Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper - February 2019 Edition

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Vol. 55 No. 03

February 2019

Time for an


UPGRADE Rochdale

RV Board approves plans to remove dated apartment convectors and install 21st century equipment Page 3

Archival construction photo shows co-op’s original convectors still in use today. Photo credit: United Housing Foundation.

Sign up for STAR, ESTAR & SCRIE - Pages 10-11

Black History Month Highlights 2019 with community, elected leaders and the city’s newest Public Advocate - Page 15

Left to Right: Rochdale Village Board of Directors members Ed Douglass, Glynis Urquhart, Joyce Williams; then Brooklyn Councilman Jumaane Williams; board members Jean Castro, Clifton Stanley Diaz; Community Center director Julia Shaw; New York State Assemblywoman Vivian E. Cook and board member Lisa Stark.

President’s Report - Pg. 2


Manager’s ReportReport - Pg. 4- Pg.|4 Youth Art Gallery 14 & 17 | | |General General Manager’s | Planning’s Spring Fling Bazaar- -Pgs. Pg. 20

In Remembrance Remembrance-- Pg. 28 In 36


President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Mario Turner Jean Hall Timothy Mercer Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Lisa Stark Secretary Joyce Williams Assistant Secretary Maryam Hubbard


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Mario Turner Glynis Urquhart Joyce Williams Mark Busgang (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Timothy Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Maryam Hubbard Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Jean Hall Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Clifton Stanley Diaz Information Technology Kamal Saleem/Maryam Hubbard MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones Public Safety Chief (Interim) Adolph Osback Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel Robert Bernstein

February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators,


am very thankful to the Board on the approval of the recapitalization to help us move forward with the new convector project that is long overdue. This is great news for the Rochdale community as we want to keep the quality of life here at a very high standard. The new convectors will come with a thermostat so that the apartment temperature will be very accurate and will be very high in energy savings. In addition to that we are also looking at doing more to improve our infrastructure by replacing the circuit breakers in the apartments, new garbage compactors, revitalization of our building’s water pumps, repair of our curbs and sidewalks in the circles and new backup generators in the power plant to name a few. As we all know good things come at a price. In our case it must come with a carrying charge increase of 2.5% in the first year and 2% in the second year for a total of 4.5%. The actual dollars each of our apartments pay depends on size and varies from an extra $20 per month for some one bedroom apartments to an extra $55 a month if you have a 3 bedroom apartment with a terrace. If you’re interested in finding out about how this will affect you per month in the first year multiply your base monthly carrying charges by 2.5%. For year two, take the number you got for year one and multiply that by 2%. Add those two numbers together and that is your approximate increase amount. Me and nine of my fellow board colleagues had the opportunity to attend the New York State Associations of Black and Puerto Rican Annual Legislative Conference on February 1517th in Albany. This was a very informative conference where we were able to attend a number of workshops and build networks. These workshops have enlightened and educated us on how to go about finding grants that could be

available for the Corporation. With that being said, this will enable us for future projects and help us to keep increases on carrying charges at a minimum in the future. On behalf of the Rochdale Community, I was also awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for my tireless contributions to the Community. I am very humbled that I have made history as the first Board Member to have been awarded by the State Legislative Black and Puerto Rican Caucus. For that I am very humble and grateful that Rochdale is being recognized in Albany. That is also a plus for the Corporation. I want to dedicate this award to the Rochdale Village Board Members for the progress that we have all accomplished throughout the years. I truly look forward to working with each member on the Board for greater things for Rochdale Village. Rochdale Village Inc., is on the map and is known in the State of Albany for the great work and progress that has been accomplished. Past Events The Community Center Committee hosted the Black History Month Celebration on February 23, 2019. We had a number of guest speakers and elected officials who came out to show and gave their continued support. The guest speakers spoke about the great, important people of African descent who have paved the way for a better tomorrow, giving honor to the accomplishments of these great men and women as well as establishing community relationships.

Jean Randolph-Castro

given out to two phenomenal women. The event will be featuring special guest Will Traxx. Tickets are only $25.00, more at the door. Get your tickets now from the Board Office and the committee members listed on the flyer. On Saturday, April 6, 2019, the Community Relations Committee will be hosting the 2nd Annual Autism Awareness Walk. Registration will be at 9:00 a.m. followed by the walk at 10 a.m. Reception will be held in the Community Center Red Brick Area, where we will be having a number of guest speakers, light refreshments and fun activities. Look out for the Shred Fest event on Friday, April 26, 2019 and Saturday April 27, 2019. The first day will be from 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the parking lot at Guy R. Brewer and Baisley Boulevards. The second day will be from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Public Safety gate near the Community Center. Be there on time to shred your documents free of charge. On Saturday, May 04, 2019, the Community Center Committee will be hosting the Annual Spring Fling event. Come out for a day of shopping and give your support. Love, Peace and Blessings to all. Thank you all for your well wishes and Prayers.

Up Coming Events The Community Relations Committee will be hosting a Black and Pearls “Becoming” Tea Party event on Saturday, March 23, 2019, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Red Brick Area. Get your tea cup and saucer and come out to enjoy some tea with friends. The Community Center Committee will also be hosting an Elegant Affair honoring the great women in our community on March 30, 2019 from 9:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. Awards will be Jean Castro

Rochdale’s next Board of Directors meeting is Monday, March 25, 2019 at 7:45 p.m. in rooms 11/12/13.

February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Rochdale’s Board votes for installation of new and improved apartment convectors By Susan Van Brackle


ebruary’s board of directors’ meeting addressed pending issues of great importance. Rochdale Management presented members with resolution R08-19, which requests approval to move forward with a loan refinance application to Wells Fargo Bank for $195,000,000. If the corporation receives bank approval of its’ application the funds will refinance the cooperative’s existing $130,000,000 Freddie Mac mortgage debt. The purpose of the proposed mortgage refinance is to address pressing capital improvement expenditures that require burgeoning attention. Mounting cooperator concerns about corroded, malfunctioning convectors are of paramount importance in the new mortgage refinance. Equipment that doesn’t push enough hot air in the winter or cold air in the summer or that breaks down entirely is a persistent problem throughout the complex. According to the resolution, this new loan refinance will incorporate replacement of the cooperative’s 20,000 convectors. The units that are being sourced are said to be affordable, energy efficient, will improve indoor air quality,

