Rochdale Village Bulletin February 2020 Edition

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Vol. 56 No. 03


February 2020

Winter Break Wrap up



RV kids receive valuable computer tech skills. Pages 17,18

President’s Message | Manager’s General Manager’s Report 4 | Committee Reports Pg.&28-29 President’s Report - Pg. 2 - Pg. | 2 General Report - Pg. 4 |- Pg.Youth Planning’s Art Gallery - Pgs.- 14 17 |

Home Going In|RemembrancePg.- Pg. 28 33

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin


President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.

OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark Ed Douglass Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Glynis Urquhart Secretary Joyce Williams Assistant Secretary Janine Cross


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Glynis Urquhart Joyce Williams Name Pending (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Barbara Staples Commercial Services Timothy Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro/Ed Douglass Community Relations Lisa Stark Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Janine Cross Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Gary Hawkins Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Jean Randolph-Castro Information Technology Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Director of Maintenance Kelvin Pantaleon Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback Power Plant Director Corey Jones Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel Robert Bernstein

February 2020

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators,


inter is treating us well thus far. We are so blessed. I am grateful for the mild weather and that we did not have major snowfall or storms. I am thankful as the weather permits us more opportunities to come out to committee meetings and enjoy time outside with family and friends. I am happy and pleased that we are in a great place today with implementing our projects and overseeing Management as they continue to ensure that these projects meet the standards we deserve. I am looking forward to a better Rochdale Village where we can all enjoy the quality of life. Census 2020 March 12–20, 2020 are the days when we will be receiving a request to reply to the 2020 Census. You can reply by mail, phone or online. Once you respond, your answers are kept anonymous. The U.S. Census Bureau is restricted by law to protect your response and is strictly confidential. Your information will not be shared with any third party or any Government agency. Your response to the Census is very important and plays a very big role in the number of funds our community can receive for development. Last year, Queens was the lowest district to be counted. Please let us be counted in order for us to get our fair share for our community. The Census is very important to the Rochdale Village Community, I encourage you to take part and also speak to your family and friends letting them know how important it is that they also take part in completing the Census. Town Hall We are looking forward to having several Town Hall meetings at Rochdale Village where the MTA Bus Redesign and other issues that affect our community will be discussed. These current issues affect us all in one way or the other. Many of us have questions and concerns, which need clarifications from our local leaders. Once con-

firmation is made the dates, venue and time will be posted. Income Survey It is around this time of year when every cooperator will be receiving the income survey questionnaire. I encourage every cooperator to fill out the forms and return to management on time to avoid a late penalty. When filling out your forms, please ensure that every occupant is listed to avoid issues in the future for example your succession rights ownership. Projects & Developments We are presently working on several of projects for the quality of life for our cooperators. We are currently working on installing convectors in every apartment. The Tier parking and repaving projects are being looked into. Jay’s restaurant is currently under renovations and hopefully will be completed very soon. Hibachi Grill will soon start renovations. All these projects are still in the works. Coronavirus The Coronavirus outbreak is already affecting many countries. In the news this past weekend, it has been announced that one case tested positive for coronavirus in New York. The symptoms include cough, difficulty breathing and fever. If you are experiencing any such symptoms avoid contact with others and contact your healthcare provider for help and information. Please be vigilant and take every precautionary measure necessary to protect yourself and others. Always wash your hands with soap and water. Provide your children who are travelling on the bus to school with hand sanitizer and napkins. Also, remind your children to wash their hands often. Upcoming Events The Rochdale Village Community Center Committee will be hosting a Cancer Support Group Meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. in room #16. I encourage everyone to come out

President, Jean Randolph-Castro to this important meeting. We will be having a guest speaker from the Queens Hospital Cancer Center. Cancer is a very deadly disease that affects many of us in the community, if not directly but we may have friends, family or know someone who is battling this disease. Come out and get some important information that we may be able to help those affected either by providing some helpful information to them or to comfort them. The Annual Cancer Awareness Walk will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2020. Come out and support this worthy cause, showing your support to those who are affected. The Rochdale Village Community Relations Committee will be hosting the Black, White & Pearls Tea Party on Saturday, March 14, 2020 from 12:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. The event will be held in the Red Brick Area. Rochdale Village’s very own Ms. Nikka Williams will be present for a book signing. Ms. William will highlight her book entitled, The Power of Knowing How, helping the audience to see how they can use the principles in her book to get help with daily, personal issues that affect them. On Saturday, March 28, 2020, the Community Center Committee will host the Annual Women History Month Event from the hours of 5:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. The cocktail hour will be from 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. A full course dinner will be served from 8:00 P.M. (Continued on page 3)


February 2020

Community Center Committee hosts vibrant Black History Month program By Susan Van Brackle Olayemi Okeniyi


ochdale’s grand ballroom and red brick atrium came alive with vendors and visitors, all there to pay homage to past generations of African-Americans for their central role in the development of these United States. On Saturday, February 22, 2020, Rochdale’s Community Center Committee assembled with community participants from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. to celebrate black excellence. Community Center Director Julia Shaw offered a warm welcome to the audience while Rochdale’s Board Vice President and Community Center Committee Chairman, Edward Douglass spoke about the importance of Black History. Noted WBLS FM radio personality, Doctor Bob Lee was on hand to raffle off, sell and sign his new book, “People To Know In Black History And Beyond.” Before raffling 10 signed copies of his book, Lee told those in attendance that a big revelation he got from the movie,

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

“Hidden Figures” was that there are and have always been great men and women of color, toiling in obscurity for the advancement of the country. He said they should be recognized. Andrew P. Jackson who served as the MC of the day, opened with prayer and libations before yielding the floor to Baba Wali Baraka. Baraka who spoke on the origins of Black History Month, which grew out of “Negro History Week.” Theatrical and musical performances included those from the Elite Marching Band, Destined 2 Dance, BRAATA Folk Singers, Mount Pisgah Baptist Church Maafa and Saxophonist and music educator, Ashley Keiko. New York State Senator James Sanders, Jr. came out to support this annual event as did community activist Kevin Livingston of 100 Suits for 100 Men. The audience also had the opportunity to experience inspirational talks, poetry selections, spoken word, and to mingle and engage with artists and local vendors. (See photos on page 19).

