accessories and smiles, the students left Rochdale Village, ready to conquer their proms and hopefully whatever else comes next.

Rochdale Village Social Services touts winning chess program for youths


n March 30, 2018, a chess tournament was held at the Critical Thinking Through Chess program with Coach George H. Taylor. Approximately 24 youth that participated in a minimum of four sessions competed in the match. Players ranging from third grade through high school participated in four G30 games. A G30 game could last up to 30 minutes, which means some youth had to concentrate and focus for up to two hours of intense chess play. Students stayed invigorated with the help of refreshments, snacks and family members that came out to support the event.

“Most of the students in the program had never played chess before, but were able to progress in a short time to a level where they could successfully complete a regulation game,”said chess instructor George H. Taylor. “The students are very eager to continue learning and even playing in outside tournaments, eventually qualifying and traveling to national meets.” The Critical Thinking Through Chess program has been so wildly successful that it is expected to return to the Community Center in the fall. Contributed by Kevin Dilworth, Vice President Rochdale Village Social Services.

Coach George H. Taylor, standing right, trains chess phenoms to compete in national tourneys.

Donations to Rochdale’s clothing bins continues to support study programs By Olayemi Okeniyi


hanks to the generous donations made at Rochdale’s clothing recycling bins, collections equaled $9,489.00 for fiscal year 2017-2018. Revenues however were slightly

lower for fiscal year 2018-2019 totaling $8,874.00. Please know that proceeds from recycling bin donations go towards Rochdale Village Social Services, the non-profit arm of the corporation. Currently, collection proceeds are being used to support

youth programs at the cooperative like the Academic Success Tutoring Program and Critical Thinking Through Chess initiatives, which are both held every Saturday at Rochdale’s Community Center. Moreover, the funds were used to offset the cost of the Digital Teaching Board and to buy licenses for

the web-based Study Island Academic Instructional Program. So please, before bringing outdated clothing to the garbage heap, imagine the possibilities and drop them off in one of the County Recycling bins stationed around Rochdale Village. Bin pickups occur weekly. The planet thanks you.



The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2019

Youth Planning Committee gifts community with Easter Basket Giveaway Photo credits: Larry Love Moore

Youth Planning Committee Chairman and Vice President of the Board of Directors Mario Turner (standing photo right) with committee member and son Moses in the background, The committee presented community participants with 300 Easter baskets, magical entertainment and refreshments at this year’s Easter Basket Giveaway event.

Assistant Secretary of the Board of Directors Maryam Hubbard enjoys the festivities with her son.

The Easter Bunny and gift basket giveaway delighted parents and children alike.

Youth Planning Committee Chairman Mario Turner (standing left in right photo) knew that a little rain outdoors wouldn’t dampen guests’ spirits indoors as the party moved inside. Bouncy houses, Nerf basketball, face painting and a magician were just the trick to keep kiddies engaged.



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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Community Relations Committee hosts march for Autism Awareness Month Photo credits: Larry Love Moore

(l. to r.) The amazing Community Relations Committee team members with Committee Chairperson Maryam Hubbard.

(l. to r.) Councilmember Rory Lancman (D. 24) and Community Relations Committee Chairperson and Assistant Secretary for the Board of Directors Maryam Hubbard.

Vice President of Rochdale’s Board of Directors, Talib Bey.

Face Painting by Walter continues to bring smiles to children and adults alike.

AHRC New York City Foundation team members with Assistant Director, Kent Willingham.

(l. to r.) Vice President of Rochdale’s Board of Directors, Jean Hall and President Jean Randolph-Castro.

Members of the inspiring Y.E.S.S. ministry dance team from Greater Springfield Community Church spread good vibrations.

Talented performers from the Genesis Dance Troupe entertained the audience.

The Annual Autism March around Rochdale Village was lead by none other than the Elite Marching Band.

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April 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

RV’s Maintenance Committee hosts Shred Fest events during Earth Week By Susan Van Brackle


either rain, nor storm nor blowing wind was able to deter Rochdale’s Maintenance Committee from hosting its’ annual Shred Fest events during Earth Week. Inclement weather prompted a site switch for the team’s first session held Friday, April 26. Maintenance Committee Chairperson Jean Hall, with the help of committee members, quickly relocated guests from the open air Mall #1 parking lot on Baisley Boulevard to the sheltered pathway near Mall #1’s rear entrance. Saturday’s affair on April 27 was a breeze and went off without a hitch in the parking lot behind Mall #2. Residents that were not able to attend April’s Shred Fest

will have another opportunity to safely dispose of their documents at the next scheduled Shred Fest in September. Rochdale Shred Fests help jump-start seasonal cleaning, reduce incidences of identity theft and enable shareholders to have a safe, convenient way to destroy sensitive documents. Residents that would like to become involved with the Maintenance Committee should attend meetings, which are held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Rochdale’s Maintenance Committee is a vibrant group of cooperators that are focused on the upkeep and conservation of the cooperative. For meeting location, please consult the Board Calendar or Board of Director’s Secretary at 718-276-5700 x336.