are easy to clean, manageable to install, will provide better filter access and more. The convector system also has a closed back that will keep pesky vermin out (see photo inset). Rochdale Village is not the only Mitchell-Lama housing cooperative that has had to make these necessary repairs to its’ dated structures. Sister co-op Penn South embarked upon a similar upgrade within the last seven years. Rochdale’s board of directors and management conducted in-depth research and a walk-through of the property with cooperative colleagues to gain as much understanding as possible about the process. The loan will also cover replacement of circuit breaker panels, include pump room repairs, replace gas risers, and other important infrastructure upgrades. Rochdale’s aging landscape is showing. Persistent gas outages are just one of the flaws that demand repairs and upgrades be made on components and equipment that have exhausted their useful life. Residents may remember that by 2016, repeated electrical service outages had reached their peak requiring the full replacement of the cooperative’s boiler system. The cooperative’s 2014

refinance included strategic plans that made it possible to conduct: • Power plant boiler replacements and generator repairs. • Installation of generators throughout apartment buildings. • Install energy efficient roof replacements across 20 of Rochdale’s residential buildings and other commercial spaces. • Overhaul facilities at Rochdale’s Community Center. • Make LED lighting upgrades throughout Rochdale’s 120 acre

campus • Install water conserving aerators on faucets and low-flow shower head fixtures. In the coming days, the board of directors will convene with management to review execution plans relative to the mortgage refinance and the timing and action of the proposed recapitalization. Shareholders are encouraged to stay informed by attending board meetings that occur on the fourth Monday of every month in Community Center rooms 11/12/13.

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February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for January 2019

Recapitalization No cooperators benefit from a reduced mortgage at Rochdale Village. Also, an increase in equity or value of the buildings and property of Rochdale Village Inc. has no value to individual cooperators. Individual cooperators cannot sell their shares on an open market. They receive only what they paid in equity less any restoration fees. Therefore, if a reduced mortgage is not of value to individual cooperators, then it only makes sense to borrow money to make needed repairs and replacements for the 55-year-old plant and equipment. Why not pay for the costs over 30 years and not out of current carrying charges? It is for this reason that management urges proceeding with the refinance proposed. It is also a fair and reasonable question, how did we go from two 3% carrying charge increases to a 2 ½% and 2% carrying charge increase, respectively. Currently, we are working on a 2-year budget to review with the Board. We are meeting with all departments over

on filters. the next two weeks to ensure that we can finalize the budget for Board consideration before the end • We budgeted $1,000,000 a year to replace gas risers not of the month. At the same time, necessary if we refinance. everyone is projecting mortgage rate increases this year, hence we • Augers to eliminate bulk should try to proceed. garbage $200,000 a year If nothing changes, our savings. budget projects a positive operating budget with the 2 ½% and 2% increases. A larger cushion would • We have a very serious application for refund on sales be nice but truly not necessary for tax. The attorney took the case some of the following reasons: on a 100% contingency basis. • We project a probable grant from National Grid of at least • We have a real significant savings on shelter rent $2,000,000 because of energy through our pending article savings from new convectors. 78 proceedings. We project $550,000 a year. • We have seen modest energy savings from the new boilers and turbine repair. Once the Ok, all the above may or may not fourth boiler is complete in the happen. It is for this reason that we next 60 to 90 days, we should need the 2 ½% and 2% increases see serious savings not to to pay for the mortgage increase mention savings from the new and stay positive. We do not need more because our real cushion convectors. can be seen if any of the seven • New convectors save $500,000 (7) potentials above come to pass. a year since shut-off valves Some have to happen because avoids water damage to floors of the money available from the plus $50,000 saved annually refinance. If all goes well and the

Board approves, we can move forward with everything. Our best guess is that the earliest for carrying charge implementation would be June 1, 2019 if the Board approves. Joint Orientation On February 2, 2019, representatives from New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) and Management in a joint effort conducted an orientation for the Board. HCR covered topics ranging from the duties and fiduciary responsibilities of board members to the proper dissemination of information to shareholders at large. Correspondingly, management and each department head reviewed their functions and role respective to their departments. Overall, it was a great opportunity for all involved parties to get answers to questions addressed in that forum as the Board, HCR and management are all working for the common goal of seeing Rochdale Village flourish both as a housing company and community.

Slow Down!

Please observe pedestrians walking through crosswalks. Come to a full STOP in campus parking lots and at driveway stop signs. Thank you. Chief Osback.


For all maintenance requests and repairs, please note the following group numbers and contacts for your convenience. Call (718) 276-5610 and dial the following extension for your circle:

Group 1: ext. 402 and 403, ring bell #304 in Bldg. 2 Group 2: ext. 405 and 406, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 5 Group 3: ext. 410 and 411, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 10 Group 4: ext. 413 and 414, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 13 Group 5: ext. 417 and 418, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 17

February 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Profit and Loss Financial Statement Narrative: December 2018 - FY 2019 Explanation of Significant Fluctuations

To ALL Board Members and Cooperators:


ollowing you will find a summary of the significant variances between Rochdale Village Inc.’s CURRENT Actual Year-toDate Financial results compared to the FY 2019 BUDGET as of DECEMBER 2018. Operating Income before Depreciation and Amortization and Income Taxes increased approximately $3,321,000 to $7,822,000 as compared to $4,500,000 in the Budget. The FY 2019 P & L reflects $2,500,000 of income from the sale of the cell tower income stream. Operating income without the $2,500,000 of income would have been $5,322,000 as compared to $4,500,000 in the Budget or an increase of approximately $822,000. a. In the Revenue category, revenue Increased approximately $2,677,000. This increase is principally due to the $2,500,000 of

revenue received related to sale of the cell tower income stream.