President’s Message (continued from page 2)

to 9:00 P.M. The Professional Women of Jazz will be the performers for the night. Get your tickets now from the Board of Directors Office and the list of members on the flyer. The tickets are $25.00. Come out and enjoy a night of elegance. On Saturday, April 18, 2020, the Community Relations Committee will be hosting the Annual Autism Awareness Walk. Registration will be at 9:30 A.M. There is a $2 registration fee that will be donated to the Autism Organization. The walk starts at 12:00 P.M. Following the walk, the group will assemble on the Redbrick area where there will be guest speakers and dissemination of important information. Refreshments will be served. It is important everyone come on out and support this worthy cause. The Youth Planning Committee will be hosting their annual Easter Basket giveaway on Saturday, March 11, 2020. The event will be held in Rooms #11/12/13

from 12:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Bring your children for an afternoon of fun and free giveaways. The Youth Planning Committee will also be hosting the annual Prom Dress and Tuxedo giveaway on Saturday, April 25, 2020, from 12:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. in the Ballroom. The event is open to high school seniors. Parents I encourage you to come out with your young adults to pick out a spectacular outfit for their special day. It is a big milestone for many of them and we want you to be there for your support. Dresses and accessories donations can be dropped off at the Board of Directors Office room#19. These are events that benefits us all in the community, contributing greatly to the standards of living that we so greatly deserve. Come out and participate. Love, Peace, and Blessing to all Jean Randolph-Castro


Artwork provided by Rochdale Resident Tabitha Shivtahal

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February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for January 2020 This Spectrum deal is… different

So, Spectrum has returned to Rochdale Village for the third time with another potential bulk deal. As Manager’s we are inherently neutral regarding what internet/cable service provider our Shareholders choose. Also, when a deal comes along that affects the entire community the Board and Management feel it should be presented to the entire community for some grass roots feedback. Many residents remember the last two Spectrum proposals and might ask why Management has bothered to entertain this if the interest in the community was not there the first two times? The answer; this deal has one huge fundamental difference. With this new proposed deal residents would not be locked into Spectrum. If you like Verizon, then stay with Verizon. If you have Spectrum already then you have a chance to save money with a service provider that you’re already with and if you don’t want any cable service that’s fine too. You are free to choose.

Spectrum: What’s in it for Me (Shareholder) and what’s in it for You (Management)?

What’s in it for you (Shareholders); you have already seen the channel list and $75 (includes taxes and fees) price on door to door distributions as well as in the January 2020 edition of the Rochdale Bulletin that include: • Spectrum Community TV Platinum (200+ channels) • Showtime • Starz • Encore • EPIX • The Movie Channel • 2 DVR Set Top Boxes w/ DVR Service

• Spectrum High Speed Internet 400Mbps with Wi-Fi router The National average cable service bill is $100 per month with many exceeding that number with all the added channels, DVRs, etc. That’s why we think it might make sense to you. What’s in it for us (Management); nothing. However, the corporation of Rochdale would receive a signing bonus of $1.4 million dollars. That money could be allocated to future projects of interest to the community like helping to cover some of the cost for a new multi-level parking structure. That is why we see it as a potential win win for Rochdale Village. Shareholders can save money on their monthly cable/ internet bill, $1.4 million dollars for potential community projects and if you don’t want it you don’t have to take it. Just remember, while we see the potential benefits the choice is yours. We support whatever the community decides.

Laundry Room Dryers; Why are there problems and how we will fix them?

Our Laundry room dryer dependability has been an issue for many years spanning multiple laundry contractors including the current one. Why? After delving into this issue 5 years ago and again more recently we found a problem synonymous with Rochdale’s proprietary construction in the form of a “construction defect”. A construction defect is problem/failure originated from when Rochdale was built. To understand how this has affected our dryer system, more specially, our dryer “exhaust” system please see the first diagram illustrating how it was all originally designed 55 years ago:

At that time great efforts were made to clear the debris for all building exhausts (see below). However, clearing all the debris is difficult to clear completely due to the length of the tunnel. There is also the potential danger because of the proximity to our electrical rooms that Around the years of 2001/02 carry tens of thousands of volts of Mac-Gray laundry contractor real- electricity. ized that this system was no longer efficient, and it was decided to add ancillary HVAC to the sides of each building (see picture below) to help increase dryer exhaust flow. This system continued briefly with our current laundry contractor. The supplemental HVAC was unsightly, difficult to keep lint free, blew lint on Here’s where we are now, residents entering and exiting the building and ultimately did not abate realizing that there is an infrastructure problem that would continue the problem. even with brand new machines. Despite the challenges we have come up with two solutions that the contractor will make to relieve the blockage of exhaust air. Plan A; install a custom high-powered fan, in addition to the current fans, to evacuate the In 2015 this solution was exhaust at a greater rate allowing abandoned for the reasons stated our dryers to evacuate air properly above and an investigation was (see below). launched into why the original system was abandoned. It was found that during the original construction the underground corridor was comprised of plywood encased with cement. Over many years that plywood had rotted and collapsed blocking the dryer exhaust (see diagrams below). As a result of the blocked exhaust Plan B; in the event external our dryers do not work as well be- wind affects the evacuation of the cause the motor needs to “breathe” air the contractor will install custom or the sensors trip the circuit off to HVAC design to connect to the origiprotect itself from overheating and nal system going around the concausing a potential fire. struction defect (see below).

February 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Profit and Loss Financial Statement Narrative For the six months ended December 2019

For the nine months Ended December 31, 2019, Controllable Income before Interest, Depreciation, Amortization and Income taxes increased $990,000 to $9,067,000 as compared to $8,077,000 in the Budget. Below you will find an explanation of the significant changes in each category: Controllable Income is defined as income less variable expenses that can be managed by the Company. It is commonly known as EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes and Depreciation and Amortization).

pally due to an increase in revenue from room rentals. Total expenses for the Nine Months ended December 31, 2019 decreased $(1,250,000) to $50,662,000 as compared to $51,913,000 in the Budget. The decrease is explained in the following expense categories:

Management and administrative

the Budget reflecting a full staff and Maintenance and Operating salaries are not at full staff and also a decrease in Contractual Services.

ed December 31, 2019, Other Power Plant expenses were relatively in-line with the Budget at $2,969,000 as compared to 2,990,000 in the Budget.


Real Estate Taxes (Shelter Rent)

For the nine months ended December 31, 2019, Security cost decreased $(423,000) or 11.4% to $3,715,000 as compared to $4,138,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the Budget reflecting a full staff and Security salaries are not at full staff yet.

For the Nine months ended December 31, 2019, Real estate tax (Shelter rent) expenses were $2,741,000 as compared to $2,772,000 in the Budget. It should be noted that NYC has not reflected the settlement of the dispute of including allocable corporate expenses in the Shelter Rent calculation in their bills yet. We anticipate that the adjustments will be reflected in our bills in the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2020. All Other Expenses were relatively in-line with the Budget.

