Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper - January 2020 Edition

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Vol. 56 No. 02

January 2020



Redesigns of MTA routes threaten to turn back clock on Local and Express Bus service at Rochdale PAGE 2-3, 22



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President’s Report - Pg. 2 - Pg. | 2 General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4 4 | | Capital Youth Planning’s Art Gallery Pgs. 14|& 17RVSS | Board In RemembrancePg.23 28- 27 President’s Message | General Manager’s Report - Pg. Projects for 2020 - Pg.- 13-17 Resolutions - Pgs.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin


President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.

OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark Ed Douglass Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Glynis Urquhart Secretary Joyce Williams Assistant Secretary Janine Cross


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Glynis Urquhart Joyce Williams Name Pending (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Barbara Staples Commercial Services Timothy Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro/Ed Douglass Community Relations Lisa Stark Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Janine Cross Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Gary Hawkins Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Jean Randolph-Castro Information Technology Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Director of Maintenance Kelvin Pantaleon Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback Power Plant Director Corey Jones Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel Robert Bernstein

January 2020

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators,


inter has treated us great so far and hopefully we will have an early spring. I am encouraging everyone to partake in all of our monthly committee meetings. In doing so this will allow the Board to keep you updated on all projects and keeping you in the know. This also will enable you as a cooperator to educate yourself first-hand on the developments at Rochdale Village. It is a plus for you as well as the Board Members. This helps the Board to know that we have accomplished something by informing you about your community. I would like for each and every Cooperator who is reading my message to hopefully get some insight on my vision moving forward on our upcoming projects. Aside from us replacing the convectors in every apartment over the next three years, we have some other very exciting projects we will be doing. We know that parking is a major concern so we will be addressing this issue by adding tiered parking over lot 3A/3B, repaving parking lots 1 and 5, and possibly reconfiguring lots 1, 2, 4 and 5 to add more spaces. Please keep in mind that when we are looking to add spaces, we are looking to make the spaces as big as space allows but not smaller than they are currently. Another huge project is the upgrading of all the building community rooms. As you may have seen with the renderings posted in the buildings, we will have totally new, floors, ceilings and bathrooms in each room with all new state of the art appliances as well. I sincerely encourage you to attend these important meetings. Due to the fact that some of you have conflicting work schedules you may not be able to do attend. Therefore the Board will be coming to you with meetings in each circle. The dates for the meetings

will be posted. This will also help you to keep in tune with what is going on in the community. We have other resources, like the Bulletin and Weekly Sheet that provides important information. These are sources of information coming door-to-door that is costly to the Corporation. Please make sure to read the information provided.

Census This year’s census is currently in the process. Census day is Wednesday, April 01, 2020. Please take time out to complete the 2020 Census. Be mindful of the census matters in our community because the data collected plays a major role in getting the proper funding we need for the developments within Rochdale Village. The Census Bureau will be visiting Rochdale Village in the near future. The dates and time of the Census Bureau visit will be posted in the buildings and digital board.

MTA Bus Redesign Plan The MTA has proposed a number of changes in the routes around Rochdale Village. These changes will surely impact the commute of those in the community. The QT107 will replace the two express buses and will serve between Rochdale Village and Downtown Manhattan. There will be three (03) inbound trips and three (03) outbound trips. The Q21 and X63 will be replaced by the QMT156. The QT19 will replace the Q111. There will also be changes to the Q113 with limited stops. Please take the time out to educate yourself on the changes as they will more than likely affect you. If you have not yet already signed a petition, please go out and do so. You can also go to the website below to voice your concerns. app/comments_queensbus .

President, Jean Randolph-Castro

Vote for Queens Borough President Early voting for the special election for Queens Borough President will begin on Saturday, March 14, 2020, through Sunday, March 22, 2020. I encourage each and every cooperator to go out to the polls and vote. Your vote is your future, vote wisely.

Upcoming Events We have a number of upcoming events that everyone can partake in. On Saturday, February 8, 2020, the Youth Planning Committee will be hosting the Annual Mommy & Me Valentine’s Day card, candy and jewelry making event. The event will be held in Community Center room #11/12/13, and starts at 2:00 p.m. You can call the Board Office to register to participate in the event. Bring out the children to create a special gift of love for mom. On Saturday, February 22, 2020, from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., the Community Center Committee will be hosting a Black History Month book signing with the author of the book entitled “People to Know in Black History and Beyond”. Come out and receive a signed book by the author Doctor Bob Lee himself. On Saturday, March 14, 2020, the Community Relations Committee will be hosting a Tea

The next Rochdale Village Board of Directors’ meeting is scheduled for February 24, 2020 in Community Center rooms 11/12/13 at 7:45 p.m.

January 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

President’s Message - Continued Party. The book entitled “The Power of Knowing How” by Rochdale Village’s very own author Ms. Nikka Williams will be presented. Ms. Nikka Williams herself will give a presentation and book signing. Come on out and support our very own. On Saturday, March 28, 2020, the Community Center Committee will host the Annual Women’s History Month Event from the hours of 5:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., with a cocktail hour and full course dinner being served. This annual event is exclusively for the quality of life for the cooperators at a reduced price to entertain you, and this is something you so richly deserve. The professional women of Jazz will be featured. Tickets cost $25.00.


First Parking Meeting of the Year I would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank all who came out to the first parking meeting for the year. It was a pleasure to know that everyone left the meeting with all their questions answered satisfactory and with the information they needed to hear. I must say the meeting went very well, with everyone cooperating and being very respectful. I am looking forward to continuing the meetings in this respectful manner. Thanking you again, this helps make my job worthwhile.


his is not a drill folks! Signs are popping up everywhere including at Rochdale’s own Ideal Food Basket and Key Foods Supermarket announcing that consumers will be responsible for bringing their own bags to shop with as of Sunday, March 1. The New York State law is being enforced for the sake of reducing carbon emissions created in bag production as well as to reduce the waste that excess bag quantities create. If you already have a stockpile of grocery bags, now is as good a time as any to repurpose them by using them when you shop.

Love, Peace, and Blessings to all Jean Castro

MTA/LIRR has plans to make Locust Manor stop more ADA accessible by 2024


ast month, Katherine Mooney, deputy chief of staff and budget director for City Council member Adrienne E. Adams’s office was able to confirm that service and handicapped accessibility by way of an elevator installation at the Long Island Rail Road's (LIRR) Locust Manor station in Rochdale Village is expected to become a reality. The MTA’s / LIRR new capital budget runs from 2020 through 2024. According to Ms. Mooney, "I have confirmation from the MTA/LIRR that

this elevator installation is part of the Capital Budget supposedly voted in last Wednesday (December 18, 2019), "This is part of a $51 Billion dollar plan that is awaiting the approval of MTA Capital Program Review Board," stated Mooney in response to an email inquiry by Rochdale Village Social Service board president Kevin Dilworth. Ms. Mooney goes on to say, "I am not exactly sure what that review entails and how long it will take. "As for a time line, the el-

evator will be bundled with several contracts so we can assume the improvement will be several years down the line," Mooney said. Hector Garcia, the LIRR’s senior director of external affairs, who works out of the commuter rail line’s Jamaica Station on Sutphin Boulevard also confirmed in a September 2019 telephone interview that, “A new capital program will begin as soon as the current one expires at the end of this year.” In a letter sent last July to

RVSS board President Dilworth, Ed Dumas, vice president of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) corporate communications, wrote “The LIRR recognizes the importance of improving accessibility for customers system wide. “We will challenge (the elevator manufacturing) industry to use new delivery methods and seek more cost-effective options to make as many of the remaining stations accessible as possible,” Dumas said.