Budget. This decrease is principally due to the Budget being based on prior years Shelter Rent calculations and actual NYC Shelter Rent assessments were lower than the Budget anticipated.

b. In the Administrative Expense category there were unusual expenses related to the legal costs for the preparation of the Shelter Rent dispute and filing of the Ar- e. In the Employee Benefits categoticle 78 with the court, the legal ry, expenses decreased $(672,000) cost related to the filing of the J-51 as compared to the Budget. This paperwork to obtain an approxidecrease is principally related to the FY 2019 Budget reflecting mately $400,000 credit related to higher costs based prior years project work that qualified for the trends. J-51 credit and the cost of transportation of cooperators during f. In the Interest expense category, the renovation of parking lots. Interest increased approximately $50,000. This increase is princic. In the Power Plant expense catepally due to the settlement of the NYS Sales Tax Audit. gory, expenses increased approximately $677,000 as compared to the Budget. This increase is prin- g. In the Commercial expense catcipally due to an increase in Gas egory, expenses increased due to consumption in FY 2019 and a costs related to the Brownfield 40% increase in the National Grid clean-up. unit price per Therm. Below you will find a summary of the d. In the Insurance and Real Es- significant variances between Rochtate Tax expense category, ex- dale Village Inc.’s CURRENT YEAR penses decreased approximately Actual Year-to-date Financial results $(751,000) as compared to the as compared to the PRIOR YEAR for

Rochdale Village, Inc. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT Fiscal Year 2019 (for the months ended December 30, 2018

the same period. Operating Income before Depreciation and Amortization and Income Taxes increased $3,213,000 to $7,822,000 as compared to $4,609,000 in FY 2018. NOTE: The DECEMBER 2018 Year-to-date Operating Income before Depreciation reflects a one-time non-recurring income of $2,300,000 from the sale of the cell tower income stream. If that was not reflected in the Operating income would have been $5,322,000 as compared to $4,609,000 in FY 2018. a. In the Revenue category, Other revenue Increased approximately $2,587,000. This increase is principally due to the $2,500,000 of revenue received related to sale of the cell tower income stream. b. In the Maintenance category, expenses decreased approximately $1,853,000 This decrease is principally due an increased focus on managing expanses and more expenses capitalized in FY 2019.

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February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2017, 2018 and 2019

Rochdale Village, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE


February 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2017 AND FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2017 AND FY 2018 vs. Budget

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February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Chief Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report January 2019

Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village Public Safety Department during the month of January 2019. Public Safety maintains 24 hour /7 days a week coverage.

COMPLAINTS: 1. During the month of January 2019, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety Department officers responded to a total of (86) loitering and (85) noise complaints from Cooperators, which were resolved as follows:

a) Founded-Compliant- (33) Loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave and (40) of the noise complaint sources corrected the volume of the noise.

b) Unfounded Calls- (53) unfounded loitering complaints and (45) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard). c) Founded/Non-Compliant Calls- Loitering individuals and noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives — (14) received violations for loitering and (6) received violations for noise complaints.

d) For the month of January 2019 there were a grand total of (09) arrest made on Rochdale Village Grounds. The Public Safety Department will continue to organize in order to better serve the Rochdale Village community. DVR UNIT ACTIVITY: RISK MANAGEMENT INCIDENTS 15 INVESTIGATIVE INCIDENTS 22 VIOLATIONS ISSUED NYPD RELATED ARREST INCIDENTS 4 FIRE INCIDENTS 0 TOTAL INCIDENTS 41 TASK FORCE UNIT ACTIVITIES: • Conducted (162) Directed & Routine Verticals. • Made (3) arrests, issued (3) Trespass Notifications, issued (0) C-Summonses, issued (36) violations to include (16) for loitering and encountered (54) Loiterers during routine & directed patrols. • Responded to assigned calls from Central Dispatch (06). TOWING ACTIVITY The Public Safety Department towed (08) vehicles and issued (49) warning stickers for the violation of various parking rules throughout the complex. Routine and *Directed Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers and Supervisors: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers and Supervisors patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours in an effort to curtail unlawful activities. *Directed verticals are additional post inspections performed in order to proactively reduce Quality of Life conditions in designated “Hot Spots” as determined by community complaints and the analysis of various patrol reports.


1725 282 2007


81 103 168 2273 5 0 09 74 0 4

VIOLATIONS CLASSIFICATION AMOUNT 1 Illegal Move out 2 2 Illegal Move in 1 3 Negligence 1 4 Harboring a Pet 4 5 Noise Complaint 6 6 Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language 7 Loitering 14 8 Illegal Sublet/Occupant 9 9 Damage to Rochdale Property 4 10 Littering 11 Failure to Comply 12 Reckless Endangerment 13 Illegal installation of a camera 0 14 Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance 0 15 Criminal Activities 16 Creating Fire Hazard 1 17 Urinating [Defecation in Public 18 Drinking Alcohol in Public O en Containers 4 19 Gas Leak 20 Trespass 21 Offensive Apt. Odor 22 Harassment 1 23 Walking Dog on Premises 0 24 Throwing things out the window 25 Illegal Parking 26 Health Hazzard 27 Resisting Arrest 0 28 Assault on Rochdale Village Personnel 29 Bulk/Improperly Discarded Garbage 4 30 Refusing to show ID 3 31 Unauthorized Air Conditioner 0 32 Theft of Property 33 Vandalism 34 Smoking in unauthorized area 6 Total 74

February 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Claude LeBorde

Contract Summary/Status — January 2019 SPRAY PARK: LOCAL LAW 11: Group 4 façade violations repairs (phase 2). Build- Playground 1 - Completed end of June 2017. ing Numbers 13 & 14 complete and #15 & 16 are Playground 3 - Completed end of June 2017. in progress. ROOF LEAK RENOVATION: SHOPPING CENTER: 1. Building 7A, Apt. 13E (Completed, February, 1. Complete: Construction began, January 2017. 2017). Completed – December, 2017. 2. Community Center – Room 18 (Completed, 2. Contract Amount: $1,760,000. February, 2017). 3. Benches, trash cans, Security desk and cam- 3. Community center – Club Lounge & Ladies eras: Complete. Rest room (Completed, March 2017). 4. Building 2C, Apt 13C (Completed, April COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION: 2017). 1. Complete: Construction began in April of 2016. 5. Big Mall Entry Canopy Roof Completed, December 2017. (Completed, April 2017). 2. Contract Amount: $1,765,000. 6. Building 4B, Hallway (Completed, 3. Awnings completed. April 2017). 7. Advantage Care (Completed, April 2017). COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF: 8. Rochdale Outlet Mall (Completed, April Phase 2: 2017). Start date: May 2nd, 2018. Completed end of De- 9. Subway(Completed, August 2017). cember, 2018. 10. Bed, Bath and Beyond (Completed, Phase 1: September 2017). Work on parapet wall and roof retrofit (Public Safe- 11. Mall 2 – HIP cleaner (Completed, March ty) completed end of October, 2016. 2018). 12. Building 8B, Apt 13H (Completed, March PARKING LOTS AND WALKWAY REPAIRS: 2018). Complete: Lots #2, 3, 4, 6 & 8. Lot #7 completed 13. Building 1B, Apt. 13A (Completed, May with the addition of 21 new spaces. 2018).