Total revenue for the Nine Months ended December 31, 2019 was relatively in-line with the Budget at $59,730,000 as compared to $59,990,000 in the Budget. Apartment revenue for the Nine Months ended December 31, 2019 was in-line with the Budget at $52,373,000 as compared to $52,611,000. Commercial rental revenue for the Nine Months ended December 31, 2019 was in-line with the Budget at $3,875,000 as compared to $3,951,000 in the Budget. Community Center revenue for the Nine Months ended December 31, 2019 increased $61,000 or 12.3% to $502,000 as compared to $441,000 in the Budget. The increase is princi-

For the Nine months ended December 31, 2019, Management and administrative expenses decreased slightly to $3,983,000 as compared to Power Plant $4,124,000 in the Budget. The 1. Fuel and Utilities decrease is principally due to For the Nine months increased oversight of expenses. ended December 31, 2019, Fuel and utility expenses increased Janitorial & Grounds costs $420,000 to $11,039,000 as For the Nine months end- compared to $10,619,000 in the ed December 31, 2019, Janito- Budget. The increase in these rial and Grounds expenses de- costs was principally related to creased $(649,000) or 12.8% an increase in water expenses to $5,061,000 as compared to due to increased usage and sea$5,711,000 in the Budget. This sonality of the Budget. decrease is principally due to It should be noted that the Budget reflecting a full staff National Grid (transportation of and Janitorial & Grounds sala- our gas through their pipes) and ries are not at full staff yet and reflect the 40% increase that also an increased focus on man- was approved by NYS. aging expenses. The actual cost of Gas was in-line with the Budget. It Maintenance and operating should be noted that our Gas costs prices have remained the same For the Nine months for both years due to manageended December 31, 2019, ment negotiating favorable Maintenance and Operating fixed pricing for several years. cost decreased $(502,000) to $8,655,000 as compared to 2. Other Power Plant Expens$9,157,000 in the Budget. This es For the Nine months enddecrease is principally due to

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Operating income and expense:

Looking forward

In December 2019, we received notification from our Sales Tax attorney that we won our case against NYS for sales taxes paid in prior years that we discovered should not have been paid. The result of the lawsuit is that we will receive a refund of $833,000 from NYS. Overall, Rochdale Village Inc.’s financial results for the Nine months ended December 31, 2019 show that Rochdale Village Inc.’s results are on track to meet our FY 2020 Budget.

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February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT FY & YTD 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AGING FY 2020

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2018, 2019 and 2020

February 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2018, 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2019 and 2020 Actual vs. Budget

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February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Chief Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report January 2020 Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village Public Safety Department during the month of January 2020. Public Safety maintains 24 hour /7 days a week coverage.



1. During the month of January 2020, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety Department officers responded to a total of (95) loitering and (66) noise complaints from Cooperators which were resolved as follows:


a) Founded-Compliant - (25) Loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave and (22) of the noise complaint sources corrected the volume of the noise.





b) Unfounded Calls - (55) unfounded loitering complaints and (41) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard).


c) Founded/Non-Compliant Calls - Loitering individuals & noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives – (15) received violations for loitering and (3) received a violation for noise complaints.


For the month of January 2020 there was a grand total of (12) arrest made on Rochdale Village Grounds. The Public Safety Department will continue to organize in order to better serve the Rochdale Village community.




Conducted (170) Directed & Routine Verticals. Made (0) arrests, issued (0) Trespass Notifications, issued (0) C-Summonses, issued (10) violations to include (1) for loitering and encountered (9) Loiterers during routine & directed patrols. Responded to assigned calls from Central Dispatch (23). Conducted (7) Tenant Verifications


The Public Safety Department towed (12) vehicles and issued (161) warning stickers for the violation of various parking rules throughout the complex. Routine and *Directed Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers and Supervisors: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers and Supervisors patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours in an effort to curtail unlawful activities. *Directed verticals are additional post inspections performed in order to proactively reduce Quality of Life conditions in designated “Hot Spots” as determined by community complaints and the analysis of various patrol reports.

832 575 1407


75 5 7

VIOLATIONS Listed are theCLASSIFICATION classifications of Notice of Violations issued: AMOUNT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Illegal Move out Illegal Move in Negligence Harboring a Pet Noise Complaint Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering Illegal Sublet/Occupant Damage to Rochdale Property Littering Failure to Comply Reckless Endangerment Illegal installation of a camera Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal Activities Creating Fire Hazard Urinating/Defecation in Public Drinking Alcohol in Public (Open Containers) Improper Storage Trespass Foul Odor Verbal Harassment Walking Dog on Premises Not Curbing Dog Illegal Parking Health Hazard Resisting Arrest Assault on Rochdale Village Personnel Bulk/Improperly Discarded Garbage Refusing to show ID Unauthorized Air Conditioner Theft of Property Curfew Smoking in unauthorized area Move In After Hours Assault Riding Bike On Property Reckless Driving Property Damage Delivery After Hours Illegally Parked Car Smoke Condition Total

1 0 4 2 3 3 15 10 1 0 4 1 0 0 8 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75

February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Disclaimer: The CompStats published below for the southeast Queens area reflects activity captured from the beginning of this month which includes cumulative stats from the month prior. Keep in mind that the stats below for the 113th Precinct reflect the total southeast Queens area including Jamaica along with St. Albans, Hollis, Springfield Gardens, South Ozone Park, South Jamaica, Addisleigh Park, and Locust Manor. The numbers shown do not specifically identify activity in the Rochdale Village community. - Rochdale Village Bulletin

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February 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Projects Report February 2020

Want to switch cable and internet providers but worry about early termination fees? New CHARTER SPECTRUM customers who may have an early termination fee from a competing provider will be given a contract buyout form (CBO) to fill out (which contains instructions) for how they may receive up to $500 that covers transfer fee costs.

Eligibility determined upon receipt of the CBO form.

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February 2020


February 2020

s Report

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February 2020

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February 2020


February 2020

s Report

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February 2020

February 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale youth spend last day of winter break learning STEM at Microsoft Headquarters

