Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper - July 2020 Edition

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Vol. 56 No. 08


July 2020






(left to right) Sharing in the good news are Board Director Joe Evans, Assistant Treasurer Glynis Urquhart, Board Director Jean Hall, 1st Vice President Talib Bey, Council Member Adrienne Adams, Chairman of the Board of Directors Clifton Stanley Diaz, Assistant General Manager Jay Williams, Board President Jean Castro, Board Secretary Joyce Williams, Assistant General Manager Lance Williams.

Remembering U.S. congressman


AT ROCHDALE VILLAGE Photo credit:Hughe Williams

President’s Report - Pg. 2 | General Message - Pg. General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4 17 |President’s In RemembrancePg.228 |

Manager’s Report - Pg. 4 | Youth Planning’s Art Gallery - Pgs. 14 & | 113th Precinct Comp Stat- Pg. 9 | Projects Report - Pgs. 23-27

July 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin


President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.

OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Timothy Mercer Lisa Stark Ed Douglass Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Glynis Urquhart Secretary Joyce Williams Assistant Secretary Janine Cross


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Janine Cross Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Glynis Urquhart Joyce Williams Name Pending (State Representative) COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Barbara Staples Commercial Services Timothy Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro/Ed Douglass Community Relations Lisa Stark Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Janine Cross Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Gary Hawkins Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Jean Randolph-Castro Information Technology Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Director of Maintenance Kelvin Pantaleon Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback Power Plant Director Corey Jones Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel Robert Bernstein

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators,

As we resume and navigate through the challenges and the disruptions caused by the pandemic, I would like to thank each and every cooperator for being patient, and understanding the decisions we have made and the guidelines that were set forth during such a challenging time. We have seen the traumatic impact from the virus. I urge everyone to be vigilant and continue to take every precautionary measure to avoid the spread of the virus. Practice social distancing, avoid large crowds, and wear a mask or face covering. We will definitely get through this together. Let us look out for each other and lift each other up. Hot Weather Over the past few days we have been experiencing hot conditions with temperatures over 90 degrees. These hot temperatures can create a harmful situation, causing heat-related illnesses. Please be cautious and stay cool, drink plenty of water and/or liquids, check up on your family and neighbors. NORC Program The Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORC) program is available to the seniors of Rochdale Village. The homebound can also take part in the programs that are being offered. If you have any questions or concerns, please call (718) 7364237 or (718) 736-3667. Thank You On behalf of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors and the Cooperators of Rochdale Village, I would like to thank Councilwoman

Adrienne Adams for her generous funding in the amount of $2.8 million for the upgrade of the façade on all 20 buildings. This capital improvement project will allow for the restoration of structural damages, reinforcing structural stability and, the appearance of the buildings. In addition to that our Social Services Inc., the Senior Center, and NORC also received funding. The funds will be used to give our seniors, including the homebound, the quality of life which they so richly deserve. The monies will be used for transportation, the lunch program, healthcare and wellness programs, recreation, and much more. This includes staff to run the program. The youth will also benefit from funding going towards the youth tutoring and after school programs, leadership training, the annual HBCU Black College tour, and much more. Thank you to Kevin Livingston for his continued assistance in feeding our seniors. It has been truly a blessing for the services from you and your team. Thank you to Annette Eastmond, CEO/Founder of Cora Rose Institute for Social Progress (CRISP) and her team for a successful Community Grab N Go. The cooperators were very much appreciative for the supplies. Shred Fest The Maintenance Committee will be hosting the Shred Fest on the following days. Ø Saturday, August 22, 2020, from 9:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M., in front of the former cleaners in the big mall Ø Saturday, August 29, 2020, from 9:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.,