14. Building 1B, Apt. 13H (Completed, May 2018). 15. Building 7A, Apt. 13F (Completed, June 2018). 16. Building 4C, Apt. 13B (Completed, September 2018). 17. Building 12A, Apt. 13E (Completed September 2018). 18. Mall 1, second floor hallway (Completed December 2018). LAUNDRY ROOM UPGRADE: Groups 1 and 2 Completed. Buildings #9 & 13 are in progress. HVAC unit installation in building 16 completed, November 2017 (Bradley Mechanical). HVAC unit installation in buildings 4 & 8 completed, January 2018. (SIGMA). BROWNFIELD CLEANUP: Started 8/27/18 Under this NYCDEP mandate, soil testing has commenced with the installation of depressurization wells in selected commercial stores in Malls 1 and 2. ASBESTOS RECORDS (Reorganizing Files): Project completed end of May, 2017.

Only you can prevent a “Fatberg” at RV Maintenance Dept. mattress removal rules By Susan Van Brackle


ow that I have your attention, let me explain exactly what are fatbergs and how Rochdale residents can save the cooperative from getting them. According to Vincent Sapienza, New York City’s Commissioner for Environmental Protection, last year, 90% of the city’s sewer back ups were caused by household grease and so called ‘disposable’ wipes. It has been reported that 2,000 mini “fatbergs” were created that clogged up New York City’s sewage treatment plants. The process for avoiding the creation of fatbergs begins with residents taking care to dispose of grease by pouring the cooled fat into a plastic bottle or zip-loc bag then throwing it into the garbage can. Never dump grease down the drain or toilet. The same care applies to disposable wipes. Although they’re marketed as being “flushable”, these fabric

strips are strangling sewer systems, washing up on local beaches and on the shores of neighboring countries. When disposable wipes combine with grease, they create what is becoming known as a “fatberg”. Turns out that New York City’s sewer system is being overwhelmed with items that are marketed as ‘flushable’. In 2017 more than 50,000 tons of this greasy debris made its’ way into city landfills, which is equivalent in scope to multiple olympic-sized swimming pools and costs the city $18,000,000 to process. New York is instituting a campaign ahead of Earth Day called “Trash it Don’t Flush It”. Mikelle Adgate, Sr. Advisor for New York City Environmental Protection explained the campaign as, “Only flush the four p’s: pee, poop, puke and paper.” To learn more about how to prevent fatbergs and how to become more environmentally responsible, please consult whose motto is “Trash it. Don’t Flush it”.

By Susan Van Brackle This submission is coming to you directly from Corey Jones, Rochdale’s Maintenance Director: “Cooperators please be advised that improper disposal of mattresses is unsanitary and the Sanitation Department will not remove any mattresses that are not covered first.

Mattress covers can be obtained at your Group Manager’s office - free of charge. It is the Cooperator’s responsibility to properly discard refuse. Please be reminded that all bulk items must be placed downstairs before 3:30 p.m., not afterwards. Failure to comply may result in being charged hefty violation fees. Thank you for your cooperation.


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

February 2019

Outreach campaign for SCRIE, STAR and ESTAR enrollment is in progress Need help drafting your forms and submitting them by March 15? Rochdale Village NORC and the Rochdale Village Senior Center are here to help elderly residents in the community. To make an appointment with NORC, call 718-286-1541. To reach the Rochdale Village Senior Center dial 718-525-2800. Please bring your 2017 tax return

in preparation for the appointment. Non senior citizens can receive processing assistance for STAR, SCRIE or DRIE too from the Rochdale Village Management Office by dialing 718-276-5700 x300. The March 15th deadline applies specifically to STAR and ESTAR. Don’t delay. Call today!

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ REACH Black History Month Tribute

Valentine Wish

By Anthony Blake Meeting horizons beyond expectations Extending into strides Join me for Black History Month ride A story of Afro-American contributes being the pioneers being a few in many such as DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., MEDGAR EVERS, GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER, EUBIE BLAKE, JACKIE ROBINSON, JOE BLACK and numerous others Their determination and desire that “REACH” became important to me Reach as high as the sky Let no question be why of I Reach in extending your promise Reach in knowing what one can achieve Establish your right Through understanding there is might Use knowledge being learn Encourage others being a concern Let prosperity be on your lips Think on what our Afro-American Pioneers accomplished and they are the tip Grasp concepts where no one will dare But you are you beyond compare Challenge your own abilities You will discover your own reality Stand solid on your own ideas But always think preserver You are the yes and no But pause analyzing although Black History Month is too encourage all Afro-American Brothers and Sisters in what our forefathers can accomplish so shall we My abilities tell me to reach Aim for the horizon Destiny my own journey My Brothers and Sisters encourage me to continue move and be on the go See me move and feel my flow But odds say stand still However, I can’t as it’s God’s will God guided me to move and he is the bill I say to all Reach, Reach, Reach Until you can no longer Reach any more The key is the Reach in effort As you are enriched in Faith Time maybe ticking, but continue to reach until finished Commitment and responsibility are all but remainders You have the power to “REACH.

Lend a Hand to your Fellow Man

By Anthony Blake Heart to Heart Eye to Eye Lip Kiss Roses are red and violets are blue, are you still in love with me through and through? Love has always been our responsibility The Endless Kiss being our reality Every day to me is Valentine’s Day as you are always on my mind Roses and Wine combined A Candlelight Dinner with us alone Eventually there will be an interlude shown Our Love is beyond compare My heart I want to share Happy Valentine’s Day Love and more Love being every step of the way Kiss me now As a couple only our Love knows how Happy Valentine’s Day


By Alanda I. Wasserman Edwards In a New Year we see time for new beginnings and to be the best we can be. God give us another year to be there for each other. To share with our sisters and brothers; neighbors, friends and foes. No matter where or who we know, we can lend a helping hand to help each other stand. We may not completely know what the other person’s song is all about but that doesn’t mean we cannot help each other out. We are all God’s children and are uniquely made so do not be afraid to help each other today. It’s okay even if you don’t quite understand. Lend a helping hand to your fellowman.

By Gloria Williams It was you that started me to dream again Your unleashed passion that made me want to sing again You made me feel vibrant, free, and young Protected from all harm. Wanting to be wrapped up in your reassuring arms. You made me begin to laugh and live. You made me want to share and give. You made me stop feeling sad and blue, You whispered softly beautiful lady, which made me fall in love with you. All because of you, that is when I first knew that it was really you. I pledge my love, my heart, and my life to you. Peace.