Let’s make it a “Smoke-Free” Rochdale

Maintenance Committee Chairman and Vice President of Rochdale’s Board of Directors Jean Hall, (2nd left) with Committee Members (far left, center and far right) Catherine Wyatt, Clara Sheppeard and Norma Dean each assisting with community Shred Fest activities.



M ANAGEM ENT OFFICE 169-65 137th AVENUE JAMAICA, NY 11434 TEL.: (718) 276-5700 FAX: (718) 723-0963

PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICE 169-65 137th AVENUE JAMAICA, NY 11434 TEL.: (718) 276-2400

MAINTENANCE OFFICE 169-55 137th AVENUE JAMAICA, NY 11434 TEL.: (718) 276-5610



In New York City, there is No Smoking allowed in common indoor areas of residential buildings such as: • Stairwells, • Laundry rooms, and • Lobbies

Smoking is permitted in private residences and on sidewalks. Please be courteous to your fellow neighbors.

Group Manager Numbers at RV For all maintenance requests and repairs, please note the following group numbers and contacts for your convenience. Call (718) 276-5610 and dial the following extension for your circle:

Group Group Group Group Group

1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

Please exercise caution while passing building 5 near section B. The area is cordoned off due to bulging bricks and emergency facade repair (see photo attached). Avoid walking near the area until repair work has been completed. Thank you. ext. ext. ext. ext. ext.

402 405 410 413 417

and and and and and

403, ring bell #304 in Bldg. 2 406, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 5 411, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 10 414, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 13 418, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 17



The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2019



The Rochdale Village Bulletin



PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN- - Debate and Advocacy on Legal and Social Justice Issues - The Art of Public Speaking - Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Rochdale Board Secretary at (718) 276-5700 x336.

Page 21

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April 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Your co-op is an investment worth protecting. Paid Advertisement

Call me today for more information about the Allstate Co-Op policy.

Shanta R. Jaggernauth 718-264-7500

Insurance coverage subject to availability and qualifications and policy terms. Allstate Indemnity Co., Northbrook, IL Northbrook, IL. Š 2009 Allstate Insurance Co.


188-06 Jamaica Ave. Hollis, NY 11423



Page 23

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 25, 2019


CONTRACTOR WHEREAS, the Power Plant has two cooling

towers, which supply the condenser water


Landover Cooling Tower Service


CM Towers, Inc.


Vamco Mechanical


for the air-conditioning system and cooling water

WHEREAS, Management has reviewed the

for the turbo-generators and the emergency

proposals and recommends an award of a contract to


Landover Cooling Tower Service in the amount of WHEREAS, there are six gearbox


assemblies (three on each cooling tower) that were


tested and the report indicated significant

Rochdale Village Board of Directors approves a

deterioration to gearbox #4 which needs to be

contract to Landover Cooling Tower Service for


$58,535.00 to be funded with HCR reserves. WHEREAS, the gearbox assembly is a

major component of the cooling tower and a must

Moved by:

Talib Bey

Seconded by: Edward Douglass

for the proper operation of air- conditioning for the complex during the summer;

FOR Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

a contractor to provide, install and test a new

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbard

gearbox assembly;

Kamal Saleem

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Glynis Urquhart

WHEREAS, Rochdale Village is seeking

WHEREAS, Requests for Proposals were solicited from several contractors producing the following results:

ABSTAIN Timothy Mercer

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April 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 25, 2019


Board of Directors approves carrying charge increases of 2.5% in year one and 2% in year two,

Jean Randolph-Castro

Gary Hawkins

pending approval by New York State Homes and

Barbara Staples

Joyce Williams

Community Renewal.

Ten for, one abstention, four absent; motion

Moved by:


Seconded by: Glynis Urquhart

Lisa Stark


FOR WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc.

Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

(“Rochdale�) prepared operating and capital

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

budgets for fiscal years ending March 31, 2020 and

Maryam Hubbard

Barbara Staples

March 31, 2021 with carrying charge increases of

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

2.5% in year one and 2% in year two; and

Glynis Urquhart

WHEREAS, the budget must be approved as a condition for refinancing the current

AGAINST Kamal Saleem

mortgage which will enable Rochdale to complete much needed capital projects throughout the



Timothy Mercer ABSENT

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of

Jean Randolph-Castro

Gary Hawkins

Directors approves the budgets for fiscal years

Joyce Williams

2020 and 2021, pending approval by New York State

Nine for, one against, two abstentions, three

Homes and Community Renewal.

absent; motion passes.




The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 25

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - March 25, 2019

Meeting began: 7:45 p.m.

Robert Bernstein, Esq., Corporate Counsel William Young - Controller Adolph Osback - Director of Public Safety Corey Jones - Director of Maintenance

Board Members: Present Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairperson Talib Bey - 1st Vice President Mario Turner - 2nd Vice President Jean Hall - 3rd Vice President Tim Mercer - 4th Vice President Maryam Hubbard - Assistant Secretary Barbara Staples - Treasurer Lisa Stark - Assistant Treasurer Edward Douglass - Director Joe Evans - Director Kamal Saleem - Director Glynis Urquhart - Director

Not Present Jean Randolph Castro - President Joyce Williams - Secretary Gary Hawkins - Director The agenda for the evening: 1. Motions 2. Adjournment 3. Cooperator’s Session The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting. Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (2) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions).