President, Jean Randolph-Castro

at Public Safety gate near the Community Center Everyone must wear a mask or face covering and must stay 6 feet apart. Canceled Summer Events Please take note, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Night Out, Summer Music Festival, Family Fun Day, the Senior Luncheon, Fall Festival and Cancer Awareness Walk have all been canceled. Our highest priority is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the cooperators. Rochdale Board Election Rochdale Village Board election will be held on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, from 6:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. Every cooperator is being encouraged to go out and cast your vote. You make a difference when you vote. Proxies will be mailed out soon to cooperators, once received fill out and mail proxy in the envelope provided. Enjoy your summer. Be safe. Love, Peace, and Blessings to all Jean Randolph-Castro


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Council Member Adams, UNCA and Rochdale Board celebrate budget win for community By Susan Van Brackle Olayemi Okeniyi On Tuesday, July 28, New York City Council Member Adrienne Adams, members of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, and the United Neighbors Civic Association (UNCA) gathered to announce a total $9 million dollar funding award has been dedicated to capital improvements and expense projects in the Rochdale Village community. According to Council Member Adams, the $2,880,000 budget seeks to address facade work that is becoming more pressing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. “This [award] truly is a massive win for the residents of Rochdale Village and surrounding communities. “The deteriorating Rochdale Village façade has posed

a significant safety risk and the renovation is long overdue.” Moreover, $6,000,000 in capital improvement funding has been earmarked for renovation of the South Rochdale Village Playground as well as expense projects that will infuse $75,000 to the Rochdale Village Senior Center/NORC and $45,000 to Rochdale Village Social Services for youth programs. “I will continue to support all of District 28 to make sure that it remains a great place to live and work,” said Council Member Adams. Board President, Jean Randolph Castro stated “Councilwoman Adrienne Adams has been dedicated since she has been in office, she has worked tirelessly to bring resources into the community. “Her superior dedication to District 28

has been of the highest standards. The $9 million dollars in funding has been humbly appreciated. This is unprecedented, she has made history in the Rochdale Village community with such huge funding that has never been allocated for capital improvements. The funding also servers the quality of life for the seniors and our youth.” Board Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz added, “On behalf of the Rochdale Village community, I would like to personally thank Council Member Adrienne Adams for providing us with $9 million dollars to fund many programs for the Rochdale Village Community. “Thank you for funding us with our fair share.” First Vice President of the Board Talib Bey echoed similar sentiments saying, “This is a wonderful day. The

funds that Council Member Adams has secured for us will enhance the quality of life for the shareholders here in our complex. The good thing is the money will be used in a multifaceted form. Infrastructure work, youth programs and senior support.” Assistant General Manager Jay Williams stated that the funding award shows Adams’ awareness of the Rochdale Village community and its underlying needs. “It is difficult to preserve affordable housing especially in New York, and in a place like Rochdale with its aging infrastructure, this money will be a great help.” UNCA President Joyce Denny spoke about the dignity and class of Rochdale Village. “Rochdale Village supports the community and that is why it is the best.”

Press conference highlights amidst the backdrop of building facade repairs feature members of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, Council Member Adrienne Adams, members of the Projects and Management team.

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July 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for June 2020 When you look at any company, perhaps the bottomline question is “have they maintained distinctive competence and a sustainable competitive edge?” Our management philosophy is based upon “high expectations” and we expect Rochdale to be now and new every day. We want to thank the Board for renewing our contract and the vote of confidence to guide RVI through what appears to a tumultuous 12 months. The MSI staff has shown the knowledge, experience, performance, and action to provide in-depth coverage and reciprocal support. We have the right stuff to guide the village through the challenging times ahead.

Leadership in Crisis

2020 will be forever marked by the advent of the coronavirus (COVID-19). This illness has stymied local, state and national government officials as well as medical experts both here and abroad. The resurgence in new cases across America is evidence of that requiring most states to roll back reopening and revisiting lockdowns. Life as we know it has changed for the foreseeable future.