Smile, It’s Free By Alanda I. Wasserman Edwards How much is that book? Oh, a dollar. How about that hook? That will be two. What about the shawl? That will cost you $20 dollars It was made in Paris last fall. What about the pearl necklace? Oh, that is about $200 bucks. And the cuff links just $300. Any other stuff? No I don’t have money Sir. I’m just not rich enough. Oh but your smile is worth millions and made my day. See you had no idea the trouble I had all night long the bad news I received and pain I was in for so long.

Daylight Savings Time ENDs 2 a.m. Sunday morning, March 10, 2019

Hallelujah! More daylight ahead. Spring can’t be too far away.

Don’t forget to “spring” ahead by one hour.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

February 2019

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Community Center Committee hosts Black History Month 2019 in grand fashion By Susan Van Brackle


ebruary was an action-packed month at the Rochdale Village cooperative. In addition to hosting multiple Black History Month activities throughout the complex, residents also participated in a citywide special election for Public Advocate on Tuesday, February 26. On the weekend of February 23 and 24, the Board of Directors’ Community Center Committee sponsored grand culmination events for this year’s Black History Month celebration. Committee chairman Jean Castro, co-chair and director of the board Ed Douglass and community center director Julia Shaw treated event participants to a weekend of food, shopping, music, dance, presentations and movie entertainment all in Rochdale’s grand ballroom. At Saturday’s gathering, The Women of Jazz band artfully performed ‘sets’ of many popular standards including a fan favorite made famous by legendary vocalist Nancy Wilson entitled Guess Who I Saw Today? A bevy of New York State and City political officials like Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, New York State Assemblymember Vivian E. Cook, New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, Councilmembers I. Daneek Miller, Donovan Richards, Adrienne Adams and then Brooklyn Councilmember turned Public Advocate, Jumaane Williams were each in attendance to celebrate with us. During this visit, the Bulletin interviewed some of our guests about the importance of voting and what Black History Month means to them? Queens Borough President Melinda Katz shared, “As I go around the boroughs celebrating Black History Month…every community is celebrating how far we’ve come and also how far we need to go… There are a lot of shoulders we stand on. People have proven that there is a lot we can do when we stand together. I’m excited to be here at Rochdale Village. There are groups of people I’ve come to know. They always stand together and work together for the betterment of the neighborhood and I’m just happy to be a small part of it. Jumaane Williams, Brooklyn Councilmember and now winner of the New York City Public Advo-

cate’s race, was asked why voting is so important. He stated, “This [The Public Advocate’s Race] is a critically important race. We’ve never had a citywide special election. For 10 years I’ve been in the city council holding elected officials accountable for their actions – even when it was unpopular and, with much success. I’m honored to have so much support from Rochdale, elected officials and leaders. I know for a fact if Rochdale comes out, we win. There’s no doubt about it.” Assemblymember Vivian Cook added, “A lot of people gave their life for people to vote. There are a lot of young people out in the street picketing in order to give people the right to vote and get a voice, okay?...That’s why Martin Luther King and Reverend Davenport and people like that were in the streets.” In addition to visits from these community leaders, entrepreneurs and local business owners sold custom merchandise directly to Rochdale Village consumers. The Epic Dance Troop, led by Jasmine Coward, performed a moving dance tribute on stage. Then on Sunday afternoon from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. the movie ‘Black Panther’ aired on the grand ballroom’s jumbotron. While many residents have already seen the movie, some in attendance were firsttime viewers of the ‘Afrofuturistic’ epic produced by Ryan Coogler on behalf of Marvel Studios. Audience members were treated to stereophonic sound and movie snacks sold as a fundraiser for the Rochdale Village Academy. So, what’s coming up next? In celebration of Women’s History Month the Community Center will also air a movie screening of Hidden Figures starring award winning actresses Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer and Jonelle Monae on Sunday, March 31. Pictures right (top to bottom): Attendees at Black Panther movie screening, Dancers from Epic Dance Troupe, shoppers support book vendor, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz meets residents, soulful singer from Women of Jazz band, Public Advocate Jumaane Williams with grandchildren of Board President Jean Castro, New York City’s Comptroller Scott M. Stringer with artisans of Nature’s Plan Catering, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, Council member Donovan Richards, Board Secretary Joyce Willams; custom vendor products. Photo credit: Larry Love Moore

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February 2019

February 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village community is added to Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture By Susan Van Brackle


n recognition of Black History Month, the Rochdale Village community has been added to the National Museum of African American History and Culture’s Community Curation initiative. It is a program set up by Smithsonian museum curators to gather digital artifacts as an extension of the physical exhibits they have in Washington, D.C. Communities that have historical relevance are asked to contribute. We do so we’re in! Just type into a computer’s browser and it will navigate to the landing page for the Smithsonian Museum’s cura-

tion site. Visitors can open a free web account or view the Rochdale Village images and others without creating an account just by doing a search (see screen shot below). The community space that is dedicated to Rochdale Village currently houses an initial upload of historic images with more to come. Residents that sign up to create their own neighborhood memories can link them to Rochdale Village and/or other artifact submissions that are currently on the site. The Smithsonian does vet uploaded images for approval. Rochdale Village resident’s (past and present), their memorabilia and related contents are welcomed to add to the Smithsonian’s community site. Enjoy!

Rochdale Village (enter cooperative’s name in this search bar online to see uploaded images).

Informational genealogy course sparks new interest in finding ones’ roots By Susan Van Brackle Residents that participated in the Community Center’s six-part Black History Month Family History Workshop truly received a wealth of information from genealogist Diane Warmsley. Ms. Warmsley strategically guided enthusiasts ranging from beginners to advanced to a plethora of research resources that will help one construct their family tree. In addition to the Americas, Instructor Warmsley covered research methods that included the Caribbean Islands, Native Americans and Freedmen Rolls. Most helpful were the methodical outlines she developed for finding family records and containing them in an organized manner. Extensive presentations were delivered in a patient, compre-

hensive manner with students generally left wanting more at the end of the session. Students have been invited to understand better the nuances of conducting a DNA test and will present tidbits of their genealogy findings during the last class on March 13. Those that missed the seminar series may be able to sign up for another round. Please express your interest to the community center office by calling 718-276-5700 x337.