The Rochdale Village Youth Planning Committee Presents

Valentine’s Day “Mommy & Me” Jewelry, Candy & Card Making Event

Saturday, February 08, 2020

2:00 P.M. Rochdale Village Inc. Room 11/12/13 169-65 137th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434

SPACES ARE LIMITED, REGISTER NOW! For more information or to register contact: Board Office at (718) 276-5700 ext. 336 Approved for posting by the Board Office until February 09, 2020

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January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for December 2019 HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2020

As we enter the New Year 2020 it is an important retrospective milestone for us. MSI came to Rochdale February 1, 1991 with a 90 day contact to prove our worth and suitability for the job. We are about to enter our 4th decade as your Managing Agent, having been your service provider for the past 3 decades. The term service provider, isn’t ordinarily applied to Managing Agents, maybe it should be. After all, MSI has been the professional at the top of the pyramid when it comes to acting directly with all those other professionals and providing service on behalf of the board and the shareholders. There is no specific set of criteria by which to judge the performance of your Managing Agent. A good test is when you last this long while taking care of problems so expeditiously people don’t think you are doing anything. Having said all of that, there is no quick or simple way to express our gratitude to the Board and the Cooperators for keeping us around this long, other than to demonstrate our heartfelt thanks by continuing to expeditiously make Rochdale a great living experience, with affordable rents, and a health giving environment. Thank you for your confidence and patience.


This year will mark the genesis of a plethora of new and necessary major capital improvements not the least of which is convector replacements in every apartment (20,000 total units). These heating and cooling units have withstood the test of time but with time comes new technologies and better efficiencies which make this project mutually beneficial for the shareholders comfort and relief on operational expenses. We have an audacious task before us but be-

lieve we have the experience and a plan to execute effectively. With every project that is undertaken there is a process we must go through to bring it to fruition. There is usually a 6 to 8 month timeframe before a contract begins which encompasses preparing specifications and bid documents, receiving and reviewing bids and obtaining board and state approvals. Each month we will be publishing the status for every capital improvement so the community can see exactly where we are in the process. As it pertains to the convectors, we are currently awaiting bids from manufacturers in order to purchase the convectors. Simultaneously, bid documents are being prepared to obtain bids from a general contractor that will be responsible for installation. Once we have selected a manufacturer and an installer, we will begin notifying cooperators and scheduling appointments. The plan is to install convectors by apartment line in one working day. For example, the approved contractor will start in the A-section and work on the A-line on day one, the B-line on day two and so forth. Each day we have to drain the risers affecting the corresponding apartment so as to remove water from the system. This is where shareholder cooperation comes in so access to every apartment on the scheduled line is critical on the day of appointment. Once access is granted, the old convectors will be removed, the wall behind the convector will be sealed and the new ones installed. On the day of installation the exterminator will be present to service every unit. While this is just an overview, we will be conducting meetings in every circle to educate, update and tend to any questions or concerns shareholders may have. Your involvement is crucial to the success of this proj-

ect. We project work to begin this to ascertain when real problems summer and continue for just over exist for which help may be avail2 years. able. If our rent collection works, it will communicate concern, understanding, along with fairness. CARRYING CHARGE (RENT) We recognize that rent difficulties COLLECTION will happen and should be anticiThe convector project and pated. In these situations, special other improvements would not be problems of the residents will be possible without funding which ulconsidered and arrangements timately comes from cooperators. will be made to handle them in a High Expectations has become the manner consistent with a prompt articulated model for MSl’s perpayment policy. formance. Such is the level of perA monthly goal of 100% formance we expect to meet each rent collection should be the asmonth when we collect the sharepiration of every manager. Rent is holders share of the rent. Cash flow is the vitality of a property. Build- due by the 7th day of the month. ings needs money to operate and Anything after the 7th day should the main sources of funds is the be dealt with accordingly. When delinquency becomes. money paid by the shareholders. rent Carrying charges (rent) are the con- chronic, management must work necting link between the flow of re- directly with the resident to corsources and providing services for rect the situation. It is preferable to have 10 vacant apartments, Cooperators. The rental schedule is de- rather than 10 households not veloped to meet operating expens- meeting their obligations on time. The problem of delinquent es, debt service, and reserves for replacements. We respect the role rent has been and continues to of rent in housing. The degree of be an amorphous group of about success in rent collections is relat- 400 residents who have gradued to the policies established and ally become chronic late payers time spent on shareholder educa- of rent. Importantly enough, over tion procedures. There is no fat in 3000 residents with parking spaces meet their obligations timely. the budget. The Shareholders must The problem lies with the nearly know the rules and management 2800 residents without parking must make the rules real. Late pay- spaces who are not concerned ers should know that they have a with losing their parking privilege responsibility to pay rent on time and act accordingly. There are those who conand we have a responsibility to collect it. A Management Company is tinually rail about depreciation as a cash loss, they should focus on judged its ability to collect rent. the $12 million dollars that can be potentially lost in uncollected CARRYING CHARGE (RENT) rent. Maintaining financial solCOLLECTION POLICY/FIRM, vency is a distinguishing quality associated with everyone’s fiduFAIR, CONSISTENT The Carrying Charge (Rent) ciary and fundamental responsiCollection Policy should be ap- bility of paying carrying charges plied evenly and across the board monthly and timely. We are forto all residents. It is a message of ever grateful to the majority of fairness to everyone which puts shareholders that uphold their legitimate pressure on our ability end of the bargain.

January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Profit and Loss Financial Statement Narrative For the six months ended November 2019

For the Eight Months Ended November 30, 2019, Operating Income before Interest, Depreciation, Amortization and Income taxes increased slightly to $7,990,000 as compared to $7,373,000 in the Budget. Below you will find an explanation of the significant changes in each category:

to $45,896,000 in the Budget. Security The decrease is explained in the For the Eight months endfollowing expense categories: ed November 30, 2019, Security cost decreased $(379,000) Management and adminis- or 11.4% to $3,330,000 as compared to $3,710,000 in the Budtrative For the Eight months get. This decrease is principalended November 30, 2019, ly due to the Budget reflecting Management and administra- a full staff and this category is tive expenses decreased slight- not at full staff yet.

ly to $3,585,000 as compared to $3,679,000 in the Budget. Power Plant Fuel and Utilities The decrease is principally due 1. For the Eight months Total revenue for the to increased oversight of exended November 30, 2019, Fuel Eight Months ended November penses. and utility expenses increased 30, 2019 was relatively in-line with the Budget at $53,004,000 Janitorial & Grounds costs $624,000 to $9,734,000 2019 as compared to $53,269,000 in For the Eight months as compared to $9,109,000 in the Budget. ended November 30, 2019, Jan- the Budget. The increase in Apartment revenue for itorial and Grounds expenses these costs was principally rethe Eight Months ended No- decreased $(669,000) or 15.3% lated to an increase in water exvember 30, 2019 was in-line to $4,378,000 as compared to penses due to increased usage with the Budget at $46,392,000 $5,048,000 in the Budget. This and seasonality of the Budget. It should be noted that as compared to $46,711,000. decrease is principally due to Commercial rental reve- the Budget reflecting a full staff National Grid (transportation nue for the Eight Months ended and this category is not at full of our gas through their pipes) November 30, 2019 was rela- staff yet and an increased focus and reflect the 40% increase that was approved by NYS. tively in-line with the Budget on managing expenses. The actual cost of Gas at $3,465,000 as compared to Maintenance and operat- was in-line with the Budget. It $3,512,000 in the Budget. should be noted that our Gas Community Center reve- ing costs nue for the Eight Months ended For the Eight months prices have remained the same November 30, 2019 increased ended November 30, 2019, for both years due to manage$81,000 or 17.3% to $473,000 Maintenance and Operating ment negotiating favorable as compared to $392,000 in the cost decreased $(503,000) to fixed pricing for several years. Budget. The increase is princi- $7,663,000 as compared to pally due to an increase in rev- $8,167,000 in the Budget. This 2. Other Power Plant Exenue from room rentals. decrease is principally due to penses For the Eight months Total expenses for the the Budget reflecting a full staff Eight Months ended November and this category is not at full ended November 30, 2019, 30, 2019 decreased $(881,000) staff yet and increased focus on Other Power Plant expenses were relatively in-line with the to $45,014,000 as compared managing expenses.