By Susan Van Brackle


tudent-centered learning remains one of the chief objectives of Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc. (RVSS) a non-profit organization that promotes the advancement of educational goals for neighborhood youth. That's why RVSS chose Friday, February 21, 2020, the last day of winter break, to send Rochdale Village students and other Queens youngsters to attend study workshops at Microsoft's Fifth Avenue flagship store, that will help them build important tech skills. Students and chaperones boarded a 56 passenger coach bus chartered by RVSS that was parked conveniently in front of the Rochdale Village branch library on 137th Avenue. The group rode directly to

the mid-Manhattan location to participate in two separate workshops held between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Youngsters aged 6 to 12 engaged in a computer workshop that taught introductory skills on robotics and coding. Youths aged 13 and older were instructed on how to create multimedia video presentations, and received tips and techniques for designing and delivering a project. At the end of the session, students engaged in public speaking as they were invited to present their work from the session. The day trip to Microsoft included youngsters from the Computer Technology and Technical Skills Training class and the Academic Success Tutoring Program. Both sessions are held in the Community Center on Saturdays and funded with

the $65,000 in annual Discretionary Funds awarded to RVSS by Council member Adrienne Adams. Youngsters from the Rochdale Academy after school program also participated. While at Microsoft, students were able to relax in the ‘Game-On’ video game room, as well as experience equipment in Microsoft's fifth floor television production studio. It takes a village to transport Rochdale’s children to a day of STEM learning off site. RVSS wants to extend special thanks to Rochdale’s President of the Board of Directors Jean Randolph-Castro, who chaperoned the group, took plenty of photos and videos, and even sent highlights of the trip via live video message by cell phone to Council Member Adrienne Adams who was unable to attend. Thanks

to family chaperones and contributors who gave of their time and money to make that day possible including Building 8C resident Cody Hamblin who personally donated funds towards buying lunch and refreshments for all of the children. Many thanks to RVSS instructors Anuska George and Deevika Persuad who volunteered to help with everything from packing lunches to taking attendance on the bus to keeping activities orderly before, during and after departure and, to the Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper for pulling this educational trip together. Plans are in the works to host another science, technology, engineering and math inspired outing during spring recess in April. Contributed by Kevin Dilworth,

Board President Rochdale Village Social Services. See pictures page 18.

Rochdaler Gwen Whitted brings Black History Month event back to bldg. 8 By Olayemi Okeniyi


or 18 years now, building 8 has organized a Black History Month celebration in the building’s community room that recognizes the achievements and contributions made by African-Americans. Gwen Whitted once again upheld the tradition on Saturday, February 8, 2020 by hosting, “Black History:

From Struggle to Strength.” Ms. Whitted in her welcome address spoke about the importance of remembering and preserving black history by the black populace, because in the hands of others the narrative is changed. The program made use of music, dance, and poetry among other performances to tell how the past shaped the present and can also affect the fu-

Gwen Whitted gives opening remarks at annual black history month celebration.

Sydney Graham and Harold Callabrass engage in a melodious song battle.

ture. Two sisters, Deonnore and Timarya McCall opened the show by performing a few American playground games, before dancing to similar yet contrasting African playground games. They where accompanied on drums by Sonia G. Diaz. Vocalist Sydney Graham sang a medley of songs before Harold Callabrass joined her in a brief song battle. Pastor David Wright played the key-

Deonnore and Timarya McCall dance to American and African children’s games, Sonia G. Diaz on drums.

Pastor David Wright, son of the late Timothy Wright.

boards for the New York Fellowship Children's Choir, who have been nominated for a Stellar Award. Elaine Jackson and Sonia G. Diaz spoke on the fathers of black history Dr. Carter Woodson and Booker T. Washington. Guests were also treated to performances by Juanita Fatima, Oreanna Folk, Rueben Call and B. J. Brown before everyone came together for grace and food.

Vocalist Sydney Graham performs a medley of African American songs.

Stellar Award gospel music nominees, the New York Fellowship Children’s Choir from Brooklyn.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

February 2020

Rochdale youth enjoy an afternoon of STEM learning and gaming at Microsoft Headquarters in NYC (See story on page 17)

Youngsters from RVSS weekend tutoring and Rochdale’s after school program were eager to learn about robotics with Ohbot.

Students and chaperones are seated and ready to travel.

President of the Board Jean Castro chaperones students at their day of tech.

Rochdale academics enjoy a day of STEM learning and gaming at Microsoft headquarters.

Rochdale Village Social Services Inc. Board President Kevin Dilworth.

Microsoft instructors give students a friendly welcome.

Children from Rochdale’s Academic Success Academy not only created presentations using Microsoft’s SWAY software, they bravely presented their work before a host of team mates and friends.

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Community Center Committee and Community Center Director Team up to bring Black History Month Program to Rochdale Village (See story on page 3)

Photo credits: Larry Love Moore

Celebrity DJ Doctor Bob Lee (right) interacts with fans while signing copies of his book, “People To Know In Black History and Beyond.”

Board Vice President and Community Relations Committee Chairperson Lisa Stark with New York State Senator James Sanders, Jr.

Saxophonist and music educator, Ashley Keiko.

(l. to.r.) Community Center Committee chair and Board Vice President Edward Douglass, Board Vice President Lisa Stark, BRAATA Folk Singers ensemble and Secretary of the Board Joyce Williams.

Students from the Elite Marching Band perform musical selection for guests at Rochdale’s Black History Month celebration.

Members from Mount Pisgah Baptist Church Maafa offer a theatrical performance.

MC of the day Andrew P. Jackson (Sekou Molefi Baako) and Council Member Donovan Richards.

(l. to r.) Community Center Director Julia Shaw, Community Cen(l. to r.) Miss Khloe Williams and Author Toni Coleman Brown enjoy the ter Committee Chairman and Board Vice President Ed Douglass with DJ and author, Doctor Bob Lee of WBLS FM. festivities.

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February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

(Seated l. to r.) Youth Planning Committee volunteers Viola Treasure, Sandra Cooper, Secretary Tina Young; Director of the Board and Youth Planning Committee Chairman, Gary Hawkins, Youth Planning Committee Co-chair and Assistant Secretary for the Board of Directors Janine Cross.

Youth Planning Committee’s Mommy and Me Valentine’s Day event spreads love through intergenerational arts and crafts ochdale children were treated to an exciting day of candy, jewelry and card making in anticipation of Valentine’s Day. The event took place on Saturday, February 8, 2020 in the Community Center. It was the first 2020 outing of the Youth Planning Committee, under its new chairperson and Rochdale Village Director of

the Board, Gary Hawkins. Mr. Hawkins welcomed participating children and their guests to what he expects to be the first of many successful outings for the committee. He specifically thanked Tina Young, the committee’s secretary and volunteers, for spearheading the event in order to make it a success. Each child was given the opportunity to use simple techniques to craft unique pieces of jewelry that lat-

er formed bracelets and/or necklaces. Blank Valentine’s Day cards were provided for the children to color. Candy making was a favorite activity of the event where molds were used to form intricate morsels. The children enjoyed the process of creating one-of-a-kind designs. Several of the kids had attended this annual event previously. While the children generally made candy gifts for their parents, the temptation to eat them

ahead of time was overwhelming for some. Co-chair of the Youth Planning Committee and Board Assistant Secretary Janine Cross had a very hands-on approach to the event. She moved about from table-to-table offering encouragement and assistance with picking jewelry beads to anyone that needed help so that these special bracelets and necklaces could be ready in time to gift to loved ones.