RV’s Entrance Door Key Policy Welcome to Rochdale Village Says

“Building entrance door keys, referred to as Keri keys, will only be issued to household members minimum age of 13 years and listed on the annual Income Affidavit.” (©October 2018. In Documents on rochdalevillage.)

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

February 2019

Youth Planning Committee & RV Senior Center celebrate Valentine’s Day Photo credits: Larry Love Moore

Mario Turner, 2nd Vice President of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Youth Planning Committee sends special thanks to parent helpers and committee members Sandra Cooper, Tina Young and Renee Taylor for making this year’s event extra special. Mothers and kids spent special time together at the Mommy & Me Valentine’s Day event.

This year’s Mommy and Me Jewelry, Chocolate and Card Making event brought out a host of active families to the Club Lounge in the Rochdale Village Community Center. Families designed custom greeting cards, jewelry and poured hot chocolate into decorative molds to make sweet treats.

The Rochdale Village Senior Center hosted a lovely Valentine’s Day luncheon for participants. Senior Center Director Sheree Shivers, Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz and Board President Jean Castro scheduled an afternoon of music, dancing, gifts from Councilwoman Adrienne Adams, Dr. Maria Hubbard and Lance Fuertado and visits from Councilmen I. Daneek Miller (St. Albans) and Jumaane Williams (Brooklyn).

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Annual Black History Month Program - Building 8 Photo credits: Larry Love Moore

Building 8’s 17th Annual Black History Month Program hosted by Gwen Whitted on Saturday, February 9, 2019 was dedicated it to the memory of its’ founder, the late Ms. Phyllis M. Jackson. Gwen Whitted closed the event with her signature poem. The BCLC Fierce Dancers rocked the performance.

Former Rochdale Village board president, Elaine Jackson, performed a Black History presentation to a packed audience.

Attendees enjoyed singing, poetry, dancing and a Black History Jeopardy game. Special Thanks to program participants London Massey, Juanita Fatola, Oreanna Folk. Cookie Edwards, Tamia Casablanca, Nicole Callabrass, The BCLC Fierce Dancers, Sydney Graham, Sylvia McCarroll, Delores Watts, Elaine Jackson, Sonia G. Diaz, Gloria Williams, Zakiyyah Taalib Bey, Carol Hambil and Harold Callabrass.

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February 2019

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Board members attend 2019 Black and Puerto Rican Caucus in Albany

Rochdale’s board members network the night away at the 2019 Black and Puerto Rican Caucus in Albany. Photo far left: Shown here with New York State’s Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli from left to right: Assistant Secretary Maryam Hubbard, Director Gary Hawkins, 4th Vice President Tim Mercer, President Jean Castro, Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, Comptroller DiNapoli, Secretary Joyce Williams, Director Glynis Urquhart and 3rd Vice President Jean Hall. Center Photo: President Jean Castro and New York State’s Senior Senator Charles “Chuck” Schumer.


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February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - January 28, 2019

R01-19: WHEREAS proposals were sought from

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

contractors to service and repair all sixty (60)

Gary Hawkins

interior compactors and ten (10) exterior

Twelve for, three absent; motion passes.

compactors, producing the following results:

R02-19: WHEREAS, Category 1 Elevator

WHEREAS, the incumbent, Premier Inspections are due for the one hundred and provided the lowest prices in each category and twenty-one (121) elevators at Rochdale Village; has performed satisfactory; WHEREAS, Savkom has done an BE IT RESOLVED that the Rochdale exceptional job and has agreed to perform the same Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts the services while decreasing their price from $25,562 proposal from Premier Compaction based upon their to $24,500 for a two (2) year period; unit prices. WHEREAS, considering Savkom, Inc. was Moved by:

Barbara Staples the lowest bidder in 2017 where bids ranged from

Seconded by: Lisa Stark


$25,562 to $50,820 we are requesting an extension

Talib Bey

Edward Douglass

of their contract for an additional two (2) year

Joe Evans

Jean Hall


Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer


Kamal Saleem

Barbara Staples

Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors agrees

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

to extend the contract of Savkom, Inc., in the

Glynis Urquhart

Joyce Williams

total amount of $24,500 per year for an additional

two (2) year period to conduct Category 1 Elevator ABSENT


February 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - January 28, 2019

Moved by:

feet in Mall 2 for five years; and

Edward Douglass

Seconded by: Joyce Williams WHEREAS, the terms of the leases are




Edward Douglass Carewell’s lease renewal is approved by Rochdale

Joe Evans

Maryam Hubbard Village, Inc. Board of Directors.

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem Moved by:

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Glynis Urquhart

Joyce Williams


Jean Hall Jean Randolph-Castro

ABSENT Clifton Stanley Diaz

Gary Hawkins

Talib Bey

Seconded by: Lisa Stark


Talib Bey

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Glynis Urquhart

Joyce Williams

Eleven for, one abstention, three absent; motion



Jean Hall


R03-19: Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

WHEREAS, Carewell Medical Associates, Gary Hawkins Inc. (“Carewell”) currently rents 1,250 square Eleven for, one abstention, three absent; motion feet in Mall 2;


WHEREAS, Carewell has agreed to take R04-19 one thousand two-hundred and fifty (1,250) square WHEREAS, Cost Plus Distributors,

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - January 28, 2019


Inc. (“RVO”) currently rents 13,500 square feet in Mall 1;

Jean Randolph-Castro WHEREAS, RVO has agreed to take


thirteen thousand five-hundred (13,500) square

Clifton Stanley Diaz

feet in Mall 1 for ten years; and

Ten for, two against, one abstention, two absent;

Gary Hawkins

motion to table passes. WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are attached.


WHEREAS, Cost Plus Wholesalers, Inc.

RVO renewal is approved by Rochdale Village, Inc.

d/b/a Bed Bath Etc. (“Bed and Bath”) currently

Board of Directors.

rents 2,420 square feet in Mall 1;

Moved by:

WHEREAS, Bed and Bath has agreed to

Kamal Saleem

Seconded by: Joe Evans take two thousand four hundred and twenty (2,420) MOTION TO TABLE square feet in Mall 1 for five years; and Moved by:

Timothy Mercer WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are

Seconded by: Barbara Staples



Talib Bey

Edward Douglass

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbard

Bed and Bath lease renewal is approved by the

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors.