As the managing agent for Rochdale during these problematic times, we are humbled and take pride in the fact that Board and Management team had a proactive response to limit the spread of the virus in this community. Prior to COVID-19 being classified as a pandemic, protocols were put in place to safeguard the shareholders, our employees and visitors. It is because of this we believe that many were prevented from contracted the virus and ultimately lives were saved. Throughout the pandemic Board President Jean Castro exemplified sound leadership by putting words into deed, pooling resources to supply food for seniors and facemask for the community and staff to name a few. This is the type of thinking and dedication needed to give Rochdale a fighting chance in any crisis. Though New York is one of the few states where new cases are low, we do not take for granted that all it takes is for one infected person to create a new outbreak. We must continue to stress the importance of practicing social distancing and wearing a face mask to protect your neighbors and yourself.

Public Safety Personified

In addition to the arduous task of dealing with a global pandemic, we are facing civil unrest and an uptick in violence in New York City. To share an excerpt of a report provided by Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback: “A review of the most recent Citywide CompStat report shows that during the last week of June, the City of NY experienced a 158% increase in the amount of shooting victims and a 142% increase in shooting incidents. A review of the 113th Precinct Compstat report shows them to have a 50% increase in shooting victims and a 77% increase in shooting incidents. Year to date, there have been 16 shooting incidents resulting in 18 victims in the confines of the 113th Precinct. In sharp contrast, Rochdale Village has experienced a 100% decrease in shootings (last year for this period we had 2) and the number of confirmed “shots fired” incidents (3) has remained the same ... “ What this shows is despite the rumor mill, the village remains one of the safest places to live in NYC. While social media is now a constant medium to

share information, we must remember that not all information is truth. And whether true or imagined, communities are not transformed or sustained through Facebook post. They are transformed by relationships and bonds formed over years of toiling for the places weld like to call home. Public Safety is not a department but rather it is a partnership with community members and leaders, Rochdale employees and local authorities. A special kudos to the Public Safety Chairman Talib Bey and Co-Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz for their guidance and leadership. They have been campaigning over the last couple of years for increases in salaries for our officers which we are close to bringing to fruition with the new union contract. Our officers remained on the frontline regardless of the circumstances that arise. The adage remains true “you get what you pay for”. If we want to continue to have quality officers and attract new recruits, we have to offer a competitive salary. Our officers deserve to be properly compensated for their efforts in keeping Rochdale safe.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Profit and Loss Financial Statement Narrative For the six months ended May 2020


or the T wo M onths ended National Grid rebate of $340,000 reMay 31, 2020, Controllable ceived in May. Income before Interest, Depreciation , A mortization , and I n - Total expenses - For the two Months come taxes increased $1,959,000 ended May 31, 2020 decreased to $3,725,000 as compared to $(1,838,000) to $10,041,000 as com$1,765,000 in the Budget. Be- pared to $11,880,000 in the Budget. low you will find an explana - The decrease is explained in the foltion of the significant changes in lowing expense categories, as well as, each category : the impact of the COVID19 limiting the amount of contract work being Controllable Income is defined done during the quarantine: as income less variable expenses that can be managed by the Com- Management and administrapany. It is commonly known as tive EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, For the two Months ended May Taxes and Depreciation and Amor- 31, 2020, Management and adtization). ministrative expenses decreased $(123,000) to $829,000 as comOperating income and ex- pared to $953,000 in the Budget. pense The decrease is due to collection Total revenue For the Two expenses being stopped because the Months ended May 31, 2020 in- courts are closed during the COVID creased $121,000th the Budget 19 crisis. at $13,767,000 as compared to $13,645,000 in the Budget. The Janitorial & Grounds costs increase is principally due to a For the two Months ended May 31, National Grid rebate of $340,000 2020, Janitorial and Grounds exreceived in May, offset, in part, penses decreased $(198,000) or by a decrease in Commercial and 16.4% to $1,012,000 as compared Community Center income due to to $1,211,000 in the Budget. This closing of stores and the closing of decrease is principally due to (1) the Community center during the CO- Budget reflecting a full staff and JaniVID 19 virus. torial & Grounds and actual salaries are not at full staff yet (2) a decrease Apartment revenue For the Two of $(156,000) in Ground Maintenance Months ended May 31, 2020 was in- expenses (3) an increased focus on line with the Budget at $11,975,000 managing expenses; offset, in part, by as compared to $11,972,000. an increase in COVID 19 expenses for sanitizing, masks etc.