Director of the Board and Youth Planning Committee Chairman Gary Hawkins.

(Standing) Youth Planning Committee Co-chair Janine Cross helps with bead selections.

Duo selects beads for their designs.

Jewelry making requires steady hands and concentration.

By Olayemi Okeniyi


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February 2020

Save the Dates RV

February 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - January 27, 2020

R01-20: WHEREAS, L&L Wines and Liquors, Inc. currently rents 1,725 square feet in Mall; WHEREAS, L&L Wines and Liquors, Inc. has agreed to take 1,725 square feet in Mall 1 for five years with a five (5) year option totaling ten years; and WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are attached. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, L&L Wines and Liquors' renewal is approved by Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors. Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Janine Cross FOR Talib Bey Janine Cross Joe Evans Kamal Saleem

Joyce Williams

R03-20 WHEREAS, Rochdale Junction, Inc. currently rents 1,560 square feet in Mall 1; WHEREAS, Rochdale Junction has agreed to take 1,560 square feet in Mall 1 for five years with a five-year option; and WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are attached. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Rochdale Junction, Inc. renewal is approved by Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors. Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Janine Cross

FOR Jean Randolph-Castro Edward Douglass Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark

Talib Bey Janine Cross Joe Evans Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark

ABSTENTIONS ABSENT Clifton Stanley Diaz Maryam Hubbard Glynis Urquhart

Gary Hawkins Barbara Staples

Nine for, one abstention, five absent; motion passes.

R02-20: WHEREAS, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. currently rents 4,750 square feet in Mall 1; WHEREAS, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. has agreed to renew their space in Mall 1 for five (5) years; and WHEREAS, the terms of the lease are attached. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. renewal is approved by Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors. Moved by: Talib Bey Seconded by: Joyce Williams FOR

Talib Bey Janine Cross Joe Evans Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark

Jean Randolph-Castro Edward Douglass Jean Hall Kamal Saleem Joyce Williams

ABSENT Clifton Stanley Diaz Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Barbara Staples Glynis Urquhart

Ten for, five absent; motion passes.

Gary Hawkins Barbara Staples

Ten for, five absent; motion passes. R4-20: WHEREAS, National Lawn Sprinklers, Inc. obtained a contract with Rochdale Village, Inc. on March 22, 2017 for irrigation maintenance for a three (3) year period; WHEREAS, the Contractor has agreed to hold their prices the same as charged in 2017 with no increase (letter and copy of 2017 proposal attached). THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors agrees to extend the proposal form National Lawn Sprinklers, Inc. for an additional three (3) years based upon their 2017 hourly charges. Moved by: Talib Bey Seconded by: Edward Douglass


Clifton Stanley Diaz Maryam Hubbard Glynis Urquhart

Jean Hall

Jean Randolph-Castro Edward Douglass Jean Hall Kamal Saleem Joyce Williams


Talib Bey Janine Cross Joe Evans Kamal Saleem Joyce Williams

Jean Randolph-Castro Edward Douglass Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark



Clifton Stanley Diaz Maryam Hubbard Glynis Urquhart

Gary Hawkins Barbara Staples

Nine for, one abstention, five absent; motion passes.

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February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - January 27, 2020

R5-20: WHEREAS, proposals were sought for fencing and window guards to enhance security around the Power Plant; WHEREAS, the rear of the Plant was the best place to install a fence to act as a security barrier preventing unauthorized access from the railroad area; WHEREAS, proposals were sought which three (3) companies responded with bids as follows: CONTRACTOR FENCE WINDOW GUARDS Schiano Bros. Pipe Line of Smithtown

Brett Fencing & Contracting

$64,750 $72,250


Moved by: Lisa Stark Seconded by: Joyce Williams


Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Lisa Stark

FOR Talib Bey Janine Cross Joe Evans Kamal Saleem Joyce Williams ABSTENTIONS Jean Hall ABSENT Clifton Stanley Diaz Maryam Hubbard

Glynis Urquhart

FOR Talib Bey Janine Cross Joe Evans Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark ABSENT Clifton Stanley Diaz Maryam Hubbard Glynis Urquhart

Jean Randolph-Castro Edward Douglass Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark

Gary Hawkins Barbara Staples

Nine for, one abstention, five absent; motion passes. Jean Randolph-Castro Edward Douglass Jean Hall Kamal Saleem Joyce Williams Gary Hawkins Barbara Staples

Ten for, five absent; motion passes. R6-20: WHEREAS, FDNY completed (random)building inspections, and there were violation(s) issued to Building 6 due to an outdated fire alarm system; WHEREAS, emergency work/installation began in Building 6 in response to the violation issued as well as in Building 4 while renovations are ongoing; WHEREAS, updated fire alarm systems must be installed in the fifteen (15) building community rooms and three (3) nurseries that remain as required by FDNY; WHEREAS, proposals were sought from contractors to install updated fire alarm systems in each building producing the following results with further pricing breakdown attached;

$445,824.00 $532,757.62 $604,800.00



WHEREAS, Schiano Bros. Inc. provided the lowest responsible bid for the fence and pump house window guards in the amount of $61,200 including all applicable taxes. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts the proposal from Schiano Bros. Inc. totaling $61,300 to be funded from the Wells Fargo escrow, subject to approval from the New York State Homes & Community Renewal.

CONTRACTOR Elmhurst Electirc

WHEREAS, RJSA evaluated each proposal and recommended Elmhurst Electric provided the lowest and most responsible bid in the amount of $438,857.10 (as per recommendation letter). NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves Elmhurst Electric to install new fire alarm systems throughout the Rochdale Village Building community rooms and nurseries, for the amount of $438,857.10 to be funded from HCR reserves account subject to approval from New York State Homes & Community Renewal.