Operating income and expense

Save a trip to the management office!

Budget at $2,702,000 as compared to 2,685,000 in the Budget.

Real Estate Taxes (Shelter Rent)

For the Eight months ended November 30, 2019, Real estate tax (Shelter rent) expenses increased slightly to $2,542,000 as compared to $2,464,000 in the Budget. This increase is principally due to NYC not reflecting the settlement of the dispute of including allocable corporate expenses in the Shelter Rent calculation in their bills yet. We anticipate that the adjustments will be reflected in our bills in the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2020. All Other Expenses were relatively in-line with the Budget.

Looking forward

In December 2019, we received notification from our Sales Tax attorney that we won our case against NYS for sales taxes paid in prior years that we discovered should not have been paid. The result of the lawsuit is that we will receive a refund of $833,000 from NYS. Overall, Rochdale Village Inc.’s financial results for the Eight months ended November 30, 2019 show that Rochdale Village Inc.’s results are on track to meet our FY 2020 Budget.

• Set up monthly carrying charge payments online. • Subscribe to • Contact Rochdale Village Bulletin office to register. • Call 718-276-5700 x359

January 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT FY & YTD 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AGING FY 2020

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2018, 2019 and 2020

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January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2019 and 2020 Actual vs. Budget

January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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RV: Save the Dates

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January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Chief Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report December 2019

Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village Public Safety Department during the month of December 2019. Public Safety maintains 24 hour / 7 days a week coverage.



1. During the month of December 2019, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety Department officers responded to a total of (72) loitering and (82) noise complaints from Cooperators which were resolved as follows: a) Founded-Compliant- (33) Loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave and (41) of the noise complaint sources corrected the volume of the noise.


b) Unfounded Calls- (30) unfounded loitering complaints and (36) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard).


c) Founded/Non-Compliant Calls- Loitering individuals and noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives – (9) received violations for loitering and (5) received a violation for noise complaints.

For the month of December 2019 there was a grand total of (6) arrest made on Rochdale Village Grounds. The Public Safety Department will continue to organize in order to better serve the Rochdale Village community.




• • • •

Conducted (116) Directed & Routine Verticals. Made (1) arrests, issued (0) Trespass Notifications, issued (0) C-Summonses, issued (22) violations to include (7) for loitering and encountered (32) Loiterers during routine & directed patrols. Responded to assigned calls from Central Dispatch (8). Conducted (5) Tenant Verifications


The Public Safety Department towed (17) vehicles and issued (87) warning stickers for the violation of various parking rules throughout the complex. Routine & *Directed Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers and Supervisors: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers and Supervisors patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours in an effort to curtail unlawful activities. *Directed verticals are additional post inspections performed in order to proactively reduce Quality of Life conditions in designated “Hot Spots” as determined by community complaints and the analysis of various patrol reports.

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Listed are the classifications of Notice of Violations issued: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

CLASSIFICATION Illegal Move out Illegal Move in Negligence Harboring a Pet Noise Complaint Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering Illegal Sublet/Occupant Damage to Rochdale Property Littering Failure to Comply Reckless Endangerment Illegal installation of a camera Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal Activities Creating Fire Hazard Urinating/Defecation in Public Drinking Alcohol in Public (Open Containers) Improper Storage Trespass Foul Odor Verbal Harassment Walking Dog on Premises Throwing things out the window Illegal Parking Health Hazard Resisting Arrest Assault on Rochdale Village Personnel Bulk/Improperly Discarded Garbage Refusing to show ID Unauthorized Air Conditioner Theft of Property Curfew Smoking in unauthorized area Move In After Hours Assault Riding Bike On Property Reckless Driving Property Damage Delivery After Hours Illegally Parked Car Smoke Condition Total

AMOUNT 4 0 2 2 5 4 9 4 1 0 14 0 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64

January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Disclaimer: The CompStats published below for the southeast Queens area reflects activity captured from the beginning of this month which includes cumulative stats from the month prior. Keep in mind that the stats below for the 113th Precinct reflect the total southeast Queens area including Jamaica along with St. Albans, Hollis, Springfield Gardens, South Ozone Park, South Jamaica, Addisleigh Park, and Locust Manor. The numbers shown do not specifically identify activity in the Rochdale Village community. - Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

January 2020

How Succession rights affect cooperators here at Rochdale Village The following information is reprinted from the shareholder’s handbook entitled ‘Welcome to Rochdale’. Each household should have gotten a copy upon taking possession of their residence. Succession is an important business matter that has the ability to affect all cooperators at some point in time. Please review this excerpt about shareholder Succession rights to become knowledgeable and to ensure that timely arrangements are made to keep loved ones in the home you’ve cared so dearly for. Managing Editor, Susan Van Brackle


f the head of household/ shareholder of record permanently vacates an apartment, the remaining occupants may have the right to remain in the apartment only if they meet the following DHCR Mitchell-Lama program criteria: 1. They meet the DHCR definition of Family Member. 2. They have resided with the head of household in the apartment as their primary residence. 3. They have resided with the head of household in the apartment as their primary residence for a period of no less than two consecutive years (the two years immediately before the vacate date of shareholder of record). 4. They have been listed on the income affidavit and/or Notice of Change to Tenant’s Family for the two year period – and appear on the three most recent income affidavits. 5. If a senior citizen or disabled person, they have resided with the head of household in the apartment as their primary residence for a period of no less

The Shareholder Of Record ship; Has Permanently Vacated The (b) sharing of or relying Apartment. upon each other for payment of Prior to considering a request household or family expenses, for succession, Rochdale Vil- and/or other common necessilage is required to obtain a writ- ties of life; ten and notarized letter/declaration from the shareholder of (c) intermingling of finances record that they have vacated as evidenced by, among other the apartment. In the absence of things, joint ownership of bank a letter or declaration from the accounts, personal and real shareholder of record, Rochdale property, credit cards, loan obVillage must obtain credible ev- ligations, sharing a household idence and documentation that budget for purposes of receivthe shareholder of record has ing government benefits, etc.; permanently vacated the apartment. (d) engaging in family-type activities by jointly attending DHCR Definition of Family family functions, holidays and Member celebrations, social and recre(i) A husband, wife, son, ational activities, etc.; daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, father, mother, stepfather, step- (e) formalizing of legal oblimother, brother, sister, grand- gations, intentions, and responfather, grandmother, grandson, sibilities to each other by such granddaughter, daughter-in- means as executing wills namlaw, son-in-law, mother-in-law ing each other as executor and/ or beneficiary, granting each or father-in-law of the tenant. other a power of attorney and/or (ii) Family member may conferring upon each other aualso mean any other person re- thority to make health care decisiding with the cooperatort in sions each for the other, enterthe dwelling unit as a primary ing into a personal relationship or principal residence, who can contract, making a domestic prove emotional and financial partnership declaration, or servcommitment and interdepen- ing as a representative payee Proof of residency shall be the dence between such person and for purposes of public benefits, etc.; listing of such person on the the cooperator. Annual Income Affidavit and/ or the filing of the Notice of Although no single factor shall (f) holding themselves out as Change to Tenants Family as set be solely determinative, evi- family members to other family forth in Section 1727-3.6 of this dence which is to be considered members, friends, members of Part, together with other evi- in determining whether such the community or religious indence such as certified copies of emotional and financial com- stitutions, or society in general, tax returns, voting records, mo- mitment and interdependence through their works or actions; tor vehicle registration and driv- existed shall be the income afer’s license, school registration, fidavit filed by the tenant for (g) regularly performing bank accounts, employment re- the housing accommodation family functions, such as caring cords, insurance policies and/or and other evidence which may for each other or each other's other pertinent documentation include, without limitation, the extended family members, and/ following factors: or relying upon each other for or facts. daily family services. Rochdale Must Verify That (a) longevity of the relationone year (the one year immediately before the vacate date) and appear on the two most recent income affidavits. If they resided with shareholder of record for less than one year – they have resided with the head of household from the inception of the tenancy or commencement of the relationship. 6. The minimum periods of required consecutive years of residency shall not be considered interrupted for any period during which the family member, listed on the income affidavit, temporarily relocates because he or she: a. Is engaged in active military duty; b. Is enrolled as a full-time student; c. Is not in residence at the apartment pursuant to a court order not involving any term or provision of the lease, and not involving any grounds specified in the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law; d. Is engaged in employment requiring temporary relocation from the apartment; e. Is hospitalized for medical treatment; or f. Other reasonable grounds determined by DHCR.