Commercial rental revenue

For the two Months ended May 31, 2020 was in-line with the budget at $907,000 as compared to $892,000 in the Budget.

Community Center revenue

For the two Months ended May 31, 2020 decreased $(99,000) to $0 as compared to $99,000 in the Budget. The decrease was principally due to the impact of the Community Center being closed during the COVID 19 virus.

Other Income – For the two Months ended May 31, 2020, increased $218,000 principally due to a

Maintenance and operating costs

compared to $975,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to the Budget reflecting a full staff and Security salaries are not at full staff yet.

Power Plant

1. Fuel and Utilities Fuel and utility expenses decreased $(241,000) to $2,288,000 as compared to $2,530,000 in the Budget. The decrease in these costs was principally related to finalization of negotiations with National Grid to change Rochdale’s billing classification. The impact of this change will be approximately $200,000 to $250,000 a month in savings and will be approximately a savings of $2,700,000 per year!!!

investing in certain software products that will allow Rochdale Village Inc. to work with our vendors to have invoices electronically transmitted to Rochdale and uploaded to our software. 2. Computer Software solution – Due to COVID 19, this project is on hold. We are also investigating certain software products to replace our current software. This will upgrade our current DOS based system to a windows-based system.

3. Article 78 – During the Shelter Rent litigation, NYC did not agree to change the method they are using for Depreciation to GAAP. As a result, 2. Other Power Plant Expenses we have initiated litigation (called For the Month ended May 31, 2020, an Article 78) which should be filed other Power Plant expenses were rela- in July. We anticipate that we will tively in-line with the Budget. be successful with this litigation to have HCR change the method of DeInsurance Expense preciation to GAAP which will save For the Month ended May 31, Rochdale approximately $100,000 2020, Insurance expenses increased per year in Shelter Rent Expense. $141,000 to $,771,000 as compared to $630,000 in the Budget. This increase Overall, Rochdale Village Inc.’s fiis principally due to a 39% increase in nancial results For the month ended General Liability insurance due to the April 30, 2020 show that Rochdale market renewal rates increasing dra- Village Inc.’s results exceeded our matically. Budget. Real Estate Taxes (Shelter Rent) For the two Months ended May 31, Balance Sheet 2020, Real estate tax (Shelter rent) ex- Due to the COVID-19 impact, our Balance Sheet is impacted in April penses decreased $(292,000) to as follows: $323,000 as compared to $616,000 in the Budget. The decrease is princi- 1. Accounts Receivable – The Acpally due to impact of change in the counts Receivable balances incalculation of Shelter Rent to include creased $864,000. Of which, allocable expenses to the calculation. $585,000 relates to cooperators and See the Article 78 In the looking for- $279,000 relates to commercial tenward section of the report. ants. This increase is related to residents and commercial tenants not Interest Expense – There was paying rent or the rents are being no expense due to the Wells Farpaid late.

For the two Months ended May 31, 2020, Maintenance and Operating costs decreased $802,000 to $1,250,000 as compared to 2,053,000 in the Budget. This decrease is principally due to less Repair Material, Tools and Supplies and less Contract- go three month loan deferment ed Service expenses due to most work program. 2. PPP (Payroll Protection Program) halted during the COVID 19 quarantine. All Other Expenses were relatively In April, we received a $6,029,300 PPP loan that will be used to keep all in-line with the Budget. employees employed. This loan was Security recorded in a separate cash account For the two Months ended May Looking forward 31, 2020, Security costs decreased 1. Paperless Solution – Due to COV- and set up as a liability until the loan $(245,000) or 25.2% to $729,000 as ID 19, this project is on hold. We are is forgiven.