PUMP HOUSE $59,500

Signature Safeway Safetech USA

BID PRICE $438,857.10

R7-20: WHEREAS, there is a need to provide additional parking for cooperators, WHEREAS, proposals were sought from architects to consult on the planning and construction of the additional parking lot tier producing the following results with further pricing breakdown attached; CONTRACTOR O & S ASSOCIATES Joshua Architect & Planner, PC Indus Architects PLLC

BID PRICE $227,000.00 $440,000.00 $1,670,300.00

WHEREAS, O & S Associates provided the lowest bid, in the amount of $227,000.00 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves O & S Associates to consult on the construction of one tier parking for lot 3A/3B for the amount of $227,000.00 to be funded from the HCR Reserve Escrow Account, subject to approval from New York State Homes & Community Renewal. Moved by: Talib Bey Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro FOR Talib Bey Janine Cross Kamal Saleem Joyce Williams

Jean Randolph-Castro Edward Douglass Lisa Stark

February 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - January 27, 2020

ABSTENTIONS Joe Evans Timothy Mercer ABSENT Clifton Stanley Diaz Maryam Hubbard Glynis Urquhart

Jean Hall

Gary Hawkins Barbara Staples

Seven for, three abstentions, five absent; motion passes. R8-20: WHEREAS, proposals were sought for a consultant to manage design and construction administration for parking lot and walkway restorations, which would include preparation of bid documents for site wide repairs of sidewalks & curbs, expansion and repaving where necessary of residential parking lots, and the large shopping center; WHEREAS, base bid costs for this project ranged from $96,280 to $885,400 of which June Daniel Architect PLLC provided the lowest base bid in the amount of $96,280 plus an addendum was added for electrical work, for which they added an extra charge of $8,000, bringing their total bid to $104,280 and; WHEREAS, an interview was held with the two (2) lowest bidding firms, June Daniel, Architect and O & S Engineers. During the interview process, June Daniel did not express a complete understanding of the project and appeared ill prepared, which did not convince Management that her firm was the best candidate for the job and; WHEREAS, the second lowest bidder, O & S Associates Engineers & Architects provided a base bid in the amount of $153,000, and when interviewed demonstrated a clear understanding of the project to be undertaken and came fully prepared with projection slides and a company representative, both of which were convincing that their firm was right for the job. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts the proposal from O & S Engineers & Architects in the base bid amount of $153,000 to be funded from the escrow account subject to approval from the New York State Homes & Community Renewal. Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Janine Cross FOR Talib Bey Janine Cross Jean Hall Kamal Saleem Joyce Williams ABSENT Clifton Stanley Diaz Gary Hawkins Barbara Staples Nine for, six absent; motion passes.

R9-20: WHEREAS, the Firm of Robert J. Stahl Architect, PC (Robert J. Stahl) submitted a proposal to perform architectural services in accordance with Local Law 11 (Local Law-11/98) Cycle 9A Reports for all twenty (20) buildings, which includes but is not limited to the following: • Inspection of all necessary facade elevations • Prepare interim reports classifying status of building facade delineating all anomalies to be addressed • Prepare bid documents to restore facade to a safe condition • Filing of all buildings with the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) • Provide a full-time inspector to oversee and document progress of work • Sign off on work, prepare and file final safe Local Law 11/98 Facade Inspection • Safety Plan (FSP) Cycle 9A reports WHEREAS, Robert J. Stahl Architect was retained by Rochdale Village in 2013 to provide architectural services for Local Law 11,Cycle 7A reports for fourteen (14) buildings at Rochdale Village, at a cost of $560,000; WHEREAS, the Department of Buildings has provided a letter (copy attached), attesting to Robert J. Stahl as one of the few Registered Architects or Professional Engineers having the status of Qualified Exterior Wall Inspectors QEWI) with the Department of Buildings, this coupled with the fact that he is fully familiar with the exterior facades of Rochdale Village is a plus when it comes to dealing with the Department of Buildings; WHEREAS, the fee of Robert J. Stahl to provide services to make safe all twenty (20) buildings is a Not to Exceed amount of $880,000, which is not a significant increase from the $560,000 charged in 2012. Their fee is based on dividing the $560,000 by fourteen buildings and multiplying it by the twenty buildings and adding 10% to cover the cost increases over the past six years. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts proposal from Robert J. Stahl, Architect, at a not to exceed amount of $880,000, to provide architectural services for facade restoration and Local Law 11/98 FISP Cycle 9A Reports, subject to approval from the New York State Homes & Community Renewal. Moved by: Janine Cross Seconded by: Joyce Williams

Jean Randolph-Castro Joe Evans Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark

FOR Talib Bey Janine Cross Jean Hall Kamal Saleem Joyce Williams

Edward Douglass Maryam Hubbard Glynis Urquhart

ABSENT Clifton Stanley Diaz Edward Douglass Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Barbara Staples Glynis Urquhart Nine for, six absent; motion passes.

Jean Randolph-Castro Joe Evans Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

February 2020

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - January 27, 2020

Meeting began: 7:45 p.m. Board Members: Present Jean Randolph Castro - President Talib Bey - 1st Vice President Tim Mercer - 2nd Vice President Lisa Stark - 3rd Vice President Edward Douglass - 4th Vice President (left at 8:30 p.m.) Joyce Williams - Secretary Janine Cross - Assistant Secretary (left at 9:25 p.m.) Joe Evans - Director (left at 9:20 p.m.) Jean Hall - Director Kamal Saleem - Director Not Present Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairperson Barbara Staples - Treasurer Glynis Urquhart - Assistant Treasurer Gary Hawkins - Director Maryam Hubbard - Director

Also present MSI Real Estate Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager Lance Williams - Assistant General Manager Robert Bernstein, Esq., Corporate Counsel William Young - Controller Kelvin Pantaleon - Director of Maintenance Adolph Osback - Chief of Public Safety The agenda for the evening: 1. Motions 2. Adjournment 3. Cooperator’s Session The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting.  Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (9) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions). Motion to adjourn came at 9:35 p.m.

February 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

BRAATA Singers perform again at RV

Christine Thomas sings gospel medley, Cindy Brown gives dramatic performance. (l. to r.) Allison Thomas, Gloria A. Williams, Deanna Marrow, Emma Simpson, Sandy Thomas.

d le

he BRAATA folk singers returned to Rochdale Village with an encore performance in honor of Black History Month. BRAATA productions is a notfor-profit Caribbean performing arts and education group. In 2019 Council member Adrienne E. Adams sponsored a program that invited Braata to assist the senior center’s drama troop, the Rochdale Village Players in the production of an improv show, “What a Wonderful ‘Senior’ World.” This time, the show began, with three call-and-response songs led by BRAATA folk singer, Vinnette Guthrie Matthews. Matthews explained that call-and-response songs were bought to the new world by en-



slaved Africans. According to her, call-andresponse songs were used by slaves to encourage each other and to make their work go faster. In some instances they were sung to pass along stories and even to talk about the masters in their presence. Today the tradition continues to foster dialogue and can be found in modern music, she said. The show continued with poetry. Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise” was performed before a gospel music session. The entire show put on by the BRAATA folk singers was very interactive. Senior citizens, most dressed in native African clothes, were eager to engage. They sang along, clapped and got up to dance on several occasions. The seniors were then treated to a lunch after the show.

Ca n

By Olayemi Okeniyi

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February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Community Center Committee Minutes for Thursday, February 20, 2020

Jean Castro

the Community Center Committee: • Book signing with Dr. Bob Lee from WBLS • Women’s History Month Celebration

Action Items: It was agreed that the theme color for the committee will be royal blue.