January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Project’s Report January 2020

Save a trip to the management office! • • • •

Set up monthly carrying charge payments online. Start by subscribing to Contact the Rochdale Village Bulletin office to register. Call 718-276-5700 x359 or x360

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January 2020


January 2020

s Report

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January 2020


January 2020

s Report

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January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Induction Ceremony of Supreme Court Justice Muir and Rochdale Village Senior Center visit Vets at St. Albans VA

(left to right) New York State Assembly Member Vivian E. Cook (D.32), Queens County Justice of the Supreme Court Maurice Muir, Chairman of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors Clifton Stanley Diaz, President of the Board of Directors Jean Castro.

Judge Muir takes his oath before friends, family and colleagues.

Rochdale Village Senior Center members give of their time to crochet blankets for veterans at the Saint Albans V.A. (l. to r. back) Yvonne Sommers, Hazel Onwsor, Arlene Becker, Roslyn Jones (L. to R. front) Rachel Iroku, Cynthia Litaker, group leader Marie Clay, Yvonne Oliver, Arden Bailey.

(l. to r.) District Leader Anthony D. Andrews, Jr., Ed.D. with George M. Heymann. New York City Civil Court Judge, Housing retired.

(left to right) New York State Supreme Court Justice Leslie Leach with Judge Laura D. Blackburne.

Queens Councilman Archie W. Spigner (retired), delivers a few words at the induction ceremony.

RVSC members make their way through the halls of the St. Albans Veteran’s Hospital to distribute the blankets they made for the service men and women on the ward.

January 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Ladies first at swearing in ceremony of Queens’s new District Attorney Melinda Katz.

Queens Borough President turned Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz is sworn in on January 6, 2020 at St. John’s University.

(l. to r.) Assistant Commissioner of Housing & Community Renewal Simone-Marie Meeks with colleagues.

Women’s History Month awardee and peace keeper Erica Ford.

(l. to r.) Rochdale’s Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, D.A. Melinda Katz and Rochdale’s Board President Jean Castro.

(l. to r.) Justice Donna Golia, Supreme Court, Civil Judge; Michelle Johnson, Supervising Judge Criminal Court and Counselor Hettie Powell.

(l. to r.) Guest with Pastor Craig of Greater Springfield Community Church with Board of Directors member Maryam Hubbard.

(l. to r.) U.S. Congressman Gregory Meeks with Rochdale Village Vice President & Public Safety Chairman Talib Bey.

(l. to r.) Queens new D.A. Melinda Katz and New York’s Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul.

(l. to r.) Board President Jean Castro with NYS Attorney General Letitia James.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

January 2020

True Human Hair expands business to meet customer needs in New York and beyond By Susan Van Brackle


ochdale Village advertiser Brooklyn Hair aka True Human Hair is a company founded on the principles of providing quality hair for a good price with great customer service. In addition to having stores in Atlanta, Georgia, there are currently two store locations available in New York City; one in Queens on Jamaica Avenue and the other in Brooklyn located on Flatbush Avenue. Both New York stores have been established for over four years and have created a reputation for providing high quality human hair bundles and wigs at reasonable prices that many customers have come to appreciate. The company’s product line also offers closures, frontals and wigs in various lengths and styles. These wigs are very versatile and can be pulled into pony tails, parted down the middle or put in any other style you can think of while giving the most natural looking appearance. Wigs are available in short and long hair and can be

found in colors 1B natural color to 613 platinum blondes. Customers unable to make it into the store can visit their website at Brooklyn Hair ships to all states in America, ships to Canada and the UK. They’re dedicated to local customers and run weekly deals just for them. A special gift of silk serum and other local deals is being offered to all customers who read this article and mention it when they visit a location. The best thing about Brooklyn Hair is that there is something available for everyone. This store has a direct link to suppliers and is able to get the best prices and deals. There is FREE ONE-Day Express shipping via USPS this way customers quickly receive purchases hassle free. There is also the option to pick up online orders in store at any New York location. Brooklyn Hair prides itself on great service and this is why they offer all these services so that they have customers looking and feeling great!

Rochdale Village Senior Committee Presents a 4 day / 3 night trip to

Niagara Falls & Toronto Canada June 15 - 18, 2020

Package Includes: 

3 nights motel accommodations on the Canadian side

3 breakfasts

3 full dinners

A guided tour of Niagara Falls - with views of Fort George, Niagara River Parkway and more

A visit to the Hydro Floral Clock - adorned with over 15,000 flowers

A Tour of the beautiful city of Toronto

Enjoy a Toronto Harbor Cruise

Night viewing of Niagara Falls

Admission to the Niagara Falls IMAX Theatre Movie - "Niagara Miracles, Myths & Magic"

A local winery tour and tasting

Tour of the Niagara including the Weiland Shipping Canal and quaint

Baggage handling, hotel taxes & meal gratuities

Motorcoach transportation included


Insurance is required for Medical cancellation


**The Bus Pickup will be by Baisley Blvd. & Guy R. Brewer Blvd. on

Rite Aid Side. More information on pickup time will be on final flyer. DOCUMENTATION: Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ʹͲʹǦ͸Ͷ͹ǦͶͲͲͲǤ ȋ Ǥ ͺ ȌǤ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ

For Further Information & Reservation Contact:

Jean Castro: 347-229-8514

Joyce Williams: 646-243-2583 Gary Hawkins: 718-593-0363 Board Office: 718-276-5700 (Ext. 336)



Per Person, Double Occupancy Single Supplement: $140.00 Additional

$100.00 deposit due by Friday, March 06, 2020

January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 21

Highlights of Governor Cuomo’s State of the State presented in Grand Ballroom By Olayemi Okeniyi Susan Van Brackle

host the Governor’s representatives at this location.


State of the State Presentation Denise Miranda, Executive Director of the New York State Justice Center, represented Governor Andrew M. Cuomo at the event. She read Cuomo’s 2020 State of the State address and answered questions. She began by saying that New York was ahead of other states in terms of employment, economic and social growth. Miranda stated that the Governor had pledged to cut taxes on the middle class, fight rising prescription costs, address robocalls, pass the first domestic terrorism law in the nation and to preserve affordable housing. Speaking on climate change she said the plan included banning single use styrofoam food containers and improving New York’s emergency response system to deal with erratic weather swings. Ms. Miranda went on to say Governor Cuomo wants to improve

ochdale Village residents received the chance to see an exclusive recap of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s annual State of the State address without having to take a trip to Albany. New York State Assembly Member Vivian E. Cook, in concert with the Board of Directors Senior Citizens’ Committee and the Rochdale Village Senior Center, arranged the presentation with representatives Denise Miranda and Jordan Beberman who coordinated the impromptu presentation that took place at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, January 17 in the Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom. Networks built by Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz, Board President Jean Castro, Board Secretary Joyce Williams and Rochdale Village Senior Center Director Sheree Shivers with New York State government officials made this opportunity possible for Rochdale to

(l. to r.) Denise Miranda, Executive Director for New York State Justice Center, Assembly Member Vivian E. Cook, Rochdale’s President of the Board of Directors and co-chair of the Senior Citizens’ Committee Jean Castro, Chairman of the Board of Directors Clifton Stanley Diaz, Board Secretary and chairman of the Senior Citizens’ Committee Joyce Williams and Sheree Shivers Director, Rochdale Village Senior Center.

transparency by requiring elected officials with salaries over $100,000 to release their tax returns. He wants to create an office of Cannabis man-

agement to regulate cannabis after it becomes legal. Finally there are plans to make transportation more accessible for persons with disabilities.