Also present MSI Real Estate Herbert Freedman Lance Williams - Assistant General Manager Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager

Motion to adjourn came at 9:10 p.m.

Board President’s Message by Jean Randolph-Castro (continued from page 2)

Survey was sent out only to get a consensus of the majority of the Cooperators. With that being said, 90% of the surveys must be returned with a yes before anything would be considered by the Board, for a resolution to be voted on. Please understand, it was agreed upon the Board Members to send out the survey only for discussion to see how the Cooperators feel about this deal. If the majority of Cooperators are not interested or don’t reply, it Income Survey It is that time of the year once again for us to do our in- will be off the table. It is totally the choice of the Cooperators, come survey. I encourage each and every one of you to fill out if it is not in your favor the Board simply will not move forward the forms and return them to the Management Office on time with this. Again, I will reiterate. It is totally up to majority of the in order to avoid a penalty for turning in the documents late. Cooperator with 90% yes returned survey to Management Office and it will be overseen by the Board. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Spectrum Bulk Deal have a discussion on matters that have to be voted on due to the outburst while meetings is in session. This is totally out of order and is unacceptable. There will be zero tolerance in the future for such behavior. It is imperative that we treat each other with the utmost respect at all times.

There have been many miscommunications from Cooperators not getting a clear understanding on the purpose of Peace, Love & Blessing to you all the survey. Spectrum offered Rochdale a brand new deal and the Board wants to know if the community is interested. The Jean Randolph-Castro

Slow Down!

Please observe pedestrians walking through crosswalks. Come to a full STOP in campus parking lots and at drive way stop signs. Thank you. Chief Pearson.

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April 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Senior Citizens’ Committee Minutes for Wednesday, April 3, 2019 will be no more applications given out at this Answers: After the mall is closed, people will be able to time. enter from the outside. More details to follow after completion. • At 11:25 a.m., Board President Ms. Jean Castro spoke about her condition and was very happy to return. She thanked everyone • At 10:40 a.m., Ms. Joyce Williams spoke about the trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. The for their prayers and well wishes. trip will take place on Friday, May 24, 2019 in the afternoon, time is undecided. The trip will • At 11:40 a.m. Chairperson Ms. Joyce Williams stated she would like to have another tea party cost $8.00. Please go to the Board Secretary to Joyce Williams Jean Castro and said it would be another Authors book. sign up if you are interested in going. The meeting was called to order by the Senior Also she would like to read up on the Bible if Citizens Committee Chairperson, Ms. Joyce • At 10:50 a.m. Special guest, Ms. R. Tillman, a anyone is interested. Williams at 10:00 a.m. with prayers led by representative from Councilmember Adrienne Evangelist Betty Smith. Adams office, spoke about the Participatory At 11:55 a.m. budget. One Million Dollars will be given REMINDER: Sign up for the trip to the Botanical • At 10:10 a.m., the meeting was turned over for community improvements. The seniors Gardens and fill out Ballot. to Assistant Manager Mr. Jay Williams who were to fill out a ballot answering yes or no spoke on: to decide how they would spend the money • 12:00 p.m. the meeting was adjourned and breakfast served. within the community • The update of Hibachi Grill Restaurant and Crunch Fitness as to why it is taking so long. • At 11:00 a.m., Recreational Coordinator of Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May He stated that hopefully one will be finished the Senior Center, Ms. Evelyn Wilson, spoke 01, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. by the end of 2019, and the other will follow. on seniors that would like to play chess and go swimming at Roy Wilkins Park. The cost is At 10:30 a.m. $25.00, if you are not a member. Questions: How long will parking in the big mall stay open • At 11:20 a.m., Ms. Carolyn Jackson of NORC after restaurant is completed? spoke about SCRIE program and stated there

Respectfully submitted, THE SENIOR CITIZENS’ COMMITTEE Joyce William, Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro, Co-Chair Gary Hawkins, Co-Chair



The Rochdale Village Bulletin

NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - May 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Senior Center - May 2019

April 2019



The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 29

Rochdale’s Senior Citizens Committee kicks off Mother’s Day Activities


enior Citizens Committee Chairman and Board of Directors Secretary Joyce Williams kicked off Mother’s Day season in grand style. Committee members that attended the monthly meeting on Wednesday, May

1 enjoyed a free breakfast with all the fixings; decadent layer cake, serenade to Louis Armstrong’s classic ‘What a Wonderful world and a poetry selection entitled ‘Salute’ both performed by Ms. Gloria Williams.

(Left) Senior Citizens Committee Chairman and Board of Directors Secretary Joyce Williams surprises committee members with delicious cake and complimentary breakfast for Mother’s Day.

Approved for posting by the Board Office until May 23, 2019

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April 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar May 2019

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.




Susan Palmer -Van Brackle


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • ROCHDALEBULLETIN@GMAIL.COM The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.



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April 2019

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