Book Signing with Bob Lee Assignment: • Tina and Cynthia will be assisting Co-Chair Eddie Douglas with selling Bob Lee’s books at a discounted price of $10.

• Jean Castro will handle the food • Distribution of Tickets by Inez Lewis • Tickets went: Tina; Dorothy; Marilyn; Norma; and Cathy • Decorating at 2:00P.M. on Friday, March 27. • Decorating Committee: Dorothy, Margaret, Ethel and Cynthia

• Dr. Bob Lee will personally sign books from 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Ed Douglass

Meeting attendees: Community Center Committee - Attendance Sheet forwarded Time: Called to order: 7:10 P.M. Adjourned: 7:45 P.M. Facilitator: Chairperson, Jean Randolph-Castro Meeting was opened by Chairperson, Ms. Jean Randolph-Castro New Business: Women History Month Attendance Sheet forwarded. Eleven (11) members were in attendance The Committee discussed the following items: Ms. Castro spoke about the upcoming event for

Women’s History Month Celebration and Recognition: We will be recognizing 5 people for this event: • Four people will be recognized from “Management”; and Officer Love will be recognized Agenda • Women & Jazz will be our Entertainment • Group will play from 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. with intermission • Cocktail hour will be from 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.

The minutes were ratified unanimously and adjourned at approximately 8:00 P.M. by Chairperson Jean Castro. Old Business Next Meeting: Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 7 P.M. Jean Randolph-Castro, Chairperson Edward Douglass, Chairperson Tina Young, Secretary

Budget & Finance Committee Minutes for Thursday, February 13, 2020

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

The Budget and Finance committee met on Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was attended by Board Members Lisa Stark, Glynis Urquhart, William Young, Controller. In addition, the meeting was attended by a group of Cooperators. Mr. Young provided an overview of the Budget Process, which included a review of how the Budget income and expense items are projected. Mr. Young explained that the Budget is based upon a review of prior year’s financial information along with known changes that are anticipated. In addition, the process includes the Department Heads preparing the individual

expense items in their area of the P & L and then it is reviewed by the Controller and Management. Once the Budget is finalized it is presented to the Board for approval and then sent to HCR for approval. Mr. Young then provided an overview of the Company’s Profit and Loss Statement for the 9 months ended December 31, 2019. The overview included a focus on the positive results for the year. The Budgeted Controllable Income was $8,077,000 and the actual profit was $9,067,000 which was a $990,000 increase over the Budget!!! Mr. Young stated that the Company was on track to meet the Budget Controllable income for Fiscal 2020. In addition, Mr. Young reviewed each line item in the P & L that showed significant variances and why there was a variance. Mr. Young described some of the automation projects implemented and future projects planned for Rochdale Village, Inc.. The COMPLETED projects consist of (1) the conversion of an in-house payroll system to a fully automated ADP system which includes integrated time clock,

(2) a conversion of manual files to a Lease Management system where all of our Commercial leases are now stored in software, which allows easy access to our lease information (3) electronic uploading our Star credits to cooperatives (4) Implementing a new Shelter Rent calculation saving Rochdale approximately $400,000 per year (5) Improved the sales tax process resulting in a refund of $833,000 which should be received in March 2020. FUTURE projects consist of implementing a paperless environment where our vendor invoices will be sent to Rochdale via electronic transmission and all invoices will be stored electronically. In addition, we are evaluating other software that will be windows based. There was a question and answer session where cooperators in attendance asked a number of questions that Mr. Young or Miss Stark answered. At this point, Lisa Stark adjourned the meeting. Chairperson: Barbara Stapes Co-Chair: Lisa Stark & Glynis Urquhart


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Community Relations Committee Minutes for Wednesday, February 12, 2020 2020, to decorate the Red Brick area at 4:00 P.M. Black and white are the colors of the day with a touch of red. • Menu will be discussed at the next community relations meeting.

Lisa Stark

Barbara Staples

Chairperson: Lisa Stark Co-Chairperson: Barbara Staples Meeting called to order by Chairperson Ms. Lisa Stark at 7:30 P.M. Ms. Stark greeted the members and thanked them for attending the meeting. 1. First order of Business: Tea Party • Books will be given to members attending the meeting on February 13, 2020, by the Board Secretary. • Date for the Tea Party is Saturday, March 14, 2020. Flyer will be posted with the date, time, and who to contact for reservation. • Selected members will come in March 13,

2. Second order of Business: Autism Walk • Ms. Brown announced that the Autism walk date changed from April 25, 2020 to April 18, 2020, because of another event taking place on the 25th. Registration will be at 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. The walk will start at 12:00 P.M. • The program will be from 12:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. • Six (06) tables will be set aside for the ones walking. • There will be a registration donation fee of $2.00 that will be donated to one of the autism organization. • Food will be served after the walk. • Table will be provided for the sale of T-Shirts (Blue and white with puzzle). Cory’s picture will be on the shirt. • T-Shirt sizes were recorded on the attendance sheet. • Guest speakers not confirmed at this time

• Vendor table will be provided • Donations discussed • Meeting time change: from 7:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. 3. The speaker’s series the first town hall will be March 7, 2020, at 2:00 P.M. at Rochdale Village Ballroom with Gregory Meeks. 4. Other events will follow and hopefully with future collaborations with other committee members such as Public Safety and the Senior Citizens Committee we hope to have a forum to bring all of the communities concerns directly to the elected public official that serve us. Unfinished business will be addressed at the next meeting, along with new business Sandwiches and Soup were served. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting scheduled on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Jackson

Senior Citizens Committee Minutes for Wednesday, February 5, 2020 questions and concerns were addressed concerning the door bells. • Ombudsman Mr. Glen Keller, also gave a presentation concerning the new ring and its many functions.

Joyce Williams

Jean Castro

The meeting was called to order by the Senior Citizens Committee Chairperson, Ms. Joyce Williams at 10:10 A.M., extending a warm welcome to all in attendance. Prayer led by Evelyn Wilson The Agenda was introduced: • Presentation by Management team. Mr. Jay Williams informed the seniors of the new door bell system and how it will work. All

• Chief Adolph Osback, Chief of Public Safety showed those present how the video works in apprehending the person who steals packages from in front of apartment doors. To get ring door/bell would cost $199.00. • Wireless internet subscription • Ring/iCloud storage would cost $300.00 a month • Options- Chime for $29.00 or Echo show $69.00 -$89.00 • Ms. Denise Snyder and Mr. George Simon, representatives from the New York State Homes & Community Renewal were present. • The NORC Director Ms. Cendy Theophile

introduced a new member of the office, also a representative from JASA who spoke of upcoming census taking. Ms. Theophile also invited the seniors to come out with their Q & A, and to meet with the nurses who are available on staff from the JASA office in Manhattan, who spoke and encouraging everyone to be counted in the upcoming census. • Board President Ms. Jean Randolph-Castro spoke about how the Board is involved in the counting of the Census 2020. With all hearts and minds clear, the meeting was adjourned and breakfast was served. Respectfully submitted, THE SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE Joyce William, Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro, Co-Chair Gary Hawkins, Co-Chair

Register cooperator complaints during Cooperator’s Session at Board Meetings or with Rochdale’s Ombudsman at 718-276-5700 x315

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

February 2020

Rochdale NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - March 2020

February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Rochdale Village Senior Center - March 2020

Members of Rochdale Village Senior Center see ‘Tina’ matinee on Broadway

Nkeki Obi-Melekwe gives explosive performance as Tina Turner on Broadway.