Police Activity On January 13, 2020 we had shots fired in the vicinity of 169-65 137th Avenue in Jamaica Queens. When the officers responded they found three shell casings. Fortunately, there was no property damage and no one was injured. The matter Deputy Inspector Bohannon of is currently under investigation. Jamaica’s 113th Precinct In response to this incident I have deployed additional resources to the want to start by wishing everyone vicinity of the shots fired. a Happy New Year. I trust that evWe are committed to stoperyone had a great start to their new ping these random acts of violence. year so far. If you have information about this By Susan Van Brackle I am Deputy Inspector Brian incident or any other crime, please J. Bohannon and I am the Command- call the NYPD Crime Stoppers Hoew York City’s Chief of Detecing Officer of the 113th Precinct. tline at 1-800-577-TIPS. tives and Rochdale’s own superstar Rodney Harrison, is said to be the subject of a news story being covered by NBC 4 reporter David Ushery. The story is anticipated to highlight the Chief’s experiences growing up here in the Rochdale January 13, 2020 • Reckless Endangerment 1 • 169-65 137th Avenue Village community. An NBC news

van arrived on Friday, January 24 to begin taking footage that included Chief Harrison’s interactions with community members. On hand for the segment were officers Edwards and Bradley from the 113th Precinct, Rochdale’s Chairman of the Board of Directors and Public Safety co-chair Clifton Stanley Diaz, Rochdale Public Safety Lieutenant Verda Bataille and Sergeant Darryl Fueller.

Police activity updates by Deputy Inspector Brian J. Bohannon We are committed to the safety of all residents. Public safety is a shared responsibility and in partnership with you we can make the 113th Precinct a safe place to live and work.


NYC’s Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison visits community police and RV’s public safety


Rochdale’s 113th Precinct Police Activity Blotter January 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

January 2020

How will the Redesigned Routes, Stops, Connections, and Timetable Impact Your Commute?

Read About the Plan and Review Your Route at:

Explore the Interactive Network Maps

View Proposed Local Bus Redesign Map View Proposed Express Bus Redesign Map You can also share your feedback at the top of each interactive page by clicking on “ADD A COMMENT” Maps are best viewed on a desktop computer

Give Your Feedback comments_queensbus     


Focus on your commuting needs. Was your stop eliminated? Is it a heavily traveled or connecting stop? Where are your new stops; especially in Manhattan? Look at your connections. How many connections will you need after the redesign. How much will your new commute cost? Will you be paying more in fares each way after free transfers? EXPRESS BUS EXPANDED TIMETABLE – Last bus departure on most lines is 7:00pm. Suggested last bus 9:00pm.

January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Rochdale Village Social Services Board Minutes Monthly Board of Directors Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - 7 p.m. – Rochdale Community Center

Rochdale Village Social Services Inc. is a non-profit cultural and social de- • Audit was accepted by the board. velopment organization for senior citizens, youth and the physically chal- III. Financials and Fundraising lenged. Funded in part by the New York City Department for the Aging • Most funds coming to us are from contracts through the Department for (DFTA), discretionary funding from New York City Council member Adrithe Aging. One was just renewed. It expires in November 2020. It was enne E. Adams (District 28) and in-kind contributions from Rochdale Vilrenewed for a year and a half. It will expire in 2021. Then the City of NY lage Inc. maintains the initiative. Youth educational programs are supervised will issue a new RFP (request for proposal) to get grants for the senior by the city's Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD). centers. Then through the City Council of Discretionary Funds, we’re getting money from Ms. Adams to supplement what Sheree is doing RVSS Board members because the baseline contract what DFTA is giving us cannot maintain 1. Talib Bey the program. There’s just not enough money. For the past 2 year since 2. Brenda Bradford Darius has been there, we have received $80,000, and this year $75,000 3. Jean Castro from Ms. Adams. At least $40,000 goes to meals. The meals program is 4. Kevin Dilworth severely underfunded. Getting $91,000 per year for lunch for the seniors 5. Valerie Ware Hayes 6. Christine Hollie (8:48 p.m.) is not enough money. Sheree mentioned that the seniors offset the bal7. Timothy Mercer ance by contributing $1.50 per meal. 8. Hettie Powell 9. Sheree Shivers • Renee asked about getting funding from the Department of Agriculture 10. Lisa Stark (7:45 p.m.) because she knows that summer youth programs can get funding for 11. Renee Taylor meals that way. Darius said that a fundraising committee can be formed 12. Glynis A. Urquhart (7:14 p.m.) to explore all avenues of obtaining money, such as federal, city, and state 13. Nikka A. Williams funding. 14. Vacant 15. Vacant • Sheree mentioned that moving forward with the RFPs they’re asking for your sponsoring agency to give you matching funds. We get the $80,000 Also: in kind, but we need our sponsor to contribute to our program and how it Sheree Shivers, Director of Rochdale Senior Center functions. Our sponsor is the Rochdale Village Inc. board. They give us Darius George, Executive Director of RVSS Educational Programs the money and in kind for the space to function. Also, if we do an event James F. West II, Auditor of West II & Company, LLP Shakellia Augustine, Admin Asst. of RVSS in the ballroom, that’s in kind. Kevin mentioned that we also get discretionary funds by the City Council. That requires doing grant writing.

I. Roll Call

Present: Talib Bey; Kevin Dilworth; Valerie Ware Hayes; Christine Hollie; Timothy Mercer; Hettie Powell; Sheree Shivers; Lisa Stark; Renee Taylor; Glynis A. Urquhart; Nikka A. Williams; Sheree Shivers; Darius George; James F. West II; Shakellia Augustine.

• Glynis and Christine recently received their Certificate of Completion for NYC Capacity Building Training, which is required for our organization. We currently have 4 people with the certificate: Glynis, Christine, Sheree, and Darius. The certificate is valid for 3 years. If anyone leaves the company, their certificate becomes invalid with the organization.

Absent: Brenda Bradford; Jean Castro.

• Taking Darius’s suggestion, the board formed a Finance Committee.

II. Report from RVSS auditor James F. West II, of West II & Com• The Finance Committee meeting will generally meet on the first Thurspany, LLP, of Yonkers, N.Y. RVSS 2019 audit • Mr. West distributed audit results for year ended June 30, 2019, financial statements, and Tax Return of Organization Exempt Form Income Tax (Form 990)

day of every quarter during the day. However, due to the holidays, the first meeting for 2020 will be on January 3rd. The Financial Committee members are as follows:

• He explained the result which include the following:

1. Talib Bey 2. Tim Mercer • He highlighted significant differences in the financial statements year 3. Renee Taylor over year. • • The board discussed the need to hire a grant writer. They discussed a • There were no significant deficiencies in internal control of the organipast grant writer, but the fundraising committee will explore ways to zation. obtain grant writers for specific areas of need. Sheree mentioned that she has hired a grant writer who is familiar with writing grants for se• No disagreements with management during his assessment. nior centers. She discussed how all grants have different requirements including what funds can be used for. • He highlighted the operating results and mentioned the changes in the format of the financial statement that was a new requirement to comply with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) new pro- • The board members have also agreed to form a Fundraising Committee. nouncement. The Fundraising Committee members are as follows: * Motion to accept RVSS's 2019 annual audit report prepared by James 1. F. West II, of West II & Company, LLP, of Yonkers, N.Y., to comply with 2. RVSS bylaw Article 5, Section 5, requiring the treasurer to provide mem- 3. bers with an annual financial report.