Barbara Staples

Mario Turner

Moved by:


Talib Bey

Seconded by: Maryam Hubbard Glynis Urquhart

Joyce Williams

Joe Evans


Lisa Stark


Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

February 2019

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - January 28, 2019

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbard


Timothy Mercer

Barbara Staples

Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Glynis Urquhart

Joyce Williams

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbard


Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem


Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Kamal Saleem Clifton Stanley Diaz

Gary Hawkins

Twelve for, one abstention, two absent; motion

Mario Turner

Glynis Urquhart

passes. Joyce Williams


WHEREAS, Howe It’s Done Beauty

Clifton Stanley Diaz


Gary Hawkins

Thirteen for, two absent; motion passes

Supply, Inc. (“Howe It’s Done”) currently rents 1,250 square feet in Mall 2;

R07-19: WHEREAS, committees are formed to

WHEREAS, Howe It’s Done has agreed to take one thousand two hundred and fifty (1,250) square feet in Mall 2 for five years; and

assist the Board of Directors and shareholders of Rochdale Village; WHEREAS, the Maintenance Committee

WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are

has proposed to host shredding events and


maintenance appreciation day WHEREAS, to allow for effective

It’s Done Lease renewal is approved by Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors. Moved by:

Kamal Saleem

Seconded by: Joyce Williams

budgeting and transparency the maintenance committee proposes the following budget: Spring Shred Fest:


Fall Shred Fest:


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - January 28, 2019

Maintenance Appreciation Day:


Moved by:

Food for Committee Meetings:


Seconded by: Joe Evans



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total:

$11,165.00. The Spring Shred Fest will be held in

April 2019 and the Fall Shred Fest will be held in September 2019.

The events will be held on Friday

and Saturday for each of the respective months. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves the proposed maintenance committee budget for

Tim Mercer


Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Glynis Urquhart

Joyce Williams


Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Gary Hawkins Twelve for, three absent; motion passes.

Fiscal Year 19/20.

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - January 28, 2019

Meeting began: 7:45 p.m. Board Members: Present Talib Bey - 1st Vice President Mario Turner - 2nd Vice President Jean Hall - 3rd Vice President Tim Mercer - 4th Vice President Joyce Williams - Secretary Maryam Hubbard - Assistant Secretary Barbara Staples - Treasurer Edward Douglass - Director Jose Evans - Director Kamal Saleem - Director Glynis Urquhart - Director Also present MSI Real Estate Lance Williams - General Manager Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager Robert Bernstein, Esq., Corporate Counsel

William Young - Controller Adolph Osback - Director of Public Safety Corey Jones - Director of Maintenance Not Present Jean Randolph-Castro - President Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairman Gary Hawkins - Director The agenda for the evening: 1. Motions 2. Adjournment 3. Cooperator’s Session The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting.  Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (7) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions). Motion to adjourn came at 8:55 p.m.

February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Senior Citizens’ Committee

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Minutes for Wednesday, February 6, 2019 with Women of Jazz performing on Saturday, February 23, 2019, free admission. She also announced the upcoming Birthday Celebration of Doctor Bob Lee of WBLS on Saturday, March 30, 2019, buy your tickets early.

Star are for shareholders 65 years of age or older. Only the shareholder of record on the income survey and/or shareholder’s spouse that also resides at the property as the primary residence may apply. A workshop is available to explain more in details, you must schedule an appointment. Joyce Williams

Jean Castro

The meeting was called to order by the Senior Citizens Committee Chairperson, Ms. Joyce Williams at 10:0 a.m. with prayers led by Evangelist Evelyn Wilson. • At 10:10 am, the meeting was turned over to RVI Assistant Manager Mr. Jay Williams. Mr. Williams spoke on various topics. Mr. Williams Spoke on the following topics: • SCRIE - Shareholders or their spouse must be 62 years of age or older • DRIE - Shareholders must be 18 years of age or older, named on lease and received SSI, SSDI, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Disability; Pension or compensation; or Disability-related Medicaid is required. • STAR - N.Y.S. Relief Program. Basic Star are for shareholders under the age of 65. Enhanced

• At 11:35 a.m., Question and Concerns:

• Laundry room dryers; no carts in laundry room. • At 10:40 a.m., Carolyn Jackson of NORC will help seniors fill out application if needed. She also spoke about up-coming events that were • At 11:45 a.m., Joyce Williams adjourned the meeting. Breakfast was served. cancelled due to transportation, and notices that had already been posted. • At 11:30 a.m., Special Guest Speaker Ms. Nikka Williams, Social Worker spoke At 10:50 a.m., Ms. Sheree Shivers, Director of about helping those in trouble. What to do Rochdale Senior Center spoke on the following if you see someone that needs help. Also up-coming events: remember “IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY • Birthday Celebration- March 1, 2019 (January, SOMETHING”. February, March) • How To Be A Superman At Any Age • At 11:45 a.m. Meeting was adjourned and Workshop. To register call (718) 525-2800 breakfast was served • Maryland Live Casino, Arundel Mills, Maryland – November 14, 2019, $41.00 deposit is due on March 1, 2019. For more Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 06, 2019 at 10:00am. events, pick up flyers at the Senior Center. • Also free tax services for seniors Respectfully submitted, • At 11:10 a.m. Joyce Williams spoke on up- THE SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE coming trip to Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Joyce William, Chairperson No date has been set. At 11:20 a.m., Jean Jean Randolph-Castro, Co-Chair Castro announced a Black History Event, Gary Hawkins, Co-Chair

Community Center Committee Minutes for Thursday, January 17, 2019 Randolph-Castro New Business: Fifteen (15) members were in attendance The Committee discussed the following items:

Jean Castro

Ed Douglass

Meeting attendees: Community Center Committee: Attendance Sheet forwarded

• Based on last year’s award, there were too many awards given therefore the Committee Members requested to honor and keep it to a minimum in order to celebrate the women of 1) Update of Black History Month Event great worth dance in a timelier manner. These The program will start at 2 p.m. women will be honored during the first hour of the event. Following that we will continue A number of Elected Officials will be in attendance. Guest speakers will be coming in at about on with our great event in honor to help There will be a number of performances ebrate our women board members for their Over 30 vendors registered to participate birthday. We will also be celebrating two of Tasks were assigned to Committee Members our male Board Members birthday.

2) Honoring Women Dance • Tickets are available and were distributed to Date: Thursday, January 17, 2019 the Committee Members Time: Called to order: 7:00 p.m. • The Committee spoke about two women that Adjourned: 7:45 p.m. will be honored, one will be our Olympic winner and the other is the Founder of the Life Facilitator: Camp. These women have contributed so Chairperson, Jean Randolph-Castro much to the community as it relates to their different careers and will be recognized on beMeeting was opened by Chairperson, Ms. Jean half our community.