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July 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT FY & YTD 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village, Inc. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AGING FY 2020

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2018, 2019 and 2020

July 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2018, 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2019 and 2020

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2019 and 2020 Actual vs. Budget

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Chief Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report June 2020

Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village Public Safety Department during the month of May 2020. Public Safety maintains 24 hour /7 days a week coverage.


PUBLIC SAFETY RESPONDED TO CALLS FOR ASSISTANCE REFERRED CALLS TO THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT 1. During the month of June 2020, the Public Safety Department has TOTAL CALLS RECEIVED FOR ASSISTANCE: continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety Department COOPERATOR ESCORTS officers responded to a total of (87) loitering and (162) noise complaints AIDED SICK/ INJURY AND ELEVATOR ENTRAPMENTS: from Cooperators which were resolved as follows: TOTAL INCIDENT REPORTS GENERATED:


a) Founded-Compliant- (63) Loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave and (85) of the noise complaint sources corrected the volume of the noise. b) Unfounded Calls-(23) unfounded loitering complaints and (75) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard). c) Founded/Non-Compliant Calls- Loitering individuals and noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives – (1) received violations for loitering and (2) received a violation for noise complaints.

For the month of June 2020 there was a grand total of (1) arrest made on Rochdale Village Grounds. The Public Safety Department will continue to organize in order to better serve the Rochdale Village community.




Conducted (6) Directed & Routine Verticals. Made (0) arrests, issued (0) Trespass Notifications, issued (0) C-Summonses, issued (0) violations to include (0) for loitering and encountered (0) Loiterers during routine and directed patrols. Responded to assigned calls from Central Dispatch (9). Conducted (0) Tenant Verifications


The Public Safety Department towed (4) vehicles and issued (33) warning stickers for the violation of various parking rules throughout the complex.


Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers and Supervisors patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours in an effort to curtail unlawful activities. *Directed verticals are additional post inspections performed in order to proactively reduce Quality of Life conditions in designated “Hot Spots” as determined by community complaints and the analysis of various patrol reports. BUILDING VERTICALS, GROUND FLOOR INSPECTIONS AND PARKING LOT CHECKS: 4078


853 576 1429 60 68 113 138



Listed are the classifications of Notice of Violations issued:

16 7 0

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Disclaimer: The CompStats published below for the southeast Queens area reflects activity captured from the beginning of this month which includes cumulative stats from the month prior. Keep in mind that the stats below for the 113th Precinct reflect the total southeast Queens area including Jamaica along with St. Albans, Hollis, Springfield Gardens, South Ozone Park, South Jamaica, Addisleigh Park, and Locust Manor. The numbers shown do not specifically identify activity in the Rochdale Village community. - Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

South Rochdale Village Playground slated for overhaul. So where exactly is this park? By Susan Van Brackle The recent dedication of $6,000,000 towards renovation of the South Rochdale Village Playground by Council Member Adrienne Adams, in concert with UNCA, is extraordinary. Over the course of 25 years, the park has received little financial investment by the New York City Parks Department. Not since November 1995 to be exact when then Council Member Thomas White was able to raise $656,000 to have renovations done in the playground that installed a full basketball court, handball courts and swings. So exactly where is South Rochdale Playground? The map above shows that it sits behind Group 4’s building 16 and behind P.S. 80 just