Nikka Williams Tim Mercer Renee Taylor

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

January 2020

Rochdale Village Social Services Board Minutes Monthly Board of Directors Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - 7 p.m. – Rochdale Community Center (Continued)

IV. Reorganization (board vacancies / election of officers) • week giving seniors tech support. (The students get paid through a pro(Effective immediately, Brenda Bradford resigned as Treasurer) gram called Voyagers).

• New chess class for seniors led by George Taylor on Thursdays. • Glynis nominated Kevin for president and Lisa seconded it. Kevin • Other programs such as Arts & Culture and physical fitness. agreed to be president. Kevin motioned to accept the Senior Center report. Talib seconded it. All • Talib nominated Renee for vice president and Tim seconded it. Renee were in favor. agreed to be vice-president.

VIII. President / Vice President Items:

• Sheree nominated Christine for secretary and Hettie seconded it. Hollie • Kevin Dilworth went over four written reports giving the update staagreed to be secretary. tus of each of the four educational programs sponsored by RVSS, and financed by $65,000 worth of Discretionary Funding allocated by City • Sheree nominated Valerie for treasurer and Talib seconded it. Valerie Councilwoman Adrienne E. Adams, for 2019-20. The program funding agreed to be treasurer. is being supervised by DYCD. (Ten pages emailed out to all RVSS bd. members). • Talib explained that he, Lisa, Tim, Glynis, and Jean are Rochdale Village Inc. board members and cannot take officer roles in RVSS. They are • Kevin asked for the board to approve the reports of RVSS' four educathere to report back to Rochdale Village Inc. tional programs - that were emailed to all RVSS board members on Nov. 1, 2019 at 10:09 a.m., prior to the Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019 board meetThe new RVSS officers are: ing). Those written reports comprised: • President – Kevin Dilworth • Vice-President – Renee Taylor 1. 2019-20 Academic Success Tutoring Program (3 pages, plus flyer). • Secretary – Christine Hollie 2. RVSS' 2019-20 Computer Technology and Technical Skills Training • Treasurer – Valerie Ware Hayes Class (3 pages, plus flyer) 3. RVSS' 2019-20 Critical Thinking Through Chess class (2 pages, plus V. Approval of minutes of: flyer). November 14, 2018 4. RVSS 2019-20 Teen Lift college tour update (2 pages, plus flyer). RVSS December 5, 2019 (Amended) agrees to pay $425 out of the $650 charter bus transportation, room and January 2, 2019 board cost for each high school student, not to exceed six youngsters, February 6, 2019 who RVSS sponsors to participate in the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority's March 6, 2019 Inc. Teen Lift Easter Week 2020 tour of eight historically black college April 3, 2019 (No meeting. No quorum). and universities. May 1, 2019 (Amended) June 5, 2019 The reports are below: July 10, 2019 Kevin Dilworth update on 2019-20 RVSS Academic Success Tutoring Program for Wednesday, November 6, 2019 meeting • Kevin motioned to approve minutes from November 14, 2018 to June 5, 2019. Glynis seconded it. 5 people approved (Christine, Hollie, Glynis, The Academic Success Tutoring Program, now in its third consecutive year Nikka, Kevin). Talib abstained. Tim, Lisa, Sheree, Valerie and Renee under the leadership of Andrea Johnson, is a victim of its own successes. abstained because they were not on the board yet. Two Saturday classes - one for third through fifth grade students who meet in Rochdale Community Center Room 3, and middle and high school students • Kevin motioned to approve minutes from July 10, 2019. Renee seconded who meet in Room 15 - are at their 25-student capacity. it. Everyone voted to approve, except Tim and Lisa who were not on the board yet. A wait-list for both classes now exists. Beginning in October 2019, the program began taking individuals who had been on the tutoring class wait list VI. Report from NORC from Marie Cendy Theophile and Ana Pliss from November 2018.


• Talib motioned to table the NORC Report. Everyone agreed.

VII. Report from Senior Center emailed

Sheree reviewed funding from Council Member Adams. Out of $50,000, most went to lunch program and supplies. Foam products can no longer be used. Paper and plastic must be used, which is more expensive. Money has also been used for: • Part-time help in kitchen for lunch program • Heart Smart program • Printing and supplies A $15,000 grant received is being used for the following: • Communications, telephone system, etc. • Part-time staff on Mon. for clerical duties • Intergeneration program for August Martin H.S. students during the

Each of the two Saturday classes meet 10 a.m. to noon and all students have access to the 60 computer tablets owned by RVSS, and each student is assigned a password to the Study Island web based academic license. Those licenses enable the individual students to access various academic instructional lessons. Homework assistance is given to each student who brings in their weekend homework. And all students have instruction access on one of the two 65inch Promethean ActivPanel units purchased for Rooms 3 (wall mounted) and Room 15 (on a rolling cart kept locked up in one of the three closets there). Funding for this tutoring class comes out of the $45,000 Discretionary Funding grant awarded RVSS through Council member Adrienne E. Adams (District 28 - Rochdale Village, Jamaica, South Ozone Park and Richmond Hill).

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Rochdale Village Social Services Board Minutes

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - 7 p.m. – Rochdale Community Center (Continued) The tutoring class staff for 2019-20 consists of returning (for the third consecutive year) lead instructor (Professor) Andrea Johnson, Cassandra Kennedy and Roxanne Mayers; along with part-time (Saturdays when program is short an instructor) Cendy Theophile; for the third consecutive year Deevika Persuad and Anuska Joseph; and high school (Advanced Placement) student tutors (returning for the second year) Uzmaa Khan; and new tutors Fallon S. Brackley, and (alternating Saturday) sisters Fahmeda Khanon and Touheda Khanon. Each person has been vetted by Rochdale Village Inc. via Rochdale Village Inc. criminal background check forms submitted to RV assistant manager Jay Williams. One new backup Advanced Placement high school tutor's vetting application is pending. Unfortunately, most of the hired staffers with the Academic Success Tutoring Program have had to take salary cuts and their days of work shortened. That's because in 2019-20, RVSS had two Discretionary Award grants ($45,000 and $20,000) to use to underwrite the tutoring staff salaries, and this year, in 2019-20, it's only $45,000. The other $20,000 is - for 2019-20 - earmarked exclusively for computer technology and cannot be spent on the tutoring program. ****** Kevin Dilworth update on 2019-20 RVSS Computer Technology and Technical Skills Training class for meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Thanks to a $20,000 Discretionary Award grant from City Council member Adrienne E. Adams, RVSS has created a weekly Saturday Computer Technology and Technical Skills Training class for 2019-20. The instructor for the 10:00 a.m. to noon class in the Rochdale Community Center Computer Room is Curlene Nelson, who used to teach a Cyber Seniors class to Rochdale senior residents.

Microsoft's 677 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, location is where a proposed pre-arranged workshop with Microsoft experts will provide students firsthand instruction on Getting to Know Windows 10; Office Fundamentals; PC safety and performance; On-Line Safety; Create digital art; Create one's own videos; how to start your own business; Word; Excel; OneNote; how to access and use all apps in Office or Office 365; how LinkedIn tools can be used for marketing, selling, hiring and learning; and how to develop headshots for one profile. ****** Kevin Dilworth’s update on 2019-20 RVSS Critical Thinking Through Chess class for Wednesday November 6, 2019 meeting: The Critical Thinking Through Chess class is now in its third successive year of operating under RVSS, and under the instructional leadership of track coach / chess coach George H. Taylor. Up to two dozen young people, ages 8 to 24, are involved with the 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekly Saturday classes that are held in both the Rochdale Village Community Center Computer Room, where participants play chess on the desktop computers there, and (when its available) in Room 15, where participants play on traditional chess boards and use regular chess pieces. The goals of the Critical Thinking Through Chess class remain the same as they've been since 2017-18: Enable participants to improve their memory, cognitive skills, strategic thinking, ability to pay attention to detail, as well as their ability to analyze concepts and to boost their discipline and judgment skills. Funding for this chess class comes out of the $45,000 Discretionary Funding 2019-20 grant awarded RVSS through Council member Adrienne E. Adams (District 28 - Rochdale Village, Jamaica, South Ozone Park and Richmond Hill). FYI: Chess boards, chess pieces, clock timers, and other instructional / chess equipment were purchased with prior Discretionary Funding grants from the NYC City Council.