Members from the Rochdale Village Senior Center had ‘simply the best’ time on Broadway at the Tina Turner musical.

The entire cast from the Tina Turner musical takes a bow.

Rochdale seniors arrive in style at the Lunt-Fontaine Theater for an unforgettable matinee.

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February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ A Paul Robeson Theory By Anthony Blake Distinction Appreciation Darkness into light Decay with a revise Deep Drama having a surprise Echoes into deep thoughts The when with an after Blood flowing through the flesh How much time living do I have left? My life and a knife with my mind that controls I can no longer take whole My freedom has become bold My years as I am now old Yet my understanding being of engaging wisdom What I thought is not what I believe Resentment being my deceive I hear trumpets with a mellowing tone The Death Angel is letting it be known Darkness has approached Put on my White Robe I have been called The Perling Gates have opened Loss in deep sleep My soul not mine to keep I have risen A world I shall not return My final eternity

Never Forget

Peace on Earth All Year

By Alanda Edwards Let us remember It’s not just for a certain time That we say a rhyme about Peace on earth

As we look up to Adoni Peace to all mankind We must reach out to one another We all are sisters and brothers As we run this human race At a positive pace Let us look at each other face Wwith grace no matter what your race Hoping each day will bring to us no harm or fuss But love and trust God put us this earth together So let us try our best to get along And be in unity and sing a positive song Of peace on earth and not war Be encouraged!

By Gloria Williams Never forget where you came from So that I’ve been told You are blessed you are intelligent You are the most priceless jewel 24 karats gold You are the chosen The diamond in the rough The light that shines the brightest You’ve got the magic touch You are the builder of the original dream The brilliant scientist since Timbuktu You are the richest of the sweetest cream You are an inspiration We shall overcome We cry glory hallelujah Til the victory is finally won Martin Luther King’s dream We will one day reach the mountain top President Barack Obama in the White House That slaves built We must fight and never stop Peace

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Home Going Farewell

Nolan ‘Nojo’ Jones, Jr. Kensington High School in 1958 where they affectionately called him 'Nojo'. After High School he was offered a full football scholarship to Arizona State University (ASU). Nolan was a three-time All-Border Conference selection at ASU who rushed for 2,122 yards and 23 touchdowns. He also caught 33 passes for 450 yards and eight touchdowns. He is still ranked fifth in ASU's history for most career points with 296. Nolan earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from ASU in 1963, and was even recruited by

Nolan Jones, Jr. the pride of Little Rock, AR


olan Jones Jr was born in Little Rock, AR on March 31, 1939. Son of Nolan Jones Sr and Codoshia Stevenson. Survived by spouse, Mary Negron, son, Nolan Jones III, daughter, Candace Magdalena Jusino, grandchildren, Nia Jones (21) Londyn Jones (8), Alena Marie Jusino (20), Zoe Leilani Jusino (10), sibling, Shirley Jones, and nieces/nephews, Jacqueline Denson, Linda Morrison, Sandra Tolbert, Ta'Shawne S Cathey, Marcia Jernigan, Marcell, Marc Rucks. Nolan grew up with his older siblings, Horace Rucks, Betty Howell and Valerie Denson in western Pennsylvania in the small town of New Kensington right outside of Pittsburgh, the center of steel mill country. He often said a young man's choices were between the steel mill or the football field in that town. He happily chose the latter. Nolan's athletic talent allowed him to win the prestigious AllAmerican Football award at New

Nolan ‘Nojo’ Jones, Jr. star athlete for ASU.

the New England Patriots. His collegiate work with Campus Crusade for Christ later took him to New York City where he worked to engage the community in Harlem, NY. Nolan was able to form relationships with community members such as: Congressman Percy Sutton; Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton via the Rainbow Coalition and PUSH; and Reverend Quick of Grace Temple via the "I Found It" mission.

The Harlem community also connected him to a program at Lincoln University where a group of young professionals traveled and completed their post-graduate work together. Nolan earned a Master of Human Services from Lincoln University on May 6, 1984. Nolan started his career in educating youth in the New York City school system in the late 1970's. He began as a youth counselor for the YMCA of Harlem and later became a Elementary school social worker and then a Gym teacher. Then in 1991, Nolan became a resident of Rochdale Village in the Jamaica area of Queens, NY, which led to his longest teaching tenure within the neighborhood schools of P.S. 140 and P.S. 80. He worked for many years until he retired from NYC Dept of Education in 2001. But he never retired from his love of knowledge and teaching children and continued moonlighting as an adult educator in the evenings. Nolan continued to be physically active during his golden years into his late 70’s and enjoyed all sports and was always very athletic and enjoyed playing tennis with many longtime friends at Baisley Park in Jamaica, NY and many other locations throughout the city and in the tri-state area traveling to amateur tennis competitions. However, in 2016 his health began to decline and Nolan spent most of his time at Grandell Rehab and Nursing Home located in Long Beach, NY where the nurses spoke fondly of his intellect, knowledge of history, and charisma that shined through the quickly advancing dementia. Nolan's drive for knowledge led him to numerous lively debates

Nolan Jones, Jr. accomplished educator and scholar.

about "black and brown folks" who were affected by the African diaspora throughout the world, especially those in the Dominican Republic (a most frequently traveled location), Puerto Rico, Eastern and Western African nations, Brazil, and of course his home, the United States. His extensive travels to discover history and culture led him to write editorials for a NYC-based paper, The Daily Challenge, New Amsterdam, and write a self-published compilation book of all his articles and travels (Livin' In My American Skin).

And I know Nolan would leave us with this sentiment, like he has often done in his writings, “Gye Nyame “ which means, “Except God, I Fear No One” Lovingly submitted by: Candace Magdalena Jusino

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February 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar March 2020

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.




Susan Palmer -Van Brackle



169-65 137 Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 th


Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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February 2020

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