off of the Ideal Food Basket Parking lot. More specifically, the playground is located near the corner of 173rd Street and 137th Avenue. When planning for the park began in December 1960 it was for the Robert W. Higbie School (now known as P.S. 80’s Thurgood Marshall Magnet School). The Board of Education and New York City Parks Department agreed to be joint caretakers of the area with the Parks Department being primarily responsible for maintaining it when it opened on January 26, 1966. Timing and action for when the upcoming park renovations will take place as well as specifics on the exact features of the overhaul have yet to be revealed.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety and Management take proactive steps to keep RV community safe By Susan Van Brackle There’s been a noticeable uptick in crime throughout New York City. Rochdale’s Public Safety Chief Adolph Osback attributes the increase in crime to multiple factors including newly instituted bail reform laws put in place at the beginning of 2020 combined with the release of hundreds of inmates that were awaiting trial from Rikers Island due to COVID-19. Additionally, pending criminal court cases have been adjourned and sentencings of violent criminals were delayed due to onset of the Coronavirus pandemic. Add to this the elimination of NYPD plainclothes anti-crime units. With these variables in mind, Chief Osback, in concert with Rochdale Management, has made improvements and taken proactive measures to advance the technology and training of the Public Safety team that helps maintain security at this community starting with:

• Replacing defective low-resolution cameras with high definition units. • Installing additional high definition cameras in key areas throughout the campus like Mall 1, group basketball courts, Parking Lots 2, 4, 6, 9a, 9b, Community Center common areas and courtyard, and the Public Safety facility itself. • Making systematic upgrades of existing hardware in all video recorders for better retention. • Improvements to Public Safety’s monitoring system for real time visual access to common areas and elevators. • Securing portable radios that will allow for GPS tracking once this technology becomes available. • Installing emergency call boxes in the Mall 1 (1st floor and 2nd floor Office area). • Increasing the training period for Public Safety recruits from 2 to 4 weeks, which will include fire-guard training

and testing, a physical agility test, and one week on the job training in the field. • Tour changes are also in progress to better close gaps during shift changes. As an added measure, Rochdale’s Public Safety division received New York State accreditation as a Security Guard Training School. This designation allows for certified instruction of trainees in-house. The program complements the state required 8-hour annual training with in-service material consisting of updated Patrol procedures and policies for tenured officers. Chief Osback and Rochdale’s Public Safety Department remain in direct contact with Inspector Bohannon of the 113th Precinct to address rising concerns about the increase in crime throughout the city and is committed to requesting additional New York Police Department patrols for Rochdale Village as needed.


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

July 2020


SHRED fest


LIMIT 2 BAGS PER PERSON Saturday, August 22, 2020:

From 9 A.M.—1 P.M. Mall 1 in front of the former Cleaners

Saturday, August 29, 2020:

From 9 A.M.— 1 P.M. Public Safety Gate near the Community Center

JOIN US AND SHRED YOUR DOCUMENTS CONTAINING PERSONAL/SENSITIVE INFORMATION Face mask/covering must be worn. Practice social distancing. Approved for Posting by the Board Office until August 30, 2020

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Kevin Livingston of ‘100 Suits’ and Queens Borough President form intergenerational alliance that feeds Rochdale Village Seniors

Kevin Livingston, CEO of the 100 Suits workforce development agency (center) holds press confrence to announce community service initiaves made possible by collaborations with acting Queens Borough President Sharon Lee, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office and President of the Board of Directors, Jean Castro. Photo credit: Larry Love Moore