The $20,000 Discretionary Award - known as Contract #68397R and supervised by the city's Department of Youth and Community Development - is earmarked to "provide computer based training and learning, technical skill development, improve internet access, and offer free public streaming services."


RVSS is addressing the first three recommendations, purchased a new 65inch Promethean Activpanel interactive unit for instructional use in Room 3, and purchased a replacement desktop computer for a long inoperable one in the computer room. That computer room now has 14 working desktop computer stations for use by those who use the room.

For the fifth consecutive year, RVSS is providing scholarship money for those approved students RVSS chooses to sponsor and pay a majority of the transportation, hotel and eating expense costs for those who partake in the Teen Lift annual Easter Week tour - Sunday, April 12, 2020 through Friday, April 17, 2020 - of historically black colleges and universities.

The Discretionary Fund also was used to pay for much needed and longoverdue computer accessibility to Rochdale Community Center Rooms 3 and 15, where the tutoring, computer and chess classes are taught, replacing hot spots (that often did not work) with direct internet access in-the-wall boxes.

Update on RVSS 2019-20 Teen Lift college tour program (sponsored by the Queens Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.) for Wednesday, November 6, 2019 board meeting.

This year, RVSS has set aside $425 for each of no more than 6 high school students

it sponsors on the Easter Week 2020 tour, with the parents and guardians of each of those sponsored individuals being responsible for paying the $225 balance. To date, just four high school students have applied for RVSS sponsorship:

The other portion of the money is paying for the services of computer class instructor Curlene C. Nelson, president and chief executive officer of the None of the four have been interviewed to date. Nelson Computer Learning Academy in Jamaica, N.Y. The deal is that each participant must meet the requirement to attend at A portion of the $20,000 in funding, under the transportation category, will least three monthly workshops, and the parents / guardians of each must pay for two round-trip charter bus trips between Rochdale Village and Mi- pay the $100 October 2019 payment; the $100 November 2019 payment; crosoft's Fifth Avenue Flagship store. and $25 towards the $100 December 2019 payment.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

January 2020

Rochdale Village Social Services Board Minutes Monthly Board of Directors Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - 7 p.m. – Rochdale Community Center (Continued) Funding source: $45,000 Discretionary Funding award for 2019-20 The Sunday, April 12, 2020 through Friday, April 17, 2020 tour will take 32 high school students to Wilberforce University and Central State University in Ohio; Fisk University in Tennessee; Morehouse College, Spelman College and Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta; North Carolina A&T University in Greensboro, North Carolina; and Bowie State University in Maryland.

quarterly written report requirement. • Kevin motioned the request and Talib seconded it. Everyone present was in favor.

X. Good and welfare:

Talib made a motion to table all further business until the next meeting. Seconded by Glynis. All were in favor.

The Teen Lift co-chairs, for the second consecutive years, are QAC Delta Sigma Theta Sorority members Tanya Edwards and Jacqueline BattleJackson.

Talib made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Lisa. All were in favor.


Meeting was approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes long.

Talib and the rest of the board members gave Kevin a round of applause for all of his hard work with getting the documents together. Kevin mentioned that he’s looking for help. He’s here every Tuesday and Thursday, and Saturday mornings.

Below are items tabled to be discussed at the next board meeting: There's no record of RVSS approving the November 14, 2016-dated bylaws as proposed by attorney William R. Greenspan.

Lisa motioned to accept Kevin’s reports and Talib seconded it.

* Motion to approve the RVSS bylaws dated November 14, 2016, as prepared by attorney William R. Greenspan (sections highlighted in bold).

A quorum was met..

IX. Boys and Girls Scouts

Motion for RVSS Girl Scouts to cancel sponsorship of - Motion 11-2019 # Written reports from the Rochdale Girl Scout were supposed to include the number of members (how many live within Rochdale vs those who live outside of Rochdale), the types of activities, recruitment goals, trips, fundraising, day and time of the troop meetings etc. RVSS also needs contact information for all scout leaders; please provide email addresses, home addresses and phone contact information, according to RVSS board member’s March 2018 email. • Investigation to be conducted before making decision to pull support. There needs to be a meeting with the contact person. Quarterly reports were requested of Boy Scout Troop leaders. At a Feb. 6, 2019 meeting other troop leaders explained they were never told about the

* Motion to approve amending the following three RVSS bylaw articles and sections: * Amend Article 3 - Section 1 Members, including officers, will be considered automatically removed (replaces language will be considered a non-participant) from the board if they miss three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled board meetings, or any four (4) regularly scheduled board meetings within a calendar year. * Amend Article 3 - Section 7 to include president or vice president regarding authorizing telephone voting. * Motion to Eliminate Article 3 - Section 9 regarding membership dues. The board of directors shall be requested to donate at least five ($5) per month to facilitate the needs of the corporation.

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January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Parking Committee Minutes for Thursday, January 30, 2020

Jean Castro

• The Committee members were invited comprising of 10 cooperators. The committee was set up in order to get their input and help the Board and Management make decisions that would be of benefit to all cooperators while we work together as a team. • The 10 members volunteered for the field trip with Board and Management to do a walkthrough to view where parking can be stationed and how many spaces can be built.

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Meeting attendees: Parking Committee - Atten- A Presentation was given on Waiting List and Lot Assignments, Overnight Parking Expansions, dance Sheet forwarded Multi-Level Parking on Bedell Street, CommerTime: Called to order: 7:30 p.m. cial Parking Lot Controls, and Survey of Potential Areas for Expansion. Facilitators: Jean Randolph-Castro and Clifton Stanley Diaz • The cooperators had concerns regarding the parking list. Questions were raised as to why Meeting was opened by Chairperson, Ms. Jean some individuals must wait for years to get Randolph-Castro a parking space while others did not have to wait so long. Clarification was given on how New Business: the list was structured and how the list moves. • Thirty (30) Committee members were in atThe list moves faster depending on the parktendance. ing lot. • The meeting was called to order by Chairper• Cars are being double-parked. son Ms. Jean Randolph-Castro. • Parking meetings will be held on the fourth • Concerns regarding the commercial trucks to leave space for cooperators to go to their cir Wednesday every 2 months.

cles. A designated parking near safety booth was suggested. • Question raised about possibility to assign areas for physically challenged and to have a special list. **Note from Chairperson: I would like to thank and congratulate everyone that attended the parking meeting. Your professionalism was well received, your understanding, and cooperation. I am very proud of our first parking meeting as Chairperson. I must say thank you for participating and helping me present the meeting with great success. I was very happy to know that everyone was satisfied with the information that we disseminated. The questions and answers session was great. I am looking forward to continuing future meetings in this manner. Hopefully, as a team with us working together, this will enable us to move forward with great success, completing all of our parking projects. Old Business • Next Meeting: Thursday, March 25, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. Jean Randolph-Castro, Chairperson Clifton Stanley Diaz, Co- Chair

Community Center Committee Minutes for Thursday, January 16, 2020 ward Douglass New Business: Women History Month Eleven (11) members were in attendance. The Committee discussed the following items: 1) Jean Castro

Ed Douglass

Meeting attendees: Community Center Committee - Attendance Sheet forwarded Time: Called to order: 7:00 p.m. Adjourned: 7:45 p.m. Facilitator: Chairperson, Edward Douglass Meeting was opened by Chairperson, Mr. Ed-


Wrap-up of the New Year’s Eve Event • The chairperson discussed the amount collected from the New Year’s Eve party. • The NYE party as well attended and went well with no incidents. Black History Event • The event will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2020, in the Community Center. • Book signing event with Doctor Bob Lee from 2:00 p.m. – 5: 00 p.m.