• Tasks for the event were assigned to the Committee Members Old Business Next Meeting: Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 7 p.m. Jean Randolph-Castro, Chairperson Edward Douglass, Chairperson Tina Young, Secretary

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Maintenance Committee

February 2019

Minutes for Thursday, February 14, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Main- • Building 19 – dryer 431 card reader replaced tenance Director, Corey Jones (CJ), as Committee Chair, Jean Hall (JH) was delayed. A total of twenty- During the month of February members of the maintenance committee will two (22) members signed in. (JH arrived at 7:15 p.m.). conduct a survey of the laundry room using a laundry room report card to obtain feedback on how cooperators feel about the performance of the laundry Update on Maintenance Projects: room and the quality of services. Each member present was asked to comCJ provided the following up on ongoing projects: plete five surveys and return at the March Maintenance committee meeting. • Fire Safety – We are currently working with the fire inspectors to complete all necessary visual in spections and ad dress code enforcement. Fire extinguishers – All extinguisher upgrades are nearly complete and spare units are on hand. Sprinkler upgrades – Sprinkler head upgrades are underway in various areas. Buildings Department – Occupancy notifications are being addressed with FDNY. Spring Grounds Orders – Spring materials are going through the ordering process now for items such as fertilizers, seeds, organic soil, goose repellant etc. HVAC – Fan motors, fan and filters are being ordered. Snow Removal – cleared the paths and provide traction with snow melt chemicals.

Jean Hall

• • • • • •

General Concerns Raised: • When will group 5, receive the new tiles that have been placed by the elevator banks? CJ indicated the project should be completed by the end of March 2019. • Building 4 Community Room – cooperators raised con cerns again, as to why no work has been performed on this community room that has been out of service for almost 2 years. CJ stated the status is pending as there are problems with obtaining the proper permits. • Complaints that the elevator in building 4, b section is still not functioning properly. CJ indicated he will investigate. • Cooperators advised the membership that there was a flood in building 8 laundry room due to pipes bursting during the severe cold.

Group 1: • Building 4, there have been multiple times the glass panes (The Maintenance Management staff is also conducting meetings with vari- in the lobby has been shattered requiring replacement. It ous professionals from specialty fields to advise, bid, inspect and converse is alleged the damage is the result of pellets from a BB gun. with regarding industry changes, new codes etc. It is a continuing effort to The cost of replacement for each pane is $1200.00. Thus keep the community safe and operational) far the damage has caused cooperators $3,600.00. Building 1, the B section door does not close – it remains Laundry Room Report: open and the old elevator does not signal correctly. Note: At the time of the meeting, JH did not have the laundry room report – however the report was forwarded late in the day and is outlined below: Group 2: • Cooperator again complained regarding the loss of parking WOODSIDE SUPER LAUNDRY lot space. CJ did not indicate any additional action will be 61-04 39TH Avenue taken. Woodside, New York 11377 (718) 396-2700 Group 3: • Cooperator complained that Mr. Keller promised on three List of Rochdale Village Laundry Room Equipment Repairs January occasions that he would inspect her complaint of water res 2018 idue in her toilet – but to date he has not responded. • Building 1 – dryer 217 belt replaced; washer 152 card read • Another cooperator indicated that an appointment was er replaced; dryer 234 card reader replaced missed, and she never received a call from maintenance – • Building 3 – washer 304 power turned back on; washer 305 therefore she wasted the entire day. JH indicated there CPU replacement (not ready) should be a more effective measure to contact and follow• Building 4 – washer 395 water valve replaced; 4 dryers up with cooperators regarding maintenance appointments. down due to electrical breaker problem, fixed by electrician • Building 5 – dryer 073 card reader replaced; dryer 070-bjb Group 4: computer board replaced; washer 216-bjb card reader re• Cooperator alleges that in building 15, section B, there is a placed person throwing garbage out of the window. • Building 6 – washer 196 door handle replaced; • Couple indicated that the convectors in their unity kitchen • Building 8 – washer 434-bjb water line replaced and bedroom continue to cause leaks. Their information • Building 9 – 118 power supply problem fixed; 123 belts was given to CJ, who will follow up personally. replaced • Building 12 – 464 card reader replaced; 468 door handles Group 5: replaced • Complaint regarding new leaks and the general mainte • Building 13 – washer 094 water valve replaced; dryer belt nance throughout the group requires attention. replaced Shred Fest: • Building 14 – washer 246 belt replaced JH confirmed that the Spring Shed Fest will take place on Friday, April 26, • Building 15 – dryer 380 belt replaced; dryer 373 card read 2019 from 10AM to 1PM in the Big Mall and Saturday, April 27, 2019 from er replaced 9AM to 1PM at the Public Safety Gate near the community center. • Building 16 – 067 CPU issue (not ready) • Building 17 – dryers 139/140 circuit breaker reset; No further business requiring discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - March 2019

February 2019

February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Senior Center - March 2019

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February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

In Remembrance of

Stanley Weldon Hill Sr. • Resident, shareholder and ‘Rochdaler’ • Fearless union leader of New York’s District Council 37 • One of the leading African-Americans in the labor movement • Avid Civil Rights activist, intellectual and sportsman • Selflessly helped others and served his community • Husband, dad, son, brother, family man and dear friend • Forever a part of rochdale village history...

Already missed.....

Mildred Miller Rochdale Village Pioneer

A Face Made for Kissing By Ed Miller

Her eyes were closed forever Like in a lover’s kiss embrace As the teenage lovers did on the stoop That was the place. Her warm hands covered his cold ears It was hard to say goodbye That 71st year beginning we hoped Would never die.

Beloved wife of resident & Poet Ed Miller and Mother of Marc Miller, Ph.D. Forever a part of rochdale’s history...

My request to open the coffin So that I would never regret Seeing my sweetheart’s face for kissing Like my daughter’s never to forget. It was Valentine’s Day forever The day to celebrate love The last time to say, “I love you” As witnessed by heaven above.

February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Paid Advertisement

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February 2019

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar March 2019

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.




Susan Palmer -Van Brackle


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • ROCHDALEBULLETIN@GMAIL.COM The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

February 2019

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Paid Advertisement

February 2019

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