By Susan Van Brackle

organizing. Mr. Livingston’s grab-andgo meals, which were assembled and Kevin Livingston of the available for pick up at the Community 100 Suits workforce development Center. He performed this work agency recently announced at a press while running branch offices in the conference held in Rochdale Village Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens. Now that a collaboration has been formed thanks to the commitment of the 100 with social services organization Suits organization, the year round Forestdale in Forest Hills, Queens. The workforce development initiative has partnership, brokered by Sharon Lee blossomed into a contracted food of the Queens Borough President’s preparation program that allows office, allows participants of 100 Suits’ steady employment opportunities for workforce development program to young people. “When I learned that gain formal skills in food preparation. the Mayor didn’t allow for summer The initiative doesn’t stop there. Hirees youth employment, I wanted to create of the program are also contracted to positions for young people in this distribute their hand prepared meals to community.” As a result of a contract shut in senior citizens of the Rochdale he received with the Mayor’s office, Village community. Livingston stated, “We just created Five months ago when the nine positions for social distancing Coronavirus pandemic struck, Mr. Ambassadors so my staff will be in the Livingston, along with members community handing out PPE masks and of his outreach team, immediately hand sanitizer wherever there is a hot pledged support to Rochdale Village spot.” He goes on to say that his father, seniors by teaming up with Senior the late Henry Clayton, was a huge Center staff, Public Safety and the inspiration in his life. “This program Board of Directors .to provide meal here speaks to what community deliveries to elderly residents. work looks like you know? My father Before the pandemic shutdown took Henry Clayton did that for 30 years in hold, Senior Center Director Sheree Rochdale so we’re just looking forward Shivers, coordinator Evelyn Wilson to continuing his legacy and keeping and staff helped with preparing and our young people safe.

Youth flanked by community stakeholders speaks about 100 Suits.

Youth gun violence is real. Shots were fired during the press conference as attendees stop to look

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July 2020

Highlights of Grab and Go Giveaway at Rochdale Village with C.R.I.S.P. (Photo credit: Larry Love Moore)

Members of the Cora Rose Institute for Social Progression (C.R.I.S.P.) collaborate with Rochdale Board of Directors (left to right) 2nd Vice President Tim Mercer, 4th Vice President of the Board Ed Douglass, President Jean Castro and Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz to distribute grab-n-go consumer products to the community.

(l. to r.) Vice President Tim Mercer, Lieutenant Ernest Gaither and Vice President Ed Douglass help to offload items for the community from the delivery van.

Members from the C.R.I.S.P. organization provided cooperators with prepared grab-n-go meals as well as non perishable food stuffs that were packed in environmentally friendly reusable bags.

Distributions were not limited to just food. Participants could also receive consumer goods like books and other family necessities like baby diapers.

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Hosted by Rochdale’s Board of Directors’ Community Center Committee (Photo credit: Larry Love Moore)

Residents cued up patiently in a socially distant manner to collect grab-n-go items distributed by C.R.I.S.P. in partnership with the Community Center Committee, F.O.O.D. Foundation, Auntie Tyra’s House, the Christian Cultural Center, Ladies of Vision & Excellence #007, the NYC Sheriff’s Department, Morningstar Baptist Church and Sheltering Arms.

Children were even treated to school supplies, coloring books and other fun treats from the C.R.I.S.P. organization.

There was literally something for everyone at the grab-n-go event hosted by members of the C.R.I.S.P. organization at Rochdale Village..

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 718 525-2800 Sheree Shivers, Director

A Virtual Experience


TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 1:00 PM Meeting ID #: 969 3243 9544 Password: 4sv2k0 Or Mobile +1 646 558 8656

Dr. Maria Hubbard and Queens BP host ‘pop-up’ food event for RV Senior Center By Olayemi Okeniyi

Acting Queens Borough President Sharon Lee and the Agape Bethel CDC, under the leadership of Dr. Maria Hubbard, came together on Thursday, July 23 for a ‘pop-up’ food giveaway in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. Both parties have contributed and distributed food several times to Rochdale’s vulnerable elderly through events like this one carried out by the Senior Center. According to the Senior Center Director, Sheree Shivers, the center will continue to host these events as long as there is a need for them in the community. Ms. Shivers added, “The senior center sends out notices about the pop up events whenever they receive food for distribution and that interested parties should be on the lookout.”