• Signed books will be raffled. 3)

Women History Month Program • There will be a Women History Month event on Saturday, March 28, 2020, in the Grand Ballroom. • The Professional Women of Jazz will provide entertainment. • Guest speakers will be confirmed in the month of February.

Old Business Next Meeting: Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Jean Randolph-Castro, Chairperson Edward Douglass, Chairperson Tina Young, Secretary

Want to switch cable and internet providers but worry about early termination fees? New CHARTER SPECTRUM customers who may have an early termination fee from a competing provider will be given a contract buyout form (CBO) to fill out (which contains instructions) for how they may receive up to $500 that covers transfer fee costs.

Eligibility determined upon receipt of the CBO form.

January 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Community Relations Committee Minutes for Wednesday, January 8, 2020 kids to dance and have fun. She will further discuss this at our next meeting. The time of 2. As we are uncertain how impeachment the walk was not announced at this meeting work, it was suggested that we invite Senator however the date was set for Saturday, April Gregory Meeks to explain step by step how 25, 2020. this process work. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. What Political terms we should be familiar AGENDA 1. Ms. Stark suggested that we pick a book for with. the Tea party, that maybe it could be cheerful. 2. Time of Annual Autism Walk. The book picked was “THE POWER OF 3. Food, time food served, who will serve HOW” by local author Nikka Williams. This food and drink. book was suggested and voted on. We will be 4. Decorations, who will help decorated and working on getting the Author of the book to who will shop for what. be our invited guest. 5. Question: Where is last year decoration 2. The date for the Tea Party will be Saturday, and can we use them? March 14, 2020, and will held on the Red brick area. It was suggested that everyone Sandwiches and Soup were served. bring their own cup and saucer. Locate cups Meeting adjourned. purchased by committee. Next meeting scheduled on Wednesday, 3. Decoration, table setting, menu will be February 12, 2020. further discussed at our next meeting. 4. AUTISM WALK: Ms. Brown spoke on Respectfully submitted, inviting sponsors for the Autism walk and Carolyn Jackson also decorations, food and maybe a DJ for the votes and no other time. (Discussion)

Lisa Stark

Barbara Staples

Chairperson: Lisa Stark Co-Chairperson: Barbara Staples Meeting called to order by Co-Chairperson Ms. Barbara Staples at 7:15 p.m. Ms. Staples greeted the members and thanked them for attending the meeting. 1. Ms. Staples first stated how important the upcoming election is and how we should know the people we are voting for. It was suggested that all the candidates should be invited to Rochdale Village to let us know what they are offering. It was also stated that the people come to our neighborhood when they need

Senior Citizens Committee Minutes for Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Joyce Williams

Jean Castro

Community Renewal. Ms. Snyder greeted cerning things to cooperators by way of the Board, and the State would send a representhe seniors and thanked the committee for tative to explain the state of the state address. allowing her presence. She departed after witnessing the question and answer session given by our Management representative Mr. • The President also introduced a flyer for a Jay Williams, who expertly gave answers trip to Niagara Falls and Montreal, tentative for June. to all the issues and concerns asked by the cooperators. His presentation was and is always welcome and well received. • Committee Chairperson, Ms. Williams talk• The NORC office introduced a new social ed about a play she is writing for the seniors, worker who greeted the committee. everyone seemed interested.

The meeting was called to order and prayer led by the Senior Citizens’ Committee Chairperson, • The Senior Center Director, Ms. Sheree With all hearts and minds clear, the meeting was Ms. Joyce Williams at 10:10 a.m. Chairperson Shivers made remarks and gave information adjourned and breakfast was served. on upcoming events concerning the senior Ms. Joyce Williams gave a warm welcome to evcenter. Respectfully submitted, eryone, wishing them a Happy New Year. THE SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The Agenda was introduced: • We also welcomed Board President, Ms. Joyce Williams, Chairperson • Ms. Williams introduces the guests startJean Randolph-Castro who greeted the com- Jean Randolph-Castro, Co-Chair mittee, stating she would like to come to Gary Hawkins, Co-Chair ing with special guest Ms. Denise Snyder and guest of the State office of Housing and Rochdale Village to present information con-

RV Senior Center members make shawls for servicemen at St. Albans VA hospital

The Class donated the shawls to Queens veterans hospitalized at the Veteran’s Administration loembers of the Rochdale Village Senior Cen- cated in St. Albans on Linden Boulevard. The group ter’s Arts and Craft class led by Ms. Marie went to the hospice unit and recreation area. MemClay (Age 92) made 25 lap shawls and shoulder bers of the class hand delivered the shawls to some of the men on the unit and they were very appreciative shawls. By Susan Van Brackle


to have someone to visit and give them gifts. Photos of the members of the class who made the shawls are featured on page 18 of this newspaper and include: Marie Clay, Roslyn Jones, Rachel Iroku, Arlene Becker, Yvonne Sommers, Arden Bailey, Cynthia Litaker and Shirley Brown.

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January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ A Deflated Basketball Memorial for Kobe Bryant and 8

I Wish By Gloria Williams

By Anthony Blake

If I could make a wish that could make my dreams come true I would close my eyes cross my fingers include my loved ones friends and family and wish the very best for you

No roar of the crowd It was a brief time allowed Silence felt throughout The Laker’s and Knicks once key figures Basketball has lost a legend, Kobe Bryant Basketball will never be the same It is Kobe Bryant’s legacy will remain A legend with dignity and pride Kobe Bryant’s life was filled with desire and determination On his mind about the Laker’s winnings into victory That is Kobe Bryant’s story Basketball legend descended to glory Basketball aim right in precision Long rest Kobe Bryant and 8 people’s soul Heaven is the behold Kobe Bryant would say, “Remember me in the game of Basketball” You are my loyal fans I am here in Heaven and I am looking down of my name being shouted, “Kobe, Kobe, Kobe” He was a Basketball Hero meant to be Fulfill your life the way I fulfilled mine I am on an everlasting journey and have been chosen Homeward and upward being my destination My time came and was surpassed Keep my name in your hearts, Kobe Bryant I will be walking in Heaven with the celebrity giants I must rest now I embrace every one of you Let your mission in life be to pursue and accomplish My work is done, and Heaven I am among It’s hard to say Goodbye I will try and not cry My heart is totally at a loss Comfort me Oh Lord Give me peace Let my hills look to the hills and it is Heaven I see Kobe Bryant, your legacy is my reward But your soul had captured the Lord.

I would wish for world peace a roof over every head I would wish for help from heavens angels that the masses be clothe and fed I would wish for all children black white yellow brown to grow to their fullest potential their gift to the world not be lost but discovered and found I would wish for education to better understand how to live in peace and harmony respect and love for every woman child and every man I would wish for disease that cripple newborns at birth to be destroyed by our brilliant scientist erased from the face of the earth I would wish for all people to be happy and free for eyes to be open from blindness but still be able to see I would wish for our leaders to be able to speak for the needs of the people when they gather at the table and sit at the seat I would wish for our teachers and preachers to spread God’s word that minds and ears be open to receive what is heard My sincerest wish is just a beginning maybe a start in the end we all need each other to survive We must start with a understanding open heart I wish . . . . . Peace A new decade 2020 is here I wish you all a prosperous safe healthy Happy New Year

2020 Vision By Alanda Edwards 2020 Vision is a positive decision To be all we can be To see the positive person we can be To remain positive in God’s plan To be a better boy girl woman or man To see the good in things To help others in what life may bring To show someone a more positive way

In the things you may do or say To help encourage the 2020 vision And help others keep up with winning decisions! Be encouraged Alanda I. Edwards

January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Senior Center - February 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

January 2020

Rochdale NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - February 2020

January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar February 2020

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.




Susan Palmer -Van Brackle



169-65 137 Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 th


Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

January 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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January 2020

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