Over 100 boxes of food was distributed by Dr. Hubbard with the help of Rochdale’s Senior Center staff in front of the community center’s main entrance. Each box contained packaged food items including canned beans, uncooked spaghetti, containers of different grains as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there was a focus on distributing already prepared meals. Several people expressed that fresh foods and foods they could prepare themselves was a welcome change.Those that arrived early also received from a limited supply of hygiene products and cleaning supplies, which quickly ran out. The event was well received by people in and around Rochdale Village, most people arrived early to line up while observing social distancing requirements.

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Memories of U.S. Representative John R. Lewis at Rochdale Village


By Susan Van Brackle As the country gathered to mourn the loss of Honorable Georgia Congressman John R. Lewis, we should reflect on his prolific legacy as a giant among men and remember his visit to the Rochdale Village community with pride. It was Congressman Gregory Meeks who introduced Mr. Lewis to Rochdale when he brought him to New York to be an opening speaker for a Hillary Clinton rally held at the complex in April 2016. Scheduling conflicts prevented then Senator Clinton from attending the affair so former president Bill Clinton arrived instead along with Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. While president Clinton was designed to be the campaign draw, in my mind it was Congressman Lewis that presented with rock star status. Throngs of people in and around the community gathered for a chance to get a glimpse of this son of Alabama sharecroppers-turned-powerful Congressman who came to see us at the village. Many in attendance during his visit remembered and recog-

nized John Lewis’s never-ending quest for racial equality and how his humble beginnings ultimately earned him a seat on Capitol Hill. He was revered by those that understood how he gave up his body and freedom in perilous confrontations like the one he withstood crossing the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma, Alabama as a protestor for African-American voting rights. As a product of Brown vs. Board of Education, Mr. Lewis’s struggles are not lost on me. I learned that he fought for everyone experiencing injustice and that his unwavering efforts towards getting in ‘good trouble’ resulted in far reaching advancements of civil rights benefits then and now. Thanks to Congressman Gregory Meeks, Rochdale Village will forever be connected to John Lewis and he to us. It was John Lewis that spoke at the age of 23 in August 1963 at the March on Washington, D.C. By December 1963, Rochdale Village opened as New York City’s successful experiment in housing integration, which is proof positive that his work was not in vain. Farewell Mr. Lewis. Well done.


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July 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 718 525-2800 Sheree Shivers, Director

A Virtual Health Education Seminar Are YOU unsure of when to be screened for Breast Cancer? Do YOU know the risk factors for Prostate Cancer? The Peer Educators at New York Presbyterian Queens Hospital provide free education to men and women 50+ about breast and prostate cancer! Whether you have insurance or not, they can answer your questions and more!

Let’s Stay Informed and Healthy! SEMINAR: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2020 – 1:00 P.M. ZOOM Meeting ID # 932 1361 6807

Password: 159426

Or Mobile - +1 833 548-0276

July 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Let’s make it a “Smoke-Free” Rochdale In New York City, there is No Smoking allowed in common indoor areas of residential buildings such as: • Stairwells, • Laundry rooms, and • Lobbies Smoking is permitted in private residences and on sidewalks away from the property. Please be courteous to your fellow neighbors.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

July 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Projects Report July 2020

Filling out the 2020 Census is fast and easy. Respond online, by phone or by mail before OCTOBER 31. Don’t delay. Do it TODAY! Stand up and be counted.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

July 2020


July 2020

s Report

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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July 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

July 2020


July 2020

s Report

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July 2020

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Senior Center - August 2020

Greater springfield Community Church

177-06 129th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Phil Craig 718.527.0100/worship 11:00 a.m.

July 2020

July 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

ROCHDALE SENIOR CENTER Sheree Shivers, Director


TOPIC: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2020 – 1:00 PM Meeting ID #: 938 9163 6862 Password: Rochdale Or Mobile: + 646 558-8656 Meeting ID: 938 9163 6862 Password: 80675716

C– 1 PM to 3 PM

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July 2020

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Calendar August 2020

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community ROCHDALE VILLAGE If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.





Susan Palmer -Van Brackle



169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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July 2020

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